BTTH :: Volume #3

#455: Final war!

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As that two ice-cold pronunciation puts out from the Luo Hou mouth, on the trim cyclopian riprap as well as the hillside, are suddenly peaceful, from the atmosphere of this at daggers drawn, in people heart clear, perhaps today this matter, cannot be friendly, a frigid war, is unavoidable. 随着那两个冰冷的字音从罗侯口中吐出,整片乱石堆以及山坡上,都是陡然安静,从这剑拔弩张的气氛来看,众人心中清楚,今日这事,恐怕并不能善了,一场惨烈大战,在所难免。 The Xiao Yan vision is fixing the eyes on Luo Hou face, after long time, slightly nod, the sound also similarly was becomes: Since Luo Hou Senior is not willing to allow to pass, that then only then offended.” 萧炎目光紧盯着罗侯脸庞,半晌后,微微点了点头,声音也同样是变得了许多:“既然罗侯学长不愿放行,那便只有得罪了。” Palm slowly grasps the Heavy Xuan Ruler handle, at once pulls out suddenly, the shadow tears to pieces the air, in some crushed stones of intense fresh breeze was raises to fly ground, the ruler end referred to the ground slantingly, green Dou Qi wells up from Xiao Yan within the body abundantly, things have gotten to this point, they impossible to give up because of any accident, therefore only had of a way wars! 手掌缓缓握上玄重尺柄,旋即猛然一抽,黑影撕破空气,强烈的劲风将地面上的一些碎石都是掀飞了开去,尺端斜指地面,青色斗气萧炎体内涌盛而出,事已至此,他们已经不可能因为任何变故而放弃,所以唯有战之一途! Along with the Xiao Yan action, nearby Xun'er three people, within the body Dou Qi also started to surge rapidly, a tyrannical imposing manner increased unceasingly, Luo Hou of aura distant locking situated in most central location, captured the ringleader first, this Team White Spirit thorniest person, was this Luo Hou, so long as defeated him, other, actually insufficient were the worries. 随着萧炎的举动,一旁的薰儿三人,体内斗气也是开始了急速涌动,一波波强横气势不断攀升,气息遥遥锁定位于最中央位置的罗侯,擒贼先擒王,这支白煞队最棘手的人,便是这个罗侯,只要将他打败,其他的,倒是不足为虑。 „The Xiao Yan four people, I keep off, Ye cold, your four people, block these new students, to the wartime, do not disperses, although the newborn person are many, may actually not understand the coordination, so long as defends stubbornly the same place, by your fellow-student of the same department Dou Qi the friendly advantage, odds will not be small.” The indifferently white cold air seeps from the Luo Hou body unceasingly, his vision shot a look at Xiao Yan four people of one, was saying to a Team White Spirit member that the vicious vision, then saw the newborn malpractice. 萧炎四人,我来挡,叶寒,你们四人,拦住那些新生,对战时,不要分散开来,新生人虽多,可却不懂配合,只要固守一起,凭借你们同系斗气相融的利处,胜算不会小。”淡淡的白色寒气不断地从罗侯身体上渗透而出,他目光瞥了萧炎四人一眼,偏头对着一名白煞队的队员说道,老辣的眼光,一眼便是看出了新生的弊端。 Yes!” Hearing this, four Team White Spirit member sinking sounds should say that within the body Dou Qi surges, continuously cold air also emits from their within the body, looks in this appearance Team White Spirit, unexpectedly completely is the ice of practice is Dou Qi. “是!”闻言,四位白煞队成员沉声应道,体内斗气涌动,一缕缕寒气也是自他们体内冒出,看这模样个白煞队中,竟然全部都是修炼的冰系斗气 Looks at that four person ice-cold cold air, Xiao Yan is changing countenance slightly, the might that the fellow-student of the same department Dou Qi coordination with each other, that plays can also the amplification not be small, from this point, this Team White Spirit overall strength, in several points compared with Sha Tie black ghost team, no wonder be able to become the person of final defending pass/test. 望着那四人身冰冷的寒气,萧炎微微动容,同系斗气互相配合,那发挥出来的威力也是能够增幅不小,从这一点上来看,这支白煞队的整体实力,都要比沙铁的黑煞队强上几分,难怪能够成为最后的守关之人。 This Luo Hou however dares by an enemy four, this person, if not for extremely arrogant, then should be has some cards in a hand and strengths.” In the heart the thought has rotated a meeting, Xiao Yan in a low voice to the Xun'er three people of sinking sound tracks: This fight, does not need to warm up, therefore, you also again kept the hand on do not, can defeat him as soon as possible, then wasted for one minute on do not one second however late caused trouble.” “这个罗侯然敢以一敌四,此人若不是狂妄的话,那么便应该是有着一些底牌与实力了。”心中念头转动了一会,萧炎低声对着薰儿三人沉声道:“这场战斗,并不需要热身,所以,你们也就不要再留手了,能尽快打败他,那就不要浪费一分一秒的时间然迟则生变。” Um.” “嗯。” Three people of slightly nod, within the body Dou Qi is just likes the turbulent flood is also ordinary, fast has shuttled back and forth in the meridians, the feeling of strength is full, fills the air in three people of whole bodies, so long as that condition the body moves slightly, then has rushing Dou Qi to open up the thunder offensive following the regard. 三人微微点头,体内斗气也是犹如汹涌洪水一般,飞快地穿梭过经脉之中,一波波充盈的力量之感,弥漫在三人周身,那状态只要身体稍稍一动,便是会有着澎湃的斗气顺着心意而展开雷霆般的攻势。 In chaotic pile both sides Dou Qi inundates the body respectively, that at daggers drawn imposing manner faintly was more incisive. 乱堆中着双方斗气的各自漫体,那剑拔弩张地气势是隐隐地更加尖锐了。 Above the hillside, all senior are maintaining peaceful, location Team White Spirit is this Fire Energy hunts match last pass/test, if they cannot block the newborn offensive, before perhaps then Xiao Yan and the others, must break that Fire Energy to hunt match is the new student enters Inner Academy , the most pitiful day curses. 山坡之上,所有老生都是保持着安静在,现地白煞队已经是这届“火能猎捕赛”的最后一关,若是连他们都不能挡住新生攻势的话,那么萧炎等人,或许就得打破那“火能猎捕赛”是新生进入内院之前最悲惨日子的诅咒了。 Xiao Yan can they defeat Team White Spirit?” Hillside, Su Xiao looks under such as is pinpointing to the two sides of wheat awn, in a low voice was asking to nearby Sha Tie. 萧炎他们能打败白煞队么?”山坡一处,苏笑望着下方如针锋对麦芒的两方,不由对着一旁的沙铁低声问道。 No matter how, always has odds is, but other, I did not say, regardless of after all the single strength or the overall strength, Team White Spirit compared with black ghost team in many, Xiao Yan they can defeat us, may actually not necessarily when facing Team White Spirit, got the winning side......” Sha Tie to shake the head, similarly he of not clear result, can only give a Su Xiao somewhat fuzzy answer. “不管如何,总是有胜算便是,而其他的,我也不好说,毕竟不论单人实力或是整体实力,白煞队都要比黑煞队强上不少,萧炎他们能够打败我们,可却不一定在面对白煞队时,也占据着上风……”沙铁摇了摇头,同样不清楚结局的他,只能给了苏笑一个有些模糊的答案。 Regarding this ambiguous answer, Su Xiao must smile helplessly, turns the head the vision continues to go to the imposing manner incisively to touching in the cyclopian riprap. 对于这个含糊答案,苏笑也只得无奈一笑,转头将目光继续投向气势尖锐对触的乱石堆中。 Gathered in the cyclopian riprap of all vision, the atmosphere is getting more and more tight, the complexions of all people, were slowly serious, the Dou Qi ray of body surface, the expansion spits presently, just liked the mood of people are ordinary at this time, was unassuageable. 汇聚了所有目光的乱石堆中,气氛越来越紧绷,所有人的脸色,都是缓缓凝重了起来,体表的斗气光芒,伸缩吐现,就犹如此时众人的心情一般,难以平静。 Ka......” “咔……” The light breeze sways, the crushed stone above precipice tumbles together suddenly, heavily pounds on another rock, immediately jumped to break to pieces the fragment. 轻风吹拂而过,一块山岩之上的碎石忽然滚落而下,重重地砸在另外一处岩石上,顿时蹦碎成了碎块。 The sudden clear sound, did not have thrown down boulder in the tranquil level of the lake, the time, the rough sea waves tumbling, in the cyclopian riprap, dozens luster various Dou Qi welled up abundantly, was colorful and gorgeous, Dou Qi welled up crazily, directly was causes in the field the oppression strength to rise sharply, some tall and straight green grass, were directly bent the waist by the oppression strength that these Dou Qi had. 突如其来的清脆声响,无是在平静的湖面中投下了一块巨石,顿时间,巨浪翻滚而起,乱石堆中,几十股色泽各不相同的斗气涌盛而出,色彩斑斓而绚丽,斗气的狂涌,直接是导致场中压迫力大涨,一些挺拔的青草,都是直接被这些斗气而产生的压迫力而弯了腰。 Begins!” “动手!” The imposing manner rushes, two same drinking sounds, are almost as if by prior agreement spreads from Xiao Yan and Luo Hou mouth, but along with falling of these two sounds, tight atmosphere, suddenly breakage! 气势澎湃间,两道相同的喝声,几乎是不约而同的从萧炎罗侯嘴中传出,而随着这两道声音的落下,紧绷的气氛,骤然破裂! Among person's shadow swept in a flash , the low roar of implication fire active war intent, does not pace back and forth in the cyclopian riprap loose. 人影闪掠间,蕴含着火热战意的低吼声,在乱石堆中徘徊不散。 Is drinking instant that the sound just dropped, the Xiao Yan palm then suddenly grips tightly the ruler handle, the sole stamps the ground maliciously, the green energy blasts out in the sole, pushing that the turbulent fluctuation of energy creates shoots the strength, was makes Xiao Yan change into a shadow directly, was going to Luo Hou violently shoot of cyclopian riprap central region straightly. 在喝声刚刚落下的霎那,萧炎手掌便是猛然紧握尺柄,脚掌狠狠一跺地面,青色能量在脚底炸开,汹涌的能量波动所造成的推射力,直接是让得萧炎化为了一道黑影,笔直地对着乱石堆中央地带的罗侯暴射而去。 Xiao Yan stature just moved, after that the Xun'er three people are tight, but along with, gap distances between four people, maintain in one meter range, in this distance, four people can collaborate to deal with the swift and fierce attack from any place anytime and anywhere. 萧炎身形刚动,其后薰儿三人便是紧紧而随,四人之间的间隔距离,都是保持在一米范围之内,在这个距离中,四人能够随时随地联手应付来自任何地方的凌厉攻击。 To Ah! “冲啊! Xiao Yan four people of behind, are the newborn teams that a big pile bellows to clash, although their lineups are scattered, may because actually person are many, the imposing manner instead is in the field strongest one bunch. 萧炎四人身后,是一大堆大吼着冲过来的新生队伍,虽然他们的阵型零散,可却因为人多,气势反而是场中最强的一簇。 Four Team White Spirit members, face is faint, not, because Xiao Yan and other everybody many imposing manners have strongly dread slightly, both hands tremble, four half a Zhang long white Iron Staff, are flashes before, drinks lowly, Iron Staff touches, four people taking advantage of strength ejection, fast with the Xiao Yan four people, final four Iron Staff has just liked the wind spin general crazy dances fiercely, gave to block the following dozens new students completely. 四名白煞队的成员,脸庞淡漠,并未因为萧炎等人人多气势壮而有丝毫畏惧,双手一颤,四根半丈长的白色铁棍,便是闪现而出,一声低喝,铁棍触地,四人借力弹射而出,飞快的与萧炎四人身而过,最后四根铁棍犹如风旋一般狂猛而舞,生生地将后面几十名新生全部给拦了下来。 Rear area hears the rumor that whistling makes noise, Xiao Yan not to turn head, the eye stares at that body to stand erect stubbornly peacefully in rock above Luo Hou, in the hand heavy ruler, grasps suddenly, at once the strength chops, stylish swift and fierce green Dou Qi Gang glow, immediately from ruler end violently shoot. 听得后方呼呼作响的风声,萧炎没有回头,眼睛死死地盯着那身体安静矗立在一块岩石上面的罗侯,手中重尺,猛然一握,旋即力劈而下,顿时道凌厉青色斗气罡芒,顿时从尺端暴射而出。 Dou Qi is assigned away from the capital, the Da Dou Shi symbolic forms of defensive action, this is also equal to the long-distance attack of follower. 斗气外放,大斗师的标志性攻击方式,这也就是相当于修炼者的远程攻击。 After green Dou Qi Gang glow, the Xun'er three people are to also wield eject three tyrannical Gang glow. Four Gang glow cut air hindrance, brings the oppression fresh breeze, has been shelling the past to Luo Hou maliciously. 青色斗气罡芒之后,薰儿三人也是挥击出三道强横罡芒。四道罡芒划破空气阻碍,带起压迫劲风,狠狠对着罗侯轰击了过去。 face looks at the Dou Qi Gang glow that four are shooting turbulently fainily, the Luo Hou palm trembles, at once such as the cold ice casts all over the body, approximately will have to be near zhang (3.33 m) allow Chang cold Iron Staff to flash before, both hands will grip tightly the stick body, stick sharp suddendly to stab. The time, sees only a stick shade continuously to appear in the midair, each stick shade is solid pounds above four Gang glow, so repeatedly several four are containing the vigorous bracing cold Gang glow, then had been dispersed unexpectedly by it bang, so strength, impressive. 脸庞淡漠地望着四道汹涌射来的斗气罡芒,罗侯手掌微颤,旋即一根通体如寒冰所铸,约有将近丈许长的寒铁棍是闪现了出来,双手紧握棍身,棍尖暴刺而出。顿时间,只见得一片棍影连绵不断地出现在半空中,每一道棍影都是结结实实地砸在四道罡芒之上,如此反复几次四道蕴含着雄浑气劲的罡芒,竟然便是被其生生地轰散了去,这般实力,让人惊叹不已。 Worthily is Dou Ling Expert, good swift and fierce attack.” “不愧是斗灵强者,好凌厉的攻击。” Luo Hou the offensive, making the Xiao Yan complexion slightly change, light from this melts four Gang glow the actions, this Luo Hou strength compared with when Black-Corner Region, that Blood Sect Young Sect Master that Xiao Yan kills strive to excel on many. Naturally, here naturally has the method of that Young Sect Master promotion strength extremely to be opportunistic, therefore creates in within the body Dou Qi impractical reason, must spell to fight really with the person, the strength of that fellow also at most in the Da Dou Shi peak. 罗侯的这番攻势,让得萧炎脸色微微一变,光是从这番化解四道罡芒的举动上来看,这个罗侯的实力乎就是要比在黑角域时,萧炎所杀的那位血宗少宗主要强上不少。当然,这里自然是有着那位少宗主提升实力的方法太过取巧,因此造成体内斗气虚浮的缘故,真要与人拼斗起来,那个家伙的实力也就顶多是在大斗师巅峰而已。 In the heart flashes through the thought to dissipate rapidly, tearing air that Xiao Yan face serious, in the hand heavy ruler scoffs, changes into a shadow, has the sad oppression sound, the body becomes the shape of half leap, from top to bottom, has been dividing to the Luo Hou strength maliciously. 心中闪过念头飞速消逝,萧炎脸庞凝重,手中重尺嗤的一声撕裂空气,化为一道黑影,带起沉闷的压迫声响,身体成半跃之状,由上而下,狠狠地对着罗侯力劈了下去。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” After Xiao Yan, contains some Golden flame energy handprint, green long whip, scarlet heavy sword, is the respective belt the tyrannical strength, becomes the fan-shaped shape, surrounds the Luo Hou whole body space all. 萧炎之后,蕴含些许金色火焰能量手印,绿色长鞭,血色重剑,也是各自带起强横劲气,成扇形之状,将罗侯周身空间尽数包围。 Looks below Xiao Yan four people of that crowded offensive, some senior on hillside cannot be bearing some discolorations, because in their hearts clear, if this trades to be them to come, perhaps this for the first time contacts, they must be defeated. 望着下方萧炎四人那密集的攻势,山坡上的一些老生忍不住地有些色变,因为他们心中清楚,这若是换作他们来的话,恐怕就这首次接触,他们就得落败了。 These four fellows however are very strong, particularly that black-robed youth......” in some senior hearts is cannot bear exudes together the sound of sigh. Sees these newborn getting rid with own eyes, they just now understand why this participates in Fire Energy to hunt match these senior, will defeat so pitifully, but hence, they also feel suddenly, did not participate in Fire Energy hunts match the senior strength to be weak, but is this newborn strength is too strong. “这四个家伙然很强,尤其是那个黑袍青年……”一些老生心中皆是忍不住地发出一道叹息之声。亲眼见到这些新生的出手,他们方才明白,为什么这一届参加“火能猎捕赛”的那些老生,会败得如此凄惨,而至此,他们也才感到恍然,原来不是参加“火能猎捕赛”的老生实力弱,而是这一届的新生实力太强。 When on the hillside in the people heart thought rotates rapidly, in the field that stands still motionless Luo Hou, finally has an action to perform, sees only his pair of palm to grip tightly cold Iron Staff, one continuously just likes the fog shape shrouded of cold air from the stick, drinks together coldly resounds low and deep. 在山坡上众人心中念头急速转动时,场中那静立不动的罗侯,终于是有所动作,只见得其双掌紧握寒铁棍,一缕缕犹如雾状的寒气从棍身上缭绕而出,一道冷喝低沉响起。 Perfectly round cold spin stick!” “浑圆寒旋棍!” As Luo Hou drinks the sound to fall, sees only churning of that shrouded the fog shape cold air immediately above cold Iron Staff, Iron Staff revolves a mysterious curve. Immediately, the cold air in the super revolving of Iron Staff, has almost formed a circular ice shield, wraps to enter the body of Luo Hou completely. 随着罗侯喝声落下,只见那缭绕在寒铁棍之上的雾状寒气顿时翻腾而起,铁棍旋转起一个玄奥弧度。顿时,寒气在铁棍的高速旋转间,几乎是形成了一个圆形的冰盾般,将罗侯的身体完全包裹而进。 Bang, bang!” “嘭,嘭!” Four aggressive attack, from top to bottom, falls above ice shield that loudly, in that is formed by the super revolving of cold Iron Staff, immediately, the sad sound, has resounded through the entire cyclopian riprap. 四道凶悍攻击,由上至下,轰然落在那由寒铁棍的高速旋转而形成的冰盾之上,顿时,沉闷的声响,响彻了整个乱石堆。 The tyrannical strength following ice shield spread, taking advantage was unloaded by Luo Hou finally skillfully above the rock of stopping over place, therefore, the latter ruptured cracks immediately, finally of bang, blasted open the crushed stone. 强横的劲气顺着冰盾蔓延而下,最后被罗侯借巧地卸在了落脚地的岩石之上,于是,后者立马爆裂出了一道道裂缝,最后轰的一声,炸裂成了碎石。 Go away!” “滚!” The body light curving, Luo Hou drinks coldly, cold Iron Staff of super revolving concentrates suddenly, at once the stick selects sharp rapidly, changes into everywhere stick shade once again, the place above the Xiao Yan four people of weapons, the strength of eruption, shook four people maliciously suddenly directly continually has drawn back two steps. 身体略微弯曲,罗侯一声冷喝,高速旋转的寒铁棍骤然一凝,旋即棍尖急速点出,再度化为漫天棍影,狠狠地点在萧炎四人武器之上,乍然爆发的劲力,直接是将四人震得连退了两步。 By an enemy four, still do not fall defeats the shape slightly, disparity between Dou Ling Expert and Da Dou Shi, is really is hard to measure. 以一敌四,依然不落丝毫败象,斗灵强者大斗师之间的差距,果然是难以丈量。 Roar, great, has a look to these extremely arrogant new student colors!” Looks at the Xiao Yan four people for the first time to attack the unfavorable situation, above the hillside, immediately resounds a bravo. “吼,好样的,给这些狂妄的新生一点颜色看看!”瞧得萧炎四人首次攻击失利,山坡之上,顿时响起道道喝彩声。 The body flew high to tumble, at once the both feet falls on a rock, Xiao Yan looked up that face indifferent Luo Hou, slowly was aspirating, the opposite party strength was expected that him was stronger, moreover added on the stick itself again is then good at defending, therefore was their four people collaborates, in a short time, is very difficult taking. 身体凌空翻滚了一圈,旋即双脚落在一处岩石上,萧炎抬头望着那一脸冷漠的罗侯,缓缓地吐了一口气,对方的实力比他预料中的还要强,而且再加上棍本身便是擅长防御,因此就算是他们四人联手,短时间内,恐怕都很难将之拿下。 What to do?” “怎么办?” Similarly was withdraws Xun'er three people, asking that all frowns, the opposite party that just liked the turtle general defense makes them have a tiger to eat the hedgehog, feeling that is unable to start. 同样是退后到了身旁的薰儿三人,皆是微皱着眉头的问道,对方那犹如乌龟一般的防御让得他们有种老虎吃刺猬,无从下手的感觉。 Xiao Yan shot a look at behind a chaotic war circle, the brow wrinkled immediately tightly, that four Team White Spirit the strength of member similarly has also stemmed from their anticipation. Four Iron Staff, brandish, four sides just likes the iron shield is ordinary, the newborn attack falls, not only has not made the progress, instead is also rebounded by the strange strength that above covered. 萧炎瞥了一眼后方的混乱战圈,眉头顿时紧皱了起来,那四名白煞队的成员的实力也同样是出乎了他们的意料。四根铁棍,挥舞起来,犹如四面铁盾一般,新生的攻击落上去,不仅未取得效果,反而还被上面所覆盖的奇异劲气反弹了回去。 Therefore, this fight just now begins merely less than five minutes, is has more than five new students to be moistened the body by the stick, finally the whole body becomes tender has lain down, moreover looks at this situation, almost every other about one minute has the new student to lose the battle efficiency. 因此,这场战斗仅仅方才开场不到五分钟时间,便是有着不下五名新生被棍所沾身,最后全身发软的躺了下去,而且看这情况,几乎每隔一分钟左右是会有着新生失去战斗力。 The disparity between social classes, fights the circle to demonstrate incisively, about 40 Dou Shi rank new students here, actually unexpectedly how four Da Dou Shi ranks senior, this disparate disparity somewhat makes the person have to sigh the disparity between these two. 阶级之间的差距,在此处战圈显示得淋漓尽致,将近40来名的斗师级别新生,却是竟然奈何不得四名大斗师级别的老生,这种悬殊差距让得人不得不有些感叹这两者间的差距。 This fight just now from the beginning, the aspect was starts to have the displacement to make the Xiao Yan complexion ugly slightly somewhat. 这战斗方才一开始,局面便是开始发生了偏移令得萧炎脸色略有些难看。 These new students, are indeed in a state of disunity, this, if is not has Xiao Yan this rallying point greatly strengthened person, perhaps as before, will also be snatched a none remaining by senior.” On the hillside the iron looks at that dozens people to hit four people, not only has not had the new student who the slight achievement continuously presents the damage, cannot help but shook the head. “那些新生,的确是一盘散沙啊,这一届,若非是有着萧炎这个号召力极强的人在,恐怕也将会和往年一样,被老生抢个精光。”山坡上铁望着那几十人打四人,不仅未有丝毫成果而不断出现损伤的新生,不由得摇了摇头。 Um......” “嗯……” Nearby, Su Xiao several people nodded, this overall strength and old times also many, but in the past, had not presented Xiao Yan this type to have the boldness the real McCoy who all new students gather, but the bonus is so, when facing Team White Spirit this strongest obstacle, depending on his that personnel incomplete team, still somewhat lacks the ability to do what one would like. 一旁,苏笑几人点了点头,这一届的总体实力与往年也强不了多少,不过往年,却并未出现萧炎这种有魄力把所有新生聚集起来的出色人物,不过饶是如此,在面对着白煞队这条最强拦路虎时,光凭他那一支人员残缺的队伍,依然是有些力不从心啊。 This fight, cannot drag, to tow for a long time, they are more disadvantageous to Xiao Yan, looks at these newborn performance, at all impossible to siege dead Team White Spirit, instead defers to so gets down, late about 20 minutes, then completely will be solved, but when the time comes, once the Team White Spirit member sets aside the hand, leeway that Xiao Yan they then again did not stand up from failure.” But Sha Tie tunnel, although he looks at Xiao Yan that strange green-colored flame very much high, no matter how but that flame restrains the Luo Hou ice is Dou Qi, but the latter that plays the superb stick law, actually is still enough stops them, it seems like formerly his took pleasure in others'misfortunes, appears somewhat prematurely. “这场战斗,不能拖,拖得越久,对萧炎他们越不利,看那些新生的表现,根本不可能把白煞队围困死,反而按照这般下去,迟则20分钟左右,便是会彻底解决掉,而到时候,一旦白煞队的队员腾出手来,萧炎他们便是再没有翻身的余地了。”沙铁无奈地道,虽然他很高看萧炎的那诡异青色火焰,可不管那火焰如何克制罗侯的冰系斗气,但是后者那玩得出神入化的棍法,却依然是足够把他们阻拦下来,看来先前他的那点幸灾乐祸,出现得有些过早了。 When Sha Tie several people the inferiority that discussed Xiao Yan and the others to face, Xiao Yan has discovered similarly also this point, his long sighing, said in a soft voice: It seems like cannot drag again.” 沙铁几人谈论着萧炎等人所面临的劣势时,萧炎同样也是发现了这一点,他长长的叹了一口气,轻声道:“看来不能再拖了啊。” Scoffs!” “嗤!” In the hand heavy ruler, inserts in the rock slits maliciously, Xiao Yan to Xun'er three people of sinking sound tracks: Blocks him, gives me time!” 手中重尺,狠狠地插进岩石缝隙间,萧炎偏头对着薰儿三人沉声道:“拦住他,给我一点时间!” The language, Xiao Yan counts on the fingers a ball, a purple pill was shot in the mouth, chews slightly, under glare of the public eye, has put at once then out one group of purple flame, falls on the palm. 语罢,萧炎屈指一弹,一枚紫色药丸被射进了嘴中,微微嚼动,旋即便是在众目睽睽之下,吐出了一团紫色火焰,落在手掌上。 Looked at Xiao Yan however to put out one group of essences purple flame unexpectedly, on the hillside immediately somewhat in an uproar , was Sha Tie that and the others Xiao Yan and the others the inferiority regretted, was the whole face is stunned, they have not thought that Xiao Yan besides can use green-colored flame, unexpectedly also had one purple flame...... 望着萧炎竟然然间吐出了一团实质的紫色火焰,山坡上顿时有些哗然了起来,本来还在为萧炎等人的劣势而惋惜的沙铁等人,也是满脸错愕,他们可没想到,萧炎除了能够使用青色火焰之外,居然还有一种紫色火焰…… Elder Su and Elder Qing in stone stage, in slightly felt to select the brow at this moment surprisedly. 石台中的苏长老庆长老,也是在此刻略感惊讶地挑了挑眉头。 Has not paid attention to the full house in an uproar, the Xiao Yan left hand grips tightly purple flame, right hand slowly is raising, the finger rubs gently, immediately, elegant green-colored flame, kicks once again, changes into one group of green/blue fire, stayed in the right hand. 没有理会满场的哗然,萧炎左手紧握着紫色火焰,右手缓缓升起,手指轻轻一搓,顿时,飘逸的青色火焰,再度扑腾一声,化为一团青火,停留在了右手中。 Along with presence of green-colored flame, the temperature of this region, then elevated suddenly. 随着青色火焰的出场,这片区域的温度,陡然间便是升高了起来。 Ascension two color flame, shine in these dumbfounded faces, appears particularly funny. 升腾的两色火焰,照耀在那些目瞪口呆的面孔上,显得分外滑稽。 This...... This is......” “这……这是……” In stone stage, closes right up against Elder Su and Elder Qing of complexion chairback leisurely and carefree in instant that green-colored flame presents, instantaneously then changed, the body is suddenly stiff, the eye is staring at that elegant green/blue fire stubbornly, after the moment, has looked at each other one mutually, all from looked to wipe the shock to the grid in: Heavenly Flame?” 石台中,悠闲地靠着椅背的苏长老庆长老脸色在青色火焰出现的霎那,瞬间便是变了,身体猛然挺直,眼睛死死地盯着那飘逸的青火,片刻后,互相对视了一眼,皆是从对方眼中瞧出了一抹震惊:“异火?” Their experiences, naturally are far from Sha Tie and the others may compare, therefore Green Lotus Core Flame just appeared, then had been recognized the details by them. 他们的见识,自然远非沙铁等人可比,因此青莲地心火刚刚出现,便是被两人认出了底细。 This damn Hu Gan, links this news not to tell us unexpectedly, is really a dotard......” in eye shocks remains as before, Elder Su and Elder Qing muttered in a low voice. “这个该死的琥乾,竟然连这种消息都没有告诉我们,真是个老糊涂……”眼中震惊依旧残留,苏长老庆长老低声喃喃道。 The eye is staring at two color flame in Xiao Yan hand stubbornly, the Luo Hou that indifferent complexion finally was becomes extremely serious, what because cultivated was the ice is the Dou Qi reason, therefore his change to the temperature was very sensitive, in that instant that green-colored flame presented that he almost discovered panic-strickenly that the cold of oneself within the body iced Dou Qi, unexpectedly was becomes slow! 眼睛死死地盯着萧炎手中的两色火焰,罗侯那一直冷漠的脸色终于是变得极其凝重了起来,因为修炼的是冰系斗气的缘故,所以他对温度的变化很是敏感,在青色火焰出现的那一霎,他几乎是惊骇地发现,自己体内的寒冰斗气,居然是变得迟缓了一些! What flame is this? Actually can affect the circulation of my within the body Dou Qi?” “这是什么火焰?竟然能够影响我体内斗气的流转?” When Luo Hou face serious, are many have wiped the shock, the palm is gripping tightly cold Iron Staff, the stimulation of movement of making an effort the circulation of Dou Qi, wants to get rid of the feeling of that blocking diligently. 罗侯脸庞凝重之余,也是多了一抹震惊,手掌紧握着寒铁棍,使劲的催动着斗气的流转,努力地想要摆脱那种阻塞的感觉。 Also looked at two color flame in Xiao Yan hand, the Xun'er three people understood his meaning, all nodded, at once three people become the shapes of triangle lineup, to Luo Hou violent conflict the past, Dou Qi has been welling up directly crazily, already displayed peak within the body Dou Qi. 瞧得萧炎手中的两色火焰,薰儿三人也是明白了他的意思,皆是点了点头,旋即三人成三角阵型之状,直接对着罗侯暴冲了过去,斗气狂涌间,已然是将体内斗气发挥到了极致 Faces Xun'er three people of that to attack swiftly and fiercely, Luo Hou does not dare to neglect, although in the heart dreads that following Xiao Yan extremely, may at this moment, must brandish in the hand cold Iron Staff, receives three people of attacks all, then carries on the aggressive counter-attack, in order to is defeated three people in the shortest time, at the appointed time, lost Xiao Yan of companion, then greatly reduces the battle strength. 面对着薰儿三人那凌厉攻击,罗侯也并不敢怠慢,虽然心中极其忌惮那后面的萧炎,可此刻,也只得挥舞着手中寒铁棍,将三人的攻击尽数接下,然后进行凶悍反击,以求在最短的时间内打败三人,到时,失去了同伴的萧炎,便是将会战力大减。 Naturally the idea is good, but the Xun'er three people are actually not these ordinary new students, after these day opposing the enemy coordination, collaborated already to have several points of training, but tacit, three people collaborated, although still could not break through the Iron Staff defense of Luo Hou, may at least, can make him unable to leave to disturb Xiao Yan. 当然想法是好,可薰儿三人却并非是那些普通新生,经过这几日的对敌配合,联手间已然是有了几分训练而出默契,三人联手,虽然依然攻不破罗侯铁棍防御,可至少,也是能让得他抽不出身去干扰萧炎 Had Xun'er and the others dragging, the Xiao Yan double palm started to contact under glare of the public eye gradually, but looked at his action so, although these institute senior have not felt anything, but Elder Su and Elder Qing in stone stage, were the complexion have actually changed, by their experiences, naturally was very clear, fusion between this flame, will have the how huge strength. Naturally, they understand that this fusion, how danger is...... 有了薰儿等人的拖延,萧炎双掌已经开始在众目睽睽之下逐渐接触了起来,而瞧得他这般举动,那些学院老生虽然未感觉到什么,可石台中的苏长老庆长老,却是脸色大变了起来,以他们的历练,自然是非常明白,这种火焰间的融合,将会产生多么庞大的力量。当然,他们更是明白,这种融合,是如何的危险…… This crazy Junior...... do we need to get rid to stop?” Elder Qing muttered one, at once turns the head to ask to Elder Su. “这个疯狂的小子……我们需要出手阻拦么?”庆长老喃喃了一声,旋即转头对着苏长老问道。 Elder Su frowns tightly, the eye winks does not wink is staring at Xiao Yan that calm calm complexion, after the moment, shook the head slightly, said: He as if has confidence......” 苏长老紧皱着眉头,眼睛眨也不眨地盯着萧炎那淡定从容的脸色,片刻后,微微摇了摇头,道:“他似乎有把握……” „Is this possible? Even if Dou Huang Expert, does not dare to do this matter, once flame out-of-control explodes, that destructive power, may be called the terrifying......” Elder Qing sinking sound track. “这怎么可能?就算是斗皇强者,也不敢干这种事啊,一旦火焰失控爆炸,那破坏力,堪称恐怖啊……”庆长老沉声道。 Look......” the Elder Su vision does not have the least bit to change, said one merely in a low voice. “看着吧……”苏长老目光没有半点异动,仅仅是低声说了一句。 You......” see that Elder Qing must sigh reluctantly, within the body boundless Dou Qi is actually started to revolve, prepares to deal with the sudden outbreak at any time, after all here, many students observe. “你……”见状,庆长老只得无奈地叹了一口气,体内磅礴斗气却是已经开始运转而起,随时准备着应付突发状况,毕竟这里,还有很多学生观战呢。 Under the gazes of all vision, green-colored flame and purple in flame Xiao Yan hand contacts one finally, the time, faint trace Green & Purple flame rapidly spread from the contact point, both met everywhere, the space are torn somewhat to twist by this strong fierce strength. 在所有目光的注视下,萧炎手中的青色火焰与紫色火焰终于是接触到了一起,顿时间,一丝丝青紫火苗从接触点急速蔓延而出,两者接触处,空间都是被这股强猛力量生生地撕裂得有些扭曲了起来。 The complexion is looking at entanglement two color flame indifferently, a Xiao Yan familiar and easy both hands heavily racket, at once, with the clear muffled sound sound, two color flame was fused one group of Green & Purple flame together forcefully, Spiritual Strength swarmed from the between the eyebrows place, maintenance above a mysterious balance point. 脸色淡然地望着纠缠的两色火焰,萧炎轻车熟路的双手重重一拍,旋即,随着一道清脆的闷响声,两色火焰被强行融合成了一团青紫火焰,灵魂力量眉心处蜂拥而出,将之维持在一个玄奥的平衡点之上。 Green & Purple flame is twisting unceasingly, at once with amazement reduces in Elder Su and Elder Qing that vision rapidly, finally, in reducing to fist size, just now slowly anchors, flame wriggles slightly, finally slowly bursts, tall and pleasing to the eye Green & Purple Fire Lotus, fluttered in front of Xiao Yan. 青紫火焰不断地扭曲着,旋即在苏长老庆长老那骇然的目光中急速缩小,最后,在缩小到拳头大小时,方才缓缓停住,火焰微微蠕动,最后缓缓破裂开来,一朵美轮美奂的青紫火莲,飘荡在了萧炎面前。 Xun'er, you draw back.” 薰儿,你们退吧。” Green & Purple Fire Lotus in Xiao Yan palm above half inch place suspended, the Xiao Yan complexion was slightly paler, in a soft voice said. 青紫火莲萧炎手掌上空半寸处悬浮着,萧炎脸色略微苍白了一些,轻声道。 As the Xiao Yan sound falls, that swept in a flash is drawing back with the Xun'er three people that Luo Hou refuses to compromise with hardship immediately, several vertical plunder, then appeared in Xiao Yan behind. 随着萧炎声音落下,那正与罗侯苦苦僵持的薰儿三人顿时闪掠而退,几个纵掠间,便是出现在了萧炎身后 Finished......” has gained ground slightly, Xiao Yan is looking at that face panic-stricken Luo Hou, on pale face reveals wipes to sneer, the finger shoots gently above Fire Lotus, the latter just likes the meteor is ordinary immediately, has delimited the expansive sky, under the gazes of all vision, brings a gorgeous Green & Purple tail, is going to Luo Hou violently shoot. “结束了……”微微抬头,萧炎望着那一脸惊骇的罗侯,苍白的脸庞上露出一抹冷笑,手指轻轻弹在火莲之上,后者顿时犹如流星一般,划过长空,在所有目光的注视下,带起一道绚丽的青紫尾巴,对着罗侯暴射而去。 ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. 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