BTTH :: Volume #3

#454: Team White Spirit

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Here is one covers entirely the quarry stone the spacious region, the spread of forest, when meeting quarry stone belt, then stops, therefore, in the sky sways, but below sunlight, by falling of hindrance in the ground, was not warmed slightly makes people feel that the whole body is warm. 这里是一处布满乱石的空旷地带,森林的蔓延,在遇到乱石带时,便是停止,因此,天空上挥洒而下的阳光,不受丝毫阻碍的倾洒在了地面上,温暖得让人感到浑身暖洋洋的。 After quarry stone region not far away, is the hillside that swells, on the hillside also spreads the precipice that some rules vary, but at this time, above these precipices as well as one side, is supporting many people who or sits or stands, these person of ages are not very big, roughly about 24-25, although their clothes robe is not same, may in their chest places, actually being exactly the same is wearing a badge of turreted appearance, obviously, these student, should be Inner Academy senior. 乱石地带之后不远处,是一处隆起来的山坡,山坡上也是散布一些规则不一的山岩,而此时,这些山岩之上以及一旁,都是或坐或站的拥着不少人,这些人年龄也不是很大,约莫在二十四五左右,不过虽然他们衣袍不相同,可在他们的胸口处,却都是如出一辙的佩戴着一枚塔状模样的徽章,显然,这些学员,应该都是内院老生 In another of hillside, has the platform that boulder builds, on this platform, two old men sits, originally then when entering forest, Elder Su and Elder Qing that Xiao Yan and the others see, in their surroundings, but also sits several aura calm middle-aged people, obviously, they should are the Inner Academy steward. 在山坡的另外一处,有着一个巨石垒起的台子,在这个台子上,两名老者坐于其中,原来便是在进入森林时,萧炎等人所看见的苏长老庆长老,在他们的周围,还坐着几名气息沉稳的中年人,显然,他们应该都是属于内院的管事吧。 Hey, heard that this new student is very rampant? Also dares instead to snatch senior unexpectedlyFire Energy? ” Above the hillside, line of sight looks together to the forest end quiet hidden place, some laughter sounds, are transmitting. “嘿嘿,听说这届的新生很嚣张?竟然还敢反抢老生的“火能”?”山坡之上,一道道目光望向森林尽头的幽暗处,一些嬉笑声音,互相间的传递着。 Um, in obeyed these Senior Squad saying that this new student, had the team that was called Xiao Yan to lead, seemed like the strength is very strong.” “嗯,听从里面出的那些老生队伍说,这届的新生,有个叫做萧炎领头的队伍,貌似实力很强。” „, But is finding the excuse for own unfavorable situation, they have cultivated in Inner Academy for more than one year, has not thought that will actually defeat in the new poor hand, tut tut......” “嘁,不过是在为自己的失利找借口而已,他们好歹也是在内院修炼了一年多时间了,没想到却是会败在新生手中,啧啧……” Hope, hears Sha Tie of black ghost team , has the person to enter in the forest, does not know that had has not run upon with these new students?” “希望吧,听说黑煞队的沙铁,也是带人进入了森林中,不知道有没和那些新生撞上?” „? Did Sha Tie also go in? That this new student was finished, Sha Tie soon will enter the Dou Ling rank Expert.” “哦?沙铁也进去了?那这新生算是完蛋了吧,沙铁可是即将进入斗灵级别的强者啊。” Yes, their good luck were also ended.” “是,他们的好运也算是到此结束了吧。” In inundating talked in whispers the transmissions, several person's shadows under chaotic pile, the earth movement, slowly has opened the pupil slightly at once, the faint vision has swept the dark forest. 在漫地窃窃私语传递间,下方乱堆中的几道人影,微微地动了一下,旋即缓缓睁开眸子,淡漠的目光扫过幽暗森林。 These five person's shadows all sit cross-legged on the quarry stone, breathes long has talking in whispers that steadily, because these resound in the ear has fluctuates slightly, five people are to all wear one white clothes, just likes their faint ice-cold makings is ordinary. 这五道人影皆是盘坐在乱石上,呼吸悠长平稳有因为那些在耳边响起的窃窃私语有丝毫地波动,五人皆是穿着一套白色衣服,犹如他们那淡漠冰冷的气质一般。 In five people, the aura intensity takes complexion fair youth of central location as. At this time, this fair youth is in five people as before is also maintaining the closing one's eyes condition person, he sits cross-legged on the rock, the body just likes an ice sculpture, indifferently cold air shrouded in the surroundings, causes on some green grass between quarry stone unexpectedly, has covered some hoar frost. 五人之中,气息的强度以中央位置的一位脸色白皙的青年为最。此时,这位白皙青年是五人之中依旧还保持着闭眼状态的人,他盘坐在岩石上,身体犹如一具冰雕般,淡淡的寒气缭绕在周围,竟然使得乱石间的一些青草上,覆盖了些许白霜。 Time slowly in the top of the head in the bright sky migration passes, these students when hillside thinks that today also will be will wait in vain suddenly has the sound of footsteps to resound from the dark forest, some people of spirits will inspire immediately, the vision will sweep the exit / to speak to forest as if by prior agreement. Talking in whispers that made noise, suddenly became the complete silence. 时间缓缓地在头顶上耀日地移动中流逝而过,就在山坡上的那些学员以为今日又将是白等之时忽然有着脚步声从幽暗森林中响起,顿时有人精神一振,目光不约而同地扫向森林的出口。原本喧闹的窃窃私语,也是陡然间变得鸦雀无声了起来。 In stone stage on hillside, Elder Su and Elder Qing, gained ground slightly, narrows the pupil to go to the sound of footsteps to pass on the whence the vision. 山坡上的石台中,苏长老庆长老,也是微微抬起头来,微眯着眸子将目光投向脚步声传来处。 Along with the peace of atmosphere, the sound of footsteps that then spreads from the dark forest is also sad, after long time, the pitch-dark forest exit, a pair of sole stepped, 20 person's shadows walked sluggishly, that person of lead, is actually Sha Tie Su Xiao and the others. 随着气氛的安静,那从幽暗森林中传出的脚步声也是越加沉闷,半晌之后,黑漆漆的森林出口处,一对脚掌迈了出来,紧接着,20道人影慢吞吞地走了出来,那领头之人,却是沙铁苏笑等人。 „? Is Sha Tie they......” vision on 20 person's shadows that goes out of the forest, the people on hillside are startled, stunned tunnel. “呃?是沙铁他们……”目光顿在从森林中走出的20道人影身上,山坡上的众人一怔,错愕地道。 Has solved the new student?” In the people heart passed over gently and swiftly wipes doubts, line of sight all projects in Sha Tie that and the others walks from the forest together. “难道已经把新生解决了?”众人心中掠过一抹疑惑,一道道目光皆是投射在从森林中走出来的沙铁等人身上。 The Sha Tie 20 people, approach cyclopian riprap gradually, but at this time, that face fair youth, was slowly has opened the eye, the vision had swept sweeping in Sha Tie and the others, after the moment, face actually slightly changed, in the faint sound, left has wiped serious. 沙铁20人,缓步走近乱石堆,而此时,那名脸庞白皙的青年,也是缓缓睁开了眼睛,目光在沙铁等人身上扫了扫,片刻后,脸庞却是微微一变,淡漠的声音中,多出了一抹凝重 „Did you defeat unexpectedly completely?” “你们竟然全部败了?” His sound, although is light, may actually without doubt be just likes exploding thunder-like that in the cloudless day resounds suddenly, immediately explodes these Inner Academy students above hillside dumbfoundedly, whole face delay, 20 strength tyrannical senior, if the frontage fight, sweeps away all new students sufficiently, however in listening to that face white zhe youth said that unexpectedly defeated in the newborn team hand completely? 他的声音,虽然轻,可却无疑是犹如晴天中忽然响起的炸雷般,顿时将山坡之上的那些内院学员炸得目瞪口呆,满脸呆滞,20名实力强横的老生,若是正面战斗,足以横扫所有新生,然而在听那脸庞白晢青年所说,居然是全部都败在了新生队伍手中? Although in the heart is quite shocking, but these Inner Academy students actually to words of not too many suspicions that face fair youth, at his skill and eyesight, must see these seemingly are not very difficult. 然而虽然心中极为震惊,可这些内院学生却对那脸庞白皙的青年之话没有太多的怀疑,以他的本事与眼力,要看出这些貌似并不是很困难。 Therefore, at this moment, all students are the somewhat absent-minded, present new students who cannot bear, already strong to this situation? 因此,这一刻,所有的学员都是忍不住的有些恍惚,现在的新生,已经强到了这一地步? Was seen the details by that fair youth one, Sha Tie had not been surprised many, let go, but tunnel: These fellows are very strong, the fight experience also far from ordinary new student may compare.” 被那名白皙青年一眼看出了底细,沙铁也没感到多少意外,摊了摊手,无奈地道:“那些家伙很强,战斗经验也远非普通新生可比。” The Sha Tie words, made on the hillside resound one intermittently to swallow the saliva again the sound, some senior, almost somewhat could not conceal heart depth in amazement to inhale cold air, even|connected Heisha the team has defeated in these new poor hands, was this new student, so really abnormal? 沙铁的话,再次令得山坡上响起了一阵阵咽口水的声音,一些老生,几乎是有些掩饰不住心中的骇然的深吸了一口凉气,连黑煞队都是败在了那些新生手中,这届的新生,真这么变态么? „The following matter, gives us to come, making me come to see, this has almost alarmed the entire Inner Academy new student, actually to have what extraordinary place?” Fair youth slowly stands up from the rock, the tall and straight body gushes out the faint trace cold air suddenly, the indifferently [say / way]. “接下来的事情,交给我们来吧,让我来看看,这几乎惊动了整个内院的新生,究竟有何了不得之处?”白皙青年缓缓从岩石上站起身来,挺拔的身子陡然涌出丝丝寒气,淡淡的道。 The item band of light one point is looking at fair youth cold air strangely, the Sha Tie corners of the mouth is bringing back suddenly wipes to take pleasure in others'misfortunes, compared with own near body fight, the ice of this fellow is Dou Qi, seemingly by that terrifying green-colored flame to subdue seriously. 目光带着一分诡异地望着白皙青年身上的寒气,沙铁嘴角忽然勾起一抹幸灾乐祸,与自己的近身战斗相比,这个家伙的冰系斗气,貌似将会被那恐怖的青色火焰克得更严重。 Luo Hou, this new student is very indeed strong this year, I want perhaps to depend on your this last team, should unable to block them.” Sha Tie let go, said. 罗侯,今年这届的新生的确很强,我想或许凭你们这最后一支队伍,应该拦不下他们。”沙铁摊了摊手,道。 Draws back, you lost kept here qualifications.” Fair youth has not paid attention to him, expression is still light. “退开吧,你们已经失去了留在这里的资格。”白皙青年没有理会他,语气依然平淡。 Good, I believe that you can also not have the qualifications immediately.” “好吧,我相信你马上也会没资格的。” Sha Tie did not lose one's temper, has sneered, slowly was retreating to the hillside on with behind Su Xiao and the others, when they just mounted the hillside in dark forest, large quantities of roaring wind, suddenly resounded! 沙铁也不动怒,冷笑了一声,与身后苏笑等人缓缓对着山坡上退去,而在他们刚刚登上山坡时幽暗的森林中,大批的破风声,突然响起! Along with resounding of roaring wind, these projected in Sha Tie and the others the vision also once again shift have approached the forest exit. 随着破风声的响起,那些投射在沙铁等人身上的目光也是再度转移向了森林出口处。 Shortly after their vision shifts, among the forests the branch vibrates rapidly, at once person's shadows rapidly swept in a flash from the jungle, falling that finally the single knee was well-grounded under the sunlight, the person's shadow large number of elderly persons, the careful number went, actually has more than 40 people, was looking at so the quantity, not only on the surrounding hillside resounded intermittently clamored astonished, was continually that fair youth, face also slightly somewhat changed. 就在他们目光转移后不久,森林间树枝急速抖动,旋即一道道人影急速地从密林中闪掠而出,最后单膝着地的落在了阳光之下,人影人数众多,细细数去,竟然是有着不下40人,望着这般数量,不仅周围山坡上响起了阵阵惊愕喧哗,就是连那白皙青年,脸庞也是略有些变化了起来。 Has not thought that some people got together all new students unexpectedly, is really big handiwork...... However can this person, who be?” Looks dozens new students who that is presenting, stone platform, Elder Su exclaims in surprise the tunnel. Former years Fire Energy hunted match, and many people want to gather to battle all new students together, may because of the newborn respective arrogance, few people be able to achieve successfully this step. “没想到竟然有人将所有新生都聚合了起来,真是大手笔啊……不过这个人,会是谁呢?”望着那出现的几十名新生,石台上,苏长老惊叹地道。往届的“火能猎捕赛”中,并不乏有人想将所有新生聚集起来共同作战,可因为新生各自的傲气,很少有人能够成功地做到这一步。 I think...... Should be that is called Xiao Yan youth! Hu Gan that old fellow has not said that this kid's on the trials depending on strength of the, defeated 345 newborn collaborations......” Elder Qing pondered to say. “我想……应该是那位叫做萧炎青年吧!琥乾老家伙不是说过么,这个小家伙在选拔赛上是凭一己之力,击败了345名新生的联手呢……”庆长老沉吟道。 Elder Su slightly nod, in the heart also exudes together the cheer, this Xiao Yan however is a good seedling. 苏长老微微点了点头,心中也是发出一道赞叹之声,这个萧炎然是棵好苗子。 Before the quarry stone, these from forest swept in a flash , but new student gaining ground vision flood various mood has swept on senior on hillside, finally disperses to both sides, has separated a track from the middle. 乱石之前,那些从森林中闪掠而出的新生抬头目光泛着各种情绪的在山坡上的老生身上扫过,最后向两旁散开,从中间分开了一条小道。 The newborn shunt, the track end, is still the connection dark forest exit / to speak, there, slight footsteps sound, at once, four person's shadows from Darkness, pass through the crowd track gradually finally, before arriving at the new student most. 新生闪开,小道尽头,依然是连接幽暗的森林出口,那里,细微的脚步声响起,旋即,四道人影从黑暗中缓步而出,最后穿过人群小道,来到了新生最前。 Of lead is shouldering almost with black-robed youth of height same great ruler, gains ground slightly, the vision observes the situation the audience, finally stayed in cyclopian riprap five white clothing youth, held the fist in the other hand says with a smile: Several should Senior then be this Fire Energy hunts match the last team, Team White Spirit?” 领头的一位背负着几乎与身高相同的巨尺的黑袍青年,微微抬头,目光环视全场,最后停留在了乱石堆中的五名白衣青年,抱拳微笑道:“几位学长应该便是这届‘火能猎捕赛’的最后一支队伍,白煞队了吧?” Team White Spirit, Captain, Luo Hou.” The white zhe youth vision has swept from four people, stops after Xun'er and Hu Jia has flickered, then closely is staring at middle Xiao Yan, the slowly tunnel. 白煞队,队长,罗侯。”白晢青年目光从四人身上扫过,在薰儿琥嘉身上停了一瞬后,便是紧紧地盯着中间的萧炎,缓缓地道。 New student, takes the lead, Xiao Yan.” Xiao Yan shows a faint smile, is studying the Luo Hou intonation, said in a soft voice. “新生,领头的,萧炎。”萧炎微微一笑,学着罗侯的语调,轻声说道。 Luo Hou nods, above the body the cold air is actually richer, a formidable imposing manner, from its within the body ascends, covers this piece of cyclopian riprap, some strength slightly weak new students, cannot bear, in this also wants under the tyrannical imposing manner oppression compared with Sha Tie some color deteriorations. 罗侯点头,身体之上寒气却是越加浓郁,一股强大气势,自其体内升腾而起,将这片乱石堆都是笼罩在其中,一些实力稍弱的新生,都是忍不住地在这比沙铁还要强横的气势压迫下有些变色。 Feels shrouded in the ice-cold oppression of whole body, the Xiao Yan complexion slightly is revealing serious, was really similar to Sha Tie said that this fellow, was real deal Dou Ling Expert. 感受着缭绕在周身的冰冷压迫,萧炎脸色略显凝重,果然如同沙铁所说,这个家伙,是一名货真价实斗灵强者 In the heart so is thinking, Xiao Yan and Xun'er three people have looked at each other one, slightly nod, four people simultaneously formerly trod one step, at once four vigorous imposing manners, from within the body violently surge out, four imposing manners interweave in the midair suddenly, finally unites in together, fills that in the ice-cold imposing manner oppression of whole body resists to return. 心中这般想着,萧炎偏头与薰儿三人对视了一眼,微微点头,四人同时先前踏出一步,旋即四股雄浑气势,猛然自体内暴涌而出,四股气势在半空交织,最后联合在一起,将那弥漫在周身的冰冷气势压迫抵挡而回。 Along with the Xiao Yan four people of actions, that dozens new students also start the imposing manner that releases intensities to vary, although their imposing manners discussed the words of delivery order number, could not compare Xiao Yan their any, after may so the quantity superimpose, that imposing manner, almost is became here is immediately strongest! 随着萧炎四人的举动,那几十名新生也是开始释放出一股股强度不一的气势,虽然他们的气势论起单数的话,比不上萧炎他们任何一股,可这般数量叠加起来后,那气势,几乎立刻便是成为了此处最强! Under including Xiao Yan four people of all newborn imposing manner overlay, the ice-cold imposing manner oppression that Luo Hou that fills, almost touches then bursts, but looks at the Captain unfavorable situation, that four with are the Team White Spirit members, is hurries to release the imposing manner, imposing manner oppression resistance that finally just now with joint forces the opposite that powerful will press under. 在包括着萧炎四人的所有新生气势叠加下,罗侯的那弥漫的冰冷气势压迫,几乎是一触便溃,而瞧得队长失利,那四名同为白煞队的成员,也是赶忙释放出气势,最后方才合力将对面那强势压来的气势压迫抵御而下。 The primary confrontation, Xiao Yan and the others were relying on the quantity, the constant voltage Team White Spirit planned, the superiority of population, demonstrates incisively in this time. 初次交锋,萧炎等人凭借着数量,稳压了白煞队一筹,人数的优势,在此时显示得淋漓尽致。 But this imposing manner confrontation victory, is makes all newborn confidence rise sharply, formerly caused the somewhat timid psychology to remove because of the Luo Hou strength immediately cleanly. 而这一次的气势交锋胜利,也是让得所有新生信心大涨,先前因为罗侯的实力而导致有些胆怯的心理顿时去除得干干净净。 Trod forward one step, the Xiao Yan vision was staring at Luo Hou, the holding the fist in the other hand bright sound track: Luo Hou Senior, does not know whether to make us pass this final checkpoint?” 向前踏了一步,萧炎目光盯着罗侯,抱拳朗声道:“罗侯学长,不知能否让我们通过这最后的关卡?” Xiao Yan sound, enormous and powerful is reverberating in the cyclopian riprap, made the entire hillside is peaceful. 萧炎的声音,浩浩荡荡的在乱石堆中回荡着,令得整个山坡都是安静了下来。 Luo Hou face is faint, the eye closely is staring at Xiao Yan similarly, for a long time, his mouth moves slightly, two indifferent words and expressions have spat. 罗侯脸庞淡漠,眼睛同样是紧紧地盯着萧炎,许久之后,他嘴巴微动,两个冷漠的词语吐了出来。 Cannot!” “不能!” At this moment, the atmosphere coagulates suddenly, at daggers drawn! 此刻,气氛陡然凝固,剑拔弩张! 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