In a spaciousforestground, Xiao Yansitson a rock, inhisfront, has a simpleblockheadtable, at this time, onthistable, packs of Flame Crystal Cardis placingneatly, theseFlame Crystal Cardabovedigit, have the samenumber.
“二”Obviously, theseFlame Crystal Cardmasters, bad luckmetthesesenior, thenFire Energywas robbed.
显然,这些火晶卡的主人,都是倒霉的遇见了那些老生,然后火能被抢夺了去。Intablefrontopen area, dozensnew studentsare sitting cross-legged, althoughtheircontoursare extremely distressedwith the dispirited, butin the looktrulyhas the spirit, line of sight, bringsto stare atFlame Crystal Card on tabletoptogetherexcitedly.
桌子面前的空地上,几十名新生盘坐着,虽然他们的外形极其狼狈与萎靡,可眼神中确实极具精神,一道道目光,带着兴奋地盯着桌面上的火晶卡。Inopen areaotherone side, Sha Tie, Su Xiaoand the othersclosed right up against the bough, the expression on face, is quite depressed, thatlookstosittingon the rockinXiao Yan the vision, is flooding a hidden bitterness.
在空地的另外一边,沙铁,苏笑等人靠着树干,脸庞上的表情,颇为郁闷,那望向坐在岩石上萧炎的目光中,也是充斥着一种幽怨。Regardingtheirvision, Xiao Yandoes not haveto pay attentionmany, the left handtakes uppale blueFlame Crystal Card, thenhas pulled outsomejet blackFlame Crystal Cardunceasingly, the doublepalmrubs, the rayblooms, the digit on jet blackFlame Crystal Card, when not onlyrepliedjustto enter the forestnumberrapidly, but also was addedtwodaysbyXiao Yan, finally the numbers on somejet blackcards, thenfromtwo, turned intoseven.
对于他们的目光,萧炎却是没有多加理会,左手拿起淡蓝色的火晶卡,然后不断地抽过一些漆黑火晶卡,双掌一搓,光芒绽放间,漆黑火晶卡上的数字,不仅迅速回复到了在刚刚进入森林时的数目,而且还被萧炎多加了两天,最后些漆黑卡片上的数目,便是从二,变成了七。NowXiao Yandoes, naturallyis the matter that divides the bootythisto rouse the will of the people, thesewere snatchedonlyremainingtwodays„Fire Energy”newbornFlame Crystal Card, Xiao Yannot onlytheyfill, but alsoadded for twodays„Fire Energy”, avoidedFlame Crystal Card that seniorhas robbedas forsomegood luck, Xiao Yanalsogenerouslygivesthemto add for fivedays„Fire Energy”, Xiao Yancaneat up the Su Xiaothreeteamas well asSha Tiethismore tyrannicalteamclearly, if were not hasthesenew studentsto go all outfiercely, depending ontheirseveralpeople, was impossiblebecomes this duty.
现在萧炎做的,自然是分赃这一项勾动人心的事,那些原本被抢到只剩下两天“火能”的新生火晶卡,萧炎不仅他们填补,而且还多加了两天的“火能”,至于一些好运躲避开了老生抢夺的火晶卡,萧炎也是慷慨地给他们多加了五天“火能”,萧炎清楚能够吃下苏笑三支队伍以及沙铁这支更加强横队伍,若非是有着这些新生勇猛拼命的话,凭他们几人,本不可能成这项任务。Above the tabletop, the rayglittersunceasingly, so after for a long time, Xiao Yanjust nowlightlyaspirated, lastjet blackFlame Crystal Cardwill put down, thensaidtonearbyXun'erandHu Jia: „Returns to them the respectivemasterhand.”
桌面之上,光芒不断闪烁,如此许久之后,萧炎方才轻吐了一口气,将最后一张漆黑火晶卡放下,然后偏头对着一旁的薰儿与琥嘉道:“把它们都送回各自的主人手中吧。”Hearing this, Xun'erandHu Jiaallareslightly nod, namely the personwill take upFlame Crystal Card, statureswept in a flash will haveFlame Crystal Card of respectiveuniquesymbolto returninthesewhole faceexcitednewpoor handsin the newbornteamlight and lively.闻言,薰儿与琥嘉皆是微微点头,即人拿起一把火晶卡,身形轻灵地闪掠在新生队伍中将标有各自独特记号的火晶卡退还回那些满脸兴奋的新生手中。„Ha Ha, Fire Energycame backfinally.”Somenewbornboth handsare holdingtheirFlame Crystal Card, is looking in the crystalcard the number, smiledto open the mouth.
“哈哈,火能终于回来了。”一些新生双手抱着自己的火晶卡,望着晶卡上数目,不由地笑裂开了嘴。Smilesis looking at these whole faceexcitedandjoyfulnew students, Xiao Yangoes tonearbyto close eyespractice the visionWu Hao. After the warhad ended, he was hurriesto give the latterto takeEnergy Recovery Pillonce again, therefore, presentWu Hao, the facial expressionformerlywas actually better , the injury on body, merelywas only the flesh wound, luckyhas not injuredto the meridiansskeleton, perhapsotherwise, thatwanted the trainingwelljust now to restoresome time.
微笑着望着那些满脸兴奋与喜悦的新生,萧炎将目光投向一旁闭目修炼的吴昊。在战局结束后,他便是赶紧再度给后者服用了一枚回气丹,因此,现在的吴昊,气色倒是比先前好了许多,体上的伤势,仅仅只是外伤,万幸没伤到经脉骨骼,不然的话,那恐怕要修养好一段时间方才能恢复了。Stands upfrom the rock, Xiao Yanlooked atthesepale blueFlame Crystal Card on tabletop, divided the bootyafterformerly that nowinthesecrystalcardsremaining„Fire Energy”, probablyalsohadclose more than 270, butthisremaining„Fire Energy”, apportionedfourpeople, everyone can also divideto more than 60days of quantitiesbut actually, thisharvest, calculates that was very plentiful.
从岩石上站起身来,萧炎看了一眼桌面上的那些淡蓝色火晶卡,经过先前的那阵分赃,现在这些晶卡上所剩下的“火能”,大约还有接近270多,而这剩下的“火能”,分给自己四个人,每人倒也还能分到60多天的量,这笔收获,也算很是丰硕了。„Fire Energy that”on the pale bluecardremainstemporarydelimitsinowncrystalcardcompletely, Xiao Yanis then graspingthem, fellow who smilinglymoves towardthatpile of facehidden bitterness.
将淡蓝色卡片上所剩的“火能”暂时的全部划到自己晶卡上,萧炎这才握着它们,笑眯眯地走向那一堆脸庞幽怨的家伙。„He he, was sorry, calledthese manynew students, if not giverewardthatnot to be justified, therefore can only borrowseveraltemporarilyused.”Xiao Yancontainsto say with a smile, namely the handthrows, in the hand the crystalcardjust likedhas the intelligenceto be common, has shot at the respectivemaster.
“呵呵,抱歉了,召集了这么多新生,若是不给点报酬那也说不过去,所以只能暂时借几位的一用了。”萧炎含笑道,即手一抛,手中晶卡犹如具灵性一般,射向了各自的主人。„Oh, mother, thistimelost moneyto oweto the pants crotch.”GraspedFlame Crystal Card, Sha Tiehad shot a look at an abovenumber in the units placedeposit, corners of the mouthtwitched, being foul-mouthedtunnel, thiswashisnearlytwomonthsin the Arenastruggleachievement, finallynowunexpectedlydirectlyhas ruled out9/10byXiao Yan, how could it not be was hegrieved?
“唉,妈的,这次亏本亏到裤裆里去了。”一抓过火晶卡,沙铁瞥了一眼上面的个位数存款,不由地嘴角一阵抽搐,骂骂咧咧地道,这可是他近两个月在竞技场的奋斗成果啊,结果现在竟然直接是被萧炎划去了9,他岂不心痛?„Oh.”Nearby, Su Xiaoand the othersalsoreluctantlysighed, in the heartwas complainingowngreed, if nottheywantedto snatch„Fire Energy”from the newpoor hand, wherewill meetXiao Yanthiscrowdcompared with the robberalsobarbaricfellow.
“唉。”一旁,苏笑等人也是无奈地叹了一口气,心中直直地埋怨着自己的贪心,若非他们想要从新生手中抢到“火能”,又哪里会遇见萧炎这群比强盗还野蛮的家伙。„He he, Sha Tie did Senior, inquire a mattertoyou, the linenot?”Xiao Yandoes not care abouttheircomplexionsactually, smilinglyasked.
“呵呵,沙铁学长,向你打听个事,行不?”萧炎倒是不在乎他们的脸色,笑眯眯地问道。Sha Tieflipped the supercilious look, the moodhe who is not feeling wellextremely, does not have the moodto pay attention toXiao Yan.沙铁翻了翻白眼,心情正极端不爽的他,根本就没情绪理会萧炎。„20days‚Fire Energy’, toldme the news that wantedto know, how?”Xiao Yanis holding appreciativelyin the handjet blackFlame Crystal Card, saidin a low voice: „Ifyoudo not want, Icanlook forSu XiaoSeniorthey.”
The corners of the mouthtwitchslightly, Sha Tieclenches teeth, wickedtunnel: „Youasked.”
The fronta few wordsbut actually are also very aggressive, after mayonenext, Sha Tie was actually thoroughlysoft, nowbecame the poor devilhe, even ifwere20days„Fire Energy”, for him, was not smallreceiving.
前面一句话倒还很是凶悍,可顿了一下后,沙铁却是彻底软了下来,现在已经成为穷鬼他,就算是20天“火能”,对他来说,也是一不小的收入了。„Cantellmeaboutlast „ Team White Spirit”news? ”
The Xiao Yaneyepupilnarrows the eyes, saidin a soft voicethatnow their harvestwas plentifulmakesXiao Yanhave a heavyfeeling, butifhewantsto harvestthisplentifullytakes intoInner Academysmoothly, then mustalsodefeatlastTeam White Spirit, otherwise, will decidefinallyhoweverwill also fallto spelllaboriously for severaldays, maybeis actually doing the miserable fate of bridal clothesforothers.萧炎眼眸微眯,轻声道,现在他们的收获已经丰硕得让萧炎有种沉甸甸的感觉,而他若是想要将这丰硕收获顺利带进内院,那么便必须将最后一支白煞队也打败,不然的话,最后定然也会落个辛辛苦苦拼了好几天,可却是在为别人做嫁衣的悲惨下场。„Team White Spirit?” The brow tipselects, Sha Tiealsounderstoodobviously the meaning of Xiao Yan, the visionsweepsspatialontheseto be weakcontinuallysets out the difficultnew student, heysaid: „ThatTeam White Spiritstrengthis black the ghostteamto strive to excelonsomecompared withus.”
The Sha Tiefirst few words, were make the flamebrowwrinkle, defeated the blackghostteam is madetheirdamaging severelyvitality, thatso-called was Team White Spirit, unexpectedly stronger than them?沙铁的第一句话,便是令炎眉头微皱了起来,打败黑煞队便是已经令他们大伤元气,那所谓的白煞队,竟然比他们还要强?„Perhapsmemberstrengthdiffers not much, butTeam White SpiritCaptainLuo Hou, issolidDou LingExpert, althoughheenters the Dou Lingrank less than twomonths, may actually onlyenteronpersonmany of halffoot...... Sha Tieto curl the lipcompared withmythis”, said: „It is not Iattacksyou, depending onnewbornteam that your vitalitiesdamage severely, even ifallontogether, perhapscannot rush.”
“或许队员实力相差不多,可白煞队的队长罗侯,可是一名实实在在的斗灵强者,虽然他才进入斗灵级别不到两个月,可却总比我这只进入半只脚的人强上许多……”沙铁撇了撇嘴,道:“不是我打击你,凭你们这些元气大伤的新生队伍,就算全部一起上,恐怕都闯不出去。”Xiao Yantightpursing the lipslip after long time, saidin a soft voice: „Ifmakesthesenew studentsregain the condition, thenshouldbe ableto be good”萧炎紧抿着嘴唇半晌后,轻声道:“若是让这些新生全部都恢复状态,那么应该能行吧”„In additionyourseveralpeople, about50people of newbornteams, even ifLuo HouthatTeam White SpiritagainlikeHe Qiang, is impossibleto block, after alldoublefistdifficultenemyfour.”Sha Tieshrugs, thensaid: „Was a pity, the wound that thesefellowsreceiveis heavy, 35daysunlikelyhave not been hardbe fully recovered, butthis‚Fire Energyhuntsmatch’carries on the time, only thenoneweek, therefore, youcannot wait fortheirbe fully recoveredtime.”
“加上你们几人,将近50人的新生队伍,就算罗侯那支白煞队再如何强,也不可能挡住的,毕竟双拳难敌四手。”沙铁耸了耸肩,接着道:“不过可惜,这些家伙受的伤都不轻,没有个35天恐怕难以痊愈,可这‘火能猎捕赛’的进行时间只有一周,所以,你等不到他们痊愈的时候。”„He he, about the strength of allpeople, canrushwell,...... Xiao Yanshows a faint smiletoSha Tieas fortheirinjuries”, said: „Did youforgetmystatus? InisAlchemistIlooks like, theseinjuries, are very by no means serious.”
“呵呵,合所有人之力,能闯过就好,至于他们的伤势……”萧炎冲着沙铁微微一笑,道:“难道你忘记我的身份了?在身为炼药师的我看来,这些伤势,并非很严重。”Hearing this, Sha Tieis startledslightly, at onceis silent, poursreally has almost also forgottenthis, thisfellowcancontrolthatextremelyterrifyingflame, thinks that the Alchemytechniqueis also skilled. Perhapsifhismedicinal ingredientis enoughalsoreallycanprobablyrestore the peakstrengthin the shorttimethesenew studententirecures, butwhen the time comesabout50new studentswill flushtogetherclosethatLuo HouareDou LingExpert, perhapsalso can only dumbfoundeddrylook.闻言,沙铁微微一怔,旋即默然,倒还真差点忘了这一茬,这个家伙能够操控那种极为恐怖的火焰,想必炼药术也很是精通吧。若是他药材足够的话说不定还真能在短时间把这些新生全治愈得恢复巅峰实力,而到时候将近50名新生一起冲关就算那罗侯是斗灵强者,恐怕也只能目瞪口呆的干看着吧。Has pattedclapping, Xiao Yanmovedjet blackFlame Crystal Card and Sha Tiecrystalcard, during the raytwinkles, 20days„Fire Energy”rewardhas delimited, thenturns aroundthatsimpletableplace, is taking the Flame Crystal Cardexcitednew studentsto say with a smiletothese: „, ThistimeFire Energyhunts the match, lastpass/test, so long aswecanrushsuccessfully, thensucceeds in obtaining‚Fire Energy’, wethencantake into Inner Academysmoothly, if failed, thattheseFire Energy , can only cheapthatso-calledTeam White Spirit.”
拍了拍手,萧炎将漆黑火晶卡与沙铁的晶卡碰触了一下,光芒闪烁间,把20天的“火能”报酬划了过去,然后转身回那简易的桌子处,冲着那些正拿着火晶卡一脸兴奋的新生们笑道:“诸位,这一次的火能猎捕赛,还有最后一关,只要我们能够成功闯过,那么到手的‘火能’,我们便是能够顺利带进内院之中,而若是失败的话,那这些火能,也只能便宜那支所谓的白煞队了。”„Mother, spelledwiththem!”
“妈的,和他们拼了!”Listens to the Xiao Yanwords, newborn in open areasomewhatwas immediately excited, „Fire Energy”regains, theynowhave understood also the rare and preciousthishard-wonpreciousthing.
听萧炎的话,空地上的新生情绪顿时有些激动了起来,“火能”失而复得,他们现在也懂得了珍稀这来之不易的宝贵东西。„He he.”Smiledlightly, the Xiao Yanpalmvirtual pressure, the noisysoundis immediately peaceful, hisvisiontook a fast look aroundin a field, said with a smile: „Sinceeverybodydoes not chooseto give up, then, weconcentrate the strengthabout, rushestogetherthisfinalcloses......”
“呵呵。”轻笑了笑,萧炎手掌虚压,顿时喧的声音便是安静下来,他目光扫视了一圈场中,笑道:“既然大家都不选择放弃,那么,我们把力量凝合起来,一起闯这最后的一关……”„But, beforethis, we need to stayday of timehere, onedaylater, Iwill leteverybodyinjurybe fully recovered, butwhen the time comes...... Thenisournewbornlasttimecounter-attacks.”
“不过,在这前,我们需要在这里停留一天时间,一天后,我会让大家伤势痊愈,而到时候……便是我们新生的最后一次反扑。”„Xiao YanSenior, welistenyour.”
“萧炎学长,我们听你的。”Hadhas defeatedlearning from another's mistakes of blackghostteam, nowthisnew studentdid not have the least bitto suspecttoXiao Yanagain, therefore, fellalong withhiswords, drank the soundthento make a sound, the neatintonation, shook the woodsrustletrembles.
有了打败黑煞队的前车之鉴,现在这新生对萧炎已经再没有半点怀疑,因此,随着他的话落,一道道喝声便是响了起来,整齐的声调,将树林震得簌簌发抖。Nearby, Sha Tieand the otherslooked atthat the new students who rallies togetherto be roused to action, sighed, althoughthisgroup of new studentsmerelyare onlybeginning a tooth the old and youngwolf, mayunder the leadership of Xiao Yanthisfiercelion, the fightingstrength that displays, actuallyfar exceeds the anticipation of allpeople.
一旁,沙铁等人望那群起激奋的新生们,不由地叹了一口气,虽然这群新生仅仅只是一牙齿初长幼狼,可在萧炎这头凶猛狮子的带领下,所发挥出来的斗力,却是远远超出所有人的意料。Xiao Yansits cross-leggedto sit the rockonce again, the handwields, squatsmedicinal cauldronas well aslarge quantities ofmedicinal ingredient, appearedonfronttabletop, a right handball, green-colored flameswept in a flash enteredinmedicinal cauldron.萧炎再度盘腿坐上岩石,手一挥,一蹲药鼎以及大批的药材,出现在了面前的桌面上,右手一弹,青色火焰闪掠进入了药鼎之内。Inpeacefulforest lands, ascensioncombustion of green-colored flameincauldronfurnace, medicinal ingredientallcremates, finally the essencegathersdarkly.
安静林地间,青色火焰在鼎炉中升腾燃烧,一株株药材尽数在其中焚化,最后精华暗聚。Xiao Yanhas spentevening'stime, refinedsome to treatinternal injuryMedicinal Pill.萧炎花费了一晚上时间,炼制出了一些能够治疗内伤的丹药。
The next daydusk, inpeacefulforest lands, dozenssit cross-leggedperson's shadow, has opened suddenly simultaneously a pupil, none remainingdarkyun, vigorousimposing manners, fromtheirwithin the bodyspread, gather a wholefinally, moreintrimforest lands!
第二天的黄昏,安静的林地间,几十道盘坐其中的人影,猛然间同时睁开了眼眸,精光暗蕴,一道道雄浑气势,从他们体内蔓延而出,最后汇聚成一个整体,弥在整片林地之间!Whenthesenew studentsopen the eyesuddenly, Xiao Yanas well asnearbyXun'erthreepeople on rock, is the slowlyopening eyespupil, after a day of training, threepeoplewith the help of Xiao YanMedicinal Pill, allonce againrestoredin peak condition.
在那些新生陡然睁开眼睛时,岩石上的萧炎以及一旁的薰儿三人,也是缓缓睁开眼眸,经过一天修养,三人在萧炎丹药的帮助下,皆是再度恢复了巅峰状态。Stands upfrom the rock, Xiao Yanshot a look atonestillinnearbySha Tieand the others, thenhas turned the head, goes to the new student who the visiontheserestore the strength, palmslowlyholds up, thenfallsloudly.
“走!”As the Xiao Yansoundfalls, dozensformsonswept in a flash the bough, takes the Xiao Yanfourpeopleas the headat once, to the place of forestexit / to speak, the illnessis plunderingto gocontinuously!
The finaldecisive battle, muststart!
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