BTTH :: Volume #3

#452: Grief and indignation Sha Tie

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Everywhere open area in confusion, Hu Jia looks at black ghost team that” that is repulsed with three new students last member, cannot help but long relaxed, at once both legs one soft, sat in the ground, the rapid breath just liked draws the bellower to be ordinary, resounded unceasingly. 满地狼藉的空地中,琥嘉与三名新生望着那败退的“黑煞队”最后一名成员,不由得长长地松了一口气,旋即双腿一软,一屁股坐在了地面上,急促的呼吸犹如拉风箱一般,不断地响起。 Around the open area, black ghost team member besides Sha Tie defeats along with last, these are tying tight nerve new students, finally cannot bear the excitement and wild with joy in heart, each other cannot give a thought to injury, jumps to set out, the crazy sound was calling, suddenly, all sorts of the sounds of shrieking and howling wildly, have filled the air-to-surface midair. 在空地周围,随着除了沙铁之外的最后一名“黑煞队”成员战败,那些紧绷着一根神经的新生们,终于是忍不住心中的兴奋与狂喜,彼此顾不得身上的伤势,跳起身来,狂声呼叫着,一时间,种种鬼哭狼嚎的声音,弥漫了空地半空。 The Xun'er delicate hands cancel the sweat on forehead, above the body blooms, but the golden light was slightly was also dim, this three rounds rescued, really somewhat pressed her, if were not because studied the Qi Method rank not low reason, perhaps she can also be common with Wu Hao, because Dou Qi consumed to cause the battle efficiency to reduce excessively greatly. 薰儿纤手抹去额头上的汗水,身体之上绽放而出的金光也是略微黯淡了一些,这番三轮援救,也实在是有些难为她了,若非是因为所修习功法等级不低的缘故,恐怕她也会和吴昊一般,因为斗气过度消耗而导致战斗力大减。 One is hand-held the bough, Xun'er while this short exhaust fumes neutral, sweeps the vision to Xiao Yan that place fights the circle, in looking at Xiao Yan, although was compelled to be surrounded by perils by the enemy, after may in a short time actually still not appear the defeat likely, relaxed lightly, on the cheeks is also raises to wipe to make nearby Su Xiao and the others feel the shocking smiling face. 一手扶着树干,薰儿趁着这短暂的回气空挡,将目光扫向萧炎的那处战圈,在瞧得萧炎虽然被对方逼得险象环生,可短时间内却依然没有显出败象后,轻松了一口气,脸颊上也是扬上一抹令得一旁的苏笑等人感到惊艳的笑容。 This battle, Xiao Yan they started to get the winning side.” “这场争斗,萧炎他们已经开始占据上风了。” The look recovers from Xun'er that appearing briefly shocking smiling face, Su Xiao sighed, the expression on face quite splendid, these many do not have any big calamity Fire Energy hunts match, has not thought that in this year and other ginseng overtimes, will present this dumbfounded accident, this is really makes Su Xiao somewhat speechless, he planned Fire Energy entry from new poor hand neighborhood point Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower cultivates some time, finally now not only Fire Energy has not gotten so far as, but also own also has compensated going, this may be compensates the madame to fold the soldier seriously. 眼神从薰儿那昙花一现惊艳笑容中回过神来,苏笑叹了一口气,脸庞上的表情颇为的精彩,这么多届没有出什么大乱子的“火能猎捕赛”,没想到会在今年自己等人参加时,出现这等令人目瞪口呆的变故,这实在是令得苏笑有些无语,他原本可是打算来从新生手里弄点“火能”进入“天焚炼气塔”中修炼一段时间呢,结果现在不仅“火能”没弄到而还把自己的也赔了进去,这可当真是赔了夫人又折兵啊。 Nearby, Leng Bai and crag have looked at each other one, all was the heart had intimately the forced smile one. Encounters this situation, indeed was bad luck. 一旁,棱白与岩对视了一眼,皆是心有戚戚焉的苦笑了一声。遇到这种情况,的确是倒霉透顶了。 This fellow, later enters Inner Academy, so long ascultivates some time in Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower with concentration ‚, can perhaps crush intoStrong Ranking. ” Su Xiao moved the body, making comfortable by bough, the vision changes that to fight on fiery Xiao Yan with Sha Tie, in the words has the exclamation that is hard to conceal. “这个家伙,以后进入内院,只要潜心在‘天焚炼气塔’中修炼一段时间,恐怕能够挤进“强榜”之中。”苏笑动了身体,让得自己舒服的靠在树干上,目光转向那与沙铁战得火热的萧炎身上,话语中有着难以掩饰的惊叹。 Although looks at Xiao Yan very much high, may actually still not think that the latter can actually rely on a strength of person, insists in the Sha Tie hand such for a long time, must know that Sha Tie frequently mingles among fight expert Ah! his fight experience in Inner Academy Arena, may be called vicious, usually some fight experience superficial primary level Dou Ling Expert, are hard to defeat him. Thus it can be seen, this Sha Tie fight experience is rich. 虽已经很是高看萧炎,可却依然没有想到,后者竟然能够凭借一个人的力量,在沙铁手中坚持这么久,要知道,沙铁可是经常混迹在内院竞技场中的战斗老手啊!他的战斗经验,堪称老辣,平日一些战斗经验浅薄的初级斗灵强者,都难以将他击败。由此可见,这个沙铁战斗经验是何等丰富。 However, is such, not only the strength is higher than Xiao Yan several stars, and fight experience is also the so vicious person, actually for a very long time cannot take the former, this, can not Su Xiao and the others to Xiao Yan feels to be flabbergasted tenaciously. 然而,就是这么个不仅实力高出萧炎几星,并且战斗经验也是如此老辣的人,却是久久拿不下前者,这一幕,不得让苏笑等人对萧炎的顽强感到咋舌。 Naturally, they naturally do not know, if not green-colored flame in Xiao Yan hand makes Sha Tie suffer loss, perhaps depending on taking advantage of its rank strength, but also is hard to support in the Sha Tie hand is really so long and does not reveal the defeat shape. 当然,他们也自然是不知道,若非萧炎手中的青色火焰让得沙铁吃尽苦头的话,恐怕光凭借着其本身的等级实力,还真难以在沙铁手中支撑这么久而不露败象。 Hears the Su Xiao words, Leng Bai and Xiu Yan nodded silently, all sorts that until now, Xiao Yan displays, surpass their expectations, so the age then has achieved the 6-Star Da Dou Shi rank, this grade of practice talent, really somewhat made one praise to the heavens, said that he can enter Inner Academy Strong Ranking, they did not have any suspicion. 听得苏笑的话,棱白修岩默默地点了点头,迄今为止,萧炎所表现出来的种种,都是远超他们的预料,如此年龄便是达到了六星大斗师级别,这等修炼天赋,实在是有些令人叹为观止,说他能够进入内院强榜”,两人没有任何地怀疑。 Xun'er and Hu Jia and the others after resting for nearly 2-3 minutes, once again has all stood, looked at each other one mutually, slightly nod, [gold/metal] green two color Dou Qi has emerged from two human bodies once again, finally stature moved, was becomes about outflanks the shape, has surrounded Xiao Yan and Sha Tie war circle, in the palms the Dou Qi expansion spits presently, along with preparing to be seeking for the flaw to hit hard Sha Tie. 薰儿琥嘉等人在休息了将近两三分钟后,皆是再度站了起来,互相对视了一眼,微微点头,金绿两色斗气从两人体内再度涌现而出,最后身形一动,便是成左右包抄状,将萧炎沙铁的战圈包围了起来,掌心间斗气伸缩吐现,随着准备着寻找破绽对沙铁进行重击。 Another three new students, is because Dou Qi dries up, but must look at Xun'er dry their action, present they, could not propose again the least bit physical strength goes to exert the aid, naturally, the war of present, by their strengths, indeed could not meddle. 另外三名新生,则是因为斗气地枯竭,而只得干看着薰儿两人的举动,现在的他们,已经再提不出半点气力前去施加援手,当然,现在的这处战局,以他们的实力,也的确是插不上手了。 Bang!” “砰!” By fist that green-colored flame wraps, once again heavily and Sha Tie that is hit by the fist that the dark Golden Dou Qi armor wrapped in one, the clear clang clang sound resounded through suddenly. 青色火焰所包裹的拳头,再度重重沙铁那被暗金色斗气铠甲所包裹的拳头撞在了一起,清脆的锵锵声响猛然响彻。 Feels is meeting that everywhere wells up to do with a burst of energy the strength from the fist, Xiao Yan shoulder shivers rapidly, the muscle was at this moment is just liking the wave generally fluctuated several, deeply inspired, in the jet black eye pupil, green-colored flame emerged suddenly, together low and deep drank to spread among the Xiao Yan throats, Dou Crystal in within the body channel was shivering rapidly, continuously green-colored flame rapidly gushed out from that Acceptance Spirit space, finally followed the meridians, shuttled back and forth above the Xiao Yan arm. 感受着从拳头接触处涌过来的强猛劲力,萧炎肩膀一阵急速颤动,肌肉都是在此刻犹如水波一般波动了几下,深吸了一口气,漆黑眼瞳之中,青色火焰陡然涌现,一道低沉的喝声自萧炎喉咙间传出,体内气旋之中的斗晶急速地颤抖着,一缕缕青色火焰从那一点纳灵空间中急速涌出,最后顺着经脉,穿梭到了萧炎手臂之上。 Drinks!” “喝!” As Xiao Yan drinks the sound to fall, sees only above his arm, green-colored flame rises sharply suddenly, finally in a big way changes into one to roll flame, following the fist interface point, was sweeps across above the Sha Tie Dou Qi armor in a twinkling, immediately, grating inciting the sound, spread from the Sha Tie Dou Qi armor unceasingly. 随着萧炎喝声落下,只见得其手臂之上,青色火焰猛然大涨,最后化为一大团火焰,顺着拳头交接处,霎时间便是席卷到了沙铁斗气铠甲之上,顿时,刺耳的滋滋声音,不断地从沙铁斗气铠甲上传出。 Along with gushing out of this group of green-colored flame, Xiao Yan face was actually suddenly dim some, reassignment Heavenly Flame of so big gauge attacked, not only consumed enormously to Dou Qi, but also to Spiritual Strength, was an enormous load. 随着这团青色火焰的涌出,萧炎脸庞却是忽然黯淡了些许,如此大规的调动异火进行攻击,不仅对斗气消耗极大,而且对灵魂力量来说,也是一种极大的负荷。 Suddenly sticks green-colored flame of body, making face hide the Sha Tie complexion big change under Dou Qi armor, the extremely high temperature seeps to enter from the armor unceasingly, even was burns one piece the skin of Sha Tie fiery red. 忽然粘附上身体的青色火焰,让得脸庞都隐藏在斗气铠甲下的沙铁脸色大变,极高的温度不断地从铠甲之外渗透而进,甚至是将沙铁的皮肤都是烫得一片火红了起来。 Damn! Actually is this what fire?” “该死的!这究竟是什么火?” In the heart together angry low roar, Sha Tie now is choking with rage extremely, formerly fight, each time when he will soon rumble to the Xiao Yan body, that green-colored flame will be on own initiative will then throw to welcome on, will force to remove the hand it, therefore, this confrontation, although has continued for nearly dozen minutes, but he actually will not have to attain slightly, instead must unable to move by the Xiao Yan diversion, very allowed to find the opportunity to rumble a moment ago hardly a fist, may actually happen to be stuck by that damn crafty strange flame, so will vexed fight, how could won't he get angry? 心中一道愤怒的低吼,沙铁现在是极其的窝火,先前的战斗,每次在他即将轰到萧炎身体时,那青色火焰便是会主动地扑迎而上,将其逼迫得撤手,因此,这交锋虽然持续了将近十几分钟时间,可他却竟然是没有丝毫所获,反而是被萧炎牵制得动弹不得,刚才好不容找到机会硬轰了一拳,可却正好被那该死的诡异火焰粘了上来,这般窝囊战斗,他岂能不怒? However although in heart anger, but the body of Sha Tie is hurriedly is actually retroceding, in its backlash, any by the thing that it collides, is burnt down the ashes by green-colored flame in the flash. 不过虽然心中愤怒,可沙铁的身体却是在急忙地后退着,在其后退间,凡是被其碰撞到的东西,都是会被青色火焰在一瞬间焚烧成灰烬。 This time Sha Tie, was similar to person eyes suddenly turns into a green hot person to be ordinary, was withdrawing unceasingly carelessly. 此时的沙铁,在人眼中就如同是忽然变成了一个青色火人一般,不断地胡乱退避着。 On the Sha Tie body that just likes the tortoise shell hard armor, even starts, in that green-colored flame burns down gradually desalinates, but in the Dou Qi armor became become faintly discernible, left Xiao Yan control green-colored flame, finally is one, vanished extremely towering. 沙铁身体上那犹如龟壳般的坚硬铠甲,甚至都是开始在那青色火焰焚烧间逐渐淡化,而就在斗气铠甲已经变得若隐若现时,离开了萧炎操控的青色火焰,终于是咻的一声,极其突兀地消失了去。 Color flame that suddenly vanishes, making Sha Tie that sweats profusely relax, if this flame continues again for a long time, so long as armor one broken, he does not dare saying that depending on own physical body, how long then can resist...... 忽然消失的色火焰,让得大汗淋漓的沙铁松了一口气,若是这火焰再持续久点的话,只要铠甲一破,他可不敢说凭自己的肉体,便是能够抵御多久…… In the heart relaxed at the same time, Sha Tie clenches teeth to gain ground, looks to Xiao Yan, looks at the opposite party is the somewhat dim complexion, cannot help but has sneered, however the sneering sound has not passed on the spur completely, on his face was suddenly stiff. 心中松了一口气的同时,沙铁咬着牙抬起头,望向萧炎,瞧得对方也是有些黯淡的脸色,不由得冷笑了一声,然而冷笑声还未完全传出嘴中,他脸庞上便是陡然僵硬了下来。 Under the gaze of Sha Tie, sees only that complexion dim Xiao Yan, the hand wielded, jade bottle then appears in his hand, fast pours three perfectly round Medicinal Pill, is in front of Sha Tie, then has pouched in the stomach, at once, the Initial Phase efficacy displays rapidly, on Xiao Yan face dim, although does not have to remove all, may at least compared with formerly be on good. 沙铁的注视下,只见得那原本脸色黯淡的萧炎,手一挥,一个玉瓶便是出现在其手中,飞快地倒出三枚浑圆丹药,然后当着沙铁的面,便是吞进了肚中,旋即,初期的药力迅速发挥,萧炎脸庞上的黯淡虽然没有尽数去除,可至少比先前是好上了一些。 Just likes swallows bean general eating up Medicinal Pill, Xiao Yan gains ground to Sha Tie is bringing back wipes the smiling face, both hands tremor, that command Sha Tie face stiff green-colored flame, has emerged once again, vigor that but this time, just had not started obviously, but the bonus is so, this also is still makes Sha Tie corners of the mouth one twitch. 犹如吞豆子一般的吃下丹药,萧炎抬头对着沙铁勾起一抹笑容,双手微震,那令得沙铁脸庞僵硬的青色火焰,再度涌现了出来,只不过这一次,已经明显没有刚开始的雄浑,不过饶是如此,这也依然是让得沙铁嘴角一阵抽搐。 Mother...... This fellow is Alchemist, doesn't need such to eat? Medicinal Pill do not money?” face is somewhat pale, in the Sha Tie heart is actually the incomparable grief and indignation, drew support from the strange green-colored flame fight is very being shameless, but this fellow unexpectedly also Medicinal Pill, when the bean ate, replied the consumption by this Dou Qi, did this also hit? “妈的……这家伙就算是炼药师,也不用这么吃吧?丹药不要钱啊?”脸庞有些铁青,沙铁心中却是无比的悲愤,借助着诡异的青色火焰战斗便已经很是无耻了,可这个家伙竟然还把丹药当豆子吃,以此来回复消耗的斗气,这还打个屁啊? Hey......” looks at the Sha Tie complexion, Xiao Yan smiles, the vision sweeps to nearby Xun'er, Hu Jia they, after instantaneous, the chin raises, immediately three people simultaneously swept in a flash , the vigorous attack, was greeting the past to Sha Tie, after at this time, that was similar to the tortoiseshell hard Dou Qi armor is almost burnt the nihility by Xiao Yan Green Lotus Core Flame nearly, at this time did not begin, when treated? “嘿嘿……”瞧得沙铁的脸色,萧炎嘿嘿一笑,目光扫向一旁的薰儿,琥嘉两人,瞬间后,下巴一扬,顿时三人同时闪掠而出,雄浑攻击,都是对着沙铁招呼了过去,此时后那如同乌龟壳般坚硬的斗气铠甲几乎已经被萧炎青莲地心火烧得近乎虚无,此时不动手,更待何时? Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” green-colored flame is enlarging in the eye pupil rapidly, was recalling formerly that by pain of flame ignition, Sha Tie face is a vibration, the vision fast four companions who has swept that be defeated, shook the head reluctantly, at once deeply inspired, drinks such as the thunderclap to resound in the spacious forests generally, had a scare all people. 青色火焰在眼瞳中急速的放大着,回想着先前那被火焰灼烧的痛楚,沙铁脸庞便是一阵抖动,目光飞快的扫过那已经落败的四名同伴,无奈地摇了摇头,旋即深吸了一口气,喝声如炸雷一般在空旷林间响起,将所有人都是吓了一跳。 Three swift and fierce attacks, when being separated Sha Tie still also half meter distances, suddenly stop, three people of footsteps one wrong, is extremely agilely dodges to draw back, Xiao Yan has selected the eyebrow, said with a smile: What's wrong?” 三道凌厉攻击,在间隔沙铁尚还有半米距离时,陡然停顿,三人脚步一错,便是极其敏捷地闪退而下,萧炎挑了挑眉,笑道:“怎么?” We lost......” “我们输了……” Sha Tie sighed, but extremely the tunnel, the present aspect, he does not think that they have the leeway that anything revolts against, naturally, if no in the Xiao Yan hand that everywhere to restrain his green-colored flame, he can put together by enemy three places actually, what a pity...... 沙铁叹了一口气,极其无奈地道,现在的局面,他并不认为他们还有什么反抗的余地,当然,若是没有萧炎手中那处处克制着他的青色火焰的话,他倒是能够以一敌三地拼一拼,可惜…… Helpless sound that in the Sha Tie mouth spreads, slowly is pacing back and forth on the glade, but under this sound, all people fell into silent, words that this fellow this admits defeat suddenly, indeed was some extremely shocks, from formerly situation, Xiao Yan was almost pressed by him is hitting, the people also think this big Warlord will be more frigid, finally...... 沙铁嘴中传出的无奈声音,缓缓的在林间空地上徘徊着,而在这声音之下,所有人都是陷入了寂静,这个家伙这忽然间认输的话,的确是有些太过震撼了点,从先前的情形来看,萧炎几乎是被他压着在打啊,原本众人还以为这番大战将会更加惨烈,结果…… The silent atmosphere after above the open area has continued the long time time, some new students finally have gotten back one's composure, immediately, such as thunder-like happy drinks the sound, was shakes rustle to tremble the woods. 沉默的气氛在空地之上持续了半晌时间后,一些新生终于是回过了神来,顿时,如雷般的欢喝声,将树林都是震得簌簌发抖了起来。 ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. 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