BTTH :: Volume #3

#451: Reverse aspect

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Oh!” “噢!” In the field appears in Wu Hao black clothing young girl suddenly, immediately made periphery these injured newborn complexion wild with joy loudness cheer, Xun'er has defeated the match at this critical moment, and stopped doing to aid Wu Hao, this then in this time to the war, will have added without doubt on sufficiently about the outcome heavy pound chip to a Xiao Yan side! 场中忽然间出现在吴昊身旁的青衣少女,顿时让得周围的那些受伤的新生脸色狂喜的大声欢呼了起来,薰儿在这种关键时刻击败了对手,并且抽出手来援助吴昊,这无疑便是将会在这次的对战中,给萧炎一方加上了足以左右胜负的重磅筹码! All right?” The vision is fixing the eyes on the opposite that complexion ugly black ghost team member, Xun'er spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “没事吧?”目光紧盯着对面的那位脸色难看的“黑煞队”成员,薰儿随口问道。 Fortunately.” The Wu Hao body shook shaking, face whiten clenching the teeth said. “还好。”吴昊身体晃了晃,脸色苍白的咬紧牙关道。 He gives me to come, you rest.” How Xun'er can unable to look at this time Wu Hao reluctantly, said in a soft voice, in the palm the golden light is more powerful and dazzling. “他交给我来,你休息一下。”薰儿怎能瞧不出此时吴昊的勉强,轻声说了一声,掌心中金光越加强盛与刺眼。 Does not use, he formerly that palm was also shaken by me received the heavy wound, your I collaborate, defeats him with the quickest speed, how long otherwise Hu Jia could not support with other newborn that sides.” Wu Hao deeply inspired, pale face wells up to wipe ruddily, the words just fell, he then does not accommodate the Xun'er start to talk, transfers within the body few Dou Qi, to that black ghost team the member overran wickedly. “不用,他也被我先前那一掌震得受了不轻的伤,你我联手,用最快的速度打败他,不然琥嘉与其他新生那边支撑不了多久。”吴昊深吸了一口气,苍白的脸庞涌上一抹红润,话语刚刚落下,他便不容薰儿开口,调动起体内为数不多的斗气,对着那名“黑煞队”的成员恶狠狠地冲了过去。 Yeah......” looks at Wu Hao also to dare to attack unexpectedly, Xun'er shouted hurriedly, stature flashes, during breath has then surpassed Wu Hao, in the double palms, golden light violently surge, an extremely long Golden energy long whip, extends suddenly at once rapidly, finally whip body, clear in the sound disseminates in the air. “哎……”瞧得吴昊竟然还敢率先进攻,薰儿急忙喊了一声,身形闪动,一个呼吸间便是超过了吴昊,双掌之间,金光猛然暴涌,旋即一道极长的金色能量长鞭,迅速延伸而出,最后鞭身一阵,清脆的噼里声响在空气中传播而出。 Above Golden energy long whip, as if also faintly is covering become faintly discernible Golden flame, the long whip moves, if the speed quickly the lightning, that black ghost team member feels front golden light to dodge, the blazing fresh breeze then arrived from the top of the head, immediately the complexion changes, body suddenly backward distressed rolled. 金色能量长鞭之上,似乎还隐隐地覆盖着一层若隐若现金色火焰,长鞭甩动,速度快若闪电,那名“黑煞队”成员感觉得面前金光一闪,炽热劲风便是从头顶降临了下来,当下脸色一变,身体猛然向后狼狈的滚了一圈。 The Golden long whip mixed with blazing fresh breeze not to locate to fall from the front in the ground, immediately this slightly somewhat moist land, immediately becomes at the naked eye obvious speed withered, after instantaneous, one -and-a-half meters, was roasted by the high temperature roasts just likes hard such as the trace of stony soil appears in the ground. 金色长鞭夹杂着炽热劲风从面前不处落在了地面上,顿时本略有些湿润的土地,立刻以肉眼可见的速度变得干枯,瞬间后,一条半米长,被高温炙烤得犹如坚硬如石地的痕迹出现在了地面上。 The eye casts a sidelong glance that to be roasted roasts such as the stony soil ground, that black ghost team member corners of the mouth twitched slightly, makes an effort to swallow saliva, however it has not stood up with enough time, the blood shade came from one side swept in a flash together suddenly, above former chest that last foot heavily trampled in responding. 眼睛瞟了一眼那被炙烤如石地的地面,那位“黑煞队”成员嘴角微微抽搐,使劲地咽了一口唾沫,然而其还未来得及站起身来,一道血影猛然自一旁闪掠而来,最后一脚重重地踹在反应不及的前者胸膛之上。 Snort......” was trampled by a foot, this black ghost team the member complexion wells up to wipe ruddily, constrains to arrive at the blood of throat forcefully, in the throats spreads together low stuffy, keeps attacking after this continually, in his eyes was also passed over gently and swiftly some vicious tendencies, made an effort to raise the air/Qi, belly backward hollow, at once one breath suddenly Tu. “哼……”被一脚踹中,这位“黑煞队”的成员脸色涌上一抹红润,强行压抑住到达喉咙的鲜血,喉咙间传出一道低低闷哼,经过这连番不停地打击,他眼中也是掠过些许戾气,使劲提气,肚子向后一阵凹陷,旋即一口气暴吐而出。 As its one breath puts out, Dou Qi that above his body condenses was also suddenly from its chest place such as energy ripples violently surge, finally has run upon the sole of Wu Hao, immediately, the book was the latter of spent force, then under this rebound Dou Qi shock-wave, a blood has spurted, body after flying upside down several meters, poured in the withered leaf softly. 随着其一口气吐出,其身体之上所凝聚的斗气也是猛然自其胸膛处如能量涟漪般暴涌了出去,最后撞上了吴昊的脚掌,顿时,本就是强弩之末的后者,便是在这股反弹斗气冲击波下,一口鲜血喷了出来,身体在倒飞了几米之后,软绵绵地倒在了枯叶之中。 Bang!” “嘭!” Just shook injures Wu Hao, this black ghost team member also without enough time the happy, lithe green beautiful figure then like ghosts and demons swept in a flash in front, that elegantly simple fine pretty face at this time slightly was still holding some chill in the air, above the right palm, golden light Sheng, half foot distances when the gap, together the golden light hand imprint, in violently shoot from his palm, finally heavily pounded greatly in the place of his chest. 刚刚震伤吴昊,这位“黑煞队”成员尚还来不及高兴,轻盈的青色倩影便是如鬼魅般闪掠面前,那张淡雅精致的俏脸此时略噙着些许寒意,右掌之上,金光大盛,在间隔前还有半尺距离时,一道金光手印,自其掌心中暴射而出,最后重重地砸在其胸口之处。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” Received a Xun'er heavy bang solid, that black ghost team member cannot support finally again, a blood spouts from his mouth, the body also under Xun'er that strength bang, the both feet applies the tread, is retroceding unceasingly, finally heavily hits on a thick bough, the strength that then shows from the back, shook several cracks the bough unexpectedly. 结结实实地受了薰儿一记重轰,那名“黑煞队”成员也终于是再支撑不住,一口鲜血从其嘴中喷出,身体也是在薰儿那一记力轰下,双脚搽着地面,不断地后退着,最后重重地撞在一株粗大的树干上,那从后背所透出的劲气,竟然还将树干震出了几道裂缝。 This war circle, from the sudden attack of Wu Hao, to final black ghost team member is defeated, almost occurred in less than one minute merely, many new students can only see Wu Hao to run out, instead was shaken then to draw back by the opposite party, finally is Xun'er that has the palm of weight. 这处的战圈,从吴昊的突然攻击,到最后的“黑煞队”成员落败,几乎仅仅发生在不到一分钟的时间内,很多新生都只能看到吴昊冲出,然后被对方反震而退,最后便是薰儿那极具重量的一掌。 However no matter they whether saw clearly the combat process, but that black ghost team being defeated of member, is real, therefore, after determining the latter already not again the strength of war, wild with joy happy drinks the sound, has made a sound in the open territory once again, new student who is incapable of participating in the fight, at this moment is excited the complexion to become flushed, along with being defeated of these two, the probability that Xiao Yan they win, no longer lowers that some are impossible to stand up from failure! 不过不管他们是否看清了战斗过程,可那名“黑煞队”成员的落败,却是真真实实的,因此,在确定了后者已经没有再战之力后,狂喜的欢喝声,再度在空旷地上响了起来,很多无力参加战斗的新生,都是在此刻激动得脸色涨红,随着这两人的落败,萧炎他们胜利的几率,已经不再是低得有些不可能翻身的那种! To now, opposite party five people, has been defeated they, but reviews Xiao Yan and the others, actually merely only then a Wu Hao person lost the battle efficiency, so looks like, this battle, is relying on the Xun'er splendid strength, they the antipode for the disadvantageous aspect, have promoted to be able with black ghost team above well-matched boundary! 到得现在,对方五人,已落败了两人,而反观萧炎等人这边,却仅仅只有得吴昊一个人失去了战斗力,这般看来,这场争斗,凭借着薰儿的出色实力,他们已经将对极为不利的局面,提升到了能够和“黑煞队”旗鼓相当的界限之上! This made these new students see the hope of victory finally. 这让那些新生终于是看到了胜利的希望。 Under the nearby bough of open area, Su Xiao, Leng Bai, Xiu Yan one group of people are backing on the bough, is looking at that unpredictable war circle, especially when looked at Xun'er unexpectedly to defeat two strengths by one person with they differed not many black ghost team member, is faces of some not being able to bear is all amazed, to now, them is just now attractive to make the young girl who the person was hard to put aside the look cast the serious vision to this. 在空地的一旁树干下,苏笑,棱白,修岩一堆人背靠着树干,望着那变幻莫测的战圈,特别是瞧得薰儿竟然以一人打败了两名实力与他们相差不多“黑煞队”成员时,皆是有些忍不住的一脸惊诧,到得现在,他们方才对这个漂亮得让人难以移开眼神的少女投去凝重目光。 Xiao Yan this team, really very strong...... Formerly if that were called Xun'er and Hu Jia girl chooses to besiege us, we will defeat quickly.” Su Xiao has smiled bitterly, said with a sigh. 萧炎这个队伍,真的很强……先前若是那个叫做薰儿琥嘉的女孩子选择围攻我们的话,我们将会败得更快。”苏笑苦笑了一声,叹息道。 Nearby, Leng Bai and Xiu Yan are also smiling bitterly nod, these two seem like the delicate girls, actually is also having the so tyrannical strength, team of five strengths about in 5-Star Da Dou Shi...... Remembers this, Leng Bai is has the impulsion of showing the whites of the eyes cannot bear, this lineup, even if places in Inner Academy, team that can also be counted medium about. 一旁,棱白修岩也是苦笑着点了点头,这两个看似柔弱的女孩子,竟然也是拥有着这般强横实力,五名实力在五星大斗师左右的队伍……想起这个,棱白便是忍不住的有种翻白眼的冲动,这种阵容,就算是放在内院之中,那也能算上中等左右的团队了。 If that Bai Shan does not sneak away at a critical juncture, they withblack ghost team the internecine strife, who wins who loses, perhaps has not said...... Xiu Yan to tighten the fist really ”, the sinking sound track, when mentioning the Bai Shan name, disdaining on his face has almost not added conceals slightly, Dou Qi that his temper and he cultivates is the same, is belongs to go straight there and come straight back that type, therefore, he to Bai Shan, has not concealed itself similarly to his loathing. “若是那个白山不临阵脱逃的话,他们与“黑煞队”的火拼,谁胜谁负,恐怕还真不好说……”修岩紧了紧拳头,沉声道,在说起白山名字时,他脸庞上的不屑几乎是未加丝毫掩饰,他的性子和他所修炼的斗气相同,都是属于直来直去那种,因此,他对白山,也同样是没有掩饰自己对他的厌恶。 That Bai Shan leaves the created declining tendency, now had been called the Xun'er girl to flare out by that so long as now she can remain not many several new students to collaborate another black ghost team member to be defeated with that „, then, they then can reverse the declining tendency.” The Su Xiao slowly tunnel, the words end , he the vision has swept to that is fighting like a raging fire with Sha Tie obviously has not defeated unexpectedly alike Xiao Yan, in the eye flashes through wipes the exclamation, said in a soft voice: Naturally, this premise is Xiao Yan can before she black ghost team member defeats other „, constrains Sha Tie stubbornly, otherwise......” “那个白山离开所造成的颓势,现在已经被那位叫做薰儿的女孩子拉平了,现在只要她能够与那所剩不多的几位新生联手将另外一名“黑煞队”成员打败的话,那么,他们便是能够将颓势逆转了。”苏笑缓缓地道,话末,他顿了一下,目光扫向那正与沙铁战得如火如荼竟然还未显败象的萧炎,眼中闪过一抹惊叹,轻声道:“当然,这个前提是萧炎能够在她将其他“黑煞队”成员打败前,将沙铁死死拖住,不然的话……” Um......” Leng Bai and Xiu Yan slightly nod, although presently aspect on the scene seems like started the deviation new student, but once Xiao Yan there had problems, aspect that then this just now reverses with great difficulty, will then reverse unsuspensefully once again! “嗯……”棱白修岩微微点了点头,虽然现在场中的局面看似已经开始偏向新生,可一旦萧炎那里出了问题,那么这好不容易方才扭转的局面,则是将会毫无悬念地再度逆转! Therefore, although now Xun'er seems like, for in field important part, but the regulations, Xiao Yan there, just now is playing decisively to closing role! 所以,虽然现在薰儿看似为了场中重要的一环,可实则,萧炎那里,方才是起着决定性的至关作用! The Xiao Yan defeat, that new student thoroughly did not have the hope, but if Xiao Yan smooth towed Xun'er black ghost team new student to be defeated other Sha Tie, perhaps that this time, Xiao Yan and the others will create these years Fire Energy hunted match the miracle! 萧炎败,那新生则是彻底没了希望,而萧炎若是顺利将沙铁拖到了薰儿将其他“黑煞队”新生打败的话,那这一次,恐怕萧炎等人将会创造这么多年以来“火能猎捕赛”的奇迹! A new student, cannot defeat as the Black And White Spirit two teams that but at this time, Xiao Yan and the others are gradually is actually creating the miracle that this has not been presenting! 没有一届的新生,能够将那作为黑白关煞的两支队伍击败,而此时,萧炎等人却是正在逐步地创造着这个尚未出现的奇迹! Being defeated of two members, Sha Tie was also realizes obviously, immediately the complexion slightly became somewhat ugly, started, the attack was also more and more swift and fierce, whistling the fist wind has delimited the air, unexpectedly made the air exude the sound of low and deep airing directly. 己方两名队员的落败,沙铁明显也是察觉到了,当下脸色略微变得有些难看了起来,下手之间,攻击也是越来越凌厉,呼呼拳风划过空气,居然是直接令得空气发出了低沉的气爆之声。 Although the attack of Sha Tie is getting stronger and stronger, but Xiao actually closely pursing the lips lip, stature under that heavily fist shade, just likes a small boat in difficult situation, regardless of the ocean waves are how tyrannical, may actually throughout in the danger in the dangerous condition, maintain the fate that the boat does not end up to turn out tilts. 然而虽然沙铁的攻击越来越强,可萧却是紧紧地抿着嘴唇,身形在那重重拳影之下,犹如惊涛骇浪之中的一叶小舟,无论海浪如何暴虐,可却始终在险之又险的境况中,将小船保持得不落得倾覆的下场。 This time Xiao Yan, displayed the peak the body strength without doubt, moreover he was also clear, the present duty does not defeat Sha Tie, but constrained him! 此时的萧炎,无疑也是将身实力发挥到了巅峰,而且他也清楚,自己现在的任务并非是击败沙铁,而是拖住他! In the field a more intense tactical situation, is attracts the mind of all people does not dare to have the slight migration, for fear that loses concentration, about the war key, was leaked sufficiently. 场中越加激烈的战况,将所有人的心神都是吸引得不敢有丝毫移动,生怕一分神间,足以左右战局的关键之处,便是被漏了过去。 Looks person's shadow that in the field flood is plundering to dodge to leap, all people are secretly worried in the heart, this battle, was really extremely the rubber. 望着场中泛掠闪跃的人影,所有人都是暗自在心中捏了一把汗,这场争斗,实在是太过胶着了。 The time such as fingertip running water, winds through quietly, after Xun'er and Wu Hao collaborated to defeat one black ghost team member about five minutes, black ghost team member who that place still also in three newborn war circles, that clenched teeth to insist, finally in a new student was putting together under the impact of injury, was seized the flaw by Xun'er, therefore, among golden light violently surge, only heard together the sad sound, the shadow drew the parabola in the midair, heavily pounds to fall, spouted the blood that from the mouth, the withered leaf will exaggerate dark red. 时间如指尖流水,悄然流过,就在薰儿吴昊联手击败了一名“黑煞队”成员五分钟左右后,那处尚还有三名新生的战圈中,那位咬牙坚持的黑煞队成员,终于是在一名新生拼着受重伤的冲击下,被薰儿逮住了破绽,于是,金光暴涌间,只听得一道沉闷的声响,黑影在半空中划起抛物线,重重地砸落下地,从嘴中喷出的鲜血,将枯叶渲染得一片殷红。 Walks!” A palm defeats the match once again, among Xun'er that bright and clean volumes was also slightly flood some sweat, did not have the slight rest, has drunk one to three new students who the side was only remaining lowly, at once again nonstop was dashing to go to the Hu Jia war circle! “走!”一掌再度击败对手,薰儿那光洁的额间也是略微泛起了些许汗水,没有丝毫的休息,对着身旁仅剩的三名新生低喝了一声,旋即再度马不停蹄的对着琥嘉的战圈冲撞而去! Also is five minutes passes, in the surrounding new student that shouted loudly happy drank in the sound, except Sha Tie beside, last black ghost team member, by Xun'er, Hu Jia as well as three new students collaborated, hit thoroughly lost the battle efficiency! 又是五分钟时间过去,在周围新生那高呼的欢喝声中,除去沙铁之外,最后一名黑煞队成员,也是被薰儿,琥嘉以及三名新生联手,彻底地打得失去了战斗力! But hence, the situation in field, the victory was almost became lopsided has been partial to a Xiao Yan side! 而至此,场中的局势,胜利几乎是成一面倒的偏向了萧炎一方! ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. Your support, is I biggest power.) (兄弟姐妹们,如果你喜欢土豆的斗破苍穹,请使用“分享到”按钮,分享给你的朋友们吧。您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) Next: 下一篇: Previous: 上一篇:
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