BTTH :: Volume #3

#450: Racing against time

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The eye is staring at Xiao Yan palm ascension green-colored flame stubbornly, in instant that this thing comes out, Sha Tie felt the temperature between forests to elevate obviously suddenly, immediately face are many have wiped serious, somewhat amazed was looking at Xiao Yan, said: „Are you Alchemist?” 眼睛死死地盯着萧炎掌心升腾的青色火焰,在这东西出来的霎那,沙铁明显感觉到林间的温度陡然升高了许多,当下脸庞多了一抹凝重,有些惊诧地望着萧炎,道:“你是炼药师?” On Dou Qi Continent, can summon essence flame, only two possibilities, one type is Alchemist is Magic Beast within the body or Heaven and Earth obtains the fire seed from all kinds of fires, then builds up for oneself uses. 斗气大陆上,能够召唤出实质火焰,仅有两种可能,一种便是炼药师从各种各样的火系魔兽体内或者天地间中取得火种,然后炼为己用。 Another type, then cultivates hot attribute Dou Qi Expert, but light depends on Dou Qi to congeal to turn into essence flame, that is at least wants the Dou Wang rank just now to accomplish reluctantly, naturally, the matter does not have absolutely, some cultivates hot attribute Dou Qi to be possible not to be the Alchemist person, can the good luck use some wonderful strange flame Na Weiji, but same, this is quite harsh to rank Requirement of strength, looks at present Xiao Yan, cannot achieve latter's Requirement obviously, therefore, Sha Tie has then chosen the first possibility. 另外一种,便是修炼火属性斗气强者,只不过光靠斗气凝化成实质火焰,那可是至少要斗王级别方才能够勉强办到,当然,事无绝对,也有一些修炼火属性斗气可并非炼药师的人,能够好运地将一些奇异火焰纳为己用,不过同样的,这对实力的等级要求颇为苛刻,看现在的萧炎,明显是达不到后者的要求,因此,沙铁一口便是选择了第一种可能。 Regarding the amazed question of Sha Tie, Xiao Yan had not replied that green-colored flame from the palm place upward spread, then fast both wrapped two arms, gained ground slightly, in the jet black pupil passed over gently and swiftly once for a while green-colored flame. 对于沙铁的惊诧问话,萧炎并未回答,青色火焰从手掌处向上蔓延,然后飞快地将两条手臂都是包裹在了其中,微微抬头,漆黑的眸子中时不时地掠过青色火焰 Bang!” “轰!” The sole treads once again loudly, only hears clear muffled sound , Xiao Yan stature to change into together the Light cyan shadow together, is carrying the blazing high temperature, was going to Sha Tie violent conflict directly. 脚掌再度轰然踏地,只听得一道清脆闷响,萧炎身形化为一道淡青色影子,携带着炽热高温,径直对着沙铁暴冲了而去。 High-temperature aura that the front surface throws, lets the Sha Tie brow tight wrinkle, although he does not know green-colored flame that Xiao Yan summoned was actually anything type, may become from the surroundings high in the temperature then can guess correctly gradually fuzzily that this flame might, will decide however will not be weak. 迎面扑来的高温气息,让沙铁眉头紧皱,虽然他并不知道萧炎所召唤出来的青色火焰究竟是什么类型的,可从周围逐渐变得高起来的温度中便是可以模糊地猜到,这火焰的威力,定然不会弱。 Body like iron tower standing erect in same place, Sha Tie has not chosen the avoidance is Dou Qi has entrusted with his formidable striking power and defensive power, has actually eliminated his agile, he knows, even if want to fend, may unable to run definitely the attack of Xiao Yan, so why makes this useless merit unexpectedly, instead the action that oneself flaw will expose? 身体如铁塔般的矗立在原地,沙铁没有选择躲避系斗气赋予了他强大的攻击力与防御力,却剥夺了他的敏捷,他知道,就算自己想要闪避,可决计跑不开萧炎的攻击,竟然如此又何必做这无用之功,反而会将自己破绽暴露出来的举动? Blazing aura is closer, in the Sha Tie mouth exudes together the sound of severe drinking, dark Golden Dou Qi from its within the body violently surge out, among golden light violently shoot, almost wraps Sha Tie whole body any spot suddenly in emergence of dark [gold/metal] Dou Qi armor, finally wraps to enter Sha Tie, takes a quick look around, just likes is the metal statue who a metal casts is ordinary. 炽热气息越加接近,沙铁嘴中发出一道厉喝之声,暗金色斗气猛然自其体内暴涌而出,金光暴射间,一副几乎将沙铁全身上下任何部位都是包裹在其中的暗金斗气铠甲的涌现而出,最后把沙铁包裹而进,一眼看去,就犹如是一个金属所铸的金人一般。 After the Dou Qi armor appears, that blazing aura just now reduced, Sha Tie that grips tightly like metal great fist slowly, finally does not have the least bit to be fancy, does not have any style straight bombardment. 斗气铠甲出现之后,那炽热的气息方才消减了一些,沙铁那如金属般的巨拳缓缓紧握,最后没有半点花俏,也没有任何招式地直直轰击而出。 Although the Sha Tie fist has not had any style change, the terrifying power that but above contains is fills the air the space of Xiao Yan whole body directly all, at this time, the absolute strength, included all. 沙铁拳头虽然并未有什么招式变化,可其上所蕴含的恐怖力量是直接将萧炎周身的空间尽数弥漫在其中,此时,绝对的力量,囊括了一切。 face is tying tight, in Xiao Yan within the body channel Dou Crystal is shivering unceasingly, tyrannical Dou Qi was emitted, finally fast pasts in the meridians, brings the full to Xiao Yan the battle efficiency. 脸庞紧绷着,萧炎体内气旋之内地斗晶不断地颤抖着,一波波强横的斗气被喷吐而出,最后飞快地流转在经脉中,给萧炎带来充盈的战斗力。 Above the fist, green-colored flame shrouded, is ejecting rapidly finally suddenly, hit with Sha Tie fist heavily without bias and without favor in one, the time, strength ripples from their center spread, will approach their several big trees, shook split several cracks, became has creakied. 拳头之上,青色火焰急速缭绕着,最后猛然击出,与沙铁的拳头不偏不倚地重重撞在了一起,顿时间,一股劲气涟漪从两人中心蔓延而出,将临近两人的几颗大树,震得裂开了几道裂缝,变得摇摇欲坠了起来。 The aggressive strength that the fist uploads, making Xiao Yan urgently draw back two steps, but reviewed Sha Tie, actually merely was only the body shivered several, it seems like, under the pure strength competion, compared with Xiao Yan and Sha Tie, must miss on some. 拳头之上传过来的凶悍劲气,令得萧炎急退了两步,而反观沙铁,却仅仅只是身体颤抖了几下,看来,在纯粹的力量比拼之下,萧炎沙铁相比,依然是要差上一些。 In the past, although Xiao Yan was shaken has drawn back two steps, but Sha Tie actually similarly is slightly some does not feel better, green-colored flame above Xiao Yan fist, making him suffer loss, formerly to bumping, if not has the isolation of Dou Qi armor, perhaps his fist will be smoked to roast to swell several, however the bonus was so, now the Sha Tie fist, still faintly has the scalding hot ache. 当年,虽然萧炎被震退了两步,可沙铁却同样是略有些不太好受,萧炎拳头之上的青色火焰,让得他吃足了苦头,先前的对碰,若非是有着斗气铠甲的隔绝,恐怕他的拳头会被熏烤得肿上好几圈,然而饶是如此,现在沙铁地拳头,依然是隐隐有着灼热的疼痛。 The vision swept green-colored flame in Xiao Yan hand vaguely, in the Sha Tie heart had passed over gently and swiftly some shock, Alchemist flame, he had not seen before by no means that even Arena also has also fought with some Alchemy Faculty students, but these students summoned, but flame, was basically impossible to penetrate the Dou Qi armor becomes the least bit injury to other party, however now in Xiao Yan that hand strange green-colored flame, has the so terrifying effect, this has to have one to wipe serious by Sha Tie. 目光隐晦地扫过萧炎手中的青色火焰,沙铁心中掠过些许震惊,炼药师火焰,他以前并非是没有见过,甚至还竞技场还与一些炼药系的学生战斗过,可那些学生召唤而出的火焰,基本不可能穿透斗气铠甲给他造成半点伤害,然而如今萧炎那手中奇异的青色火焰,却是有着这般恐怖奇效,这不得不让得沙铁心存一抹凝重 Thought rapid rotation when the Sha Tie heart, Xiao Yan actually once again rubs the body to throw, but now, he actually gave up meeting the tough head-on with toughness, but starts with the aid of the agile advantage, just likes the ghosts and demons is ordinary, unceasing in Sha Tie whole body swept in a flash , double fist once for a while belt the green-colored flame bombardment, in the spacious forest land, brings clang clang the [gold/metal] iron touches the sound. 沙铁心中念头飞速转动时,萧炎却是再度揉身扑上,只不过现在,他却是放弃了硬碰硬,而是开始借助着自己敏捷之利,犹如鬼魅一般,不断的在沙铁周身闪掠,双拳时不时的带起青色火焰轰击而出,在空旷的林地中,带起“锵锵”的金铁相碰声音。 Regarding Xiao Yan that nearly attack continuously, Sha Tie has not had the too big reflection, can evade , then evades, cannot evade is hard anti-, occasionally with heavy blows wields, above the feeling of serious strength, making Xiao Yan has to leave to avoid. 对于萧炎那近乎连绵不断的攻击,沙铁并未有太大的反映,能避则避,不能避便是硬抗而下,偶尔间重拳挥动,其上越加沉重的力量之感,令萧炎不得不抽身躲避。 When Xiao Yan and Sha Tie fight is more irritable, several other, gradually was in the superheating stage. 萧炎沙铁战斗越加火暴之时,其他的几处,也是逐步进入了白热化阶段。 Perhaps is because formerly had fought a reason, therefore Hu Jia and Wu Hao after the fight has been conducted for nearly about 67 minutes, filled Dou Qi of body surface finally is starts somewhat dimly, Hu Jia wanted to be better actually, but Wu Hao, was actually already because of weakening of Dou Qi, but caused the strength, the speed, fended and so on large scale drops, thus almost started by that black ghost team the member pressed completely in leeward. 或许是因为先前已经战斗了一番的缘故,因此琥嘉吴昊在战斗进行了将近67分钟左右后,弥漫体表的斗气终于是开始有些黯淡了下来,琥嘉倒是要稍好一些,可吴昊,却是已经因为斗气的减弱,而导致力量,速度,闪避等等大幅度的下降,从而几乎已经开始被那名“黑煞队”的队员完全压在下风。 If is not Wu Hao attacks murders aura to be too heavy, that black ghost team the member somewhat is worried to be seriously battered, perhaps fight of Wu Hao, will also be more difficult. 若非是吴昊攻击间杀伐气息太重,那名“黑煞队”的队员有些担心受重创的话,恐怕吴昊的战斗,还会更加艰难。 They slightly somewhat occupy compared with the leeward situation with here, Xun'er entirely is actually opposite, in the double palms golden light violently shoot, stature elegant such as a wisp of light smoke, the attack speed also quickly must carry over an incomplete shade, how long reason because perhaps she was also clear Wu Hao and Hu Jia cannot support, therefore did not maintain the strength again the idea, occasionally displayed tyrannical Dou Technique, will then be will compel to be surrounded by perils the match, if were not because fight experienced words, perhaps this bad luck black ghost team member, will be the person of first being defeated. 与这边两人略有些占下风的情况相比,薰儿倒是完全相反,双掌间金光暴射,身形飘逸如一缕轻烟,攻击速度也是快得带出了道道残缺影,或许因为她也清楚吴昊琥嘉支持不了多久的缘故,因此再没有丝毫保存实力的想法,偶尔间施展出强横的斗技,便是会将对手逼得险象环生,若非是因为战斗经验丰富的话,恐怕这名倒霉的“黑煞队”队员,将会是第一个落败的人。 In these three fight beyond the circle, the most chaotic war circle, that is 15 newborn and last black ghost team the fight of member, although the newborn population occupies much, but because formerly with the reason five people of Su Xiao three team internecine strife were more or less somewhat injured, moreover now meets a strength again enough about Expert in 5-Star Da Dou Shi, was naturally impossible to gain the victory. 在这三处战圈之外,还有一处最混乱的战圈,那便是15名新生与最后一名“黑煞队”成员的战斗,虽然新生人数占多,可因为先前与苏笑三支队伍火拼的缘故五人都是或多或少的有些受伤,而且如今再遇见一名实力足足在五星大斗师左右的强者,自然是不可能取得胜利。 Therefore, this merely less than ten minutes, 15 people of new students, then five people black ghost team member were shaken the wound to withdraw by that have fought the circle, other ten people , can only rely on the coordination to support reluctantly, but among them the coordination is far from the tacit understanding obviously, therefore, every other 2-3 minutes, will then seek for the flaw by the match, were wounded temporarily lose the battle efficiency. 因此,这才仅仅不到十分钟时间,15人的新生,便是有五人被那名“黑煞队”成员震伤退出了战圈,其余十人,也只能凭借着配合勉强支撑着,不过他们之间的配合明显谈不上默契,因此,每隔两三分钟时间,便是会被对手寻找出破绽,然后被击伤得暂时失去战斗力。 Above the trim open area, five fight in the circle, Hu Jia, Wu Hao as well as newborn three, occupy the disadvantageous position, Xiao Yan are relying on Heavenly Flame, can contend with a meeting with Sha Tie actually, but wants to win , if no decisiveness to strike, obviously is also impossible by, five fight the circle, only then Xun'er that is the complete situation winning side...... 整片空地之上,五处战圈中,琥嘉,吴昊以及新生三处,都是占着不利方位,萧炎凭借着异火,倒是能与沙铁抗衡一会,不过想要取胜若是没有决定性一击的话,显然也是不可能以,五处战圈只有薰儿那一处,是完全的处于上风…… The present battlefield must to look that is which side can some people set aside the hand unexpectedly first, so long as can have one person a half minute to defeat the match ahead of time, perhaps then this fight, is rapidly will be partial to that side them the victory indicator! 现在的战场是得要看竟是哪一方能够有人最先腾出手来,只要能够有一人提前半分钟击败对手,那么这场战斗,或许便是会迅速地将胜利指针偏向他们那一边! Regarding this point, in the field almost includes the new students who these had not entered the war to understand, therefore, their vision, tight is staring at Wu Hao and Xun'er these two fights the circle, because of here, will win two that or is defeated first to fight the circle first. 对于这一点,场中几乎包括了那些没有参战的新生都是明白,因此,他们的目光,都是紧紧的盯着吴昊薰儿这两处战圈,因为这里,将会是最先胜利或最先失败的两处战圈。 Filled scarlet Dou Qi of whole body to be dim, obviously, Wu Hao Dou Qi started to enter the oil completely lamp dry situation, formerly the fight with Xiu Yan, had exhausted his physical strength, now is the fight of so high load, even if took Xiao Yan Energy Recovery Pill a moment ago , started somewhat unable to support. 弥漫周身的血色斗气越加黯淡了一些,显然,吴昊斗气已经开始进入油尽灯枯的地步,先前与修岩的战斗,已经是耗尽了他的气力,现在又是这般高负荷的战斗,就算是刚才服用了萧炎的一枚回气丹,也是开始有些支撑不住了。 In hand color heavy sword maliciously to match detachment, but so the effort, is directly with ease is actually avoided by the opposite party, stature one wrong, then appears left side of Wu Hao, the hand sword strap has the incisive strength to divide in the place of Wu Hao wrist|skill, immediately, scarlet heavy sword lets go, that black ghost team the member happily has sneered, double holds Dou Qi shrouded, at once heavily is rumbling to the Wu Hao chest in the past, looks at this momentum, if were hit, perhaps Wu Hao must be defeated. 手中色重剑狠狠对着对手劈去,不过这般力度,却是直接被对方轻松避开,身形一错,便是出现在吴昊左侧,手刀带起尖锐劲气劈在吴昊手腕之处,顿时,血色重剑脱手而出,那名“黑煞队”的成员得意地冷笑了一声,双掌斗气缭绕,旋即重重地对着吴昊胸膛轰了过去,看这声势,若是被击中的话,吴昊恐怕就得率先落败了。 Under the anxious gaze of people, the fist and Wu Hao distance approached, however, soon at the bang the Wu Hao body when the fist, face slightly somewhat gloomy Wu Hao, is actually the eye suddenly will open the eyes, two blood streams flow out from his nose, rich murders aura just likes from its within the body returns to consciousness just before dying general violently surge out, the low and deep roar resounds in his throats, on the double palm dim scarlet Dou Qi once again becomes dark red, the palm grips tightly, the anger however rumbles. 在众人的焦急的注视下,拳头与吴昊的距离越加接近了,然而,就在拳头即将轰上吴昊身体时,脸庞略有些灰暗的吴昊,却是眼目陡然一睁,两道血流自其鼻中流出,一股浓郁的杀伐气息从其体内犹如回光返照一般的暴涌而出,低沉的吼声在其喉咙间响起,双掌上原本黯淡的血色斗气再度变得殷红起来,手掌紧握,怒然轰出。 Bang!” “嘭!” The double fist hands over the bang, the sad sound reverberates in continuous, a Wu Hao shoulder play trembles, but that black ghost team member, is actually together stuffy, a wisp of bloodstain from the corners of the mouth overflow , after the both feet tread has drawn back several continually, just now stature stands firm, gained ground, the startled anger occurred simultaneously was looking at the face whiten many Wu Hao, obviously, the former should display some type Secret Skill that overdrew the strength, just now in this flash, erupted this grade of strength. 双拳交轰,沉闷的声响在中回荡不休,吴昊肩膀一阵剧颤,而那位“黑煞队”成员,却是一道闷哼,一缕血迹从嘴角溢流而下,双脚着地面连退了好几步后,方才将身形稳住,抬起头来,惊怒交加的望着脸色苍白了许多的吴昊,显然,前者应该是施展了某种透支力量的秘法,方才在这一瞬间中,爆发出这等力量。 However looks at the Wu Hao complexion, as if Secret Skill of this overdrawing, present he, cannot use again the second time. 不过看吴昊的脸色,似乎这种透支的秘法,现在的他,根本不能再动用第二次。 Snort!” That black ghost team member was also looks is Wu Hao of spent force, immediately coldly snorted, has constrained within the body injury forcefully, the body changes into a shadow, was going to Wu Hao violently shoot once again. “哼!”那名“黑煞队”成员也是瞧出了已是强弩之末的吴昊,当下冷哼了一声,强行压抑住体内伤势,身体化为一道黑影,再度对着吴昊暴射而去。 Bang!” “轰!” When he is separated Wu Hao only has less than five meters distance, a shadow suddenly shoots, that black ghost team member one startled, first to form, withdrew at once hurriedly two steps. 就在他间隔吴昊仅有不到五米距离时,一道黑影忽然射来,那名“黑煞队”成员一惊,前冲身影一顿,旋即急忙退后了两步。 Along with his backlash, the shadow is also pounding of heavily falls in the ground, that black ghost team member eyes glances, the complexion actually changed, originally this shadow unexpectedly was formerly with person of Xun'er to the war. 随着他的后退,黑影也是重重的砸落在地面上,那名“黑煞队”成员眼睛一瞟,脸色却是变了,原来这黑影竟然便是先前与薰儿对战之人。 In the heart passed over gently and swiftly wipes with amazement, he looks up hurriedly, sees only side that Wu Hao, a black clothing young girl is faint and vertical, in the palms the shrouded golden light, slightly punctures some eyes to hurt him. 心中掠过一抹骇然,他急忙抬头一看,只见得在那吴昊身旁,一名青衣少女正淡漠而立,掌心间缭绕的金光,将他刺得略有些眼疼。 Bad......” “糟了……” ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. 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