BTTH :: Volume #3

#457: Reward

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Elder Su that slightly somewhat old sound slowly is reverberating, let all fights has been ceasing at this moment, on the hillside, these Inner Academy senior micro slightly open opening mouth, has wanted to say anything, finally was actually any words cannot spit. 苏长老那略有些苍老的声音缓缓回荡着,让得所有的战斗都是在此刻停息了下来,山坡上,那些内院老生微张了张嘴,想说点什么,结果却是什么话也吐不出来。 Oh!” “噢!” Silent after beside the forest has continued the moment time, these new students, finally cannot bear in the heart wild with joy, has cheered loudly, this nearly 56 days of difficult striving for success, will have the repayment now finally, how can this make them not joyful? 沉默在森林之外持续了片刻时间后,那些新生,终于是忍不住心中的狂喜,大声的欢呼了起来,这将近56天的艰辛拼搏,如今终于是有了回报,这如何能让得他们不喜悦? Hears the following that to resound through, but cheers, Xiao Yan pale face is also reappears some smiling faces, covered the chest to cough gently several, turned the head to look similarly is being the whole face joyful Xun Er three people, said with a smile: It seems like the thing, did not need to hand over again.” 听得后面那响彻而起的欢呼声,萧炎苍白的脸庞也是浮现些许笑容,捂着胸口轻轻咳嗽了几声,转头望着同样是满脸欣喜的熏儿三人,笑道:“看来到手的东西,不用再交出去了。” Brother Xiao Yan, all right?” Looks at the Xiao Yan complexion, Xun Er hurries to go forward two steps, holds him somewhat to love dearly asks. 萧炎哥哥,没事吧?”瞧得萧炎的脸色,熏儿赶忙上前两步,扶着他有些心疼地问道。 Not anything, but a little escapes the strength.” Xiao Yan beckoned with the hand with a smile, the Buddha's Fury Flame Lotus might is not no doubt small, but it to the consumption of Spiritual Strength and Dou Qi is too big, by the Xiao Yan present strength, under the most flourishing condition can only display one time, if displays the second time again forcefully, perhaps on, because the strength used up to fall into the coma condition. “没什么,只是有点脱力而已。”萧炎笑着摆了摆手,佛怒火莲威力固然不小,可它对灵魂力量斗气的消耗实在太大,以萧炎现在的实力,全盛状态下只能够施展一次,若是再强行施展第二次的话,恐怕就得因为力竭而陷入昏迷状态了。 Has not thought that you also really have real skill, no wonder Xun Er so never forgets to you, really had been a pity......” fooled fine to pat the shoulder of Xiao Yan carelessly. The fight is always shoulder to shoulder easiest to train each other optimal path of relations, after these day being together, her on trials, because Xiao Yan the resentment that gets rid to have too heavily, dissipated actually thoroughly, said from the bottom of the heart, all sorts that these day Xiao Yan displayed, but also was really very makes her hold in high esteem. “没想到你还真有两下子,难怪熏儿对你这般念念不忘,真是可惜了……”唬嘉大大咧咧地拍了拍萧炎的肩膀。并肩战斗总是最容易培养彼此关系的最佳途径,经过这几日的相处,她那在选拔赛上因为萧炎出手太重而产生的怨气,倒是彻底地消散去了,打心底说,这几日萧炎所表现出来的种种,还真是挺让得她刮目相看的。 „The Xun Er vision is not indeed bad, but...... I will try hard to practice to catch up with you.” Wu Hao gains ground, pulls up a somewhat stiff curve to Xiao Yan, obviously, regarding temper sadly and only knows gradually the fight madman during practice, little has shown any smiling face to the person. 熏儿眼光的确不差,不过……我会努力修炼赶上你。”吴昊抬头,冲着萧炎拉起一个有些僵硬的弧度,显然,对于性子沉闷而且只知浸淫在修炼之中的战斗狂人,很少对人露出过什么笑容。 Xiao Yan smiled, said with a smile lightly: Do not push toward me on the merit, I clear own weight, without your assistance, I again like He Qiang, cannot come here, the person of exceptional bravery hero, does not walk away here , not suitable here.” 萧炎笑了笑,轻笑道:“别把功劳都往我身上推,我清楚自己的斤两,没有你们的协助,我再如何强,也走不到这里来,孤胆英雄,在这里走不远,也不适合这里。” Hearing this, fools, Wu Hao to nod silently, does not claim credit arrogantly, insolent and arrogance that the young people have, as if with this young person who acts old fellow completely not related general, this point, is really makes them somewhat sigh. 闻言,唬嘉、吴昊默默点头,居功不傲,年轻人所具备的张狂与狂妄,似乎与这个少年老成的家伙完全不相关一般,这一点,实在是让得他们有些感叹不已。 Elder Su, we have not lost!” 苏长老,我们还没有输!” In Xiao Yan and the others spoke, has the unwilling sound to resound suddenly together, the people vision sweeps, originally is that sits in ground Luo Hou sends, this time latter, face was becoming flushed to flood, obviously, he somewhat from defeating cannot relay the mood in Da Dou Shi. 就在萧炎等人说话间,突然间有着一道不甘的声音响起,众人目光一扫,原来是那一屁股坐在地上的罗侯所发,此时的后者,脸庞正被涨红所充斥,显然,他有些从败在一名大斗师手中转不过情绪来。 Right, we have not lost, we can also fight!” “对,我们还没有输,我们还能战斗!” Hears Captain to speak, that four Team White Spirit member with one voice is also echoing, by formerly fight, so long as gives their enough time, these new students almost will be defeated completely, therefore, they naturally are not willing to get the failure card to make the result suddenly. 听得队长发话,那四名白煞队的成员也是齐声附和着,以先前的战斗来看,只要给他们足够的时间,那些新生几乎将会完全落败,所以,他们自然不愿意忽然间就领个失败证以作结局。 Shuts up to me!” The Elder Su complexion sinks, cold cry out loudly. “都给我闭嘴!”苏长老脸色微沉,冷喝道 Looks at Elder Su to get angry, all people are hurry to be wise close the mouth, does not dare to speak again, has included Luo Hou. 瞧得苏长老发怒,所有人都是赶紧明智得将嘴巴闭上,不敢再发言,包括了罗侯 If not formerly I got rid, you also did have the life to stand here?” Elder Su has turned the head, to the whole face unwilling Luo Hou fierce [say / way]. “先前若非我出手,你还有命站在这里?”苏长老转过头,对着满脸不甘的罗侯厉声道。 Luo Hou complexion micro white, clenches teeth, after the moment, was actually the dispirited, he was clear, if formerly Elder Su did not get rid, perhaps in this Inner Academy, will not have Luo Hou this person. 罗侯脸色微白,咬着牙,片刻后,却是萎靡了下去,他清楚,先前如果苏长老不出手的话,恐怕这内院中,就将会没有罗侯这号人了。 Defeat, has defeated, has what to give a pretext to look?” coldly snorted, the Elder Su vision looked all around, sinking sound track: I said that this or can hunt to make match to end, if you are still not convinced, when the new students enter Inner Academy one month later, can issue the challenge to them directly, so long as they comply, Inner Academy Arena momentarily opens wide, but now, shuts up to me.” “败,就是败了,有何借口好找?”冷哼了一声,苏长老目光环顾四周,沉声道:“我已经说了,这届‘或能猎拍赛’已经结束,你们若依然不服气,等新生们进入内院一个月后,可以直接向他们发出挑战,只要他们答应,内院竞技场随时敞开,可现在,都给我闭嘴吧。” Snort.” “哼。” Shot a look at behind Luo Hou, Elder Su has swept the vision once again to Xiao Yan and the others, the complexion then slows down, said: As this Fire Energy hunts match the victor, the new student on the scene, can obtain respectively for 20 days Fire Energy, but Xiao Yan, Xiao Xun Er, fools, the Wu Hao four people, is extra premium Green Fire Crystal Card, sur- 30 days Fire Energy.” 瞥了身后罗侯一眼,苏长老将目光再度扫向萧炎等人,脸色这才放缓,道:“作为这届‘火能猎捕赛’的胜利者,在场的新生,可以各自获得20天的‘火能’,而萧炎,萧熏儿,唬嘉、吴昊四人,则是额外奖励‘青火晶卡’,外加30天‘火能’。” Green Fire Crystal Card?” 青火晶卡?” Hears words that jumps finally from Elder Su, on the hillside cannot help but somewhat in an uproar, the vision of envying, swept. Xiao Yan four people of 听得从苏长老最终蹦出的话语,山坡上不由得有些哗然,一道道羡慕的目光,扫向了场中的萧炎四人。 Green Fire Crystal Card? What thing is this?” Xiao Yan four people of that is somewhat vacant to this so-called Green Fire Crystal Card, faced one another, is some doubts. 青火晶卡?这是什么东西?”萧炎四人那是对这个所谓的青火晶卡有些茫然,面面相望了一眼,皆是有些疑惑。 He he, in Inner Academy, Flame Crystal Card from low to high, is divided into the black, blue, blue, scarlet, purple five colors, the black crystal cards in your hand, are most low level crystal cards, this crystal seed card, can only in Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower the qualifications of first second level practice, but the blue crystal card is 34, so routine pushes down.” “呵呵,在内院中,火晶卡由低到高,分为黑,蓝,青,赤,紫五种颜色,你们手中的黑色晶卡,是最低级的晶卡,这种晶卡,只能够在‘天焚炼气塔’第一二层修炼的资格,而蓝色晶卡是34层,如此例行推下。” Wants the promotion crystal card, then needs to pay Fire Energy in Inner Academy ‚’ receiving in exchange, generally speaking, exchanges the blue crystal card from the black crystal card, needs to pay for 100 days Fire Energy, but exchanges the green crystal card from the blue crystal card, is takes 200 days Fire Energy, now you obtained Green Fire Crystal Card reward, that was then equal to saving for 300 days Fire Energy, this was not a small number, these Inner Academy senior on the scene, just have become one week ago the blue crystal card promotion besides Luo Hou Green Fire Crystal Card, other mostly still. In use blue color crystal card.” Looks at Xiao Yan several people of doubts, Elder Su with a smile answers. “想要升级晶卡,在内院中便是需要缴纳‘火能’换取,一般来说,从黑色晶卡调换成蓝色晶卡,需要缴纳100天的‘火能’,而从蓝色晶卡调换成青色晶卡,则是需要200天‘火能’,如今你们获得了‘青火晶卡’奖励,那便是相当于节省了300天的‘火能’,这可不是一笔小数目哦,在场的这些内院老生,除了罗侯刚好在一周前把蓝色晶卡升级成了青火晶卡外,其他的大多都依然。是在使用蓝色晶卡。”瞧得萧炎几人的疑惑,苏长老笑着解释道。 300 days Fire Energy?” Hears this number, Xiao Yan and the others just now to understand why the surrounding these vision will flood were envying, they snatched a none remaining senior in the forest, in addition this reward, everyone crystal card also just now just crossed hundred over, from this may also look, in Inner Academy, Fire Energy the gain, should some difficulties. “300天的‘火能’?”听得这个数目,萧炎等人方才明白为什么周围那些目光会充斥着羡慕了,他们在森林中把老生抢了个精光,再加上这次的奖励,每人晶卡也不过方才刚刚过百出头,由此也可瞧出,内院之中,“火能”的获取,应该是有一些难度的。 Elder Su after explaining, hand in a flash, four green crystal cards then appear in his hand, counts on the fingers a ball, the crystal card then shoots at the Xiao Yan four people, finally suspended before them stops stands. 苏长老在解释完毕之后,手一晃,四张青色晶卡便是出现在其手中,屈指一弹,晶卡便是射向萧炎四人,最后在他们面前悬浮停立。 Reward already in inside, you morion card inFire Energy delimits to take, then returns the morion card with me. ” “奖励已经在里面,你们把黑晶卡里面的“火能”划取过去,然后再将黑晶卡交还与我。” Hearing this, Xiao Yan and the others act accordingly hastily, after the moment, became that the empty morion card, has given Elder Su. 闻言,萧炎等人连忙照办,片刻后,将那已经变得空荡荡的黑晶卡,交给了苏长老 Received Black Fire Crystal Card, Elder Su slightly nod, the smiling tunnel: Was good, since you passed Fire Energy to hunt match, then, then enters Inner Academy with me.” The language, he then turns around, to crushed stone steps, the slowly line is going to the hillside above. 接过黑色火晶卡,苏长老微微点头,笑眯眯地道:“好了,既然你们都已经通过了‘火能猎捕赛’,那么,便跟我进入内院吧。”语罢,他便是率先转身,对着一处碎石阶梯,对着山坡之上缓缓行去。 Finally can enter that Inner Academy...... It is not easy.” Looks at the Elder Su back, Xiao Yan long was sighing. In order to enter this Inner Academy, does not know that has spent their many energy, first is the trials, is Fire Energy hunts the match, this Inner Academy...... indeed is not in the imagination is so good. “终于可以进入那内院了……不容易啊。”望着苏长老的背影,萧炎长长地叹了一口气。为了进入这内院,不知道费了他们多少的精力,先是选拔赛,又是火能猎捕赛,这内院……的确不是想象中的那么好进啊。 Walks.” “走吧。” Was beckoning to Xun Er and the others, Xiao Yan takes the lead, on the hillside under all vision gazes, follows in Elder Su behind, is climbing up to the steps on. 对着熏儿等人招了招手,萧炎带头,在山坡上所有目光注视下,跟在苏长老身后,对着阶梯攀爬而上。 This crushed stone steps cannot be regarded high, for merely 1-2 minutes, Xiao Yan and the others is on the final level, then the body raises, then stood above the hillside, the vision swept forward, appears in the field of vision the picture, slightly let their slowly inspiration icy cold air. 这碎石阶梯算不得多高,仅仅一两分钟时间,萧炎等人便是登上最后一层,然后身体一提,便是站在了山坡之上,目光向前一扫,出现在视野里景象,让得他们缓缓地吸了一口气略显冰凉的空气。 „Is this Inner Academy?” Muttering in a low voice, these new students from the hillside has spat finally. “这就是内院么?”喃喃自语的低声,从山坡上那些新生最终吐了出来。 After the hillside, is an extremely huge hollow basin, has the shape of this basin, just likes is a giant meteorite drops from the clouds, pounds general...... 山坡之后,是一处极为庞大的凹陷盆地,有这个盆地的形状,就犹如是一个巨大的陨石从天而降,生生地砸出来的一般…… In the basin, standing tall and erect construction standing in great numbers in, watches exhaltedly, can see to just like the flea shadow swept in a flash above the building jumps unceasingly, the line of sight spreads toward the front, actually discovered that the area of this basin is big somewhat extraordinarily, the line of sight arrives at the end, may actually still only be able to see to stand tall and erect the construction as well as the green green. 盆地内,高耸的建筑林立其中,居高临下地观看,能够看见一道道犹如跳蚤般的黑影不断地在建筑物之上闪掠跳跃,视线朝前方蔓延,却是发现,这处盆地的面积大得有些出奇,视线到达尽头,可却依然只能看见高耸建筑以及葱郁绿色。 Is hard to imagine, in this Jia Nan Academy behind endless mountain, is hiding such a Qi unexpectedly! 难以想象,在这处迦南学院身后无尽大山中,居然还是隐藏着这么一处奇地! He he, the kids, welcome to the Jia Nan Academy core institute: Inner Academy!” The smile looked at shocks on these new new situations, Elder Su has been patting clapping, said with a smile. “呵呵,小家伙们,欢迎来到迦南学院的核心地所:内院!”微笑地望着那些新生面上的震撼,苏长老拍了拍手,笑道。 Here Expert...... many.” Wu Hao face flood wipes frantically, said in a low voice. “这里的强者……好多。”吴昊脸庞泛起一抹狂热,低声道。 Hearing this, Xiao Yan smiles reluctantly, this fellow, but also really worthily is the fight lunatic.... 闻言,萧炎无奈地一笑,这个家伙,还真不愧是战斗疯子…。 Lifts the vision, Xiao Yan slowly has swept from the giant basin, after the moment, deeply inspired, muttered in a low voice in the heart: Fallen Heart Flame...... really here? We hope that do not disappoints me.” 抬起目光,萧炎缓缓地从巨大盆地中扫过,片刻后,深吸了一口气,在心中低声喃喃道:“陨落心炎……真的在这里么?希望不要让我失望吧。” Was good, since hunted match to finish, then all new students returned to Inner Academy with me, first settled you, then you then true became Inner Academy. Believes me, so long as you can insist here, after exiting, you for your progress will feel that all resources are well used.” The Elder Su vision stays in Xiao Yan several people of surface, slowly tunnel. “好了,既然猎捕赛已经结束,那么所有新生都跟我回内院吧,先把你们安顿好,然后你们便是真正的成为了‘内院’的一员。相信我,只要你们能够在这里坚持下去,等到出去之后,你们将会为自己的进步感到一切都是物有所值。”苏长老目光停留在萧炎几人面上,缓缓地道。 All new students are slightly nod, from these senior, they can discover that to practice in this Inner Academy will be the how huge advantage! 所有新生都是微微点头,从那些老生身上,他们已经能够发现,在这个内院修行将会是多么巨大的好处! Walks! All people follow!” “走!所有人都跟上!” The hand wields, Elder Su stature is changes into the fuzzy shadow to plunder to go to that place giant basin together anxiously, after that all new students also immediately the show move stature, at once just likes the locust transit, dives from the hillside, time, excited the cry, circles in this sky, for a very long time is not loose. 手一挥,苏长老身形便是化为一道模糊影子对着那处巨大的盆地急掠而去,其后,所有新生也是立即展动身形,旋即犹如蝗虫过境般,从山坡之上俯冲而下,顿时间,一道道兴奋的嗷嗷叫声,盘旋在这处天空,久久不散。 ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. Your support, is I biggest power.) (兄弟姐妹们,如果你喜欢土豆的斗破苍穹,请使用“分享到”按钮,分享给你的朋友们吧。您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) Next: 下一篇: Previous: 上一篇:
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