BF :: Volume #8

#138: Being in inverse proportion

On the one hand is end of mission of brigade is high enough, on the other hand also has from the exterior support, Vasilyevich Household as well as Tianjing Ma Dong. 一方面是旅团的任务完成度够高,另一方面也有来自外部的支持,伊凡雷帝家族以及天京马东 Vasilyevich also had a Household brigade in the holy city, but these years, the strength of brigade could not do, has set the base in the Level 4 brigade of hotel, even struggles in the degradation edge, by joining the blue light brigade has many development opportunities including Vladimir this official heir, could be imagined. Now Vladimir joins to roam about, because behind Vagrant Brigade the support of any other holy city influences, Vasilyevich had not settled on the vagrant potential, in addition status of Vladimir in Vagrant Brigade, therefore the Household aspect also vigorously supports to Vagrant Brigade, except for providing the aid on certain fund, has from other aspects, for example the present Vagrant Brigade two teams, his team member mostly once formed in that disciple brigade to choose from Vasilyevich. 伊凡雷帝在圣城原本也是有一支家族旅团的,但这么些年了,旅团的实力一直搞不上去,在旅社的四级旅团中一直垫底,甚至挣扎在降级的边缘,连弗拉基米尔这个正式继承人都是靠加入蓝光旅团来获得更多的发展机会,就可想而知了。现在弗拉基米尔加入流浪,由于流浪旅团背后并没有任何其他圣城势力的支持,伊凡雷帝也是看中了流浪的潜力,加上弗拉基米尔流浪旅团中的地位,因此家族方面对流浪旅团也是大力支持,除了提供一定资金上的援助,更有来自其他一些方方面面,比如现在流浪旅团的二队,其队伍成员大多就是从伊凡雷帝曾经组建那个圣徒旅团中挑选过来的。 Entire Level 4 brigade, reassigns obstinately elite, and for a Vagrant Brigade squad, Vasilyevich indicates a spot to this attaching great importance to degree. 整整一个四级旅团,愣是抽调出精锐,并为了流浪旅团的一个小队,伊凡雷帝对这块的重视程度足见一斑。 But Ma Dong did not have these multi-skill energy, he can provide, only then money. 马东就没有这些复合型的能量了,他能提供的,只有钱。 Has saying that this is a talent of doing business, buys cheap and sells dear between Federation and holy city, depends the skeleton to be surprised, because Wang Zhong brings both sides together, as Federation person, has attained the Murphy gold metallurgy workshop in the exclusive subordinate power of attorney of Earth, lets him is almost gets huge windfall wealth, the accumulation speed of wealth is astonishing. Moreover only short 2-3 months, has opened the door in the holy city inner city, sells special commodities on various types of Earth. 不得不说这是一个做生意的天才,在联邦和圣城之间倒买倒卖,仗着骨骼惊奇胆子大,更因为王重从中牵线搭桥,以联邦人的身份,拿到了墨菲炼金工坊在地球的独家下级代理权,让他几乎是一夜暴富,财富的积累速度惊人。而且仅只是短短两三个月的时间,就已经在圣城内城开设出了店门,主营各种地球上的特殊物资。 A shop no doubt is not anything, but must know, let alone a trivial Federation person, wanting the inner city in holy city to open a shop, that at least should be the Teacher rank can have the jurisdiction that even if Wang Zhong is hanging the Teacher title, but this is also only a brevet rank, naturally is the merit that Master Murphy helps. 一家店固然不算什么,但要知道,别说一个区区联邦人,想要在圣城的内城开店,那至少应该是导师级别才能有的权限,就算王重挂着导师头衔,可他这还只是个虚衔呢,当然是墨菲大师帮忙的功劳。 This may really be some feelings of being elated with success recently, is very smooth at the enterprise of holy city, the popularity is gradually high, in addition and Vasilyevich, and Mo Family rapid fiery, lets him is also a day three changes in Earth Federation status, one month ago just officially was appointed as Mayor Tianjing City, but three days ago, he actually once more rose high, so is in history youngest Federation Parliament official Representative. 这位最近可真是有些春风得意的感觉,在圣城的事业无比顺利,知名度渐高,加上和伊凡雷帝、和墨家的迅速火热,让他在地球联邦的地位也是一天三变,一个月前才刚刚被正式任命为天京市市长,可三天前,他却已经再次高升,如此已经是史上最年轻的联邦议会的正式议员了。 If beforehand Ma Dong, can probably inflate blows the broken day, but present he completely quiet, the authority has actually needed to control, but was not enslaved. 如果是以前的马东,大概能膨胀的吹破天,但现在的他却已经完全平静了,权力是需要驾驭的,而不是被奴役。 „...... I must build a great city Tianjing, an international metropolis!” “……我要把天京打造成一座伟大的城市,一座国际化的大都市!” After being elected Representative came back Ma Dong, outside the Tianjing discussing politics hall, has openly given the speech of first singing in good voice and with feeling. 当选议员回来后的马东,在天京议政厅外,公开发表了第一次声情并茂的演讲。 On the stand that wear official western-style clothing, the tie is meticulous youngster, already no longer was once the student of that bracelet, but is dignified day after day, the voice of speech forceful, is loud and clear: Empire and Federation book is a whole family, we are human race! Although because once the mutation of Earth isolated everybody in seacoast both sides, but Dark Era early passed now, we should restore to communicate, we shared hardships, have faced the common enemy, the skin color difference cannot become the barrier of our race fusion, our future......” 看台上那个穿着正式西装,领带系得一丝不苟的年轻人,早已不再是曾经那个跳脱的学生,而是日渐威严,说话的声音铿锵有力、掷地有声:“帝国联邦本都是一家人,我们都是人类!虽然曾因为地球的异变将大家隔绝在海岸两端,可如今黑暗时代早已经过去了,我们应该恢复沟通,我们曾经共患难,面对过共同的敌人,肤色的不同并不能成为我们种族融合的障碍,我们的未来……” Under the stage makes a sound like the thunder applause that prolonged is keeping, has the Empire person who uses the inferior Federation words to mix in the crowd applauds loudly, they are earliest one batch obtain this policy materially beneficial person, the merchant also or Amazon from Tutankhamun desert, was Tianjing gives them to realize the dream the opportunity. Empire public figure who also only then their these true was a part of the Federation life, can the clear feeling once superficial, but becomes longs for that Ma Dong in that Datong Society that in the speech constructs. 台下响着经久不停的如雷般的掌声,有许多操着蹩脚联邦话的帝国人夹杂在人群中大声叫好,他们是最早一批得到这种政策实惠的人,无论是来自图坦卡蒙沙漠的商人亦或是亚马逊的,是天京给了他们实现梦想的机会。也只有他们这些真正已经融入联邦生活的帝国人士,才能真切的感受到曾经的肤浅,而变得更加渴望马东在演讲中所构建的那个大同社会。 Before Federation looked at the Empire person, or the Empire person looked at the Federation person, is always bringing the respective colored spectacles. The Federation person always thought that Empire person Barbaric is primitive, advocates the violence, moreover is not fastidious about the health extremely, goes to bathroom does not use toilet paper that type. But the Empire person looks at the Federation person, then always thought that is the white fatty society that has a high and respected position, everybody is gluttonous and lazy and shiftless. May in fact, these views almost be because the control of ruler's to the public opinion and media makes baseless, the people have not experienced personally, have not contacted by oneself, naturally is hard to distinguish the authenticity of these words, causes between Empire and Federation each other despises and does not communicate mutually. 以前无论是联邦帝国人,亦或是帝国人看联邦人,都总是带着各自的有色眼镜。联邦人总觉得帝国野蛮原始,崇尚暴力而且极不讲究卫生,连上厕所都不用卫生纸那种。而帝国人看联邦人,则总觉得那是一个个养尊处优的白胖子社会,人人好吃懒做、不思进取。可事实上,这些看法几乎都是由于统治者对舆论和媒体的控制所凭空制造出来的,人们没有亲身经历过、没有亲身接触过,自然难以辨别这些话语的真实性,导致帝国联邦之间彼此鄙视、互不来往。 But was now different, had Tianjing to make the pilot, more and more people-to-people exchanges, each other impression as well as the news of Federation and Empire, no longer only disseminated through the official media, various types of once colored spectacles were broken gradually, Federation bountiful with the Empire various primitive flavors as well as types of local products, became the goals of mutual attraction. Each other acceptance becomes higher and higher, Tianjing City and in the city of new world have been admitted to more and more Empire people, even even/including Xin the branch plan also came to an arrangement, that is the new world sets up in a Amazon branch, obtained the Amazon Empire government and full support of Federation Parliament...... 可现在不同了,有了天京做试点,越来越多的民间来往,联邦帝国对彼此的印象以及消息,不再仅只是通过官方媒体来传播,各种曾经的有色眼镜被渐渐打破,联邦的富饶和帝国的原始风味以及各种土特产,都成为了相互吸引的目标。彼此的接受度变得越来越高,天京城和新世界之城里住进了越来越多的帝国人,甚至连新的分部计划也已经谈妥,那是新世界设立在亚马逊的一个分部,得到了亚马逊帝国政府和联邦议会的全力支持…… All are developing in good direction, Federation and Empire as if really gradually have been leading the way in the universal directions, just in these many smooth, making people feel what slightly is somewhat strange, always and Federation communication really dense Kaiser, in the big tide that actually in this and Federation collaborates went into hiding...... 一切都在往好的方向发展,联邦帝国似乎真的在朝着大一统的方向缓步前行了,只不过在这诸多顺利中,让人略微感觉有些奇怪的是,一向和联邦来往甚密的凯撒,却在这个和联邦联手的大浪潮中销声匿迹了…… The matter leaves must have the monster unusual, nobody believes that once vigorously carried out with Federation carries on the trade Kaiser to miss such environment opportunity, lets Amazon and Tutankhamun to topped in front. 事出反常必有妖,没人相信曾经极力推行和联邦进行贸易往来的凯撒会错过这样的大环境机会,让亚马逊图坦卡蒙冲在前面拔得头筹。 Kaiser, is Solomon, doing? 凯撒,所罗门,到底在干嘛呢? .............................. ………………………… Hands over the foot mountain phoenix temple. 交趾山凤凰神殿。 That is in a piece of secret wooded mountain, 78 human race soldier are ambushing here. 那是在一片隐秘的山林中,有78个人类战士正潜伏在这里。 Lead broadminded Solomon, is different from the usual gracefulness, he puts on one military camouflage paint that helps hiding, sets off exceptionally tall and straight his slender body, in his hand is taking an observation meter, is observing the distant place at the foot of the hill that stretch of down country situation. 领头的豁然正是所罗门,不同于平时的优雅,他穿着一身便于隐蔽的军用迷彩,将他修长的身躯衬得异常挺拔,他手里拿着一架了望仪,正在观测着远处山脚下那片平原地带的情况。 There two armies pitted against each other, the war cries are shocking, airborne has octopus person several hundred over a thousand large-scale flying dragon corps and human race small naval vessels each other is attacking, but in their down countries, the large-scale battles of over 100,000 people of scales is carrying on intensely. 那里两军对垒,杀声震天,空中有章鱼人数百上千的大型飞龙军团人类的小型舰艇在彼此冲击着,而在他们脚下的平原地带,更是有超过100000人规模的大型会战正在激烈进行中。 Compares Northern Region that side piece of work, the south war zone already had hit bustling. Kaiser increases troops to add on Carolyn 200,000 armies who is loaned out from Ten Great Household, making the south war zone appear very abundant in the dispatch of floor military strength. Ten big Teacher that the Holy Land aspect reenforces newly also join the south battlefield, to at least every two big Teacher one groups, divide forces to advance, the multi- points blossom, the intention must disperse in the entire south battlefield with many combats the military strength of octopus person, rips open the surrounding defense of octopus person by this. 相比起北区那边的小打小闹,南部战区可谓是早就已经打得热火朝天了。凯撒的增兵加上卡洛琳十大家族借调来的200000大军,让南部战区在底层兵力的调度上显得十分充裕。圣地方面新增援来的十位大导师也统统都加入南部战场,以至少每两位大导师一组,分兵突进,多点开花,意图要用多线作战来分散整个南部战场上章鱼人的兵力,以此来撕开章鱼人的外围防御。 Hands over the foot mountain phoenix temple competes for most intense one. 交趾山凤凰神殿就是其中争夺得最激烈的一处。 Misso proclamation has many phoenix temples compared with the world, hands over the foot mountain is only a palace, but this is the octopus person's belief is, is responsible for governing the sword sect in temple, its lawful right can definitely with the emperor's clan side by side, even in certain special occasions can also dominate above the imperial authority. 米索布达比世界有很多凤凰神殿,交趾山只是一个分殿,但这是章鱼人的信仰所在,负责掌管神殿的剑宗,其权柄完全可以和皇族比肩,甚至在某些特殊场合还能凌驾于皇权之上。 Such place naturally with large army guards, is in the front major octopus person footholds the unyielding person who is difficult to gnaw, human race put over 100,000 military strength in this small region at present, but fierce combat one after another has continued for three days, at the foot of the hill corpse piles up, had still not decided the victory and defeat. 这样的地方自然是重兵守卫,也是前线各大章鱼人据点中最难啃的硬骨头,人类目前已经在这小小区域内投入了100000以上的兵力,但接连的激战已经持续三天了,山脚下的尸体堆积如山,也仍旧没有分出胜负。 Mainly is human race is also at bans in the dummy status, the large-scale ship-borne group has not dared to stretch across Misso proclamation temporarily compared with the sky, merely only depends on some small naval vessels, can only put together an evenness with airborne corps of octopus person, the air superiority is unable to display. In the positive battlefield, human race is also having the superiority of military strength, 100,000 armies are hand over at least over three times of foot mountain phoenix temple garrison troops, but comes the individual strength of Heroic Soul Grade octopus person originally above same rank human race, and human race main forces in this batch of battlefield, only then about one-fifth are elite of original Holy city Armed forces, other mostly came from the Federation Ten Great Household latest support. Compared the Holy city Armed forces, the Federation Household soldiers obviously wants the one night watch to be first-grade, good and evil intermingled, even if therefore quantity three times in the enemy, war also still can only maintain bureau of the undefeated. 主要是人类还处于禁空状态中,大型的舰载群暂时还不敢横跨米索布达比的天空,仅仅只靠一些小型舰艇,只能和章鱼人的空中军团拼一个平手,空中优势无法发挥。正面的战场上,人类也拥有着兵力的优势,100000大军是交趾山凤凰神殿守军的至少三倍以上,但一来英魂级章鱼人的个人实力本就在同等级人类之上,且这批战场上的人类主力,仅只有大约1是原圣城军的精锐,其他的大多都是来自联邦十大家族最新的支援。相比起圣城军,联邦家族的子弟兵显然又要更次一等了,良莠不齐,因此即便数量三倍于敌军,战事情况也仍旧只能维持一个不败之局。 The two sides have the strength of big Teacher level, but the strength of this level was extremely precious, dies to any side definitely is the loss of humongous, therefore is especially prudent, has not chosen in the frontal battlefield gets rid, but is actually away from the position that both armies battle each other to wait and see, just likes the exist/existence deterrent of nuclear bomb the opposite party. If war smoothly also simple, fears is this deadlock, can only the enemy be motionless, I am motionless, otherwise who gets rid first, means that will enter in the unfavorable situation of booth card in a hand, by that time, was equal to that the logic of war will quickly also come out. 两边都有大导师级的战力,但这个层次的战力太过珍贵了,死一个对任何一方来说都肯定是巨大的损失,因此格外慎重,都没有选择在正面战场上出手,但却隔着两军交战的阵地彼此观望,犹如核弹的存在般威慑着对方。如果战事顺利还简单,怕的就是这种僵持,只能敌不动,我不动,否则谁先出手,就意味着将率先进入摊底牌的不利局面中,到那时,等于战争的结果也很快就会出来了。 Naturally, both sides definitely also not completely vision centralized in positive battlefield, refused to compromise to fight the two days, respective small action was unceasing, the duty that the Kaiser brigade that Solomon was at received, while engaged in a decisive battle directly the most intense time, sneak attacks the phoenix temple on mountain, vacillated the morale of troops of octopus person by this. 当然,双方肯定也都不会完全将目光集中在正面的战场上,僵持战这两天,各自的小动作一直都是不断,所罗门所在的凯撒旅团接到的任务,就是趁正面会战最激烈的时候,偷袭山上的凤凰神殿,以此动摇章鱼人的军心。 Such duty, cannot go well by person many storms obviously, Solomon does not even have the belt including the Kaiser elite team, but has brought six Dandelion, in addition his altogether seven people, soldier expensive essence, but not in many, Dandelion really had ten, but is not all Dandelion is good at fighting, let alone also lost now originally in Dandelion, most receives Grai that Solomon regards as important, although that fellow is not in Dandelion the strongest seed, may actually be the thought opinion and Solomon closest friend...... 这样的任务,显然不是靠人多强攻就能得手,所罗门甚至连凯撒的精锐团队都没有带,只是带来了身边的六个蒲公英,加上他自己总共七人,兵贵精而不在多,蒲公英原本确实是有十个的,但并非所有的蒲公英都擅长战斗,何况现在还损失了原本在蒲公英中,最受所罗门看重的格莱,那家伙虽然不是蒲公英中最强的种子,可却是思维见解和所罗门最接近的知己…… Therefore at this time followed in side these six people are the Solomon genuine family property, he won to this duty. 所以此时跟在身边这六人就是所罗门真正的家底了,他对这次任务志在必得。 „Did Boss, begin?” The small dance a little could not wait, sneaks here ambush from early morning, to the present enough 78 hours, Solomon did not order to attack, must the person harboring evil thoughts simply. “老大,动手了吧?”小舞已经有点等不及了,从凌晨时潜入这边埋伏,到现在足足78个小时了,所罗门却一直不下令进攻,简直是要把人给憋坏。 Does not wait for Solomon to reply that nearby armor looked at her one eyes lightly, immediately little darling shrank Little Loli that moved restlessly the restless heart looking, shut up. 不等所罗门回答,旁边的铠只是淡淡的看了她一眼,立刻就把小萝莉那颗躁动不安的心给看的又乖乖缩了回去,闭上了嘴。 Also waited for about a half hour, until seeing the new wave of reinforcements reenforced below battlefield from the mountainside, since Solomon received the observation meter: „!” 又等了大约半个多小时,直到看到新的一波援军从山腰上增援到了下方的战场,所罗门才收起了了望仪:“出发!” When without any idle talk, group from the beginning goal already incomparably explicit, several other people of not slight hesitations, the small dance is one spits to chew not to have the chewing gum of taste quickly: Damn, this young lady went on stage finally!” 没有任何废话,一行人从一开始时的目标就已经无比明确,其他几人没有丝毫的迟疑,小舞更是一口吐掉已经快嚼到没味儿的口香糖:“麻蛋,终于该本小姐上场了!” The sneak attack is the technique work, many people may be mistaken the sneak attack is covert, suspicious touches to do some small action like the thief, may in fact not be. The sneak attack must unexpectedly, but does not make you work as the thief, forestalls opponent by a show of strength, to frighten with form the opposite party to direct and deal with on chaos suddenly, that must think of every means to do many that some small action strive to excel compared with you. 偷袭是个技术活儿,很多人或许会误以为偷袭就是隐蔽,偷偷摸摸的像个贼一样摸上去搞些小动作,可实际上不是。偷袭只是要出其不意,而不是让你去当贼,先声夺人,以震慑和突然来形成对方指挥和应对上的混乱,那要远比你费尽心思去搞些小动作要强的多。 Except that draws support from the geographical position straight insertion of ambush to hand over the foot mountain the halfway up the mountainside, seven people have not hidden the plan of oneself trail, along handing over center foot mountain that strip width big sapphire stone steps on, dashes to the temple surrounding big camp on halfway up the mountainside. 除了借助潜伏的地理位置直接插入交趾山的半山腰,七人根本就没有隐藏自己踪迹的打算,沿着交趾山正中那条宽大的青玉石阶而上,直扑半山腰上的神殿外围大营。 Kills!” “杀!” cēng cēng cēng cēng...... 噌噌噌噌…… Only hears a series of out of the blue sounds, has the silver white ray is similar to the meteor flies to shoot from seven people of teams of spinning. 只听得一连串破空声响,有银白的光芒如同流星般从疾奔的七人队伍中飞射而出。 Passes through the rocket and satellite! 贯星箭! That is one is growing the man of sharp ear, runs in seven people of squads after the position, although his skin slightly is pale, but the five senses are much more perfect, is passing morbid state melancholy charisma. In his hand is grasping bending the bow of handle humongous, is different frequently is fastidious about artistic soul weapon from Holy Land these, on pitch-dark bowing does not have what shining, looks like unadorned, may when each time he draws the bowstring is full, including that bow body surrounding space will have the faint distortion condition, as if along with that great bow produces some resonance curvingly. 那是一个长着尖尖耳朵的男子,跑在七人小队的靠后位置,他皮肤虽略显苍白,但五官却完美得无可挑剔,透着一种病态忧郁的魅力。他手中握着一柄巨大的弯弓,不同于圣地那些动辄就讲究美观的魂器,黑漆漆的弓身上并没有什么流光溢彩,看起来朴实无华,可每次当他将弓弦拉满时,连那弓体周围的空间都会产生隐隐扭曲之态,仿佛在随着那巨弓的弯曲而产生某种共鸣。 But meteor that the dead ahead, flies to shoot aims also at is not the octopus person, but is ready and waiting outside the big barrack gate, is loading the green energy block lion camel car(riage), that is the energy shell of octopus person jug artillery, at this time is also having several octopus people to bustle about loading and unloading around that sees the sudden enemy, has not waited for them to respond that the flowing light has hit a target maliciously these energy shells. 而正前方,飞射的流星对准的也根本不是章鱼人,而是正在大营门外整装待发的、装载着绿色能量块的狮驼车,那是章鱼人坛子炮的能量炮弹,此时还正有十几个章鱼人在那周围忙碌着装卸,看到突如其来的敌人,还没等他们反应过来,流光已经狠狠射中了那些能量炮弹。 Although the practicing level of octopus person is high, but falls behind in the industry, these energy shells originally explosive, but the flowing light arrow is having obviously also the greatly strengthened detonation effect, several car(riage) energy shell in a flash blast out outside the big barrack gate! 章鱼人的修行层次虽高,但在工业上是真的落后,那些能量炮弹本就易爆,而流光箭明显还带着极强的引爆效果,十几车能量炮弹瞬间在大营门外炸开! hōng hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰轰 The octopus person who several load and unload the energy ball was exploded directly the skeleton not to save, the camp wall of big camp by big piece to flying, the lignin camp wall of big section has thrown to pound high again to the camp, in a twinkling in the camp is off their feet, the earth-shaking power and flame soar to the heavens! 十几个装卸能量弹的章鱼人直接被炸得尸骨无存,连带着大营的营墙都被大片的冲飞了起来,大段的木质营墙高高抛起再砸向营地中,霎时间营地里人仰马翻,山摇地动、火光冲天! Enemy raids! The enemies raid!” “敌袭!敌袭!” Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!’ ‘嘟!嘟!嘟!嘟!’ Angry yawp and incisive alarm sound in big camp continuously, but set up the earliest possible time has discovered seven people of invasion in nearby master tower. 愤怒叫喊声、尖锐的警报声在大营中此起彼伏,而设立在附近的法师塔已经第一时间发现了入侵的七人。 When master tower similar human race ancient war arrow tower, but obviously, assumes octopus people master to have the attack strength and firing distance of far ultra human race bow and arrow, nearby three are high and sharp master responds extremely quickly, almost sparkles immediately or the red or azure ray, the strength of element is gathering in a twinkling, follows close on is being the connected fireball or the ice arrow shoots toward seven people of Madness. 法师塔类似人类古战争时的箭塔,但显然,坐镇其中的章鱼人大法师拥有着远超人类弓箭的攻击力和射程,附近三座又高又尖的法师塔反应极快,几乎是立刻就闪耀起了或红或青的光芒,元素的力量在霎时间汇聚,紧跟着就是连串的火球或是冰箭朝着七人疯狂射来。 dá dá dá dá! 哒哒哒哒 Sharp ear! Shields me and small wolf!” The small dance shouted, a form show, has been separated from the team, from vanishes same place, on Home face does not have the change of slight expression, but dedicated already suddenly promoted, the great bow in hand raises, has not seen him to make contact with any arrow arrow, but the left hand is similar to lightning rapid draws the spatial string. “尖耳朵!掩护我和小狼哦!”小舞喊了一声,身影一展,咻的一声已脱离出队伍,从原地消失,霍姆迪的脸上没有丝毫表情的变化,但专注度早已急剧提升,手中的巨弓扬起,也没见他搭上任何箭矢,只是左手如同闪电般迅速的拉动空弦。 Stretches...... 绷绷绷绷绷…… His action was quick, almost just let go when the bowstring, the string body just now starts first time instead to shake, that hand once more has built, returned to the potential of shaking to draw following the bowstring directly once again fully! When cannot hear that type draws the nature clear twang completely, but continually becomes one dull thumping sounds, the speed of drawing goes against heaven's will simply, cannot see clearly him to draw action of that left hand completely, heard the innumerable from out of the blue sounds! Does not see the solid arrow to project, actually some innumerable invisible air/Qi arrows able to move unhindered. 他的动作快极了,几乎是在弓弦刚刚脱手,弦身才刚开始第一次反震时,那只手就已经再次搭了上去,顺着弓弦回震之势直接再度拉满!完全听不到那种开弓时自然清脆的弦声,而是连成一串的闷响,开弓的速度简直逆天,完全看不清他拉弓那只左手的动作,就已经听到无数破空声响!不见有实箭射出,却有无数无形的气箭纵横。 Airborne that everywhere fireball and ice arrow in a twinkling entirely in midair, then explodes broken, actually does not have fails, only leaves behind everywhere the Ice and Fire broken light. 空中那漫天的火球、冰箭霎时间统统在半空中便即爆碎,竟然无一落空,只留下漫天的冰火碎光。 This...... What ghost?!” In a wizard heart in master tower the megascism, has opened the mouth. He sees human race to use this type of bow and arrow weapon in the battlefield, to be honest, gives his feeling is weak and LOW, like standard young mixed soldier. May the bow and arrow in this human race hand, in disintegrate in three master towers at present unexpectedly in an instant, collaboration attack of three wizards! “这……什么鬼?!”法师塔中的一个大法师心中剧震,张大了嘴巴。他在战场上见过人类使用这种弓箭武器,说实话,给他的感觉是又弱又LOW,就像个标准小杂兵似的。可眼前这人类手中的弓箭,竟然在刹那间就瓦解掉了三座法师塔中,三位大法师的联手攻击 Wizard unclear sleep is severe, but resembles in a hurry is saw that the great bow in that human race hand has aimed at own master tower. 那大法师不明觉厉,只是仓促间似是看到那人类手中的巨弓对准了自己的法师塔。 „To result in beautiful!” He feels the threat, startled and anger, element method in a flash of under foot sparkles the bright eye ray, this is one of the master tower advantage, establishes element method in tower, can place in wizard provides the strength of continuous element, to guarantee their lasting battle efficiencies. “想得美!”他感受到威胁,又惊又怒,脚下的元素法阵瞬间闪耀起亮眼的光芒,这是法师塔的好处之一,设置在塔中的元素法阵,可以给身处于其中的大法师提供源源不断的元素之力,以保证他们持久的战斗力。 At the same time clear transparent Protection Cover appeared in the dead ahead of master tower immediately, the entire tower solid protection, he did not believe itself that to take LOW of handle primitive weapon to compel human race also to be able an arrow to give the bang to break to pieces after Protection Cover of master tower amplification. 一面晶莹的透明防护罩顿时出现在了法师塔的正前方,将整个塔身都严严实实的防护住,他就不信那个拿着一柄原始武器的LOW逼人类还能一箭把自己经过法师塔增幅的防护罩都给轰碎掉。 May wait for that the arrow arrow has not shot, a grinning sound has actually resounded in the ear of wizard: Walks, does not deliver.” 可等待中的箭矢没有射来,一个笑嘻嘻的声音却已经在大法师的耳朵边响起:“走好,不送。” That is the human race language, seemingly is a mother, the wizard may unable to understand her to say sentence anything, even without enough time responded, is unable to imagine just looks also in that line of dozens meters away, how suddenly, crossed these dozens meters distances, and fled to placing side in several meters high master tower. 那是人类的语言,貌似是个母的,大法师可听不懂她到底说了句什么,甚至都来不及反应,也无法想象刚刚看着还远在数十米外的那一行人,怎么只是眨眼间,就已经有一个越过这数十米距离,并且窜到身处于十几米高的法师塔中的自己身边了。 A cool feeling just raised from his back, the wizard felt that a world revolution, the entire head threw to fly, gu slid smooth tumbled. 一股凉意刚刚才从他的背脊上升起,大法师就感觉天地一转,整颗头颅抛飞了起来,咕溜溜的滚落了下去。 But so was not graceful in another two master towers, before the small dance cuts the number of people of that wizard, that side the smell of blood has filled the air, a whole body has been covered with that type of point hardly, the youth of thick weasel-hair writing brush, the second neck was crooked the corpse that, whole body is bathed in blood at the same time has thrown from the master tower. 而在另外两座法师塔上却就没这么优雅了,早在小舞割下那颗大法师的人头前,那边就已经血腥味弥漫,一个浑身长满了那种尖硬的、浓密狼毫的少年,已经将第二具脖子歪在一边、浑身浴血的尸体从法师塔上扔了下去。 Werewolf Bloodline! Once was known as on Earth the most tyrannical mortal body, regardless of the mortal body speed and strength responded, above other Earth known Bloodline. Baila Dien in Federation Ten Great Household also once had Werewolf Bloodline, but that is only pirating, from once was also of Shidake Household Federation Ten Great Household plunders, Baila Dien inherited Shidake Household once magnificence, had afterward status. 狼人血脉!曾经号称地球上最强横的肉身,无论肉身速度、力量还是反应,都在地球其他一切已知的血脉之上。联邦十大家族中的拜拉迪恩也曾拥有狼人血脉,但那只是盗版,正是从曾经也属于联邦十大家族之一的史达克家族身上掠夺去的,拜拉迪恩继承了史达克家族曾经的辉煌,才拥有了后来的地位。 ( Partners, asked a monthly ticket, thanks!) (伙伴们,求一张月票,谢谢!)
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