BF :: Volume #8

#139: Exceed Grade lineup

Shidake was the present only remaining pure Werewolf blood relationships, as one of the Ten Great Dandelion, he should be sent Tianjing execution ambush duty that but he too hated Federation, the disposition was also quite impulsive, letting Solomon has to change plan originally, this has sent Grai...... 史达克是现在唯一仅剩下的纯正狼人血统了,作为十大蒲公英之一,他原本才应该是被派去天京执行潜伏任务那个,只不过他太仇恨联邦了,性格也比较冲动,让所罗门不得不改变原本的计划,这才派去了格莱…… Shidake stretched out the tongue to lick licking, his corners of the mouth were also surviving the blood on that wizard neck, the Blood unusual delicacy of octopus people master, benefitted from them in the reason that in this spiritual energy abundant world practice for a long time, on his face was also growing the thick long neck hair, the nail point and long. 史达克伸出舌头舔了舔,他的嘴角还残存着那大法师脖子上的鲜血,章鱼人大法师的血液异常的美味,得益于他们在这个灵气充沛的世界中长久修行的原因,他的脸上也长着浓密的鬃毛,指甲又尖又长。 Unexpectedly was snatched one by you!” The small dance is not feeling well very much, she killed a wizard, Shidake has killed two, worthily was the pure Werewolf blood relationship, pure theory mortal body speed, absolutely above oneself. “居然被你多抢了一个!”小舞很不爽,她才干掉了一个大法师,史达克已经干掉了两个,不愧是纯正的狼人血统,单纯论肉身的速度,绝对在自己之上。 Three master tower in a flash fail to explode, but had the 30~40 Greatsword gentleman to well up insanely from the main entrance of big camp, they are distance barrack gate recent one batch, may not wait for them to stand firm to exhibit the battle formation, above the top of the head had a humongous shadow to drop from the clouds. 三座法师塔瞬间哑火,不过已有三四十大剑士从大营的正门中疯涌出来,他们是距离这个营门最近的一批,可还没等他们站稳脚跟摆开阵势,头顶上方已有一尊巨大的黑影从天而降。 Miehlke! 米尔克! hōng! 轰! That is an incomparably wild body, the build compared normal human race big one time, his most Doppelgänger body was transformed to glitter the black flash [gold/metal] of black streak, has almost been covering over 80% of his body! 那是一具无比狂野的身躯,体型足足比正常的人类大了一倍,他的大部分身躯都已经被改造为了闪烁着黑色斑纹的黑耀金,几乎覆盖了他身躯的80以上! The black flash [gold/metal] is from the krypton Romillat world, that is a hometown of clan steel, is Tyrant Clan the possession, Tyrant Clan smelts various Life metals that the system can use, is almost from there. But even if the black flash [gold/metal] in many Life metals is the value not poor high-end goods, do not say the common student, even if Tyrant Clan these Teacher smelts oneself body, can add on 78 jin (0.5 kg) black flash [gold/metal], was considered as on is the local tyrant, but Miehlke unexpectedly whole body over 80% smelt with the uniform black flash [gold/metal], is hard to imagine this fearful consumption simply, naturally, the might is also extraordinary big! 黑耀金产自氪罗米亚世界,那是钢之一族的故乡,也是霸族的属地,霸族熔炼体系所能用到的各种生命金属,几乎都产自那里。而黑耀金即便在诸多生命金属中都是价值不菲的高档货,不要说寻常学员,就算是霸族的那些导师熔炼自己身体,能加上78斤黑耀金的,都已经算得上是土豪了,可米尔克竟然全身80以上都是用清一色的黑耀金熔炼,简直难以想象这可怕的耗费,当然,威力也是出奇的大! Landing in a flash, the bang of bang, that 30~40 octopus person Greatsword gentleman looks like one pile of ants is flushed leans this way and that was stepped on by Miehlke two fellows is the in a flash brain fluid explodes broken. 落地的瞬间,轰的一声巨响,那三四十章鱼大剑士就像是一堆蚂蚁般被冲得东倒西歪,被米尔克踩中的两个家伙更是瞬间脑浆爆碎。 A fearful aura overflows from that swarthy body, is glittering including his pupil jet black black light. 一股可怕的气息从那黝黑的身躯中四溢出来,连他的眸子都闪烁着漆黑的黑光。 Mumbling chirp in ............! hǒu hǒu hǒu!! ” 叽里咕噜叽里…………!吼吼吼!!” The octopus person who seemingly leads gets angry, does not dread, in great shout, seems like shouting everybody to kill this black monster human race together. 一个貌似领头的章鱼人红着眼,并不畏惧,在大声呼喊,就像是在呼喊着大家一起干掉这个黑色的怪物人类 Can guard in this temple surrounding, below war incomparably becomes serious does not leave, these octopus person soldier may all be the person of sword sect, the strength above the ordinary corps soldier, that dozens were flushed the octopus person Greatsword gentleman who leans this way and that rapidly to counter-attack, in the hand Greatsword or chops or chops or the thorn, airborne chops to chop innumerable Dawson cold sword qi in an instant, the sound is from out of the blue full, incisive grating, must dismember the Miehlke chaotic sword! 能守卫在这神殿外围,连下方战事无比吃紧都不离开的,这些章鱼战士可全都是剑宗的人,实力远在普通军团士兵之上,那几十个被冲得东倒西歪的章鱼大剑士迅速反击,手中大剑或砍或劈或刺,空中刹那间就劈砍下无数道森寒剑气,破空声十足,尖锐刺耳,要将米尔克乱剑分尸! Dozens people also get rid, is four sides besieges, that sword qi is very crowded, hides not to be possible radically to hide, but Miehlke does not need to hide, his double fist gets hold , a gang of black astral air/Qi in a flash to shake to disperse from his body. 数十人同时出手,又是四面围攻,那剑气无比密集,根本就躲无可躲,可米尔克也不需要躲,他双拳握紧,一股黑色的罡气瞬间从他身体中震散出来。 Black flash astral air/Qi! Half Heavenly Soul! 黑耀罡气!半步天魂 Only has to achieve the tyrant clan of boundary of half step Heavenly Soul, can the strength true displays of smelting these metals on the body, that represent the Life metal that they are smelting to complete with their bodies from the material to the absolute fusion of Soul, but is not pure comes the imperial enemy with the aid of the metal hardly. 唯有达到半步天魂之境的霸族,才能将熔炼在身体上那些金属的力量真正的发挥出来,那代表着他们熔炼的生命金属已经和他们的身体完成了从物质到灵魂的绝对融合,而不是单纯的借助金属之硬来御敌。 pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng!! 砰砰砰砰砰砰!! This black flash astral air/Qi endures to compare Sword Saint sword astral simply. 这黑耀罡气简直堪比剑圣的剑罡。 Only hears a series of attacks, is mixing with that grating metal fricative, that innumerable [say / way] breaks iron minute of [gold/metal] sword qi solid chopping sufficiently on Miehlke's body, may unable to become the least bit injury to other party unexpectedly, including leaves behind the little scratch unable to achieve in his body surface! Miehlke completely disregards, drilled since place conveniently two just by the octopus person corpse of brain fluid rupturing he stepped on, sigh, brandished maliciously. 只听得一连串抨击,夹杂着那种刺耳的金属摩擦声,那无数道足以断铁分金的剑气实实在在的砍在米尔克的身体上,可竟然没能给他造成半点伤害,连在他身体表面留下一点点划痕都做不到!米尔克完全无视,顺手从地上操起两具刚刚被他踩的脑浆爆裂的章鱼人尸体,‘呼’,狠狠一抡。 pā pā pā pā...... 啪啪啪啪…… Around four crowded one pile of Greatsword gentleman in a flash are similar to the fireworks of dispersing, was hit is similar to the shells of rounds of nose ovens, rumbles into around in this Yingmenkou barracks, pounds a piece of hubbub everywhere, to whin unceasingly. 四周围得正密集的一堆大剑瞬间就如同散开的烟花般,被打得如同一发发倒栽的炮弹,轰入这大营门口四周的营房中,砸得一片尘嚣漫天、哀嚎不断。 The Miehlke's in that two hand had only been pounded remains the half rotten meat the corpse to throw toward the distant place, at the same time. 米尔克将手上那两具已经被砸得只剩半截烂肉的尸体往远处一扔,与此同时。 hōng! 轰! Above the top of the head, one group of humongous dragon breath has sprayed according to his overhead. 头顶上方,一团巨大龙息已经照着他当头喷射了下来。 That dragon breath is having the incomparable burning hot high temperature and strong momentum, Miehlke only felt that terrifying momentum clashes his body to sink, his left leg is slightly curving, the right leg flares-out, assumes the bow and arrow step to come to a stop, the back is actually supports straightly! Top that fearful high-temperature impact air current to gain ground. 龙息带着无比炙热的高温和强劲的冲力,米尔克只感觉那股恐怖的冲力冲得他的身体都为之一沉,他左腿微微弯曲,右腿拉直,呈弓箭步站稳,背部却是挺得笔直!顶着那股可怕的高温冲击气流抬起头来。 Sees only that has several meters double-headed big dragon fully, was being controlled by several octopus people, kicks the strong powerful humongous wing to hang in several meters high airborne, the dragon breath air current sprays from its mouth. Its whole body is sending out the formidable pressure, rank 7 Dimension Creature, facing ordinary Heroic Soul absolutely is crush exist/existence, most lets one of living creature human race soldier has a headache about in the frontal battlefield now. 只见那是一只足有十几米长的双头巨龙,被几个章鱼人操控着,扑腾着强劲有力的巨大翅膀悬在十几米高的空中,龙息气流正是从它口中喷射出来的。它浑身都散发着强大的威压,一只七阶维度生物,面对普通英魂绝对是碾压般的存在,也是如今在正面战场上最让人类战士头疼的生物之一。 In its eye glitters the red flame, the war is starting now, died human race soldier not 1000 also 800 under its this move of dragon breath, let alone dealt with the trivial person, was only a pity that this person was Miehlke. 它连眼中都闪烁着通红的火光,战争开始到现在,死在它这招龙息下的人类战士没有1000也有800了,何况只是对付区区一个人,只可惜,这个人是米尔克。 Is having the dragon breath air current of high-temperature and strong momentum probably completely has not affected to Miehlke, although presses his body to sink, may not be actually able to cause the damage. At this time has seen the goal, Miehlke's both legs are slightly curving, the black flash golden body shines through that type as if to come from Hell Dark faintly. 带着高温和强劲冲力的龙息气流就好像对米尔克完全没有影响,尽管压得他身体下沉,可却无法造成伤害。此时看准了目标,米尔克的双腿微微弯曲,黑耀金身隐隐透射着那种仿佛来自地狱黑暗 Gathers the potential and exercise(d) power! 蓄势、发力 hōng! 轰! The lands for building of Miehlke two under feet pedalling entire raise by this terrifying step on strength fly, the ground is hollow, but Miehlke is going against that strong dragon breath air current, is similar to a round of shell shoots up to the sky forcefully! 米尔克两只脚下的地皮都被这恐怖的蹬力给蹬得整块掀飞,地面凹陷,而米尔克顶着那强劲的龙息气流,如同一发炮弹般强行冲天而起! In the top of the head that double-headed dragon felt in a twinkling the Fatal danger, just wanted toward airborne to fly, the thick dragon leg had been entrained stubbornly by that black palm, the fearful strength was similar to is the pincers bind rounds it, hurt its Madness to roar, the humongous transparent shark's fins kicked maliciously, may follow close on is being an irresistible humongous brute force transmits from that two black palm. 头顶上那双头龙霎时间就感觉到了致命的危险,刚想要往空中飞起,粗大的龙腿已经被那黑色的手掌死死拽住,可怕的力量就如同是铁钳般箍住了它,疼得它疯狂吼叫,巨大的肉翅狠狠扑腾,可紧跟着就是一股无可抗拒的巨大蛮力从那两只黑色的手掌上传来。 hōng! 轰! Several meters double-headed big dragon, the airborne overlord, one had been entrained by him unexpectedly, the direct resentment to the ground, has smashed a big crack and whole body blood stream to continue the ground, the double-headed big dragon pain extremely, before may not wait for it to make at the point of death counter-attack, the earthenware cooking pot big fist already not gaudy pounding to its two heads on, feels sorry for rank 7 Dimension Creature of this able to move unhindered Earth, in a flash is pounded sufficiently has brains dashed out, cannot call to come out including the whinning sound with enough time. 十几米长的双头巨龙,空中的霸主,竟然生生被他一把就拽了下来,直接怼到了地上,将地面砸得一大片龟裂、浑身血流不止,双头巨龙痛极,可还没等它做出临死前的反扑,砂锅般大的拳头已经毫无花哨的砸到了它两颗脑袋上,可怜这足以纵横地球的七阶维度生物,瞬间就被砸得脑浆迸裂,连哀嚎声都没能来得及叫出来。 Above the top of the head originally also dozens Gryphon corps and another double-headed dragon, see this battle formation, even if usually were well-trained Gryphon as well as the double-headed dragon of air/Qi field acting a little were scared, was trembling including feather, in a flash subconsciously raised the altitude, but rode in the Greatsword gentlemen and wizards who they carried on the back taking advantage of the airborne altitude, toward releasing dividing of Madness cut sword qi or emits the attack nature element magic arts. 头顶上方原本还有几十只狮鹫军团和另外一只双头龙,见到这阵势,即便是平时训练有素的狮鹫以及气场担当的双头龙都有点被吓傻了,连身上的羽毛都在颤栗,瞬间就下意识的拔高了高度,而骑在它们背上的大剑士、大法师们则是借着空中的高度,朝下放疯狂的劈斩出剑气又或是放出攻击性元素法术。 In a twinkling the airborne sword such as the rain gets down, fireball everywhere and dragon breath able to move unhindered, just likes the strong winds transit is infertile, must rip a smashing with the aid of long-distance range bombing of this Madness following these human race! 霎时间空中剑如雨下、火球漫天、龙息纵横,犹如狂风过境寸草不生,要借助这种疯狂的远距离轰炸将下面那些人类撕个粉碎! In the ground in a flash is similar to the rain hits the morass, was rumbled everywhere bumpy by crowded attack, the innumerable barracks collapse, that humongous black monster is unable to jump to dozens meters upper air in obviously battles, but lifts the arm standard to keep off airborne attack. 地面上瞬间就如同雨打泥坑般,被密集的攻击轰得到处坑坑洼洼,无数营房坍塌,那个巨大的黑色怪物显然也无法跳到数十米的高空中来作战,只是举着手臂格挡空中的攻击 Airborne corps has as if been built on the invincible position. 空中军团似乎立于了不败之地。 But, real undefeated? 可是,真的不败吗? Sees only in that hubbub everywhere, the gold light goes in the ground together able to move unhindered, is only several refractions, rushes to a point sharp, the high master tower, toward airborne plunders taking advantage of the altitude of master tower. 只见在那满地的尘嚣中,一道金色的光影在地面上来去纵横,只是几个折射,冲上一座尖尖的、高高的法师塔,借着法师塔的高度往空中一掠。 cēng! 噌! Has been hesitating carrying on the back of Gryphon his accurate jumping to one. 他准确无误的跳到了一只正在迟疑中的狮鹫的背上。 Enoch! 以诺 Only speed, that is dominates in all above, with the aid of this speed he even can when Heroic Soul Mid Phase, achieve the soaring of short distance. 光的速度,那是凌驾于一切之上的,借助这种速度他甚至可以早在英魂中期时,就做到短距离的飞翔。 Initially and a Wang Zhong wartime, although cannot say that wants to let intentionally, but Enoch truly also has retained, but now after entering the holy war battlefield, the huge resources that the Kaiser brigade obtained were make his practicing progress by leaps and bounds, now is in Ten Great Dandelion, second -and-a-half Heavenly Soul besides Miehlke! 当初和王重一战时,虽然说不上故意想让,但以诺确实还有所保留,而如今进入圣战战场后,凯撒旅团得到的大量资源更是让他的修行突飞猛进,如今已是十大蒲公英中,除了米尔克之外的第二个半步天魂 But is lending half Heavenly Soul aura with Miehlke that whole body differently, aura incomparable reserved of Enoch, even when he gets rid cannot feel, or was his speed was too quick, you looked where was very difficult to see his position, let alone feels that speed of light the aura. 可是和米尔克那种浑身都散发着半步天魂的气息所不同,以诺的气息无比的内敛,甚至在他出手时也根本感受不到,或者说,是他的速度太快了,你连看都很难看到他的位置在哪里,就更别说去感受那光速的气息了。 At this time rides in the Greatsword gentleman who that Gryphon carries on the back had not detected unexpectedly quite the same as were after death many a person, when even that gold blade image is quietly on his neck wipes obsolete, he does not have to think! 此时骑在那狮鹫背上的大剑士竟浑然没有发觉身后已经多了一个人,甚至当那金色刀影在他脖子上悄无声息的抹过时,他都毫无所觉! golden light flashes dodges does not have, not carrying on the back many stays in this only Gryphon, lightning makes the springboard taking advantage of this Gryphon, jumped over carrying on the back of second Gryphon. 金光一闪即没,并没有在这只狮鹫的背上过多的停留,闪电般的借着这狮鹫做跳板,越到了第二只狮鹫的背上。 cēng cēng cēng...... 噌噌噌…… The airborne corps bang of octopus person, actually suddenly was feeling vigorously all around airborne firepower in the rapid reduction, completely has only failed to explode in the short several seconds. 章鱼人的空中军团轰得正起劲,却猛然感觉四周的空中火力在飞速的减少,只在短短十几秒内就已经完全哑火。 Dozens Gryphon, one have not been short, under may ride in these Greatsword gentlemen and wizards who they carry on the back is actually is similar to the stuffed dumpling, one after another from airborne drops. 数十只狮鹫还在,一个没少,可骑在它们背上的那些大剑士、大法师们却是如同下饺子般,一个接一个的从空中跌落下来。 One minute! 一分钟! The strengths of seven people, two have not gotten rid, may merely be only one minute, has disintegrated all counter-attack strengths that in this surrounding camp has organized, remaining has been nothing to speak , the entire big camp falls into thorough chaos. 七个人的战力,还有两个没有出手,可仅仅只是一分钟,就已经瓦解了这个外围营地中组织起来的所有反击力量,剩下的已经不值一提,整个大营陷入彻底的混乱 Toot toot! Toot toot! Toot toot!’ ‘嘟嘟!嘟嘟!嘟嘟!’ The warning in camp had the change, no longer is internal warning, that is the camp by the praying for rescue sound that breaks through backward periphery exudes, in the halfway up the mountainside and continues the surrounding camp, but over a hundred, assume a circle shape encirclement to hand over the foot mountain mountainside, protects the important checkpoint in phoenix temple, here is No. 31 entrance camp, praying for rescue warning in a flash that sends out resounded through entire to hand over the foot mountain. 营地里的警报已经发生了变化,不再是内部的警报,那是营地被突破后向周围发出的求救声,半山腰上并不止有一个外围营地,而是足足有上百个,呈一个圆圈状环绕在交趾山山腰,是守护凤凰神殿的重要关卡,这边是31号山门营地,发出的求救警报瞬间就响彻了整座交趾山。 „No. 31 entrance camp already by breaks through?!” “31号山门营地已经被突破了?!” Mother, what thing? No. 31 entrance that side garrison troops eat the excrement?” “妈的,什么东西?31号山门那边的守军都是吃屎的吗?” Nearby camp in fact is also badly battered, they have also encountered attack of varying degrees, is unable to distribute the manpower to help, obviously human race sends sneak attacks to hand over the foot mountain rear area temple and has Solomon here one incessantly, but mobilized the numerous brigades of south war zone, dozens teams also attack! In the entire halfway up the mountainside everywhere is the flames of war sounds. 附近的营地其实也是焦头烂额,他们也遭到了不同程度的攻击,根本无法分派人手去帮忙,显然人类派来偷袭交趾山后方神庙的并不止有所罗门这边一支,而是发动了南部战区的众多旅团,足足有数十只队伍同时冲击!整个半山腰上到处都是战火声。 In these brigade teams has many in the travel regimental head quarter ranks before these Ten Great brigades, ranks sovereign who the first listening wind brigade, is listed second, as well as the following circus troupe and dream demon brigade wait / etc., has elite troops to attack, Carolyn even also has a side elite strength to attack nearby entrance camp. May be in these brigades strongest and smoothest squad, at this time also depended unexpectedly, just captured the entrance camp, but also was facing with large quantities of garrison troops entangled, finally after heard here battalion's praying for rescue sound by breaks through. 这些旅团队伍中不乏有在旅团部里排名靠前的那些十大旅团,排名第一的听风者旅团、排名第二的皇廷,以及后面的马戏团、梦魅旅团等等,都有精锐部队出击,卡洛琳甚至也带着一支身边的精锐力量在冲击附近的山门营地。可就算是这些旅团中最强、最顺利的小队,此时也不过才只是仗着出其不意,刚刚攻入山门营地,还在和大批的守军纠缠对垒呢,结果就已经听到了这边营地被突破后的求救声。 Is Solomon attack? 所罗门攻击点这边? Some brigades are feel to rouse, may many supercilious human race brigade expert actually be feels the innermost feelings to shock, always the sky collapses at present not startled Carolyn, at this time action on cannot bear slightly. 有的旅团是感觉到振奋,可更多心高气傲的人类旅团强者却是感觉内心震撼,就连一向天塌于眼前而不惊的卡洛琳,此时手上的动作都忍不住微微一顿。 How long then starts attack? One minute? Two minutes? Even if unexpectedly, that side entrance camp is impossible completely unmanned to defend, unexpectedly by thorough breaks through? Is that the spatial camp?! 这才发动攻击多久?一分钟?两分钟?就算再怎么出其不意,那边的山门营地也不可能完全无人防守,竟然就被彻底突破了?那是空营吗?! That is obviously impossible, the only reason, is Solomon that group of people is too strong! Before today embarks fortunately, vows solemnly and Divian said that must fight to blow up the merit of temple with Solomon, but has a look at others such breaking through speeds now, contrasts again here rubber, is really extremely scary, others are open access simply, has not resulted in completely compares! 那显然不可能,唯一的原因,就是所罗门那帮人太强!亏得自己今天出发前还信誓旦旦的和蒂薇兰说,要和所罗门争抢炸毁神殿的功劳,可现在看看人家这样的攻破速度,再对比一下自己这边的胶着,实在是太过吓人,人家简直是畅通无阻啊,完全没得比! Carolyn had once thought that in new group of students, oneself are the candidate of Solomon same rank, similarly receives upper-level regarding as important, has nearly close talent and strength. Even if behind Solomon has the Empire support, but can also gather the Ten Great Household strength with it contending. Previous time coordinates to assemble the Ten Great Household 200,000 armies, because has to consider with the meaning that Solomon both have equal share, stands in opposition, may at this moment, when also lead ally to fall into to struggle hard, when that side has actually spread the news of victory report, Carolyn knows that he and disparity between Solomon, only feared no longer once was felt such. 卡洛琳曾一直觉得在新的这一批学员里,自己是和所罗门同一个级别的候选人,同样受到上层的看重,也有着近乎相近的天赋和实力。即便所罗门背后有帝国支持,可自己也能集合十大家族的力量与之抗衡。上次牵头调集十大家族200000大军,正是因为有着想和所罗门平分秋色、鼎足而立的意思,可此时此刻,当自己还带着身边的战友陷入苦战中,那边却已经传来捷报的消息时,卡洛琳就知道,自己和所罗门之间的差距,只怕已经不再是曾经感觉中那样了。 She cannot bear the secret sigh, Divian actually looks like knows her thoughts: Do not be discouraged, in the temple definitely also has the guard, Solomon they will not be relaxed, we step up!” 她忍不住暗暗一声叹息,身边的蒂薇兰却就像是知道她的心思似的:“别灰心,神殿里肯定也有守卫,所罗门他们不会那么轻松,我们加紧!” Compares in the surrounding these camps human race brigade difficult fighting a bloody battle, that side Solomon looked from the start has not looked at this surrounding battlefield. 相比周围那些营地中人类旅团艰苦的浴血奋战,那边的所罗门压根儿就连看都没看这周围的战场。 He knows the ability of this fellows, these surrounding camps most elite has assembled under to enter the war, each entrance camp has several hundred people to remain probably, such defense strength to their these seven people, collapses at the first blow. 他知道身边这帮家伙的能耐,这些外围营地的大多数精锐又都已经调集到下方去参战了,每个山门营地大概只有数百人留守,这样的防御力量对他们这七个人来说,不堪一击。 He leads the way gradually, said is gradually, but refers to him looks like very leisurely and carefree, the footsteps are leisurely, the speed that may go forward is actually not slow, armor tight following did not say a word in his. 他缓步前行,说是缓步,只是指他看起来走得很悠闲,脚步轻缓,可前进的速度却是丝毫不慢,铠则一直紧紧的跟在他的身后不发一言。 Today, their goals, only then one, that is on the summit that humongous incomparable phoenix temple, the body of Solomon had already prepared the quantity sufficiently blasting cap, sufficiently on smashing of octopus person symbolic the phoenix temple of that summit exploding! 今天,他们的目标只有一个,那就是山顶上那座巨大无比的凤凰神庙,所罗门的身上早就已经准备好了数量充足的‘克苏恩雷管’,足以将那座山顶上章鱼人标志性的凤凰神庙给炸个粉碎! Form that several four plunder in all directions has swept the camp rapidly, followed Solomon, small dance also in excited chirp, was saying she has killed several several...... This little girl is sees the blood to be insane, so long as sees the blood, she is more excited than anyone. 几个四处肆掠的身影已经迅速的扫荡完营地,重新追随到了所罗门的身后,小舞还在兴奋的叽叽喳喳,说着她干掉了几个几个……这妞就是个‘见血疯’,只要见到血,她比谁都兴奋。 Recommendation metropolis Great God Old Shi new book: 推荐都市大神老施新书:
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