BF :: Volume #8

#137: Routine is missing

Even if these Saint level characters, their causes of death are also same as these low-order soldier and even the common people, was cut to kill easily, as if life and death in instant of enemy, even cannot see any revolt the trace. 即便是这些圣级人物,他们的死法也和那些低阶战士乃至平民们一样,轻易就被斩杀,仿佛生死就在敌人的一念之间,甚至都看不出有任何反抗的痕迹。 even/including Shengji expert so collapses at the first blow, this enemy is simply formidable is unable to imagine...... Is highest sage Teacher? 连圣级强者都如此不堪一击,这敌人简直强大得无法想象……难道是至圣导师 Wang Zhong flashes through doubts at heart, but quick cancelled. 王重心里闪过一丝疑惑,但很快就又打消掉了。 The Saint master has certainly to achieve this point ability, but does not have the reason, and no matter in the record of human race, or in the time the meet of perpetual flow and Saint, Wang Zhong felt that the Saint master is not the person who that type likes slaughtering wantonly, only if threatening to him, cannot say that anything is benevolent, is one manner and a disposition, if were really the Saint master once came to here to begin, should be insufficient all common people in calamity and castle. 圣师当然有做到这一点的能力,但是没理由,且不管是在人类的记载中,亦或是自己在时间长河里和圣师的相遇,王重都感觉圣师并不是那种喜欢大肆杀戮的人,除非是对他有威胁,说不上什么仁慈不仁慈,就是一种态度、一种性格,如果真是圣师曾来这里动手的话,应该不至于祸及城堡中的所有平民。 Except for the Saint master, he has thought quickly when enters this fragment world that sees to burned black wing mark...... Is that thing? 除了圣师,他很快就想到了进入这个碎片世界时所看到的那对焦黑的翅膀印记……难道是那东西? What they most long for was can find master, no matter remains other anything, even if were only a relic is also good, that definitely was helpful to them understanding this world, but in big castle except for skeleton or skeleton, in the skeleton that is also unable to pile up from that distinguished the master whether also, actually made Wang Zhong find one seemingly and that to the burned black wing mark related clue. 两人最渴望的是能找到此间的主人,不管是遗骸还是其他什么,哪怕只是一点遗物也好,那肯定有助于两人来理解这个世界,可诺大的城堡中除了骨骸还是骨骸,也根本无法从那堆积如山的骨骸中分辨出此间主人是否也在其中,倒是让王重找到了一个貌似和那对焦黑翅膀印记有关的线索。 That is in the castle in highest that main fort, this entire should reach as high as dozens meters main fort already only the remaining half, was used any terrifying move to break out from the middle likely directly, lets the castle left half some vanishes to evaporate directly, but right the castle is actually perfect, but can see that in faintly the facet of castle has a burned black trace, is surviving the terrifying pressure and unique aura, the belt an intense corroded feeling, on and Wang Zhong when entering this fragment world, that to the aura of burned black wing is exactly the same in illusory feels.. 那是在城堡中最高的那座主堡上,这整座本该高达数十米的主堡已经只剩下一半,像是被人用什么恐怖的招数从中间直接劈开,让城堡的左半部分直接消失蒸发掉,而城堡右边却是完好无损,只是隐隐能看到城堡的切割面上有着一种焦黑的痕迹,残存着恐怖的威压和独特的气息,带着一种强烈的侵蚀感,就和王重在进入这个碎片世界时,在虚幻中所感受到的那对焦黑翅膀的气息一模一样。。 May in addition, have achieved nothing eventually, they have not been discouraged but actually, in the castle does not have, the range of that expansion search, first gives to search this trim world. In Wang Zhong space crystal thinks of enough much food and fresh water in any case, in addition, breaks through half Heavenly Soul soul power of Grai feeling to this world derived to withstand reluctantly, this is they build a biggest foundation of protracted war. 可除此之外,终究还是一无所获,两人倒并未灰心,城堡里没有,那就扩大搜索的范围,将这整片世界都先给搜索一遍。反正王重的空间水晶里装着足够多的食物和淡水,此外,已经突破半步天魂格莱感觉对这个世界的魂力汲取已经能勉强承受住了,这才是两人打一个持久战的最大基础。 They first are return enter this world near from the beginning that lake, really before such as, such that suspects, has not felt to have any channel or node exist/existence there, immediately they to the west, saw the end of this world, that is a piece of invisible barrier, has divided the entire world, another end of barrier completely is white mist, even if away from the strong world barrier, can by Wang Zhong and Grai felt that white is containing a certainly big danger to that piece. 两人首先是返回一开始进入这个世界的那个湖泊边,果然如之前猜想的那样,并没有在那里感受到有任何通道或者节点的存在,随即两人一路向西,看到了这世界的尽头,那是一片无形的屏障,分割了整个世界,屏障的另一端尽是一片白茫茫的雾气,即便是隔着超强的世界屏障,也能让王重格莱感觉到那片白茫茫中蕴含着一种绝大的危险。 Along the edge of barrier, they have circled a great-circle, felt that this world is not too big , more than 50 kilometers, the barrier of edge is probably solid and honest, may say without any breakage channel, therefore again has turned around, searched by the inch the entire world. 沿着屏障的边缘,两人绕了一个大圈,感觉这个世界并不算太大,大概也就50多公里,边缘的屏障坚实而敦厚,没有任何的破裂通道可言,于是又再掉过头来,将整个世界逐寸搜索了一遍。 Enough five days of time, longs for Spatial Node and crack that channel plants had not found, lets them actually in the unceasing exchange and exploration, calculated a more desperate possibility. 足足五天时间,渴望种的空间节点和裂缝通道没有找到,倒是让两人在不断的交流和探索中,推算出了一个更加让人绝望的可能。 Does not have the node, not to export, space seals up the independence completely, cannot feel any can be the Dimension mystical place core exist/existence...... 没有节点、没有出口,空间完全封闭独立,也感受不到任何可以作为维度秘境核心的存在…… This from the start is not the Dimension mystical place, but was one had the fragment world of formidable master! In Wang Zhong or Grai since, in fact faintly has realized to this point, but cannot affirm that only because of this piece of space regarding the Dimension mystical place is quite small, may regarding the fragment world, the broadness that simply is unable to imagine. 这压根儿就不是什么维度秘境,而是一个曾经有过强大主人的碎片世界!早在王重或是格莱进入时,其实对这一点就已经隐隐有所察觉了,只是一直不敢肯定,只因这片空间对于维度秘境来说算是比较小的,可对于碎片世界来说,那就简直是无法想象的宽广。 Regardless of Wang Zhong or Grai, after all has that little cognition to the fragment world. 无论王重还是格莱,对碎片世界终归是有那么一点点认知的。 More than dozens kilometers fragment world, what concept is that? Before Wang Zhong was not quite perhaps clear, but since knew that Old Zhang is thunder sacred Teacher, knew after that lake that one frequently and Old Zhang fished was Old Zhang fragment world, he understood, used using strength of this as an example in Saint Teacher in Exceed Grade expert that was famous, that lake fragment world that he had, just two kilometers! 数十多公里的碎片世界,那是什么样的概念?以前王重或许不太明白,但自从得知老张就是雷神圣导师、得知自己经常和老张去钓鱼的那个湖泊就是老张的碎片世界后,他就明白了,以这位在圣导师中都以战力着称的超级强者为例,他所拥有的那个湖泊碎片世界,也只不过两公里而已! Do not think to be small, must know that many Heavenly Soul big Teacher can have the spiritual energy rich principle balanced fragment world quite Ox Cha, the fragment world of the bigger the better has needed to consume huge energy that is unable to imagine to maintain. 可别觉得小,要知道,很多天魂导师能有个灵气丰富法则平衡碎片世界就已经相当牛叉,越大越好的碎片世界需要消耗无法想象的庞大能量来维持。 Has limited own imagination small and weakly, and so humongous the spiritual energy abundant terrain comprehensive fragment world, dispatch(ed) Old Zhang, that is what can expert be able to bear the consumption of this terrifying? It is not able to imagine simply! Also no wonder in the heart has all sorts of suspicions, they actually five days later completely has determined this point. 弱小限制了自己的想象力,如此巨大且灵气充沛地形全面的碎片世界,秒杀老张了,那得是什么样的强者才能负担得起这种恐怖的消耗?简直就是无法想象!也难怪心中有着种种怀疑,两人却都是直到五天后才完全确定了这一点。 A without owner, has bordered on the fragment world that is disillusioned, this may really be a little scared. 一个无主的、已经濒临破灭的碎片世界,这可真是有点傻眼。 After all understanding the fragment world were too few, although before , has seen similar description from the book, knows, so long as regained the will of fragment world to control this world thoroughly, but the issue was, was actually the will of fragment world what thing? 毕竟还是对碎片世界的了解太少了,虽然以前从书里看到过类似的描述,也知道只要收复了碎片世界的意志就可以彻底掌控这片世界,可问题是,碎片世界的意志究竟是一种什么样的东西? In Holy Land certain related books presents world will kind of noun actually frequently, may actually not see some people have carried on the detailed elaboration to it, perhaps is Wang Zhong and Grai is insufficient in the Holy Land knowledge jurisdiction, may be because this gadget is extremely mysterious, is unable to describe in the spoken language. 圣地的某些相关书籍上倒是常常出现世界意志这一类名词,可却从来没有看到过有人对之进行过详细的阐述,或许是王重格莱圣地的知识权限还不够,也有可能是因为这玩意太过玄奥,无法用言语来形容。 Before they remember , when enters Misso proclamation compared with the world, channel that thunder sacred Teacher drives out, in fact is among resistance with world wills, even if experienced personally at that time, that gadget is invisible does not have the nature, cannot see unable to feel, as if only exist/existence in Rules. Also, this world broke has become this appearance, principle completely chaos, so-called world will perhaps also already no longer exist/existence, to find and regain, easier said than done. 两人想起之前进入米索布达比世界时,雷神圣导师轰开的通道,事实上就是一种和世界意志之间的对抗,可即便是当时身临其境,那玩意也是无形无质,看不见摸不着,似乎只存在规则中。再说了,这片世界已经破碎成了这个样子,法则完全混乱,所谓的世界意志恐怕也都已经不复存在,要想找到并收复,谈何容易。 Cannot feel the fragment world the will, probably is because the strength and god of our Heroic Soul level know extremely weakly, but the principle of this world incomparable chaos is the result.” “感受不到碎片世界的意志,大概是因为我们英魂层次的力量和神识太过薄弱,而这片世界的法则又无比混乱所致。” After all the fragment world is the thing that Heavenly Soul big Teacher can contact, the Heavenly Soul essence is the harmony of nature and man, can be intimate with the nature, even can transfer the strength of world, the disparity in this level, is not Heroic Soul can depend the battle efficiency to surmount. 毕竟碎片世界是天魂导师才能接触的东西,天魂的本质就是天人合一,能亲近自然,甚至能调用天地之力,这种层次上的差距,绝不是一个英魂可以仗着战斗力来跨越的。 First finds the way to practice.” Wang Zhong has made a decision: If we can be promoted Heavenly Soul, strengthens to awareness of world, can perhaps feel the so-called world will from the principle of this chaos. Even if were still not good, or the will of this world withered away, we can also attempt to bond to open a channel in the world wall forcefully.” “先想办法修行。”王重做了个决定:“如果我们能晋级天魂,增强对天地的感知,或许就能从这混乱的法则中去感受所谓的世界意志了。就算仍旧不行,或者说这片世界的意志已经消亡,那我们也可以尝试强行在世界壁障上打开一个通道来。” The Heavenly Soul powerful place lies in can borrow the strength of world, can borrow many, looked purely your mortal body can withstand big energy circulation. 天魂的强悍之处就在于可以借用天地之力,能借用多少,纯粹看你的肉身能承受多大的能量流转。 These two, a mortal body is the Deifized cell, one is wrapped in a shroud of obscurity blood ancestor Bloodline, is the potential is infinite, in addition the principle of this world, although chaos and spiritual energy although is wild, but you manage it wild to be also good, chaos, here has the incomparably abundant spiritual energy is actually the fact. Since the entire fragment world has bordered on to be disillusioned, that surrounding barrier also definitely is at the weak condition, will not look like so was once formidable and firm. Therefore if can be promoted Heavenly Soul, assembles here world spiritual energy massively, that really has to break the world barrier the possibility, at least can also try, always is also a mentality and method. 这两人,一个的肉身是神化细胞,一个则是神秘莫测的血祖血脉,均是潜力无限,再加上这片世界的法则虽然混乱、灵气虽然狂暴,但你管它狂暴也好、混乱也罢,这里有着无比充沛的灵气却是不争的事实。而且既然整个碎片世界已经濒临破灭,那周围的屏障也肯定处于薄弱状态,不会像曾经那么强大而坚固。因此如果能晋级天魂,大规模调集这里的天地灵气,那确实是有打破世界屏障的可能,至少也可以一试,总也算是一种思路和方法。 Naturally, under this is most has no other choice the means that this fragment world is big those who are able directly captures to refine in void, only if therefore has the stable channel discrepancy, even if otherwise really 1% possibly breaks the barrier to exit from the interior, finally also definitely places in limitless void, the nihility regarding Heavenly Soul is still one type exist/existence that is worth awing. 当然,这是最不得已之下的办法,这种碎片世界都是大能者直接在虚空中抓取炼化,因此除非是有稳定的通道出入,否则即便真有1的可能从内部打破屏障出去,结果也肯定是身处于一片无边无际的虚空中,虚无对于天魂依然是一种值得敬畏的存在 Now said that these are too early, the breaks through Heavenly Soul four characters said simply, may in this close actually the deactivation to cross innumerable Heaven's Proud Son, its cannot finally breaks through, Wang Zhong and Grai talent is strong, can say breaks through to be able breaks through? 现在说这些还为时过早,突破天魂四个字说起来简单,可在这一关上却已经卡死过了无数的天之骄子,终其一身也不能突破,王重格莱就算天赋再强,可说突破就能突破 Also, wanted breaks through Heavenly Soul \; first, the accumulation of strength, their not deficient this aspect, but what is more important, usually also needs various turning points and sensibility actually. 再说了,想要突破天魂,其一是力量的积累,两人倒是并不缺乏这方面,但更重要的是,往往还需要各种契机和感悟。 This type senses common to come from the world natures, feels world natural principle, pattern small point becoming aware Five Phases, senses Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, the pattern big point becoming aware principle, the space and time, Order, destruction, Radiant wait / etc., from the observation to studying the understanding, must be fastidious about a sensibility of proceeding in an orderly way. 这种感悟一般都来自于天地自然间,去感受天地自然的法则,格局小一点的悟五行,感悟金木水火土,格局大一点的悟法则,时空、秩序、毁灭、光明等等,从观测到学习到理解,要讲究一个循序渐进的感悟。 But this fragment world, principle chaos, borders on to be disillusioned at present, the thunder coexists with ringing the cloudless day, earth Gravity is intermittent, the chaos disorder, completely is at the strange condition including these most familiar basic natural law here, you also sense a ghost! 可眼下这个碎片世界,法则混乱、濒临破灭,电闪雷鸣与朗朗晴天并存,大地重力时有时无、混乱无序,连这些最熟悉的基本自然法则在这里都完全处于诡异状态,你还感悟个鬼! On Wang Zhong has the solid stuff luckily. 幸好王重身上有干货。 They return to the castle at the suggestion of Wang Zhong, then Wang Zhong fished out a handle Misso proclamation to give Grai compared with the Divine sword of person, this was in a phoenix ruins wartime, that Sword Saint stayed behind. One had the nebula Divine sword, this handle just can give Grai. 两人在王重的建议下回到城堡,然后王重摸出了一柄米索布达比人的神剑递给了格莱,这是在凤凰遗迹一战时,那个剑圣所留下的。自己已经有星云神剑,这柄刚好可以送给格莱 This is the turning point.” Wang Zhong said: Misso proclamation is very more special than these swords of person . Moreover the users are above Heavenly Soul, I thought that should have some clues.” “这就是契机。”王重说道:“米索布达比人的这些剑很特别,而且使用者都是天魂以上,我觉得应该有一些蛛丝马迹。” Wang Zhong once saw in phoenix ruins is pregnant to raise the sword semifinished product space of Divine sword, knows that these Divine sword do not stem from the mediocre hand, moreover seemingly many octopus person Sword Saint through becoming aware the sword promotes the Saint level, although senses the world to differ from human race, but the in fact essence is the same. Naturally, more important is they have not resulted in now selects, here world principle extremely chaos, only then the Divine sword in hand, has the permanent stable principle, has the possibility of sensing. 王重曾在凤凰遗迹中见过孕养神剑的剑坯空间,知道这些神剑并非出自凡俗之手,而且貌似很多章鱼剑圣就是通过悟剑来晋升圣级的,虽说和人类去感悟天地有所不同,但其实本质都一样。当然,更重要的也是现在两人没得挑,这里的天地法则太过混乱,只有手中的神剑内部,拥有恒久稳定的法则,方有去感悟的可能。 Half Heavenly Soul and Heavenly Soul in fact misses a window paper. 半步天魂天魂其实就是差一层窗户纸。 Good.” Grai is very refreshed, he trust Wang Zhong is above the imagination, moreover by guts, in all people biggest definitely is Grai, fearless life and death, fearless tribulation, even fearless. “好。”格莱很爽快,他对王重的信任超乎想象,而且论胆量,所有人中最大的肯定是格莱,无惧生死,无惧磨难,甚至无惧自我。 Has instilling into of beforehand Wang Zhong Deifized Blood, already caused the Grai Bloodline mutation, not only mortal body already incomparably complete, he even felt own present has been able to spy on Heavenly Dao faintly, regardless of therefore becomes aware anything for him, but seeks for a breaks through turning point. 有之前王重神化血液的灌输,早已引起格莱血脉的异变,不但肉身已经无比圆满,他甚至感觉自己现在已经隐隐能窥探到一点天道了,因此无论悟什么对他来说都可以,只是去寻找一点突破的契机而已。 Here does not lack actually quietly, finds a place respectively, exempts mutually interfere|disturb.” “这里倒是不缺清静,各自找个地方吧,也免相互干扰。” This is different from practices ordinary, most abstains from other people spoken language to the sensibility of principle, because the same principle, the understanding of everyone is not same, once listens to others' suggestions, instead is easy to take the branch road, you are higher than one big boundary teacher generation on the continued proportion, common can only to you point out that a direction, making you realize, but is not detailed told you principle is anything. 这不同于普通修行,对法则的感悟是最忌讳旁人言语的,因为同一个法则,每个人的理解都不相同,一旦去听取别人的意见,反而容易走岔路,就连比你高出一个大境界的师长辈,一般都只能给你指出一个方向,让你自己去体会,而不是详细的去告诉你法则是什么什么。 Food distribution that Wang Zhong will bring, arrangement that also listened to sealing luckily, before is considered as on is the preparation is sufficient, piles up with entire space crystal food and fresh water, even if not save desirably, enough they support one year, if saves, supports two years not to have the issue. 王重将带来的食物分配了一下,也幸好听了封的安排,在过来之前算得上是准备充足,堆满一整个空间水晶的食物和淡水,即便不刻意节省,也足够两人支撑一年之久,而如果节省一点的话,撑个两年也没问题。 Good luck!” “好运!” Before separating, their also mutually [say / way] treasures, 1-2 years said that is short, may say that long absolutely is not long, must before then breaks through Heavenly Soul! 分开前,两人也是互道珍重,一两年的时间说短不短,可说长也绝对不长,必须要在这之前突破天魂 .............................. ………………………… Wang Zhong was missing. 王重又失踪了。 Vagrant Brigade this Group Head, is not quite always same as travel Group Head of other these well-known brigades to the feeling of person, on the light said that is missing this matter, before black crag mine one time and Shadowmoon Fort second time, now are the third time. 流浪旅团这位团长,给人的感觉总是和其他那些知名旅团的旅团长不太一样,就光说失踪这事儿,算起来,之前黑岩矿山一次、影月堡第二次,现在已经是第三次了。 As Group Head of brigade, where has this to play to be missing every other day? This must put for 2-3 months ago, the travel regimental head quarter definitely has is big pile of idle talk, but this time is different...... 身为一个旅团的团长,哪有这样三天两头玩儿失踪的?这要搁两三个月前,旅团部肯定有是一大堆闲言碎语,可这次却不一样啊…… Heard? Wang Zhong Group Head was missing!” In the travel regimental head quarter some people of gods talked on endlessly in dissemination hearsay: Heard that was runs up to the front!” “听说了吗?王重团长又失踪了!”旅团部里有人神叨叨的在传播小道消息:“听说是跑到前线去了!” Strange? Accident? Calculates the news?” Person who hears mostly is white his one eyes: This matter, I thought this worry should be the octopus person!” “稀奇吗?意外吗?算新闻吗?”听到的人大多都是白他一眼:“这种事儿,我觉得该担心的应该是章鱼人吧!” Is, this king Group Head is missing each time, the octopus people must but actually the blood mildew!” “就是,这位王团长每次一失踪,章鱼人都要倒血霉的!” I was supposing the octopus person previous generation has a grudge with Old Wang......” “我估摸着章鱼人上辈跟老王就有仇……” The times of several words, the topic was brought leaning: Words said that recently roamed about is very probably fierce, heard that came one Federation newbie that newly called Mo Wen, couple days ago with the Vagrant Brigade duty time, fought also the whole body to draw back with Sword Saint.” 才几句话的功夫,话题就被带偏了:“话说,最近流浪好像很猛啊,听说新来了一个叫墨问联邦新人,前几天跟流浪旅团的任务时候,和一个剑圣交了手还全身而退了。” Pulls, which comes these many flamboyant newbie...... Wait / Etc., were surnamed black ink, isn't that will be known as three big ancient Household Mo Family? Leaves vaticinator that?” “扯吧,哪来这么多牛逼新人……等等,姓墨,不会是那个号称三大古家族墨家吧?出预言者那个?” Not! Some strengths have the background,” that person said the saliva horizontally to fly, delightedly, Vagrant Brigade started to have one group of fans in the travel regimental head quarter now: Adds on before again, already very fierce Mu Zi Great God, Huaide and one group of Dimension person Elite, end of mission that called high, the brigade welfare was much better, did me to draw back my small brigade to register in the past......” “可不就是么!有实力还有背景,”那人说得唾沫横飞、眉飞色舞,流浪旅团现在在旅团部已经开始有一帮拥趸了:“再加上之前就已经很猛的木子大神,还有怀德和一帮维度精英,任务完成度那叫一个高,旅团福利好得出奇,搞得我都想退了我那个小旅团过去报名了……” Knock it off you, but also before working as present Vagrant Brigade is, that? Others did one set to receive the system of person, selected the person to be strict, already missed the Golden time of joining the Communist Youth League.” “拉倒吧你,还当现在的流浪旅团是以前那个?人家搞了一套收人的制度,挑人严着呢,早就错过入团的黄金时间喽。” Do not be jealous, the brigade that just started, what resources have not accumulated, does not have a mature Holy Land influence support, even if gets huge windfall wealth, where the welfare can good to go?” Also some people disdain: „In a little spare cash, definitely is also invests the brigade to develop.” “别那么眼红,一个刚兴起的旅团,没什么资源积累,也没有一个成熟的圣地势力支持,就算一夜暴富,福利又能好到哪里去?”也有人不屑:“就算有点闲钱,肯定也是投入旅团发展里吧。” This saying also really said right, the development of brigade after is the goal of this emerging brigade most important consideration, but speaks the truth, Vagrant Brigade is not short of money now. 这话说得还真没错,旅团的发展终归才是这种新兴旅团首要考虑的目标,但说实话,流浪旅团现在根本就不差钱。
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