BF :: Volume #8

#136: Extrication

Enters this piece of mystical place space to be different from the lake with Wang Zhong, the Grai access point in a piece of mountain range, is a very secret motion, may actually completely be understood thoroughly by the enemy, the squad that he is at encounters the ambushes of several hundred octopus person Greatsword gentlemen, ally already the casualty completely, only remaining he and a man and a woman two companions, were approached a narrow and small space in that piece of mountain range, eventually has fallen into the crack. 王重从湖泊中进入这片秘境空间不同,格莱的进入点在一片山脉中,原本是很隐秘的一个行动,可却被敌人完全洞彻了,他所在的小队遭遇数百个章鱼大剑士的埋伏,身边的战友已经死伤殆尽了,仅只剩下他和一男一女两个同伴,被逼近了那片山脉中的一个狭小空间,最终跌入了裂缝中。 That locates the Dimension crack unusually is unstable, before the female companion also declines into this mystical place, in the void turbulent flow by Dimension crack had been whirled away, only the remaining allies and he falls together, then felt the deriving strength of this world to soul power that Madness. 那处维度裂缝异常的不稳定,女同伴还没落入这片秘境前,就已经被维度裂缝中的虚空乱流卷走了,仅剩下一个战友和他一起掉进来,然后就感受到了这个世界对魂力疯狂的汲取力。 They have not used any soul power as far as possible, but that companion still cannot insist too for a long time, but took about 20-30 li (0.5km) road to fall down lost the consciousness, was quick thoroughly to be derived a dry corpse. 两人已经尽量不动用任何魂力了,可那个同伴仍旧没能坚持太久,只是走出了大约二三十里路就已经倒在了地上失去意识,然后很快就被彻底汲取成了一具干尸。 At that time Grai knows that here is own burial ground. 那时候格莱就知道,这里将会是自己的葬身之地。 When knows this point, his innermost feelings have an extrication feeling. 知道这一点时,他的内心是有一种解脱感的。 Between the benefactor and family member, he has chosen the family member, was actually forced to betray the benefactor, Grai was unable to forgive itself, he wants dead, but actually cannot choose the suicide simply. 在恩人和亲人之间,他选择了亲人,却被迫背叛了恩人,格莱不能原谅自己,他想死,但却又不能简单的选择自杀。 Each has the person of pure Blood Race blood relationship, in their bodies is flowing Bloodline of ancestor, then regards as by Blood Race is extension of ancestor Life, since that moment of therefore from you being born, lives is not being pure is living for oneself, but is the load bearing the Blood Race ancestor is living in your body, injures itself injures the Blood Race ancestor, that is the lese majeste, in a big way envies, is most serious, to the betrayal of entire tribal group! If chooses the suicide, even if died, Soul is unable to be redeemed, to underground will not have ancestor as well as clansman of face countenance to the Blood Race again. 每一个拥有纯正血族血统的人,他们的身体中都流淌着先祖的血脉,那被血族视为是先祖生命的延续,因此从你出生的那一刻起,活着就不是单纯的为自己活着,而是承载着血族的先祖在你的身体里活着,伤害自己就是伤害血族的先祖,那是大不敬、大忌,是最严重的、对整个族群的背叛!如果选择自杀,那即便是死了,灵魂也无法得到救赎,到了地下也将再也无颜面对血族的先祖以及族人。 This type held to read already penetrated in each Blood Race person marrow, in any situation was impossible to violate the body, was Blood Race, only if died in bed of old age, even if otherwise must die , can only die in the battlefield. 这种执念早已深入了每一个血族人骨髓里,任何情况下都不可能违背身,为一个血族,除非寿终正寝,否则即便要死,也只能死在战场上。 Therefore he chose came to the advance post, and registration shock troops, crashed in the front battlefield with one class of partner time the most dangerous place, he to forefront that may also because of this unusual fierceness, each time be able to let each time dread with the octopus person who he faced, then let his mistake arising out of chance circumstances lived, even linked the shock troops that he was , the overall survival percentage straight line rose...... Grai is also very speechless, that type wants one dead with every effort after the war, awkwardness that actually the time cannot die, perhaps only then the person of personal experience can feel that type of helpless acid to be happy. 所以他才选择了来前线基地,并且报名冲锋队,跟着一班伙伴次次冲进前线战场中最危险的地方,每次他都是冲在最前面那个,可也正因为这份异乎寻常的勇猛,每次都能让和他面对的章鱼人畏惧,然后让他阴差阳错的活了下来,甚至连他所在的冲锋队,整体存活率都直线上升……格莱也很无语,那种想尽力一战后就死去,却又偏偏次次都死不了的尴尬,恐怕只有亲身经历的人才能感受到那种无奈的酸爽。 Now was good, even does not need to fight again, the Grai knowledge quantity is quite profound, is different from the life that Wang Zhong that type strolls all day long everywhere blindly, benefits soaks the experience in library from Grai when Federation and Holy Land frequently, to knowledge that fragment world Heroic Soul Stage cannot use, he also has many understanding. 现在好了,甚至都不用再去战斗,格莱的知识量相当渊博,和王重那种成天到处瞎逛的人生不同,得益于格莱联邦圣地时常常泡在图书馆的经历,对碎片世界这种英魂期根本用不到的知识,他也有不少的了解。 This made Grai confirm quickly he rectified conduct to be in the fragment world that bordered on to be disillusioned, this place, can only enter cannot leave, depending on oneself trivial Heroic Soul, do not presumptuously think to regain the so-called fragment world will, is impossible some people to rescue itself, here finally becomes own grave. 这让格莱很快就确认了自己正身处于一个濒临破灭的碎片世界中,这种地方,只能进不能出,凭自己一个区区英魂,更不要妄想可以去收复所谓的碎片世界意志,也不可能会有人来救自己,这里终将成为自己的坟墓。 Although compare many that companion stronger, but places in this place, dies in any case, Grai does not care about the consumption of time, even does not have desirably resists deriving of this world to soul power, after having buried the corpse of companion , to continue. 虽说自己比那个同伴要强的多,但身处于此地,反正都是死,格莱并不在乎时间的消耗,甚至也没有刻意的去对抗这个世界对魂力的汲取,掩埋了同伴的尸体后才继续前行。 He did not have the goal, the direction that leading the way is following the awareness instinct, is tracking down a direction, that direction as if has any strangeness, is guiding him in the consciousness, making him want in previous to find out very at the point of death, in Xie Diaoxin has doubts. 他本是毫无目的的,前行的方向只是遵循着感知的本能,追寻着一个方向,那个方向似乎有什么古怪,在意识中引导着他,让他十分想要在临死前一探究竟,解掉心中疑惑。 Therefore insists that more approaches toward there, soul power in this piece of world derives as if in becoming more and more light, the degree of but reducing is very limited, the persistent consumption quickly makes him weak, soul power in within the body was already derived, what is different from ordinary human race is, in Grai Bloodline also has different formidable energy, can further maintain this consumption. 于是一路坚持下来,越往那里靠近,这片世界中的魂力汲取就似乎在变得越来越轻,但减轻的程度十分有限,持续的消耗还是很快就让他虚弱下来,体内的魂力早就已经被汲取一空了,但不同于普通人类的是,格莱血脉中也有着异乎强大的能量,可以进一步的维持这种消耗。 This asks him more to leave is farther, until seeing that piece has buried the castle in skeleton. 这让他越走越远,直到看到了那片掩埋在骨骸中的城堡。 Skeleton all over slightly has also shocked Grai, but reappeared immediately the smiling face, originally was this, no wonder wanted, the heaven was not thin to oneself, feared after one died lonely, actually also kept these many people to accompany itself, although was the octopus people, everybody language barrier, will not look like Senior Wang Zhong so to be easy getting along with, but the good and evil was also has to accompany. 漫山遍野的尸骸也是把格莱微微震撼了一下,但随即就浮现出了笑容,原来是这样,难怪自己想要过来,老天对自己不薄,怕自己死后孤单,竟然还留了这么多人来陪着自己,虽然都是章鱼人,大家语言不通,不会像王重学长那么好相处,但好歹也算是有个伴了。 What a pity he did not have the strength to arrive in the castle again, the body had only been attracted remains skinny, the eye socket gets sucked, meridians of some innumerable azure purple already on skin serious highlights. Is good in saw in heart to think finally that Grai has satisfied, relaxation of consciousness made him pour in the skeleton outside city directly. 可惜他已经没力气再走到城堡中去,身体已经被吸得只剩皮包骨头,眼眶深陷,有无数青紫色的经脉都已经在皮肤上严重的凸显出来。好在总算是看到了心中所想,格莱已经满足,意识的放松让他直接倒在了城外的尸骸中。 He has thought once in Tianjing, Senior Ma Dong has spoken a bored cold joke, opens eyes, an evening passed, closes one's eyes, for a lifetime on the past...... 他想到了曾经在天京的时候,马东学长讲过的一个无聊的冷笑话,一睁眼,一晚上过去了,一闭眼,一辈子就过去了…… The corners of the mouth of Grai are hanging a smiling face, has closed the eye. 格莱的嘴角挂着一丝笑容,闭上了眼睛。 Wipes already very weak consciousness actually exhausted in Dark of nihility, felt that all around is very cold, has the possibility to wipe the weak consciousness thorough freeze and thorough dissipation this anytime, indistinct, he as if hears some people to call his name in a nihility, but he wants to respond at this time radically is also incapable. 一抹已经十分微弱的意识却被困顿在虚无的黑暗里,感觉四周很冷,随时都有可能将他这抹微弱的意识彻底冻结、彻底消散,隐隐绰绰中,他似乎听到有人在一片虚无中叫自己的名字,可此时他就算想回应也根本无力。 That consciousness and ice-cold dissipates in Dark gradually, may, all around produce gradually probably luminously, has had the temperature, is mild that to wipe the broken consciousness, making him fast recover, even rapid expands...... 那股意识在黑暗和冰冷中逐渐消散,可渐渐的,四周好像产生了光亮,又产生了温度,温润着那抹残破的意识,让他飞快的复原,甚至迅速的壮大…… Is getting more and more sober, all around was also bright just likes the daytime, may actually throughout be in the nihility. 自我越来越清醒,四周也已经亮堂得犹如白昼,可却始终身在虚无。 Grai wants to go out of this nihility, actually in that luminous everywhere runs into a wall, may at the same time, these luminous also in breeding him, towing him, making him feel strength of the great antiquity to recover in within the body, even saw in the nihility some once only presented the dignified portrait on Blood Race mural. 格莱想要走出这片虚无,却在那光亮中处处碰壁,可与此同时,那些光亮也在孕育着他、牵引着他,让他感受到了一种洪荒之力在体内复苏,甚至在虚无中看到了一些曾经只出现在血族壁画上的威严画像。 That is the Blood Race ancestor, is sending out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, just likes the gods sits well before his body, is dignified and formidable, is much more sacred, making him unable to bear want to lie prostrate in worship, but he actually cannot do obeisance, because of slowly, the discovery of his very surprise, that just likes the gods is sitting well the Blood Race ancestor, seems one...... 那是血族的先祖,散发着万丈光芒,犹如神明般端坐在他身前,威严而强大,神圣得不可侵犯,让他忍不住想要顶礼膜拜,但他却又拜不下去,因为慢慢的,他十分诧异的发现,那个犹如神明般端坐着的血族先祖,似乎就是自己本身…… When realizes this point finally, in the heart is similar the spatial bright thoughts along with it achieving mastery through a comprehensive study, the wall of all around nihility bonds vanishes suddenly, Grai has opened the eye, in the eye slightly confused quick is similar to the dreamland dissipation after the brain, a familiar face appears at present. 当终于意识到这一点,心中仿佛有一丝空明的念头随之融会贯通,四周虚无的壁障猛然消失,格莱睁开了眼,眼中些微的迷茫很快就如同梦境般消散在脑后,一张熟悉的脸庞出现在眼前。 Wang Zhong! 王重 Studies......” sees Wang Zhong, was at being like the first awakening after a dream condition Grai, the first response stares, he leaves Vagrant Brigade time, just heard Wang Zhong in greatly noisy octopus person rear area palace wall, will be away from ten thousand li (0.5km) remote with northern war zone here, Senior Wang Zhong will appear here? “学……”看到王重,原本就还处于大梦初醒状态的格莱,第一反应就是一愣,他离开流浪旅团的时候,正是刚听到王重在大闹章鱼人后方皇城时,和北部战区这里隔着万里之遥,王重学长怎么会出现在这里? When Wang Zhong compared with his greatly is one year old, from the beginning the meet is only accidentally, chooses goes study in Tianjing Academy, is only because of the Tianjing particularity, here belongs to a Federation city, but does not have Federation Ten Great Household many forms, compared with is suitable he to hide, but does not need to be worried because own brings in coveting and inquiries of these big Household outstandingly. But choice Prodigy Society, was accidental, first of the theory result in academy, the actual combat ability reciprocal, actually can also enter the high-power Gravity training room to go to the quenching mortal body strange exist/existence, making him feel that had that little curious and interest. 王重比他大一岁,一开始时的相遇只是个偶然,选择在天京学院就读,只是因为天京的特殊性,这里属于联邦的一线城市,但却并没有联邦十大家族过多的身影,比较适合他潜藏,而不用担心会因为自身的优秀而引来那些大家族的觊觎和打探。而选择奇葩社,就更是偶然了,一个在学院中理论成绩第一,实战能力倒数,却偏偏又还能进入高倍重力训练室去淬炼肉身的奇怪存在,让他感觉有那么一点点好奇和兴趣而已。 May along with various exchanges between these two years and Wang Zhong, that type each other sends the trust of innermost feelings, times fight side-by-side, the experience of interdependence, with completely was once different in Solomon under that brutal training battalion, is feeling the Wang Zhong enthusiasm and positive, took had been filled with the hatred Grai to be too many at that time the positive thing. 可随着这两年和王重之间的各种交流,那种彼此发乎内心的信任,一次次并肩作战、相互依赖的经历,和曾经在所罗门手下那残酷的训练营中完全不同,感受着王重的热情和积极,带给了当时满心仇恨的格莱太多正面的东西。 It can be said that he was been very big by the influence of Wang Zhong, other people are unable to imagine, although they are not symmetric by the brothers, may in the Grai subconscious, he think that Wang Zhong a little looked like that to lead him the elder brother who very much in childhood went to the suburb to go hunting, that was also one person who was worth trusting and depending upon, but as an orphan, this was he most deficient thing. 可以说他受王重的影响很大,旁人根本无法想象,尽管两人没有以兄弟相称,可在格莱的潜意识中,他觉得王重有点像很小时候那个带着他去郊外打猎的兄长,那也是一个值得信赖和依靠的人,而作为一个孤儿,这正是他最缺乏的东西。 Therefore he subconscious is to call Senior, after may slightly hesitate, exit / to speak that actually cannot call. Because he realized immediately Wang Zhong definitely specially looks own, for an ambush in traitor penetrates such strategic place, not cares about own danger, even if the family member, how many people also there are able to achieve? Grai is very ashamed, such will regard as the important family member's person, oneself actually will be others places in his undercover, no matter will have to betray Wang Zhong, he thought that he will not match family member sacred noun, he does not even dare to look at the eye of Wang Zhong. 因此他下意识是想要叫一声学长的,可略一迟疑之后,却没能叫的出口。因为他立刻就意识到王重肯定是专门来找自己的,为了一个潜伏在身边的‘背叛者’深入这样的险地,丝毫不在乎自身的危险,即便是亲人,又有几人能做到?格莱很惭愧,这样一个将自己视为重要亲人的人,自己却是别人安插在他身边的卧底,不管自己有没有出卖王重,他觉得自己都不配亲人这个神圣的名词,他甚至都不敢看王重的眼睛。 But Wang Zhong actually can probably understand his innermost feelings to be the same, after discovering own that short stunned, immediately is deep gratified and pleasant surprise, so long as this fellow is also living well! Wang Zhong was also long expressed one breath, then walked quickly, cracked into a smile: How also to call not to export? One time is Senior, for a lifetime is Senior!” 王重却好像是能看懂他的内心一样,在发现自己那短暂的错愕之后,随即就是深深的欣慰和惊喜,只要这家伙还活着就好!王重也是长抒了一口气,然后快步走了过来,咧嘴一笑:“怎么还叫不出口了?一次是学长,一辈子都是学长!” Has not straightened without the blame artificially, does not have any unnecessary words, is only the simple several characters, is similar they to greet in the spare time, regards to be in the hopeless situation , if no thing. 没有责怪也没有矫揉做作,更没有任何多余的话,只是简简单单十几个字,就仿佛两人只是在茶余饭后打了个招呼,视身在绝境如无物。 The eye socket of Grai was a little slightly red, but after all slowly has lifted the head. 格莱的眼眶微微有点红了,但终归是慢慢抬起了头。 Sorry!” “对不起!” Your this fellow, Grai that I know, any matter cannot discuss together, if you want the Solomon favour, on the trivial return route, not to give him, big matter!” Wang Zhong said with a smile, saw Grai to be sober, has been hanging the heart finally has also returned in the chest. “你这家伙,还是我认识的格莱吗,什么事儿不能一起商量,如果你真想还所罗门的人情,不就区区一个回路吗,让给他,多大的事儿!”王重笑道,看到格莱清醒,一直悬着的心也才终于放回了胸口里。 First eats a thing.” Wang Zhong has not raised, obviously is also not the time. “先吃点东西吧。”王重并没有提更多,显然还不是时候。 The Grai forced smile, I cannot pass oneself this pass/test, Solomon to me not only has the graciousness of life-saving, in the past most difficult time was also he helps me cross.” 格莱苦笑,“我过不了自己这一关,所罗门对我不但有救命之恩,当年最困难的时候也是他帮我渡过的。” Wang Zhong looks at Grai, sighed, wants to wait for you to restore to you to look that something cannot look at the surface.” 王重看着格莱,叹了口气,“本来是想等你恢复在给你看的,有些事情不能看表面。” Was saying gives Grai the material, this fellow is true straightforward BOY, oneself spend completely rescues him, is intertwining unexpectedly still. 说着把资料递给格莱,这家伙才是真正的耿直BOY,自己费尽的救回他,竟然还在自我纠结。 I do not dare saying that this plan certainly is the Solomon arrangement, however your Household destruction absolutely is the Kaiser Empire plot, makes your such orphan intentionally, has talent, has the hatred to Federation.” “我不敢说这个计划一定是所罗门安排的,但是你的家族覆灭绝对是凯撒帝国的阴谋,故意制造出你这样的孤儿,有天赋,对联邦又有仇恨。” Wang Zhong has not said too, impact of this matter to Grai perhaps is a little big. 王重也并没有说太多,这事儿对格莱的冲击恐怕是有点大。 Grai understood that own tribal group, everybody by the animal blood to live at that time, suddenly presented the malignant hemophagia case, family's people were also quite shocking, then shortly after the Federation army came, now thinks that the issue was very many, Grai earnest looks at the content in material, substantiated own idea, because he was Dandelion, knew many Dandelion life experiences. 格莱更了解自己的族群,当时大家都是靠动物血为生,突然出现恶性吸血案件,家里的人也是相当震惊,然后没多久联邦军队就来了,现在想想问题是挺多的,格莱认真的看着资料里的内容,一个一个印证自己的想法,因为他是蒲公英,也知道不少蒲公英的身世。 Originally all are the field nightmares. 原来一切都是场噩梦。 Senior, sorry!” Long time, in both eyes restores the stature Grai to apologize once again. 学长,对不起!”良久,双目中恢复身材的格莱又一次道歉。 Is the brothers, next time will have the matter not to bore tip of cows horn in a person, then, the issue came now, comes to say, exits?” Wang Zhong helpless shrugging, he knows that Grai must rescue, but regarding exiting he does not have the means. “都是自家兄弟,下次有事儿别在一个人钻牛角尖,那么,现在问题来了,进来好说,怎么出去?”王重无奈的耸耸肩,他知道格莱必须救,可是对于出去他也没有办法。 Rescued Grai, even if got sucked into the dangerous situation to Wang Zhong at is not the matter, but Grai untied the heart to tie is also the person of fearless, they regarding the present situation very calm, could not see is a dead end. 救到了格莱,哪怕深陷险境对王重根本不是事儿,而格莱解开心结也是属于天不怕地不怕的主儿,两人对于眼前的情况非常的淡定,丝毫看不出是一个死局。 Must want to leave from a Dimension mystical place, to one, in Fifth Dimension survived very long cultivator in fact not extremely to be difficult, so long as because can enter can definitely leave, the old route returned, but the present issue is, old route where? 要想从一个维度秘境中离开,对一个在第五维度生存了很久的修行者来说其实并不算太过困难,因为只要能进就肯定能出,原路返回嘛,可现在的问题是,原路在哪里? They said mutually enter the experience of this Dimension mystical place, immediately discovered everybody's point of descent is completely same, near which lake, but different is actually their enters style not to be different, in other words near that lake is connecting the channel node of outside, at least frequently is moving in the reality. In addition, Grai does not brave from the lake water, but falls from the space, according to his memory, looked up the day at that time, simply had not actually felt that has any channel node exist/existence, cannot see any Dimension crack. 两人相互说了一下自己进入这片维度秘境的经历,立刻就发现大家的落点是完全相同的,都是在哪个湖泊边上,可不同的却是两人的进入方式并不一样,也就是说那个湖泊边连接着外界的通道节点,至少是在现实中时刻移动着的。此外,格莱可不是从湖水里冒出来,而是从天上掉下来,但据他回忆,当时抬头看天,却根本没有感觉到有任何通道节点的存在,也看不到任何维度裂缝。 Simultaneously Wang Zhong also clear remembering, oneself are braves from the lake right, but that is actually only one approached dry, most is only and waist deep lake, can look at a channel the entire lake, the lake bottom absolutely does not have the so-called crack or channel exist/existence. 同时王重也清晰的记得,自己是从湖泊中冒出来没错,可那却只是一个已经接近干涸,最多只是及腰深的湖泊,一眼就可以将整个湖泊看个通道,湖底根本就没有所谓的裂缝或者通道存在 Has not to obtain, this was very strange, is completely different from ordinary Dimension mystical place channel Rules, definitely cannot be generally spoken, this strange world everywhere is passing a mysticalness, suddenly seems unable to start, headless Xu. 有进没得出,这就很奇怪了,和普通的维度秘境通道规则完全不同,肯定不能一概而论,这个奇怪的世界处处都透着一种神秘,一时间似乎无法入手,毫无头绪。 First has a look in all directions, searched the castle, look can find some clues.” “先四处看看吧,搜索一下城堡,看看能不能找到一些线索。” Matter that more like this does not have the clue, more can arouse the desire that they challenge on the contrary. 越是这样没头绪的事儿,反倒越能激起两人挑战的欲望。 Stepped over dense bones of the dead that outside the city that piled up, to the castle, had discovered that the corpse in castle also in the same old way piled up. Each streets and lanes, each channel and house, everywhere are the wreckage of octopus person, these octopus people obviously are not because the fragment world withers away dead, but experienced a desperate slaughter, they mostly have been decapitated, or cut off around the middle, the cutting off limb wreckage and skull tumble everywhere are , many have expert of many Saint levels, these gold armor of clothing from them can distinguish. 迈过城外那堆积如山的森森白骨,到了城堡中,才发现城堡内的尸首也照样是堆积如山。每一个街头巷尾、每一处通道和屋舍,到处都是章鱼人的残骸,这些章鱼人显然并非是因为碎片世界消亡而死,而是经历了一场绝望的屠杀,他们大多都已经身首异处,又或是被拦腰斩断,断肢残骸和头骨滚落得到处都是,其中还不乏有着许多圣级的强者,从他们身上穿戴的那些金色铠甲就能分辨得出来。
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