BF :: Volume #8

#135: Seizes the shed to near

Afterward is whole piece dry face, and even entire has nearly withered body, formidable energy that in Wang Zhong Blood sends out is nourishing the whole body of Grai rapidly, possible! 随后就是整张干涸的脸、乃至整具近乎干枯的身体,王重血液中所散发出来的强大能量正在迅速的滋养着格莱的全身,有戏! Old Wang, Old Wang, controls the Blood speed of flow, he does not live, you died!” Simba shouted loudly, was really the child of not being able to grow up, at this time also needed him to remind, Deifized Blood, in addition Grai strong Blood Race constitution, let alone also had the tone, perhaps the dry corpse can also revive. 老王,老王,控制血液流速,别他活了,你死了!”辛巴大喊大叫道,真是长不大的孩子,这个时候还需要他提醒,神化血液,加上格莱的超强血族体质,别说还有口气,恐怕干尸也能救活。 Saw that Grai recovered close normal state standard, the meridians of body surface these azure purple also vanished does not see, but is the consciousness flutters, is not willing to return...... 眼看着格莱的身体已经恢复到了接近正常状态的水准,体表那些青紫色的经脉也已经消失不见,可就是意识飘飘荡荡、不肯归来…… Grai! Awakes! Grai!” 格莱!醒醒!格莱!” Wang Zhong has completely disregarded the complaint of Simba, was shouting unceasingly Grai name, nearby headless Knight is also sends out wū wū the sound, reverberates in this deserted castle, appears infiltrates the person to be incomparable. 王重完全无视了辛巴的抱怨,不断喊着格莱的名字,旁边的无头骑士也是发出‘呜呜’的声音,在这空寂的城堡中回荡,显得渗人无比。 ............ ………… In another fragment world of this time, practicing of Scarlet just considered small part to fall. 此时的另一个碎片世界中,斯嘉丽的修行刚好告了一个小段落。 The achievement is good, can see that she soaks the body in that Jade Lake became glittering and translucent carving, the before makings of whole person also and practice, had the tremendous changes, was more elusive, person who if there is Mo Family here, will be very certainly surprised, Scarlet this time makings, unexpectedly and Mo Xingchen has 89 similar. 成果不错,能看到她泡在那瑶池中的身体已经变得晶莹剔透,整个人的气质也和修行之前发生了翻天覆地的变化,更加空灵了,如果有墨家的人在这里,一定会很惊讶,斯嘉丽此时的气质,竟然和墨星辰有着89分的相似。 This may incessantly be because the strength strengthens the change that can have, so elusive makings, closer unusual refined Heavenly Dao nature, as if the darling in world. Therefore other did not say that this person practices almost not to meet any too big bottleneck, absolutely is in the cultivator ranks among the best to the affinity of world. 这可不止是因为实力增强就能产生的变化,如此空灵的气质,更贴近超凡脱俗的天道自然,仿佛天地的宠儿。因此别的不说,这种人修行起来几乎都不会遇上什么太大的瓶颈,对天地的亲和力也绝对是修行者中数一数二的。 Sophia is very satisfied, simply was too satisfied, satisfaction resulted in the excitement of whole face, even is also out of control flood menstruation slightly, to like the unequalled appreciation vision to size up this perfect body with that type. 索菲亚很满意,简直是太满意了,满意得满脸的兴奋,甚至还禁不住泛着些微的红潮,用那种喜爱到无与伦比的欣赏眼光打量着这具完美的身体。 Scarlet natural talent looks like also above her estimate, this young apprentice absolutely is the block treasure, moreover is belongs to mature slowly, in the future of better fork! So long as has robbed this body...... Perhaps this was for several hundred years most has hope to cross the Heavenly Tribulation opportunity! 斯嘉丽资质看来还在她的预估之上,这个小徒弟绝对是块瑰宝,而且是属于大器晚成,越往后越牛叉的那种!只要抢夺了这身体……这或许是数百年来自己最有希望渡过天劫的机会了! Scarlet just from sitting in meditation to sober, but could also not give a thought to the change of feeling body, looks at her whole body not quite to be a little comfortable by the vision that master that not minced, she could not bear put out a hand to cover the even more full chest slightly: Teacher......” 斯嘉丽才刚刚从入定中清醒过来,还顾不上感受身体的变化,就被师傅那毫不掩饰的目光看得她有点浑身都不太自在,她忍不住伸手微微捂住自己愈发饱满的胸口:“导师……” Is also shy in front of Teacher.” Sophia has smiled: „Is the feeling of breaks through limit what kind of?” “在导师面前还害什么羞。”索菲亚笑了起来:“突破极限的感觉怎么样?” Heavenly Soul, is went against heaven's will changes to assign, is violates the natural law one condition. Therefore if Heroic Soul wants to be promoted Heavenly Soul, must first break is own various limits, including own limit is unable breaks through, discussed that what goes to breaks through natural Rules? But also when only when your breaks through various nature have entrusted with you Life on the establishment good limit, will bring to the attention of universe will, your regarding in variation a virus for universe body, therefore lowers Heavenly Tribulation to punish or eliminates you...... That crosses the tribulation, only then crosses the tribulation to be successful, is true unique mediocre Heavenly Soul expert. 天魂,原本就是逆天改命,是违背自然规律的一种状态。因此一个英魂要想晋级天魂,首先要打破的就是自身的各种极限,连自身的极限都无法突破,又谈何去突破自然的规则?而也只有当你突破了各种大自然赋予你生命时就设置好的极限,才会引起宇宙意志的注意,将你视之为宇宙身体中一个变异的病毒,于是降下天劫来惩罚或者说消灭你……那就是渡劫,只有渡劫成功,才算是一个真正超脱凡俗的天魂强者 „...... Is full......” Teacher to ask very much full and very much that Scarlet also immediately calms the mind, realized carefully: But also feels at heart somewhat uneasy, probably do not accommodate in the world, was pushed aside by the world, as if will have any not good matter to occur quickly same......” “……很饱满、很充盈……”导师有问,斯嘉丽也是立刻就静下心来,细细体会:“但心里也感觉有些忐忑不安,好像自己不容于天地,被天地排挤,似乎有什么不好的事儿很快就会发生一样……” Your mortal body did not have the breaks through limit, has been able to feel the world pushes aside......” on the face of Sophia as before is maintaining the temperate smiling face: This is the good phenomenon, showed that your Six Senses is very keen, don't worry, but crosses self- awareness before tribulation.” “你的肉身还没有突破极限,就已经能感受到天地的排挤……”索菲亚的脸上依旧保持着温和的笑容:“这是好现象,证明你的第六感十分敏锐,不用担心,只是渡劫前的自我感知而已。” Heavenly Soul must cross the tribulation, the Holy Land people knows, but Heavenly Tribulation is also divided into two types. 天魂要渡劫,圣地人都知道,但天劫也分为两种。 One type is big Heavenly Tribulation, after is the people mentioned these to cross frequently tribulation failure, returns to Earth retirement Heavenly Soul, that Heavenly Tribulation that mentions. May in fact, the big Heavenly Tribulation bad risk be incomparable, the true failure, is ten deaths without life, in a flash vanishes in puff of smoke radically, will not remain to you dregs , after where has what crosses the tribulation failure, can return to Earth retirement the view? As long as is that type returns to Earth to care for the aged, was known as that crosses the tribulation failure, in fact they actually continually crosses the qualifications of tribulation not to have, has not seen oversized Heavenly Tribulation...... 一种是大天劫,也就是人们常常说起那些‘渡劫失败’后回地球养老的天魂们时,所提到的那种天劫。可事实上,大天劫凶险无比,真正失败,根本就是十死无生,瞬间灰飞烟灭,连渣都不会给你剩一点,哪有什么渡劫失败后还可以回地球养老的说法?但凡是那种回地球养老的,号称渡劫失败,其实他们却连渡劫的资格都没有,根本就没有见过大天劫…… But another type is small Heavenly Tribulation, is named industry tribulation, when is Heroic Soul promotes Heavenly Soul needs to face, although not ten deaths without life like big Heavenly Tribulation, but once is defeated, the mortality rate still reached as high as over 70%, remaining that 30% lived by luck , has almost become the disabled person, practicing was certainly do not think that absolute bad risk. 而另一种则是小天劫,也俗称‘业劫’,是英魂晋升天魂时所需要面对的,虽然不像大天劫那样十死无生,可一旦失败,死亡率仍旧高达70以上,剩下那三成侥幸活下来的,也几乎完全成了废人,修行是肯定不要想的,绝对的凶险。 Heroic Soul breaks through arrives at Heavenly Soul, what breaks through is, therefore should the tribulation by self- is also produced.” So long as Sophia recently had free time to mention all of related industry tribulation with Scarlet, deepened her impression, this pass/test, she made no mistake certainly: Ordinary cultivator industry the tribulation will have three, the fire of karma, refining up the soul and heart demon.” 英魂突破天魂,突破的是自我,因此应的劫也由自我所产生。”索菲亚最近只要有空就会和斯嘉丽说起有关业劫的一切,加深她的印象,这一关,她绝不容有失:“普通修行者的业劫会有三道,业火、炼魂、心魔。” „The strongs and weaks of these three tribulations are different from person to person, the fire of karma is lived by the heart, involving in common customs is related with you, your worrying much, worry are more, the causes and effects that involves are more, the fire of karma is also stronger, its calcine your five main internal organs (entrails), is unable to suppress, but these positions are the Heroic Soul stage are most difficult to practice , the frailest spot, only has by the soul power maintenance, clears the support to the fire of karma with hardship. Many Heroic Soul before crossing the tribulation will place their matter as far as possible, even there are to play dead to get rid of oneself status, to let own worrying are as far as possible few some......” “这三劫的强弱因人而异,业火由心而生,与你在世俗间的牵扯有关,你的牵挂越多、顾虑越多,牵扯的因果越多,业火也就越强,它煅烧你的五脏六腑,无法扑灭,而那些位置则是英魂阶段最难修炼到、也最脆弱的部位,唯有靠魂力维护,苦苦支撑到业火散尽。很多英魂在渡劫前都会尽量安置好自己的身后事,甚至有以假死摆脱自己身份的,就是为了让自己的牵挂尽量少一些……” Scarlet earnest is listening, before she also knows that Heroic Soul breaks through Heavenly Soul must cross the tribulation, what tribulation but must cross specifically, has not been unsure at heart, now also first time heard. 斯嘉丽认真的听着,以前她也知道英魂突破天魂要渡劫,但具体要渡什么样的劫,心里还真没个谱,现在也还是第一次听说。 Fire of karma? Can cut off among involving with family members? That also practices anything. 业火?要断绝和亲人之间的牵扯?那还修行什么。 Although on the Scarlet mouth did not refute, satisfying had another weight, let alone her time in worrying the parents and grandfather on Earth, the single was the relations of Wang Zhong, she absolutely absolutely not. The master told her obviously is the safest means that but the person was always is different from the person, perhaps in this world had for the person who to pursue the strength did not hesitate at all costs, but also many people to protect family member has chosen practicing. 斯嘉丽嘴上虽不反驳,可心中却自有另一番衡量,别说她心里时刻都在牵挂着地球上的父母和爷爷,单只是和王重的关系,她就绝对断不了。师傅告诉她的显然是最稳妥的办法,但人和人始终是不一样的,或许这世上有很多为了追求力量而不惜一切代价的人,但也有很多人正是为了保护身边的亲人才选择了修行。 In this regard, in the Scarlet eye does not have slight being at a loss, appears limpid and pure, even is having the expectation. 在这方面,斯嘉丽的眼中毫无丝毫的迷惘,显得清澈而纯净,甚至带着憧憬。 She to let the family member on Earth crosses well, in order to helps Wang Zhong, overtake his step, has chosen the road of this difficult practicing, the matter of putting the cart before the horse, she wants not to think. 她就是为了让地球上的亲人过得更好,为了能帮助到王重、追上他的步伐,才选择了这艰难的修行之路,本末倒置的事儿,她连想都不会想。 Sophia also knows obviously her thoughts, do not expose, but then said: Refining up the soul tribulation is the quenching state of mind, you will feel that oneself falls into the illusion, facing the inexhaustible enemy, either is you kills off all enemies to come out from the illusion \; Either is you are cut to kill by these enemies of nihility, since then the state of mind dissipates, becomes a vegetable. This is related with your own strength, oneself will be stronger, the enemy who will face also will be naturally stronger. This closes in fact not to be under normal circumstances difficult, remembers that I let your Soul Guard very weak, Soul Guard is the bundle on Soul, can therefore enter with you refining up in the illusion of soul tribulation, hē hē, that was equal to that two, the enemy who that faces and difficult also will be the duplicate!” 索菲亚显然也知道她的心思,并不点破,只是接着说道:“炼魂劫则是淬炼神魂,你会感觉自身堕入幻境,面对无穷无尽的敌人,要么是你杀尽所有的敌人从幻境中出来\;要么就是你自己被那些虚无的敌人斩杀,从此神魂消散,成为一个植物人。这与你自身实力有关,自身越强,面对的敌人自然也就会越强。这一关在正常情况下其实并不难,记得我让你魂卫很鸡肋吗,魂卫是捆绑在灵魂上的,因此会和你一起进入炼魂劫的幻境中,呵呵,那等于是两个自我,那面对的敌人和困难也将是双份!” Here, Sophia has as if remembered any funny matter, the corners of the mouth slightly flood a smiling face. 说到这里,索菲亚似乎是想起了什么好笑的事情,嘴角微微泛起一丝笑容。 She has thought Scarlet that young boyfriend Wang Zhong, heard he not only has Summoned Beast when Earth, after entering Holy Land, is bewildered and had two Soul Guard...... hē hē, is very as if sight, but also at disciple challenge tournament crest of wave, but must know that Soul Guard that gadget and Summoned Beast effect is similar, will increase refining up the danger in soul boundary, has three, that difficulty must quadruple, such building up soul tribulation, in the Holy Land history had not heard that who once passed. 她想到了斯嘉丽那个小男友王重,听说他不但早在地球时就有过一只召唤兽,进入圣地后更是莫名其妙的又有了两个魂卫……呵呵,似乎很风光,还在圣徒挑战赛上出了把风头,但要知道,魂卫那玩意和召唤兽的效果是类似的,也会增加炼魂境中的危险,拥有三个,那难度就得翻三番了,那样的炼魂劫,圣地历史上都没听说有谁曾经通过。 Sophia does not have the least bit favorable impression to Wang Zhong, but somewhat is curious, actually wants to have a look at this boy to cross the duplicate the building up soul tribulation dead miserably, what what a pity was others not. 索菲亚王重并没有半点好感,但还真有点好奇,想看看这小子渡双份的炼魂劫究竟会死得有多惨,可惜的是自己等不了。 Captured the body of Scarlet to be recent, if Wang Zhong did not die before then, that can look for itself to trouble, Sophia did not care about such trivial Heroic Soul actually, even if he killed Sword Saint to be also same, but this boy back thunder sacred Teacher was makes Sophia have scruples, has processed him first good...... Also does not know the matter that Paukkaung manages how. 夺取斯嘉丽的身体就在最近了,如果王重在这之前不死,那一定会来找自己麻烦,索菲亚倒是并不在乎这么一个区区英魂,即便他曾经干掉过剑圣也一样,但这小子背后的雷神圣导师却是让索菲亚十分顾忌,还是先把他处理了的好……也不知道博康的事儿办的怎么样了。 speak of the devil and he will appear, Sophia just spoke of here, Skylink has made a sound, has not evaded Scarlet, the convenient point opens looked that is information that Paukkaung sends, only then very simple eight characters. 说曹操曹操就到,索菲亚刚说到这里,天讯就响了起来,也没有避讳斯嘉丽,顺手点开一看,是博康发来的信息,只有很简单的八个字。 He has gone, that place.” “他进去了,那个地方。” Sophia knows what that place represents is where, Paukkaung's plan had told her before the execution. 索菲亚知道‘那个地方’代表的是哪里,博康的计划早在执行前就曾经告诉过她。 Once was the god level expert without owner fragment world, the thing is the good thing, perhaps is also leaving behind that god level expert relic, making the person be jealous, but can go not to be able to come out pitifully. 一个曾经属于神级强者的无主碎片世界,东西是好东西,说不定还遗留着那位神级强者的遗物,让人眼红,但可惜进得去出不来。 The simplex channel that any fragment world only cannot enter, after going , to come out, only then means that that regains the world will of fragment world, controls it thoroughly, naturally can pass and out as one desires. 任何一个碎片世界都是只进不出的单向通道,进去后要想出来只有一个办法,那就是将碎片世界的世界意志收复,彻底掌控它,自然可以进出随心。 But like maintaining the space crystal stable need can every year sufficiently, the fragment world high level, maintains with soul power that needs the holder time to keep, the god level expert fragment world, does not need to think that definitely is much broader, maintains soul power that it needs also to be naturally higher. This thing good is good, but her trivial big Teacher, only feared that cannot bear the soul power consumption of that terrifying. Let alone investigates the feedback from Paukkaung information, that most likely is one already the fragment world that borders on to be disillusioned, wants to come is the without owner time is too long, too long has not obtained the supplement of master energy, causes internal energy chaos, collapsed directly. 可就像维持空间水晶的稳定需要每年充能一样,碎片世界更高级,更需要持有者时刻不停的用魂力来维持,神级强者的碎片世界,不用想,肯定宽广得无边无际,维持它所需要的魂力自然也就越高。这东西好是好,可她区区一个大导师,只怕根本就负担不起那种恐怖魂力消耗。何况从博康调查反馈的情报来看,那十有八九还是一个已经濒临破灭的碎片世界,想来是无主时间太长,太久没有得到主人能量的补充,导致内部能量混乱,直接崩溃了。 In such fragment world, internal principle chaos, what situation is not certainly able to imagine is, perhaps even thoroughly withered away including the world will, that regains final a wee bit possibly cuts off, that was really a ten deaths without life hopeless situation, let alone trivial Wang Zhong, even if were goes, also 99.99% not being able to come out. 这样的碎片世界,内部的法则一定非常混乱,根本就无法想象里面是一个什么样的情况,甚至说不定连世界意志都已经彻底消亡,那就连收复的最后一丁点可能都断绝,那就真是一个十死无生的绝境了,别说区区王重,就算是自己进去,也99.99的出不来。 „A good grave.” Sophia is happy, has solved a trouble, today one all day hears is the good news, making her unable to bear laugh. “一个不错的坟墓。”索菲亚的心情不错,又解决了一个麻烦,今天一整天听到的全都是好消息,让她忍不住开怀大笑。 Is Paukkaung Senior Brother?” Nearby Scarlet some doubts, kind teacher is happy, this also this happy, why does not know, at heart thump one, a little cannot smile. Perhaps is grave two characters that because the kind teacher said that Scarlet rebukes oneself, perhaps is because will soon face small Heavenly Tribulation, making oneself sensitive. “是博康师兄吗?”旁边的斯嘉丽有些疑惑,恩师开心,她本也该开心的,可不知道为什么,心里咯噔一声,有点笑不出来。或许是因为恩师所说的坟墓二字,斯嘉丽自责,或许是因为即将面对小天劫,让自己过于敏感了。 Um.” Sophia nodded with a smile: No matter he, we continues......” “嗯。”索菲亚笑着点了点头:“不管他,我们继续……” .................. ……………… At the same time in breaks through self- may have Scarlet one person incessantly, the body of Wang Zhong surprised discovery Grai also in rapid breaks through. 同一时间内正在突破着自我的可不止有斯嘉丽一人,王重惊奇的发现格莱的身体也在飞速的突破着。 As if because drinking has gotten down oneself that Deifized Blood reason, making Grai Blood Race Bloodline have some disassimilations, not only made his body quickly regain the normal state, and various body functions also in unceasing rapid promotion. 似乎是因为喝下了自己那神化血液的原因,让格莱血族血脉产生了一些异化,非但让他的身体迅速的恢复了正常状态,且各项身体机能还在不断的飞速提升中。 The azure purple meridians that formerly vanished gradually were also partly visible in his body, but floated before that type in the skin surface raised is different, these meridians deeply buried in his within the body, because his body became glittering and translucent carving, and Blood became bright with many colors, this appeared in his body exceptionally conspicuous. 先前已经消失掉的青紫色经脉又渐渐在他身体内若隐若现了,但和之前那种凸浮于皮肤表面不同,这些经脉深埋在他的体内,只是因为他的皮肉变得晶莹剔透、且血液变得五光十色,这才在他身体中显得异常的显眼。 Wang Zhong can the obvious feeling a recovery and change of vitality, somewhat was once different from that Grai, this body is becoming more and more formidable, even starts to have one type to make Wang Zhong feel that the dangerous the aura, as if ancient times Bloodline was regaining consciousness, the pure aura just liked the Blood Race first ancestor arrives! 王重能明显的感觉到一种气血的复苏和变化,和曾经那个格莱有些不同,这具身体正变得越来越强大,甚至开始产生着一种让王重都感觉危险的气息,仿佛远古的血脉在苏醒,纯正的气息犹如血族始祖亲临! His soul power is also progressing by leaps and bounds, the soul power protection that the body surface has naturally, has one instead to shake the strength, including holds his Wang Zhong to feel that merely the both arms were shaken slightly turn sour to tingle with numbness, what may feel strange, the body such big change, Grai throughout has not actually sobered. 他的魂力也在突飞猛进中,身体表面自然而然所产生的魂力防护,产生一股反震力,连仅仅只是抱着他的王重都感觉双臂被震得微微发酸发麻,可奇怪的是,身体这么大的变化,格莱却始终不曾清醒过来。 The change of mortal body is still continuing, Wang Zhong simply has put Grai, oneself sit cross-legged to sit in side, waits, while is also controlling one's breathing the Deifized cell and soul power restores oneself. 肉身的变化还在持续,王重干脆把格莱放了下来,自己则盘膝坐在旁边,一边等待,一边也是调息着神化细胞和魂力来恢复自身。 The airborne livelihood is motionless, all around principle chaos, cannot feel the time completely the speed of flow, has not known how long, Wang Zhong felt oneself restored almost, suddenly hears a slight sound, he opens eyes. 空中日月不动,四周法则混乱,完全感受不到时间的流速,也不知道过了多久,王重感觉自身已经恢复了个7788,突然听得一个轻微的响声,他睁开眼来。 Before seeing only , the change of Grai stopped, before the body no longer is, that glittering and translucent carving vitreous state, as if restored usually the appearance of normal person, before aura that but lends actually already, is completely different, Wang Zhong can feel clear complete from him, is formidable and reserved. 只见身前格莱的变化已经停止了,身体不再是之前那种晶莹剔透的透明状态,似乎恢复了平时正常人的样子,但身上所散发出来的气息却已经和之前完全不同,王重能从他身上感受到一种清晰的圆满,强大而内敛。 Half Heavenly Soul! 半步天魂 But also completely stops until this time body mutation, Wang Zhong saw that the finger of Grai moved slightly, followed close on has been opening the eye slowly. 而也是直到此时身体异变完全停止,王重才看到格莱的手指微微动了一下,紧跟着慢慢张开了眼。 Grai awoke, seems because lost the consciousness to be too long, Grai that just woke up, in the eye also has one to be at a loss. 格莱醒了,似乎是因为失去了意识太久,刚刚醒来的格莱,眼中还有着一丝迷惘。 Where is this? 这是哪里? Does not lose recalled that is only the short confusedness, like being like the first awakening after a dream, the pictures of some memories flashes through in the brain immediately. 并不是失忆,只是短暂的迷茫,就像大梦初醒,一些记忆的画面随即在脑子中闪过。 That is 78 days ago...... 那是在78天以前……
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