BF :: Volume #8

#132: Shock troops

As long as can study the Holy Land mystique, these people have talent, fortuitous encounter and strength, simultaneously the background also serves the Holy Land benefit, majority is the Heavenly Soul levels, wants to meet Wolf King such Heroic Soul opponent, that is not really easy. 但凡是能修习圣地秘法的,这些人拥有天赋、奇遇、力量,同时背景也符合圣地的利益,大部分都是天魂层次,想遇到一个狼王这样的英魂对手,那是真不容易。 Has experienced your strength, I have felt relieved, has high morals is not good because of your there.” Yali Sandra smiled, will not make however less arrogant modestly: Our Dimension person in fact also very hope and everybody fuses, is only the Household system of Federation is extremely stubborn, Holy Land some ancient Household are conceited.” “见识过你的力量,我就放心了,怀德在你那里并没有不好。”亚力桑德拉笑了笑,并不会自谦让然也更不会自大:“我们维度其实也很希望和大家融合,只是联邦家族体系太过顽固,圣地的一些古老家族又自视甚高。” In the words of opposite party disclosed obviously has with the intention of Vagrant Brigade cooperation, this definitely brings only benefit , and no harm whatsoever to the development of Vagrant Brigade. 对方的话语中显然已经透露出有和流浪旅团合作的意向,这对流浪旅团的发展肯定是有百利而无一害的。 That set has not conformed to the time, will be substituted finally.” Wang Zhong shows a faint smile. “那一套已经不符合时代了,终将被取代。”王重微微一笑。 Said honestly that this saying is a little really extremely arrogant, Heroic Soul dares to the pattern and time of holy city carries on the direction to comment, may listen in the Wolf King Yali Sandra's ear, actually not any extremely arrogant feeling, does not think the exaggeration, the competent person naturally had the qualifications to speak any words: Has not led a pious life Holy Land top esoterics to achieve such strength, you are first.” 坦白说,这话实在有点狂妄,一个英魂就敢对圣城的格局和时代进行指点评论,可听在狼王亚力桑德拉的耳中,却并没有任何狂妄的感觉,也并不觉得夸张,有实力的人自然有资格说任何话:“没有修行圣地的顶尖奥义就能达到这样的力量,你是第一个。” A little talk of bracelet, seems like is irrelevant, is actually each other transmission of intention, they are the thoughts seven orifices exquisite that type, can understand various in opposite party sentence to hide the meaning very much easily. 有点跳脱的谈话,看似文不对题,却是彼此一种意图的传达,两人都是心思七窍玲珑那种,很轻易就能读懂对方语句中的各种潜藏含义。 The cooperation, each other respect, all establish in the coordinated strength, thinks highly and approves the Wang Zhong strength, without doubt was achieves the cooperation the signal, placed in the holy war battlefield, what above requested was all brigade absolute sincerity cooperation, may in fact, the resource distribution benefit be uneven, if cannot trust, how can give the opposite party the back? 合作,彼此尊重,一切都是建立在对等的实力上,恭维和认可王重的实力,无疑就是达成合作的信号了,身处圣战战场中,上面要求的是所有旅团精诚合作,可实际上,资源分配利益不均,如果不是可以信任的,怎么能把后背交给对方? A preliminary cooperation, to Vagrant Brigade is also the good matter. 一个初步的合作,对流浪旅团来说也是好事儿。 As for Huaide, he is the Dimension person, Yali Sandra does not care about him to work for Vagrant Brigade eventually for the seeker brigade potency, during this is only a Heroic Soul disciple travel station, waits for achievement Heavenly Soul, has high morals must return to the arms and camp of Dimension person eventually. 至于怀德,他终究是维度人,亚力桑德拉并不在乎他是为流浪旅团效力还是为探索者旅团效力,这不过只是英魂圣徒期间的一个旅站而已,等成就天魂,怀德终究是要回归维度人的怀抱和阵营。 Therefore what Yali Sandra cares will be the Huaide future development, if Wang Zhong that ability having high morals enough development space, he will not make Huaide keep Vagrant Brigade. On the contrary, since Wang Zhong has such ability, where that Huaide is dull excessively this trivial Heroic Soul Stage, that was really not the big matter. 所以亚力桑德拉在意的是怀德未来的发展,如果王重没有那个能力给怀德足够的发展空间,那他是不会让怀德留在流浪旅团的。相反,王重既然有那样的能力,那怀德到底呆在哪里过度这区区英魂期,那就真不是什么大事儿了。 I am a little curious,” Wang Zhong has not gotten up in the topic of cooperation is excessively thorough, but has pulled the topic over-formal language with a smile: Why do you come now?” “我有点好奇,”王重并没有在合作的话题上过多深入,而是笑着扯了句题外话:“你们为什么现在才来?” What he refers to is today in Saint Teacher residence meeting several travel Group Head. 他指的是今天在圣导师的居所会面的几位旅团长 Our these core members, have very big right to independence in holy city in fact , not the deficient learning through experience opportunity and practicing resources, this holy war did not plan to participate, but looks like the war is not that smooth, all levels of reenforcement need, otherwise does not need temporarily requisition us to come.” “我们这些核心成员,在圣城其实有着很大的自主权,也并不缺乏历练的机会和修行资源,这次圣战本是不打算参加的,但看来战事并不是那么顺利,各级的增援都需要,否则根本就不用临时征调我们过来。” Here, Yali Sandra, slowly said: You must be careful that a person, red widow poor silk to subdue|grams Li, was exploded that fellow of head by you in the bar is one of her lovers, this woman cruel and merciless, is greedy, the method does not have the lower limit numerously, virtually impossible to guard against, as long as on provoking she absolutely does not have the good matter, do not count on above, with for the person of training sequence core, Holy Land will not manage among us the life and death battle, will add fuel to the flames, because only then competes, can birth true expert!” 说到这里,亚力桑德拉顿了顿,缓缓说道:“你要小心一个人,红寡妇菲丝克丽,被你在酒吧爆头的那个家伙是她的情夫之一,这女人心狠手辣、雁过拔毛,手段众多毫无下限,让人防不胜防,但凡招惹上她都绝对没有好事儿,也别指望上面,同为培养序列核心的人,圣地是不会管我们之间的生死争斗的,甚至会推波助澜,因为只有竞争,才能诞生真正的强者!” Red widow poor silk to subdue|grams Li, Wang Zhong in the thunder sacred Teacher hall had seen before, that the monster different aura that fills with attract, in addition she remarkable reputation in holy city, until now also makes Wang Zhong have a vivid memory, many thanks reminder.” 红寡妇菲丝克丽,之前在雷神圣导师的大厅里王重就已经见过了,那股充满魅惑的妖异气息,加上她在圣城中的显着名声,直到现在都还让王重记忆犹新,“多谢提醒。” If before trading does, Wang Zhong also will perhaps be worried that is not worried about itself the red widow to be able what kind, but is the worry works as not when the brigade, will have similar Shermie and Mario event repeats, but now...... Hopes do not go looking for trouble, because...... He feared! 如果换作以前,王重或许还会担心,不是担心红寡妇能把自己怎么样,而是担心当自己不在旅团时,会有类似夏尔米马里奥的事件重演,可现在嘛……但愿不要自找麻烦,因为……他自己都怕! One are insane, but Mu Zi and Mo Wen that has scruples, has not cared, a backstage is deep, did not ask others to trouble burns the high-grade incense, had Huaide, Vladimir, Scarlet and the others to assist again, he will be opponent will pay silent tribute for three minutes, naturally the reminder of Wolf King was necessary, has to do mental arithmetic to have no interest is very always bothersome. 自己疯起来还是有所顾忌的,可木子墨问,一个没有在意的,一个后台深厚,不找别人麻烦都烧高香了,再有怀德、弗拉基米尔斯嘉丽等人协助,他会为对手默哀三分钟,当然狼王的提醒还是非常有必要,有心算无心总是很烦的。 Vagrant Brigade can be in probably the disciple brigade manages loosely. 流浪旅团大概可以算是圣徒旅团中管理最松散的了。 Other big brigade member, while enjoying various brigade welfare, momentarily waits for orders various of brigade to dispatch, but Vagrant Brigade does not have similar limit, recently developed rapidly, assignment that has are many, the financial freedom, the welfare of team is day by day good, but does not have regulations of any request to the brigade members, is continuing as before also to use once when only then several person styles, all teamworks all depended on voluntarily, if not want to go, with being in charge said casually a sound on can ask for leave. 别的大旅团成员,在享受旅团各种福利的同时,也得随时候命旅团的各种差遣,可流浪旅团却没有类似的限制,最近发展迅速,接的任务多,财务自由,团队的福利是一天比一天好,但对旅团成员却没有任何要求方面的明文规定,依旧还沿用着曾经只有几个人时的风格,一切团队任务全凭自愿,如果不想去,和管事的随便说一声就可以请假。 This type freedom, said honestly that is inappropriate, is in one system is imperfect. 这种‘自由’,坦白说,并不合适,是一种制度上的不完善。 Brigade person few times of did not think that after all each other is familiar, is the most intimate friends, must ask for leave really does not participate in the duty that definitely is very special situations, everybody also understood, therefore did not stipulate forcefully, the usual team welfare, whose should will not be few. 旅团人少的时候不觉得,毕竟彼此熟悉、都是最亲近的朋友,真要有请假不参与任务的那种,肯定都是非常特殊的情况,大家也都理解,因此并不强行规定,平时的团队福利,该谁的也都不会少。 But along with the unceasing expansion of brigade fame, the personnel keeps rising now, appeared has infiltrates the brigade only to take to guarantee a minimum the welfare not to do matter Old Lai, sealing that although is responsible for managing can dismiss them with Oscar directly, but this method after all not goings to the roots of the problem, moreover is easy to cause to complain, person also very possible intention hate that dismissed exits to ruin the brigade reputation. Therefore Vagrant Brigade urgently needed one set of effective group gauge, therefore is referring to the group gauge experiences of major brigades, while formulates some new Rules in view of the Vagrant Brigade peculiar circumstance, after all here good and bad people mixed up, the Dimension person and Federation person almost fifty-fifty opens, even also has few Alien Race that because the Dimension talented person comes with admiration. 可现在随着旅团名气的不断扩大,人员不停上涨,已经出现有那么一些混进旅团来只拿保底福利不干事儿的老赖了,虽说负责管理的封和奥斯卡可以将他们直接开除,但这种方法终归是治标不治本,而且容易引得怨声载道,被开除的人也很可能心怀怨恨的出去败坏旅团名声。因此流浪旅团急需一套行之有效的团规,于是一边是参考着各大旅团的团规经验,一边则是针对流浪旅团的特殊情况来制定一些新规则,毕竟这里鱼龙混杂,维度人、联邦人几乎对半开,甚至还有少量因为维度人才慕名而来的异族 The brigade's of such hodgepodge first in disciple hotel, this may really not be a relaxed work, although is human race, but the habitual aspects of different tribal group are completely different, the military force could not solve these problems, must establish the custom, light depended on Old Wang and Oscar these two vice- Group Head is very obviously difficult to achieve true perfect the group gauge, Old Wang does not excel, where Oscar also very arrived, otherwise the beforehand vagrant close group will not extinguish. 这样大杂烩的旅团在圣徒旅社中还是第一个,这可真不是个轻松的活儿,虽说都是人类,但不同族群的习性方面是完全不同的,武力解决不了这些问题,必须立规矩,光靠老王奥斯卡这两个正副团长显然很难把团规做到真正的完美,老王不擅长,奥斯卡也好不到哪里,否则以前的流浪也不会接近团灭了。 In the small room sits seven people, has been constructs the group since like the today's such official conference the first time, except for the discussion group gauge, the people respectively has also reported various working conditions of recent brigade. 小房间中坐着七个人,像今天这么正式的会议也是建团以来第一次,除了商讨团规,众人也是各自汇报了一下最近旅团的各种工作情况。 The brigade present management assignment also calculates quite simply, Wang Zhong is Group Head, naturally is all policy-makers, he not, is administrates the Group Head officiate by Oscar this honor vice- Group Head, sealing is a majordomo, is in charge of the finance of Vagrant Brigade, related to the resource distribution, below is divided into three squads, conducts the team member management. 旅团现在的管理层分配还算比较简单,王重团长,自然是一切的决策者,他不在的时候,就是由奥斯卡这个荣誉副团长来代为执行团长的职务,封是大管家,主管流浪旅团的财务,涉及到资源分配,下面则是分为三个小队,进行队员管理。 One team holds the post of Captain by Huaide, and team members are comprised of the uniform Dimension person, this does not need to talk too much, talent and strength of Dimension person there pendulum, the cohesive force and obedience are also very high, absolute is talented, simultaneously this also turns on the turning point that the Dimension person integrated other families. 一队由怀德担任队长,且队伍成员都是由清一色的维度人组成,这个无需多言,维度人的天赋、战力都在那里摆着,凝聚力和服从度又都很高,绝对的实力不俗,同时这也是开启了维度人融入外族的契机。 Two teams of Captain are Vladimir, Noraba, appointed Vice-captain, naturally is the Federation person, Vasilyevich Household strength, although is not very formidable, in Heroic Soul Stage is quite influential, also starts to cooperate with the new world in Federation Vasilyevich Household, Vladimir perhaps is willful, but the Household aspect actually saw other hope. 二队的队长则是弗拉基米尔,诺拉白副队长,自然是联邦人,还有伊凡雷帝家族的力量,虽然不够强大,在英魂期还是相当有影响的,同时在联邦伊凡雷帝家族也开始跟新世界合作,弗拉基米尔或许是“任性”,但家族方面却看到了另外的希望 Three teams of Captain are small eyes, is the Vagrant Brigade reserve forces, the old blood who the leading member wants to stick to one's own way of doing things as before, has indefinite newbie, or the strength is not tyrannical. The strength of small eye truly does not have is so strong, but she is the old person of vagrant, everybody shares hardships together, the disposition is also refreshed, is very suitable to make this, Napier also. 三队的队长是小眼睛,算是流浪旅团的预备队,主要成员是依旧想要我行我素的老成员,还有一些具备不确定的新人,或者实力没那么强横的。小眼睛的实力确实没那么强,但她是流浪的老人,大家一起共患难,性格又爽快,很适合做这个,奈皮尔也在其中。 In addition, the Vagrant Brigade also several special public figures, are the non-native official invited to serve at court positions, independent free, enjoys the treatment, cannot shoulder the responsibility, separately is Grai, Mu Zi, Mo Wen and Mo Xingchen, this is the ad hoc request of Wang Zhong. 除此之外,流浪旅团还有几个特别人士,算是客卿位置,独立自由,享受待遇,不需承担责任,分别是格莱木子墨问墨星辰,这是王重的特别要求。 These four people have not come to attend today's conference, Grai are missing now, other three people are the busy men. 这四人并没有来参加今天的会议,格莱现在失踪,其他三人更是大忙人。 Mo Wen and Mo Xingchen almost cannot see the person these days, binds to take away Napier this personal servant while convenient, although is only newbie, but Mo Family as if there is very special status and fame in the holy city, has the good relations with holy city many ancient Household, does not come, since came, should have the courtesy that to have, in the meantime, Mo Wen and Mo Xingchen must spend the system and material of time familiar Holy Land, obviously they have the preference, can travel between the base and Holy Land freely . Moreover, the key is, they do not lack the Saint coin, this was the bystander compared with not, naturally Mo Wen and Mo Xingchen will not occupy Vagrant Brigade. Cheap, to be honest, Wang Zhong had not feared that really they profit. 墨问墨星辰这段时间几乎是看不到人的,顺便还裹带走奈皮尔这个跟班,虽然只是新人,但墨家在圣城里似乎有着十分特殊的地位和名望,和圣城不少古老家族有着良好的关系,不来也就罢了,既然来了,该有的礼节少不了,同时,墨问墨星辰都要花时间熟悉圣地的体系和资料,显然两人都有特选,可以自由往返基地和圣地,而且,关键是,两人不缺圣币,这是外人比不了的,当然墨问墨星辰不会占流浪旅团的。便宜,说实话,王重还真不怕他们占便宜。 As for Mu Zi, this goods too along with nature, front time also positive with brigade duty, assiduous praise, absolutely outstanding good comrade, but since enters the library, that goods looked like entrain the soul, daily put in the library to soak, there was the humongous expense pit...... Before Mu Zi with brigade duty time is to gain really much, but he did not care about the wealth, the food and lodging in the brigade, these money of making simply has not wanted in any case, gave the brigade to work as the corps or delegation expense directly. 至于木子,这货就太随性了,前端时间还积极跟旅团任务,勤勉嘉奖、绝对优秀的好同志,可自从进入图书馆,那货就像是拽走了魂,天天搁图书馆里泡着,那里可是个巨大消费坑……之前木子跟旅团任务的时候着实是赚过不少,但他本身并不在乎钱财,反正吃住都是在旅团,赚的那些钱干脆就没要,直接交给旅团当团费了。 Initially sealed very sighs with emotion others Mu Zi Great God this ideological consciousness, patted the chest to say after Mu Zi, all expenditures in holy city, Vagrant Brigade gave to wrap, but sees Mu Zi every day in the bill of library, sealed feels the heart disease important criminal. 当初封可是十分感慨人家木子大神这思想觉悟的,拍着胸口说木子以后在圣城里的所有开支,流浪旅团都给包了,可现在每天看到木子在图书馆的账单,封就感觉心脏病都要犯了。 He does not rent that type of specially expensive book, looks is some elementary knowledge, the single issue words in fact price is inexpensive, but you cannot support him to measure in a big way. About ten Saint coins a «transfer Foundation Theory» this kind, his day can rent 20-30 books, this is also only the normal condition, trades quickly, 40-50 this estimate insufficiently he who which day looks looks. 他也不租那种特别贵的书,看的都是些基础知识,单本的话其实价格也不贵,但你架不住他量大啊。十圣币左右一本的《传送基础论》这类,他一天能租二三十本,这还只是正常情况,换哪天看的快一点,四五十本估计都不够他看的。 Sealed very much wants to ask, was your this reads or flips through the book? The computer does not have you to remember quickly! On this day several hundred Saint coins, occasionally meet is slightly expensive a point can over a thousand, Vagrant Brigade now is the big enterprise has lots of assets, four squad duties, the success ratio is also in turn high, the corps or delegation expense is sufficient, may unable to withstand especially consumes like this, seals the feeling recent corps or delegation expense to be unable to make ends meet more and more, has not said that the god does not have idea, Wang Zhong comes back luckily promptly, but also brings a Sword Saint corpse, has reported a big expense in the travel regimental head quarter, otherwise recently in travel regimental head quarter crest of wave unparalleled Vagrant Brigade, if makes the financial crisis, that was huge laughing. 封就很想问了,您这是看书还是翻书呢?电脑也没您记得快吧!这一天几百圣币的,偶尔遇上稍微贵一点的就能上千,流浪旅团现在是家大业大,四个小队轮流任务,成功率也高,团费充足,可特么也经不起这样耗啊,封感觉最近团费越来越入不敷出,还不好说,神没辙,幸好王重回来得及时,还又带回来一具剑圣的尸体,在旅团部申报了一大笔费用,要不然最近在旅团部风头无双的流浪旅团,要是闹出个财政危机,那才是天大的笑话了。 Wang Zhong to spending not to have the objection actually, Mu Zi, no matter must make anything, he fully will support obviously, let alone is only the water-drop design, early when came just to come to the war zone, Wang Zhong and Scarlet saw that Mu Zi was interested in Holy Land various knowledge very much, like Transfer Array and airship and so on, currently had the opportunity of contact, naturally will fretfully impatient, and he was different as for the Mu Zi practicing direction, Wang Zhong stupid will not arrive to direct Mu Zi, even if to the Aiolos situation, little to Mu Zi and Wang Zhong review, Aiolos has believed that Mu Zi and Wang Zhong will exceed in the future, they in the group of practicing were lonely. The traveler, does not need to go to duplicate others' road, may encounter many difficulties, will be defeated, possibly perishes, but this is fate, but once they breaks through, is not others can compare. 王重对花钱倒是毫无异议,木子不管要做什么,他显然都会全力支持的,何况只是花点,早来刚来战区时,王重斯嘉丽就都看出木子圣地的各种知识很感兴趣,像传送阵、飞艇之类,现在有了接触的机会,自然是会心痒难挠,至于木子的修行方向和他不同,王重可不会蠢到去指点木子,哪怕到了艾俄洛斯的地步,都很少对木子王重点评,艾俄洛斯一直认为,木子王重将来会超越自己,他们三人在修行之路上都是孤独。的行者,不需要去重复别人的路,或许会遇到很多困难,会失败,也可能灭亡,但这就是命运,而他们一旦突破,就不是别人可以比的。 We, when received the person to be extremely loose, such method no doubt can expand the brigade fast, the issue that but caused was also too numerous to cite individually, I thought that can introduce the recommendation systems of these big brigades, in receiving person strictly checked......” “我们在收人的时候太过宽松了,这样的方法固然是能快速壮大旅团,但随之引发的问题也是不胜枚举,我觉得可以引进那些大旅团的推荐制,在收人这一块上严格把关……” to seal|confer Zheng was saying, hears some people of anxious sounding doors suddenly. 封正说着,猛然听得门外有人急切的敲响房门。 The people were broken the conference a little not to be feeling well, may follow close on out of the door that person of anxious sound is being makes the looks of all people slightly one austere. 众人被打断会议本是有点不爽,可紧跟着门外那人的急切声音却是让所有人的神色都微微一肃。 Group Head and Group Head! Had the Grai news! The person of conveying a message in the hall, shouted must see you!” 团长团长!有格莱的消息了!传话的人就在大厅里,嚷着要见您呢!” Grai news, since Wang Zhong announced the duty after hotel, this had the quick less than half month, various false news listened much, but dares to run Vagrant Brigade to receive Wang Zhong truly to receive an award, that is really one did not have. 格莱的消息,自打王重在旅社里公布了任务之后,这已经有快小半个月了,各种假消息听了不少,但真正敢跑来流浪旅团直接见王重要领赏的,那还真是一个都没有。 The one who passes on the news is a girl, said that is the person of Kama Brigade, their brigade just carried out the task to come back from the Wahlen Dowar mountain range of forefront, the girl said that once had seen Grai in the front battlefield. 传消息的是一个女孩,自称是卡玛旅团的人,他们旅团刚刚才从最前线的瓦伦多尔山脉那边执行任务回来,那女孩说是在前线战场上曾见到过格莱 Relax, then graceful handsome fellow, I will definitely not admit mistakes, you looked that I have with his group photo!” This girl very attractively, looks like young, is gripping two ponytail pigtails, a face simple-hearted with the love-struck idiot type, assigns out a picture that from Skylink, was she in Wahlen Dowar front autodyne outside a barracks, in the background presented the Grai form exactly, but also just right subconscious looked at one toward the camera, a loneliness of face. “放心,那么帅的帅哥,我肯定不会认错的啦,你们看,我还有和他的合影!”这女孩长得很漂亮,看起来年纪不大,扎着两个马尾辫,一脸的天真无邪和花痴样,从天讯中调出的一张照片,正是她在瓦伦多尔前线的一处营房外的自拍,背景中恰好出现了格莱的身影,还正好下意识的朝着摄像头这边看了一眼,一脸的孤单。 Has with him speaks?” Wang Zhong is staring at girl's eyes, is sharp-eyed, passes the will of the people. “有和他说话吗?”王重盯着女孩子的眼睛,目光锐利,直透人心。 No.” The girl shook the head: I also afterward looked that picture discovered that feels and you posts a reward the person in that duty to look like in the hotel very much, went back camp the register of names, was really called the Grai fellow in the shock troops.” “没有。”女孩摇了摇头:“我也是事后看照片才发现的,感觉和你们在旅社悬赏那个任务里的人很像,就回去营地里查了名册,果然是有一个叫做格莱的家伙在冲锋队里。” The shock troops, in fact were the front dare-to-die corps, the treatment was rich, moreover was in itself not one of the regular army, so long as the strength standard can directly enter, but almost nobody is willing to register, as long as because was the most dangerous duty by them on first, one fought, perhaps other team also needs to count a casualty rate, but the shock troops did not need to count, did not need to think that the members of all shock troops definitely early have traded several to dial in the war, casualty rate 0% several hundred. 冲锋队,事实上就是前线的敢死队了,待遇丰厚,而且就算本身不是正规军的一员,只要实力达标都可以直接进入,但几乎没什么人愿意报名,因为但凡是最危险的任务都由他们先上,一场大战下来,别的队伍或许还需要统计个伤亡率,可冲锋队不用统计,不用想,所有冲锋队的成员肯定在战争里早都已经换了好几拨了,伤亡率0几百。
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