BF :: Volume #8

#133: Is destructive

I was wanted to find him, leading him to come back, but after inquiring, heard that batch of shock troops trap of octopus person, has fallen into a Dimension crack probably,” girl appeared quite regretted: This does not have the means...... Hello, although I have not led him to come back, but had the picture and news, this should have the reward?” “我本来是想要找到他,带他回来的,不过打听之后,听说那一批冲锋队好像中了章鱼人的陷阱,掉进一个维度裂缝中去了,”女孩显得相当惋惜:“这可没办法……喂,我虽然没带他回来,但是带了照片和消息,这个应该是有奖励的吧?” Wang Zhong beckoned with the hand, so long as the news is valuable, money is unimportant. His god knows in the dissipation, he can feel that obtains the girl not to lie . Moreover the choice of Grai this and initially forecast is extremely similar, chooses the forefront, chooses the most intense battlefield, dead to reveal one's aspirations, this is Grai that perfectionist for instance few choices. 王重摆了摆手,只要消息有价值,钱并不重要。他的神识正在散逸,他能感觉得出女孩并没有说谎,而且这和当初自己预测的格莱的选择极其相似,选择去最前线,选择去最激烈的战场,以死明志,这正是格莱那种完美主义者在那种情况下为数不多的选择。 What Dimension crack? Hasn't the advance post dispatched troops to rescue?” “什么样的维度裂缝?前线基地没有出兵救援吗?” Such Dimension crack has presented several in Wahlen Dowar mountain range, has been missing many people, has probably the captive of octopus person to confess, the one who said these Dimension cracks to connect is a mystical place world. The advance post organizes a manpower to enter the Dimension crack actually, wants to explore that mystical place, but nobody comes back, special details nobody knows. Because during the war, base has not continued to consume the military strength there, but all Dimension crack exist/existence areas incorporates into on the map is the forbidden area range, battles when with the octopus person avoids.” “那样的维度裂缝在瓦伦多尔山脉出现过好几处,失踪了不少人,好像有章鱼人的俘虏交代过,说那些维度裂缝连接着的是一个秘境世界。前线基地倒是组织过一次人手进入维度裂缝,想去探索那个秘境,但没有人回来,具体情况没人知道。因为是在战事期间,基地也就没有继续在那里消耗兵力,只是在地图上把所有维度裂缝存在的地区都划归为禁区范围,和章鱼人交战时都避开走呢。” Dimension crack, mysterious mystical place space, although felt that is not quite good, but this has compared directly hears the Grai death news to be better a lot, so long as that side is really a mystical place space, that means that Grai also has hope. So long as can rescue Grai, any opportunity, Wang Zhong will not miss. 维度裂缝,神秘的秘境空间,虽然感觉不太好,但这已经比直接听到格莱的死讯要好得多了,只要那边真是一个秘境空间,那就意味着格莱还有希望。而只要能救格莱,任何一丝机会,王重都不会错过。 About front tells me, all further information that you know, cannot leave out.” “把你所知道的、关于前线的所有详细情况告诉我,一点都不能漏掉。” Wahlen Dowar mountain range is the critical locality of Misso proclamation in compared with civilization, is the present Northern Region battlefield front exchanges fire the most intense place. 瓦伦多尔山脉是米索布达比文明中的一个重要据点,也是如今北区战场前线交火最激烈的地方。 human race and octopus person has launched the seesaw battle to have one month in Wahlen Dowar mountain range fully, since has encountered the Northern Region battlefield to make war the most intense resistance, Northern Region at least has one-third military strength strongly there, the base has used the massive gold metallurgy weapons as well as part of airborne war ships, four big Teacher assume personal command personally, even if so is unable thorough to capture it, battles this month, human race and octopus person both sides respectively have the victory and defeat, competes for some most intense regions, a while is human race seizes, a while is the octopus person seizes, short one month has back and forth changed hands 78 times, the two sides. Now was in the mao, including had not participated in the base travel regimental head quarter of positive war, had to send out various duty announcements of that position. 人类章鱼人已经在瓦伦多尔山脉展开拉锯战足有一个多月了,遭遇了北区战场开战以来最激烈的抵抗,北区起码有1的兵力都集中在那里,基地动用了大量的炼金武器以及一部分空中战艇,还有四位大导师亲自坐镇,可即便如此也无法将之彻底攻陷,交战这一个多月来,人类章鱼人双方都是各有胜负,争夺最激烈的一些区域,一会儿是人类占领,一会儿又是章鱼人占领,短短一个多月已经来回易手了78次,两边。现在都是卯上了,连一直没有参与正面战事的基地旅团部,也多有发往那个位置的各种任务公布。 But the so-called Dimension crack proliferates, the octopus person to this terrain incomparable familiar, therefore can always avoid these Dimension cracks in the battle easily, even uses these Dimension mystical places to stumble to suppose trap to human race , but human race was over and over vigilant to these Dimension cracks, but if had carelessly or the ambush of octopus person slightly, in that a move of possibility was still extremely high. 而所谓的维度裂缝则就遍布此间,章鱼人对这一带的地形无比的熟悉,因此在交战中总是能轻易的避开那些维度裂缝,甚至利用这些维度秘境给人类下绊设陷阱,而人类虽然对这些维度裂缝已经再三警惕,可如果稍有不慎又或是中了章鱼人的埋伏,那中招的可能性仍旧是极高。 Heard that before this one month of being locked in a stalemate, in addition that batch of advance post organization bring to explore the manpower of tool massively specialized, fell to the enemy is missing human race to have dozens people in this Dimension mystical place, not only did not have anybody to come back, and also completely lost the association including these special exploration tools as well as the Dimension position finders, was passing one share strange mysticalness. 听说在此前一个多月的相持中,加上前线基地组织的那批带着大量专业探索工具的人手,失陷在这个维度秘境中失踪人类已经有几十人了,非但没有任何人回来,且连那些专门的探索工具以及维度定位仪也完全失联,透着一股子诡异的神秘。 Has left behind girl's relation style, naturally, this matter cannot all listen to the statement of only one of the parties, as disciple Teacher of Northern Region base, goes to the base to examine that the battle loss report of front is actually not difficult. Wang Zhong stopped the conference of brigade, hurried to the base directly, in a number of front missing lists that from now on the talent will renew, had discovered suddenly the Grai name, meanwhile attaches various reports of Grai automatic registration shock troops as well as he in the registration agreement that the front signs personally. 留下了女孩的联系方式,当然,这种事儿也不能全听一面之词,身为北区基地的圣徒导师,去基地里查看一下前线的战损报告倒是并不难。王重中止了旅团的这次会议,直接赶去了基地里,从今天才更新的一批前线失踪名单上,豁然发现了格莱的名字,同时还附有格莱自动报名冲锋队的各种报告以及他在前线亲手签署的报名协议。 The news truly is true, missing place has the indication continually, is in the so-called Dimension crack forbidden area, said honestly that Wang Zhong always thought where does not suit, is passing a strangeness, since had the Grai positive news, regardless of the genuine and fake, he cannot sit by and do nothing. 消息确实属实,连失踪地点都有标示,正是在所谓的维度裂缝禁区中,坦白说,王重总觉得哪里不对劲,透着一丝怪异,可是既然有了格莱的确切消息,无论真假,他都不能坐视不理。 I go.” Wang Zhong has made quickly the decision, oneself must, present range Grai fall to the enemy as soon as possible had enough three days, the Grai danger in death will or the mystical place, is will be racing every second with Death God every point from now on. “我去一趟。”王重很快就做了决定,自己必须要尽快了,现在距离格莱失陷已经有足足三天,无论是格莱的死志还是秘境中的危险,从现在起每一分每一秒都是在和死神赛跑。 Nearby Oscar and the others started to speak but hesitated, they do not certainly want Wang Zhong to place oneself him in such danger, after all people also know nothing about that Dimension mystical place space, but they also know that this time definitely is unable to prevent Wang Zhong. 旁边的奥斯卡等人欲言又止,他们当然不愿意王重将他自己置身于那样的危险中,毕竟所有人对那个维度秘境空间都还一无所知,可他们也知道,这次是肯定无法阻止王重的。 Does deals with the preparation, food and water source must bring sufficiently, has again has some Ice and Fire enchantment symbols, can resist the violent environment slightly.” Sealed started to plan for Wang Zhong immediately, since must go to do the full schoolwork, this unknown Dimension mystical place, the opening up wasteland experience of human race was very rich. In that place, the environment is most Fatal factor, for example terrifying high temperature, extremely severely cold...... Perhaps the minutes and seconds wanted your life, may meet the complete piece of desolated that planet, gaining ground is the day lowers the head is the stone, the vegetation not fresh, cannot only support including cockroach, starves to death hungrily you. “多做些应对准备,食物、水源要带充足,再有就是多带一些冰火结界符,可以稍稍对抗一下极端的环境。”封立刻就已经开始替王重谋划了,既然要去就要做足功课,这种未知的维度秘境,人类的开荒经验还是非常丰富的。在那种地方,环境才是最致命的因素,比如恐怖的高温、极度的严寒……说不定分分秒秒就要了你的命,也有可能遇到完全一片荒芜的那种行星,抬头是天低头是石头,草木不生,连只小强都养不活,饿也饿死你。 Compared with these, various mysterious formidable living creature are not on the contrary fearful, after all cannot hit you also to run, cannot make good one's escape you also to have the opportunity to avoid ahead of time...... 和这些比起来,各种神秘强大的生物反倒是不可怕了,毕竟打不过你还可以跑,跑不脱你也还有机会提前躲避…… Can inform Mu Zi?” Asking that nearby Oscar worries about: Has him with you, many have to take care, we also compare to feel relieved.” “要不要通知一下木子?”旁边奥斯卡担忧的问:“有他跟着你一路,多少有个照应,我们也比较放心。” Does not use.” Wang Zhong shook the head, do not conquer the mystical place, let alone he makes Mu Zi come to here is to let Mu Zi has opportunity breaks through, but does not hold back. “不用了。”王重摇了摇头,又不是要去征服秘境,何况他让木子来这里是为了让木子有机会突破,而不是拖后腿。 The rear service preparation, Wang Zhong thought that is unnecessary, but obstinate seals, after all the rear service majordomo, Wang Zhong also can only patient sealed to prepare. 后勤准备,王重觉得并不必要,但执拗不过封,毕竟后勤大管家,王重也只能耐心的等封准备好。 Goes to the Dimension mystical place to look for him? Others were for fear that are not careful, you unexpectedly...... Your this idea may really be fresh refined!” Contacts with that girl, that side as if feels some surprise to the decision of Wang Zhong, but looked before the opposite party has given in the share of notifying fee refreshedly, was very simple saying: Advance post has the crack distribution map that renews every day, is the front battlefield banning region, you search to know on Skylink that drilled toward these forbidden areas in directly naturally can find, but has hung accidentally, no matter but my matter.” “去维度秘境里去找他?别人都是生怕自己不小心掉进去了,你居然……你这想法可真是清新脱俗!”重新联系上那个女孩,那边似乎对王重的这个决定感觉有些诧异,不过看在对方之前爽快给了报信费的份儿上,还是很干脆的说道:“前线基地每天都有更新出来的裂缝分布图,是前线战场的禁入区域,你在天讯上搜一下就知道,直接往那些禁区里钻自然就能找到,不过万一挂了,可不管我的事儿。” Wang Zhong switches off Skylink, this person has as if concealed anything, but a little truly has not lain about the Grai information, has made the final confirmation, Wang Zhong not in the delaying time. 王重关掉天讯,这个人似乎隐瞒了什么,但有一点关于格莱的情报上确实没有撒谎,做了最后的确认,王重不在耽搁时间。 The base has more than 700 kilometers from the day palm mountain war zone fully, but well in is the smooth wilderness main road, catches up with Lu to come is very actually convenient, Wang Zhong has not chosen Torrea warhorse, that gadget is not in fact quick to Wang Zhong. He has not chosen to fly, after is not true Heavenly Soul, must depend entirely on soul power to lift the flight words, that consumption may too be really big, moreover by his flight Skill, only when used to cross the mountain to ford in some special regions, otherwise takes the speed of fully not having run to be quick in the plain, instead loses the time. 基地距离天掌山战区足有700多公里,但好在全是平坦的荒原大路,赶起路来倒是很方便,王重没有选择托雷亚战马,那玩意对王重来说事实上并不算快。他也没有选择飞行,毕竟不是真正的天魂,要全靠魂力托举飞行的话,那消耗可实在太大了,而且以他的飞行技巧而言,除非是在一些特殊地带用来翻山涉水,否则在平原地带上还没有全力奔跑的速度快,反而耽误时间。 The silver velocity loop sparkles on him, clashes from the base just likes a hurricane transit, splashes the sand dust that raises to pull out a long dust tail in the distant place, outside base that terrifying speed is to also look guard surprise of several teams of patrols. 银色的速度回路在他身上闪耀,从基地中冲出来时就犹如一阵飓风过境般,溅扬起的沙尘在远处拉出一条长长的尘尾,那恐怖的速度也是看的基地外几队巡逻的守卫诧异不已。 But at this time in Wahlen Dowar front base , the person was seeing that gust of wind form through the Skylink video. 而此时在瓦伦多尔前线的基地里,也有一人正通过天讯视频看到了那个疾风般的身影。 Sir Paukkaung, goal already.” “博康大人,目标已经出发了。” In Skylink broadcasts a girl's respectful voice: He is very discrete, finally has also probed my.” 天讯中传来一个女孩子恭敬的声音:“他果然很谨慎,最后还试探了我一下。” Um.” Is watching the Skylink man to show a faint smile, is Sophia closing disciple Paukkaung. “嗯。”正在观看着天讯的男子微微一笑,正是索菲亚的关门弟子博康。 Matter that the master confesses, he always does one's best. 师傅交代的事儿,他从来都是尽心尽力。 That Dimension mystical place in Wahlen Dall Mountain may not like many person imagination , the channel that but has not returned to is so simple, Paukkaung also personally goes to nearby the crack to examine, interrogates some information that the captive obtains in light of the advance post, which there is what Dimension mystical place? That is one has clearly bordered on the fragment world of breakage! 瓦伦多尔山的那个维度秘境可并不像许多人想象中,只是没有返回的通道那么简单而已,博康还亲自去裂缝附近查看过,结合前线基地审讯俘虏所得到的一些信息,那里哪是什么维度秘境?那分明就是一个已经濒临破裂的碎片世界! The so-called fragment world, in fact is already by the person refine to melt thoroughly the Dimension mystical place. 所谓碎片世界,其实就是已经被人彻底炼化了的维度秘境。 The ordinary Dimension mystical place, is having the independent individual world, as well as connects the Fifth Dimension channel, but the fragment world can the exit / to speak connection of that channel on small thing that in some convenience carries, can be a ring and a necklace, can be crystal, even is hair, becomes personal belonging that can carry along. 普通的维度秘境,拥有着独立的个体世界,以及连接第五维度的通道,而碎片世界则可以将那个通道的出口连接在某一个方便携带的小物件上,可以是一枚戒子、一条项链,也可以是一枚水晶、甚至是一根毛发,成为一个可以随身携带的私人物品。 Said that is more like space crystal, but inside has the complete world principle, not only can be occupied by the person . Moreover the spiritual energy is often rich, is pregnant to raise the talent treasure radically to be also a cinch, said simply that this is the personal world, but the owner is the god of this world. 说起来更像是空间水晶,但里面拥有完整的世界法则,非但可以住人,而且往往灵气浓郁,孕养天才地宝也根本不在话下,简单说,这就是个私人世界,而拥有者就是这个世界的神。 The fragment world may be possible to be small greatly, the principle and spiritual energy are also various, but is better, needs to maintain soul power of channel to be also higher, is no one can control, in the big Teacher level is also the luxury goods, the weak significance is not big, after all is in itself also a consumption. 碎片世界可大可小,法则和灵气也各不相同,但越好的,需要维持通道的魂力也就越高,并不是什么人都能驾驭的,在大导师的层次也是奢侈品,太鸡肋的意义也不大,毕竟本身也是一种消耗。 Loses the fragment world of master to be dangerous, Engulf like black hole nearness living creature, of Wahlen Dall Mountain is being, does not know that is the octopus person makes intentionally, Sophia big Teacher judges that is a Saint Teacher rank, even stronger point fragment world. 失去主人的碎片世界非常危险,就像黑洞一样吞噬着靠近的生物,瓦伦多尔山的那个就是,不知道是不是章鱼人故意弄出来的,索菲亚导师判断那是一个圣导师级别,甚至更强一点的碎片世界。 But this to the cultivator is nightmare, ruins Wang Zhong, is good. 而这对修行者就是噩梦,葬送王重,再好不过。 Hangs up Skylink, on Paukkaung's face shows a relaxed look, although does not have to begin to be easier like this to confirm personally, but Sophia Teacher request does not leave the slight trace, after all Wang Zhong currently behind faintly has thunder sacred Teacher this big backer, let alone Sophia this pulls strings to have the worry secretly, even if Paukkaung, wants him to begin to kill Wang Zhong really personally , is a little at heart scared. 挂断天讯,博康的脸上露出一丝轻松的神色,虽说这样没有自己亲自动手更容易确认,但索菲亚导师要求的是不留丝毫痕迹,毕竟王重现在背后隐隐有雷神圣导师这个大靠山,别说索菲亚这个幕后指使有顾虑,就算是博康自己,真要他亲自动手去杀王重,心里也是有点发毛的。 But if Wang Zhong enters this place on own initiative, but also has various types sufficiently, inspiring reason...... 但如果是王重主动进入这个地方,还有着各种充足的、可歌可泣的理由…… ten deaths without life! 十死无生 .................. ……………… Wahlen Dall Mountain, continuous thousand li(500 km), 100,000 hills. 瓦伦多尔山,连绵千里,100000群山。 More than 700 kilometers distance said that was long, said short absolutely was not short, at noon when embarked, even if did not count dashing about wildly of consumption to catch up insanely, when Wang Zhong rushed is also the night. 700多公里的路程说长不长,说短也绝对不短,中午时出发,即便是一路不计消耗的狂奔疯赶,等王重赶到时也已经是深夜了。 The one breath dashes about wildly fully more than 700 kilometers, has only spent for several hours, such speed is not the manpower can be, the bonus is the Wang Zhong resiliency is astonishing, is tired heavy, puffing in gulps. He has mounted the mountain of mountain group most surrounding, stands looks out into the distance on the peak. 一口气全力狂奔700多公里,只花了几个小时,这样的速度根本就不是人力所能为,饶是王重恢复力惊人,也是累的不轻,大口大口的喘着粗气。他登上了山群最外围的一座大山,站在峰顶上极目远眺。 With is not quite same, an eye of place that in one's power on that crude map sees, performing is the continuous endless mountain peak, as well as the steep abyss cliff, the search place has not spent the too much time, tactical situation often change, as a result of the instability of that space crack, caused Holy Land and octopus people gave up this region, waited for the Wang Zhong determination of fix time, discovered that the space crack shifted to a lake in a circumference of several miles, and in moving. 和在那张简陋的地图上看到的不太相同,目力所能及之处,尽是连绵不尽的山峰,以及陡峭的深渊悬崖,搜寻地点并没有消耗太多的时间,战况不时的变化,由于那个空间裂缝的不稳定性,导致圣地章鱼人都放弃了这块区域,等王重确定位置的时候,发现空间裂缝已经转移到一个方圆数里的湖泊之中,而且还在移动。 During world fragment of without owner belongs to be void the isolated island, wanders unceasingly, along with it space crack also with the migration, or will have other accidents until withering away, which situation regardless, Wang Zhong knows that must grasp. 无主的世界碎片属于虚空之中的孤岛,不断漂流,随之的空间裂缝也会跟着移动,直到消亡或者发生其他意外,无论哪种情况,王重知道都要抓紧了。 After submerging, actually also discovered that under deeply does not see the bottom, center of the lake bottom luminous is the so-called Dimension crack position is at obviously, the glistening dim light of sending out looked like the void image, in the lake water has also been able to feel clear Dimension Power when able to move unhindered, the luminous position looked like very clear, as if was very near, may want to approach truly actually the discovery was extremely far, Wang Zhong pursued luminous that sent out from that lake bottom to submerge several hundred meters, actually still also felt the distance that luminously distant boundless. 潜入后却也发现下面深不见底,湖心底的光亮显然就是所谓维度裂缝的位置所在,散发的莹莹幽光像极了虚空的影像,湖水中也能感受到清晰的维度力量在纵横,光亮位置看起来很清晰,放佛很近,可真正想要靠近时却发现是极远,王重追着从那湖底发出的光亮已经潜入数百米了,却仍旧还感觉距离那光亮遥遥无边。 When first several hundred meters is relaxed, must again downward, the hydraulic pressure and humongous buoyancy starts to appear the might. 前数百米时还算轻松,再要往下,水压和巨大的浮力就开始显现出威力来。 Hydraulic pressure, has the body that Deifized cell in addition holds, even if not use the Tyrant Body return route also to calculate that can deal with ease, is mainly that humongous buoyancy, looks like has a more and more formidable humongous strength to lift oneself from the water, must resist that buoyancy, each downward sneaks one meter to consume the enormous strength, light depends on the physical strength to be getting more and more difficult to solve this problem, Wang Zhong starts to draw support from the phoenix wing nine days and so on repulsive force of move, can the downward fast advancement forcefully. 水压方面,有着神化细胞加持的身体,即便不动用霸体回路也还算能轻松应对,主要是那巨大的浮力,就像是有一股越来越强大的巨大力量从水中托举着自己,要对抗那股浮力,每往下潜入一米都得耗费极大的力气,光靠体力已经越来越难解决这个问题,王重开始不得不借助凤翅九天之类招数的反冲力,才能将自己往下快速的强行推进。 Formerly when entered the water, taking advantage of lake bottom luminous shining, but can also see some schools of fish of patrolling, may, be able to see that gradually the school of fish were getting fewer and fewer, all around as if fell into a deathly stillness, only, only then that distance seemingly permanent invariable luminous point sent out the spooky ray in the base as before, forever is actually not able to approach. 先前入水时,借着湖底光亮的照耀,还能看到一些游弋的鱼群,可渐渐的,所能看到鱼群已经越来越少,四周仿佛陷入一片死寂,唯独只有那距离貌似恒久不变的光亮点依旧在底部发出幽幽的光芒,却永远都无法靠近。 Is that place only a high-level imaginary technique? 难道那地方只是一个高级的幻术? When arrives at about three kilometers deep place reluctantly, all around hydraulic pressure increased greatly strengthened, the soul power protection of body surface already automatically opened, but cannot withstand that terrifying hydraulic pressure, in a flash that often just condensed forcefully had been disintegrated by the hydraulic pressure, even if the body of Deifized cell starts to feel that has exist/existence of humongous pressure, all around current of water first is one, only then the great hand of terrifying strength, entraining maliciously is tightening him, as to push a person to do him forcefully. 勉强到得三千米左右的深处时,四周的水压已经加大到极强,身体表面的魂力防护早已自动开启,但根本就顶不住那恐怖的水压,往往是刚刚凝聚的瞬间就已经被水压强行瓦解,即便是神化细胞的身体都开始感觉到有巨大压力的存在,四周的水流就先是一只有着恐怖力量的巨手,狠狠的拽紧他,仿佛想要将他强行挤成一条人干。 All around also completely falls into piece of thorough Dark, is filling even more formidable Dimension Power, floods in the lake water, of lake bottom luminous, although is as before clear, but has actually been hard to illuminate the surroundings again. 四周也完全陷入一片彻底的黑暗,弥漫着越发强大的维度力量,充斥在湖水中,湖底的那丝光亮虽然依旧清晰,但却已经难以再照亮周围。 Tyrant Body and flying shade and light and lively! 霸体、飞影、轻灵! Three Great God return routes open, body became relaxed many, the body of Wang Zhong also sparkled the fierce gold ray, even if was this gold ray, the penetrability in lake water was also the polar region, the eyesight visible range merely has 45 meters far. 大神化回路开启,身体变得轻松了不少,王重的身上也闪耀出剧烈的金色光芒,可即便是这金色的光芒,在湖水中的穿透性也是极地,目力可视范围仅仅只有45米远。
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