BF :: Volume #8

#131: Pities clearheadedly

Is having the intense flame aura and impact, Yali Sandra can feel from the back threat, nine marks that everywhere condenses refining up the soul claw shade to condense in in a flash, the body has not turned around, may behind actually condense the palms of two humongous, defends impregnably his entire back! 带着强烈的火焰气息和冲击,亚力桑德拉能感受到来自背后的威胁,漫天凝聚的九纹炼魂爪影在瞬间凝聚,身子还未转过来,可身后却已经凝聚出两只巨大的手掌,将他整个后背防御得无懈可击! hōng hōng ~ ~ 轰轰~~ Phoenix wing nine days clear the way forcefully, touch in the junction with that humongous palm image in an instant, hasty congealment after all, the flame soars to the heavens, humongous to stroking that two palms slightly trembled, shakes slit on a defense, followed close on is being the form cuts into. 凤翅九天强行开道,与那巨大掌影在刹那间交碰,毕竟的仓促凝结,火光冲天,巨大的冲击打得那两只手掌都微微一颤,震出了一道防御上的缝隙,紧跟着就是身影切入。 In the Wang Zhong eye glitters to roast the white ray, soul power holds in Tyrant Body effect in addition becomes is wild and maneating, the overlapping strength is similar to the ocean waves runs out from his double fist, cuts into that pair of palm defense in the slit, maliciously in bang Yali Sandra's vest. 王重的眼中闪烁着炙白的光芒,魂力霸体效果的加持下变得狂暴而凶悍,层层叠叠的力量如同海浪般从他双拳中冲出,切入那双掌防御的缝隙中,狠狠轰中亚力桑德拉的背心。 The terrifying momentum divulges, follows close on is not having the gap double hit. 恐怖的冲力宣泄,紧跟着就是毫无间隙的连击。 hōng hōng hōng hōng hōng!! 轰轰轰轰轰!! The double palm defense of condensation from was ripped open first slit in a flash do not want to congeal again, a series of terrifying deafening sound sounds, look like have the gods to beat a drum in the space, every strikes the solid bang in Yali Sandra's back, hits together is similar to him the meteor clashes maliciously toward the front. 凝聚的双掌防御从被撕开第一条缝隙的瞬间就已经再也不要想再重新凝结回来了,一连串恐怖的震响声,就像是有神明在天上擂鼓,每一击都实实在在的轰在亚力桑德拉的后背,将他打得如同一道流星般朝前方狠狠冲出去。 hōng! 轰! The meteor falls down, the ground was pounded a terrifying big hole directly, has the big piece hubbub to be surged the sputtering, almost must camouflage the sky, but Wang Zhong had not actually felt that the aura of opposite party has slight weakening. 流星坠地,地面直接被砸出一个恐怖的大坑,有大片的尘嚣被激荡溅射,几乎要遮蔽天空,可王重却并没有感觉到对方的气息有丝毫的减弱。 Whiz! 嗖! Almost does not have any stop, Yali Sandra flew from that big hole dangerous, with for half Heavenly Soul, he also has certainly control flight ability, looks like more relaxed, the humongous hubbub that all around fills hides him , can only see from the sky is floating the fuzzy form, the dust disperses instant. 几乎没有任何停顿的,亚力桑德拉已经从那大坑中悬飞了起来,同为半步天魂,他当然也有掌控飞行的能力,看起来更轻松,四周弥漫的巨大尘嚣将他隐藏在其中,只能看到一个在空中漂浮着的模模糊糊的身影,刹那灰尘飞散。 His body surface has the copper light sparkle, dazzle the mark ray to congeal on his bronze skin presently , the reduction nihility, cannot see the slight injury on him gradually. 他的身体表面有铜光闪耀,有一道道炫纹般的光芒在他古铜色的皮肤上凝现,又渐渐化归虚无,在他身上看不到丝毫的伤势。 Nine mark profound astral fight the air/Qi! 九纹玄罡战气! Wang Zhong once in having high morals there experience dazzling mark battle technique of Dimension person, what Huaide use is the Nine Revolutions part of great bear mark, the unique melt technique, making the Dimension person integrate in the body these law mark strengths thoroughly, became part of body, the usability was extremely good, to various additional of body can say that above the soul power return route, naturally, the practicing difficulty naturally was also no comparison between them. 王重曾在怀德那里见识过维度人的炫纹战技,怀德使用的是九转天罡纹,独特的熔体术,让维度人将这些法纹力量彻底融入了身体中,成为身体的一部分,实用性极佳,对身体的各种加幅可以说更在魂力回路之上,当然,修行难度自然也不可同日而语。 But nine mark profound astral fight air/Qi are the below rank 1 sections of Nine Revolutions part of great bear mark, is the true accomplishment version, not only has achieved peak in the might, and already was in the degree of nature receiving and dispatching, when near the enemy fights should change is quickly stronger, any flaw cannot say, Wang Zhong ten Third Drive, is fought the air/Qi to resist by nine mark profound astral who Yali Sandra nature sent a moment ago one after another spontaneously, cannot become any injury to other party unexpectedly, faintly a little shakes the Wang Zhong double fist numb and aching feeling on the contrary, this immediate response, probably was the automatic defense of this merit law, was quite interesting, Was equal to saying that has shared the demand of majority of defense. 而九纹玄罡战气则是九转天罡纹的下一阶段,是真正的大成版,非但在威力上已经达到极致,且早已到了自然收发的程度,临敌战斗时的应变更快更强,毫无任何破绽可言,刚才王重接连十道三重劲,正是被亚力桑德拉自然而发的九纹玄罡战气自发抵御,竟然没能给他造成任何伤害,反倒是震得王重双拳隐隐有一点酸麻感,这即时的反应,大概是这种功法的自动防御,相当有意思,等于说分担了大部分防御的需求。 Although one are only the ordinary Tyrant Body condition, but Third Drive has made four ten thousand Grasso above injuries sufficiently, ten fists do not affect one after another unexpectedly, this defense quickly compared favorably with simply secure Rizzi's sword astral. 自己虽然只是普通的霸体状态,但三重劲已经足以打出四万格拉索以上的伤害,接连十拳竟然毫无作用,这防御简直都快比得上安里西的剑罡了。 The hubbub gradually disperses, the airborne that float form is gradually clear, his clothing already rotten, but that flood on the bronze exquisite muscle is not having the slight scar, even links a mark not to have, perfectly just likes an artware. 尘嚣渐散,空中那悬浮的身影渐渐清晰,他的衣衫已经喽烂,可那身泛着古铜色的精湛肌肉上却没有丝毫的伤痕,甚至连一点印记都没有,完美地犹如一具艺术品。 If you are only this skill,” Yali Sandra tears off that tattered clothing conveniently directly, reveals a contempt: I suspected really Sword Saint is you kills.” “如果你只是这点本事,”亚力桑德拉顺手将那破烂的衣衫直接扯掉,露出一丝轻视:“那我真怀疑剑圣是不是你杀的了。” Wang Zhong smiled has not refuted, strikes to kill two Sword Saint in fact both to have very big lucky ingredient, but does not need to explain anything to the bystander, has pinched the fist, in a joint explosive sound, the body has the tertiary return route to show in in a flash. 王重笑了笑没有反驳,击杀两个剑圣其实都有很大的侥幸成分,但没必要跟外人解释什么,捏了捏拳头,噼里啪啦的一阵关节爆响声中,身上有三重回路在瞬间展现。 Tyrant Body, light and lively, flying shade! 霸体、轻灵、飞影! In greatly well-respected three big soul power return routes to the present holy city, Yali Sandra, even if not practice, may at least also be the incomparable understanding, even is thorough research, sees Wang Zhong to display, on the face the disappointment, he felt slightly he somewhat overestimated this youngster probably, this degree to the common disciple, but they were not this level! 对现在圣城中大受推崇的三大魂力回路,亚力桑德拉即便不修行,可至少也是无比了解、甚至是深入研究过的,看到王重施展,脸上稍稍有一丝失望,他感觉自己好像真有点高估这个年轻人了,这种程度对一般圣徒还可以,但他们不是这个层级! Quick, his look on and from disappointed transformation for interest. 很快,他的眼神就又从失望转变为了兴趣。 Three big soul power return routes are only the simple surfaces, at Yali Sandra's eyesight, he can feel that these three big soul power return routes have had a marvelous change on Wang Zhong, is different from the edition that spreads in the holy city, appears is more exquisite and nature, moreover what is more mysterious is can have a fusion unexpectedly mutually. 三大魂力回路只是简单的表面,以亚力桑德拉的眼力,他能感觉到这三大魂力回路在王重身上产生了一丝奇妙的变化,不同于在圣城中流传的版本,显得更加细腻和自然,而且更神奇的是竟然可以相互产生一种融合。 The gold ray has replaced originally the soul power return route silver white color, the before imposing manner of Wang Zhong whole person also becomes, is completely different. 金色的光芒代替了原本魂力回路银白的色彩,王重整个人的气势也变得和之前完全不同。 A soul nucleus is the axle center, penetrates into the cell multiple compound, Deifized return route! 一魂核为轴心,深入到细胞层次的多重复合,神化回路! As if a little meaning.” Yali Sandra's body also starts to dazzle the cool law mark to sparkle, no longer hides in the subconsciousness, but is the driving class in the surface, making him look like looks like covers gods in layer upon layer halo: hope should not be only my misconception.” “似乎有点意思了。”亚力桑德拉的身上也开始有炫酷的法纹在闪耀,不再只是潜藏在下意识中,而是主动流于表面,让他看起来就像是笼罩在一层层光晕中的神明:“希望不要只是我的错觉。” Was careful.” Meaning that Wang Zhong has not refuted, but light smiles, is following close on Bang a light sound, looked like has used some mysterious secret technique, the whole person from same place disappeared baseless! “小心了。”王重并没有反驳的意思,只是淡淡一笑,紧跟着‘砰’的一声轻响,就像是施展了某种神秘的秘术,整个人从原地凭空消失! Does not vanish, but speed ultra-fast! 不是消失,而是超快的速度! Nine mark profound astral fight the air/Qi and body, Yali Sandra, regardless of the foundation four-dimensional eyesight and response rose more than one rank, even if slight flowing of all around air is impossible to hide the truth from his informer, he can the clear feeling Wang Zhong move high-speed, even can the clear feeling the Wang Zhong position, come to be really quick, they dozens meters distance as if like pasted at present, in a flash then surmounted! 九纹玄罡战气及体,亚力桑德拉无论的基础四维还是眼力、反应都已经上升了不止一个级别,哪怕是四周一丝空气的细微流动都不可能瞒过他的耳目,他能清晰的感觉到王重正在高速的移动,甚至能清晰的感觉到王重的位置,来得实在太快,两人原本数十米的距离仿佛就像只是贴在眼前一样,瞬间便已跨越! Eruption of such terrifying, even if you can see and can realize that may also radically without enough time make any careful move to deal, but Wolf King has the Wolf King means. 这样恐怖的爆发,就算你能看到、能意识到,可也让人根本就来不及做出任何细致的招数应对,但狼王自有狼王的办法。 His left hand becomes a claw, basic how, no matter Wang Zhong attacks, only illuminates that position to sweep maliciously. 左手成爪,根本不管王重如何来袭,只照着那个方位狠狠一扫。 Without everywhere claw shade, actually terrifying wields the divergence strength is similar to the hurricane runs out toward that position maliciously. 没有漫天的爪影,却有一股恐怖的挥散性力量如同飓风般朝着那个方位狠狠冲出。 In a twinkling the blown sand walks the stone and wind pressure to be threatening, before Wang Zhong , the form that clashes under this terrifying momentum for it, brunts is blocked, follows close on was seeing that the Yali Sandra's both hands ten fingers grasp maliciously toward oneself surface gate. 霎时间飞沙走石、风压逼人,王重前冲的身影在这恐怖的冲力下都不禁为之一顿,冲势受阻,紧跟着就看到亚力桑德拉的双手十指朝着自己面门狠狠抓来。 Sharp severe Claw is also away from far away to make people feel that type cuts all, to penetrate all sharpness sufficiently, but Wang Zhong this time has not actually chosen to fend, but pinches the fist to rumble, airborne as if has golden light together to clash shoots, with that claw shade in an instant hedge. 锋锐的厉爪还隔着老远就已经能让人感觉到那种足以切割一切、穿透一切的锐利,可王重这次却没有选择闪避,而是捏拳轰出,空中仿佛有一道金光冲射,与那爪影在刹那间对冲。 Third Drive refining up soul claw to nine marks! 三重劲对九纹炼魂爪! hōng! 轰! terrifying crack, the strength hedge, this everybody is getting rid of being outspoken, both sides can feel that opposite party that suddenly promotion strength, unexpectedly was still well-matched, regardless of the strength, speed or the move, no one could press anyone unexpectedly. 一声恐怖的炸响,力量对冲,这次大家都是毫无保留的出手,双方都能感觉到对方那急剧提升的战力,竟然仍旧是旗鼓相当,无论力量、速度还是招数,竟然谁也压不过谁。 The Yali Sandra's nine marks refine the soul claw destructive power to be stronger, but Wang Zhong Third Drive gets rid to be quicker, the simple style is erupting the humongous strength. 亚力桑德拉的九纹炼魂爪破坏力更强,但王重三重劲出手却更快,简单的招式爆发着巨大的力量。 Wang Zhong changes incurs extremely quickly, the fist shade fills the air in the instant, just likes the meteor shower group impact of everywhere. 王重变招极快,拳影在霎那间弥漫,犹如漫天的流星雨群冲击。 dá dá dá dá ! 哒哒哒哒哒! Yali Sandra's claw shade is also amazingly quick, unexpectedly the fist shade 11 traps of this everywhere. 亚力桑德拉的爪影也是神速,竟将这漫天的拳影11封堵。 pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰砰砰 Sonic bang sound, jumping of strength shoots, airborne surges a humongous air wave, forms the proliferation the field of force, in them hangingly to spelling under foot ground, including the earth in their terrifying strength puts together in that humongous field of force that strikes to form to be pressed entire downward unceasingly hollow! 不停的音爆声,力量的迸射,空中激荡出一圈巨大的气浪,形成扩散的力场,在两人悬空对拼的脚下地面处,连大地都在两人恐怖力量拼击所形成的那巨大力场中被压得整块往下不断凹陷! Confrontation of deadlock has not continued to be too long, they know that such resistance is impossible to obtain the victory and defeat, is seeking the opportunity of changing incurs, was Yali Sandra saw an opportunity finally first, depended nine marks to refine half offensive that the soul claw attacked, the double fist of standard parry Wang Zhong, looked for the opportunity of cut-. 僵持的对峙并没有持续太久,两人都知道这样的对抗不可能分得出胜负,都在寻求着变招的机会,终是亚力桑德拉先看到了一个时机,仗着九纹炼魂爪攻出的半个先手,格挡开王重的双拳,找准了切入的时机。 His look fierce contraction, two claw shades curl Qu, stretches in the instant, but this time actually no longer is the shape of claw, but just likes changes into a fierce hydra! 他的眼神猛一收缩,两道爪影卷屈,在霎那间重新舒展,但这次却不再是爪的形态,而是犹如化为一条狰狞的九头蛇! Each finger is a fierce snake head, spits the rank red snake core, to reveal that the sharp fang, as if the unified whole, is similar the respective independence, is having a loudly situation, just likes withstands great pressure comes toward the Wang Zhong chest crush maliciously! 每一根指头就是一个狰狞蛇头,吐着腥红的蛇芯、亮出锋利的獠牙,仿佛浑然一体、又仿佛各自独立,带着一种轰然大势,犹如泰山压顶般朝着王重胸口狠狠碾压过来! Kuzuryu drills kills! 九头龙锥杀! Although was a moment ago by the Georgian parry, but also is that the difference of least, lets the opposite party congealed Soul Domination Skill to be able -type big move unexpectedly, Wang Zhong was also in the heart dark to praise, this big move getting rid speed may under own Deifized return route, he early not have the vigilance quite the same as, ahead of time the form withdrew slightly at the same time, half body that snatched enough he has gotten rid, perfect Third Drive in instant on bang dozens fists, by attacking attack! 虽是刚才被格挡开,但也不过就是那么毫厘之差,竟然就让对方凝出了魂霸技能式的大招,王重也是心中暗赞,这大招的出手速度可浑然不在自己的神化回路之下,他也是早有警觉,提前身影微微后撤的同时,抢出的半步身位已足够他重新出手,完美的三重劲在霎那间就轰出了数十拳,以攻对攻! Third Drive strength that peak erupts completely not under the opposite party big move attack might, arrives at the impact of opposite party in out of the door. 极致爆发的三重劲力量完全不在对方大招攻击的威力之下,将对方的冲击抵在门外。 But the big move injury of opposite party therefore has not actually stopped, in a flash that but takes over, Wang Zhong felt that fierce hydra attack is not only the pure impact strength, in that attack not only has the impulse, and has the penetrability, bringing all sorts to be similar to the oppression and thorn shoots and roasts the fever, corrosion and so on multi-skill strengths of multiple effect! 可对方的大招伤害却并没有因此而停止,只是接手的瞬间,王重就已经感觉到那狰狞的九头蛇攻击并非只是单纯的冲击力量,那攻击中既有冲击力、又有穿透性,带着种种如同压迫、刺射、炙烧、腐蚀等等多重效果的复合型力量! Third Drive kept off the momentum of opposite party, but other permeable strengths actually directly pushed directly into, that was this hydra big move was killing! 三重劲是将对方的冲力挡下了,可其他渗透性的力量却是直接长驱直入,那才是这九头蛇大招的杀着! This may radically not be the issue of quantity, when multiple different attribute strengths organic fuses in together, its permeability is various, must destroy your body, tears, puncture you becomes the honeycomb, roasts the hard coke, to corrode the dregs! 这可根本就不是量的问题,当多重不同属性的力量有机的融合在一起,其渗透性是多方面的,要摧毁你的身体,将你撕裂、穿刺成蜂窝、炙成焦炭、腐蚀成渣! Said, felt that is Heavenly Soul Stage expert meets such strength also to have a headache, was only a pity what he faces is Wang Zhong. 说真的,感觉就算是天魂期高手遇到这样的力量也要头疼,只可惜他面对的是王重 hōng! 轰! The multiple strengths penetrated the past from the body of Wang Zhong directly, the naked eye had the halo to pass the body from the body of Wang Zhong obviously, the soul power defense level of body surface has not played the proper defense effect, these permeable compound strengths cannot resist by the exterior defense, but Wang Zhong had the Deifized cell. 多重的力量从王重的身上直接穿透过去,肉眼可见有光晕从王重的身体中透体而出,体表的魂力防御层根本就没有起到应有的防御效果,那些渗透性的复合力量不是靠外部防御可以抵挡下来的,但王重却有神化细胞。 A contact alternation of in a flash, in the body of Wang Zhong actually seemed experienced war of the vast world, many Deifized cells were crushed and annihilated under the impact of that multiple compound strength, may have many Deifized cells to duplicate, rebirth in an instant, even fast gave the counter-balance and Engulf these multi-skill strengths! The strong resiliency as well as the powerful individual defensive power of Deifized cell, penetrated in that defense the marrow of body! 只是一瞬间的接触穿插,王重的身体中却好似已经经历了一次浩世之战,有许多神化细胞在那多重复合力量的冲击下被粉碎、被湮灭,可却有更多的神化细胞在刹那间复制、重生,甚至飞快将那些复合型力量给抵消、吞噬!超强的恢复力以及神化细胞的强悍个体防御力,将那种防御已经深入到了身体的骨髓里! This simply is inconceivable. 这简直就是不可思议。 If nine mark profound astral fight air/Qi are an overall automatic exterior defense, that Deifized cell is one type invincible, penetrated in the intrinsic peak defensive system to marrow, this is the body of true Vajra not going bad. 如果说九纹玄罡战气是一种整体的自动外部防御,那神化细胞就是一种无敌的、已经深入到骨髓里的内在极致防御体系,这才是真正的金刚不坏之身。 The body of Wang Zhong in airborne slightly, slightly does not have that feeble feeling after move, even including the body slight backlash, on the contrary has not been the look limpid and infinite strength condenses in in a flash! 王重的身子只是在空中微微一顿,却丝毫都没有中招后的那种衰弱感,甚至连身体都没有丝毫的后退,反倒是眼神清澈、无穷的力量在瞬间凝聚! Withstood the test big move unexpectedly not effective, making experienced such as Yali Sandra unable to bear stares slightly, the next second, then saw that Wang Zhong that sparkles [gold/metal] fist to attack his front. 百试不爽的大招竟然没有奏效,让见多识广如亚力桑德拉都是忍不住微微一愣,下一秒,便看到王重那闪耀着金芒的拳头已经冲击到他胸前。 The Wang Zhong eye such as the ominous tiger, a moment ago because of defending the Deifized cell strength of explosion transferred in this in a flash Madness, forms the Fatal counter-attack! 王重目如凶虎,刚才因为防御而爆炸的神化细胞力量在这瞬间疯狂调转,形成致命反击! The dragon gains ground! 龙抬头! Passes from the strength of Deifized cell, must be much more formidable compared with the Third Drive might that ordinary soul power forms, does not get down ten ten thousand Grasso! Is precisely after Yali Sandra gets rid to be fruitless fully, the body is in the neutral gear time that a strength transforms, center a fist Yali Sandra chest! 透自神化细胞的力量,比起普通魂力所形成的三重劲的威力要更强大得多,绝不下十万格拉索!且是在亚力桑德拉全力出手无果之后,身体正处于一个力量转换的空档期上,一拳正中亚力桑德拉胸口! hōng! 轰! The terrifying impact bang, Yali Sandra was flushed explodes draws back, simultaneously has a layer upon layer law mark to explode the broken sound in airborne crack. 恐怖的冲击巨响,亚力桑德拉被冲得爆退,同时有着一层层法纹爆碎的声音在空中炸响。 pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng...... 砰砰砰砰砰砰…… Can see that on him nine mark profound astral fight the air/Qi are similar to the glass piece layer upon layer blast open. 能看到他身上的九纹玄罡战气如同玻璃碎片般层层炸裂。 hōng ~ ~ 轰~~ Yali Sandra both feet is well-grounded, the ground was stepped on entire hollowly to get down like the cotton, has shared that terrifying momentum for him, but on him nine profound astral originally fights the air/Qi, exploded unexpectedly has broken to pieces seven, only the remaining two clear law mark protections were still only sparkling the ray. 亚力桑德拉双脚着地,地面就像棉花般被踩得整块凹陷下去,替他分担了那恐怖的冲力,而他身上原本的九层玄罡战气,竟然也足足爆碎了七层,仅只剩下两层晶莹的法纹防护还在闪耀着光芒。 May keep off eventually, and along with the exhaust fumes of breath, the strength reply, shatter seven profound astral fights the air/Qi to supplement unexpectedly in an instant that making his body dazzles the mark sparkle brightly, very incomparable. 可终究是挡了下来,且随着呼吸的回气,力量回复,破碎的七层玄罡战气竟然在刹那间补充,让他的身体重新变得炫纹闪耀、亮酷无比。 Electricity of two fine glow from Yali Sandra's eyes shoot, presses up to hanging Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong is also silent looking at each other, junction of two intense air/Qi fields in each other look touch and contact, rub the intense flame, flip-flop makes noise, may actually nobody again attack. 两道精芒从亚力桑德拉的眼中电射而出,直逼悬空的王重,王重也是无声对视,两股强烈的气场在彼此的眼神中交碰、接触,摩擦出激烈的火光,噼啪作响,可却没有人再进攻。 Whistling...... 呼呼…… Delayed cool breeze has blown, the cool feeling passes the body, as if the world intensely was fought to shock by these two, for a long time the slight breath makes noise. 一阵迟来的清风吹过,凉意透体,仿佛就连天地都被这两人激烈的交手震撼住,许久才轻微的呼吸出声。 But fills the air in them that murderous aura in the strength that and confronts, actually suddenly vanished into thin air in this cool breeze. 而弥漫在两人中的那股杀气和对峙的力量,却在这清凉的微风中突然就烟消云散了。 Hahahaha Hahaha!” A frank laughter: No wonder can stir earth-shakingly the octopus person, really lives up to reputation!” 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!”一阵爽朗的笑声:“难怪能把章鱼人搅得天翻地覆,果然名不虚传!” Yali Sandra laughs, sweeps the beforehand that full hostility, is flooding an appreciation on the contrary and pities clearheadedly: hope king Group Head do not mind that I am also see to hunt for the heart to get up, is well-known to the king Group Head soul power return route for a long time.” 亚力桑德拉哈哈大笑,一扫之前那满满的敌意,反倒是充斥着一种欣赏和惺惺相惜:“希望团长不要介意,我也是见猎心起,对王团长魂力回路是闻名已久啊。” And you too.” The opposite party intends to the probe, Wang Zhong in fact is, already in the legend characters to these disciples yearned for a long time, has not exposed, thwarts, oneself do not have fully, the opposite party is, their such people must divide the victory and defeat, must divide the life and death, by the battle efficiency, Wolf King is really stronger than big Teacher: Nine mark profound astral esoterics worthily are one of the Holy Land Ten Great mystiques, lives up to reputation.” “彼此彼此。”对方意在试探,王重其实又何尝不是,早就对这些圣徒中的传说人物向往已久了,也就没有点破,将计就计,自己没有出全力,对方何尝不是,他们这样的人要分胜负,就要分生死,论战斗力,狼王真比大导师强一些:“九纹玄罡奥义不愧是圣地十大秘法之一,名不虚传。” This may not be the flattery, the Holy Land mystique is not everyone can look that absolutely, except for must pay the extremely high price, but must enter half step Heavenly Soul boundary, simultaneously is under the permission of Saint Teacher. Even if nine mark profound astral fights air/Qi type to be the secret of Dimension person likely alone, even if the Dimension person, is not everybody may practice, the talented person who only then enters the core sequence may study. Wang Zhong already listened to Huaide to mention, in the Dimension person can study this battle technique were not many, can achieve such strength in the Heroic Soul boundary, only feared that in the entire Dimension person history, Wolf King Yali Sandra are considered as on arrange at most front row one of the that few several. 这可绝对不是奉承,圣地的秘法并不是谁都能看的,除了要付出极高的代价,还必须进入半步天魂的境界,同时得到圣导师的许可。哪怕是像九纹玄罡战气这种独属于维度人的秘技,即便身为维度人,也不是人人可练,只有进入核心序列的人才有可能学习到。王重早就听怀德说起过,维度人中能学习这战技的本就不多,能在英魂境界能达到这样的战力,只怕在整个维度人历史上,狼王亚力桑德拉都算得上是排在最前列的那极少数几个之一。 ( Partners, asked a monthly ticket, thank!) (伙伴们,求一张月票,感谢!)
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