BF :: Volume #8

#130: Wolf king

Highest sage is Teacher also living?” Wang Zhong curious asking. “至圣导师还活着吗?”王重好奇的问道。 That is another boundary, our human race was too superficial regarding the understanding of Dimension world, cannot defines with simple birth and death, one that but also there is anything to know and asked.” Old Zhang said with a smile that like outside hearsay thunder sacred Teacher of terrifying, is less like the neighbor grandfather. “那是另外一个境界,我们人类对于维度世界的了解太肤浅了,不能用简单的生与死来定义,还有什么想知道的一并问。”老张笑着说道,丝毫不像外界传闻的恐怖的雷神圣导师,更像是邻居老爷爷。 Wang Zhong also knows the opportunity to be rare, who is cell cosmology writes?” 王重也知道机会难得,“细胞宇宙学是谁写的?” „Do you guess?” Old Zhang meets Wang Zhong also exceptionally with ease, even the meaning of a little old naughty child. “你猜?”老张遇到王重也是异常的轻松,甚至有点老顽童的意思。 Should not be...... Highest sage Teacher?” “该不会是……至圣导师吧?” Has guessed right, is really intelligent, your soul power return route also from evolves.” Old Zhang said that all dense fog dispersing, Wang Zhong initially starts to think all of a sudden this book is others' indulging in flights of fancy, but a book of indulging in flights of fancy will place the Holy Land library, particularly can watch free, what does this mean? “猜对了,真聪明,你的魂力回路也是从其中衍化出来的吧。”老张说道,一下子所有的迷雾散开,王重初开始是觉得这书是别人的胡思乱想,但一本胡思乱想的书怎么会放在圣地图书馆,尤其是可以免费观看,这意味着什么? Even if Teacher does not dare to limit arbitrarily, such person, has one in Holy Land. 哪怕是导师们也不敢擅自界定,这样的人,在圣地只有一个。 Wang Zhong mood incomparable comfort, his insistence is right, Old Zhang, your lake, is the imaginary technique, is the mystical place?” 王重心情无比的舒爽,他的坚持是对的,“老张,你的湖呢,是幻术,还是秘境?” Has not intertwined regarding soul power return route Wang Zhong, to certain level, naturally had certain vision, the strength decides all, this is also Old Zhang appreciates his place, changes a person, must complain tearfully most likely. 对于魂力回路王重没有纠结,到了一定层次,自然有一定眼界,力量决定一切,这也是老张欣赏他的地方,换一个人,十有八九要哭诉一番。 That is the fragment world, is promoted Heavenly Soul to have own fragment world.” Old Zhang said that helps practicing and being pregnant to raise Soul Beast.” “那是碎片世界,晋级天魂就可以拥有自己的碎片世界。”老张说道,“便于修行和孕养魂兽。” Wang Zhong nods, this was the boundary issue. 王重点点头,这是境界的问题了。 Wang Zhong, conquering is only the method, the true meaning of Dimension world is esoterics, goes, seizes this opportunity well.” Old Zhang said that about Golden Slab and wing shadow and other issues, he has not explained that regarding present Wang Zhong, knows that is not the good matter. 王重,征服只是手段,维度世界的真谛是奥义,去吧,好好把握这次机会。”老张说道,关于黄金石板和翅膀影子等问题,他并没有解答,对于现在的王重来说,知道并不是好事儿。 Same why can enter his fragment world about Wang Zhong, Old Zhang had not asked. 同样的关于王重为什么能进入他的碎片世界,老张也没问。 After letting Wang Zhong leaves, the virtual projection is gradually pale, but in the remote space actually resounds a sigh...... 王重离开后,虚拟的投影渐渐淡去,可遥远的空间中却响起一声叹息…… Saw Old Zhang, has conveyed the information of related octopus person to the high level, this makes his present mood in fact very good, let alone outside the hall, an accidental person is waiting for him. 看到了老张,又向高层传达了有关章鱼人的信息,这让他现在的心情其实很不错,何况在大厅外,还有一个意外的人在等着他。 Wolf King Yali Sandra. 狼王亚力桑德拉。 The handsome resolute man wear a look of the smile, a gold short hair is appearing incomparably dazzling, that is sends the silk to send out the golden light, just likes god Di, said, Wolf King was startled, trivial Heroic Soul Stage has taken the Saint Teacher so long time unexpectedly, simply is the miracle. 英俊刚毅的男子面带着微笑,一头金色的短发显得无比耀眼,那是真的根根发丝都散发着金光,犹如神邸,说真的,狼王真的被惊到了,区区一个英魂期竟然占用了圣导师如此长的时间,简直就是奇迹。 Outside base...... 基地外…… Battlefield ruins originally had been cleaned up thoroughly cleanly, for ease of the monitoring periphery, together with neighbor several mountains, all trees was felled a none remaining, but all around, although neat, appears has bare bleak, is passing atmosphere that one type dreary and withers. 原本的战场废墟已经被彻底清理干净了,为了便于监控周围,连同原本附近的几座高山,所有的树木都被砍伐了个精光,但四周虽整洁,却显得有种光秃秃的荒凉,透着一种萧瑟和肃杀的氛围。 Perhaps the essence of war to not destroy, but in the war, the destruction actually certainly is the main melody. 战争的本质或许不是为了毁灭,但在战争中,毁灭却一定是最主要的旋律。 Even if so bleak the place, actually can still feel in air that rich, Misso proclamation compared with Dimension energy that the world is in sole possession , the aura of world can feel clearly, in the base here temporarily promotes especially now practices the soul power return route, can in such a short time many to obtain breaks through, besides three big soul power return routes itself not too complex, Misso proclamation lets all person progress such quick biggest reasons the world vitality that the world is richer. 即便是如此‘荒凉’之地,却仍旧能感受到空气中那浓郁的、米索布达比世界所独有的维度能量,天地的气息在这里能感受得格外清晰,现在基地里临时推广修行魂力回路,能在如此短时间内让许多人得到突破,除了三大魂力回路本身并不太复杂之外,米索布达比世界浓郁的天地元气才是让所有人进步这么快的最大原因。 In the open area, they confront to stand, the road is Yali Saund takes along, arrives intentionally such bleakly, is far away from the surrounding region of base, obviously not possibly for with Wang Zhong peaceful chat. 空地上,两人对峙而立,路是亚力桑德拉带的,故意到这么荒凉的、远离基地的外围地带,显然不可能只是为了和王重安静的聊个天。 Speechless, the atmosphere appears somewhat dignified, the invisible air/Qi field occurred on each other body, this is not any friendly signal, what lets Yali Sandra accident is, a Wang Zhong face look is as before usual, this fellow becomes famous young, in half Heavenly Soul is youngest, this thinks that specially will be rampant, is actually the accidental calm. 一路无言,气氛显得有些凝重,无形的气场在彼此的身上应势而生,这可绝不是什么友好的信号,不过让亚力桑德拉意外的是,王重依旧一脸神色如常,这家伙年少成名,在半步天魂里是最年轻的,本以为会特别嚣张,却是意外的沉稳。 Yali Sandra shows a faint smile, he just arrived at Misso proclamation compared with the world shortly, feels here abundant energy is really being very comfortable, must be more superior than Holy Land. 亚力桑德拉微微一笑,他才刚刚来到米索布达比世界不久,感受着这里充沛的能量真的是非常舒服,比圣地还要更加优越。 You crossed the border, some matters want the weighing one their status.” Yali Sandra smiles was saying, on face Dimension person unique etiquette and happy expression, but actually also hidden murderous intention: „To be you directly, but can look at thunder sacred Teacher very much to regard as important to you, I want to give you an opportunity.” “你越界了,有一些事情要称量一下自己的身份。”亚力桑德拉微笑着说道,脸上着维度人所特有的礼仪和笑意,但却也暗藏杀机:“本来想直接做掉你,但看得出来雷神圣导师对你很看重,我想给你个机会。” He, slowly said: Lets have high morals they to leave Vagrant Brigade, forgives your life.” 他顿了顿,缓缓说道:“让怀德他们离开流浪旅团,饶你一命。” Depends on you?” Wang Zhong has also smiled, with Yali Sandra comes time felt that a little does not suit, Huaide is to join, possibly has disrupted accidentally by the deployment of person, or the opposite party cannot have a liking for itself. “就凭你?”王重也笑了,跟着亚力桑德拉过来的时候就感觉有点不对劲,怀德是自己想要加入的,可能无意中打乱了被人的部署,又或是对方根本看不上自己。 „, newbie does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, kills two low-order Heavenly Soul to think one were invincible.” In Yali Sandra's eyes flashes through wipes the fine glow: „, Since you are unappreciative, that makes me ask for advice your soul power return route!” “呵,新人不知天高地厚,干掉两个低阶天魂就觉得自己无敌了。”亚力桑德拉的眼中闪过一抹精芒:“也罢,既然你不识抬举,那就让我领教一下你的魂力回路!” The voice just fell, Yali Sandra's left hand searches baseless, concentrates to grasp void. 话音刚落,亚力桑德拉的左手凭空一探,虚空凝抓。 Without any indication, concentrates the palm that grasps also to separate in the distant place, but in a flash Wang Zhong felt one put in compressor common likely, pressure in a flash in all directions wells up insanely, but, as if must compress him directly pushes rottenly! 没有任何征兆,凝抓的手掌还隔在远处,可瞬间王重就感觉自己像是被放入了压缩机一般,四面八方的压力瞬间疯涌而至,仿佛要将他直接压扁挤烂! On clear soul power return route in a flash cloth body, Tyrant Body! 晶莹的魂力回路瞬间布上身体,霸体 Opening of soul power return route at this time already thorough marrow, almost while feeling all around pressure already automatic upper body, even if is already so rapid, was the feeling slow a racket, the toggle speed of opposite party was too quick, in the Wang Zhong eye lost Yali Sandra's form, only had that also to congeal in the airborne void claw shade. 魂力回路的开启此时早已深入骨髓,几乎是在感受到四周压力的同时就已经自动上身,可即便是已经如此迅疾,还是感觉慢了一拍,对方的启动速度实在太快了,王重的眼里已经失去了亚力桑德拉的身影,仅有那个还凝在空中的虚空爪影。 Quite quick. 好快。 The basic force, speed, defense body wait / etc. weighed a soldier most basic lower limit condition, wants to carry on the resistance of true top top level, merely only then these foundations are completely insufficient, the experience and instinct of fight appear more important. 身体的基本力量、速度、防御等等只是衡量一个战士最基本的下限条件,想要进行真正顶尖高层次的对抗,仅仅只有这些基础是完全不够的,战斗的经验和本能显得更加重要。 This degree of speed, is unable to follow opposite party action by the eye, feels slight flowing of air, by awareness, by the intuition of fight, Wang Zhong wants not to think that directly backhandedly toward the body right is together Third Drive. 这种程度的速度,靠眼睛根本就无法跟得上对方的动作,得去感受空气的细微流动,靠感知,靠战斗的直觉,王重想也不想,直接反手朝着身子右侧就是一道三重劲 hōng! 轰! A rudely explosion sound, airborne has the terrifying air current to blast out, two person's shadows both after slightly has drawn back one step. 一记势大力沉的轰响,空中有恐怖的气流炸开,两条人影都是朝后略退了一步。 Takes over to feel that Wolf King Yali Sandra has not used the Wang Zhong soul power return route very much obviously, the return route, although had the big reputation, but does not represent it certainly is strongest giving up study, can start so the stir of humongous in the holy city, more because its practicing key low and simple seat of honor and other characteristics. Yali Sandra has his practicing style obviously, although does not use the soul power return route, may control similarly incomparable the succinctness to soul power, under Wang Zhong, simply not have the shortcoming of majority of holy city Heroic Soul that type of soul power revolution detention. 只是一接手已经能感觉出来,很显然狼王亚力桑德拉并没有使用王重魂力回路,回路虽然有了诺大的名声,但并不代表它就一定是最强的绝学,能在圣城掀起如此巨大的轰动,更多还是因为其修行门坎低、简易上手等特点。亚力桑德拉显然有着他自己的修行方式,虽然不用魂力回路,可对魂力的控制同样无比的精粹,丝毫不在王重之下,根本没有大部分圣城英魂那种魂力运转滞涩的缺点。 In fact to half Heavenly Soul of this situation is exist/existence that these boundary and soul power control already merged into one organic whole, three big soul power return routes are only some superficial knowledge that Wang Zhong announced that although the key was low, but also suits early Heroic Soul or has Heroic Soul of special conjunction in this aspect. 事实上到了这个地步的半步天魂都是那些境界和魂力操控早已融为一体的存在了,三大魂力回路又只是王重公布出来的一些皮毛,门坎虽低,但也只是适合早期的英魂或是在这方面有着特别契合的英魂而已。 Two looks in airborne micro one move, the basic probe warms up continually has not been, but has actually been able to feel the opposite party basic strength, absolutely is opponent that may endure fights. 两道眼神在空中微一触碰,基本的试探连热身都还算不上,但却已经能感受到对方的基本战力,绝对是自己可堪一战的对手 A little meaning!” In Yali Sandra eyes flashes through fine glow, the short stop, the tip of the toe at a ground slightly point, the whole person just liked in the hubbub that fills the shell once more clashes to shoot. “有点意思!”亚力桑德拉眼中闪过一丝精芒,短暂的停顿,脚尖只是在地上微微一点,整个人已经在那弥漫的尘嚣中犹如炮弹般再次冲射上来。 Opposite Wang Zhong with rapt attention was already right, is known as facing this in the Exceed Grade disciple who in Heroic Soul never tastes a defeat, even if have to defeat the experience of Heavenly Soul to be possible not to dare to be negligent, evenly matched was only a superficial probe, the true fight just must start. 对面的王重早已凝神已对,面对这位号称在英魂中从未尝一败的超级圣徒,即便自己有着战胜天魂的经历可也绝不敢大意,刚才的势均力敌只是一次浅薄的试探,真正的战斗才刚要开始。 He is also the tip of the toe toward a ground slightly pad, the Tyrant Body effect makes his body muscle slightly inflate, welcomes the opposite party is similar to the shell to shooting form, the both arms proceed alternately. 他也是脚尖往地上微微一垫,霸体效果让他的身体肌肉都微微膨胀起来,迎着对方如同炮弹般冲射的身影,双臂交叉往前一顶。 pēng! 砰! Also is a terrifying air wave, the sad impact noise shakes this piece of hill slightly trembling cry, but that serious impulse unexpectedly by Wang Zhong in airborne forcefully anti- under. 又是一圈恐怖的气浪,沉闷的撞击声直震得这片山丘都微微颤鸣,可那沉重的冲击力竟然被王重在空中就强行抗下。 His overlapping both arms sink slightly, has hit an revolutions in the both arms that terrifying momentum, follows close on is proceeding to push, goes back that momentum jet braking, hits the strength with the strength, but Yali Sandra actually simply do not withstand this momentum jet braking the meaning, his body is extremely gentle, momentum prevented at the same time, the body has taken advantage of opportunity the turn over, not only avoids the thrust force that Wang Zhong proceeded, simultaneously a whip leg has swept maliciously from the left, hangs [gold/metal] Gou slantingly. 他交叉的双臂微微下沉,将那恐怖的冲力在双臂中打了个转,紧跟着往前一推,将那股冲力反推回去,借力打力,可亚力桑德拉却根本没有要承受这冲力反推的意思,他的身体极其柔和,冲力被阻止的同时,身体已经顺势翻转,非但避开了王重往前的推力,同时一记鞭腿已经从左侧狠狠扫出,斜挂金钩。 Wang Zhong is also responded that amazingly quick, takes and puts away freely, jet braking strength in a flash gives up, the gib or derrick keeps off horizontally, changes from defensive to offensive, when fist and feet has not moved, the left leg also simultaneously sweeps. 王重也是反应神速、收放自如,反推的力量瞬间放弃,伸臂横挡,同时反守为攻,拳脚还未碰触时,左腿也是同时扫出。 The offense and defense transforms in in a flash, same action and similar attack and defense, their choices unexpectedly are the extraordinary consistency, the airborne sonic bang sound crack, two person's shadows this time had not actually been shaken by each other strength fly away, when this powerful enemy, such as can snatch offensive, that will be step by step for first, tyrannical soul power will protect the body, they simultaneously will eat up the strength of opposite party, with heavy blows will join. 攻守在瞬间转换,同样的动作、同样的攻防,两人的选择竟是出奇的一致,空中音爆声炸响,两条人影这次却没有被彼此的力量震飞开,当此强敌,如能抢得一步先手,那就将是步步为先,强横的魂力护体,两人都是同时强吃下对方的力量,重拳接上。 In a twinkling, fist to fist and leg to leg! 霎时间,拳对拳、腿对腿! hōng hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰轰 The humongous sonic bang sound from the sky keeps crack, just likes the stuffy thunder, in the ground the sand dust surges, hedge of two person's shadows back and forth in the hubbub shuttle back and forth, takes over officially, is only each several other back and forth, both sides can feel that leaves rich of opposite party fight experience. 巨大的音爆声在空中不停炸响,犹如闷雷,地面上沙尘激荡,两条人影在尘嚣中来回对冲穿梭,正式接手,只是彼此几个来回,双方都能感觉出对方战斗经验的丰富。 Yali Sandra looks like can definitely guess that obtains Wang Zhong each action, but accordingly, Wang Zhong can also sentence each motion of opposite party ahead of time in advance, so-called exquisite wrestle Skill early integrated in they most basic instinct, like completely is reasonably gets rid, does not have the slight error that is calculated based on the computer. 亚力桑德拉就像是完全能猜得出王重的每一步动作,而相应的,王重也能提前预判出对方的每一次行动,所谓精妙的格斗技巧早已经融入了两人最基本的本能中,就像完全是由电脑计算出来的最合理出手一样,没有丝毫的误差。 Wang Zhong does not feel the accident, the opposite party became famous in the holy city after all for a long time true top expert, every large or small life and death struggle does not know that experienced many, the holy city has to spread their brilliant achievements the fables. But Yali Sandra actually really felt that was a little surprised, the opposite party can create the soul power return route to be also good and to be promoted half step Heavenly Soul be also good rapidly, these things have the possibility because of various powerful talent and opportunities, but must come, but the fight experiences this thing actually really to form by talent, that must be solid bad risk fights accumulates, the opposite party is so young, enters the holy city is about one year, is such rich fight experience where goes to gain in? 王重并不感觉意外,对方毕竟已经是在圣城中成名已久的真正顶尖高手,大大小小的生死战不知经历了多少,圣城多有流传他们各种辉煌战绩的传说。可亚力桑德拉却就真感觉有点惊讶了,对方能创造魂力回路也好、能迅速晋级半步天魂也好,这些东西都有可能因为强悍的天赋和各种机遇而得来,但战斗经验这东西却真不是靠天赋可以形成的,那必须是一场场实实在在的凶险战斗来积累,对方如此年轻,进入圣城不过一年时间,到底是去哪里积累的这么丰富的战斗经验? But the surprise is only in a flash, they have been able to feel that wants to suppress the opposite party by the move without doubt is the wishful thinking, only has the opposite party is quicker than and is stronger! 但诧异只是一瞬间,两人都已经能感觉到,想要靠招数压制对方无疑已是痴心妄想,唯有比对方更快、更强! Yali Sandra's look slightly changes, appears more maneating, when gets rid five fingers Shu who pinches tightly launches suddenly, the fist changes the claw. 亚力桑德拉的眼神微微一变,显得更加凶悍,出手时捏紧的五指突然舒展开,拳变爪。 cēng cēng cēng cēng...... 噌噌噌噌…… in a flash that the fist and feet junction touches, on the pure white slender finger has unique black soul power to condense in in a flash, looked like grows was also long is black and incisive sharp claws, in the near body wrestle of limit, each round junction bumped is calculates the peak speed and distance controlling, suddenly the elongated sharp claws made Wang Zhong eat invisible losses, the computation presented a deviation, although has avoided the sharp claws sharpest incisive part reluctantly, may that sharp claws tear the space unexpectedly, the astral wind of fingertip was astonishing, in a flash scratched an opening in the chest of Wang Zhong, his clothes will rip two long fissures, good. In the soul power defense spontaneity of chest, resists attack that this fingertip astral has been mad, has not been injured, may also be makes Wang Zhong feel that the chest place has a burning aching feeling, the form explodes draws back. 拳脚交碰的瞬间,洁白修长的手指上有独特的黑色魂力瞬间凝聚,就像是长出了又长又黑又尖锐的利爪,极限的近身格斗中,每一轮交碰都是计算到极致的速度和距离把控,突然伸长的利爪让王重吃了个暗亏,计算出现一丝偏差,虽然勉强避开了利爪最锋锐的尖锐部分,可那利爪竟撕裂空间,指尖的罡风惊人,瞬间王重的胸口划出一道口子,将他的衣服撕出两道长长的裂痕,好。在胸口的魂力防御自生,抵御了这指尖罡气的攻击,没有受伤,可也是让王重感觉胸口处有一阵火辣辣的疼痛感,身影爆退。 expert contends, a difference misses step by step, the attack and defense that fifty-fifty opened becomes attacks defends, Yali Sandra's form explodes rises the advance, extends the sharp claws of fingertip just likes the sharp storm, in a flash transforms everywhere the claw shade, presses hard in. 高手相争,一步差步步差,原本对半开的攻防变为一攻一守,亚力桑德拉的身影爆涨突进,延伸出指尖的利爪犹如锐利的风暴,瞬间幻化出漫天的爪影,紧逼而上。 Nine marks refine the soul claw! 九纹炼魂爪! Obviously and Wang Zhong is away from the several meters distance throughout, but that claw shade actually seems can disregard this from the barrier, explodes in Wang Zhong is similar to the crazy bang that draws back explode interlocks to put on to raid along the way randomly, occasionally one strikes the bang to pound in the ground, in a flash is together the deep humongous five fingers vestige of the past, stays in five deep cave entrance of ground likely! 明明和王重始终隔着数米距离,可那爪影却好似能无视这距离的障碍,在王重爆退的沿途如同狂轰乱炸般交错穿袭,偶尔有一击轰砸在地面上,瞬间就是一道深深的巨大五指爪印,像是留在地面的五个深深洞口! afterimage when Wang Zhong explodes draws back to flash before definitely unable to this everywhere claw shade to create any confusing effect, when even these claw shades scratch and tear the nihility afterimage, Wang Zhong can feel that own body stagnates, seems like entrained by some aura locking pulls. 王重爆退时闪现出的残影也完全无法给这漫天的爪影造成任何的迷惑效果,甚至当那些爪影抓破虚无的残影时,王重都能感觉到自己的身体为之一滞,就像是被某种气息锁定拽扯。 Wang Zhong has not used the sword, to this degree, the sensitivity to the danger is absolutely as fine as peak, he can definitely feel this illusory claw shade fierce, very strange strength, may break imaginary, may really attack, may strike empty, not only pure strength and sharp, before has not found out this strength completely the detail, cannot with it hard just, but Ghost Step as if no any too major function. 王重没有用剑,到了这种程度,对危险的敏感是绝对精细到极致的,他完全能感受到这虚幻爪影的厉害,很古怪的力量,可破幻、可攻实、可击虚,并不只是单纯的力量和锋锐而已,在没有完全摸清这力量的细节前,绝不能与之硬刚,而鬼步似乎也没什么太大的作用。 Flying shade Shadow Dance step! 飞影影舞步! Velocity loop in addition holds, he exploded the form that drew back to pick up the speed suddenly, did not draw back instead enters, the body became moves fast, may remain in airborne afterimage actually dissipates, only saw that was similar to the light dot form alternates in that illusory claw shade, depends the strong speed to fend every to strike forcefully! 速度回路加持,他爆退的身影陡然加快了速度,不退反进,身体变得更加飘忽,可残留在空中的残影却随之消散,只看到一条如同光点般的身影在那虚幻的爪影中穿插,仗着超强的速度强行闪避每一击! Different from the step that Ghost Step that leisurely, to move fast to be famous, true Shadow Dance, that is the peak in a flash eruption speed. 不同于鬼步那种慢悠悠、以飘忽而着称的步伐,真正的影舞,那是极致瞬间爆发速度。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 All claw shades in fail unexpectedly in an instant completely, pits one piece of ground bang, but Wang Zhong is similar to the form of light dot eruption is hitting this in a flash contrast, recoiled Yali Sandra. 所有爪影竟在刹那间完全落空,将地面轰的坑洼一片,而王重如同光点般爆发的身影则打着这瞬间的反差,反冲到了亚力桑德拉的身后。 Opportunity excellent, two flame in a flash let go in his hands, transforms two Fire Phoenix false image, sets the prairie afire the impact. 机会绝佳,两道火光在他手掌中瞬间脱手而出,幻化出两条火凤虚影,燎原冲击。 Phoenix wing nine days! 凤翅九天!
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