BF :: Volume #8

#129: Travel Group Head

Phantom Brigade travel Group Head imaginary king Morrah must, travel Group Head of red spider brigade red widow poor silk to subdue|grams Li, travel Group Head of seeker brigade Wolf King Yali Sandra, travel Group Head of blue demon brigade blue fatty Dammann, as well as travel Group Head of hanging upside down brigade, is known as surface strongly 135 small poor strength. The Ten Great brigade of holy city its five, is in this holy war is assigned to five strongest brigade Group Head of north war zone. 幻影旅团的旅团长‘幻王’莫拉得得,红蜘蛛旅团的旅团长‘红寡妇’菲丝克丽,探索者旅团的旅团长狼王’亚力桑德拉,蓝魔旅团的旅团长‘蓝胖子’阿达曼,以及倒吊者旅团的旅团长,号称‘地表最强135’小菲力。圣城的十大旅团其五,也是这次圣战中被分配到北部战区的五个最强旅团团长 Besides imaginary king Morrah must follow the Holy city Armed forces come from the beginning, other four travel Group Head were just convened from the holy city, the great strength and toughness of octopus person have stemmed from the estimate of holy city obviously, the reenforcement of each strength level in continuing, but these given names, Wang Zhong was also early heard that had already achieved Engulf Level 1 in the individual rank of Dimension hotel, in travel regimental head quarter always mysterious incomparable, various types can be a worthy opponent the Heavenly Soul legend on are this help the person rush, even if were many fame dreadful Teacher in the holy city Level 1, does not have the commeasurability with this group of people in the strength, not, when Teacher is just because they do not care about Teacher that to profit meagerly, the goals of these people locate in the top big Teacher even Saint Teacher level from the beginning, absolute half Heavenly Soul, strongest Heroic Soul, is of holy city high level in the training sequence of Heroic Soul level before top Elite that most regards as important. 除了幻王莫拉得得是一开始就跟随圣城军过来的之外,其他四位旅团长都是刚刚才从圣城召集来的,章鱼人的强大和韧性显然已经出乎了圣城的预估,各个力量层次的增援一直都在持续中,而这几位的大名,王重也是早有所闻,在维度旅社的个人级别早就已经达到了吞噬一级,在旅团部中一向神秘无比,各种能匹敌天魂的传说就是这帮人所闯下来的,即便是许多在圣城里名望滔天的导师一级,与这帮人在实力上都没有可比性,不当导师只不过是因为他们并不在乎导师的那点微薄得利而已,这些人的目标从一开始就是定位在顶尖大导师甚至圣导师的层次上,绝对的半步天魂,最强英魂,也是圣城高层在英魂层次的培养序列上最靠前、最看重的顶尖精英 In Heavenly Soul soldier, some excels at the boundary, but is uncertain familiarity fight, but these half Heavenly Soul strengths absolutely are terrifying, becomes big Teacher to them is not the difficulty, once they enter Heavenly Soul, goes to strongest Heavenly Soul, perhaps becomes Saint Teacher can be the little difficulty. 天魂战士里面,有一些擅长境界,但并不一定“精通”战斗,但是这些半步天魂的战力绝对是恐怖的,成为大导师对他们并不是什么困难,一旦他们进入天魂,就是冲着最强天魂去的,或许成为圣导师才会是一点点难度吧。 Sees Wang Zhong to come, five people are slightly somewhat are also curious, looks askance, Wang Zhong has not seen these five, in fact in entire travel regimental head quarter, even if these veterans disciples, sees these mysterious travel Group Head people also few, but actually does not represent these five not to know Wang Zhong, after is in the present disciple most at the height of power rising star, especially the beforehand rescue has high morals and other matters of Dimension person, obviously makes Wolf King Yali Sandra with him quite familiar, clashes him to smile nod. 看到王重过来,五人也是略有些好奇,为之侧目,王重没有见过这五位,事实上整个旅团部里,就算是那些老资格的圣徒,见过这几位神秘旅团长的人也很少,但却并不代表这五位不认识王重,毕竟是如今圣徒中最如日中天的新秀,特别是之前营救怀德等维度人的事儿,显然让狼王亚力桑德拉对他相当熟悉,冲他微笑着点了点头。 Wang Zhong is also the nod retaliates, although at present these five people in imposing manner in restraining desirably, but actually also can definitely feel from five people of that half Heavenly Soul aura, every action and every movement faintly have meaning of the unusual conditions, obviously not only has achieved this boundary in the strength level, even to cognition of practicing, also already incomparable close Heavenly Soul. 王重也是点头回敬,尽管眼前这五人在气势上都在刻意的收敛,但却也完全能感受到来自五人身上的那种半步天魂气息,一举一动都隐隐有着一种浑然天成之意,显然不仅仅只是在力量层次上达到了这种境界,甚至在对修行的认知上,也已经无比的接近天魂 Is expert, absolute expert! 都是高手,绝对的高手 Wang Zhong is somewhat excited, because Heroic Soul expert of holy city practices variously on malpractice, causes to have the Fatal flaw majority, but that Rules is not applicable to expert in these expert obviously, he can find soul power return route road, others also definitely have their chance, this type lucky, not only belongs to Wang Zhong. 王重有些兴奋,圣城的英魂强者因为各种各样修行上的弊端,导致大部分都有着致命的缺陷,但那种规则显然并不适用于这些高手中的高手,他能找到魂力回路这条路,别人也肯定有自己的机缘,这种幸运并不只属于王重 The mutual observation has not continued, seems like waiting for Wang Zhong specially, he just now enters the hall, the thunder sacred Teacher sound directly resounds in the hall. 相互的观察并没有一直持续,就像是在专门等着王重,他才刚一进入大厅,雷神圣导师的声音就直接在大厅中响起了。 A quite affable sound, although is bringing old, but does not appeared actually incapable, instead to person an incomparably calm sincere relieved feeling: hē hē, arrived, using is not standing, does not use extremely constrained, sits casually.” 一个相当和蔼可亲的声音,虽然带着一丝苍老,但却并不显得无力,反而是给人一种无比沉稳厚重的安心感:“呵呵,都到了,不用站着,也不用太过拘束,随便坐吧。” Facing thunder sacred Teacher that even if famous for the formidable strength in Saint Teacher, the fellows who how even if to feel self-important again do not dare negligently impolite, in the hall has many chairs, several people respectfully receive an order, takes a seat in the left and right. 面对即便在圣导师中都以强大战力而着称的雷神圣导师,即便是再怎么骄傲自大的家伙都不敢大意无礼,大厅中有许多座椅,几人都是恭敬领命,在左右两侧入座。 Sees only a virtual projection in the hall midpoint slowly projection forming, is completely different in the humongous god of thunder virtual image that the holy war landing operation saw on that day with Wang Zhong, that is a slightly thin form, but was still made Wang Zhong first feel somewhat looks familiar, recombination that sound. 只见一个虚拟的投影在大厅正中央缓缓投影成形,和王重在圣战登陆战那天所看到的巨大雷神虚像完全不同,那是一个略显消瘦的身影,但仍旧是让王重第一眼就感觉有些眼熟,再结合那声音。 ...... A paternal grandmother leg, thunder sacred Teacher is...... Is Old Zhang? 靠……奶奶个腿的,雷神圣导师是……是老张? When the five senses of virtual projection are clear gradually, Wang Zhong then again was at heart unsuspicious. 当虚拟投影的五官逐渐清晰,王重的心里便已再无怀疑。 This looks like the affable old man, not on Old Zhang who sees in holy city that secret space frequently! 这个看起来和蔼可亲的老头,可不就正是自己在圣城那个隐秘空间中常常见到的老张嘛! Even if the Wang Zhong always sky collapses at present not startled, at this time cannot bear opened mouth slightly, initially he also doubted excessively Old Zhang identity, but after innumerable observations and probes, finally recognized that Old Zhang is only big Teacher of retired idle tax, this cannot blame Wang Zhong not to have the vision, was really the control of opposite party to own strength arrived exquisitely to the degree of limit, keeping Wang Zhong definitely from seeing slightly the flaw, moreover where had Saint Teacher to idle all day being all right, every week was about running fishing with his small Heroic Soul? This matter radically is too inconceivable. 就算王重一向天塌于眼前而不惊,此时也都是忍不住微微张了张嘴,当初他也怀疑过老张的身份,但无数次的观察和试探之后,最后认定老张只是个退休闲赋的大导师,这不能怪王重没眼光,实在是对方对自身力量的控制已经到了精妙至极限的程度,让王重都完全无法看出丝毫破绽,而且哪有圣导师整天闲着没事儿,和他一个小小英魂每周约着跑去钓鱼的?这事儿根本就是太不可思议嘛。 However although in unexpected, actually also in the reason, Wang Zhong now is understands one luck so has been why good. 不过虽是在意料之外,却也是在情理之中,王重现在才算明白自己为什么一直‘运气’那么好。 Initially will have big Teacher that simply has not met to recommend for admission to school a quota of his second-rate apprentice, hereafter Vagrant Brigade also obtained the Holy city Armed forces to look upon with favor with the trivial ten people of small scale, pushes aside many Level 4 brigades to attend the holy war, even killed people after the base continually hereafter unexpectedly obtained a completely innocent ruling...... Originally is not the luck is good, but is also has the backstage! 当初会有根本没有见过面的克苏恩大导师保送他一个二等学徒的名额,此后流浪旅团又以区区十人的小规模得到圣城军垂青,排挤掉许多四级旅团来参加圣战,甚至连此后在基地中杀人后居然得到个完全无罪的判决……原来不是自己运气好,而是自己也有后台啊! This time takes several travel Group Head to call not to have any specially big matter but actually, mainly as reenforcement who special recruit came, first gave them one to praise and encourage, thunder sacred Teacher to them introduced personally the approximate strategic target of next current war and upper formation, then encouraged them to seize this rare war opportunity, was trying the breaks through Heavenly Soul boundary in learning through experience. 这次把几位旅团长叫来倒也没什么特别的大事儿,主要就是作为特招过来的增援者,先给予他们一番嘉勉,雷神圣导师亲自给他们介绍一下目前的战局情况和上层的大致战略目标,再鼓励他们把握住这次难得的大战机会,在历练中去尝试着突破天魂的境界。 Wang Zhong is listening to this meaning, their duties do not obtain the big merit in this holy war, what is more important is learning through experience, completes breaks through using Misso proclamation compared with the unusual energy storage. 王重听着这个意思,他们的任务并不是在这场圣战中取得多大的功绩,更重要的是历练,利用米索布达比超凡的能量储存完成突破 Crosses the tribulation more difficult like more formidable Heavenly Soul, is formidable Heroic Soul, wanting the breaks through Heroic Soul boundary to enter the step to be also more difficult. Very simple truth, more formidable showed that your boundary is stabler, but this type is stable while to you provide the powerful strength, can fetters your formidable shackles, making you be hard to break. 就像越强大的天魂渡劫越难一样,越是强大的英魂,想要突破英魂的界限进阶也会越难。很简单的道理,越强大证明你的境界越稳固,但这种稳固在给你提供强大实力的同时,也会是束缚住你的强大桎梏,让你难以打破。 Naturally, if can breaks through such difficulty enter the step again, that strength will inevitably be also stronger than ordinary big Teacher, was the future is most likely to cross Heavenly Tribulation becomes Saint Teacher expert, therefore these travel Group Head may have the special position in the disciple incessantly, even compared to ordinary big Teacher, they must receive holy city high-level attaching great importance. 当然,如果能突破这样的困难再进阶,那实力也必然将会比普通的大导师更强,也是未来最有可能渡过天劫成为圣导师强者,因此这些旅团长可不止是在圣徒中有着特殊地位,甚至比起普通大导师来说,他们都还要更受到圣城高层的重视。 Several travel Group Head sit straightly, under the surface that listens respectfully to respectfully, everybody in observes secretly mutually, wants to have a look at opponent that these do not see for a long time whether also had the promotion, cast off by oneself oneself surmounting...... For them, is biggest competition opponent. 几位旅团长一个个坐得笔直,恭敬聆听的表面下,大家都是在暗自相互观察,想看看这些许久不见的对手是否又有了提升,是被自己甩开了还是把自己给超越了……对他们来说,彼此之间就是最大的竞争对手 The Holy Land pattern still continued the competition of human race, the peace multiplied weakly, this is unable to survive in the Dimension world obviously. 圣地的格局依然延续了人类的竞争,和平滋生软弱,这在维度世界显然是无法生存的。 Wang Zhong will not certainly let up this opportunity, places here him, means that these people have the similar strength. 王重当然也不会放过这个机会,把他放在这里,就意味着这几个人也拥有同样的实力。 Imaginary king Morrah must look like quite gloomy, most makes the person unable to see the depth a that the black cape is not every, the dim camouflage feeling, is hidden his face completely in the cape makes the person not look clearly, and incessantly is the face, including Morrah must aura by that cape completely hidden lid, and Simba clown mask has the wonder of several points of equally good results from different methods actually. 幻王莫拉得得看起来比较阴沉,也是最让人看不出深浅的一位那,黑色的斗篷不是凡品,有一层朦胧的遮蔽感,将他的脸庞完全隐没在斗篷中让人看不真切,且不止是脸,连莫拉得得身上的气息都被那斗篷完全隐盖,和辛巴小丑面具倒是有着几分异曲同工之妙。 Red widow poor silk to subdue|grams Li of red spider brigade is the long incomparable monster flatters, even if restraining her air/Qi of monster flattering in front of thunder sacred Teacher at this moment desirably, straight that sits is not coquettish, puts on continually is quite official, but optional glances actually sufficiently flirts, every action and every movement, are even bringing natural attracting during the breath, making people be hard to dominate, even if Wang Zhong, the feeling that some types do not dare to look at faintly much, thought actually will be attracted to live by her, but is felt that to that terrifying character and style, the light penetrates air directly Disseminates, can make the hormone of man promote rapidly, this is the invasion of one strength, is having the spookiness, from the start is not the psychological desire level, but was the direct ascent the physiological desire, this...... Very uncomfortable, obviously other people also pay attention to this point. 红蜘蛛旅团的红寡妇菲丝克丽则是长的无比妖媚,即便是此刻在雷神圣导师面前刻意的收敛着她那身妖媚之气,坐的端端正正也不搔首弄姿,连穿着都比较正式,可随意一个眼波却都足以传情,一举一动、甚至连呼吸间都带着一种天然的魅惑,让人难以把持,即便是王重,隐隐也有种不敢多看的感觉,倒不是觉得自己真会被她魅惑住,而是感觉到那种恐怖的风情,光是直接透过空气传播过来,就能让男人的荷尔蒙迅速提升,这是一种力量的入侵,带着妖气,压根儿就已经不是心理欲望的层次,而是直接上升到了生理欲望,这个……很难受,显然其他人也都注意这一点。 Wolf King Yali Sandra looked like was quite normal, looked like about 30 -year-old mature men, blond, was tall. As Dimension person backbone one generation of absolute leaders, this is the true legend(ary) character, nine mark profound astral fought the air/Qi once able to move unhindered the holy city many years, was maintaining in the Heroic Soul boundary the total victory success, even had contended with six star big Teacher directly but undefeated! 狼王亚力桑德拉看起来就比较正常了,一个看起来30岁左右的成熟男子,金发碧眼,身材高大。作为维度人中坚一代的绝对领袖,这可是个真正的传奇人物,一身九纹玄罡战气曾纵横圣城多年,在英魂境界中保持着全胜战绩,甚至曾经正面抗衡过一位六星大导师而不败! Wolf King Yali Sandra also once therefore was honored as holy city first Heroic Soul, simultaneously the disposition sunlight was magnanimous, has the leadership ability, was the pride in Dimension person, after Wang Zhong returned to the base , the contact of these days and in Huaide, more than once from having high morals in the mouth has heard his adoration and respect to this Wolf King. 狼王亚力桑德拉也曾因此被誉为圣城第一英魂,同时性格阳光大度,极具领导才能,是维度人中的骄傲,王重回基地后这几天和怀德的接触中,就不止一次从怀德的口中听到过他对这位狼王崇拜和尊敬。 Group Head blue fatty Dammann of blue demon brigade, person, if, the chubby stature, additional upper eyelid last that time carved was brimming with the smiling face, he also has another nickname, was called to smile surface Buddha, Wang Zhong cannot feel too that formidable constriction from him, regardless of it is said this person experienced any matter is smiling unusual was calm, or has not experienced any difficult matter, the characteristics were the speed are astonishing. 蓝魔旅团的团长蓝胖子阿达曼,人如其名,胖乎乎的身材,加上脸上那时刻都洋溢着的笑容,他还有着另一个绰号,叫做笑面佛,王重从他身上感受不到太多那种强大的压迫感,据说这人无论遇到什么事儿都是笑眯眯的非常淡定,或者说就没遇到什么难事儿吧,特点是速度惊人。 Last is the travel Group Head small poor strength of hanging upside down brigade, surface strongest 135, but Wang Zhong thought that 135 a little favored him, the stature of this fellow were most, be only one meter two, must say that 135 words, that was on his foot that pair of Exceed Grade markup shoes merit, sat on that spacious chair, two leg spatial pendulums, totally could not depend on the both sides arm rests the hand, may itself not be that type naive adorable the type, in the small body was peaceful a gigantic head, occupied. His build one-third, but two cast aside the handlebar to appear in this funnily less than on dwarf of one meter two height is appears incomparable laughable, a short and small dwarf uncle, the pupil that but a pair of none remaining sparkles has actually made the deep impression to Wang Zhong, felt that in that eye is containing humongous energy, it is said excels at the pupil technique...... 最后一个是倒吊者旅团的旅团长小菲力,地表最强135,可王重却觉得135都还是有点抬举他了,这家伙的个子最多只有一米二,要说135的话,那得是他脚上那双超级‘增高鞋’的功劳,坐在那张宽大的椅子上,两条腿空摆,连手都完全靠不到两侧的扶手,可本身又不是那种‘天真可爱’的类型,小小的身躯上却安着一颗硕大的脑袋,足足占。了他体型的1,而两撇八字胡出现在这个不足一米二身高的侏儒身上则更是显得无比的滑稽可笑,一个矮小的侏儒大叔,但一双精光闪闪的眸子却是给王重留下了深刻印象,感觉那双眼睛中蕴含着巨大能量,据说擅长瞳术…… Can look at thunder sacred Teacher still in closing up after landing operation, has continued enough several months of closing up, tears a complete formidable world will forcefully, moreover resists the self- repair of that world, maintains the opening enough 1-2 hours, even if to Saint Teacher, that consumption also absolutely is the average man is hard to imagine. 看得出来雷神圣导师还在登陆战后的闭关中,已经持续了足足几个月的闭关,强行撕裂一个完整强大的世界意志,而且还对抗那种世界的自我修复,维持裂口足足一两个小时,即便是对圣导师而言,那种消耗也绝对是常人难以想象的。 The matter of confession is very simple, other four people leave, Saint Teacher actually opened the mouth to leave behind Wang Zhong alone, this made Morrah probably wait for the person to be a little accidental, if said renders meritorious service, who hasn't contributed to the great merit? But is worth wasting the Saint Teacher time? 交代的事情很简单,其他四人离开,圣导师却开口单独留下了王重,这让莫拉得得等人有点意外,若说立功,谁没立过大功?但值得浪费圣导师的时间吗? This Wang Zhong...... Several people of bonuses have the profound meaning looked at his several eyes, they remembered. 这个王重……几人都饶有深意的多看了他几眼,他们记住了。 That five people leave, in the room is immediately peaceful, thunder sacred Teacher of virtual projection has not opened the mouth first, but is only with a smile looks at Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong also visits him, one old one has slightly looked for quite a while, laughs to make noise. 那五人离开,房间里顿时就安静下来,虚拟投影的雷神圣导师并没有先开口,而只是笑吟吟的看着王重,王重也看着他,一老一小对望了半天,才都哈哈大笑出声来。 A half year does not see, old men a little thought of your grilled fish craftsmanship and that samsara liquor.” Old Zhang is laughing, had not denied own status meaning, has not been carrying the Saint Teacher rack, like initially Wang Zhong that ordinary old person who the lakeside ran into, speaks with him on three character is not tasteful. “半年不见,老夫都有点想念你的烤鱼手艺和那轮回酒了。”老张哈哈大笑着,并没有否认自己身份的意思,也没有端着圣导师的架子,就像当初王重在湖边遇到的那个普通老人一样,和他说起话来就仨字儿不讲究。 Samsara liquor some are, next time I will bring some to you.” Wang Zhong is also smiling, is together with Old Zhang like this very comfortably, in the holy city during that time, oneself can when facing all suspicions and accusations displays quite indifferently, that may not be is because the mentality is good, after all youngster, has very big reason because of Old Zhang meet. “轮回酒有的是,下次我给您老带一些。”王重也在笑着,和这样的老张相处很舒服,之前在圣城那段时间,自己能在面对一切怀疑和指责时都表现得相当淡然,那可并不是全是因为自己心态好,毕竟还是年轻人,有很大的原因是因为和老张的相遇。 Comes under the influence of this affable old person, making him in Holy Land feel that is not lonely. 正是受到这个和蔼可亲的老人的影响,让他在圣地觉得没那么孤单。 Good, quick a half year has not tasted, the old man was already itchy including the throat.” Old Zhang said: in fact did not plan to be so early and you meets, looked when you can guess, but Lan Dai'er that girl said that you have the important matter, but must report personally, gave to make me actually curiously.” “好,快半年没尝到,老头子早就连喉咙都痒了。”老张笑着说:“其实原本不打算这么早和你见面,看你什么时候猜得出来,不过蓝黛儿那丫头说你有重要的事情,还必须亲口汇报,倒是把我给弄好奇了。” Thunder sacred Teacher unexpectedly is Old Zhang, this no restriction of any kind, but talked about the proper business, Wang Zhong also receives the laughter look, this time went to experience 11 of octopus person center, traded Saint Teacher, he affirmed that said the key point simply, but faced Old Zhang, Wang Zhong did not fear in the numerous and diverse, entire process has too many questions. 雷神圣导师居然是老张,这就百无禁忌了,不过谈到正事,王重也是收起嬉笑神色,将自己这次去章鱼人腹地的经历11道来,换一个圣导师,他肯定简单说重点,但面对老张,王重就不怕繁杂,整个过程中有太多的疑问。 How Wang Zhong was mentioned by Law Saint Sorung taking away wooden Wei City from oneself in detail, how to escape, hereafter big hunt including oneself, how also to enter phoenix ruins, all that and even in phoenix ruins sees, including these pictures that seeing highest sage Teacher leaves behind, as well as wait / etc. to the guess of octopus person plot, told, although the expression quiet, is difficult to cover in this matter process these soul-stirring. 王重从自己如何被法圣索隆带去木卫城详细说起,包括自己如何脱逃、此后的大追捕,又是如何进入凤凰遗迹,乃至凤凰遗迹中所见到的一切,包括看到至圣导师留下的那些画面,以及自己对章鱼人阴谋的猜测等等,娓娓道来,语气虽平静,却也难掩此事过程中的那些惊心动魄。 Old Zhang hears to be very earnest, once for a while interruption inquired certain details that he cares about, after listening, long time hesitates speechless. 老张听得很认真,时不时的打断询问一下他所关心的某些细节,听完之后也是良久沉吟无语。 Obviously the Holy Land high level does not know nothing about the matter of octopus person completely, Wang Zhong even thought that all these Old Zhang know. 显然圣地高层对章鱼人的事并非是完全一无所知的,王重甚至觉得这一切老张都知道。 „The matter about octopus person, you were needless to say with other people that the goal of this war was not simple like the surface.” Old Zhang earnest saying, had not explained. “关于章鱼人的事情,你不用跟其他人说,这次战争的目的并不像表面那么简单。”老张认真的说道,也并没有解释。 Wang Zhong nods, so long as the high level knows that definitely has the plan, he had self-knowledge, Old Zhang him told like this has worked as the person on one's own side with him, has not found an excuse to be perfunctory casually. 王重点点头,只要高层知道,那就肯定是另有打算,他有自知之明,老张这样跟他说已经是拿他当自己人,并没有随便找个理由敷衍。 Why Old Zhang likes Wang Zhong, is this boy not only has the destiny, the person is also interesting, does not have that many problems of getting to the bottom, „ your boy is also serious, this fortuitous encounter is also rare, you meet should be the highest sage Teacher Soul mark, this is the good fortune. 老张为什么喜欢王重,就是这小子不但有天命,人也有趣,没那么多刨根问底的毛病,“你小子也不得了,这奇遇也是难得,你遇到的应该是至圣导师灵魂印记,这是福气。 ( Partners, asked a monthly ticket, thank!) (伙伴们,求一张月票,感谢!)
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