BF :: Volume #8

#128: Ultimately

Northern Region and Southern Region battlefield as if exist/existence a tacit understanding, north is tacitly approves Wang Zhong is an inventor, but in Southern Region is also same, they tacitly approve Solomon are the inventors, the only common ground does not have the official confirmation. 北区南区战场似乎存在了一种默契,北面都是默认王重是创造者,而在南区也是同样,他们默认所罗门是创造者,唯一的共同点是都没有官方确认。 Wang Zhong this return, several key people in Vagrant Brigade more than once have voiced similar complaint in front of Wang Zhong and worried, but Wang Zhong actually shows a faint smile, as if not care about the appearance that and does not care about, is he does not have any good means to everybody's feeling, making this important goods person good is depressed. 王重这次归来,流浪旅团中的几个核心人物已经不止一次在王重面前发过类似的牢骚和担忧,可王重却总是微微一笑,似乎对此并不怎么关心、也并不怎么在乎的样子,给大家的感觉就是他也没什么好办法,让这一大帮人好是郁闷。 As for Wang Zhong, the idea is clearer, he will certainly do accounts with Solomon, but that was must be the general ledger, the old debts new account added on, is only at present the holy war current, high-level consideration was also this issue, internal strife, regardless of Wang Zhong and Solomon who has won, to the holy war was in itself not the good matter, these after the holy war ended will have a result. 至于王重自己,想法却更清晰,他当然会跟所罗门算账,不过那是要算总账了,老账新账都加上,只是目前圣战当前,高层考虑的也是这个问题,内部纷争,无论王重所罗门谁赢了,对圣战本身都不是太好的事儿,这些在圣战结束之后都会有个结果。 Certainly so-called result is not the truth, every so often does not need the truth, the winner writing history. 当然所谓的结果并不是真相,很多时候并不需要真相,胜者书写历史。 Now he cares matter about Grai. 他现在更关心的还是关于格莱的事儿。 Some Ma Dong previous introduction, the recombination had narration of Scarlet, as well as understanding Grai, perhaps although also has certain distance from the truth of fact, but Wang Zhong affirmed very much that this fellow was strives for most likely. 有了马东上次的介绍,再结合起斯嘉丽的讲述,以及自己对格莱的了解,虽然距离事实的真相或许还有一定距离,但王重很肯定,这家伙十有八九是去求死了。 When things reach their extreme they turn back, said that the constellation virgo is the perfectionist, Grai obviously is in the constellation virgo the most violent that kind, the extremely perfect disposition keeps him from betraying Wang Zhong, is unable to tolerate itself to betray Solomon, may work as the matter to must betray one, regardless of he chooses betrayed anyone, definitely cannot pass oneself innermost feelings that pass/test. Wang Zhong can imagine that the Grai present two choices, either initiate suicide -type attack to the octopus person, either is goes to the south base to look for Solomon, dead making reparations. 物极必反,都说处女座是完美主义者,格莱显然是处女座中最极端的那类,太过完美的性格让他无法背叛王重,也无法容忍自己背叛所罗门,可当事情到了必须背叛一个的时候,无论他选择了背叛谁,肯定都过不了自己内心那关。王重都可以想象到格莱现在的两种选择,要么是向章鱼人发起自杀式的攻击,要么就是去南部基地找所罗门,以死来‘赎罪’。 Wang Zhong returns to the first matter after base seeks for the Grai trail, takes it as one to seek for the duty of missing or disappeared persons directly to issue that travel regimental head quarter, the reward is 30,000 Saint coins, moreover did not define the brigade that takes over the duty, in other words does not need the assignment alone, regardless of there is a anybody to find Grai, can receive an award to the travel regimental head quarter directly. Seeks for missing Heroic Soul, and brings back to its security, the rewards of 30,000 Saint coins to such task difficulty without doubt were really extremely rich. What is more important, is the north-south war zone shares in the duty that the travel regimental head quarter issues, if Grai is really goes to the south war zone to look for Solomon, then by the other brigades of south war zone was discovered his possibility was quite high, so long as the brigade of south war zone participates, then before Grai found Solomon intercepts him, this successful probability is not low. 王重回到基地后的第一件事儿就是寻找格莱的踪迹,将其作为一个寻找失踪人员的任务直接发布到了旅团部去,报酬为30000圣币,而且并不限定接手任务的旅团,也就是说不用单独去接任务,无论有任何人找到格莱,都可以到旅团部来直接领赏。寻找一个失踪的英魂,并将其安全带回,30000圣币的报酬相对于这样的任务难度来说无疑就实在是太过丰厚了。更重要的是,在旅团部发布的任务是南北战区共享的,如果格莱真是去南部战区找所罗门,那被南部战区的其他旅团发现他的可能性就相当高了,只要南部战区的旅团参与进来,那在格莱找到所罗门之前将他截住,这成功的几率并不低。 Looks for a needle in a haystack, the book is extremely difficult matter that hits the luck, but this is also the best method that Wang Zhong makes to achieve temporarily. 大海捞针,本就是极难的、撞运气的事儿,可这也已经是王重暂时所做能做到的最佳方法了。 The soaring monetary reward, does not have too many dangerous duties, once were issued obviously stimulated the enthusiasms of many brigade, but the first successive many days pass by, still had not obtained any related Grai news from the travel regimental head quarter of north-south war zone, this fellow like suddenly evaporated from the world, vanishes without a trace, Northern Region or Southern Region, absolutely did not have anybody to find to be related he any clues. The multi- money must be able to be completed again to lead, not to have the clue, making various brigades' enthusiasms to this high monetary reward duty also gradually abate. 高昂的赏金、没太多危险的任务,一经发布显然就刺激了不少旅团的热情,可一连许多天过去,仍旧是没有从南北战区的旅团部得到任何有关格莱的消息,这家伙就像从人间突然蒸发了一样,消失得无影无踪,无论是北区还是南区,根本就没有任何人找到有关他的任何蛛丝马迹。再多钱也要能完成才能领,毫无线索,让各旅团对这高赏金任务的热情也在逐渐消退。 The Wilson bar, here present is Vagrant Brigade supreme headquarters. 威尔逊酒吧,这里现在已经算是流浪旅团的‘大本营’了。 This group of people have this skill, regardless to there, most important was the liquor, Vagrant Brigade one group of people at first gathers through spirit, even if were experienced the innumerable accidents, largely has adjusted including the personnel, but this tradition has actually continued, recently the duty of travel regimental head quarter were not many, everybody more in practicing in soul power return route, had leisure slightly the leisure, was gathers in the bar various types chats to hit the fart, was releasing in the pressure that in this holy war battlefield saved. 这帮人就有这种本事,无论到了那里,最重要的都是酒,流浪旅团的一帮人最初就是通过‘酒精’聚集起来了,哪怕是已经经历了无数的变故,连人员都已经大幅调整过了,可这种传统却是一路延续了下来,最近旅团部的任务也不多,大家更多的都是在修行魂力回路中,稍有闲暇时,都是聚集在酒吧里各种聊天打屁,释放着在这圣战战场中所积蓄下来的压力。 This time was only at noon, the person in bar were not many, rare was making a sound the leisurely music, Wang Zhong also , the side had several to join the Vagrant Brigade Dimension person brothers, was gathering round Wang Zhong to seek for advice the practicing difficulties on some soul power return routes, was chatting in the enthusiasm, two accidental visitors were quietly. 这时只是中午,酒吧里的人并不多,难得的响着轻缓的音乐,王重也在,身边有几个加入了流浪旅团维度人兄弟,正围着王重求教一些魂力回路上的修行难点,正聊到兴头上,两个意外的访客悄无声息的到了。 A man and a woman, a male wear Chinese type Chinese-style clothing, entire simultaneously small flat head, looks like quite ordinary. Female is actually long incomparable delicate, does not bring the slight hubbub air/Qi, as if exiling immortal that goes out of the picture, is elusive the dust, making the person unable to bear looks askance. 一男一女,男的穿着一身中式的唐装,整整齐齐的小平头,看起来相当普通。女的却是长的无比清秀,不带丝毫尘嚣气,仿佛从画中走出的谪仙,空灵出尘,让人忍不住为之侧目。 In the bar many people noted this man and a woman, the so strange combination, knew that their people were few, many people in a low voice were discussing, may not wait for some people to recognize the identity of these two, the man has stood in the bar entrance smiles is opening the mouth saying: Wang Zhong.” 酒吧里许多人都注意到了这一男一女,如此奇怪的组合,认识他们的人却寥寥无几,许多人都在低声议论着,可还没等有人认出这两人的身份,那男子已经站在酒吧门口微笑着开口道:“王重。” The sound is a little familiar, Wang Zhong has turned head, who has not looked at the clear future with enough time is, after that person of greeting, points at the micro ball unexpectedly, invisible referring to astral barometric pressure in a flash points at from him toward the Wang Zhong lasing. 声音有点熟悉,王重回过头,还没来得及瞧清来者是谁,那人一声招呼之后,竟然手指微弹,一道无形的指罡气压瞬间从他手指中朝着王重激射而出。 Wang Zhong enemy?! 王重的敌人?! Present Wang Zhong in travel regimental head quarter, but everybody respects, the strength was passed on mysteriously its profound, unexpectedly some people dare to get rid to him, moreover is only similarly about 20 -year-old youngster, staring dumbfounded that in the bar an important goods person looks, including sits with Wang Zhong in one table of several Dimension people of completely has not responded. 眼下的王重在旅团部可是人人敬重,实力更是被传得玄乎其玄,居然有人胆敢对他出手,而且还只是个同样20岁左右的年轻人,酒吧里一大帮人看的瞠目结舌,包括和王重坐在一桌的几个维度人都完全没反应过来。 Wang Zhong looked that did not look, single Zhangping pushes, only depended on the meat palm then directly to block that finger of astral barometric pressure unexpectedly, hit in his hand sent out gently Bang, has not stayed behind including the least bit scar. 王重看也不看,单掌平推,竟然只凭肉掌便将那指罡气压直接拦了下来,打在他手上只是发出轻轻的‘砰’的一声,连半点伤痕都没留下。 In the eyes of man flashes through color of the appreciation, immediately the form in a flash, in the bar basic can see clearly his action on few people, only felt that suddenly appeared in Wang Zhong at present, a rudely high-pressured leg the overhead has divided. 那男子的眼中闪过一丝赞赏之色,随即身影一晃,酒吧里根本就没几人能看清他的动作,只感觉眨眼间已出现在王重眼前,一记势大力沉的高压腿已经当头劈下。 hōng! 轰! The terrifying strength, the light is wind pressure has let sit in a circle several Dimension people side Wang Zhong feels the breath to be impeded, the complexion sudden change, Wang Zhong is both arms alternately upward one. 恐怖的力量,光是风压已经让围坐在王重身边的几个维度人感觉呼吸不畅,脸色骤变,王重则是双臂交叉往上一顶。 The leg of man chops does not divide the reality, as if momentarily can take and put away in his hands freely humongous to the terrifying strength, the high-pressured dividing leg in a flash side leaning, leads a body force to revolve, after the left leg becomes the whip leg , the pendulum sweeps. 那男子的腿劈并不劈实,巨大恐怖的力量在他手中仿佛随时都可以收放自如,高压的劈腿瞬间侧偏,带动着身子一个强力回旋,左腿则成鞭腿后摆扫出。 He becomes quick, Wang Zhong is quicker, the both arms that on overlapping top are receiving the elbow to return to base in an instant. 他变得快,王重却更快,交叉上顶的双臂在刹那间收肘回防。 hōng! 轰! A terrifying bang, that man hides after at the same time suspends the left hand anxious ball in body, several air press the ball near at hand in Madness has projected from the place. 一声恐怖的巨响,与此同时那男子隐藏在后摆身躯中的左手急弹,十几道空气压弹在近在咫尺的距离处已经疯狂射出。 pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰砰砰 Wang Zhong right palm transforms the innumerable palm image traps, the humongous sound when the connected strength collision sound, collides exudes with that whip leg and left arm to link up into a single stretch, making people feel that the air burst sound is deafening, may actually only hear the sound, but has not felt the vibration, the two sides terrifying strength while the junction touches the collision, the strength absorption that they can also simultaneously burst out unexpectedly depresses, before the Wang Zhong body on the table has filled to the brim cup not slight rocking of strong liquor! 王重右掌幻化出无数掌影封堵,连串的力量碰撞声,和那鞭腿与左臂碰撞时发出的巨大响声连成一片,让人感觉空爆声震耳欲聋,可却只听到声音而没感觉到震动,两边恐怖力量在交触碰撞的同时,两人竟然还能同时将迸发的力量吸收压下,连王重身前桌子上倒满了烈酒的杯子都没有丝毫的晃动! Their action are extremely quick, among the electric light flint has handed over to touch dozens rounds, may actually as if be only a junction of whip leg touches in other people opinion. 两人的动作都是极快,电光火石间已经交碰了数十个回合,可在旁人看来却仿佛只是一记鞭腿的交碰。 The two sides one touches draws back, Wang Zhong left the table to stand up, after natural has drawn back two half steps floating, but that man has drawn similarly also back two steps, when can feel their attack fills all around that terrifying strength, but both sides may take and put away, control to unexpectedly accomplish a task with ease freely . Moreover the speed quick makes people definitely unable to see clearly. 两边一触即退,王重已离席站起,朝后潇洒飘退了两小步,而那男子同样也是退了两步,能感受到两人攻击时弥漫四周的那种恐怖力量,但竟然双方都可收放自如、控制得游刃有余,而且速度之快让人完全无法看清。 In the bar in a flash is peaceful, only remaining that leisurely music in inopportune singing. 酒吧里瞬间安安静静,只剩下那轻缓的音乐在不合时宜的唱响。 Until after roughly 3~4 second of shock and tranquil, that several Dimension talented people side Wang Zhong responded that can feel oneself and between these two that humongous difference, but the straightforward Dimension person obviously was impossible because to Fang Qiang, dingily shrank, unexpectedly was working as own gets rid to Wang Zhong that the Dimension person most respects now?! Several Dimension people are flying into a rage jumped: Any person!” 直到约莫三四秒的震撼和宁静之后,在王重身边的那几个维度人才反应过来,能感受到自身和这两人之间那巨大的差异,但耿直的维度人显然是不可能因为对方强,就灰溜溜缩回去的,居然当着自己的面向维度人现在最敬重的王重出手?!几个维度人都是勃然大怒的跳了起来:“什么人!” Although they relative and vertical, on face is having the happy expression, seems the old friend who the one-to-many year does not see. 两人虽然相对而立,脸上却都带着笑意,就仿佛是一对多年不见的老友。 It seems like you have made the correct choice once again.” The man shows a faint smile, if the past practice deficient fervor, were seeing Wang Zhong at this moment, the goal became very clear, had plenty of fight in one. “看来你又一次做了正确的选择。”那男子微微一笑,如果说前一段时间的修炼缺乏激情,在见到王重这一刻,目标变得非常清晰,斗志昂扬。 But makings elusive beautiful that girl has also arrived at side the man, in the disciple most beautiful Carolyn, Scarlet and the others nothing else but, particularly Carolyn faintly becomes the disciple first beautiful woman, human race regarding the pursue explicit standard of beautiful, the radish green vegetables has not had a love respectively, but at present this, obviously be higher than compared with other people plans. 而气质空灵绝美的那女孩也走到了男子身边,圣徒中最美的不外乎卡洛琳斯嘉丽等人,尤其是卡洛琳更是隐隐成为圣徒第一美女,人类对于美的追求没有明确的标准,萝卜青菜各有所爱,但是眼前这个,明显是要比其他人都高出一筹。 Who is this person? Does not have the possible legal proceeding! 这人是谁?没可能籍籍无名啊! Captain Wang Zhong, we met.” The girl shows the bright smiling face, has illuminated the entire bar. 王重队长,我们又见面了。”女孩露出灿烂的笑容,照亮了整个酒吧。 Mo Wen and Mo Xingchen that came from far away, Mo Wen and Mo Xingchen individuality is obvious, is the decisive people, but Mo Family will not be making the interference in their future development, Mo Family will be obviously more explicit Household exist/existence the foundation, the big will influence be the floating clouds, this is not Former Era by the time that the fund and resources will take responsibility, soldier can go against heaven's will, without Household that expert will assume is the meat chicken. 正是远道而来的墨问墨星辰,墨问墨星辰的个性显而易见,都是果断的主儿,而墨家在两人未来的发展上也不在做出干涉,墨家显然更明确一个家族存在的根基,再大的势力都是浮云,这已经不是旧时代靠资金和资源做主的时代,一个战士就可以逆天,没有强者坐镇的家族不过就是肉鸡罢了。 Infrequent visitor!” Wang Zhong is also laughs to make noise, although Mo Wen has not been hoodwinking his eye again, in the appearance had some changes, but Wang Zhong first has recognized, after all was once by opponent that oneself regard as important, this thinks one are CHF one is in practices quickly, after various chance coincidences, have not thought that Mo Wen also arrived at the boundary of half Heavenly Soul, no wonder Mo Family has this energy not to make Mo Wen come Holy Land. “稀客啊!”王重也是大笑出声来,虽然墨问没有再蒙着他的眼睛,外貌上出现了一些变化,可王重还是第一眼就认了出来,毕竟是曾经最被自己看重的对手,本以为自己是CHF一系里修行最快的,毕竟各种机缘巧合,没想到墨问也已经到了半步天魂之境,难怪墨家有这个底气不让墨问圣地 Niter smoke in a flash of scene dissipated thorough, shouted several Dimension people who a moment ago loudly shouted appeared a little awkward, Wang Zhong laughed to walk and Mo Wen shook hand: How you came, formally entered Holy Land?” 现场的硝烟味瞬间就消散了个彻底,刚才还大喊大嚷的几个维度人都显得有点尴尬,王重则是大笑着走过去和墨问握了握手:“你们两个怎么来了,正式进入圣地了吗?” Yes, we not only join the holy war, but also wants to join Captain Wang Zhong Vagrant Brigade.” The Mo Xingchen sound makes people feel to be enchanted by, although does not attract, but has one type the fairyism of dust, in the bar ten men feared eight to hear her voice, will feel whole body light could not speak completely, her saying with a smile: Does not know that you are willing to give shelter.” “是的,我们不仅加入圣战,还想加入王重队长流浪旅团。”墨星辰的声音让人感觉迷醉,虽不魅惑,但却有着一种出尘的仙气,酒吧十个男人里恐怕有八个听了她的声音,都会感觉全身轻飘飘的完全说不出话来,她笑吟吟的说道:“不知道你肯不肯收留呢。” Wang Zhong has gawked staring, somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, you are earnest?” Although has killed Zhao Family, Zhao Family that but declined how can compare at the height of power Mo Family. 王重愣了愣,都有些哭笑不得,“你们两个是认真的吗?”虽然干掉了一个赵家,但已经没落的赵家如何能跟如日中天的墨家相比。 Mo Wen shows a faint smile: Defeats your time was the date of our departure, once more before, can help you work, was this business good?” 墨问微微一笑:“击败你的时候就是我们离开之日,再次之前,可以帮你打工,这个买卖不错吧?” Wang Zhong could not bear smile, this business was worthwhile, but turned into the indentured worker carefully!” 王重忍不住笑了,“这买卖合算,不过小心变成包身工!” That must think you to have a that strength!” Mo Wen said. “那就要看你有没有个那实力了!”墨问说道。 Those present many have also ravelled, this person seemingly is also Wang Zhong opponent, look must observe Wang Zhong in the point blank range, since Mu Zi event, nobody dares to belittle with the Wang Zhong concerned person again, in the circle of monster surely does not have the normal person. 在场的人多少也弄明白了,这人貌似也是王重对手,这不,要在最近距离观察王重,自从木子事件之后,再也没人敢小觑跟王重有关的人了,怪物的圈子里肯定没有正常人。 Joining of Mo Family brother and sister has not started the too big mighty waves in the travel regimental head quarter of holy war battlefield, Mo Family definitely has the person in the Holy Land high level, what accident is mystically is very very low-key, this also conforms to the Mo Family style, as for the Mo Wen standard how, but must wait for the holy war to come to see. 墨家兄妹的加入在圣战战场的旅团部并没有掀起太大的波澜,墨家圣地高层肯定有人,但意外的是很神秘很低调,这也符合墨家的风格,至于墨问水准如何,还要等圣战来看。 Waited for this news to feed in Federation, the turbulence that caused may really be similar to the landslide Tsunami. 只是等这消息传回了联邦,那引起的动荡可就真是如同山崩海啸了。 Always does not participate in Mo Family of Holy Land war, two big young expert of its this generation of most cores entered the war unexpectedly, moreover directly joins Vagrant Brigade...... What does this mean? Is this most mystical formidable Mo Family must with the signal that the new world collaborates? 一向不参与圣地战事的墨家,其这一代最核心的两大年轻高手竟然参战了,而且直接加入流浪旅团……这意味着什么?这是最神秘强大的墨家要和新世界联手的信号吗? The influence that because originally outside the city of new world Aiolos that war, Federation major Household were supported by Wang Zhong one to this is to have scruples incomparably, regarding for the future archenemy, but also is pondering over to consider any method to weaken them, has not thought action that weakens has not started, that side comes this kind of Exceed Grade heavy pound news, this wants the major Household short remaining lives! 原本因为新世界之城外艾俄洛斯那一战,联邦各大家族对这个被王重一手扶持起来的势力就是顾忌无比,视之为未来的大敌,还在琢磨着想什么法子去削弱他们呢,可没想到削弱的动作还没开始,那边就来这样一个超级重磅的消息,这是要各大家族老命啊! What exist/existence is Mo Family that? Since human race Dark Era has stood erect in the Peak Exceed Grade influence, is they do not seek fame and fortune, makes Stuart wrest away Federation first Household reputation over a hundred years, even if is Stuart wins great reputation, and leads Federation Household over a hundred years, must any Federation to weigh Mo Family and Stuart strength, only feared that ten Federation people, ten will think that is Mo Family is stronger! Let alone Mo Family for several hundred years continuously in various types fight for power and profit, as well as various types stand in line are maintaining the absolute neutrality, this sudden statement breaks the Mo Family for several hundred years tradition, was this must go against heaven's will? 墨家那是什么样的存在人类黑暗时代以来一直就屹立在巅峰超级势力,也就是他们不争名夺利,才让斯图亚特霸占着联邦第一家族的名头上百年,但即便是斯图亚特名声在外,且领导联邦家族上百年,真要让任何一个联邦人来衡量墨家斯图亚特的实力,只怕十个联邦人,十个都会觉得是墨家更强!何况墨家数百年来都一直都在各种争权夺利、以及各种站队中保持着绝对的中立,这次突然的表态打破墨家数百年来的传统,这是要逆天了吗? Ma Dong will miss this opportunity, he must make the potential enemy guess, human race most likes estimates the inference, possibly the event is in itself only a choice of Mo Wen, who can affirm? 马东怎么会错过这个机会,他就是要让潜在的敌人猜测,人类最喜欢的就是揣摩推理,可能事件本身只是墨问的一个选择,但谁敢肯定呢? The major influences first time felt the status for the absolute threat that it vacillated, quiet Federation, already has blustery, soon chaos indication. 各大势力第一次感受到了地位会为之动摇的绝对威胁,平静联邦,早已有着一种风起云涌,即将大乱的征兆。 ............... …………… As if that side Lan Dai'er Teacher work played the role, merely travel regimental head quarter idle one week later, Wang Zhong received summon from thunder sacred Teacher. 似乎是蓝黛儿导师那边的‘工作’起到了作用,仅仅只是在旅团部空闲了一周之后,王重就接到了来自雷神圣导师的召见。 The news provides directly publicly, this and planned to see right in front of one thunder sacred Teacher to be somewhat different in a private capacity, making Wang Zhong also a little have doubts, until coming time discovered that thunder sacred Teacher summoned and had him incessantly. 消息是直接公开发放下来的,这和原本计划中以私人身份面见雷神圣导师有些不同,让王重也是有点疑惑,直到过来的时候才发现,雷神圣导师召见的并不止有他一个人。 Another five people, Wang Zhong comes time, that five people early arrived, waits in the hall that the waiting summoned, four male female, seemed like familiar, was talking in a low voice anything. 还有另外五人,王重过来的时候,那五人早已经到了,等候在等待召见的大厅中,四男一女,看起来相互间非常熟悉,在低声交谈着什么。
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