BF :: Volume #8

#127: Body of Scarlet

The time in the holy city staying suffices to be long, Lan Dai'er in fact is knows that some Sophia secrets, in the holy city has about her ancient secret, this looks like quite young sexy graceful big Teacher, in fact her age already enough to most big Teacher, when Grandma Zu the character of level, moreover it is said young time ominous broadcasts, is a very fierce heartless character, must sell her several points of thin face including Saint Teacher, as for the big Teacher rank, almost nobody is willing to provoke her. 在圣城中呆的时间够长,蓝黛儿其实是知道一些索菲亚的秘闻的,圣城中有着一些关于她的古老秘闻,这位看起来相当年轻性感的优雅大导师,事实上她的年龄已经足够给大多数大导师当祖奶奶级的人物了,而且据说年轻的时候凶名远播,是个非常厉害无情的人物,连圣导师都要卖她几分薄面,至于大导师级别中,几乎没人愿意去招惹她。 If merely is only this, Lan Dai'er will not have thought that has place that anything does not suit, in the holy city, similar Sophia such formidable Boss Teacher are many went, the key is Lan Dai'er also exactly knows some Sophia big Teacher other secrets, for example about this big Teacher phase of cruel black history...... 而且如果仅仅只是这样,蓝黛儿都还不会觉得有什么不对劲的地方,在圣城,类似索菲亚这样强大的老大导师多了去了,关键是蓝黛儿还恰好知道一些索菲亚导师的其他秘闻,比如关于这位大导师一段残忍的黑历史…… She starts to speak but hesitates, was anything had not said eventually, that secret her not any evidence, if before, could and Wang Zhong raises like ordinary chat casually, but the status was now different, Sophia was Scarlet Teacher, but Scarlet was the Wang Zhong girlfriend, Lan Dai'er like giving Wang Zhong leaves behind itself to slander the impression of Scarlet Teacher. 她欲言又止,终究是什么都没说,那个秘闻她并没有任何证据,如果是在以前,或许可以和王重像普通聊天一样随便提一下,但现在身份不同了,索菲亚斯嘉丽导师,而斯嘉丽王重的女友,蓝黛儿并不像给王重留下自己在诋毁斯嘉丽导师的印象。 Does not want.” Lan Dai'er hesitated for a long time, had finally found a relatively compromise method: Sophia big Teacher, although is thunder sacred Teacher, but to this war, she is actually one of the quite violent that batch of war parties, your information to her there, she has been not necessarily able to report really...... If the matter looks like such that you said, in that octopus person short-term should wait for that the holy city unceasing reenforcement, will not have large-scale counter-attack action, the Holy city Armed forces temporarily are safe, we have the time. I try to find the solution, making you see right in front of one thunder sacred Teacher, should have the opportunity, you go back my news on the line.” “还是不要了。”蓝黛儿沉吟了许久,终于找到一个相对折中的方法:“索菲亚导师虽然是雷神圣导师旗下,但对这次战争,她却是比较极端的那批主战派之一,你的这个信息到了她那里,她未必会真的上报……如果事情真像你说的那样,那章鱼人短期内应该会等待圣城不断的增援,不会有大规模的反击动作,圣城军暂时还是安全的,我们还有时间。还是我来想想办法吧,让你面见雷神圣导师,应该会有机会的,你回去等我消息就行。” .................. ……………… Similarly in the deep place of this base core, the news of Wang Zhong return also has certain dissemination in big Teacher, but has not caused anything too many to pay attention, most big Teacher had heard Wang Zhong this person, knows this young newbie at the height of power rises in the holy war, and big matter that under doing a series of big Teacher must for look askance continually, could not be borne by these big Teacher several in the spare time discussion. But also only stops in this, as big Teacher in holy war, they need the responsible work to have, in the shocking talent that in the holy war rises is hundred years is no doubt rare like Wang Zhong, but that is not the matter that they should pay attention, only if this kid is promoted Heavenly Soul suddenly, had the qualifications of big Teacher, to have with their same lawful rights, became in the colleague who the same place worked, that can enter their view truely. 同样是在这基地核心的深处,王重归来的消息在大导师中也有一定的传播,但就没有引起什么太多的关注了,大多数大导师都只是听说过王重这个人,知道这个年轻的新人如日中天般的在圣战中崛起,并且做下一系列连大导师们都要为之侧目的大事儿,让这些大导师们都忍不住在茶余饭后浅谈上几句。但也就仅止于此,身为圣战中的大导师,他们需要负责的工作有很多,像王重这样在圣战中崛起的惊世天才固然是百年难得一见,可那并不是他们该关注的事儿,除非这小家伙突然晋级天魂,拥有了大导师的资格、拥有了和他们一样的权柄,成为了在一起工作的同事,那才能真正进入他们的视野。 Wang Zhong has such potential, moreover on this day will definitely not leave too, may not be now, but there is an indifferent regarding it, has the extreme attention inevitably. 王重有这样的潜力,而且这一天肯定不会离得太远,可并不是现在,只不过有淡然视之的,必然也就有极度关注的。 Sophia rare has not sat before the work table, but in her room, before from the shining dressing table of crystal world, she is dressing up carefully, several just laying of captured white hair entire simultaneously on dressing table, on the face crawled the present several wrinkles also to be used very exquisite putting on make-up method covering by her quietly. 索菲亚难得的没有坐在工作台前,而是在她自己的房间中,来自水晶世界的流光溢彩梳妆台前她正在精心的打扮,几根刚刚被拔掉的白发正整整齐齐的码放在梳妆台上,脸上悄然爬现的几条皱纹也被她用十分精妙的化妆手段给掩盖住了。 Looks at carefully face that in the mirror that young will forever be stationed, Sophia is not satisfied. 端详着镜子中那张年轻永驻的脸庞,索菲亚却并不怎么满意。 Strength etching rate was getting more and more fast, this is inevitable, even if to she such formidable cultivator, life, although can continue, but is not true eternal, on the contrary, after entering into Heavenly Soul, only if crosses the tribulation to be successful, otherwise the body senile speed is instead more rapid than the average man, because their bodies must withstand the corrosion of great power frequently, accelerates the fission and new town metabolism of cell, naturally also will accelerate senile and death. 力量的侵蚀速度已经越来越快,这是无可避免的,即便是对她这样强大的修行者而言,寿命虽然得以延续,但并不是真正的永恒,相反,迈入天魂之后,除非是渡劫成功,否则身体衰老的速度反而是比常人更加迅速的,因为他们的身体要时刻承受强大力量的侵蚀,加速细胞的分裂和新城代谢,自然也就会加速衰老和死亡。 News of Wang Zhong return she earliest possible time knew, even through various style, has also inquired various big matters that Wang Zhong this walked to have. Except for does not know that actually he is how goes to from the palace wall of octopus person to Earth suddenly beside, other Wang Zhong on Earth has done any small matter, cannot escape her intelligence network. 王重归来的消息她已经第一时间就知道了,甚至也已经通过各种方式,打探到了王重这一路走来所发生的各种大事儿。除了不知道他究竟是如何从章鱼人的皇城突然去到地球的之外,其他就算王重在地球上做过的任何一件小事儿,都没能逃过她的情报网。 dispatch(ed) indigenous Heavenly Soul of Earth, but also kills Zhao Family four star aged big Teacher, moreover after the opposite party restores the youth forcefully has the condition of short time most Peak strength, this is strength, does not have being opportunistic of half minute, the growth of this youth really was a little above the estimate of Sophia, his potential lets Sophia surprised repeatedly, moreover what was more fearful, she can the clear feeling the Wang Zhong influence be getting bigger and bigger, no longer stopped limits in the Holy city Troops regimental head quarter these disciple, had to come from the Holy Land high level, she already more than once and some. The meeting of big Teacher hears these Heavenly Soul expert, was discussing this youth with an expression of appreciation, in addition previous time innocent ruling about base murder...... 秒杀了一个地球的土着天魂,还干掉赵家一个四星老迈的大导师,而且是在对方强行恢复青春后拥有短时间最巅峰实力的状态,这是实打实的实力,没有半分的取巧,这个少年的成长速度实在是有点超乎索菲亚的预计了,他的潜力更是让索菲亚一再的惊讶,而且更可怕的是,她能清晰的感觉到王重的影响力已经越来越大,不再止是局限于圣城军旅团部那些圣徒中,还有来自圣地的高层,她已经不止一次在和一些。大导师的聚会上听到那些天魂强者们,用一种欣赏的语气在谈论着这个少年,再加上上次关于基地杀人的无罪判决…… Said honestly, from the beginning when Sophia does not care to Wang Zhong, that is only side beloved apprentice Scarlet ‚a dog or is one pet, was happy when can make him take to Scarlet some happily, when is not happy, oneself can also momentarily confiscate the disciple beloved toy of like the strict guardian. He is a thing, is can with own mood change immaterial gadget that but momentarily exist/existence or momentarily vanishes, but now, this immaterial gadget actually rapidly grew, for will feel some threats including oneself exist/existence. 坦白说,一开始时索菲亚王重是并不怎么在乎的,那不过只是自己心爱徒弟斯嘉丽身边的‘一条狗’或者是一只‘宠物’,高兴时自己可以让他带给斯嘉丽一些开心,不高兴时,自己也可以像个严格的家长一样随时没收掉弟子心爱的玩具。他就是个物件,就是个可以随自己心情变化而随时存在或者随时消失的无关紧要的玩意儿,可现在,这个无关紧要的玩意却已经迅速成长为了一个连自己都会感觉到些许威胁的存在 Cannot let him again this way, must process Wang Zhong, otherwise is raises the tiger to create disaster! Scarlet to oneself is really extremely important . Moreover the final result will not be the priests and disciples will be definitely harmonious. 不能再让他这样下去了,必须处理掉王重,否则就是养虎为患!斯嘉丽对自己而言实在是太过重要,而且最后的结果肯定也不会是师徒和谐。 But as the Scarlet boyfriend, if makes Wang Zhong continue at this rocket speed to grow, after that when Scarlet has the problem, this boy absolutely will become own trusted friend big trouble even is mortal enemy cursing. 而作为斯嘉丽的男朋友,如果让王重继续以这种火箭般的速度成长,那以后当自己和斯嘉丽出现问题时,这小子绝对就会成为自己的心腹大患甚至是死敌般的催命符。 in fact early before then, when Wang Zhong first time butchers Sword Saint secure Rizzi, Sophia has realized this issue, but acted according to all parties to analyze at that time, Wang Zhong kills of secure Rizzi, what are more borrowed the might of dud, was the union of a scheme and luck, therefore Sophia also insufficiently attached great importance , even if so, Sophia also immediately arranges must die the Shadowmoon Fort duty to give Wang Zhong, Sophia once had discharged expert to there, naturally knows that the Shadowmoon Fort situation, knows Law Saint Sorung's exist/existence, even continually Zhao Family in posts a reward to put to death to make and include the one-eyed person who in the black market issued. The brigade received has assassinated Wang Zhong duty wait / etc. matters, did not have any to escape the eye of Sophia. 其实早在此之前,在王重第一次宰掉剑圣安里西时,索菲亚就意识到了这个问题,只是当时根据各方分析,王重干掉安里西,更多的是借用了克苏恩臭弹的威力,是一种计谋和运气的结合,因此索菲亚还不够重视,但即便如此,索菲亚也是立刻就安排了原本‘必死’的影月堡任务给王重,索菲亚曾向那里排出过高手,当然知道影月堡的情况、也知道法圣索隆的存在,甚至连赵家在黑市上发布的悬赏诛杀令、包括独眼龙。旅团接下了暗杀王重的任务等等事儿,就没有任何一件逃脱过索菲亚的眼睛。 Was a pity that one-eyed person brigade too trash, even completely is not reasonable including the octopus person, unexpectedly links such small Heroic Soul unable to kill, instead was also made is in chaotic situation and by him the strength to increase came back again...... This time cannot commission in other people again! 只是可惜啊,那个独眼龙旅团太垃圾了,甚至连章鱼人也完全不靠谱,居然连这么一个小小英魂都杀不死,反而被他闹得鸡飞狗跳、还实力大增了再回来……这次可不能再假手于旁人了! She stood up, changes the big Teacher long gown, the door gently is also knocked in this time. 她站起身来,换上了大导师的长袍,房门也在此时被轻轻叩响。 Um.” Sophia light um. “嗯。”索菲亚淡淡的嗯了一声。 The door was shoved open, big disciple Paukkaung walked respectfully: Master......” 房门被人推开,大弟子博康恭恭敬敬的走了进来:“师傅……” I have the matter to exit, could at least for half a month, even a longer time, the work of travel regimental head quarter gives you to be responsible for temporarily.” Sophia light saying: In addition, looks for a method to make Wang Zhong vanish, must guarantee absolutely safe, the hands and feet cleanly, do not leave behind any flaw of investigation to the person.” “我有事儿要出去一趟,可能要至少半个月,甚至更长的时间,旅团部的工作暂时就交给你负责。”索菲亚淡淡的说道:“此外,找个方法让王重消失,要确保万无一失,手脚也得干净一些,不要给人留下任何追查的破绽。” Yes.” On Paukkaung's face cannot see slightly the change of expression. “是。”博康的脸上看不出有丝毫表情的变化。 Paukkaung is the Sophia trusted friend, is not only the trusted friend disciple, other functions. 博康才是索菲亚的心腹,不仅仅是心腹弟子,还有其他的作用。 Regarding influence, Wang Zhong although now becomes famous, but also is only enrolls after all Teacher, has not had any substantive duty in the Holy city Armed forces, does not have any upper-level background, such person effectively has not formed dead to be loyal to his influence and circle, if dies under some accidents suddenly, even if some people suspect themselves, so long as but does not have enough evidence, regarding will not have the person, for he asks to be troublesome. 至于说事后的影响,王重现在虽然出名,但毕竟还只是个挂名导师,既没有在圣城军中有任何实质的职务,也没有任何上层的背景,这样的人还没有真正形成死忠于他的势力和圈子,如果突然死于一些意外之下,即便有人怀疑自己,可只要没有足够的证据,也不至于说会有人真的为了他来找自己麻烦。 Has not spoken any idle talk again, in the Sophia hand has the Soul ray to dodge, the whole person from disappeared same place. 没有再多说任何废话,索菲亚手中有灵魂光芒一闪,整个人已经从原地消失。 This is a unique fragment world, this is the Sophia personal territory, each Saint Teacher has own fragment world, some Saint Teacher possibly have several, but can have the fragment world in big Teacher is extremely rare. 这是一片独特的碎片世界,这是索菲亚的私人领地,每个圣导师都有自己的碎片世界,有的圣导师可能有几个,而在大导师里面能拥有碎片世界的则是凤毛麟角。 At this time entire fragment world airborne a snowflake of piece by piece goose feathers size, dyed a snow white color the entire world, but in the midpoint of that stretch of earth, has a Ice Crystal Tianchi, young dressed carcass Zhengan static incomparable sitting cross-legged in that Tianchi Central committee. 此时整个碎片世界的空中都正在下着一片片鹅毛般大小的雪片,将整个世界都染成了一片雪白之色,而在那片大地的正中央,有着一个冰晶般的天池,一具年轻的胴体正安静无比的盘坐在那天池中央。 The Sophia 11 of look from that young dressed carcass has swept, full and plentiful chest, flesh color tender, pure white smoothly is similar to the milk flesh, beautiful infinite on face that and is full of one elusive makings, that skin is tender as if plays musical instruments to break, full Tou the pitch-black black hair is makes Sophia be enchanted by. 索菲亚的眼神从那具年轻的胴体身上11扫过,饱满而丰硕的胸脯,粉红的嫩点,洁白柔滑如同牛奶般的肌肤,姣好无限且充满一种空灵气质的脸庞上,那皮肤嫩得仿佛吹弹可破,那满头的乌黑青丝更是让索菲亚为之迷醉不已。 Perfect body and perfect age...... The only minor defect in something otherwise perfect, was this stupid girl unexpectedly first will have given that damn boy. However did not matter, Sophia does not care about this thing specially, the body that but will soon enter, had entered unexpectedly by that young fellow, therefore felt that is a little disgusting...... 完美的身体、完美的年龄……唯一美中不足的,就是这个蠢丫头竟然将初次给了那个该死的小子。不过也无所谓了,索菲亚并不是特别在意这个东西,只是自己即将进入的这具身体,居然被那个毛头小子也进入过,因此感觉到有点恶心而已…… Right, she must receive in exchange for the body of Scarlet! This is also she receives Scarlet for the disciple, and so thinking highly of leads her to promote the strength and various wanderer mystical places personally, uses the mental effort trains her only reason! 没错,她就是要换取斯嘉丽的身体!这也是她收斯嘉丽为弟子,并且如此器重的亲自带着她去提升实力、闯荡各种秘境,倾尽心力的去培养她的唯一原因! She was very old, was one of the oldest Heavenly Soul, reason that has not died, was because moved to the soul big law, called to seize the shed, in high-level was not any secret, but these people are the Saint Teacher ranks, will not care about her behavior, Scarlet was she has seen the best body, so long as held to her, she will obtain to attack the Heavenly Tribulation opportunity once more, this is her third time will attack Heavenly Tribulation. 她已经很老了,算是最老的天魂之一了,之所以没死,就是因为移魂大法,也称之为夺舍,在高层不算什么秘密,但那些人都已经是圣导师的级别了,不会在意她的行为,斯嘉丽是她见过最好的躯壳,只要给她占有了,她将再次获得冲击天劫的机会,这将是她第三次冲击天劫 Naturally seizes the shed, even if in the system of Holy Land is also the taboo, cannot put on outwardly, is looking at this perfect body, she somewhat drooled with envy. 当然夺舍即便是在圣地的体系里也是禁忌,不能摆在明面上,望着这完美的躯壳,她都有些垂涎欲滴了。 She wants to wait again some time, after waiting for Scarlet natural achievement Heavenly Soul, carries on to seize the shed again, but own body the accelerated aging, as well as the uncertainties in various aspects, she and others was so long. 原本她是想再等一段时间的,等斯嘉丽自然的成就天魂之后,再进行夺舍,但自己的身体加速老化,以及各方面的不确定因素,她等不了那么久了。 In Tianchi steaming, inside has concentrated various talent treasures of her recent dozens years of collection, she must help Scarlet overcome the Heavenly Soul barrier forcefully, because only then the Heavenly Soul expert mortal body, may withstand her huge Soul! 天池中热气蒸腾,里面集中了她最近数十年收藏的各种天才地宝,她要强行帮助斯嘉丽跨越天魂的障碍,因为只有天魂强者的肉身,才有可能承受她那庞大的灵魂 Master.” “师傅。” In Tianchi Bi Mu in Scarlet that contemplated has been feeling the arrival of Sophia, has opened the eye. 天池中正在闭目冥想的斯嘉丽已经感受到了索菲亚的到来,睁开了眼。 That in Sophia eye greedy and covets is written in water, she is only light beckoning with the hand of: Concentrates on your matter, revolution directs the soul to decide, I will help you to guide to turn over to the soul, only then achievement Heavenly Soul, you can have the genuine small space in the holy war!” 索菲亚眼中的那丝贪婪和觊觎转瞬即逝,她只是淡淡的摆了摆手:“专注你的事儿,运转引魂决,我会助你引导归魂,只有成就天魂,你在圣战中才能有真正的一席之地!” In the Scarlet eye has grateful, various Wang Zhong previous bitter experiences, making her more than once be annoyed their strength to be meager unable to help, has not thought that the master responded earnestly seeking of her innermost feelings suddenly, now in Tianchi is soaking these talent treasures, said casually same come, Scarlet felt that was a deep luxurious sin, the master for unexpectedly...... 斯嘉丽的眼中有着感激,王重此前的各种遭遇,让她已经不止一次懊恼自己的力量过于微薄而帮不上忙,没想到师父却突然响应了她内心的渴求,现在天池中浸泡着的那些天才地宝,随便说出一样来,斯嘉丽都感觉那是一种深深奢侈的罪孽,师傅为了自己竟然…… Shuts the eye with rapt attention, cannot divert attention!” Sound of Sophia reprimanding resounds in the ear. “闭目凝神,不许分心!”索菲亚斥责的声音在耳边响起。 Yes!” Scarlet knows the opportunity to be rare, does not dare to be negligent, hurries to restrain the mind. “是!”斯嘉丽知道机会难得,不敢大意,赶紧收敛心神。 The steam in Tianchi is even more rich, dries slightly flood red her milk smooth body, a cloud-covered mountains, has been hidden gradually the form of priest and disciple. 天池中的热气越发浓郁,将她那牛奶般光润的身子烘得微微泛红,一片云山雾罩,渐渐隐没了师徒两人的身影。 Returns to the base, was Teacher Wang Zhong had to have an independence to puff the qualifications of room, the travel regimental head quarter quick has carried out the dwelling, naturally Wang Zhong could not live is his matter, can let in fresh air to use to Simba actually. 回到基地中,身为导师王重已经有了可以拥有一座独立膨化屋的资格,旅团部这边很快就将住处落实了下来,当然王重住不住是他的事儿了,倒是可以给辛巴放风用。 Now the entire holy war war is at being locked in a stalemate stage, the Holy city Armed forces in the south battlefield, had more and more octopus person Saint level character to appear, making the Holy city Armed forces feel the high-end strength to seize the front part to see the awkwardness of elbow, therefore side in defending medium high level strength support from Holy Land, on the other hand continues to promote the popularization of soul power return route in the armed forces, said , if not the emergence of soul power return route, the human race holy war probably turned into the joke. 现在整个圣战战局还是处于相持阶段,圣城军在南部战场,已经有越来越多的章鱼人圣级人物出现,让圣城军感受到了高端战力捉衿见肘的尴尬,因此一边是在稳守中等着来自圣地的高阶战力支援,另一方面则是继续在军中推广魂力回路的普及,说真的,如果不是魂力回路的出现,人类的圣战可能已经变成了笑话。 Study that the vigorous promotion of upper formation under starts the unprecedented enthusiasm, making the soul power return route become the matter that in the present two big war zones most craved, stock version soul power return route no doubt because of not having soul nuclear core, but is unable to achieve like Wang Zhong the true essence boundary of having one's wish, but is easy to study practical of easy seat of honor as one type ***, the amplifications at least 30% strengths to Heroic Soul Soldier sufficiently has let the person for it Madness. 无论是上层的大力推广还是下面掀起的学习上的空前热情,让魂力回路已经成了现在两大战区中都最热衷的事儿,‘草根版’魂力回路固然因为没有魂核核心,而无法达到像王重那样随心所欲的真正精华境界,但作为一种易学易上手的实用***,对英魂战士来说至少三成战力的增幅还是已经足以让人为之疯狂 The people felt from stock version gradually upper limit. 只是,人们已经逐渐感觉到了来自‘草根版’的上限性。 This obviously is a perfect new system, actually merely only then the speeds, strengths and don't agile these three big return route foundations, have a more further possibility? Some many people, are attempting in research...... It is a pity that does not have the result entirely. How many simple utilization that three big return routes are only Wang Zhong establishes the soul power return route that strip from the soul nucleus, will therefore look at these three return route incomparable simplicity only, but this type simple actually will be the condensation of innumerable essence and multiplication, only will then grasp the deduction that the core talented person might complete to continue, will other people just imitate others unsuccessfully, want counter to push the invention? That may really not be similar matter, even must be much more difficult than the invention soul power return route of growing out of nothing. 这明明是一个完美的新体系,却仅仅只有速度、力量和敏捷这三大回路基础,难道就没有更进一步的可能?有许多人都在研究着、尝试着……遗憾的是统统没有结果。三大回路只是王重从魂核建立的魂力回路中剥离出来的几个简单运用而已,因此单看这三个回路会无比的简单,可这种简单却是无数精华和繁衍的凝聚,只有掌握核心的人才有可能完成继续的推演,其他人则只不过是邯郸学步,想要逆推发明?那可真不是同样一回事儿,甚至比从无到有的发明魂力回路还要更难得多。 ( Dear partners, are happy in the weekend, ask a monthly ticket, thanked!) (亲爱的伙伴们,周末愉快,求一张月票,感谢!)
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