BF :: Volume #8

#126: Way

That is responsible for own direct boss, is the girlfriend Scarlet master, such relations should be intimate with are very right, the people of entire travel regimental head quarter also like this think. But why does not know, several times with the contact of Sophia, make Wang Zhong not can really be intimate with, subconscious resistances and alerts, making him temporarily give up walking the idea of Sophia big Teacher this road. 那既是负责自己的直接上司,也是自己女朋友斯嘉丽的师傅,这样的关系本该十分亲近才对,整个旅团部的人也都是这样认为的。但不知为何,几次和索菲亚的接触,都让王重实在是亲近不起来,有一种下意识的抵抗和戒备,让他暂时放弃了走索菲亚导师这条路的想法。 Next was Murphy big Teacher or is big Teacher, but Murphy big Teacher heard that recently had the matter to return to the holy city, big Teacher and merely were only the casual acquaintance, although there is the graciousness of leading by the hand , was not intimate, thinks it over, finally has put on the vision Lan Dai'er Teacher. 其次就是墨菲导师或者是克苏恩大导师了,但墨菲导师听说最近有事已经返回圣城,克苏恩大导师和自己又仅仅只是一面之缘,虽然有提携之恩,却也并不怎么亲近,想来想去,最后还是把目光放到了蓝黛儿导师身上。 Although is only Heroic Soul Teacher, but Lan Dai'er simultaneously is actually the rear service deputy commander in north war zone, she definitely has directly with the authority of upper-level dialog, is one of the news reporting best ways, what naturally is most important, since previous time goes to battle after Holy Land and Lan Dai'er has met, did not have the opportunity to see Lan Dai'er, this time comes back certainly to visit. 虽然只是一个英魂导师,但蓝黛儿同时却是北部战区的后勤副总长,她是肯定有直接和上层对话的权力的,是自己将消息上报的最好途径之一,当然最重要的是,自从上次从圣地出征前和蓝黛儿见过一面之后,一直没机会见到蓝黛儿,这次回来肯定要拜访的。 ...... Hopes her not to act crazy is good. ……但愿她不会发飙才好。 Lan Dai'er Teacher dwelling behind travel regimental head quarter, base canyon most deep place, is in the entire base the safest place. 蓝黛儿导师的住处就在旅团部后面,基地峡谷的最深处,也是整个基地中最安全的地方。 The top of the head is the humongous float Trust aircraft carrier, all around is the steep cliff and stern defense, this is the headquarters of Holy city Armed forces is also, Wang Zhong in the Northern Region battlefield is really not red of common, where arrives at to have soldier to be salute. Has found out the Lan Dai'er dwelling in the soldier place, is the same with that inflation room that everybody lives , is only bigger, who has probably not thought that such attaches great importance to a holy war will evolve the protracted war unexpectedly. 头顶是巨大悬浮的托拉斯航母,四周则是陡峭的悬崖和森严的防卫,这也是圣城军的司令部所在,王重北区战场真不是一般的红,走到哪里都有战士行注目礼。在士兵处问明了蓝黛儿的住处,和大家住的那种膨胀屋一样,只是更大一些,大概谁没想到,这么“重视”的一场圣战竟然会演变成持久战。 Also does not know that Lan Dai'er Teacher this little while is not, will knock on a door, has the thick hostility sound to resound in the back: Oh, this is not King Da Teacher! Really infrequent visitor!” 也不知道蓝黛儿导师这会儿在不在,正要敲门,一个带着浓浓敌意的声音已经在背后响起:“哎哟,这不是王大导师嘛!真是稀客呀!” One hear of sounds know are Ella, that full mouth thick not being feeling well meant, is makes Wang Zhong not know whether to laugh or cry: Ella Senior Sister is good! Lan Dai'er Teacher in?” 一听声音就知道是艾拉,那满口浓浓的不爽意味,也是让王重哭笑不得:“艾拉师姐好!蓝黛儿导师在吗?” Sees only Ella to hold a seal box to walk from behind, when looks at the Wang Zhong eye is slanting, from the start did not reply his issue, only said: Ahem, the girlfriend is not , do you dare to come? Where worked as our here? To me do not say that you have the work to report, side our good food unit and your travel regimental head quarter do not build!” 只见艾拉捧着一个密封箱子从后面走过来,看王重时的眼睛都是斜着的,压根儿就不回答他的问题,只说道:“哼哼,女朋友不在,你才敢来啊?把咱们这里当什么地方了?可别给我说你有工作要汇报,咱们美食部和你们旅团部不搭边!” Recently truly experienced some thorny matters, this just did not come back, Elder Sister Dai'er most atmosphere, will not blame my.” “最近确实遇到一些棘手的事儿,这不刚回来,黛儿姐最大气,不会怪我的。” You were said that I was mean-spirited?” The Ella eye stares, the box pushes on her full chest keeps fluctuating: Our Teacher not in! Please return!” “那你是说我小气呗?”艾拉眼睛一瞪,箱子挤在她饱满的胸脯上不停起伏:“我们导师不在!你请回吧!” Meets such little tomboy, Wang Zhong is also speechless, will open the mouth, the door actually automatically opened. 遇上这么一个小辣椒,王重也是无语,正要开口,房门却自动打开了。 Several months do not see, Lan Dai'er appeared thin many, perhaps after was entered the holy war, the work of good food unit were too many, she wore a white coat same work robe, the long robe was placed in the body is building floating, head beautiful hair with a hairlace casual bunch in the same place, on the face did not use the cosmetics, appeared delicate incomparable. 几个月不见,蓝黛儿显得清瘦了不少,或许是进入圣战之后,美食部的工作实在太多了,她穿着一身白大褂一样的工作袍,长长的袍摆在身上飘搭着,头上的秀发只是用一根发带随便束在一起,脸上不施粉黛,显得清秀无比。 Already heard noise, opened the door to look unexpectedly is Wang Zhong, on the face of Lan Dai'er may not have Ella these discontented and jealousy, but was a smiling face of face: Today has free time here to come? First came to say again.” 早就听到门外的吵闹声,打开门一瞧居然是王重,蓝黛儿的脸上可并没有艾拉的那些不满和醋意,而是一脸的笑容:“今天怎么有空到我这里来了?先进来再说。” Wang Zhong demonstration -type blinks to Ella, the air/Qi results in Ella to groan, Lan Dai'er truly smiles, what achievement regardless has achieved, Wang Zhong that Wang Zhong, she has not misread the person. 王重示威式的冲着艾拉眨眨眼,气得艾拉直哼哼,蓝黛儿确实会心一笑,无论取得了什么样的成就,王重还是那个王重,她没看错人。 Although several months have not seen, but among them that natural intimate as if slightly had not actually been affected, are only not feeling well probably were Ella, blew the beard to stare, although she did not have the beard: Black eyebrow coloring Teacher, has the experiment today, right also had the top-secret material!” 尽管几个月没见,可两人之间那份自然的亲密却似乎并没有受到丝毫的影响,唯一不爽的大概就是艾拉了,吹着胡子瞪着眼睛,尽管她并没有胡子:“黛儿导师,今天有实验,对了还有绝密资料!” Was saying puts out one bunch of encryption rune materials of space crystal, still suitable aiming at Wang Zhong, in general bone she thinks Wang Zhong and Teacher really completely appropriate. 说着从空间水晶里拿出一堆的加密符文资料,依然相当的针对王重,大概骨子里她觉得王重导师真的满合适的。 Oh, knew, puts on the resources island.” “嗯嗯,知道了,放资料台上吧。” The instruction of speaking thoughtlessly has not disturbed Lan Dai'er to invite the decision of Wang Zhong passing through the gate completely, making Ella good not be feeling well, may have no alternative, Teacher after is Teacher...... Black eyebrow coloring Teacher is really too does not make every effort to succeed, when you look at she sees that supercilious look wolf that bright smiling face...... Unexpectedly does not manage the work, usually also kept on proclaiming does not care, this did not look like has been waiting for this supercilious look wolf to visit, was really, was exasperating! 随口的吩咐完全就没有打扰到蓝黛儿邀请王重进门的决定,让艾拉好是不爽,可又无可奈何,导师毕竟是导师……只是黛儿导师也真是太不争气了,你看她看到那个白眼狼时那灿烂的笑容……居然连工作都不管了,平时还口口声声说不在乎,这不就像是一直在等着这个白眼狼上门嘛,真是的,气死人了! But is a little Ella has not realized, the Lan Dai'er enthusiasm is warm, but as if also faintly has little unfamiliar, Wang Zhong can feel, the Lan Dai'er smiling face is sincere, but has the restraint, told one another everything with once that compared with the condition that any joke dares to open, in fact occurred changed quietly, something had a change after all, this is normal. 只不过有一点是艾拉没有察觉到的,蓝黛儿热情是热情,但似乎又隐隐有着一点点生疏,王重能感觉得出来,蓝黛儿的笑容是真诚的,但有着克制,和曾经那个与自己无话不谈、什么玩笑都敢开的状态相比,其实已经发生悄然的改变了,有些事情毕竟发生了点变化,这才是正常的。 This puffs the room is very truly big, the arrangement in room completely likely is not a normal bedroom residence, on the contrary is more like a work room, has steaming behind a room central piece of curtain cloth, has the fragrance to overflow, should be some places of dish experiment. But in front this region, is piles up with various types of materials several work tables, only has two in the left direction looks like very crude small bed, the above quilt folds entire simultaneously actually, with once in various that in the Lan Dai'er family|home saw casual completely different. 这间膨化屋确实很大,房间中的布置完全不像是一个正常的卧室居所,反倒更像是一间工作室,在屋中央的一片帘布后面有热气蒸腾,有香味溢出,应该是一些菜品实验的地方。而在前面这片区域,则是堆满各种资料的好几个工作台,只在左侧方向有着两张看起来很简陋的小床,上面的被子倒是叠得整整齐齐,和曾经在蓝黛儿家里看到的各种随便完全不同。 The battlefield of holy war is not only only the rush of front, the work of rear service often is by far busier than fighting with all might of front, Elder Sister Dai'er usually a that sluggish person, now is also continuously in the work of going all out. 圣战的战场远远不仅只是前线的冲杀,后勤的工作往往比前线的拼杀更加繁忙,黛儿姐平时那么懒散的一个人,现在也是一直在拼命的工作啊。 Wang Zhong is somewhat sigh with emotion, a large package gift in the hand has put on the table, before that is returns to Holy Land, holds some Yun Zhou local products that Ma Dong makes, is not the precious thing, nothing else but is some Yun Zhou Xuanwei ham or the shortbread dessert and so on. 王重有些感慨,将手里一大包礼物放到了桌上,那是回圣地前,托马东弄来的一些云州土特产,不是什么贵重的东西,不外乎是一些云州的宣威火腿又或是酥饼点心之类。 Yun Zhou is the Lan Dai'er hometown, once when Lan Dai'er told one another everything, when Wang Zhong more than once heard Lan Dai'er has remembered fondly the hometown once these childhoods the flavor words, but was in the holy city, after becoming Teacher, came to here together with the Lan Dai'er parents as family member, little again had the opportunity to taste arrives at the earth flavor of hometown. 云州是蓝黛儿的家乡,曾经和蓝黛儿无话不谈时,王重不止一次听到过蓝黛儿怀恋家乡曾经那些幼年时味道的话语,只不过身在圣城,成为导师后连同蓝黛儿的父母都已经以家属身份来了这边,就很少再有机会品尝到家乡的土味道了。 The simple gift makes Lan Dai'er at present slightly one bright, these earth things may be really more precious than any precious as gold goods in her eyes, after entering the holy war, these months, Wang Zhong had not communicated with her, even does not have one including the Skylink information, although Lan Dai'er has said this is correct, blessing he and Scarlet, but the heart of hearts will have some faint losing unavoidably. Now looks like, Wang Zhong is not the ungrateful person, oneself once to he has spoken the words, he on heart. 简简单单的礼物让蓝黛儿眼前微微一亮,这些土东西在她眼里可实在是比任何金贵的物品都更加珍贵,进入圣战后这几个月,王重一直没有和她来往,甚至连天讯信息都没一个,虽然蓝黛儿一直说这才是正确的,也祝福他和斯嘉丽,可内心深处难免还是会有一些隐隐的失落。现在看来,王重并不是忘恩负义的人,自己曾经对他说过的话,他都记在心上呢。 The smiling face on face appeared more relaxed, somewhat was funny including Lan Dai'er, thinks one did not care completely, may the really cared time was very happy: Heard that your this time returns to action of Earth not to be small, was right, you before not in the rear of octopus person? How to arrive at Earth suddenly?, Said to the elder sister that the elder sister is curious.” 脸上的笑容显得更轻松了一些,连蓝黛儿自己都有些好笑,原以为自己完全不在乎,可真被关心的时候还是很开心啊:“听说你这次回地球的动作不小啊,对了,你之前不是在章鱼人的大后方吗?怎么突然就到地球去了?来来来,给姐说说,姐可是好奇着呢。” How after Wang Zhong is the thorough enemy, how to mix octopus person one how to return to Earth earth-shakingly, these matters pay attention to this matter's people eye to be Northern Region most mystical , the most curious content, even if was yesterday in the bar, because the matter involved many secrets, Wang Zhong has not said to anybody, at this time told, various thrilling stimulation, have displayed Ella that was not feeling well very much unable to bear together with side by his sound is attracted, was disguising the reorganization material in side, was actually vertical the ear. 王重是如何深入敌后、如何搅动章鱼人一个天翻地覆、又如何回到地球的,这些事儿在北区这边关注着此事的人们眼里可一直是最神秘、也最让人好奇的内容,可即便是昨天在酒吧里,因为事情涉及到很多隐秘,王重都没有对任何人说过,此时娓娓道来,各种惊险刺激,连同旁边一直表现得很不爽的艾拉都忍不住被他的声音所吸引,在旁边假装着整理资料,却是竖直了耳朵。 The dispute between Law Saint Sorung with Tattam, is afraid of getting into trouble timidly, mysterious and formidable phoenix ruins, under and even spoke of highest sage Teacher to remain these memory pictures in ruins. 法圣索隆之间的纠葛、胆小怕事的塔塔姆、神秘而强大的凤凰遗迹,乃至说到了至圣导师遗迹中残留下的那些记忆画面。 Had understood after Wang Zhong this series of experiences, Lan Dai'er and Ella also stare dumbfounded, legend really real, Wang Zhong is half Heavenly Soul, moreover strength very formidable that half Heavenly Soul, not only in blossoms in radiant splendor with the fight of octopus person Saint level character, even after returning to Earth, by strength of the, extinguished has killed Zhao Family two Heavenly Soul expert...... This may surmount own actual combat strength absolutely greatly, several months ago is also only small Heroic Soul Initial Step Wang Zhong, personally grows under Lan Dai'er training of step by step, really has not thought that the time was in such degree for several months unexpectedly. 了解了王重的这一系列经历之后,蓝黛儿艾拉也是瞠目结舌,传说果然是真的,王重已经是半步天魂,而且还是战力很强大的那种半步天魂,非但在与章鱼人圣级人物的战斗中大放异彩,甚至回到地球后还以一己之力,灭杀了赵家两个天魂强者……这可绝对已经是大大超越自己的实战力了,几个月前还只是一个小小英魂初阶王重,在蓝黛儿的亲手调教下一步步成长,真是没想到啊,短短几个月时间竟然就已经到了这样的程度。 What is surprised is Wang Zhong the rapidness of strength promotion, surprisedly in the authenticity of these rumors, even the fact sounds also to compared with the rumor exaggerate! When listens Wang Zhong mentioned the octopus person rear situation as well as from highest sage Teacher the memory guidance of emphatically, Lan Dai'er true frowning. 惊讶的是王重的实力提升之快,惊讶于那些传言的真实性,甚至事实听起来比传言还要更夸张!直到听王重着重说起章鱼人后方的情况以及来自至圣导师的记忆引导时,蓝黛儿才真正的皱起了眉头。 She naturally is absolute trust Wang Zhong, does not suspect this matter's authenticity slightly , can definitely realize this issue the gravity. 她当然是绝对信任王重,丝毫都不怀疑此事的真实性,也完全能意识到这个问题的严重性。 Did not exaggerate said that if octopus person eternal truth Wang Zhong said that such was having thousands of Saint level character, that deferred to the normal proportion, only feared that at least will have Exceed Grade exist/existence of several sword god law god levels! Such strength, is not the present Holy city Armed forces can contend absolutely, even if has strength outstanding thunder sacred Teacher not to be good! human race does not dread the octopus person such strength, perhaps but that must to concentrate entire Holy Land, the innumerable mystical place and innumerable Household influences and even these hides in most Saint Teacher strengths in secret, in addition the help of various rear services as well as types of advanced war machines of Holy Land force, can guarantee the victory of this holy war. 毫不夸张的说,如果章鱼人真如王重所说那样拥有着数以千计的圣级人物,那按照正常的比例,只怕至少都会有着十几位剑神法神级的超级存在!这样的力量,绝对不是现在的圣城军所能抗衡的,哪怕有着实力超群的雷神圣导师也不行!人类并不畏惧章鱼人这样的力量,但那恐怕就得要集中起整个圣地、无数秘境、无数家族势力乃至那些隐藏在暗中的绝大多数圣导师的力量,再加上圣地强力的后勤以及各种先进战争机器的帮助,才能保证这次圣战的胜出。 This information content and this action were too big, once were confirmed that the final output of this holy war likely directly causes the Holy city Armed forces to fly back without any results, because Holy Land impossible to invade a Level 3 civilization radically uses the entire Holy Land strength, that is not the invasion, that is goes all out! 这个信息量、这个动作就太大了,而且一旦被证实,这次圣战的最后结果很可能就是直接导致圣城军无功而返,因为圣地根本就不可能为了入侵一个三级文明而动用整个圣地的力量,那不是入侵,那是拼命! Regardless of Misso proclamation has the how greedy resources compared with the world also and is insufficient the danger that will counter-balance the human race institute to face, the gain does not equal the loss, these Saint Teacher also at all impossible earliest possible time completely to concentrate and octopus person puts together life and death. 无论米索布达比世界拥有多么让人眼馋的资源也并不足以抵消人类所将面对的危险,得不偿失,那些圣导师也根本不可能第一时间就完全集中起来和章鱼人拼个你死我活。 This may be the big event, withdrawal of troops? After consuming so humongous manpower and resources, has not fished the least bit advantage, instead suffers heavy casualties, will the Holy Land high level comply easily? Can they comply and also to have right comply? Other loss did not say that these lost major Household, the major influences of massive military strength wait / etc., this time suffers heavy casualties not to fish the advantage, next time Holy Land wants to have any big action to want them again to dispatch troops to attack, perhaps is difficult. 这可就是大事件了,撤军?在耗费了如此巨大人力物力之后,没有捞到半点好处,反而损兵折将,圣地的高层会轻易答应吗?他们能答应、又有权利去答应吗?别的损失不说,那些已经损失了大量兵力的各大家族、各大势力等等,这次损兵折将没捞到好处,下次圣地再想有什么大动作要他们派兵出击,恐怕就更是难上加难。 It can be said that the absolute dilemma, this aspect is not the Holy Land high level wants to face absolutely, can say the Wang Zhong news has brought a dangerous early warning at the same time, has brought a trouble of humongous. For small Heroic Soul brings the news that is hard to confirm, lets the Holy city Armed forces high level faced with such situation in a dilemma, that result may not be absolutely wonderful. 可以说是绝对的进退两难,这种局面绝对不是圣地高层想要面对的,可以说王重的消息带来了一个危险预警的同时,也是带来了一个巨大的麻烦。为了一个小小英魂带回来的、难以证实的消息,就让圣城军高层面临这样进退两难的处境,那结果可绝对不怎么美妙。 This is not the great merit, but is the serious offense. 这不是大功,而是大过。 This matter cannot leak, not only cannot say, cannot walk the usual channel notification, otherwise easily is the big crime of shaking military morale, regardless of you display to be outstanding in this holy war, above definitely is unable to guarantee you, even some extremists will therefore also vent anger in you......” “这事儿不能外泄,不但不能说,也不能走正常途径通报,否则轻易就是动摇军心的大罪,那无论你在这次圣战中表现有多么优秀,上面都肯定无法保你,甚至有些极端分子还会因此迁怒于你……” This is Wang Zhong had not announced to the public the reason of own this traveling schedule, even to Vagrant Brigade, he has not mentioned continually, is not does not trust, but truly is important, the person who knows are more is more unsafe. But must say no matter in light of this did not ask that obviously is also impossible, today looks for Lan Dai'er in fact to discuss this matter. Wang Zhong knows that Lan Dai'er definitely understands own thoughts, has not opened the mouth saying that but is waiting for her as follows. 这也是王重没有对外公布自己这一路行程的原因,甚至连对流浪旅团内部,他都没有说起,不是不信任,而是确实事关重大,知道的人越多越不安全。但要说就此不管不问那显然也是不可能的,今天来找蓝黛儿其实就是要商议此事。王重知道蓝黛儿肯定明白自己的心思,也没有开口接话,只是等着她下文。 This matter was best to look for Saint Teacher to chat...... Lan Dai'er to hesitate in a private capacity directly for a long time, was Holy city Armed forces high-level one, although the responsible domain was different, she cannot participate in the strategy in the policy-making level, but often and high-level contact, quite knew about the Holy city Armed forces high level: „The thunder sacred Teacher disposition is quite amiable, moreover likes pitying the talent, if you tell him in a private capacity this matter, regardless of he does believe that definitely will not invite trouble, how to make a decision as for thunder sacred Teacher, that was the high-level matter. This is the best means that moreover I thought that the thunder sacred Teacher choice believes your possibility is very big, his book has advocated in this war safely, thinks octopus person strength not like surface that frail defends stubbornly the steady war clique.” “这种事儿最好是能以私人身份直接找圣导师谈谈……”蓝黛儿沉吟了许久,身为圣城军的高层之一,虽然负责的领域不同,她并不能参与到战略的决策层面上,但时常和高层接触,对圣城军高层还是相当了解的:“雷神圣导师的性格比较随和,而且爱才惜才,你如果是以私人身份告诉他这件事儿,那无论他相不相信,都肯定不会惹祸上身,至于雷神圣导师如何决断,那就是高层的事儿了。这已经是最好的办法,而且我觉得雷神圣导师选择相信你的可能性很大,他本就是在此战中一直主张稳妥,认为章鱼人实力并不像表面那么孱弱的固守稳战派系。” Then, when the selected location of north war zone from landing is away from the core center of octopus person to be far, starts the war later performance also to fight steadily and probe slowly, this and south war zone is entirely different, this may and not only be only the coincidence, obviously the two sides commanders in chief in treating the manner and cognition of this war have the difference. 说起来,北部战区从降落时的选址就距离章鱼人的核心腹地较远,开始战争之后的表现也一直是稳扎稳打、慢慢试探,这和南部战区截然不同,这可并不仅仅只是巧合,显然两边的主帅在对待这场战争的态度和认知上是有着分歧的。 By my status, is unable to see thunder sacred Teacher.” Wang Zhong sighed, it seems like Lan Dai'er this rear service vice-minister as if did not have similar authority, otherwise Lan Dai'er definitely will directly contact the thunder sacred Teacher matter undertaking a moment ago, Saint Teacher, who was really not wants to see can see: It seems like must go to the Sophia big Teacher path, she should have the direct contact the thunder sacred Teacher authority.” “可是以我的身份,根本就无法见到雷神圣导师。”王重叹了口气,看来蓝黛儿这个后勤副部长似乎也没有类似的权力啊,否则刚才蓝黛儿肯定就已经直接将联络雷神圣导师的事儿给承担下来,圣导师,果然不是谁想见就能见到的:“看来还是得去走索菲亚导师的路子,她应该有直接接触到雷神圣导师的权力。” Sophia......” listens to Wang Zhong to mention this name, the Lan Dai'er knitting the brows head, as if starts to speak but hesitates obviously. 索菲亚……”听王重提起这个名字,蓝黛儿明显皱了皱眉头,似乎欲言又止。
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