BF :: Volume #8

#125: King returns

Although the Pampas clan and tribe is in the vegetation to be rich, soil fertile South America, but because in the tropical jungle mutant beast is numerous, in addition the Pampas person is not good at planting, therefore survival requirement in fact is quite difficult, especially on food, is having the huge tropical rain forest, actually can only rob food with mutant beast, every year the light is because hunted for and looks for food to cause the massive Pampas people dead, the bad survival requirement no doubt was to let the Pampas person is more agile and fiercer, but also seriously restricted their population to grow, throughout could not develop. If can come from the commodity help of Federation...... 潘帕斯部族虽然身在植被丰富、土壤肥沃的南美,但由于热带丛林中变异兽众多,加上潘帕斯人并不擅长种植,因此生存条件其实相当艰辛,特别是在食物上,坐拥着庞大的热带雨林,却只能和变异兽去抢夺食物,每年光是因为捕猎和找食物都会导致大量的潘帕斯人死亡,恶劣的生存条件固然是让潘帕斯人更加剽悍,但也严重制约了他们的人口增长,始终发展不起来。而如果是能得到来自联邦的物资帮助…… Ma Dong has done some schoolworks a moment ago temporarily, Pampas clan and tribe 1 million population, on a Tianjing population size, the territorial scope is not big, such small place, to that side situation, even if not dare to say knows from A to Z, may at least the general situation know. 马东刚才已经临时做过了一些功课,潘帕斯部族不过1000000人口,也就一个天京的人口规模,地域范围也不大,这么小的地方,对那边的情况纵然不敢说了如指掌,可至少大致情况都是知道的。 To Pampas, scarcest is food. 潘帕斯来说,最紧缺的就是食物。 At this time pats the chest maliciously: Big brother you could rest assured that so long as I am living, the grain rations of Pampas clan and tribe all people I wrapped! Does not dare saying that lets everybody ample food, may not starve to death absolutely a person! The Transfer Array matter, I find the person to solve today, happen to that side Amazon has connected, the successive approaches Pampas again is only minor matter!” 此时狠狠一拍胸口:“大哥你放心,只要我活着,潘帕斯部族所有人的口粮我包了!不敢说让大家大鱼大肉,可绝对不饿死一个人!传送阵的事儿,今天我就找人解决,正好亚马逊那边已经连通,再连向潘帕斯只是小事一件!” Opens the mouth is 1 million people of grain rations, this heroic spirit, even if Aiolos also somewhat changes countenance, if Ma Dong can live up to one's words, that may has solved his heart knot, only feared when will cross the tribulation heart demon influence continually but will therefore be smaller. 开口就是1000000人的口粮,这份豪气,就算艾俄洛斯也不禁为之有些动容,马东如果真能说到做到,那可真是解决了他的心结,只怕连渡劫时的心魔影响都会因此而小许多。 „The new world has any matter, momentarily can look for me directly, so long as I also in Earth. In addition, some Pampas also many talent outstanding soldier, I give you a Pampas honor warrior privilege, so long as they want, you can recruit anytime and anywhere freely.” “新世界有任何事,随时都可以直接找我,只要我还在地球。此外,潘帕斯也有许多天赋超群的战士,我给你一个潘帕斯荣誉勇士的特权,只要他们愿意,你随时随地都可以自由招募。” Aiolos looks at Ma Dong, said slowly: You are the Wang Zhong brothers, is my brother.” 艾俄洛斯看着马东,缓缓说道:“你是王重的兄弟,就是我的兄弟。” To Aiolos this degree, only will certainly not look at the representation, he can feel at present Soul of this person, although the strength is very base and low, but the will is very formidable, he also knows one are not good at managing, this Wang Zhong is not good. 到了艾俄洛斯这个程度,当然不会只看表象,他能感受到眼前这个人的灵魂,虽然力量很卑微,但意志很强大,他也知道自己并不擅长经营,这点王重也不行。 To Pampas, can the stable commodity support, especially the support of food, then has the help of what kind type humongous to the integral development of Pampas clan and tribe, that simply is spanning. But regarding the new world, has Aiolos this terrifying to decide the foreign aid of landscape sufficiently, has Pampas clan and tribe type including the ally that the Kaiser people dread its valiant strength, but can also rapidly form a force New Army from Pampas, will then have what kind type stable consolidated to the strength of new world. 潘帕斯来说,能得到稳定的物资支援,特别是食物的支援,那对潘帕斯部族的整体发展将有着何等样巨大的帮助,那简直就是跨越性的。而对于新世界来说,拥有艾俄洛斯这个恐怖到足以定江山的外援,拥有潘帕斯部族这种连凯撒人都畏惧其彪悍战力的盟友,还能迅速组建起一支来自潘帕斯的强力新军,那对新世界的实力将会有何等样稳定的巩固。 Aiolos walked, the new world thoroughly had actually stood firm in Federation . Moreover the appetite is getting bigger and bigger, courage to be getting stronger and stronger and work also more and more horizontal. 艾俄洛斯走了,新世界却已经彻底在联邦站稳了脚跟,而且胃口越来越大、胆子越来越壮、做事也越来越横。 Manages your anything Household Rules and Federation custom, others undoable, Ma Dong, others cannot achieve, the new world can also achieve. The back sits Wang Zhong from holy city, but also has terrifying mysterious doubtful to cross tribulation, dispatch(ed) three big Heavenly Soul exist/existence, other Household face to face have been incited the face by Ma Dong now, perhaps also can only choose to swallow an insult temporarily, particularly Gui Family, Ma Dong is not silly, will not antagonize people everywhere, mainly aims at Gui Family, but Gui Family really can endure now, simply not like that understanding Gui Family. 管你什么家族规则联邦规矩,别人不能做的,马东可以,别人做不到的,新世界也可以做到。背后坐着一个来自圣城的王重,还有着一个更加恐怖神秘的疑似渡劫者,秒杀三大天魂存在,其他家族现在就算是被马东当面煽了脸,恐怕也都只能暂时选择忍气吞声,尤其是鬼家,马东又不傻,不会到处树敌,主要针对鬼家,但是鬼家现在真的是能忍,简直都不像那个认识的鬼家了。 Moreover except for the threat of military force, what is more fearful is various chips in Ma Dong hand, with the folk trade of Empire opening remarks beginning, Federation and commodity supplementary trade in Empire aspect made the new world rapid collection collect large quantities of wealth, came from Holy Land various technique and types of commodities, before these things, by the major Household monopolies . Moreover the lamination, has mutual diving Rules, you cannot touch my, me not to bump your, everybody lived in peace with each other, may Ma Dong, no matter these, so long as the benefit sufficed, I on can get so far as, before tube his mother you, was what custom, the father did not understand. Also study, I do not have the channel to holy city in any case, is such flamboyant, refuses to accept to do! 而且除了武力的威胁,更可怕的是马东手中的各种筹码,和帝国首开先河的民间通商,联邦帝国方面的物资互补贸易让新世界迅速集敛了大批的财富,还有来自圣地技术和各种物资,这些东西以前是被各大家族垄断的,而且都分片了,有着相互的潜规则,你不能碰我的、我也不碰你的,大家相安无事,可马东不管这些,只要利益够,我就能弄到,管他妈你们以前是什么规矩,老子不懂。也不学,反正我有通往圣城的渠道,就是这么牛逼,不服来干! What many complaints is major Household, discovered that Holy Land does not have the sound, can only endure, may for it responded cheer actually be all common people influence, too many too many small influences started toward city of Tianjing and new world gather, regardless of the culture or the economy also or the population, strength wait / etc., is having the change of humongous every day, every day was promoting rapidly. 怨声载道的是各大家族,发现圣地没有动静,只能忍着,可为之响应欢呼的却是各方平民势力,太多太多的小势力开始往天京和新世界之城聚集,无论文化还是经济亦或是人口、实力等等,每一天都在发生着巨大的变化,每一天都在飞速提升。 Has sound in secret to ferment and to forecast that perhaps so free style can make Tianjing, make the new world arrive at peak magnificent Peak in a short time, but only feared that the ground is not steady, offends that many Federation big Household, sooner or later will have the destruction catastrophe. 有暗中的声音在酝酿、在预测,如此招摇的方式或许是能让天京、让新世界在短时间内走到一个极致辉煌的巅峰,但只怕地基不稳,得罪那么多联邦家族,迟早会有覆灭的大祸。 May forecast that after all predict that the red fire of new world is actually the present solid benefit, moreover cannot see any deterioration the sign, under the new world controls Tianjing, just like has formed the new pattern. 可预测毕竟只是预测,新世界的红火却是现在实实在在的即得利益,而且丝毫看不出有任何衰败的迹象,新世界所掌控下的天京,俨然已经形成了新的格局。 Regarding Ma Dong and Gong Yi them, new world true just start. 对于马东宫益他们来说,新世界才真正的刚刚开始。 .............................. ………………………… All matters that the new world has with Wang Zhong irrelevant, had Aiolos to assume personal command compared with his steady many, Old Wang to return to the base finally, felt that carried out a task each time is a narrow escape. 新世界发生的一切事情都跟王重无关,有艾俄洛斯坐镇比他的稳的多,老王终于回到了基地,感觉每次执行个任务都是九死一生的。 He is chooses outside Tianjing City the transfer channel of military station to return to the holy city, just before leaving before , naturally must have a distinction, many old friends come to see off, has seen many elders. 他是选择走天京城外军方驻地的传送通道返回圣城的,临行前自然少不了一番分别,许多老友前来送行,也见过了许多长辈。 Old Green and Old Potter...... These two old people without doubt are the honored people in Wang Zhong Life, has given him too many help and affirmations, to his incomparable appreciation, their granddaughters also and Wang Zhong has the complicated relations, but Old Green can ask a granddaughter's husband to urge Wang Zhong now to satisfactory look after Scarlet well, Old Potter actually can only look to stare on helplessly. 老格林老波特……这两位老人无疑是王重生命中的贵人,给予过他太多的帮助和肯定,对他无比的欣赏,两人的孙女也都和王重有着千丝万缕的关系,只是如今老格林可以美美的叫上一声孙女婿叮嘱王重要好好照顾斯嘉丽,老波特却只能看着干瞪眼了。 One leave the northern base of holy war battlefield already enough two months, thinks, perhaps besides Vagrant Brigade, other most people forgot also to have person who called Wang Zhong, what may make Wang Zhong not think, returning to after base to be warmly welcomed unexpectedly. 自己离开圣战战场的北部基地已经足足两个月,原以为回来后恐怕除了流浪旅团之外,其他大部分人都忘了还有个叫王重的人,可让王重没想到的是,回到基地后的自己居然受到了热烈的欢迎。 Vagrant Brigade that did Wang Zhong come back?” 流浪旅团那个王重回来了?” „, Great God, must have a look!” “靠,大神啊,得看看!” Walks, surrounds, am I must have a look at him but actually the three heads six arms!” “走走走,围观,我倒要看看他是不是三头六臂!” Incessantly acquaintance from Vagrant Brigade, Dimension person, as well as beforehand number endless, various types looked that Vagrant Brigade, looks at other Wang Zhong not pleasing to the eyes ordinary brigade members. Once looked that they were not pleasing to the eyes, was because had not felt obviously this group of people had any forte, actually repeatedly made various great merits, dog deng transporting goes against heaven's will, making the person envy. But one time is dog deng transporting, twice is dog deng transporting, three four times also dog deng transporting? 不止是来自流浪旅团的熟人,还有维度人,以及之前数之不尽的、各种看流浪旅团、看王重不顺眼的其他普通旅团成员。曾经看他们不顺眼,是因为明明没有感觉这帮人有什么过人之处,却频频立下各种大功,狗屎运逆天,让人嫉妒。可一次是狗屎运、两次是狗屎运,三次四次也还是狗屎运吗? Especially after previous Shadowmoon Fort event, the in fact entire travel regimental head quarter thoroughly occurred to change regarding the impression of Wang Zhong, various pressures that not merely repaid a debt of gratitude from the Dimension person eagerly, did these matters regarding Wang Zhong, admiring of the heart. 特别是上次影月堡事件之后,其实整个旅团部对于王重的印象就彻底发生变化了,不单是来自维度人急于报恩的各种压力,还有对于王重所做那些事儿,发自内心的佩服。 What talented person dares to provoke by strength of on own initiative Law Saint? What talented person can the island of resistance penetrate into the rear of octopus person, under besieging and pursuing of several octopus person Saint level characters blocked off still jumped for joy, after making his octopus person one to be in chaotic situation, retired after meritorious service again? Travel regimental head quarter all people did not confess that such ability, this is not the dog deng transporting three characters can explain that others are flamboyant, you do not refuse to accept good. 什么样的人才敢以一己之力去主动挑衅一个法圣?什么样的人才可以孤军深入到章鱼人的大后方去,在十几个章鱼人圣级人物的围追堵截下仍旧活蹦乱跳,闹他章鱼人一个鸡飞狗跳之后再功成身退?旅团部所有人都自认没有这样的能力,这可绝不是狗屎运三个字可以解释的,人家就是牛逼,你不服不行。 In addition hereafter spreads from the major Household some juniors mouths, frontage duel Heavenly Soul expert of Wang Zhong on Earth, moreover by an enemy two, extinguishes kills two big Heavenly Soul successes, altitude that this absolutely looked up. 再加上此后从各大家族一些子弟口中传出的,王重在地球上正面单挑天魂强者,而且是以一敌二,灭杀两大天魂的战绩,这就已经是绝对仰望的高度了。 Although in the holy city some rumors said frequently some Exceed Grade disciple jumped the ranks to kill Heavenly Soul expert, but that legend was mostly illusory, but the absolutely groundless rumor, or nobody witnessed radically, compared with various Wang Zhong vivid offering one's experiences as an example, did not have any commeasurability simply. 虽说圣城里常常都有传言说某位超级圣徒越级干掉了天魂强者,可那种传说大多虚无缥缈,只是毫无根据的谣传、又或是根本没人见证,和王重各种绘声绘色的现身说法比起来,简直就是毫无任何可比性。 The formidable individual strength can jump the ranks to extinguish kills Heavenly Soul expert, braving the Life danger to save the Dimension person ally, even also passed on a message is he founded the present popular incomparable soul power return route, but also the single person has done earth-shaking the archenemy octopus person, these each same was the average man is unattainable, said that the success can only examine a expert standard, such person, nobody will envy him again, remaining, only then respected and respect. But until this step, the people start surprisedly notes Wang Zhong this to go against heaven's will the regulation of rising, enters Holy Land is only one year, has visited half Heavenly Soul situation from small Heroic Soul unexpectedly, but also has the so formidable strength, but also brought various fables and to blossom in radiant splendor in the holy wars. 强大的个人战力可以越级灭杀天魂强者,冒着生命危险拯救维度人盟友,甚至还传言说是他开创了现在流行无比的魂力回路,还独身一人把大敌章鱼人搞了个天翻地覆,这些每一样都是常人可望而不可及的,都说战绩才是唯一能检验一个强者的标准,这样的人,已经没有人会再去嫉妒他,剩下的只有崇敬和尊重。而直到了这一步,人们才开始惊奇的注意到王重这逆天的崛起之程,进入圣地不过只是一年的时间而已,竟然就从一个小小英魂踏足了半步天魂的地步,还拥有如此强大的战力,还带来了各种传说、在圣战中大放异彩。 Before everybody harbored the vision of critique to look, when various questions and disdained had not thought that but sets level the mentality now, thinks carefully, the speed that this rose was really terrifying a little goes against heaven's will. 以前大家怀着批判的目光去看,各种质疑和不屑时还不觉得,可现在放平心态,仔细想想,这崛起的速度则实在是恐怖得有点逆天了。 The holy war casts the legend(ary) place, but Wang Zhong is present north war zone biggest legend(ary), incessantly in travel regimental head quarter at the height of power, even if the main army in war zone, and even in Teacher, big Teacher and other leadership, Wang Zhong this name has been known to everybody to be known to everybody, the view of embellishing even various types because of conjecturing to have, described even more Wang Zhong this name mysterious and great. 都说圣战是铸就传奇的地方,而王重就是现在北部战区最大的传奇,不止是在旅团部中如日中天,就算是在战区的主力军,乃至导师、大导师等领导层中,王重这个名字都已经无人不知无人不晓,甚至各种因为臆想而产生的添枝加叶的说法,已经将王重这个名字描绘得愈发的神奇和伟大了。 To these rumors, Wang Zhong is actually very calm, unwarranted reputation these things support Ma Dong their city of new world to have many advantage to oneself, but corresponding definitely also troublesome, obtained and will lose counter-balances mutually, the in fact anything too big egg has not used. 对这些传言,王重倒是很淡定,虚名这些东西对自己扶持马东他们的新世界之城是有很多好处,但相应的肯定也会有许多麻烦,所得和所失相互抵消,其实并没有什么太大的卵用。 To control itself, to control the new world truly fate, depends is not these unwarranted reputations, is by strength. 想要真正掌控自己、掌控新世界的命运,靠的可绝不是这些虚名,还是得靠实打实的实力。 The major brigades are maintaining the good relations of cooperation with Vagrant Brigade now, before because to Dimension person scruples some concessions that but does not would rather make, now along with the return of Wang Zhong, along with various fables fermentation, that type did not prefer turned has been willing, Vagrant Brigade the reputation or the strength in the rapid growth, do not dare saying that has been enough and Ten Great brigade side by side, but as long as now is the duty that Vagrant Brigade took over, almost did not have any possibility of failure, because they not only had King return Wang Zhong, has in addition one gradually became in addition a fearful member of legend, that. Man Mu Zi of control life and death! 各大旅团现在都和流浪旅团维持着良好的合作关系,之前因为对维度人的顾忌而不情愿做出的一些让步,现在随着王重的归来,随着各种传说的‘发酵’,那种不情愿已经变成心甘情愿了,流浪旅团无论是名声还是实力都是在飞速增涨中,不敢说已经足以和十大旅团比肩,但现在但凡是流浪旅团接手的任务,几乎就没有任何失败的可能,因为他们不但有一个王者归来的王重,还有着另一个已经逐渐成为另一个传说的可怕成员,那。个掌控生死的男人木子 Wang Zhong not, big crises in several Vagrant Brigade duties with the help of Mu Zi superficially were melted, this fearful man not only can decide the life and death of enemy, can rob from the hand of Death God the life of teammate, in the travel regimental head quarter spreads, is not how great strength of Mu Zi in the battlefield, but was he has rescued today someone, almost quickly became the Angel synonym, after all this was one can operate rank 7 Dimension Creature exist/existence. 王重不在的时候,几次流浪旅团任务中的大危机都是在木子的帮助下被轻描淡写化解掉的,这个可怕的男人不但能决定敌人的生死,也能将队友的性命从死神的手中重新抢夺回来,旅团部中流传更多的,不是木子在战场上如何的强大,而是他今天又救了哪个谁谁谁,几乎都快成为天使的代名词了,毕竟这是一个可以操纵七阶维度生物存在 Short one month does not see, sees Mu Zi once more time, Wang Zhong felt that Mu Zi had very big change. 只是短短一个多月不见,再次见到木子的时候,王重感觉木子已经有了很大的变化。 Not from appearance or strength, but from makings and mood, once Mu Zi incomparable lonely, even if occasionally stays in Kacsir Chuguchak, almost not contacts with the bystander, is afraid own fearful fate to give other people the taking away misfortune and blood light. After may arrive at the holy war battlefield, that strange curse as if overnight vanished without the trace, he not only has not taken away to the Vagrant Brigade member any misfortune and death, on the contrary repeatedly became Angel that they saved a life. 不是来自外貌或者实力上的,而是来自气质和心境上的,曾经的木子无比的孤独,即便偶尔呆在卡奇尔塔城,也几乎是不怎么和外人接触,害怕自己的可怕命运给旁人带去厄运和血光。可来到圣战战场之后,那种奇怪的诅咒仿佛一夜之间就消失无踪了,他非但没有给流浪旅团的成员带去任何的厄运和死亡,反倒是频频成为他们救命的天使 Perhaps like such that Wang Zhong said that the Fifth Dimension world and still was also in four-dimensional half Earth to be different, perhaps was because here had formidable Saint Teacher exist/existence, can counter-balance the misfortune that he brought...... Mu Zi is here like a fish in water, usually the rare smiling face often has hung on the face, he had the new friend, his no longer time was worried own that fearful fate, but the Heroic Soul bottleneck that has been trapped in also as if has becoming less crowded quietly in the change of this mentality, Mu Zi is having a feeling, oneself perhaps quickly can enter into the Heavenly Soul level. 或许就像王重所说的那样,第五维度世界和仍旧还处于四维半的地球不同,也或许是因为这里有强大的圣导师存在,可以抵消掉他自带的厄运……木子在这里如鱼得水,平时难得一见的笑容已经常挂脸上,他有了很多新的朋友,他不再时刻担心自己那可怕的命运,而一直受困的英魂瓶颈也仿佛在这种心态的变化中发生着悄然的松动,木子有种感觉,自己或许很快就能迈入天魂的层次了。 In the bar had Mu Zi, Huaide, Oscar incessantly and other group of Vagrant Brigade members, Phantom Brigade also comes the person, Laura and Molton. 酒吧里不止是有木子、怀德、奥斯卡等一帮流浪旅团的成员,幻影旅团也来人了,萝拉摩尔登 Said honestly that Molton has the deep regret at heart, once the good opportunities, the thick thigh was placed in front of him, he has not grasped, innermost feelings perhaps proud is makes Molton not be willing to acknowledge that own taking a rash step, regarding as hit will not have, truly what makes him regret was ashamed right Laura. If not prevents with various style repeatedly in secret, hit is being the Laura good name had decided for her many matters, perhaps now and Wang Zhong in together not necessarily was Scarlet. Is good because of the younger sister not but therefore blames his meaning, Laura that Laura, Mad Beast Battle Squadron that irritable Captain, could mention can put down, to Scarlet blessing that was from the heart, perhaps was Wang Zhong has truly been short of a marriage affinity. 坦白说,摩尔登心里是有着深深懊悔的,曾经有一个多好的机会、多粗的大腿摆在他面前,他却没有抱住,内心的骄傲或许是让摩尔登不愿意承认自己的失策,将之看成‘命中无’,但真正让他懊悔的是愧对了萝拉。如果不是自己一再的用各种方式去暗中阻止,打着为萝拉好的名义替她决定了很多事儿,恐怕现在和王重在一起的就未必是斯嘉丽了吧。好在妹妹并没有因此而怪他的意思,萝拉还是那个萝拉,狂兽战队的那个火爆队长,提得起放得下,对斯嘉丽只有发自内心的祝福,或许是自己和王重确实少了一点姻缘吧。 In addition, came from the person of other brigade, many person Wang Zhong did not know that may hear this legend(ary) returns, accumulation that is also unsolicited in bar, some perhaps are only pure wants to present respectfully one liquor water, to express that congratulates, Exceed Grade newbie that is doomed to be going to shoot up to the sky mixes a face to be ripe with this, some because of the soul power return route...... 此外,还有很多来自别的旅团的人,很多人王重根本都不认识,可听说这位传奇归来,也都不请自来的聚集到了酒吧中,有的或许只是单纯的想来敬上一杯酒水、表示一下祝贺,和这注定将要冲天而起的超级新人混个脸熟,也有的是因为魂力回路…… The soul power return route popularized in the north-south two big battlefields now thoroughly, practices the person are getting more and more, but also emerges one after another incessantly in the issue that in practicing comes across. To be honest, the issue when the soul power return route is in itself not the extremely complex thing, the expert in Holy Land aspect can make certain explanation regarding these ordinary disciples practice comes across, is known as Solomon of inventor including the south battlefield that side similarly, publicly explains the difficulty that has led a pious life meets on Skylink, but when Wang Zhong returns, similarly is known as the inventor, the person in north base believes that now Wang Zhong is real that many people want to listen to the view from Wang Zhong, is not only to practice explanation, is to confirm the Wang Zhong inventor status, after all now north and south struggling about soul power return route, In secret is quite irritable topic. 魂力回路如今已经在南北两大战场中彻底普及了,修行有成的人越来越多,但在修行中所遇到的问题也是层出不穷。说实话,魂力回路本身并不是什么太过复杂的东西,圣地方面的专家对于这些普通圣徒修行时所遇到的问题能做出一定的解答,包括南部战场那边同样号称创造者的所罗门,也都在天讯上公开破解了一些修行中所遇到的难点,但当王重归来,同样号称创造者,北部基地的人现在更相信王重才是真实的那个,很多人还是更想听听来自王重的看法,既是为了修行解答,也是为了更加证实王重的创造者身份,毕竟现在关于魂力回路的南北之争,在私下里可是相当火爆的话题。 Regarding these issues, Wang Zhong is incomparable welcome, can make him more thorough understands own soul power return route, as long as therefore has the person who toasts to mention similar issue, Wang Zhong earnestly answered, various pertinent directions, and explanation of south Solomon also respectively had the differences with the explanation of Holy Land expert, perhaps regarding practice the person of soul power return route also to be hard from these issues to see that ordinary who was high who got down, but had at least proven understanding of Wang Zhong the soul power return route, that type had words at fingertips and wrote with facility and meets the degree that the issue spoke thoughtlessly can answer, has to believe him by the Northern Region these person is true. Inventors. 对于这些问题,王重是无比欢迎的,能让他更加深入的去理解自己的魂力回路,因此但凡有来敬酒的人提到类似问题,王重都是认真作答,各种一针见血的指点,和圣地专家的解读、和南部所罗门的解答又各有不同之处,对于普通修行魂力回路的人来说或许还难以从这些问题中看出谁高谁下,但至少证明了王重魂力回路的了解,那种信手拈来、遇到问题随口便可作答的程度,让北区这些人不得不信服他才是真正的。创造者。 Therefore in the bar extremely busy, is Vagrant Brigade is a small welcome party that Wang Zhong holds, actually evolved the entire travel regimental head quarter joyfully celebrated, as well as the special performance of soul power return route grandly explains. Was only a pity only regret is Scarlet is not, heard that couple days ago was sent to carry out any task by big Teacher, for these days could not relate Skylink. Wang Zhong inquired while convenient advancement in recent north war zone, heard now the octopus person's resistance starts the force to get up, no matter the south battlefield of massive increasing troops rarely has the northern battlefield of war, the two sides advancements are incomparable slow, the entire war will have one type soon to reach the impass the trend, heard that the Holy Land high level already at the matter that the consideration increased troops, moreover this time no longer was only the investment of low-end military strength, but was the consideration must increase in the high-end strength, there is a number of Heavenly Soul big Teacher to appear in the list of reenforcement, even heard that might also have to come from the support of new Saint Teacher...... 于是酒吧中一片热闹非凡,本是流浪旅团王重举行的一个小小欢迎派对,却生生演变成了整个旅团部的盛大欢庆、以及魂力回路的专场解答了。只可惜唯一遗憾的就是斯嘉丽不在,听说前几天被大导师派出去执行什么任务了,这几天连天讯都联系不上。王重顺便询问了一下最近北部战区的推进情况,听说现在章鱼人的抵抗开始强力起来,不管是大量增兵的南部战场还是鲜有大战的北部战场,两边的推进都是无比的缓慢,整个战局有一种即将陷入僵局的趋势,听说圣地高层已经又在考虑增兵的事儿了,而且这次不再只是低端兵力的投入,而是考虑要在高端战力上进行增加,有一批天魂导师已经出现在增援的名单上,甚至听说还有可能会有来自新的圣导师的支援…… Uses increasing of this level, that no longer is only the expansion of war, but was equal to that the rank of war will have promoted once again, the association has in Saint level expert of that terrifying quantity behind the octopus person sees, associated, once human race and gratitude and grudges between octopus people, as well as terrifying of octopus person was once formidable in the phoenix ruins treasure house to guide that oneself left behind to highest sage Teacher, one unlucky premonition has put on the Wang Zhong heart China , Vietnam is bigger. 动用到这个层次的增派,那就已经不再只是战局的扩大,而等于是战事的级别将再度提升了,联想起自己在章鱼人后方所见到的那恐怖数量的圣级强者,联想到至圣导师在凤凰遗迹宝库中给自己留下的指引、曾经人类章鱼人之间的恩怨、以及曾经章鱼人的恐怖强大,一种不祥的预感已经在王重的心中越放越大。 The octopus person has without doubt attempt, moreover is attempt of humongous, other human race Heroic Soul Grade strength loses again much, may affect the human race long-term development, but is not enough to vacillate human race in the short time in the basis of Holy Land rule, can vacillate truly immediately fundamentally, is big Teacher and Saint Teacher rank, once the expert mass of this rank enters Misso proclamation compared with the world, the buckle here, that will give the attack that human race will bring again is absolutely the destruction nature. 章鱼人无疑是有所企图的,而且是巨大的企图,人类英魂级别的战力就算损失再多,或许会影响人类长远的发展,但并不足以在短时间动摇人类圣地统治的根本,真正能立刻动摇根本的,是大导师和圣导师的级别,一旦这个级别的强者大批量进入米索布达比世界,再折损在这里,那给人类带来的打击将会是绝对的毁灭性质。 Should to warn to the Holy Land high level, was going against just the fact that returned from the octopus people, own words could cause Holy Land high-level attach great importance, naturally, this need way, high-level was not your Heroic Soul Teacher wants to contact to be able after to contact, Wang Zhong was pondering over can help itself transmit these words medium, first thought naturally is the present directly leads the boss, Sophia big Teacher. 应该要给圣地的高层示警了,顶着刚刚从章鱼人大后方归来的事实,自己的话或许能引起圣地高层的一些重视,当然,这需要途径,毕竟高层不是你一个英魂导师想接触就能接触到,王重在琢磨着可以帮自己传递这句话的‘中介’,首先想到的自然就是自己现在直接的领导上司,索菲亚导师 ( Partners, asked a monthly ticket, thank!) (伙伴们,求一张月票,感谢!)
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