BF :: Volume #8

#124: Aiolos wish

Can see in three Heavenly Soul gods, two obviously Federation person from Federation, another skin Bai Ze, blond, wears a western-style coattails, as if came from expert in Empire aspect. Possibly some audiences will have doubts, but in sacred Holy Land, Federation and Empire does not divide family property, we are human race...” “能看到三位天魂神明中,两位显然是来自联邦联邦人,另一位的皮肤白泽,金发碧眼,穿着一身欧式的燕尾服,似乎是来自帝国方面的强者。可能有的观众会疑惑,但在神圣的圣地中,联邦帝国并不分家,我们都是人类…” Some city of people new world came out!” “新世界之城有人出来了!” Innumerable singing the praises and in the commendation awe into submission submissive, had scene to change the city gate direction finally, has caused the small tumult. 无数的歌功颂德和称赞慑服中,终于有镜头转向了城门方向,引起了一点小小的骚动。 Is the city of city of new world Lord Ma Dong! He once was the Assassin successor and spokesman, he behind also with many Assassin followers. Can look on this new city main face, although not the color of fearing, but actually quite depressed, facing three Heavenly Soul expert, their these troops does not have the strength of revolt obviously! But everybody anticipated, once in the Zhao Family Tianlong campaign blossomed in radiant splendor actually had not made an appearance in CHF and in All-Mouthy King Wang Zhong that! Has dreaded three Heavenly Soul expert? It seems like today will be the lopsided slaughter!” “是新世界之城的城主马东!他曾是阿萨辛的继承者和代言人,他身后还跟着许多阿萨辛的追随者。看得出来这位新任城主的脸上虽然并无惧怕之色,但却相当的沮丧,面对三位天魂强者,他们这些人马显然毫无反抗之力!而大家期待中的、曾经在CHF、在赵家天龙战役中大放异彩的嘴强王者王重却并没有露面!是畏惧了三位天魂强者吗?看来今天将会是一面倒的屠杀!” Wang Zhong is legend(ary), but wants to challenge Federation once strong lawful right by strength of the, such idea obviously was extremely weak, but had been a pity the city of entire new world, everybody knows the city of new world this just rose had achieved various magnificent achievements in the past several months, broke many Federation old some thought style and Rules...” 王重是一个传奇,但以一己之力就想挑战联邦曾经的强势权柄,这样的想法显然还是太过幼稚了,只是可惜了整座新世界之城,大家都知道这座刚刚崛起的新世界之城在过去的几个月里取得了各种辉煌的成就,打破了许多联邦旧有的思维方式规则…” The voice of reporters also in sound, but before the city gate, the brow of Zhao Chen wrinkled. 记者们的声音还在响动着,而在城门前,赵尘的眉头已经皱了起来。 Two helpers were he think of every means to owe the Boss the favour to invite, but to provide against contingencies, if Wang Zhong came, but also brought his ally, he must be absolutely safe, Zhao Chen naively to thinking the Wang Zhong situation, was loner one. 两个帮手是他费尽心思欠了老大人情请来的,只是为了以防万一,万一王重来了,还带来他的盟友,那他必须万无一失,赵尘可不会天真到认为到了王重的地步,还是孤家寡人一个。 What a pity, has not felt the expert aura. 可惜,并没有感受到强者的气息。 Also good, perhaps this is also the signal that Wang Zhong gives, is not willing with him for the enemy. 也好,说不定这也是王重给的信号,不愿意和他为敌。 Has the courage to do does not have courage to undertake.” The sound sound that Zhao Chen lets somebody cool off or calm down spreads the trim earth: Wang Zhong to my Zhao Family actions, I will double past today presents also! Extinguished your Assassin remnant(s), goes to Holy Land not to have the thing of egg to tear to shreds that again!” “有胆子做却没胆子来承担。”赵尘冷冷的声音响遍整片大地:“王重昔日对我赵家的所作所为,今日我将加倍奉还!灭了你们这些阿萨辛余孽,再去圣地将那没卵子的东西碎尸万段!” Death!” “死!” Does not give the opportunity that Ma Dong and the others spoke, not angry and do discontented that when Wang Zhong Zhao Chen been filled with, what have to say with these? His palm lifts, electricity of wild energy from his hand shoots, just likes small Sun and has the terrifying momentum, to sweep across the hurricane bang to the city gate position that Ma Dong and the others are, must, grind the dregs their in a flash destruction! 根本不给马东等人说话的机会,没有等到王重赵尘已经满心的愤怒和不满,和这些喽啰有什么好说的?他手掌微抬,一股狂暴的能量从他手中电射而出,犹如一颗小太阳般、带着恐怖的声势、席卷着飓风轰向马东等人所在的城门位置,要将他们瞬间覆灭、碾碎成渣! The opposite party does not give any protracted completely the opportunity, Ma Dong is also one darkly sighs a forced smile, wants to delay time by the glib lips, strives to have a look also to have other opportunity, may look like does not have this opportunity. In the Gong Yi mouth this Great God was miserable own pit, is good had expected that three days ago such situation, opened with excuse Emily ahead of time, a number of Assassin faithful follower, oneself have not been able to run away, if oneself ran away, the opposite party came to the city of new world unable to find the person, definitely met the calamity and entire city. 对方完全不给任何拖延的机会,马东也是一声暗叹一声苦笑,本来是想靠嘴皮子拖延一点时间,争取看看还有没有别的机会,可看来是没这机会了。宫益口中这位大神可是把自己坑惨了,好在三天前的自己就已经预料到了这样的情况,提前将艾蜜丽尔用借口支开了,还有一批阿萨辛的忠实追随者,自己不能逃,自己如果逃了,对方来新世界之城找不到人,必然会祸及全城。 So long as Emily lives, so long as Wang Zhong still, also has rises and also has for the opportunity that oneself revenge! 而只要艾蜜丽尔活下来,只要王重还在,就还有重新崛起、还有替自己报仇的机会! Finally also has hope, the Ma Dong peaceful closing eye, that small Sun energy ball is very dazzling. 总算是还有一丝希望,马东安静的闭上眼睛,那小太阳般的能量球实在刺眼得很。 Assassin ended! The city of new world ended! attack from Zhao Family peerless expert!” 阿萨辛完了!新世界之城完了!来自赵家绝世强者攻击!” How fearful attack! My eye is unable to look straight ahead! I...” The report on Skylink is still continuing, may actually suddenly stop. “多么可怕的攻击!我的眼睛根本都无法直视!我…”天讯上的报道还在持续着,可却在突然间嘎然而止。 The entire world seems to be peaceful in this in a flash, Ma Dong closed eye also several seconds, the destruction in imagination has not actually arrived, the airborne that dazzling golden light was not , the deterrent that even that terrifying attack brought continually in an instant was extinguishing in invisible. 整个世界仿佛在这瞬间安静下来,马东闭上眼睛也好几秒了,想象中的毁灭却并没有到来,空中那刺眼的金光已经不在,甚至连那恐怖攻击所带来的威慑都在刹那间消弭于无形。 The appearance that was naked the strong form of upper body to be quietly outside the city gate, that was bringing the terrifying momentum energy ball a moment ago, gently was kicked unexpectedly by his foot, looked like plays an ordinary rubber ball, in a flash flees the upper air disappearing trace. 一个赤裸着上身的强壮身影悄无声息的出现在了城门外,刚才那带着恐怖声势的能量弹,竟然被他一只脚就轻轻踢飞,就像是踢一颗再普通不过的皮球,瞬间就窜上高空不见了踪影。 This is... Ma Dong opens eyes suddenly, sees only that grandiose form not to look at airborne that three Heavenly Soul one from the start, but said to him with a smile: „Are you Ma Dong? Has caught up fortunately, hē hē, the Amazon Empire person was not friendly to me, sits their Transfer Array to spend a time.” 这是…马东猛然睁眼,只见那壮硕的身影压根都没看空中那三个天魂一眼,而是对他笑着说道:“你就是马东?还好赶上了,呵呵,亚马逊帝国的人对我可不怎么友好,坐他们的传送阵花费了点时间。” „...” Ma Dong has opened the mouth, has forgotten accordingly, is this, Great God in Gong Yi mouth? Melted opposite party Heavenly Soul expert attack superficially, looks like probably is very strong appearance, but the opposite party is three Heavenly Soul, Great God looks like is also quite young, doesn't this have the issue really? “…”马东张大了嘴巴,都忘了应声,这、就是宫益口中的大神吗?轻描淡写的化解了对方天魂高手攻击,看起来好像是很强的样子,但对方可是三个天魂啊,大神看起来又好年轻,这真没问题吗? Future who? Dares to block my road, in report comes!” Zhao Chen can feel that light power and influence on the opposite that fellow sending out, although and was inferior that ordinary Heavenly Soul expert such being assigned away from the capital that the pressure goes all out, but is this ordinary quiet, actually takes to him a fearful constriction, this person is very strong! “来者何人?敢阻我的路,报上名来!”赵尘能感受到对面那个家伙身上所散发的那种淡淡的威势,虽然并不如普通的天魂强者那样将威压拼命的外放,但就是这种普通的平静,却都带给他一种可怕的压迫感,这人很强! Speech at the same time, his behind two Heavenly Soul expert were the earliest possible time has also realized this point, the body had soul power to ferment, has prepared getting rid. 说话的同时,他身后的两个天魂高手也是第一时间意识到了这一点,身上有魂力在酝酿,做好了出手的准备。 „The person of dying, matches to ask my name?” Aiolos has smiled. “将死之人,也配问我姓名?”艾俄洛斯笑了起来。 Bold!” “大胆!” The Zhao Chen spunk emerges, although can feel the great strength of opposite party, but is indigenous Heavenly Soul on Earth, how displaying that even if empties strength also radically few understanding, to dare so to be also rampant to from holy city! His wrist|skill turns, first will give this rampant fellow lesson, has not thought that opposite party action is quicker than the glib lips! 赵尘怒意涌现,虽然能感受到对方的强大,但不过是地球上的土著天魂而已,就算空有一身力量也根本没几个懂的如何施展,竟敢也对来自圣城的自己如此嚣张!他手腕一翻,正要先给这嚣张的家伙一点教训,可没想到,对方的动作比嘴皮子更快! cēng! 噌! Wipes the pure gold ray from airborne to plunder, cuts the expansive sky, just likes lightning, in this sunny daytime appears incomparable dazzling striking, but the next second, that gold person's shadow presented in three Heavenly Soul. 一抹纯正的金色光芒从空中一掠而过,划破长空,犹如闪电,在这晴朗的白昼都显得无比的刺眼醒目,而下一秒,那金色的人影已经出现在三个天魂的身后。 In left fist of Aiolos dripping with blood, red white moistens full one, he turns around leisurely, but in the Zhao Chen body side, that Heavenly Soul expert from Empire has been similar to loses the balanced iron steelyard weight toward underground to fall down suddenly! His entire head the scrap opened. 艾俄洛斯的左拳中鲜血淋漓,红的白的沾满一手,他悠悠转身,而在赵尘的身侧,那个来自帝国天魂高手已经如同失去平衡的铁砣般朝地下猛然栽倒下去!他的整颗脑袋都已经炸碎开。 dispatch(ed), strikes dispatch(ed)! Is sending out Heavenly Soul soul power Exceed Grade expert, has not seen clearly including the fist of opposite party unexpectedly, even counterattacks or defense action not to complete continually, had been rumbled to kill! The opposite party so is superficial, links drop of perspiration not to have radically! 秒杀,一击秒杀!散发着天魂魂力超级高手,竟然连对方的拳头都没有看清,甚至连还击或者说防御的动作都没有做完,就已经被轰杀!对方还如此轻描淡写,根本连一滴汗都没有出! Entire Federation was peaceful in this in an instant, falls into the absolute deathly stillness, but under the city gate, the mouth of Ma Dong has been able to fill a big duck egg. 整个联邦都在这刹那间安静了,陷入绝对的死寂,而在城门下,马东的嘴巴则已经张得可以塞进去一个大鸭蛋。 This and this this... This really Great God! Gong Yi said a point to be good, this far more than is fiercer than Wang Zhong and Mu Zi, was simply fierce not side! Three can also the so superficial direct bang massacre Heavenly Soul by an enemy, even makes the other two not have including the opportunity of response, in society really also has such terrifying expert! 这、这这这…这真大神啊!靠,宫益说得一点都不错,这何止是比王重木子更猛,简直就已经是猛得没边了!以一敌三还能如此轻描淡写的直接轰杀掉一个天魂,甚至让另外两人连反应的机会都没有,世间竟然还有这样恐怖高手 expression on Aiolos face as before, that lazy happy expression, as if at present these three Heavenly Soul expert in his opinion and ants not different, even cannot arouse the desire that he fights, but is the coming convenient gang person tidies up wave of trash! 艾俄洛斯脸上的表情依旧,那慵懒的笑意,仿佛眼前这三个天魂高手在他看来和蝼蚁无异,甚至根本都不能激起他战斗的欲望,只不过是过来顺手帮人收拾一波垃圾! Also thinks that is what expert, depends on you also to move my brother's domain?” He looks at Zhao Chen and another Heavenly Soul lightly, like was looking at two deceased people: Next!” “还以为是什么高手,就凭你们也想动我兄弟的地盘?”他淡淡的看着赵尘和另一个天魂,就像已经在看两个死人:“下一个!” Zhao Chen dumbfounded. 赵尘呆住了。 The self-torture and experience in holy city, making him at least be a cut above other people in the vision. 在圣城中的苦修和经历,让他至少在眼界上是高人一等的。 Saw that time his in fact of this fellow had realized the opposite party is very strong, may not think that can strong to such situation, how to get rid to kill that Empire loose cultivator Heavenly Soul including him, oneself simply have not seen clearly unexpectedly! 看到这个家伙的时候他其实就已经意识到对方很强,可还是没有想到能强到这样的地步,连他到底是如何出手干掉那个帝国散修天魂的,自己竟然都根本没有看清楚! The strength disparity is too big, simply Zhao Chen vomits must die, early knows that behind the opposite party has such strength, even if were scolded ungratefully, he over, this fellow will not arrive at the critical point of breaks through Heavenly Soul bottleneck, moreover belongs to that top exist/existence, this person will have the relation with Wang Zhong, will pay attention to this vulgar matter??? 实力差距太大,赵尘简直呕的要死,早知道对方背后有这样的力量,就算被骂忘恩负义,他也不会出头的,这家伙已经到了突破天魂瓶颈的临界点,而且还属于那种顶级的存在,这种人怎么会跟王重有联系,又怎么会理会这种俗事儿??? Damn! 操! The pride and Zhao Family of Heavenly Soul glory, vanished in this in a flash does not see, what replaces it is an absolute despair and frightened. 天魂的骄傲、赵家的荣耀,在这一瞬间统统都已经消失不见,取而代之的是一种绝对的绝望和恐惧。 Zhao Chen knows that he ended. 赵尘知道,自己完了。 In the peerless war without imagination, has not imagined Heaven Falls and the Earth Splits, merely is only the airborne several flash, that formidable aura disappearance one after another, died. 没有想象中的绝世大战,更没有想象中的天崩地裂,仅仅只是空中几道闪光,那强大的气息就已经一个接一个的消失,陨落。 The help of tour of fairy tale mystical place to Aiolos is Wang Zhong and Mu Zi is unable to imagine, even these two best brothers do not know that Aiolos has experienced anything in the fairy tale mystical place, does not know actually one have helped Aiolos big busy, only then Aiolos are clearest, that series mystical place made this once pure strength soldier comprehend the true Rules strength, he has been able to cross the tribulation! 童话秘境之行对艾俄洛斯的帮助是王重木子无法想象的,甚至就连这两个最好的兄弟都根本不知道艾俄洛斯到底在童话秘境中经历过了什么,更不知道自己究竟是帮了艾俄洛斯多大的一个忙,只有艾俄洛斯自己心里最清楚,那个连环秘境让他这个曾经纯粹的力量型战士领悟了真正的规则力量,他已经可以渡劫了! But he also had the concern not, if not solve, was equal to courting death, how after all was the Pampas prince, Bloodline can giving easily, Aiolos from starting was not the heartless [say / way]. 只不过他还有心事未了,如果不解决了,等于找死,毕竟是潘帕斯的王子,血脉如何能轻易的割舍,艾俄洛斯从开始走的就不是无情之道。 After all that is Heavenly Tribulation in legend, moreover is very likely to trigger big Heavenly Tribulation by his ability! 毕竟那是传说中的天劫,而且以他的能力极有可能触发大天劫 Heroic Soul creates Heavenly Soul, that is the counter hot tribulation, the disaster came from in own strength, but Heavenly Soul personage attempts to go against heaven's will changes to assign, the unique principle, faces strength extinguishing of world kills, is formidable talent, Heavenly Tribulation that faces is also stronger. 英魂天魂,那是逆火劫,劫难源自于自身的力量,而天魂者妄图逆天改命,超脱法则,面对的则是来自天地之力的灭杀,越是强大天赋,面对的天劫也就越强。 Even if Aiolos, can have 50% to grasp goes against heaven's will very formidable was self-confident, once cross the tribulation failure, that present has been able faintly with Pampas that Amazon contends with directly, will lose most important taking advantage, let alone strives for hegemony in South America with Amazon, perhaps the entire clan and tribe will go on living continually will face the enormous difficult problem, the place that after all the Pampas clan and tribe will seize will be extremely barren, meanwhile will lack the support of Federation. 所以即便是艾俄洛斯,能有五成把握就已经是十分逆天强大的自信了,而一旦自己渡劫失败,那如今已经隐隐可以和亚马逊正面抗衡的潘帕斯,将失去了最重要的依仗,那别说和亚马逊在南美争雄,恐怕整个部族连活下去都将面临极大的难题,毕竟潘帕斯部族所占领的地方太过贫瘠,同时还缺乏联邦的支持。 Before crossing tribulation, the clan and tribe must arrange. 在渡劫之前,部族这边必须安排好。 dispatch(ed)! Three dispatch(ed)! 秒杀!三次秒杀 Three Heavenly Soul expert cannot even make any nice resistance, simply has not compelled the Aiolos true strength, including Zhao Chen, in fears extremely and shocking wants to tow the new world to be buried along with the dead at risk of life, but to ruinous attack that the city of new world sends out, superficially was melted to him by Aiolos in invisible. 三个天魂强者甚至根本都没能做出任何像样的抵抗,也根本没有逼出艾俄洛斯的真正实力,连赵尘在极度恐惧和震惊中拼死想拖着新世界陪葬,而对新世界之城发出的毁灭性攻击,都被艾俄洛斯轻描淡写就给他化解于无形。 Short a half minute, fight then had only finished, all Skylink media that is responsible for retransmitting has been shocked, the basis that in these reporter mouths muttered could not speak, looked like watched a false Heavenly Soul war, in a magnificent scene including anticipation had not seen that does not know should say anything was good. 仅只是短短半分钟,战斗便已经结束,负责转播的各方天讯媒体惊呆了,那些记者口中喃喃的根本说不出话来,就像是看了一场假的天魂大战,连一点期待中的大场面都没看到,都不知道该说什么才好。 But expert in these Ten Great Household, these in observing Earth of this place are remaining Heavenly Soul through Skylink, actually becomes in absolute shock silently. 可那些十大家族中的强者、那些通过天讯在观察着此地的地球残留天魂,却是在绝对的震撼中变得悄然无声。 If the appearance of Wang Zhong made them feel a challenged threat, appearance of that Aiolos, then looked like a warning of Fatal. 如果说王重的出现让他们感觉到了一种被挑战的威胁,那艾俄洛斯的出现,则就像是一种致命的警告了。 Too terrifying, actually only then Heavenly Soul expert can feel that superficial three fists to mean anything, this may hit Heaven Falls and the Earth Splits to be much scarier than Aiolos and Zhao Chen and the others. 恐怖了,只有天魂强者才能感受到那轻描淡写的三拳究竟意味着什么,这可远比艾俄洛斯赵尘等人打得天崩地裂要更吓人得多。 The Tianjing back is standing unexpectedly such formidable expert, this and this this... This has Saint Teacher to support anything Wang Zhong in the holy city simply faintly must be much more fearful than! After all what Saint Teacher of holy city supports anything is only everybody's guess, but his mother is close Saint Teacher exist/existence stands before you directly! 天京的背后竟然站着这样强大的强者,这、这这这…这简直比王重在圣城隐隐有圣导师支持什么的还要更可怕得多!毕竟圣城的圣导师支持什么的只是大家的猜测,可这他妈直接就是一个接近圣导师存在站在你面前啊! Ponders over, how many resources can pay to obtain one time getting rid of such great exist/existence? 琢磨一下,要付出多少资源才能获得一次这样伟大存在的出手? Tianjing, cannot provoke!” 天京,不可招惹!” Withdraw, all removes in Tianjing nearby scout the Household arrangement, did not have the significance...” “撤吧,把家族安排在天京附近的探子全撤回来,没意义了…” Mining area gives them, did not need to struggle...” “矿区让给他们,不用争了…” Terms of trade that the previous new world put forward, promised them!” “上次新世界提出的贸易条件,答应他们!” Entire Federation still when the silence, nine big Household Family Lord quietly has sent out various types order that but must carry out, is only Wang Zhong words, Ten Great Household also has the means of coping, at present the man but who this is called the brothers Wang Zhong, made them really not have including the courage of resistance. 整个联邦都还在沉默中时,九大家族家主已经悄悄发出了各种无奈而必须执行的命令,只是一个王重的话,十大家族还有对付的办法,但眼前这个把王重称为兄弟的男人,却让他们实在是连对抗的勇气都没有了。 The hōng hōng fierce start, conclusion silently, three big Heavenly Soul exposed the corpse wilderness, the people of gathering up dead bodies did not have... 轰轰烈烈的开始,悄然无声的结束,三大天魂曝尸荒野,连个收尸的人都没有… Waits to look the eating melon people that good play perhaps felt some do not get a grip, but Ma Dong in city of new world, has actually smiled the mouth unable to close up. 等着看好戏的吃瓜群众或许感觉有些不得劲,可新世界之城中的马东,却已经笑得嘴都合不拢了。 He knows certainly that the appearance and today's this fight of Aiolos mean anything, the Great God in Gong Yi mouth, is really surpasses him to anticipate that are too many, Wang Zhong really that Wang Zhong, continually recognizes brothers to recognize is so flamboyant! 他当然知道艾俄洛斯的出现和今天这场战斗意味着什么,宫益口中的这位大神,实在是超出他期待中太多,王重果然还是那个王重,连认个大哥都认得这么牛逼! Big brother! You are big brother Wang Zhong, is my big brother!” In the city main palace, Aiolos was welcomed the most honored position, received the entertainment imperially, Ma Dongdong on, this flatter on the flatter, does not bring ambiguous and shy, let alone this is to stem from the sincerity, this man is graceful and strong, if oneself the women wished one could to go to bed with him immediately, by the body allow, the cry big brother was anything: Obligation did not say thanks, big brother had anything to want me to do, although said!” “大哥!你是王重大哥,就是我大哥!”城主府中,艾俄洛斯已经被迎到了最尊贵的位置,受到了帝王般的招待,马东东屁颠屁颠的就上了,该马屁时就马屁,一点都不带含糊和害羞的,何况这本就是出自真心,这男人又帅又强,自己要是女人都恨不得马上和他上床、以身相许了,叫声大哥算什么:“大恩不言谢,大哥有什么要我做的尽管说!” Aiolos smiled , helping to walk without the choice busily immediately, but also really has the matter to with Ma Dong say: I am the Pampas prince, but is not very competent, more walks on the road of strength is farther, my hope you can help my clansman.” 艾俄洛斯笑了笑,没有选择帮完忙立刻就走,还真是有事儿要和马东说道说道:“我是潘帕斯的王子,但很不称职,在力量之路上越走越远,我希望你能帮助到我的族人。” He must before oneself cross the tribulation make the final preparation, but most makes him worry, naturally is the stability prosperity of clan and tribe. 他要为自己渡劫前做最后的准备,而最让他操心的,当然就是部族的安定繁荣。 ( Dear partners, asked a monthly ticket, thank!) (亲爱的伙伴们,求一张月票,感谢!)
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