BF :: Volume #8

#123: Is fiercer than Wang Zhong and Mu Zi?

The hand of new world has extended Tianjing each corner quickly, even the person has called country within a country the new world, here just like has with other Federation city completely different survival Rules and game Rules, just started this transformation also merely in some superficial knowledge, subtle change on original Rules, but is quick, this change penetrated into the marrow. 新世界的手很快就已经延伸到了天京的每一个角落,甚至已经又人将新世界称之为国中国,这里俨然有着和联邦其他城市完全不同的生存规则和游戏规则,刚开始这种转变还仅仅只是在一些皮毛上的,在原规则上的细微变化,可很快,这种变化就已经深入到骨髓里。 First is outside the city refugee camp that hundreds of thousands of mutant, the new Tianjing government has given high attaching great importance to and support, newly developed most mining areas outside Tianjing City is these mutant refugees of employment, but also especially organizes the army that mutant has composed, bold providing to their weapon, with deal with and exterminate mutant beast that outside Tianjing City increasingly increases. 首先就是城外难民营那数十万变异人,新天京政府给予了高度的重视和扶持,在天京城外新开发的大多数矿区都是雇佣的这些变异人难民,还专门组织了变异人所组成的军队,大胆的发放给他们武器,用以应付和清剿天京城外日渐增多的变异兽 Wealth? Ma Dong and Emily are not infatuated with these people, entire life earth-shaking, they have the new goal and idea, they want to change in the past, obsolete Order! 财富?马东艾蜜莉尔都不是迷恋这些的人,整个人生都都翻天覆地,他们有新的目标和想法,他们想去改变过去的、陈旧的秩序 This action, entire Federation in an uproar, mutant in the normal human race eye is the human race shame of dirtily not being able to withstand, they represent is the disease and disaster, as well as the riot and cannot control. From the beginning when even links the Tianjing City people who most supports the new world to be on nettles, other Federation people are waiting to look at the joke of Tianjing this overreaching oneself. When may in fact, besides from the beginning the contact barrier, in mutant elects to exchange the ability good representative and Tianjing aspect consults, all moved onto the rapid track. 动作一出,整个联邦都为之哗然,变异人在正常人类眼里一直都是肮脏不堪的人类耻辱,他们代表的就是疾病和灾难,以及暴乱和不可掌控。一开始时甚至连最支持新世界的天京市民都为之忐忑不安,联邦其他人更是都在等着看天京这个不自量力的笑话。可事实上,除了一开始时的接触障碍外,当变异人中推选出交流能力较好的代表与天京方面接洽后,一切就都步入了飞速的轨道。 Is only little food gives, these mutant displayed the unprecedented enthusiasm and working zeal . Moreover the people discovered at this time, perhaps they were ugly, was imperfect, even the intelligence degenerated, but gods, since confiscated their wisdom, naturally also will give the corresponding physical ability to balance, these usually by mutant that normal human race despised, each was having ordinary human race the physical quality that was hard to hope to attain, their strength was greatly infinite, they not to fear that dirty did not fear did not fear painstakingly tired, for a steamed bun, they can erupt the average man the work enthusiasm that was hard to imagine. But most makes the so-called rebellion that the Federation person is worried about simply not occur, new world that leader as if there is incomparably thorough understanding to these mutant, understood that their all habits even are the society constitute, has grasped easily their life, from the beginning directly has rejected in mutant these extreme terrifying individual fleeing criminal members, does not have instigatation and guidances of these people, the management of mutant becomes exceptionally relaxed, has not had in the people false appearance completely everywhere the aspect of rebellion. 仅仅只是一点点食物的给予,这些变异人就表现出了空前的热情和干劲,而且人们这时才发现,他们或许是丑陋的、不完善的,甚至智力退化,但神明既然没收了他们的智慧,自然也会给予相应的体能来平衡,那些平时被正常人类所鄙夷的变异人,每一个都拥有着普通人类难以企及的身体素质,他们力大无穷、他们不怕脏不怕苦不怕累,为了一个馒头,他们能爆发出常人难以想象的工作热情。而最让联邦人担心的所谓叛乱也根本没有发生,新世界那位首领仿佛对这些变异人有着无比深入的了解,了解他们的一切习性甚至是社会构成,轻易就把握了他们的命脉,从一开始就直接剔除了变异人中那些极端恐怖的个别逃犯分子,没有这些人的教唆和引导,变异人的管理变得异常的轻松,完全没有发生人们假象中处处暴动的局面。 Entire Federation is willing to provide the job to mutant only the city...... Has more and more mutant refugees to start toward the Tianjing migration, various employment opportunities, the economic development and topic effect that therefore leads, let cross the unpleasant common people in other city also toward the Tianjing migration, city of Tianjing City and new world mutually becomes the corner, connected one piece gradually, was only an ordinary city, in a short time really had the scale embryonic form of Federation Exceed Grade heavy city. 联邦唯一肯给变异人提供工作机会的城市……有越来越多的变异人难民在开始往天京迁移,因此而带动起来的各种就业机会、经济发展、话题效应,让很多在别的城市过得不如意的平民也在往天京迁移,天京城和新世界之城互成犄角,渐渐连接成了一片,原本只是一个普通的一线城市,短时间内却竟然就已经有了联邦超级重城的规模雏形。 But this has not calculated that is following close on second largest action after mutant, came from among the trade with Empire. 而这还不算完,紧跟着变异人之后的第二个大动作,就是来自和帝国之间的通商。 That side Africa came some people, it is said new promote of that in the desert in the city of Kacsir new world rises is the head, even also had also comes the person in Earth another side Amazon. 非洲那边来了一些人,据说正是那座在沙漠中新晋崛起的卡奇尔塔新世界之城为首,甚至还有更远在地球另一边的亚马逊也来人了。 They come through the transfer channel, the city of new world did not have first to restart once the Fifth Dimension plan of Assassin, but these transfer resources first used, in has connected African and on Amazon Empire Transfer Array. Person who coming are not many, but has actually brought the massive opportunities, after all the person comes to be very troublesome, needs the Life protection, but must consume massive energy, but if carries on the pure commodity to ship with the transfer channel, that is much easier. 他们是通过传送通道过来的,新世界之城并没有第一时间重启曾经阿萨辛第五维度计划,而是将那些传送资源首先用在了连接非洲和亚马逊帝国传送阵上。过来的人不多,但却带来了大量的商机,毕竟人过来很麻烦,需要生命保护,还要消耗大量的能量,但如果只是用传送通道进行单纯的物资运送,那就要容易得多。 Federation major Household stare dumbfounded. 联邦各大家族瞠目结舌。 Does business with the Empire person? This is not considered as that the action of opening remarks beginning, once also had many seeks after the smuggled goods who the sudden and huge profits carry on the transfer smuggling, that type is against the Federation law, there are like Stuart and Kaiser Empire carries on the international trade, to promote Federation and Empire relations, but Tianjing this time, is actually Federation first on outwardly officially with the influence of Empire folk trade. 帝国人做生意?这并不算是首开先河之举,曾经也有很多贪图暴利进行传送走私的私贩,那种是触犯联邦法律,也有像斯图亚特凯撒帝国那样进行国际贸易、以增进联邦帝国关系的,但天京这次,却是联邦第一个在明面上正式和帝国民间通商的势力。 Before the Federation limit and Empire trade, to prevent Empire developed, but new world no matter actually this set, tossed about Ten Great Household these matters like them, did not have the custom in this group of person eyes on his mother from the start. But this group of person opportunities pay special attention well, Federation Parliament regarding this unexpectedly default! Because must say that limits Empire and so on, since Solomon enters the Holy Land high-level line of sight, this limit again did not have the significance, the pattern was already broken, but Parliament and Ten Great Household also places in the line of sight the result of this holy war, was waiting for that final judging, wants to settle down, therefore had not realized that snatches this offensive, finally actually completely was not fastidious about forestalling of Rules by Tianjing this group. 以前联邦限制和帝国通商,是为了防止帝国发展起来,可新世界却不管这套,就像他们折腾十大家族那些事儿一样,在这帮人眼里压根就他妈没有规矩可言。可这帮人时机抓得好啊,联邦议会对此竟然默认了!因为要说限制帝国之类,自从所罗门进入圣地高层视线后,这种限制就已经再也没有意义了,格局早已被打破,只是议会十大家族都还将视线放在这次圣战的结果上,在等待一个最后的宣判,要等尘埃落定,因此没有意识到去抢这个先手而已,结果却被天京这帮完全不讲究规则的抢了个先。 Parliament default at the same time, in fact also wants to have a look at other Ten Great Household people's responses, a series of wrist|skill reform of new world fundamentally touched the Ten Great Household benefit, although the method is not quite a little tasteful, but in fact this is Parliament has wanted to do matter that but has not made, they are happy to see bothering who this braves newly is own explorer soldier. But Ten Great Household aspect, finally also under various pressures and were not feeling well start to voice repeatedly. 议会默认的同时,其实也是想看看十大家族其他人的反应,新世界的一系列手腕改革已经从根本上触动了十大家族的利益,尽管手段有点不太讲究,但其实这一直就是议会想要做而没做成的事儿,他们乐于看到这个新冒出来的搅局者当自己的探路兵。而十大家族方面,终于也是在各种压力和不爽下开始频频发声了。 On Skylink flooded everywhere is being Ten Great Household said that the media sound, various condemnation new world destroyed the Federation original custom and pattern, Ten Great Household, or some Family Lord in nine big Household also repeatedly publicly reprimanded various new world not tasteful reform behaviors on Skylink, said that they will bring the turmoil of human race society, becomes the root of disaster, but the thunderclap big raindrop was small, although the reprimanding sound was big, actually nobody wanted first to jump to work as this person who takes the lead, put together life and death with the new world. 天讯上到处都充斥着为十大家族说项的媒体声音,各种谴责新世界破坏联邦原有的规矩和格局,十大家族,或者说九大家族中的一些家主也都频频在天讯上公开斥责新世界各种不讲究的改革行为,说他们将带来人类社会的动乱,会成为祸乱的根源,可是雷声大雨点小,斥责声虽然大,却没人愿意第一个跳出来当这个出头鸟,和新世界拼个你死我活。 Ten Great Household was passing the buck, was instigating in secret, all people in waiting and seeing were waiting for that was waiting for had other person unable to endure patiently this group of extremely arrogant ignorant bothering first, but finally, enough three months later, finally had the sound to brave. 十大家族相互推诿着,暗中怂恿着,所有人都在观望都在等待,等待着有别的人先忍耐不住这帮狂妄无知的搅局者,而终于,足足三个月之后,才终于有声音冒了出来。 Zhao Family! 赵家 That surviving big Teacher of holy city, returned from travelling of Dimension world. 来自圣城的那位残存的大导师,从维度世界的游历中归来了。 Delayed was so long, said that was goes the Dimension world to travel not to have first to obtain the news, but all people know that this was only the word of dodging, the Zhao Family destruction so big event, was Zhao Family last Heavenly Soul expert because goes out to travel not to know? Hasn't brought Skylink? Wizard letter! 拖延了这么久,说是前去维度世界游历没有第一时间得到消息,但所有人都知道这只是推托之词,赵家覆灭如此大的事件,身为赵家最后一位天魂强者会因为外出游历而不知道?没带天讯吗?鬼才信! The truth only then one, that was he uses has prepared completely sufficient these days, perhaps has been levelling or found out Wang Zhong in secret in the relationship network and energy of holy city, possibly was prepares anything to put to death Wang Zhong Exceed Grade soul weapon sufficiently...... No matter anything, Zhao Family came back finally, sends out the counter-attack of most force, returns to Earth first day, Zhao Family this Heavenly Soul big Teacher said: Three days later destroys completely Tianjing! 真相只有一个,那就是他利用这段时间做好了完全的充足准备,或许是已经在暗中摆平或者摸清了王重在圣城的关系网和能量,也可能是去准备了什么足以诛杀王重超级魂器……不管是什么,赵家终于回来了,发出最强力的反击,回到地球的第一天,赵家这位天魂导师就已经放话:三天之后灭掉天京 He exerts its utmost! 他势在必得! Talked wildly for three days, was because he knows that Wang Zhong placed in the holy war, did not come back, nobody rescued the new world! 放言三天,是因为他知道王重身处圣战之中,回不来,没人救得了新世界! The time to the average person looked that Zhao Chen does not fear Wang Zhong, but does not want to fight with Wang Zhong, chooses this opportunity to settle the gratitude and grudges, he for Zhao Family revenging, but also only stops in this! 时间是给普通人看的,赵尘并不惧怕王重,但也不想和王重交手,选择这个时机就是为了了结恩怨,他为赵家“报仇”了,但也仅止于此! To kill him has prepared for enough three months facing one, moreover is younger than Zhao Ba, Peak, Heavenly Soul big Teacher of exist/existence any physical defect, won't Wang Zhong come back to meet the challenge, to come back to bring death? new city that gave up this just developing? 面对一个为了杀他而准备了足足三个月,而且比赵霸更年轻、更巅峰,不存在任何身体缺陷的天魂导师,王重会回来迎接挑战、回来送死吗?还是放弃这座刚刚发展起来的新城市 The Federation people who does not know the circumstances of the matter are waiting and seeing, are guessing, are discussing. 不知情的联邦人都在观望着,在猜测着,在议论着。 Said honestly that Wang Zhong initially extinguished kills Zhao Ba that war, in the expert eye is to have many coincidences, explains the Zhao Ba Black Dragon to kill, and is not only only because the explanation of Wang Zhong to strength and decomposes ability to suffice, are more, came from Zhao Ba own weak, it is said the Heavenly Soul end, many people die on backlash of their style. 坦白说,王重当初灭杀赵霸那一战,在高手眼里是有着许多巧合的,破解赵霸黑龙杀的,并不仅仅只是因为王重对力量的解读和分解能力够强,更多的,还是来自赵霸自身的不支,据说天魂末期,很多人都是死在自己招式的反噬上。 But now Zhao Family Heavenly Soul big Teacher that prepares to return sufficiently, similarly as four stars, has compared with the body and age of Zhao Ba Peak, has a more sufficient preparation, has a more thorough understanding to Wang Zhong, moreover prepares such for a long time, as holy city big Teacher, won't he have the helper? Only feared goes to Tianjing really does not stop is Heavenly Soul, may be two, even are more! If Wang Zhong dares to come, experts most likely recognized that he must die without doubt! 而现在准备充足重新归来的赵家天魂导师,同样身为四星,却有着比赵霸更为巅峰的身体和年龄,有着更充足的准备,对王重也有着更深入的了解,而且准备这么久,身为圣城大导师,他会没有帮手?只怕真去天京的绝不止是一位天魂,有可能是两位,甚至更多!如果王重真的敢来,十之八九的内行都认定他将必死无疑! What to do should Wang Zhong? What to do should the new world? Several big Household in smiling, these just had little human appearance mutant, these just to obtain the Empire person of advantage from the commercial intercommunication of Federation, and even this entire just marched into the orbital rapid development new city, everyone in worrying, but as control in city of new world, Ma Dong is worried that the head, he even has not been white able to relate on Wang Zhong for these days, probably before , heard Wang Zhong in Holy Land since the new duty, basic on relation not on. 王重该怎么办?新世界又该怎么办?几大家族在微笑着,那些刚刚有了一点点人样的变异人、那些刚刚从联邦的商业互通中得到好处的帝国人,乃至这整座刚刚步入轨道飞速发展的新城市,每一个人都在担忧着,而作为新世界之城的掌控者,马东更是愁白了头,他这几天甚至都没能联系上王重,好像之前就听说王重圣地又进入新的任务中了,根本就联系不上。 But left Wang Zhong, said honestly that the area next to a city wall of new world originally not with the strength that Heavenly Soul expert contends with. Other Household do not dare to begin to Tianjing at this time, that is because is afraid the retaliation from Wang Zhong, but Zhao Family this did not fear that their Zhao Family had already been done the destruction by Wang Zhong, anything does not have remaining, all alone, barefoot does not fear to put on shoes, single Heavenly Soul that wants to take revenge wholeheartedly is most fearful exist/existence, he fears a wool...... 而离开了王重,坦白说,新世界之城根本就没有和一个天魂强者抗衡的实力。其他家族不敢在这种时候对天京动手,那是因为害怕来自王重的报复,可赵家这位不怕啊,他们赵家早就已经被王重搞得覆灭了,什么都没剩下,孤身一人,正所谓光脚的不怕穿鞋的,独身的、一心想要复仇的天魂才是最可怕的存在,他怕个毛…… On the Skylink signal presented the face of Gong Yi, Old Wang said that meets the matter that could not solve to look for you, had any excellent plan a bit faster to say!”. 天讯的信号上出现了宫益的脸,“老王说遇到解决不了的事儿就找你,有什么锦囊妙计快点说!”。 Relax, Wang Zhong and Mu Zi, although temporarily not on, but we have fiercer Great God!” Opposite Gong Yi smiles very brightly. “放心,王重木子虽然暂时不上,但我们还有一个更猛的大神!”对面的宫益笑得很灿烂。 Ma Dong has gawked staring, brow quick twisted into the '川' character: „...... Also can have compared with Old Wang and Mu Zi fiercer Great God? The eunuches, don't you coax I? That is 3 Stars big Teacher of holy city, did not chat, extremely urgent matter now!” 马东愣了愣,眉头都快拧成川字了:“更……还能有比老王木子更猛的大神?老宫,你不是忽悠我吧?那是圣城的三星导师,可不是说笑,火烧眉毛啊现在!” Hahaha, you put 120 hearts, let alone any 3 Stars big Teacher, should better make their more than one time come several, Great God completely helped you attend to conveniently, a solution!” 哈哈哈,你就放120个心吧,别说一个什么三星导师,最好让他们一次多来几个,大神顺手就全部帮你料理了,一次解决!” „...... Real false?” It is not does not believe Gong Yi, is such matter too is really unthinkable, how many but also comes? In this world also has to solve several Heavenly Soul expert expert one time? What Great God is that? Stands on the side of oneself, don't oneself know? “……靠,真的假的?”不是不相信宫益,实在是这样的事儿实在太匪夷所思,还多来几个?这世界上还有能一次性解决好几个天魂高手强者?那得是什么样的大神?还是站在自己一边的,自己怎么不知道? Gong Yi kept guessing, but mysterious said with a smile: Relax, I inform Great God, busy of Wang Zhong, Great God definitely to help first! Is two days later? You prepare to receive the work on line!” 宫益卖了个关子,只是神秘的笑着说道:“放心吧,我先通知大神,王重的忙,大神肯定帮!是两天之后吗?你准备好接待工作就行!” Hangs up the Gong Yi communication, Ma Dong is also felt that zhang (3.33 m) two monks cannot feel the brains, compared with Wang Zhong and Mu Zi fiercer Great God? He has not known that on really Earth also has this exist/existence unexpectedly, probably before , is to listen to Old Wang has mentioned, Old Wang and Mu Zi, their also when the Fifth Dimension world travels companion who knows, is very fierce, but must say that is fiercer than Wang Zhong and Mu Zi, Ma Dong thought that this words are not very reasonable, otherwise Old Wang drew in the holy war to help Mu Zi, how to have drawn other this? 挂断宫益的通讯,马东也是感觉丈二和尚摸不着头脑,比王重木子更猛的大神?他还真不知道地球上居然还有这种存在,好像之前是听老王提到过,老王木子,他们两个还有一个在第五维度世界游历时结识的同伴,也很厉害,但要说比王重木子更猛,马东觉得这种话很不靠谱,否则老王木子拉去了圣战里帮忙,怎么没拉另外这位呢? Possibly is Gong Yi about the Heavenly Soul strength did not know that also possibly is the Gong Yi not clear Wang Zhong present strength, to once Wang Zhong of ordinary Heroic Soul boundary weigh...... Did not have the means that now in any case also relation not on Wang Zhong, no matter in the Gong Yi mouth this were blown mysterious its profound Great God is really flamboyant or false flamboyant, now is also new world only counting on. 可能是宫益天魂的实力并不怎么了解吧,也可能是宫益并不清楚王重现在的实力,还是以曾经普通英魂境界的王重来衡量……没办法了,现在反正也联系不上王重,不管宫益口中这位被吹得玄乎其玄的大神到底是真牛逼还是假牛逼,现在也已经是新世界唯一的指望了。 Prepares to receive the work...... Ma Dong scratches the head: Also does not know that what this Great God likes, forgot to ask a moment ago that is the beautiful woman? Good food? One may not have the soul power crystal stone that these Empire Heavenly Soul expert regard as important, yeah, really the headache died. 准备接待工作吧……马东挠挠头:也不知道这位大神喜欢什么,刚才都忘了问问,是美女?还是美食?自己可没有那些帝国天魂高手看重的魂力晶石,哎,真是头疼死了。 Two days of flash, city of Tianjing and new world...... 两天的时间一晃而过,天京、新世界之城…… Line of sight of entire Federation at this time centralized here, was different copes with Wang Zhong record in secret from previous Zhao Family, on Skylink this time has carried on the foreign public live transmission, several hundred Skylink instruments and participation from dozens media, naturally were distant hiding in the safe position, was reporting this Zhao Family the war of revenge. 整个联邦的视线此时都集中在了这里,不同于上次赵家对付王重的暗中录制,天讯上这次进行了对外公开的直播,有数百台天讯仪器、来自数十家媒体的参与,当然都是远远的躲在安全的位置,报道着这次赵家的复仇之战。 In the city wall in city of enough 20 meters high new world guards stern, hundreds of new world guard soldier, standing of complexion quiet is doing the standing guard work of their official duty under the city wall or the city gate, but front door, although opens wide, but does not have the stream of people of coming and going like the ordinary day, appears infrequently visited, entire Federation knows that the war of today's revenge will certainly start outside the front door of city of this new world, common people not courage that even if not fear death at this time swaggering passes and out the city from here. 足足20米高的新世界之城的城墙上守卫森严,数以百计的新世界卫队战士们,面色平静的站在城墙上或城门下做着他们本职的站岗工作,只是大门虽然敞开,但却并不像平日那样有着来来去去的人流,显得门可罗雀,整个联邦都知道今天的复仇之战必将在这新世界之城的大门外打响,就算是再不怕死的平民也没胆子在这时候大摇大摆的从这里进出城。 But open distant place outside city, has many from Federation regional media reporters, is going all out to Skylink scene is disseminating news. 而在城外空阔的远处,有着多家来自联邦各地的媒体记者,正在对着天讯镜头卖力的播报着。 Fellow Skylink friends, we outside the city gate of city of new world, are braving the Life danger for the entire process of war of everybody live transmission century at this time!” Has the beautiful woman reporter with emotions was shouting to scene loudly: Everybody knows that before this at Tianlong City has had the matter, knows the rising course of city of new world......” “各位天讯朋友们,我们此时正在新世界之城的城门外,冒着生命危险为大家直播这次世纪之战的全过程!”有美女记者动情的对着镜头大声喊着:“大家都知道此前在天龙城发生过的事儿,也都知道新世界之城的崛起历程……” Viewer friends! I am in tense and disturbed mood stand here, continuously only Heavenly Soul expert in Federation legend, little has extremely openly makes an appearance, let alone agrees to carry on such actual combat retransmission, this is historical one step surmounts! Is allows our general ordinary Federation common people to understand the human race top level strength a precious opportunity! Each scene of today will become historical in a flash, can stand carries on the live broadcast for everybody here, I will feel being honored extremely!” “观众朋友们!我怀着紧张而忐忑的心情站在这里,一直只在联邦传说中的天魂高手,极少有公开露面的时候,更别说同意进行这样的实战转播,这是历史性的一步跨越!是让我们广大普通联邦平民了解人类高层次战力的一个珍贵机会!今天的每一个镜头都将成为历史性的瞬间,能站在这里为大家进行实况转播,我感到万分的荣幸!” Earth Federation friends......” “地球联邦的朋友们……” The voices of innumerable reporter are making a sound on the Skylink different channels smoothly, is loud and clear, Heavenly Soul, phrase of taboo, Holy Land, the how sacred and mysterious place, this is Federation first time opens wide similar news to the public common people, in addition now the popularization of Skylink, the attention of big and attraction its information content, at is not in the Federation history any other events can compare. 无数记者的声音在天讯不同的频道上畅响着,掷地有声,天魂,多么禁忌的字眼儿,圣地,多么神圣而神秘的地方,这还是联邦第一次对公众平民敞开类似的消息,加上如今天讯的普及,其信息量之大、吸引的关注之多,根本不是联邦历史上其他任何事件可以比拟。 Entire Federation in boiling, may by Transfer Array of city of new world, Ma Dong actually be back and forth crosses the step that joins hands behind the back to keep, anxious incomparable waiting. 整个联邦都在沸腾着,可在新世界之城的传送阵旁,马东却是背着手不停的来回渡步,焦急无比的等待。 Has not made an appearance that Great God that Gong Yi said to the present, although had confirmed with Gong Yi yesterday evening over and over, Great God obtained the news, and affirmed that will arrive on time to help, will connect Transfer Array of city of new world to come from Amazon, but this second has not seen the Great God honorable person, Ma Dong this heart may really unable to put. 宫益所说的那位大神到现在都还没有露面,虽然昨天晚上已经和宫益再三确认过了,大神已经得到消息,并且表示肯定会准时到达帮这个忙,会从亚马逊那边连接新世界之城的传送阵过来,可这一秒没有见到大神真人,马东这心可就实在是放不下来。 8.4 15 and 8.5 ten and nine points...... 8.415分、8.5十、九点…… hōng! 轰! The terrifying sonic bang sound resounds outside city together. 一道恐怖的音爆声在城外响起。 Toot toot toot toot honk...... 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟…… That is the city garrison alarm sound. 那是城防的警报声。 City hosts and city hosts! The enemies raid!” “城主、城主!敌袭!” City Lord, there are three! Is Heavenly Soul expert, went to outside city, Great God? Hasn't come?” Has the Assassin trusted friend to clash to notify anxiously. “城主,有三个!都是天魂高手,到城外了,大神呢?还没来吗?”有阿萨辛的心腹焦急的冲进来报信。 Ma Dong complexion suddenly from anxiously becomes pale, Great God has not come, but the enemy came, and...... Three! 马东脸色猛然从焦急变得苍白,‘大神’还没来,可敌人已经来了,而且……还是三个之多! Ended...... Let alone that so-called Great God has not come, how even if came? Three Heavenly Soul expert, big Teacher from holy city, has eaten the previous owing previous lesson, at this time perhaps Wang Zhong arrived is unable to strive to turn the tide, destruction that the city of new world just rose, such quickly must appear briefly unexpectedly under a more formidable strength? 完了……别说那位所谓的‘大神’还没来,就算来了又如何?三位天魂高手,其中一位还是来自圣城的大导师,吃过了上次的亏上次的教训,这时候恐怕就算王重亲临也根本无法力挽狂澜,难道刚刚崛起的新世界之城,竟然这么快就要昙花一现的覆灭在更加强大的力量之下? Ma Dong is unwilling, fingernail already deep pinching in palm, but he knows that the matter only feared was beyond any help. 马东不甘,手指甲都已经深深的掐进了掌心里,可他知道,事情只怕已经无可挽回了。 Assassin remnant(s) is listening!” 阿萨辛余孽听着!” Does not wait for Ma Dong to have what action with enough time, a terrifying sound the straight as startling thunderclap has resounded outside the city, is arrogant and dignified, is having an irresistible potential, spreads over the city of entire new world, shakes faintly links that thick incomparable city wall to tremble, sends out wēng wēng wēng the trembling sound. 不等马东来得及有何动作,一个恐怖的声音已经直似惊雷般在城外响起,傲慢而威严,带着一种无可抗拒之势,传遍整座新世界之城,震得连那厚实无比的城墙都隐隐发颤,发出‘嗡嗡嗡’的震颤声。 Gives you one minute, get lost to suffer to death to me! Otherwise, massacres city the extermination of the clan, chicken dog does not remain!” “给你们一分钟时间,都给我滚出来受死!否则,屠城灭族,鸡犬不留!” wēng wēng wēng wēng wēng...... The humongous shaking whining noise, as if likely has covered up the entire world, frightening and trembles. 嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡……巨大的震鸣声,就仿佛像是遮掩了整个世界,让人恐惧和战栗。 Dear God!, three Heavenly Soul expert! Similar to god common exist/existence, simultaneously presented three unexpectedly!” The reporter on Skylink Madness, scene has aimed has plundered to empty to come, hovering that three terrifying expert outside new world city gate. 天哪,三位天魂强者!如同神一般存在,竟然同时出现了三位!”天讯上的记者已经疯狂了,镜头对准了掠空而来,悬停在新世界城门外那三位恐怖强者 Their natural flying in airborne, as if the gods same send out the gold ray to be hanging and vertical, they formidable, sacred and inviolable, in a flash that pressure proliferation surrounding area dozens li (0.5km) of sending out, making people seen has to plant the impulsion that cannot help lying prostrate in worship. 他们自然的飞在空中,仿佛神明一样散发着金色的光芒悬空而立,他们强大、神圣、不可侵犯,散发的威压扩散方圆数十里,让人在看到的一瞬间就有种忍不住要顶礼膜拜的冲动。 Sorry, I cannot bear the leg be soft, may kneel is disseminating news for everybody, I do not retrocede!” Had the reporter really unable to bear kneel, the professional accomplishment made them suppress innermost feelings that extreme fear: They are representing the Ultimate shape of our human race evolution, they are God-like exist/existence!” “抱歉,我忍不住腿软,可就算跪着为大家播报,我也绝不后退一步!”有记者已经实在忍不住跪了下去,职业的素养让他们强忍着内心那极度的恐惧:“他们代表着我们人类进化的终极形态,他们就是神一样存在!” ( Two-in-one, asked a monthly ticket, thank!!!) (二合一,求一张月票,感谢!!!)
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