BF :: Volume #8

#122: Sets up the flag

Wang Zhong static looks at this, in the heart does not have half silk pitying, in these Zhao Family guards so-called elite, which wasn't both hands is stained with completely the innumerable innocent blood? The law of the jungle, the present is they repays a debt. 王重静静的看着这一幕,心中却毫无半丝的怜悯,这些赵家卫队中的所谓精锐,哪一个不是双手沾满了无数无辜的鲜血?弱肉强食,现在是他们还债的时候了。 In his hand has gold rune to sparkle, suddenly, the golden light able to move unhindered, Earth Heroic Soul degree radically is nothing to speak to present Wang Zhong, let alone Wang Zhong, even if in Holy Land draws a disciple casually, fully can work as hundred facing such Heroic Soul. 他手中有金色符文已经在闪耀,眨眼间,金光纵横,地球英魂的程度对现在的王重来说根本就是不值一提,别说王重了,就算圣地里随便拉出来一个圣徒,面对这样的英魂都足可以以一当百。 Does not have the strength of revolt, even cannot make Wang Zhong divert attention, he looks at base and low Zhao Wuxin, meaning that but actually do not pursue, because had two forms one after the other pursued. 毫无反抗之力,甚至根本都没能让王重分心,他看着卑微的赵无心,但却并没有丝毫要追赶的意思,因为已经有两道身影一前一后的追上去了。 Zhao Wuxin only felt that the heart is beating fiercely, formerly received Wang Zhong that to strike, although there is an old ancestor to get rid for him to postpone the injury, but the chest was still the severe pain trembled, can see that Wang Zhong of distant place seemed attracted the attention by over a hundred Zhao Family person ready dead final attack, has not pursued in his direction, this let in the Zhao Wuxin heart pleasantly surprised infinite. He is 46 years old, but to Heroic Soul Soldier, he is very young, Zhao Family also has countless wealth, he also has greatly the time can enjoy the life, so long as even can evade today this calamity, in the strength of that Zhao Family big Teacher and even several thousand participation holy war juniors with the aid of the holy city, he also has the opportunity that leads Zhao Family to rise! 赵无心只感觉心脏正在剧烈的跳动,先前受王重那一击,尽管有老祖出手替他暂缓了伤势,可胸口仍旧是剧痛发颤,能看到远处的王重似乎已经被上百个赵家死士最后的攻击吸引了注意,并没有往他的方向追上来,这让赵无心心中惊喜无限。他46岁了,但对一个英魂战士来说,他还很年轻,赵家还有无数的财富,他也还有大把的时间可以享受人生,甚至只要能躲过今天这一祸,借助圣城中那位赵家导师乃至数万参与圣战子弟的力量,他还有带领赵家重新崛起的机会! That Devil has not seen itself, that Devil...... 那个魔鬼没有看到自己,那个魔鬼…… pēng! 砰! Zhao Wuxin suffers to hit hard face up falls down, this little attack of irrelevanting regarding Heroic Soul Soldier, but hits at this time on him touches the beforehand old wound, the whole body is actually similar to must disperse puts up the common ache, the chest rib is in a flash breaks, making him several want to faint. 赵无心遭受重击仰面栽倒,对于英魂战士来说本无关痛痒的一点点打击,可此时打在他身上触动之前的旧伤,浑身却如同是要散架一般的疼痛,胸口肋骨更是瞬间就重新断裂开,让他几欲晕厥。 pēng! 砰! Do not kill me! I am Zhao Family Family Lord Zhao Wuxin, my anything can give you! Our anything condition can discuss! cough cough cough!” As Zhao Family Family Lord graceful is nothing left in this time, the Zhao Wuxin whole body is trembling, ache and fear, flustered, regret, the innumerable mood and feelings well up his heart, shouting that his hissing strength uses up, pulls the injury of chest, the blood of big mouth emits, both distressed and pitiful. “不要杀我!我是赵家家主赵无心,我什么都可以给你们!我们什么条件都可以谈!咳咳咳!”身为赵家家主的优雅在此时荡然无存,赵无心浑身都在颤栗着,疼痛、恐惧、慌张、懊悔,无数情绪和感觉涌上他心头,他嘶声力竭的大喊,扯动胸口的伤势,大口的鲜血喷吐出来,既狼狈又可悲。 May pull taut his small hand not to have slightly the meaning independently, sound running of side pant pant pant pant fast is near, Ma Dong after is not fight, in this year, although enters into Heroic Soul Stage forcefully, but the speed was slower than Emily incessantly the tiny bit. 可扯住他的那只小手却没有丝毫放手的意思,旁边还有一个呼哧呼哧的声音飞快的跑近,马东毕竟不是战斗型,这一年来虽然强行迈入英魂期,可速度却比艾蜜丽尔慢了不止一星半点。 Sees clearly us.” Emily mentioned him before oneself body, making him see clearly itself and Ma Dong face. “看清楚我们。”艾蜜丽尔将他提到了自己身前,让他看清楚了自己和马东的脸。 Assassin......” Zhao Wuxin is trembling, in the look has the hatred, what may be more is frightened: We can discuss! My Zhao Family also has......” 阿萨辛……”赵无心战栗着,眼神中有着怨毒,可更多的还是恐惧:“我们可以谈!我赵家还拥有……” ...... 噗…… The Zhao Wuxin words have not exported, two eyes stared rouse the circle, who handle sharp incomparable dagger is quietly his chest, was bringing violently poisonously, has the corrosion effect of strong effect, making Zhao Wuxin feel that the entire heart just likes by myriad insects worries. 赵无心的话还没出口,两只眼睛已经瞪得鼓圆,一柄锋锐无比的匕首悄无声息的扎进了他的胸口,带着剧毒,有着强效的腐蚀效果,让赵无心感觉整颗心脏犹如被万千虫蚁撕咬。 At this moment, ache web, but Zhao Wuxin suddenly no longer has actually cried out, he has thought suddenly the Zhao Family high level that this year these died, had discovered from their heart places a violent poisonousness of eclipse heart, the Zhao Family research master analyzes to indicate dies of this violently poisonous under person certainly incomparable pain, this once made Zhao Family countless people angry, has not thought that today actually was also tasted such taste by oneself. 此时此刻,疼痛钻心,可赵无心却突然不再叫唤了,他突然想到了这一年来那些死掉的赵家高层,从他们的心脏处均发现了一种蚀心的剧毒,赵家研究师分析表明死于这种剧毒之下的人一定无比痛苦,这曾让赵家无数人为之愤怒,可没想到今天竟然也让自己尝到了这样的滋味。 A handle shining long blade appeared in the hand of Ma Dong, he has squatted, armed with knife, another hand was pulls taut the hair of Zhao Wuxin, in the sound has a calm of quiet: Finished!” 一柄明晃晃的长刀出现在了马东的手里,他蹲了下来,一手持刀,另一只手则是扯住赵无心的头发,声音中有着一种平静的沉稳:“结束了!” huā! 哗! Blade light glaring, in Zhao Wuxin at present flashes past, the play of chest could not feel sorely, the line of sight starts to upturn, sky and ground in the consciousness and line of sight that in he is barely alive finally have hit several extensions, finally lost exist/existence all significances slowly. 刀光晃眼,在赵无心的眼前一闪而过,胸口的剧疼感觉不到了,视线开始上翻,天空和地面在他最后弥留的意识和视线中打了几个转,最终慢慢的失去了存在的一切意义。 Bone common...... The Zhao Wuxin number of people tumbled several revolutions on the ground, dropped to formerly because of the crack deep place that the war split, did not see, only left behind that headless corpse as well as nearby nose oven on the ground. 骨碌碌……赵无心的人头在地上滚落了几转,跌落到先前因为大战而裂开的地缝深处,再也不见,只留下那具无头的尸体以及旁边倒栽在地上。 The autumn wind sways, the cool feeling is infinite, scorched earth on everywhere everywhere is the corpses of Zhao Family person, from the Zhao Family Heavenly Soul old ancestor, to Zhao Family Heroic Soul Soldier that these usually bluff and bluster, lies down in the ice-cold ground, does not have the individual that any can move again. 秋风吹拂,凉意无限,遍地的焦土上到处都是赵家人的尸体,上至赵家天魂老祖,下至那些平时耀武扬威的赵家英魂战士,躺在冰冷的地面,再也没有任何一个可以活动的个体。 Only remaining that float in airborne young form, after as well as the distant place big enmity must report, Assassin brother and sister who is quiet. 唯剩下那个悬浮在空中的年轻身影,以及远处大仇得报之后默然无声的阿萨辛兄妹。 Scene, these penetrate Skylink to observe here person in secret, long time becomes silent. 无论是现场,还是那些暗中透过天讯在观察着此处的人,良久都是默然无语。 Of Zhao Family Federation Ten Great Household, once an incomparably magnificent name, but once vanished like these major Household in historical arena, at this time broke loudly, does the revenge have joyfully? 联邦十大家族之一的赵家,曾经无比辉煌的一个名字,可就像那些曾经消失在历史舞台上的各大家族,此时已经轰然破碎了,复仇有快乐吗? Ma Dong and Emily have not felt that they are not the cruel people, but this is to the redemption of dead, is quiet of their innermost feelings, solves Zhao Family, the big enmity must report, they will also obtain freshman. 马东艾蜜莉尔都没有感觉到,本质上两人都不是残忍的人,但是这是对死者的救赎,也是他们内心的平静,解决赵家,大仇得报,两人也将获得新生 Holy city, the holy war......” Mo Wen is most can the direct feel Wang Zhong the be self-confident and formidable. “圣城,圣战……”墨问是最能直观感受到王重的这种自信和强大。 „The Mo Family family rule, in the clan juniors are forbid to participate in the holy war also forbidding to participate in any holy city dispute, even if Guardian......” Mo Nine in his side, position that but stands already and several months ago had change quietly. 墨家家规,族中子弟是禁止参与圣战也禁止参与任何圣城纷争的,即便身为护道者……”墨九就在他的身边,但站立的位置已经和几个月前发生了悄然的变化。 Several months ago, Mo Nine stands as guide before the Mo Wen body, leading him to go to rubbing Golden Slab, leading him to open protects the Soul Guard strength. But now, Mo Nine quietly has stood his body side. 几个月前,墨九还是以领路者的身份站在墨问身前,带着他去拓印黄金石板,带着他去开启守护魂卫的力量。可现在,墨九已经悄然站到了他的身侧。 Nine grandfathers,” Mo Xingchen show a faint smile: Mo Family Rules to preserve the strength awaits calmly the emergency, now the big world will soon approach, Mo Family must make the change.” “九爷爷,”墨星辰微微一笑:“墨家规则只是为了保存力量静待事变,如今大世即将来临,墨家也要做出改变。” Big world?” Mo Nine stares slightly, the forehead sees the perspiration slightly, naturally is not because believes that the so-called big world, the legend of that prediction has spread for several hundred years in Mo Family, one generation is protecting for the person, is waiting, possibly was waits for and protection has become a custom, suddenly must transform, making people feel does not adapt, subconscious will oppose. Let the Mo Nine forehead see the perspiration , because must contradict and calm down Mo Wen and Mo Xingchen, several months ago is also only the two of little rascal, the present air/Qi field was getting more and more powerful, the growth was too fast, making him feel the pressure frequently, but recently, this pressure was getting more and more heavy, opposes them, makes Mo Nine old Heavenly Soul feel unexpectedly like this is a little panic-stricken: Young lady chatted, according to analysis that all material feeds back, Misso proclamation does not predict the so-called big world compared with the holy war of world, if merely because of this boy......” “大世?”墨九微微一愣,额头微微见汗,当然不是因为相信所谓的大世,那预言的传说已经在墨家流传了数百年,一代代人都在守护着、等待着,可能是等待和守护已经成了一种习惯,突然要转变,让人感觉不适应,下意识的就会反对。让墨九额头见汗的,是因为要顶撞、劝住墨问墨星辰,几个月前还只是小鬼的两人,如今的气场已经越来越强盛,成长速度太快了,让他都常常感觉到压力,而最近,这种压力已经越来越重,反对他们,竟然让墨九这样的老天魂都感觉有点心慌意乱:“小姐说笑了,根据各方资料反馈回来的分析,米索布达比世界的圣战绝非预言中所谓的大世,如果仅仅只是因为这个小子……” Naturally is not.” Mo Xingchen looked like once that Mo Xingchen, age appearance not slight change, but that type the air/Qi of dust became was once more elusive, even made people feel that could not see clearly her face, just liked covers in piece of Yunshan Wu Li, the quiet temperate sound, actually just liked is whispering of god: Livelihood shifting and Xingchen/stars fight of extensions, the celestial phenomenon had the change, the speed of Dimension invasion increases quickly, on Earth these preliminary mutant creature also therefore moved restlessly. The omen approached, Mo Family, was the time releases the ray that these several hundred years saved!” “当然不是。”墨星辰看起来还是曾经那个墨星辰,年龄容貌没有丝毫的变化,只是身上那种出尘之气变得比曾经更加空灵,甚至让人感觉看不清她的脸庞,犹如笼罩在一片云山雾里,平静温和的声音,却犹如是神的低语:“日月移位、星辰斗转,天象已出现变化,维度入侵的速度增快,就连地球上那些低级的变异生物也都因此躁动了起来。预兆已经来临,墨家,是时候释放这数百年积蓄起来的光芒了!” The big world in legend, predicted truth that the terrifying archenemy, for several hundred years innumerable generation of Mo Family protects, perhaps now also in stage of preview, but...... 传说中的大世,预言中的恐怖大敌,数百年来无数代墨家人守护的真理,或许现在还只是在预演的阶段,但…… Mo Nine is imposing. 墨九凛然。 The prediction of Mo Family has not disseminated in Federation, even except for the several people of Mo Family most core, other people are unable to know, naturally, even if has spread, present they cannot attend to knowing these secrets. 墨家的预言并没有在联邦传播开,甚至除了墨家最核心的几个人,其他人根本无从知晓,当然,即便真有所流传,现在的他们也顾不上去知晓这些秘闻。 Compared with this illusory prediction, attracts the entire Federation attention, after is Zhao Family drops down, startled day great change that various types therefore raise. 和这种虚无缥缈的预言比起来,更吸引整个联邦视线的,是赵家倒下之后,各种因此而掀起的惊天巨变。 Similar to Wang Zhong estimates the material such, once Ten Great Household any of brothers had not stood for Zhao Family over, let alone has raised one's head for Zhao Family, they most are busy the dry matter now, hits a person when he is down, carves up all that Zhao Family once had. 如同王重所估料的那样,曾经同气连枝的十大家族没有任何一家站出来替赵家出头,别说替赵家出头了,他们现在最忙着干的事儿,就是落井下石,瓜分赵家曾经所拥有的一切。 Most profits obviously was once and Zhao Family walks recent Gui Family, was collaborated to control the underground world that by these two big Household, now became Gui Family alone big, the convenience received Zhao Family once all domains and remaining energy in underground world, even has not made people feel the shift of this lawful right, all the sounds of revolt after Gui Family action starts in merely 2-3 hours entirely vanish, all were only a night have changed the master, the rapidness of action, making people feel to stare dumbfounded. 最得利的显然是曾经和赵家走得最近的鬼家,本来由这两大家族联手掌控的地下世界,如今已经成为了鬼家一家独大,顺手就接收了赵家曾经在地下世界中的所有地盘和残余能量,甚至都没有让人感觉到这种权柄的转移,所有反抗的声音在鬼家动作开始后仅仅两三个小时内就统统消失,所有一切只是一夜间就换了主人,动作之快,让人感觉瞠目结舌。 So-called brothers Household and a -called nostril vent anger, when Zhao Family goes down in the world actually became first with the person who they operate...... The Federation person knew Gui Family again, the influence that sinister cut-throat and unreasonable but has is huge makes the person tremble. 所谓的兄弟家族、所谓的一个鼻孔出气,在赵家落魄时却成为了第一个拿他们开刀的人……联邦人再一次认识了鬼家,毒辣凶狠、不近人情但所拥有的势力却庞大得让人战栗。 What Federation Household is most important in Earth is what? Naturally is the wealth and manpower! 联邦家族在地球最重要的是什么?当然是财富和人力! The huge wealth can continually make various types together with the Holy Land channel, can provide innumerably to Holy Land the resources that only then Earth has, can receive in exchange for many Holy Land commodities, winning over more holy city expert...... But more population bases can be born many expert, can have more consolidated influence foundation...... These things destroy in the hand of Exceed Grade expert, although quick, but establishes is quite not easy, is a big influence is absolutely indispensable. 庞大的财富才能不断制造各种连同圣地的通道,才能给圣地提供无数只有地球才拥有的资源,才能换取到更多的圣地物资、拉拢更多的圣城高手……而更多的人口基数才能诞生更多的强者,才能拥有更加巩固的势力基础……这些东西在超级高手的手中毁灭起来虽然快,但建立却是相当不易,也是一个大势力绝对不可或缺的。 The words of simple point analogy, Earth the major mystical place world that has like holy city these big influences, but Earth is bigger, a standard Level 2 civilization, and still in the rapid growth, simultaneously the human race place of origin, has the innumerable complex, has many human race to be indispensable commodity foundation that and is in sole possession. Is counted these, Earth can be said as most important mystical place the world to Holy Land, was carved up by Ten Great Household, and whole is also submits under the control of holy city senior statesman meeting, simply does not have any Household to have the qualifications to seize independently, let alone has. 简单点比喻的话,地球就像圣城那些大势力所拥有的各大秘境世界,只不过地球更大,一个标准的二级文明,且还在高速发展中,同时还是人类的发源地、有着无数的情结,也有着许多人类不可或缺且独有的物资基础。算上这些,地球可以说是对圣地来说最重要的一个‘秘境’世界,被十大家族瓜分,且整体还算是归附在圣城元老会的掌控下,根本没有任何一个家族有资格独立占领,更别说拥有。 Now Gui Family has annexed Zhao Family this huge underground influence, regardless of the financial resource or the population base, Gui Family greatly has promoted one step, even already some people place on a par Gui Family and Stuart, thinks that Gui Family starts the strength that had and Stuart contends with. 如今鬼家吞并了赵家这庞大的地下势力,无论财力还是人口基数,鬼家都是大大提升了一步,甚至已经有人将鬼家斯图亚特相提并论,认为鬼家开始拥有了和斯图亚特抗衡的力量。 Perhaps the next gainer must be Stuart, after is on outwardly King in Ten Great Household, convenience in various nominal morality and justice, making them take over entire Tianlong City smoothly, reputation it is said, to maintain Tianlong City once Order, to protect the Tianlong City resident by the violation of nearby mutant beast, Stuart did not increase troops to Tianlong City 30,000, arranged city garrison, supervises Tianlong discussing politics hall, has issued the policies and action of a series of buying the hearts of the people. 其次的得利者恐怕要算斯图亚特,毕竟是明面上十大家族中的王者,各种名义道义上的便利,让他们顺利接掌了整个天龙城,美名其曰,为了维持天龙城曾经的秩序、为了保护天龙城的居民不受附近变异兽的侵害,斯图亚特天龙城增兵30000,布置城防、监管天龙议政厅,发布了一系列收买人心的政策和动作 It looks like has a strong sense of righteousness, making the Tianlong City resident obtain the practical value, let them not after Zhao Family dropped down came under other implication and influence, may in fact Tianlong City actually thoroughly exchange ownerships, nearby some Zhao Family mining areas together with Tianlong City, resource sections wait / etc.. 看起来是大义凛然,让天龙城的居民得到了实利,让他们没有在赵家倒下后受到别的牵连和影响,可实际上天龙城却已经彻底易主,连同天龙城附近的一些赵家矿区、资源区等等。 Ten Great Household other in addition, always do not compete for these, to be also incapable of competing besides Potter Household, perhaps also had Mo Family this standing aloof from the world not any participation. 除此之外的其他十大家族,除了波特家族一向不争夺这些、也无力争夺之外,恐怕也就只有墨家这个与世无争者没有任何的参与了。 Colossus Zhao Family, actually like initial Assassin, in a night collapses and vanishes in the dust of history, by the wheel rolling of history, the crush tip was not remained. 一个庞然大物的赵家,却就像当初的阿萨辛一样,在一夜间垮塌、消失在历史的尘埃中,被历史的车轮滚动,碾压得点滴不剩。 Naturally, the people as well as several thousands are reassigned to participate in the Zhao Family juniors of holy war having any following action in Zhao Family big Teacher that anticipating that choice is hiding temporarily, best to put together a mutual wounds with Wang Zhong, but that obviously is something to be talked about later, at least after the Zhao Family destruction in half a month, Zhao Family big Teacher in that holy city has not made any sound, perhaps in closing up dives to cultivate had not obtained the news, perhaps is because has scruples Wang Zhong now the prestige and status in holy city, as well as behind him that Saint Teacher...... No matter what, at least temporarily could not count on. 当然,人们还是在期待着那位选择隐藏起来的赵家导师以及数万临时被抽调去参与圣战的赵家子弟有什么后续的动作,最好是能和王重拼个两败俱伤,但那显然都已经是后话了,至少在赵家覆灭之后这半个月里,那位圣城中的赵家导师并没有发出任何声音,或许是在闭关潜修中还没得到消息,也或许是因为顾忌王重如今在圣城中的声望和地位,以及他背后的那位圣导师……不管怎么说,至少暂时是指望不上了。 Is these participates in Zhao Family elite soldier of holy war, has saying that Zhao Family this time is reassigned the leaving hand also to suffer a loss by the holy war temporarily, but this matter did not have to say fairly, gets sick to want you to assign while you, said again, can select two to cope with two Heavenly Soul Wang Zhong facing one, even if Zhao Family that several thousand Heroic Soul juniors really on Earth, can play the role of reverse war really? Only feared what damn is must die, but is makes Wang Zhong both hands catch some blood again. 还有就是那些去参加圣战的赵家精锐战士,不得不说赵家这次被圣战临时抽调走人手也是吃了大亏,可这种事儿本就没有公平可言,趁你病要你命,再说了,面对一个能一挑二对付两个天魂王重,就算赵家那数万英魂子弟真在地球上,又能真起到扭转战局的作用吗?只怕该死的还是要死,只不过是让王重双手再多染上一些鲜血罢了。 Thorough destruction, but as victor, picks to receive fruit matter to have Wang Zhong one obviously. 彻底的覆灭,而作为胜利者,摘收果实这种事儿显然少不了王重一份儿的。 Together as Zhao Family vanishes also has Assassin, but Ma Dong and Emily have not actually vanished, instead by rising of another name powerful. 随着赵家一起消失的还有阿萨辛,但马东艾蜜丽尔却没有消失,反而是以另一个名字强势的崛起。 The new world, it is said in the Tutankhamun desert also new promote in the influence that rises is called the new world, his control is also the Federation person, this makes the person have to suspect that relations between these two, but were called the famous word-time in this new influence, a series of blustery action were makes the people unable to attend to guessing both's relations, but shocked in this group of person vigorous and resolute a series of big action. 新世界,据说在图坦卡蒙的沙漠中也有一个新晋崛起的势力叫做新世界,其掌控者也是联邦人,这让人不得不怀疑这两者之间的关系,但在这新势力叫出名字时,一系列风起云涌的动作却是让人们顾不上去揣测两者的关系,而只是震撼于这帮人雷厉风行的一系列大动作中。 Assassin once strength was built up, the base decides in Tianjing, once constructed to will soon finish, finally actually by the Burial Upheaval Lake development zone that Stuart takes over, now changed the name as the city of new world takes over officially by Ma Dong. 阿萨辛曾经的力量被集结了起来,基地就定在天京,曾经施工到即将完工、最后却被斯图亚特接手的乱葬湖开发区,如今已经正式更名为新世界之城被马东接手。 Even if Wang Zhong can two kill Zhao Family two Heavenly Soul by an enemy, but nobody thought that he has with ability that Stuart contends with. Naturally, behind Wang Zhong that Saint Teacher is he biggest taking advantage, if in the two sides real resentments, has alarmed that great person, this play was really attractive. 即便王重能以一敌二干掉赵家两个天魂,但却没人觉得他真有和斯图亚特抗衡的能力。当然,王重背后的那位圣导师是他最大的依仗,如果两边真的怼上,惊动了那位大人物,这场戏就真的好看了。 Inserts that piece after the flag of new world already abandoned city ruins, various entire Federation group of troops on are waiting to look at the good play, may finally actually be unexpected. 从新世界的大旗插上那片已经被废弃的城墟之后,整个联邦各路人马就都在等着看好戏,可结果却是出人意料。 Stuart not only does not have to adopt any sanction action, sends out the special commissioner on the contrary, formally establishes diplomatic relations with the new world, and has taken away various legitimate construction procedures of original Burial Upheaval Lake development zone, as well as the title deed, has taken away once various capital construction that opens from the ruins of that piece of construction wait / etc., even has also dispatched one squad that assists to construct, has the massive building professionals, assisting the new world to complete the following capital construction work of entire development zone, and reputation it is said: Once and looked after these things for the Assassin preservation, now the Lord return, Stuart returns in full to owner! 斯图亚特非但没有对此采取任何的制裁举动,反倒是派出专员,和新世界正式建交,并且带去了原乱葬湖开发区的各种合法建设手续、以及地契,带去了曾经从那片建设的废墟中拆走的各种基建等等,甚至还为之派遣了一个协助建设的小队,拥有大量的建筑专业人才,协助新世界完成整个开发区的后续基建工作,并美名其曰:曾经只是替阿萨辛保存和照看这些东西,如今正主归来,斯图亚特完璧归赵! Ma Dong is not stupid, cannot clear off relations, will not have been controlled the idea by the Stuart small kindness, but without a doubt, they must accept, moreover must display and Stuart incomparably is intimate, the new influence wants to rise, not suitable four sides to antagonize people, this is a wind direction, is a statement. 马东并不蠢,不是理不清这其中的关系,更不会被斯图亚特的小小恩惠就左右了想法,但毫无疑问,他们必须接受下来,而且还要表现得和斯图亚特无比亲密,新势力想要崛起,可绝不适合四面树敌,这是一种风向,也是一种表态。 Zhao Family of chief criminal has suffered extreme penalty, the Assassin accountant did not compare with the past the gratitude and grudges, even changed the name for the new world, was the transmission of incomparable conjunction this meaning, this made other Household influences when enjoy from the beginning very much, has tacitly consented to rising of new world. The matter does not close oneself to hang up high, drops down Zhao Family, are many a influence to substitute, this is just in the Federation history a normal right takes turn, old mostly took a stand including Stuart this main item, other people have no need to meddle, everybody's calm watching critically. 罪魁祸首的赵家已经伏诛,阿萨辛不会计较过去的恩怨,甚至都更名为了新世界,更是无比契合的传达出了这个意思,这让其他家族势力在一开始时很是受用,也都默许了新世界的崛起。事不关己高高挂起,倒下一个赵家,再多出一个势力来取代,这只不过是联邦历史上再正常不过的一次权利交替而已,连斯图亚特这龙头老大都表态了,其他人更用不着去插手,大家淡定的冷眼旁观。 But this type calm and tacitly consented to that quick makes major Household suffer loss. 只不过这种淡定和默许很快就让各大家族吃尽了苦头。 Because of this group of people...... His mother is not tasteful! 因为这帮人……太他妈不讲究了! The new ground was just completed, Ma Dong spoke in city of new world: Took me also to come back to me, eats me to spit to me! 新基地刚刚落成,马东就在新世界之城里发话了:拿了我的给我还回来,吃了我的给我吐出来! His? What is his? Initially Assassin is his! But which people also take? Can say in Ten Great Household, except for Mo Family and Potter, other people takes! Is this must do? Declares war to entire Federation? 他的?什么是他的?当初阿萨辛的都是他的!而哪些人又拿过呢?可以说十大家族里,除了墨家波特家,其他人都拿过!这是要干什么?向整个联邦宣战吗? May Stuart this old mostly do in front, before others Ma Dong round of this saying, others Stuart has returned Burial Lake Region all legal procedures, title deeds wait / etc., even also additionally bestows, helping them construct the new town. 可偏偏斯图亚特这个老大都已经做在前面了,早在人家马东发这话之前,人家斯图亚特就已经送还了乱葬湖区的所有合法手续、地契等等,甚至还额外赠送,帮助他们建设新城。 This and do this make other Household do? Gets angry? Not only need offend Wang Zhong, meanwhile means that they have not stood in Stuart this elder brother's, your standing wrong team! Let alone barefoot that side one pile has not feared death is eying covetously, the spear|gun hits the person who takes the lead! One group of rascal vagabonds are waiting for and you go all out, operates to set up the prestige with you. 这、这让其他家族怎么搞?翻脸?那不但是要得罪王重,同时还意味着他们没站在斯图亚特这个老大哥的旗下了,你站错队了!何况那边还有一堆光脚不怕死的在虎视眈眈,枪打出头鸟!一帮无赖地痞就等着和你拼命,拿你开刀立威呢。 To be honest, that Assassin thing that initially major Household carved up, many, after all has not been only ordinary Household, the big end already walks by Zhao Family Gui Family and Stuart minute, other Household obtain is some bits and pieces, comes out anything's not mattering, but the key is disgusting! Ten Great Household in Federation is what kind awe-inspiring, kept promises, but unexpectedly is ridden by a junior on now to the end defecates, but also by oneself the thing of mouth spitting! 说实话,当初各大家族瓜分的那点阿萨辛的东西,并没有多少,毕竟只是一个普通一线家族,大头又已经被赵家鬼家斯图亚特分走,其他家族得到的都是些边角料,还不还出来什么的无所谓,但关键是恶心啊!十大家族联邦是何等的威风八面、说一不二,可现在竟然被一个小辈骑到头上拉屎,还让自己把嘴里的东西给吐出来! Returns the thoughts hatefully disgustingly, what should do is dry. 可恶心归恶心,该干的还是要干。 Statement that several big Household do not prefer extremely, to deliver congratulatory gift, congratulates style that the city of new world establishes, once residual that will eat from Assassin there, the restore of several fold, blustery, reshuffled, Ma Dong will not show mercy. 几大家族极其不情愿的表态了,以送上贺礼,祝贺新世界之城建立的方式,将曾经从阿萨辛那里吃到的一点残渣,数倍的归还,风起云涌,重新洗牌,马东不会手下留情。 ( Two-in-one, seeking one to guarantee a minimum monthly ticket, thank!) (二合一,,求一张保底月票,感谢!)
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