BF :: Volume #8

#121: Federation, clouded over

Airborne Black Dragon howls, is having an unapproachable momentum, and has the meaning of locking, anything fends can only be dream of a fool, this is also the human race Heavenly Soul battle technique characteristics, basically a such style goes all out. 空中的黑龙呼啸而下,带着一种无可匹敌的声势,且生出锁定之意,什么闪避只能是痴人说梦,这也是人类天魂战技的特点,基本上一出这样的招式就是拼命。 All people think that Wang Zhong must breakneck the defense, with is the same, but the Wang Zhong whole person who starting to do is actually similar to together [gold/metal] shoots up to the sky, scene, various Household people who watches through Skylink reveal unbelievable expression. 所有人都以为王重要玩命防御,就跟开始做的一样,但王重整个人却如同一道金芒冲天而起,无论是现场,还是通过天讯观看的各家族的人都露出难以置信的表情 Even if some Heavenly Soul old ghosts, because to just to fierce fighting tooth and nail attack, the best choice defended like this, so long as against Wang Zhong has won, will become the legend, but he has chosen unexpectedly attack??? 哪怕是一些天魂老鬼,因为这样至刚至猛的搏命攻击,最佳的选择就是防御,只要防下来王重就赢了,就会成为传说,可是他竟然选择了的对攻??? Why? 凭什么? At this moment, Heavenly Soul almost one-sided standing of these surviving Zhao Ba here, this is the instinct, this is the proud offended feeling, trivial -and-a-half Heavenly Soul...... 这一刻,那些残存的天魂几乎都是一边倒的站在赵霸这里,这是本能,这是骄傲被触犯的感觉,区区一个半步天魂而已…… Has Mo Wen, he closely is grasping the fist, in the bone completely is a kind of person, defends? Only then dies, at this time must attack, only then attacks has the opportunity, the issue is, why does Wang Zhong use what to resist such style? 只有墨问,他紧紧的握着拳头,骨子里完全是一类人,防御?那只有死,这种时候必须进攻,只有进攻才有机会,问题是,王重凭什么用什么才能抵挡这样的招式? He...... Cannot think! 他……想不到! Wang Zhong brings the golden light to soar together, direct impact Black Dragon goes, airborne Zhao Ba reveals one to disdain, the nebula Divine sword in hand stirs up to be imaginary the nebula illusion in the midair, but the Wang Zhong whole person also suddenly spin-up, surrounds Black Dragon, the nebula Divine sword cuts to kill high-speed, is similar to a gold small earthworm attempts to swallow the big dragon, however is only several seconds, that gold small earthworm inflates unceasingly, soars on, already gold big dragon winding on. 王重带着一道金光腾空,直冲黑龙而去,空中的赵霸露出一丝不屑,手中的星云神剑在半空中激幻出星云幻境,而王重整个人也陡然旋转加速,环绕黑龙,星云神剑高速斩杀,如同一条金色小蚯蚓妄图吞掉巨龙,然而只是几秒的时间,那金色的小蚯蚓不断膨胀,腾空而上,已经金色巨龙缠绕而上。 Imperial sword class imperial sword Tianlong dodges! 御剑流御剑天龙闪! Condensed Wang Zhong regarding the understanding of battle technique, from Cast Soul Stage to Heroic Soul Stage to half Heavenly Soul, here bread contained human race and Misso proclamation compared with the wisdom of person, the comprehension that in the contrast has, this is the essence. 凝聚了王重对于战技的理解,从铸魂期英魂期到半步天魂,这里面包含了人类和米索布达比人的智慧,对比中产生的领悟,这才是精髓。 Surrounds Wang Zhong unceasing attack that Black Dragon kills Heavenly Soul battle technique weakness, this does not strike to destroy, attack that but with combines unceasingly, the screw on, suddenly is attack of several hundred swords, simultaneously the body must withstand the burn that Black Dragon kills, Wang Zhong in midair unceasing is duplicating own Deifized return route, the Deifized cell and strength display of fate soul sea to peak. 环绕黑龙杀的王重不断的攻击天魂战技的弱点,这不是一击可以摧毁的,而是用不断组合的攻击,螺旋而上,眨眼间已经是数百剑的攻击,同时身体还要承受黑龙杀的灼伤,半空中的王重不断的重复着自己的神化回路,把神化细胞和命运魂海的力量发挥到极致 This process is not relaxed, can say that esoterics of Wang Zhong most essence shows until now. 这个过程并不轻松,可以说王重到现在为止最精华的一次奥义展现。 On Earth, many people cannot understand such boundary, such courage. 只是在地球上,并没有多少人能够明白这样的境界,这样的勇气。 The Zhao Ba complexion incomparable ugliness, wrinkle does not know when crawled on his face, and in rapid senility, only then he can realize matter that Wang Zhong must handle, this is human race no appearance battle style, Heavenly Soul to finally strikes, but he who the war spells has actually explained all these with alternative style. 赵霸脸色无比的难看,皱纹不知什么时候已经爬到了他的脸上,并在飞速的衰老,只有他能够体会王重所要做的事情,这是人类从没有的出现过的战斗方式,天魂对战拼的就是最后一击,可是他却用另类的方式破解了这一切。 This is one type completely desperate. 这是一种完全的绝望。 Black Dragon was twined by gold dragon gradually, is in inverse proportion, suddenly, Zhao Ba quiet, he understood, formerly threat how laughable, the strength disparity has confused the eye , he is only a legend(ary) footnote. 黑龙逐渐被金龙缠绕,此消彼长,忽然之间,赵霸平静了,他明白了,先前的威胁是多么的可笑,力量的差距迷惑了眼睛,他,只是传奇的一个注脚。 hōng! 轰! Both are occurring together in an instant, the shake wave of mix sweeps away together, originally already, in they fight are hit the earth that the collapse splits, at this time like suffering an impact of humongous Aerolite. 两者在刹那间交集,一道混合的震荡波横扫而出,原本就已经在两人战斗中被打得崩坏裂开的大地,此时就像遭受了一颗巨大陨石的冲击。 The entire surface in an instant was rumbled changed form, the surface of earth looks like in the impact of this terrifying is equally frail, like the water that the paper sticks tender, not only in a flash ran out of one deeply not to see the bottom the terrifying big hole, and terrifying air wave raises from the surface, the land for building of surrounding area several li (0.5km) range like had been stripped, shakes in fluctuating, is similar to wave hōng lóng lóng lóng spreads toward all around! 整个地表都在刹那间就被轰得变型了,大地的表面在这恐怖的冲击中就像是纸糊的一样脆弱、像水一样柔嫩,非但瞬间被冲出一个深不见底的恐怖大坑,且有一股恐怖的气浪从地表掀起,方圆数里范围的地皮都像是被生生剥离了一样,在起伏震荡,如同波浪般轰隆隆隆的朝四周扩散开! Ma Dong, Emily and Arnold distant place, and even Zhao Family these people, cannot stand firmly in the place wave tumbling of this terrifying, was raised to fly by the land for building, is good to be far away from the attack center, and this attack strength is very centralized, because of ground tumbling but raises them flies. 远处的马东艾蜜丽尔阿诺,乃至赵家的那些人,在这恐怖的地浪翻滚中根本就站不住脚,被地皮掀飞起来,好在远离攻击的中心,且这攻击的力量无比集中,只是因为地面的翻滚而将他们掀飞。 Still from the sky raises flies Ma Dong, Emily and the others unable to bear anxiously to shout to make noise, but in Skylink another end, several old things shakes the head, but Household control nods the head to smile, this result without doubt is best. 还在空中掀飞着的马东艾蜜丽尔等人都是忍不住焦急的喊出声来,而在天讯的另一端,几个老东西摇着头,而家族的掌控者颔首而笑,这个结果无疑是最好的。 After is mortal body every embryo, regardless of you have strong soul power, regardless of you have the high boundary, let alone Heroic Soul, even if Heavenly Soul expert, eats under such terrifying attack directly, is impossible also to have the opportunity of returning alive, only if crosses that Exceed Grade expert and genuine gods who the tribulation succeeds with reborn changes! Can cut to kill compared with oneself stronger Heavenly Soul expert, dies out Black Dragon to kill, ability that Zhao Ba looks after the house! 毕竟是肉身凡胎,无论你拥有多强的魂力、无论你拥有多高的境界,别说一个英魂,就算是天魂强者,在这样的恐怖攻击下正面吃中,都根本不可能还有生还的机会,除非是渡劫成功、已经脱胎换骨的那种超级强者、真正的神明!可以斩杀比自身更强的天魂强者,寂灭黑龙杀,赵霸看家的本领! However these people do not have happy a while, in the midair the energy center golden light jumps together shoots, nebula Divine sword sword force in Wang Zhong hand four shot to pierce the encirclement energy field, stagnated airborne, in the heart surged, this sword has confirmed his idea, his battle system, defeated a superior enemy, explained the Zhao Ba Black Dragon to kill completely, but the body of Zhao Ba thoroughly collapsed under this strength. 然而这些人没有高兴一会儿,半空中能量中心一道金光迸射,王重手中的星云神剑剑芒四射刺穿了环绕的能量场,凝滞空中,心中激荡,这一剑验证了他的想法,他的战斗体系,以弱胜强,完全破解了赵霸的黑龙杀,而赵霸的身体则在这种力量下彻底崩溃。 This time Wang Zhong cannot bear face upward long and loud cry, the acoustic shock expansive sky. 此时的王重也忍不住仰天长啸,声震长空。 The thoughts of countless person are fluctuating, are seething, is having the difficult situation. Zhao Family drops down, Zhao Ba and Zhamu Zha actually do not beat the body dead facing Heroic Soul, once by the youth of Federation exile, was carried so the power and influence powerful to return. 无数人的心思都在起伏着,在翻腾着,起着惊涛骇浪。赵家倒下,赵霸扎木渣面对一个英魂却不敌身死,一个曾经被联邦放逐的少年,却携着如此威势强势回归。 Federation, must cloud over. 联邦,真的要变天了。 The echo of howling, is shaking this stretch of world, spreads over entire Federation all in the ear of observing, only felt that each deafening sound just likes to the bugle that Federation Household takes an oath, new King will soon rise! 呼啸的回响,震荡着这片天地,也传遍整个联邦所有在观战者的耳中,只感觉每一声震响都犹如是向联邦家族宣誓的号角,新的王者即将崛起! But in the distant place of scene, Ma Dong and Emily has had tears streaming down the face, the innumerable pictures from the mind crossed in 11 of this time. 而在现场的远处,马东艾蜜莉尔已经泪流满面,无数的画面在此时从脑海中11翻过。 By destruction Assassin, the dead end that is down and out, outside Tianjing City and mutant snatching food, the assassination journey of difficult danger, rising of dropping down and clansman of clansman, one was full of the hatred to be full of hope and firm vision in pairs, the death and distinction...... 被覆灭的阿萨辛,那穷困潦倒的末路,天京城外和变异人的抢食,艰辛危险的暗杀旅程,一个个族人的倒下、一个个族人的崛起,一双双充满仇恨又充满希望和坚定的目光,死亡、分别…… Past events, various types the recollection that makes the person palpitate. 往事的一幕幕,各种让人悸动的回忆。 Two hand tight in one: Zhao Family must drop down, Zhao Family wanted the destruction! But Assassin, will stand finally in the Federation stage, becomes the policy-maker of history, but is not the fall guy! 两只手紧紧的拉在了一起:赵家就要倒下了,赵家就要覆灭了!而阿萨辛,终将站到联邦的舞台上,成为历史的决策者、而不是牺牲者! Demon...... Devil! Heresy! Traitors!” Above the chilly scorched earth is filling various burnt odor gunsmokes aura, shivers, but the Madness sound shouted suddenly: He will not let off our, this Devil, the homicide our old ancestors, he must also utterly destroy to us, revenges for the old ancestor! Kills him!!” “魔……魔鬼!异端!叛逆者!”清冷的焦土之上弥漫着各种焦臭硝烟的气息,一个颤抖而疯狂的声音突然喊了起来:“他不会放过我们的,这个魔鬼,他杀了我们的老祖,他还要对我们斩尽杀绝,为老祖报仇!杀死他!!” The roar that the Zhao Wuxin hissing strength uses up reverberates on the scorched earth. 赵无心嘶声力竭的吼声在焦土上回荡。 The Tianlong Guard team was scattered, but that refers to the majority, Zhao Family trains the guard several hundred years, has forte on its training and brainwashing, even if to present such condition, still also had about over a hundred Zhao Family final death loyal soldier to gather side him, these people originally also and shock in shadow that Zhao Ba drops down cannot get back one's composure, resounds until the Zhao Wuxin this Madness shout. 天龙卫队是被打散了,可那只是指大部分,赵家训练卫队数百年,自有其训练和洗脑上的过人之处,即便到了眼下这样的状况,仍旧也还有大约上百名赵家最后的死忠战士聚集在他身旁,这些人原本都还在赵霸倒下的阴影和震撼中回不过神,直到赵无心疯狂的喊声响起。 in a flash remaining people ready dead initiate the suicide charge toward Wang Zhong, just likes dozens mosquitos plunges that flaming combustion in the fire flame, before sending out Zhao Family this colossus temporary final pinnacle of poetic creation! 瞬间剩下的死士朝着王重发起自杀式冲锋,犹如数十只蚊虫扑向那熊熊燃烧的大火火光中,发出赵家这庞然大物临时前的最终绝唱! But at the same time, Zhao Wuxin actually toward charges completely opposite direction electricity to spread to go with these people ready dead. 而与此同时,赵无心却朝着与这些死士冲锋完全相反的方向电驰而去。 ( Three finished, asks a monthly ticket, thank!) (三更完毕,求一张月票,感谢!)
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