BF :: Volume #8

#120: Turning False Into Real

In the Wang Zhong heart sighed darkly, Misso proclamation compared with expert of person, the awe world, borrowed the strength of world the time has the scruples, is willing to integrate oneself the strength, had the use of criterion, paid great attention to sword move and strength compression like Sword Saint attack, but what human race Heavenly Soul expert paid great attention was the maximized use external strength, said straightforwardly, human race wants to become a god, stopped at nothing, naturally everybody was also humongous, Law Saint of this octopus person looked like human race very much. 王重心中暗叹,米索布达比人的强者,敬畏天地,借用天地之力的时候心存顾忌,更愿意把力量融入自身,有尺度的使用,像剑圣攻击注重剑招和力量压缩,而人类天魂强者更注重的是最大化的使用外在力量,说直白点,人类更想成为神,无所不用其极,当然大家也是巨大的,这点章鱼人的法圣很像人类 Before this time Zhao Ba, that Zhamu Zha strength may completely not be the same level, felt that the strength of this fellow, takes to own pressure, even had still been meeting above Sword Saint secure Rizzi. 此时的赵霸和之前那个扎木渣的实力可完全不是同一个层次,感觉这家伙的实力、带给自己的压力,甚至还在曾经遇到过的剑圣安里西之上。 Strength and speed! Also has some world Rules esoterics, has might that the thunder and lightning is in sole possession. 力量、速度!还带有一些天地规则奥义,带有雷电所独有的威力。 Each spear|gun of opposite party if quickly charging thunder lightning, or it is charging thunder lightning! Perhaps the serious incomparable strength, each spear|gun has at least 20 ten thousand Grasso might, thornier contains the thunder and lightning strength in that each spear|gun, is having the intense effect lacking in vigilance, every time with moving of opposite party spear-tip, almost must let own half body for a it hemp! 对方的每一枪都快若奔雷闪电,或者说它本身就是奔雷闪电!沉重无比的力量,恐怕每一枪都有至少20多万格拉索的威力,更棘手的则还是蕴含在那每一枪中的雷电力量,带着强烈的麻痹效果,每一次和对方枪尖的碰触,几乎都要让自己的半边身子为之一麻! Is only useless by the soul power return route, in this situation is almost the competion of essence, the disparity in boundary means that Wang Zhong will certainly lose offensive, but the place of Deifized cell going against heaven's will appears, strength of thunder and lightning effect in the lacking in vigilance penetrates from the body, although can take to itself to realize on feeling lacking in vigilance, but actually cannot true together gives the paralysis to fall the Deifized cell, almost during the consciousness feels to the paralysis, the Deifized cell on has completed the restoration after charging, that paralysis effect will weaken to lowly and nearly invalid situation, the strength of world is no doubt formidable., But the strength of cell universe is similarly inexhaustible. 光靠魂力回路是没用的,这种情况下几乎是本质的比拼,境界上的差距意味着王重必将失去先手,但是神化细胞逆天之处就显现出来,雷电之力中的麻痹效果从身体中穿透而过,虽然能带给自己意识上的麻痹感,但却并不能真正的将神化细胞都一起给麻痹掉,几乎只是在意识感受到麻痹的同时,神化细胞就已经完成了过电后的恢复,将那种麻痹效果削弱到了最低、近乎无效的地步,天地之力固然强大。,但细胞宇宙的力量同样是无穷无尽的。 Even Wang Zhong thought that in universe and outside the universe is unified, is to become a God time, but he does not aim at this, that too Madness. 甚至王重觉得,当内宇宙和外宇宙统一的时候,就是成神的时候,只是他并不以此为目标,那太疯狂了。 Very strong! Did not owe was once four star big Teacher in holy city, even if cannot reach to cross the tribulation, has gone down in the world to return to Earth to care for the aged in the long years, but once was enraged, once unshackled to wrestle by the life, like this old Heavenly Soul without doubt was extremely fearful. 很强!不亏是曾经圣城里的四星大导师,即便没能登顶渡劫,在漫长的岁月中已经落魄到了回地球来养老,可一旦被激怒、一旦放开手脚以性命相搏,这样的老天魂无疑是极其可怕的。 How long but can he continue like this fearfully? Restores the youth forcefully, Wang Zhong does not believe that his such condition can continue. 但他这样的可怕能持续多久呢?强行恢复青春,王重不相信他这样的状态能一直持续下去。 Defend! Wang Zhong defends on a character. 守!王重守就一个字。 Discussed vicious on the imposing manner, by the attack might and by Skill, opposite party perhaps above oneself, but if discussed lastingly, ten Zhao Ba bunches together were not their opponent. 论气势、论攻击威力、论技巧论老辣,对方或许都在自己之上,但若是论持久,十个赵霸捆一起也不是自己的对手 hōng hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰轰 Just likes terrifying prestige energy that Zeus is born, in an instant continual more than hundred spear|guns, the earth of Wang Zhong under foot thoroughly was stepped on is cracked, whole person like nail soon by attack of top of the head directly striking inside the earth! 恍若宙斯降世的恐怖威能,刹那间就已经连续了百余枪,王重脚下的大地已经彻底被踩得龟裂了,整个人就像一颗钉子似的都已经快要被头顶的攻击直接给敲进了大地里 But the defense of nebula Divine sword is actually tip leakproof, has resisted this crazy fierce more than hundred spear|guns unexpectedly all! 可星云神剑的防守却是点滴不漏,竟将这狂猛的百余枪尽数抵御了下来! In the Zhao Ba eye not shocks, opposite party and a Zhamu Zha war, the defensive might of that nebula Divine sword he has experienced to cross, this trivial ordinary more than hundred spear|guns, each spear|gun 20 ten thousand Grasso attack regarding other Heroic Soul definitely are the distances that forever is unable to overstep, may face this Wang Zhong, actually also insufficient! 赵霸的眼中并无震撼,对方和扎木渣一战的时候,那星云神剑的防守威力他就已经见识过了,这区区普通的百余枪,每一枪20万格拉索攻击对于其他英魂来说肯定是一段永远都无法逾越的距离,可面对这个王重,却还不够! Yearns for looked at this day place, Zhao Ba knows that his time will draw near. 留恋的看了一眼这天地,赵霸知道,他的时间快到了。 As if opened the feel with these more than hundred spear|guns, when retrieves was once young the feeling, the pupil of Zhao Ba becomes Madness gets up suddenly! 仿佛是用这百余枪打开了手感,找回了曾经年轻时的感觉,赵霸的眸子猛然间变得疯狂起来! Trivial Heroic Soul and trivial child, dares in front of oneself wild! 区区英魂、区区一个孺子,也敢在自己面前猖狂! Hū! 呼! Rapid if charging thunder attack presented the stop of flash suddenly, the gathering of airborne that crowded dark cloud level in this time Madness, the strength of innumerable world has rewound, in a flash gathering in the Zhao Ba top of the head. 迅若奔雷攻击猛然出现了一霎那的停顿,空中那密集的乌云层在此时疯狂的汇聚到了一起,无数的天地之力倒卷,瞬间集聚在赵霸的头顶。 The time as if stagnated, the entire world coagulated in this in a flash, all internal combustion engines and hauling in energy of this terrifying collection become together with this stretch of world small weak, and even vanish, as if in world only remaining this only! Following close on...... 时间都仿佛停滞了下来,整个世界都在这瞬间凝固了,所有一切的气机和牵引连同这片天地都在这股恐怖汇集的能量中变得微小薄弱、乃至消失,仿佛天地间只剩下了这片唯一!紧跟着…… hōng! 轰! Thick such as great column lightning from gathered in the dark cloud level of strength of innumerable world to attack overlapping suddenly, this lightning and former lightning were completely different, even does not dare saying that this was together lightning! It unexpectedly is the black, is black paints brightly, sends out the ray, and in his hands in guide of lightning spear|gun howls when next, changes from unexpectedly faintly! 一道粗如巨柱般的闪电从层层叠叠汇聚了无数天地之力的乌云层中猛然冲击了下来,这道闪电与之前的闪电完全不同,甚至都不敢说这是一道闪电!它竟然是黑色的,黑得漆亮、发出光芒,且在他手中闪电枪的指引中呼啸而下时,竟隐隐化形! hǒu! 吼! Has the terrifying howl to roar from that black lightning light beam, has covered up in this stretch of world all thunderclap, rumors and even all sounds, is vibrating this stretch of world, making the trim earth shiver, buzz the cry in this great roar makes noise! 恐怖的啸声从那黑色的闪电光柱中吼出,遮掩了这片天地中所有的雷声、风声乃至一切声音,震动着这片天地,让整片大地都为之颤抖,在这声巨吼中嗡鸣作响! Black sturdy lightning melted false image of big dragon unexpectedly, just liked has a black flood dragon from airborne downward to throw to strike, the anger opened dragon eye, to emit dragon breath, must crush material of all cover before its body! 黑色的粗壮闪电竟化出了一头巨龙的虚影,犹如有一条黑色的蛟龙从空中往下扑击,怒睁龙目、喷吐着龙息,要粉碎一切遮挡在它身前的物质! Heavenly Soul esoterics is lived by the heart likely, Turning False Into Real! 天魂奥义象由心生,化虚为实 Valeo dies out Black Dragon to kill! 雷奥寂灭黑龙杀! Only is the front surface wind pressure makes Wang Zhong feel is similar to suffers on ten ten thousand Grasso direct attack, let alone that terrifying attack itself, this was Heavenly Soul Stage esoterics, in the Wang Zhong look has been permeated with the anticipation and challenge, such opportunity was once in a thousand years, can realize by oneself that to him of present stage, was without doubt precious, the life and death, was always not the first consideration of seeker. 光是迎面的风压都让王重感觉如同遭受上十万格拉索的直接攻击,更别说那恐怖攻击的本身,这就是天魂期奥义,王重的眼神中充满了期待和挑战,这样的机会千载难逢,能够亲身体会,对现阶段的他来说,无疑是宝贵的,生死,从来都不是探索者的第一考虑。 Distant place Ma Dong, Emily and the others in cannot bear in the brain a blank, shocks in peerless attack definitely unable to recover like this, but these hide in various Federation places, are observing here various Federation Household in secret, is the manner is full. 远处的马东艾蜜丽尔等人都是忍不住脑子中一片空白,震撼在这样的绝世攻击中完全无法回过神来,而那些隐藏在联邦各处、在暗中观察着此处的联邦家族,也都是神态百出。 Zhao Family can still body when going down in the world be listed in Ten Great Household to stand erect not but actually, and not only because only has big Teacher in Holy Land, because they remain behind Zhao Ba of Earth native place, this dies out Black Dragon to kill, had defeated many Federation expert, making behind Ten Great Household these old Heavenly Soul dread, even if Zhao Ba already gradually old, nobody dares to violate, is abstained from that this terrifying strength, feared he goes all out! 赵家能在落魄时仍旧身列于十大家族之中屹立不倒,并不仅仅只因为在圣地中有一位大导师,更因为他们留守地球老家的赵霸,这一手寂灭黑龙杀,曾经击败过多少联邦高手,让十大家族背后的那些老天魂都为之忌惮,即便赵霸已经垂垂老矣,也无人敢犯,就是忌讳他这一身恐怖的战力,怕他拼命! So long as Zhao Ba does not die, is the nuclear deterrence. 只要赵霸不死,就是核威慑。 Various Household innermost feelings are complex, has joyfully, rejoiced secretly that perhaps by the Zhao Ba present physical condition, restores the youth also to reduce his life forcefully, but uses Black Dragon to kill such terrifying killing maneuver, that definitely wanted his assigning. 家族的内心是复杂的,有欣喜的、暗暗庆幸,以赵霸如今的身体状况,强行恢复青春或许还只是削减他的寿命,但用出黑龙杀这样的恐怖杀招,那必然就是要他的命了。 This war, how regardless of the result, Zhao Family this most makes expert that the person has scruples thoroughly drop down, major Household on Earth will be short of a worry, to be short of a powerful enemy, how can there be not for the truth that it does rejoice joyfully? But joyful at the same time, has deep dreading, if this Wang Zhong can shoulder today...... That only feared that major Household have not been short of a threat of Zhao Ba, but is will be many one more formidable than Zhao Ba, even is also having the terrifying enemy of infinite future and infinite growth limit! 此战,无论结果如何,赵家这个最让人顾忌的强者都将彻底倒下,在地球上的各大家族将少了一个顾虑、少了一个强敌,岂有不为之欣喜庆幸的道理?可欣喜的同时,也是有着深深的忌惮,如果这个王重今天能扛过来……那只怕各大家族就不是少了一个赵霸的威胁,而将是多出一个比赵霸更加强大,甚至还拥有着无限未来和无限成长极限的恐怖敌人! Kills him! Best to perish together! Such enemy, any Household does not want to go to face! 干掉他!最好是同归于尽!这样的敌人,任何一个家族都不想去面对! Death!” The Zhao Ba offensive reached the peak, kills intent to be dreadful, Peak Heavenly Soul battle technique, carries the prestige of infinite world already before the Wang Zhong body, enough 50 ten thousand Grasso limit attack, this is not any Heroic Soul may shoulder radically, Ruin the Heavens, Destroy the Earth! “死!”赵霸的攻势已达顶峰,杀意滔天,巅峰天魂战技,携带无穷天地之威已到王重身前,足足50万格拉索的极限攻击,这根本就不是任何英魂有可能扛下来的,毁天灭地 Wang Zhong cannot certainly, he quite be clear, facing beforehand Zhao Ba 20 ten thousand Grasso about attack, can resist directly is his own strength limit, but facing this Fatal killing maneuver, in the Wang Zhong heart does not have flood the mighty waves at this time slightly, reason that human race is formidable, the root lies in the fight wisdom, pure strength Zhao Ba is the crush, but actually and has the method of explaining. 王重当然也不能,他心里相当清楚,面对之前赵霸20万格拉索左右的攻击,能正面抵御住就已经是他自身力量的极限了,可此时面对这致命杀招,王重心中却是丝毫都没有泛起波澜,人类之所以强大,根源就在于战斗的智慧,纯力量赵霸是碾压的,但却并不是没有破解的方法。 human race attack style heavy imposing manner, huge, deterrent and vigor, if attack forms this scale, on visible may seek, but this point in octopus person exist/existence, obviously has actually not eaten this owing in the octopus person long history, therefore Sword Saint or the Law Saint style specially pays attention to this point, did not strive for attractively, but asked opponent unable to explain. 人类攻击方式重气势,庞大、威慑、浑厚,但一旦攻击形成到这种规模,就有形可寻,而这一点在章鱼人身上却不存在,在章鱼人漫长的历史中显然吃过这个亏,所以剑圣还是法圣的招式都特别注意这一点,不求好看,但求对手无法破解。 The clown mask does not know when appeared on the face of Wang Zhong, that shocking Herongen completely exposes according to the distribution of energy in the Wang Zhong eye differently, if overall, this move of impregnable, if decomposes, is actually not true. 小丑面具不知什么时候已经出现在王重的脸上,那惊世黑龙根据能量的分布不同完全暴露在王重的眼中,如果从整体看,这招无懈可击,但一旦分解,却并非如此。 Naturally sees is matter, explaining is different matter, simultaneously faces such equivalent Energy Body, a contact all eats carelessly, in the entire holy war battlefield, few has Wang Zhong such experience personally, although a narrow escape, the experience that but obtains actually completely is not other people can compare. 当然看到是一回事儿,破解是另一回事儿,同时面对这样当量的能量体,一个接触不慎就是全吃,在整个圣战战场上,没几个人有王重这样的经历,虽然九死一生,但从中得到的体会却完全不是其他人可以比的。 Wang Zhong vision quiet like water, under body forcing of various condition again this humongous Life threats, not only does not have frightened and trembles, on the contrary because of the excited and infinite approach in Peak, the Deifized cell and fate soul sea is providing the continuous strength, is the careful study is observing through the clown mask, but in the hand of Wang Zhong is the nebula Divine sword of destroying the hardest defenses, the legend(ary) treasure of octopus person in the hand of Wang Zhong, when does not bring disgrace on. 王重目光沉静如水,身体的各种状态再这种巨大生命威胁的逼迫下,非但没有恐惧和战栗,反倒是因为兴奋而无限趋近于巅峰,神化细胞和命运魂海提供着源源不断的力量,通过小丑面具则是细致的学习观察着,而王重的手中则是无坚不摧的星云神剑,章鱼人的传奇宝物在王重的手中当不辱没。
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