AT :: Volume #9

#884: Dragon vein bowman

These Divine Sea Realm great energy corpse, has about 70% strengths, but a sharp arrow lasing erupts the so terrifying strength unexpectedly...... 这些神海境大能尸身,也拥有70%左右的力量,只是一杆利箭激射竟然就爆发出如此恐怖的力量…… look of several juniors are anxious immediately! 几位小辈的神色顿时紧张起来! Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign pays attention to arrived Huo Yun'er and Huo Chen complexion, said with a smile slightly: Does not need to fear, this Saint's Road we also passed through were much inferior, will not have the too big danger!” 天风战皇注意到了火允儿火辰的脸色,却是微微笑道:“不用怕,这圣者之路我们也走过不少次了,不会有太大的危险!” He wants to say the real danger, actually in Heavenly Star Mystical Place, but has not actually frightened their necessities at present. 他原本想说真正的危险,其实是在天辰秘境之中,不过眼下却是没有吓唬他们的必要。 Whiz whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖嗖!” After first sharp arrow flies shoots to come, from this box right three arrow fly to shoot again! 当第一道利箭飞射而来后,从这“盒子”的右边再次有三道箭矢飞射而来! Right! Attention strength!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign directs to say again. “右边!注意力道!”天风战皇再度指挥道。 The right these two Divine Sea Realm great energy complexions are prudent, the strength in hand aggravated several points immediately! 右边的这两位神海境大能脸色慎重,手中的力道顿时加重了几分! pū pū pū!” 噗噗噗!” That arrow in the smashing that above the great shield hits, under these deals time ahead of time, the box swayed slightly , to continue to stabilize goes forward on this Saint's Road. 箭矢在巨盾之上撞的粉碎,这一次提前应对之下,盒子只是微微摇晃了一下,继续稳定的在这条圣者之路上前进。 arrow of this illness/quick arrow area is hard to avoid, but there is this great shield to deal with, not the too big trouble,” Heavenly Wind Divine Country Crown Prince said with a smile slightly. “这疾箭区的箭矢难以躲避,不过有这巨盾应付,也不算太大的麻烦,”天风神国太子却是微微笑道。 This some so many elders are protecting them after all, these Crown Prince emperor's sons' hearts were also let loose. 这一趟毕竟有这么多长辈护着他们,这些太子皇子们的心也算是放开了。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖嗖……” As this is combined by the great shield box more walks on Saint's Road is farther, rises the dragon shape sculpture that also to be that getting more and more, blue arrow from the sea level straight line shoots are also getting more and more. 随着这由巨盾组合成的“盒子”在圣者之路上越走越远,从海面直线升起来的龙形雕塑也越来越多,射出来的蓝色箭矢也越来越多。 These arrow not only come from about, some shoot from the side front, even some dragon shape sculpture lift dragon head, that arrow then assumes the parabola, shoots from the above! 这些箭矢不仅仅来自于左右,有些则是从侧前方射来,甚至有些龙形雕塑抬起龙头,那箭矢便是呈抛物线,从上方射下来! Is good because of these eight great shields the top of the head , as well as about both sides sealing up firmly, which side regardless of shoots unable to penetrate the great shield, the arrow rain that this concentrated fire comes in all directions has no alternative with them. 好在这八面巨盾将头顶,前后,以及左右两面都牢牢的封住,无论从哪一面射过来都无法穿透巨盾,这四面八方攒射而来的箭雨却是拿他们无可奈何。 The speed that the people march forward although is not fast, however after the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, they had also walked 1/3 distances. 众人行进的速度虽然不快,但是在一炷香的时间之后,他们也已经走了三分之一的路程。 pū pū pū ......” 噗噗噗噗……” arrow are ordinary like the raindrop, strokes above the shield, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is reminding several Divine Sea Realm great energy that with single-hearted devotion carries the great shield maintains the balance, do not reverse in the sea. 一根根箭矢如同雨点一般,击打在盾牌之上,天风战皇则是专心提醒着几位扛着巨盾的神海境大能保持平衡,不要翻倒在海中。 This Saint's Road, only then two ten miles of road, after this speed half double-hour, can pass,” Zhou Huang also says to Luo Zheng. “这圣者之路只有二十里路,这个速度半个时辰之后就能够通过,”周煌也是开口对罗征说道。 Luo Zheng slightly nodded, he is actually walking of being calm and composed even in press of work in the middle of crowd, does not need him to worry through Saint's Road in any case, he does not worry. 罗征微微点了点头,他却是好整以暇的走在人群的中间,反正通过圣者之路也不用他本人操心,他并不着急。 At this time, from Saint's Road sea levels outside right side two hundreds of zhang (333 m), raised slowly a statue, this statue is not the one dragon shape statue, that unexpectedly is a human form statue! 就在这时候,从圣者之路的右侧两百丈之外的海平面上,也缓缓升起了一个雕像,这座雕像并不是一条龙形雕像,那竟然是一个人形雕像! This human form statue seems like with a white jade carves, from face to body each lifelikeness of carving, but an eye seems like with some type of gem makes, is glittering the scarlet ray, is stranger he, although is a carving, but the four limbs can actually rotate flexibly, just like living person generally action unobstructive! 这人形雕像看上去是用一种白玉雕刻,从人脸到身体的各个雕刻的栩栩如生,而一双眼睛似乎是用某种宝石制成,闪烁着猩红的光芒,更加诡异他虽然是一尊雕刻,可是四肢却能够灵活的转动,宛若活人一般行动无碍! In the hand of this human form statue grabs a dark golden long bow, in his back also dozens black sharp arrow, when he raises after the sea slowly, then put out a hand to extirpate black arrow from quivering of back, built in that the dark golden long bow above, aimed at Luo Zheng this group. 当这人形雕像的手中抓着一把暗金色的长弓,在他的背后还有数十支黑色的利箭,当他从海中缓缓升起之后,便是伸手从后背的箭袋之中摘出了一把黑色箭矢,搭在了那把暗金色的长弓之上,瞄准了罗征这一行人。 Luo Zheng's look was indifferent, follows many Divine Sea Realm great energy to go forward, this Heavenly Star Mystical Place one line, he is actually very relaxed, as if even Feng Nianyun this Divine Extremity Realm fleshly body has no opportunity. 原本罗征的神色淡然,跟随着诸多神海境大能前进,这天辰秘境一行,他倒是十分轻松,似乎连封念云神极境肉身都没有什么用武之地。 But at this time, the cold air raised from his back together suddenly, seemed like this fleshly body instinct to feel the arrived greatest crisis! 可是就在这时候,一道寒气骤然从他后背升起,似乎是这肉身的本能感受到了莫大的危机! Danger?” “危险?” The Luo Zheng vision twinkle, looks toward the surroundings by this great shield. 罗征目光闪烁,透过这巨盾朝着周围望去。 Then was at this time, Feng Nianyun the soul from Internal Body World then gave an information, fool, was not right, was left, you alarmed that fellow!” 便是这时候,从体内世界之中封念云的灵魂便是传递了一道信息,“笨蛋,不是右边,是左边,你们惊动了那个家伙了!” That fellow? Is who?” The Luo Zheng's vision looked immediately to the right, the vision congealed slightly, then discovered exceptionally. “那个家伙?是谁?”罗征的目光随即望向了右边,目光微微一凝,便是发现了异常。 Around this raises unceasingly, the statue that descends unceasingly is almost the dragon shape statue, but is away from here about two hundreds of zhang (333 m) place actually person to stand there! 这周围不断升起,不断降落的雕像几乎都是龙形雕像,而距离这里大约两百丈的地方却有一个“人”站在那里! Feng Nianyun said lightly: One of masterpieces dragon vein bowman, Grandmaster Feng Bo most is proud.” 封念云则是淡淡说道:“龙脉弓手,封波大师最引以为傲的杰作之一。” Can shoot through this great shield?” Luo Zheng then asked. “能射穿这巨盾?”罗征接着问道。 Feng Nianyun smiles lightly, probably, Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone , although is firm, but these eight great shields are not Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone that completes build, but mounts by small Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone , should unable to block his arrow! The arrow of fellow...... the might is not general big!” 封念云淡淡一笑,“大概吧,元磁神石虽然坚固,不过这八面巨盾并非是完成的元磁神石打造,而是由一颗颗小小的元磁神石黏起来的,应该挡不住他的箭!那家伙的箭……威力不是一般的大!” Feng Nianyun just said that dragon vein bowman has opened the long bow, sees this, Luo Zheng shouts suddenly: Everyone was careful! Right attention......” 封念云刚刚说完,那龙脉弓手已经拉开了长弓,看到这一幕,罗征骤然喊道:“大家小心!注意右边……” His voice just fell, the dragon vein bowman then lets loose that bowstring...... 他的话音刚刚落下,龙脉弓手便是将那弓弦放开…… Buzz-” “嗡-” The sound of grating bowstring fluctuation, transmits together immediately in the ear of people. 一道刺耳的弓弦波动的声音,顿时传递在众人的耳中。 The sound that this bowstring vibrates, then shakes above the sea level like the scale general water ripple! 这弓弦震动的声音,便是在海面之上震荡出一道道如同鱼鳞一般的水波纹! Immediately the people see together black glow, explodes to shoot toward here! 随即众人就看到一道黑芒,朝着这边爆射而来! In a twinkling, can in so short time response the person may few, after that black glow projects together suddenly, in in the air heard the blasting, the black arrow speed then sped up one time together! 说时迟,那时快,能够在如此短时间反应过来的人可没有几个,当那一道黑芒骤然射出之后,在空中又传来一道炸裂声,黑色箭矢的速度便是又加快了一倍! When that black arrow composes from this great shield box about 50 zhang (3.33 m), heard the blasting again, the speed promoted one time together again! 而当那黑色箭矢距离这巨盾组成的“盒子”大约五十丈的时候,再次传来一道炸裂声,速度再次提升了一倍! Three acceleration!” “三段加速!” The Luo Zheng's vision concentrates slightly, both hands such as the lightning is ordinary, grasps directly to Huo Chen and Swallow King two people, shouts: Falls face down! Falls face down!” 罗征的目光微微一凝,双手如闪电一般,直接抓向火辰燕王两人,同时喊道:“趴下!都趴下!” He so urgently shouted, the sound was actually the Feng Nianyun crisp sound, but few Divine Sea Realm great energy responded, other Divine Sea Realm great energy only just turned head with enough time, saw that together black glow the time, that black glow only had 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) distance from the great shield...... 他这般急切的喊出来,声音却是封念云脆生生的声音,可是只有极少数神海境大能反应过来了,其他的神海境大能只来得及刚刚扭头,看到那一道黑芒的时候,那黑芒距离巨盾只有2-3丈的距离了…… Thump! Thump!” “咚!咚!” The people hear two extremely small sounds. 众人只是听到两道极为微小的声音。 At this moment, everyone had stopped the advance, on all faces reveals stunned look, but that look occurrence slowly the transformation, from stunned was turning into the fear slowly...... 这一刻,所有人已经停止了前进,所有的人脸上都流露出错愕的神色,但是那神色慢慢的发生着转变,从错愕慢慢变成了恐惧…… This great shield composes box above, presented two eyelets of rounds, respectively is the left first great shield and right the first great shield, this arrow shot to putting on the great shield unexpectedly directly! 这巨盾组成的“盒子”之上,出现了两个圆溜溜的小孔,分别是左边的第一块巨盾和右边第一块巨盾,这一箭竟然直接将巨盾射了一个对穿! One great shield enough two zhang (3.33 m), one zhang (3.33 m) width, these eight great shields formed a big space, but 80-90 Divine Sea Realm great energy push in this great shield, the space absolutely will not be abundant, everyone is almost one by one, stands personal, not too big activity space. 一块巨盾足足有两丈长,一丈宽,这八块巨盾形成了一个不小的空间,可是80-90位神海境大能挤在这巨盾之中,空间也绝对不会充裕,大家几乎都是人挤人,贴身站在一起,并没有太大的活动空间。 So was passed through under by arrow, the vision of people then sizes up mutually, is actually saw that four people stay in same place motionless...... 这般被箭矢贯穿之下,众人的目光便是互相打量,却是看到四个人呆在原地一动不动…… Above the foreheads of these four people presented an eyelet, obviously, just that lasing, but to black glow, passed through their forehead directly! 这四个人的额头之上都出现了一个小孔,显然,刚刚那道激射而至的黑芒,直接贯穿了他们的额头! Four people are Divine Sea Realm great energy, has the Battle Soul Realm soul, is this arrow might extremely in the great strength, so passed through the head, invades the mind, was gives to break their souls directly! 四人都是神海境大能,也都拥有战魂境的灵魂,可是这箭矢的威力太过于强大,这般贯穿了头部,侵入脑海,便是直接将他们的灵魂都给震碎了! plop, plop, plop......” 噗通,噗通,噗通……” After the soul was broken, corpse also became the thing of without owner, then threw down directly on the ground. 灵魂被震碎之后,尸身也成了无主之物,便是直接摔倒在了地上。 Huo Chen and in Swallow King two people eyes reveals the greatest fear, position that just they occupied, is the place that arrow passes through, if not for Luo Zheng drew their two people, that black glow affirmation has passed through their mind, perhaps at this moment their souls have unravelled! 火辰燕王两人的眼中都流露出莫大的恐惧,刚刚他们两人占据的方位,便是那箭矢贯穿的地方,若不是罗征将他们两人拉了一把,那黑芒肯定已经贯穿过他们的脑海,此刻他们的灵魂恐怕已经灰飞烟灭了! This, what is this?” “这,这到底是什么?” That statue, that human form statue! His arrow can shoot through the shield!” “那个雕像,那个人形雕像!他的箭矢能够射穿盾牌!” This what to do? We walk not quickly, is the archery target that can move......” “这怎么办?我们走不快,就是一个会移动的箭靶子……” Under this arrow, four Divine Sea Realm great energy fall from the sky, aren't others flustered? 在这一箭之下,就有四位神海境大能陨落,其他的人如何不慌张? The key is everyone is fettered, in this great shield forms box , the space is really limited, crevice that simply has not dodged. 关键是大家都被束缚在这巨盾形成的“盒子”之中,空间实在有限,根本没有闪避的空隙。 Only if everyone discards this box, the issue is to discard this box that must face outside inexhaustibly vigorous arrow, similarly did not live! 除非大家舍弃这“盒子”,问题是舍弃掉这“盒子”那么就要面对外面无穷无尽的“疾箭”,同样也活不了! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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