AT :: Volume #9

#883: Great shield

Entire Divine Sovereign Island is a giant graveyard, this goes forward, by the path almost is the dense and numerous tombstones. 整个神皇岛是一座巨大的墓园,这一路前进,道路两边几乎全是密密麻麻的墓碑。 Holy Land of dragon vein clan is the eighth grade influence, everything can bury martial artist in graveyard, will not be the quiet obscure individual, above that stage will just now bury completely will be a core figure of dragon vein clan, but a dragon vein clan besides sealing surname, numerous expert not of the same surname, even Divine Sea Realm great energy, without the qualifications will still retain corpse, can only bury in this graveyard, putrefication slowly under a common tombstone will poke the loess, only different will be, the Divine Sea Realm great energy tombstone will be uses scarlet golden dragon head golds to build, on can identify to come out. 龙脉一族的圣地乃是八品势力,凡事能够埋葬在墓园中的武者,也不会是寂寂无名之辈,方才那高台之上埋葬的尽是龙脉一族的核心人物,而龙脉一族除了“封”姓之外,还有为数众多的外姓强者,即使是神海境大能,也没有资格保留尸身,只能埋葬在这墓园之中,在一块不起眼的墓碑之下慢慢的腐化成一戳黄土,唯一不同的是,神海境大能的墓碑都是用赤金色的龙头打造,一眼就能够辨认出来。 These Divine Sea Realm great energy look at these tombstones, in the heart also has many feelings, if Ascension Channel cannot open, their final destinies by deactivation in Divine Sea Realm, when life completely, cannot run away dead. 这些神海境大能看着这些墓碑,心中也是生出不少感慨,若是飞升通道打不开,他们最终的命运还是会被卡死在神海境,等到寿元尽了,还是逃不了一死。 Finally is holds a big funeral, the deep sleep in the fine coffin, slowly forgot...... 最终不过是举行一场好大的葬礼,沉睡在精致的棺木之中,慢慢地被人所遗忘…… martial artist in this entire world, spans this limit with the life, escapes from pressing for payment of god of death. 这寰宇之中的武者,就是用一生来跨越这个极限,逃脱死神的追索。 After leaving the graveyard, the front is a dark forest, in the terminal of this forest, is the Divine Sovereign Island end, but Divine Sovereign Island then extends one in the end funnel the region, but in the terminal of this funnel is a long and narrow sea route. 离开墓园之后,前方是一片黑乎乎的森林,在这片森林的末端,便是神皇岛的尾部,而神皇岛便是在尾部延伸出一个“漏斗”的区域,而在这漏斗的末端便是一条狭长的海路。 This strip width approximately two zhang (3.33 m) road has then extended in the sea area, actually cut two halves this sea area, lay down just like a brown satin ribbon in the sea level, just like was a big marvelous sight. 这条宽约两丈的路便是一直延伸在海域之中,却是将这片海域切割成了两半,宛若一条褐色的缎带躺在海面上,俨然便是一大奇观。 Under the management of that Daoist Bai Mei near Western Dragon River, held in the sacrificial offering Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea strength of blood sacrifice to dispel much, but regarding has not actually weakened in Heavenly Star Mystical Place surroundings sea area the strength of blood sacrifice, golden sea water, were melted just like the pure gold generally, was whipping toward this narrow path unceasingly. 西龙江边那白眉道人的主持之下,举行了一场祭祀将天羽圣海中的血祭之力祛除了不少,可是围绕在天辰秘境周围海域的血祭之力却没有丝毫减弱,一道道金色的海水,宛若纯金被融化了一般,不断地朝着这条狭窄的道路拍打着。 The strength of this blood sacrifice is rich, even Divine Sea Realm great energy is unable to rush, but the strength of this blood sacrifice has no effect regarding a person of dragon vein clan, this is also why this group of Divine Sea Realm great energy must seize the corpse reason, only then so can enter Heavenly Star Mystical Place safely. 这一带的血祭之力非常浓郁,即便是神海境大能也无法闯过去,不过这血祭之力对于龙脉一族的人却没有任何效果,这也是为何这帮神海境大能要抢占尸身的缘故,也只有如此才能够安然进入天辰秘境 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign that just like the iron tower general form, then stopped nearby this long and narrow path, along with, even if said to the people: This is Saint's Road of dragon vein clan, the end of this road is the Heavenly Star Mystical Place entrance, but this Saint's Road is not good to pass, everyone was careful.” 天风战皇那宛若铁塔一般的身影,便是在这条狭长的道路跟前停了下来,随即便是向众人说道:“这是龙脉一族的圣者之路,这条路的尽头就是天辰秘境的入口,不过这圣者之路不好通过,大家小心。” Hears the reminder of Imperial Father, Huo Chen simple-hearted asking: Imperial Father, what danger this does Saint's Road have?” 听到父皇的提醒,火辰木讷的问道:“父皇,这圣者之路有什么危险?” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign light smiling, replied: You had previously encountered the slow arrow area in Feather Sovereign Mystical Place, right?” 天风战皇淡淡的笑了笑,回答道:“你们此前在羽皇秘境之中遭遇过缓箭区,对吧?” Many juniors then nod, the sharp sword of that slow flight, makes them have a lingering fear at this moment, if not for if this time Luo Zheng pushes Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone to go forward, perhaps all young generation of martial artist will be stranded in the slow arrow area. 众多小辈便是点了点头,那缓慢飞行的利剑,此刻还让他们心有余悸,这次倘若不是罗征推着元磁神石前进,恐怕所有年轻一辈的武者都会被困在缓箭区。 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is continues saying: In Feather Sovereign Mystical Place is the slow arrow area, this Saint's Road in some sense, is the vigorous arrow area!” 天风战皇便是继续说道:“羽皇秘境中是缓箭区,这条圣者之路从某种意义上来说,便是疾箭区!” Vigorous arrow?” The Luo Zheng's eyebrow selects slightly, this path is so narrow, if there is an arrow rain to shoot, how to avoid?” “疾箭?”罗征的眉毛微微一挑,“这条道路如此狭窄,若是有箭雨射过来,如何躲避?” Hears the Luo Zheng's words, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign actually shows a faint smile, then said: Our four big Divine Country, although is unable the entire Heavenly Star Mystical Place exploration, but this one step step tries to find out, has naturally thought the innumerable means that for through this Saint's Road, sacrificed more than ten Divine Sea Realm great energy back then, this is the experience that the lesson of blood trades!” 听到罗征的话,天风战皇却是微微一笑,则是说道:“我们四大神国虽然无法将整个天辰秘境探索,可是这一步步摸索过来,自然是想过无数办法,想当年为了通过这条圣者之路,就牺牲了十几位神海境大能,这都是用血的教训换来的经验!” Afterward the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign vision falls on Zhou Huang, Zhou Huang is says: Takes the thing!” 随后天风战皇的目光落在周煌身上,周煌便是开口说道:“将东西拿出来!” The voices fall, four from then pulled out one after another two-ten feet great shield in Black Iron Divine Country Divine Sea Realm great energy from sumeru ring! 话音落下,四位来自于黑铁神国神海境大能便是从须弥戒指中掏出了一块一块长达两丈的巨盾! They insert this great shield in the ground, the Luo Zheng vision passed over gently and swiftly, these great shields then have previous ten. 他们将这巨盾一面面插在地面上,罗征目光掠过,这些巨盾便是有上十块之多。 The surfaces of these shields have seven color gloss to dissipate faintly, but Luo Zheng also feels arrived Might of Five Elements. 这些盾牌的表面隐隐有七彩光泽逸散出来,而罗征也在其中感受到了五行之力 Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone !” The Luo Zheng's vision flashes slightly, opens the mouth to ask, this isn't Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone able to process?” 元磁神石!”罗征的目光微微一闪,开口问道,“这元磁神石不是无法加工吗?” This Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone degree of hardness Luo Zheng has experienced, the Might of Five Elements extremely disorder in this thing, because of so, a no absolute strength can restrain it, in addition oneself firm incomparable, even if divine item cuts above, feared that can still give the collapse divine item directly! 元磁神石的硬度罗征可是见识过,这东西之中的五行之力极为紊乱,也正是因为如此,没有一种绝对的力量能够克制它,加上自身坚固无比,即便是神器砍在上面,怕也能够直接将神器给崩坏! Therefore even Divine Sea Realm great energy, is unable to shake that Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain. 所以即使是神海境大能,也无法撼动那元磁神山 Sees the Luo Zheng's vision, in the Zhou Huang eye also reveals a self-satisfied color, then said with a smile: Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone indeed is unable to process, but this Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone is crashes to come from the day, the time of initially pounding then triggered the vibration of entire Great Thousand World, on entire Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain some actually small fragments scatter, these fragment overwhelming majorities drew by my Black Iron Divine Country in the same place.” 看到罗征的目光,周煌眼中也流露出一丝得意之色,便是笑道:“元磁神石的确无法加工,不过这座元磁神石乃是从天外坠落而来,当初砸下来的时候便是引发了整个大千世界的震动,整座元磁神山上倒是有一些小小的碎片散落下来,那些碎片绝大多数都被我黑铁神国收拢在一起。” Hears the explanation of Zhou Huang, Luo Zheng is then suddenly enlighted, his vision sizes up that great shield again, in this shield indeed is embed one after another small Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone , spells to crowd together with what craft these Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone as for Black Iron Divine Country, Luo Zheng was unknown. 听到周煌的解释,罗征这才恍然大悟,他目光再次打量那一块块巨盾,这盾牌之中的确是镶嵌着一块一块小小的元磁神石,至于黑铁神国是用什么工艺将这些元磁神石拼凑在一起的,罗征就不得而知了。 To come four big Divine Country to enter Heavenly Star Mystical Place, indeed wants completely the means...... 想来四大神国为了进入天辰秘境,的确想尽了办法…… Ok, the time, did not put up the shield early, our sets off! Yun’er, Huo Chen, your juniors pay attention to follow behind us, the difficulty of this illness/quick arrow area compared with many of slow arrow area terrifying!” The Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign urging said. “好了,时间不早了,架盾,我们出发允儿,火辰,你们这些小辈注意跟在我们后面,这疾箭区的难度远比缓箭区恐怖的多!”天风战皇叮嘱道。 A junior hears this saying, in the heart jumps slightly, was look anxious following in behind. 一众小辈听到这话,心中微微一跳,也是神色紧张的跟在了后面。 Divine Sea Realm great energy is carries the great shield to walk at the same time directly in the dead ahead, he shield one horizontal, is facing this Saint's Road directly. 一位神海境大能便是扛着一面巨盾直接走在正前方,他将盾牌一横,便是正面面对着这圣者之路 But four Divine Sea Realm great energy, is away from carries the great shield, kept off in the two sides, another two Divine Sea Realm great energy carried the great shield to aim at the sky, remaining last Divine Sea Realm great energy, then kept off in behind. 而四位神海境大能,则隔着扛着巨盾,挡在了两边,另外有两位神海境大能则扛着巨盾对准了天空,剩下最后一位神海境大能,则挡在了后面。 The weights of these great shields may be heavy, after all what they occupy is Divine Sea Realm great energy corpse, holding up these great shields is actually easy as pie. 这些巨盾的重量可不轻,不过他们毕竟占据的是神海境大能尸身,举起这些巨盾倒是易如反掌。 This Black Iron Divine Country artisan even built the exquisite buckle in the edge of great shield, these Divine Sea Realm great energy bump with the edge of great shield gently, these buckles have gathered in one, therefore the great shields in these eight people of hands then formed an airtight box, included over a hundred people. 黑铁神国的工匠甚至在巨盾的边缘打造了精巧的卡扣,那些神海境大能只是用巨盾的边缘轻轻一碰,那些卡扣就已经合在了一起,于是这八人手中的巨盾便是形成了一个密不透风的盒子,将上百人都囊括在了其中。 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign then shouted one: Walks!” 天风战皇便是喊了一声:“走!” All people take a step at the same time, that eight Divine Sea Realm great energy also carries the great shield, is maintaining with the step of people consistently, that long and narrow box, moves slowly on this cross-ocean Saint's Road. 所有的人同一时间迈步,那八位神海境大能也是扛着巨盾,与众人的步调保持着一致,那个狭长的“盒子”,就在这条跨海的圣者之路上慢慢地挪动起来。 The speed that everyone goes forward is not fast, approximately takes a walk the quick three points compared with an old person, the person goes out on ten zhang (3.33 m) distance in the presence of everyone, in the surroundings golden sea area broadcasts the sound that the innumerable spray tumble suddenly. 大家前进的速度并不快,大约只是比一位老人散步快三分,就当众人走出上十丈的距离之后,周围金色的海域之中忽然传来无数浪花翻滚的声音。 Actually appears dragon shape statues in that sea water! These dragon shape carve in Xiangju actually holds azure sharp arrow! 在那海水之中竟然浮现出一座座龙形雕像!这些龙形雕像嘴中却是含着一道道湛蓝色利箭 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign look is invariable, is only said lightly: Must come, the shield gripped by!” 天风战皇神色不变,只是淡淡的说道:“要来了,盾牌抓牢靠了!” Eight Divine Sea Realm great energy complexions one austere, then great shield domination firmly in hand. 八位神海境大能的脸色一肃,则是将巨盾牢牢的把持在手中。 In this box after on Saint's Road takes one zhang (3.33 m) distance, is hears together the mechanism ball loud sound to transmit! 就在这个盒子在圣者之路上又迈出一丈距离之后,便是听到一道机括弹响的声音传来! Whiz!” “嗖!” The azure arrow light follows the sea level direct impact on come together, from the sky drags to entrain a blue ripple, toward this small box lasing. 一道湛蓝色的箭光顺着海平面直冲而来,在空中拖拽出一条蓝色的波纹,朝着这小盒子激射而来。 Sees the speed of that arrow light flight, the Luo Zheng's vision flashes immediately slightly, this illness/quick arrow area compared with that slow arrow area feared that is troublesome innumerable times, even if Divine Sea Realm great energy fleshly body hit a target by this arrow, perhaps will still be passed through a large cave/hole directly, let alone on this arrow a blue Wang Wang piece, should same spread Dragon Arsenic Poison! 看到那箭光飞行的速度,罗征的目光顿时微微一闪,这疾箭区比那缓箭区怕是麻烦无数倍,就算是神海境大能肉身被这箭射中,恐怕也会被直接贯穿出一个大洞,何况这箭上蓝汪汪的一片,应该一样涂有龙砒毒 Now the Luo Zheng's body, is Feng Nianyun fleshly body, is not own Body of Saint Artifact, if hit a target by this sharp arrow, truth that perhaps has not escaped by luck. 现在罗征的身躯,乃是封念云肉身,可不是自己的圣器之体,若是被这利箭射中,恐怕也没有幸免的道理。 Still sharp arrow outside hundred zhang (333 m), is almost blinked comes nearby the arrived people, is numerous stroking above the left side great shield! 原本还在百丈之外的利箭,几乎是眨眼之间就来到了众人跟前,便是重重的击打在左侧的巨盾之上! Bang!” “轰!” Under the high speed impact, merely is only sharp arrow, is mixing with the strength that is hard to resist, this comprised of the great shield box then toward the right one crooked, almost slips into the sea water! 高速撞击之下,仅仅只是一根利箭,都夹杂着难以抵抗的力量,这个由巨盾组成的“盒子”便是朝着右边一歪,差点滑进海水之中! Steady!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign loudly shouts, he is extends the tall and strong big hand to whip layer on layer/heavily above the left side great shield, under this racket, then correction returned to box Saint's Road. “稳一点!”天风战皇大喝一声,他便是伸出魁梧的大手重重拍打在左侧的巨盾之上,这一拍之下,则是将盒子“纠正”回了圣者之路上。
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