AT :: Volume #9

#882: Strange feeling

Many martial artist simultaneously turn head, saw that Divine Extremity Realm young girl dives at the inconceivable speed, look are in great surprise! 诸多武者齐齐回头,看到那神极境的少女以不可思议的速度俯冲下来,一个个神色便是大惊! This is rushing to be first to/clashes suddenly toward the front! 这便是争先恐后的朝着前方骤然冲出去! Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is holds Huo Yun'er and Huo Chen, to forefront. 天风战皇却是一把抓住火允儿火辰,冲在了最前面。 In the people heart also knows, everyone present was to run to win the opposite party to be OK, the person of lagging behind definitely was Death Road one. 众人心中也知道,大家现在就是跑赢对方就可以了,落在后面的人肯定是死路一条。 I depend, running is so quick!” “我靠,跑那么快!” Luo Zheng looks at front these Divine Sea Realm great energy, shoots to go by extremely quick speed whirlwind, he also has no alternative, but he feels a lower abdomen place slightly heat, then transmits true essence! 罗征看着前方那些神海境大能,都以极快的速度飚射而去,他也无可奈何,但是他感受到小腹处微微一热,便传递来一道道真元 These true essence pull out from Internal Body World, these true essence continuous supplies come out, under the Luo Zheng revolution, the whole person then flew...... 这些真元是从体内世界抽出来的,这些真元源源不断的供给出来,罗征运转之下,整个人便是飞了起来…… Because the reason of strength of blood sacrifice, enters Divine Sovereign Island after the condition of soul is unable to fly, but in corpse that occupies it does not have true essence, can only depend on is the fleshly body strength, front group of Divine Sea Realm great energy ordinary times, naturally can the free hovering horizon, now also only be able the starting to walk both legs to dash about wildly on the ground. 因为血祭之力的原因,以灵魂的状态进入神皇岛之后就无法飞行,而占据的尸身之中本身是没有真元的,唯一能够倚仗的就是肉身的力量,前方的这帮神海境大能平常的时候,自然可以自由自在的翱翔天际,现在也只能迈开双腿在地上狂奔。 So under dashes about wildly, speed natural ratio flight Luo Zheng! 这般狂奔之下,速度自然比不过飞行的罗征 Whiz......” “嗖……” This speed...... 这速度…… Then was Luo Zheng is also somewhat dull! Is this Divine Extremity Realm strength? 便是罗征自己也是有些呆了!这就是神极境的实力么? He revolves under true essence, so whirlwind shoots, speed almost quick arrived Luo Zheng not unimaginable degree, even if Luo Zheng also explodes astral essence and true essence, that speed cannot catch up with now 1/10! 他运转真元之下,这般飚射出去,速度几乎快到了罗征无法想象的程度,即使罗征罡元真元同时暴发,那速度也追不上现在的十分之一! Therefore was only time of breath, Luo Zheng pursued merely directly! 所以仅仅只是一个呼吸的时间,罗征就直接追了上去! Not only pursued, Luo Zheng the control speed, is actually flies to be excessive suddenly, fell on this ticket Divine Sea Realm great energy dead ahead directly, this body after all was not Luo Zheng own, landing time he was coordinated is not good, direct numerous pounding in graveyard, ground forcibly pounded a big hole. 不仅仅追了上去,罗征一时间控制不住速度,却是飞过了头,直接落在了这一票神海境大能的正前方,这身体毕竟不是罗征自己的,落地的时候他却是协调不好,直接重重的砸在了墓园之中,将地面硬生生的砸出了一个大坑。 Hey, this is my body, do not act unreasonably!” Because of Soul Sealing Great Law, Feng Nianyun was unable to control own fleshly body, but this after all is her fleshly body, so proceeds along no particular course, although is insufficient the wound to her fleshly body, but is not eventually good. “喂,这可是我的身体,你可不要乱来!”因为封魂大法,封念云已经无法操控自己的肉身,可是这毕竟是她的肉身,这般乱撞,虽然不至于伤到她的肉身,但是终究还是不好。 Luo Zheng hehe smiles, this crawls from the ground, finally blocked this fellows...... 罗征嘿嘿笑了笑,这才从地上爬起来,终于将这帮家伙拦住了…… On his face hangs the happy expression to walk, however on face of this group of Divine Sea Realm great energy, is hanging the dense chill in the air! 他脸上挂着笑意走过去,然而这帮神海境大能的脸上,则是挂着森森寒意! Overwhelming majority Divine Sea Realm great energy complexions are very intense, but Zhou Huang, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign and other Country Lord, the strength is slightly better, look is slightly tranquil below, but they also completed the plan of going all out at this time. 绝大部分神海境大能的脸色都无比紧张,而周煌,天风战皇国主,实力略高一筹,神色略微平静以下,但在这个时候他们也做好了拼命的打算。 Divine Extremity Realm expert, is they can resist? 只是神极境强者,是他们能够对抗的吗? Let alone they occupy others' corpse now, own strength is unable to display completely. 何况他们现在都是占据了别人的尸身,自身的实力无法完全发挥出来。 Perhaps this time, four big Divine Country top expert must trouble...... 这一次,四大神国的顶尖强者恐怕要麻烦了…… Zhou Huang look is quiet, looks at this belt/bring the happy expression young girl, is says: „During this senior, we have no intention to go into this graveyard, if there are to disturb you, but also please forgive much......” 周煌神色沉静,看着这带着笑意的少女,便是开口说道:“这位前辈,我们无意之中闯入这墓园,若是有打扰到你,还请多多包涵……” Sees their look, in the Luo Zheng heart raises suddenly an impulsion that makes practical joke, he received the smile on face suddenly, was actually said coldly: Forgives? Rushes accidentally? Snort! The words saying may be really of pleasant to hear!” 看到他们的神色,罗征心中忽然升起一股做恶作剧的冲动,他忽然收起了脸上的笑容,却是冷声说道:“包涵?无意中闯进来?哼!话说的可真好听!” Zhou Huang and the others heard this saying, the heart sinks immediately downward, opposite party newcomer is bad! 周煌等人听到这话,心顿时往下一沉,对方来者不善! All Divine Sea Realm great energy complexions become ugly incomparable, if really fights this Divine Extremity Realm young girl, perhaps all of them must fall from the sky here! 所有神海境大能脸色都变得难看无比,若是真跟这神极境的少女动起手来,他们所有人恐怕都要陨落在这里! However at this time, Huo Yun'er actually flushed from the crowd, she was actually pursues asks: Senior, you Luo Tianxing? He died!” 然而就在这时候,火允儿却从人群中冲出来,她却是追问道:“前辈,你把罗天行怎么了?他死了么!” arrived now, Huo Yun'er seems to be still caring about itself, in the Luo Zheng heart also surges to be moved, he smiles toward Huo Yun'er suddenly, this said: I am certainly all right!” 到了现在,火允儿似乎还在关心着自己,罗征心中也涌起一丝感动,他忽然朝着火允儿笑了笑,这才说道:“我当然没事!” Hears this bewildered a few words, the people were muddled immediately. 听到这莫名其妙的一句话,众人顿时糊涂了。 However on the Huo Yun'er face is also the whole face startled color, is startled however is looking at the present young girl, but she felt suddenly the smile on this young girl face is somewhat familiar. 但是火允儿脸上也是满脸愕然之色,怔然的望着眼前的少女,可是她忽然感觉到这少女脸上的笑容有些熟悉。 Appearance that even a person changes, even traded a body, is the previous custom, some petty actions, even the smile will not change, a possibility was actually jumped from her chest suddenly! 即使一个人改变的容貌,甚至换了一个躯体,可是此前的习惯,还有一些小动作,甚至笑容都不会发生改变,一个可能性却是骤然从她胸口跳了出来! Huo Yun'er is the first response seasoned person, Tianxing, you are Luo Tianxing, you succeeded!” 火允儿是第一个反应过来人,“天行,你是罗天行,你成功了!” Luo Zheng nod of gently, on the face reveals the smile. 罗征轻轻的点了点头,脸上流露出微笑。 By this time, these Divine Sea Realm were suddenly enlighted, originally this fellow was Luo Zheng oneself! He unexpectedly successful occupied in that column fleshly body of young girl! 到这时候,那些神海境才是恍然大悟,原来这家伙就是罗征本人!他竟然成功的占据了那柱中少女的肉身 Zhou Huang, on Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign and other faces reveals the relaxed color immediately, has not thought, Luo Zheng succeeded. 周煌,天风战皇等人脸上顿时流露出轻松之色,万万没想到,罗征还是成功了。 Tianxing, since you have succeeded, we......” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign said. 天行,既然你已经成功了,那我们岂不是……”天风战皇却是紧接着说道。 Just now they are unable to integrate in ten third layer these super great energy fleshly body, is because in this column the reason of young girl, but now Luo Zheng directly in fleshly body of young girl this column claiming, them can definitely then come up to win other corpse! 方才他们无法融入十三层那些超级大能肉身之中,便是因为这位柱中少女的缘故,可是现在罗征直接将这柱中少女的肉身给夺走了,他们完全可以回头上去夺走其他的尸身 Luo Zheng seized fleshly body of young girl, was equal to removing an essential barrier! 罗征夺走了少女的肉身,等于是将一个关键的障碍扫除了! Luo Zheng then nods toward them, immediately said: Ok, you can occupy other corpse!” 罗征便是朝他们点点头,随即说道:“可以,你们可以去占据其他尸身!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, Heavenly Fate Country Lord as well as Great Yu Battle Emperor have on the Zhou Huang face to reveal the happy expression, therefore first, their four people chose turning back, some ponder the soul intensity to be able with Divine Sea Realm great energy that four Country Lord are on par with be also eager to try! After all, who is willing to occupy more powerful corpse! 天风战皇,天运国主以及大禹战帝还有周煌脸上都流露出喜色,于是第一时间,他们四人选择了折返,一些自忖灵魂强度能够与四位国主比肩的神海境大能也是跃跃欲试!毕竟,谁都愿意占据更加强大的尸身 Luo Zheng and Huo Yun'er, Huo Chen also has Swallow King and the others to stand to wait for them to trade corpse same place. 罗征火允儿,火辰还有燕王等人站在原地等待他们上去换尸身 At this time, Huo Yun'er, Huo Chen, Swallow King and the others looked at Luo Zheng with very strange vision, Huo Yun'er brings to recite the happy expression slowly walked. 这时候,火允儿,火辰,燕王等人纷纷用十分怪异的目光望着罗征,火允儿自己更是带着吟吟笑意慢慢的走过来。 Generally speaking, occupies corpse, is looks for the same sex occupies, occupies opposite sex fleshly body, indeed is a very strange experience, this was equal to that Luo Zheng had a daughter body temporarily...... 一般来说,占据尸身,都是找同性别的占据,占据异性的肉身,的确是一种非常怪异的体验,这等于罗征暂时拥有了一个女儿身…… Previously, they were not clear that this young girl is Luo Zheng, naturally dreaded her Divine Extremity Realm cultivation base, now discovered unexpectedly after was Luo Zheng, several people then encircled to size up to keep! 此前,他们不清楚这少女是罗征,自然畏惧她神极境修为,现在发现竟然是罗征后,几人便是围了上来打量个不停! Swallow King is hehe says with a smile: „Does Tianxing, how feel?” 燕王更是“嘿嘿”笑道:“天行,感觉如何?” This issue Luo Zheng really did not have the means to reply, his solemn son naturally cannot like this feeling, but after all is Divine Extremity Realm expert fleshly body, under the help of Feng Nianyun this fleshly body, he will enter Heavenly Star Mystical Place to attain the Ancestral Dragon Egg probability to enhance many times. 这个问题罗征还真的没办法回答,他堂堂男儿自然不会喜欢这种感觉,不过毕竟是神极境强者肉身,在封念云肉身的帮助之下,他进入天辰秘境拿到祖龙蛋的概率会提高许多倍。 „It is not good,” Huo Yun'er left sizes up, under right sizes up, is actually shakes the head to say. “不好,”火允儿左打量,右打量之下,却是摇头说道。 Luo Zheng wonders looked at Huo Yun'er one, immediately asked: What isn't good?” 罗征纳闷的看了火允儿一眼,随即问道:“什么不好?” You put on were too few!” Saying, Huo Yun'er is then taking out one clothes to throw from own sumeru ring to Luo Zheng, although most martial artist enter the graveyard in the shape of soul, but sumeru ring brings along, after all some important goods need to use. “你穿的太少了!”说着,火允儿便是从自己的须弥戒指中取出了一套衣服扔给了罗征,大部分武者虽然以灵魂的形态进入墓园,可是须弥戒指还是随身带着,毕竟有一些重要物品需要用到。 Feng Nianyun clothing is very frail, the both legs of that thin old and young circle are exposed outside, Huo Yun'er is actually paying attention to this detail. 封念云身上的衣物十分单薄,那细长幼圆的双腿更是裸露在外,火允儿却是在留意这种细节。 Luo Zheng takes to look the clothes that Huo Yun'er throws, immediately was also speechless, unexpectedly was one set of emerald-green skirt. 只是罗征火允儿扔过来的衣服拿起来一看,顿时也是无语了,竟然是一套翠绿色的裙子。 Luo Zheng also can only decline the Huo Yun'er good intention, then takes out one set of men's wear from own sumeru ring, optional package on body. 罗征也只能谢绝了火允儿的好意,便是从自己的须弥戒指中取出一套男装,随意的包裹在了身上。 Four Country Lord do not need to interrogate and torture the name, captures corpse on ten third layer is an easy matter, their turns back, after trading corpse, quick turns back. 四位国主不用拷问名字,夺取十三层上的尸身便是一件轻而易举的事情,他们这番折返回去,换了一具尸身之后,很快就重新折返回来。 Zhou Huang, is Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, on these four Country Lord faces cannot repress the excitement in heart, although occupies is being others' corpse, but reveals exciting colors from that both eyes. 无论是周煌,还是天风战皇,这四位国主脸上都按捺不住心中的兴奋,虽然占据着是别人的尸身,可是从那双目之中都流露出一道道兴奋之色。 Previously they only had one time corpse that has attained ten third layer, these was time four people takes arrived corpse! This time, they likely in one vigorous effort, explore entire Heavenly Star Mystical Place completely, even attains that Ancestral Dragon Egg! 此前他们只有一次拿到过十三层尸身,这一次却是四个人都拿到了尸身!这一次,他们很可能一鼓作气,将整个天辰秘境都完全探索,甚至拿到那枚祖龙蛋 This time must thank Tianxing!” Zhou Huang said to Luo Zheng. “这次还是要感谢天行!”周煌罗征说道。 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign approves the person of same belief: Said right, if not for Tianxing, we cannot attain so many soul nuclear, is unable to occupy these corpse!” What Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign occupies is that Feng Zhan corpse, at this moment he looks like an iron tower to be common, stands in the people, in the body sends out an overwhelming power the aggression. 天风战皇赞同道:“说得对,若不是天行,我们拿不到这么多魂核,更加无法占据这些尸身!”天风战皇占据的是那位“封斩”的尸身,此刻他就像是一座铁塔一般,站在众人之中,身躯之中散发出一股威猛的霸气。 Luo Zheng is light smiles, modest two, said: Following stars mystical place, but also needs help of several Country Lord!” 罗征却是淡淡一笑,谦虚了两句,才说道:“接下来的星辰秘境,还需要几位国主们的帮助!” His vision looks to the end of this graveyard, following Heavenly Star Mystical Place dominates above these three big mystical places, is a core of dragon vein clan is. 他目光望向这墓园的尽头,接下来的天辰秘境可是凌驾在这三大秘境之上,乃是龙脉一族的核心所在。 ( Thanked ( x , y , z ) 3000 to read the coin to hit to enjoy ^ _ ^, thank defends an empty city to hit to enjoy alone! Thanks everyone's commentary and encouragement!) (感谢(x,y,z)3000阅币打赏^_^,感谢独守一座空城打赏!谢谢大家的评论和鼓励!)
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