AT :: Volume #9

#881: Black Dragon

Ok, I delivered you to leave Internal Body World!” “好了,我送你离开体内世界!” Feng Nianyun waves toward Luo Zheng gently, an invisible strength is then covering Luo Zheng. 封念云朝着罗征轻轻一挥手,一股无形的力量便是笼罩着罗征 Afterward, the Luo Zheng's soul is flies to shoot to go toward the sky, but his Ao Xiang this Internal Body World time, is a bright as snow thunder chops, has a scare Luo Zheng. 随后,罗征的灵魂便是直朝天空上飞射而去,不过他敖翔体内世界的时候,又是一条雪亮的雷霆劈过来,还是将罗征吓了一跳。 Left this Internal Body World, in Luo Zheng again returned this mind, immediately the Feng Nianyun sound flutters slowly. 离开了这体内世界,罗征再度回到了这脑海之中,随即封念云的声音则是缓缓飘荡过来。 Previously you released the strength of soul nuclear, I gave to seal up completely, now should not have the issue.” “此前你释放魂核的力量,我全部给封住了,现在应该没问题了。” At this time, grey glow were plunge in the Feng Nianyun body, the Luo Zheng's soul immersed in the mind, actually felt the arrived consciousness slowly! 在这时候,一道道灰芒便是浸入封念云的身躯之中,罗征的灵魂沉浸在脑海之中,却是慢慢地感觉到了知觉! At this time, Zhou Huang, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign and the others the complexions were very gloomy. 在这个时候,周煌,天风战皇等人的脸色都是十分阴沉。 Above platform, atmosphere unusual constraining! 平台之上,气氛非常的压抑! The time is longer, wants is also uncertainer, they had waited for two double-hour here, but Luo Zheng has no news as before. 时间越长,希望也就越渺茫,他们在这里已经等候了两个时辰了,可是罗征依旧没有任何音信。 In the people heart also understands, perhaps the Luo Zheng's soul had fallen from the sky, but they are not willing to acknowledge that's all. 众人心中也明白,罗征的灵魂恐怕早就陨落了,只是他们不愿承认罢了 Oh, this, should not explore Heavenly Star Mystical Place, that Ancestral Dragon Egg does not take! What most awfully is, but also brings Luo Tianxing to come together! His dies, we......” Divine Sea Realm great energy puzzled saying. “唉,这一趟,就不该探索天辰秘境,那祖龙蛋不取也罢!最要命的是,还带着罗天行一起来!他这一死,咱们……”一位神海境大能纠结的说道。 Gives up Heavenly Star Mystical Place? Snort! Supervisor Duke is not definitely glad!” Another Divine Sea Realm great energy disputes to say. “放弃天辰秘境?哼!督公肯定不乐意!”另外一位神海境大能辩驳道。 Supervisor Duke has anything is not glad! Although Ancestral Dragon Egg is important, is Luo Tianxing unimportant? Let alone this Ancestral Dragon Egg is not one year two years can take, next year will not have the opportunity!” 督公有什么不乐意的!祖龙蛋虽然重要,难道罗天行就不重要么?何况这祖龙蛋也不是一年两年就能取到手的,明年不是还有机会吗!” Indeed has the opportunity, but Luo Zheng oneself am determined to enter Heavenly Star Mystical Place......” “的确是有机会,不过罗征本人就执意要进入天辰秘境……” Several Divine Sea Realm great energy disputed top level of the graveyard. 几位神海境大能却是在墓园顶层争执起来。 Do not say!” “不要说了!” In this dispute immediately, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign cannot bear exclaim, although with is Divine Sea Realm great energy, but several Country Lord authorities are unquestionable, therefore under a Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign such roar, these Divine Sea Realm great energy also shut up entirely. 就在这争执的当下,天风战皇忍不住吼道,虽然同为神海境大能,但几位国主的权威还是不容置疑的,所以天风战皇这么一吼之下,那些神海境大能也是统统闭嘴。 I occupy ten second layer corpse! Then toward Heavenly Star Mystical Place sets off!” The Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign mood was ruined, hears this fellow to shout in confusion in this, the nature cannot withstand agitated. “我去占据十二层尸身!然后朝着天辰秘境出发!”天风战皇的心情原本就糟透了,听到这家伙在这吵嚷,自然烦躁不堪。 Heard Imperial Father to say must leave, Huo Yun'er said: Imperial Father, or do we wait again?” 听到父皇说要离开,火允儿却说道:“父皇,要不我们还是再等等?” What although Huo Yun'er occupies is others' corpse, but Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign can understand sadness in her eye, he is actually long sighing, „, Yun’er, this Luo Zheng...... has perhaps fallen from the sky.” 尽管火允儿占据的是别人的尸身,但是天风战皇还是能够读懂她眼中的哀伤,他却是长长的叹了一口气,“唉,允儿,这罗征……恐怕是已经陨落了。” Although the people do not make clear fleshly body of that female are what situations, Divine Sea Realm great energy that but just died had explained all, that Divine Sea Realm great energy also hides in corpse, corpse by the decrepitation, the soul was melted directly. 众人虽然搞不清楚那女子的肉身是什么情况,可是刚刚死掉的一位神海境大能已经说明了一切,那神海境大能还潜藏在尸身之中呢,尸身被烧裂,灵魂直接被融化。 This female is really fierce, this corpse good and evil is also corpse of her dragon vein clan, same gave her eyes to burn down! 这女子还真厉害啊,这尸身好歹也是她龙脉一族的尸身,一样给她的双眼烧毁了! Huo Yun'er purses the lips close to, on the face actually reveals a stubborn color, she said: Father, I wants to nose again!” 火允儿抿了抿嘴巴,脸上却是流露出一丝倔强之色,她却是说道:“爹,我想再去查探一番!” „It is not good!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign categorically rejected the request of Huo Yun'er, just that Divine Sea Realm great energy pitiful condition also came clearly into view, how was he brought death by oneself daughter? “不行!”天风战皇断然拒绝了火允儿的要求,刚刚那位神海境大能的惨状还历历在目,他又如何让自己的女儿去送死? Elder sister, gives up,” Huo Chen also shakes the head toward Huo Yun'er. “姐,放弃吧,”火辰也是朝着火允儿摇摇头。 Huo Yun'er has not taken a stand, but looks to that stone column of not far away, does not know that is thinking anything. 火允儿没有表态,只是望向不远处的那石柱,不知道想着什么。 Now in those present, only then Zhou Huang, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign and Great Yu Battle Emperor are also in the soul shape, after crystal coffin of that young girl was chiselled, they fear accidentally/surprisingly, enters ten second layer in abundance. 现在在场的人中,只有周煌,天风战皇大禹战帝还处于灵魂形态,在那少女的水晶棺被凿开之后,他们怕出意外,都纷纷进入十二层 Before long, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign and other Country Lord chose ten second layer corpse respectively, returns to ten third layer again. 不一会儿,天风战皇等三位国主各自挑选了一具十二层尸身,再度返回十三层 Walks, our sets off!” The Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign order said. “走吧,我们出发!”天风战皇命令道。 Although in people heart helpless, but they indeed could not make anything , can only choose to go to Heavenly Star Mystical Place...... 众人心中虽然无奈,可是他们的确做不了什么,也只能够选择前往天辰秘境…… The road to Heavenly Star Mystical Place, in the rear area of this graveyard, got down to be OK from another side steps, however when the people bypassed that stone column preparation left, Huo Yun'er actually suddenly approached that stone column! 通往天辰秘境的路,是在这墓园的后方,从另外一边的阶梯下去就可以了,然而就在众人绕过那石柱准备离开的时候,火允儿却骤然靠近了那石柱! Elder sister!” Sees this, Huo Chen loudly calls out. “姐!”看到这一幕,火辰大叫一声。 Huo Yun'er the action, alarmed front these Divine Sea Realm great energy immediately. 火允儿的这个举动,顿时惊动了前面的那些神海境大能 Meanwhile, the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign figure is also similar to together sharp arrow, to/clashes toward Huo Yun'er! 与此同时,天风战皇的身形也如同一道利箭,朝着火允儿冲过来! This daughter is always obedient, now truly must do the muddled matter, first did not say that Luo Zheng does have dead, at least Huo Yun'er close to fleshly body of that female, absolutely is Death Road one! 这个女儿一向听话,现在确实要做糊涂事,先不说罗征到底有没有死,至少火允儿靠近那女子的肉身,绝对是死路一条! In the Huo Yun'er heart feels sorry, she thought that Luo Zheng is impossible dead here, as for this women's riddle, she indeed wants to understand. 火允儿心中只是觉得遗憾,她觉得罗征不可能死在这里,至于这个女子身上的谜团,她的确想要了解一番。 Yun’er! Halts to me!” The Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign anger exclaimed. 允儿!给我站住!”天风战皇怒吼道。 Facing angry roaring of Imperial Father, Huo Yun'er actually turns a deaf ear , was actually straight from stands nearby that female, light asking: You, you Luo Tianxing how?” 面对父皇的怒吼,火允儿却充耳不闻,却是径自站在了那女子跟前,淡淡的问道:“你,你把罗天行怎么了?” Sees this, in the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign heart was curses angrily oneself this daughter to be extremely naive, but the female did not seem to open the eyes, hopes that she let off Huo Yun'er! At this time Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign from Huo Yun'er also be only 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) distance, turned back as for other Divine Sea Realm great energy, followed in Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign behind. 看到这一幕,天风战皇心中便是怒骂自己这女儿太过于天真了,不过那女子似乎并没有睁开双眼,希望她放过火允儿!这时候天风战皇距离火允儿也只有2-3丈的距离了,至于其他的神海境大能也都折返回来,跟在天风战皇的身后。 At this time, the grey glow of soul nuclear has covered in this Feng Nianyun fleshly body various places. 在这时候,魂核的灰芒已经笼罩在了这封念云肉身的各处。 The little fellow who does not fear death, dares to depend! Your old friend?” Feng Nianyun sound, light passing to Luo Zheng. “还有个不怕死的小家伙,敢靠过来!是不是你的老相好?”封念云的声音,淡淡的传给罗征 Female martial artist on the scene also only then Huo Yun'er one person, Luo Zheng is the response said, do not move her!” 在场的女武者也只有火允儿一人,罗征便是回应道,“你不要动她!” Feng Nianyun smiles lightly, without speech. 封念云淡淡笑了笑,没有说话。 Luo Zheng has fused to complete at this moment, this fleshly body control power in his hand, he has tried to move temporarily two finger, immediately opened both eyes slowly! 罗征此刻已经融合完成,这具肉身的操控权已经暂时在他手上,他将手指试着动弹了两下,随即缓缓的睁开了双目! When that yellow golden double pupil reveals, on the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign face reveals the panic-stricken color, the speed that flies to escape sped up several points, wants to take away the risk area Huo Yun'er. 当那黄金色的双瞳露出来的时候,天风战皇脸上更是流露出惊骇之色,飞遁的速度更是加快了几分,想要将火允儿带离危险区域。 But Huo Yun'er sincere said: „Do senior, please tell me Luo Tianxing now? We for......” 火允儿却正色说道:“前辈,请你告诉我罗天行现在如何了?我们只是为了……” Her words have not said, the form to/clashes together rapidly, then one entrains from the stone column her! 她话还没有说完,一道身影急速冲过来,便是将她一把从石柱旁边拽开! Walks! Walks quickly! The woman awoke!” “走!快走!那女人又醒了!” Leaves here, we go to Heavenly Star Mystical Place!” “离开这里,我们去天辰秘境!” This female has Divine Extremity Realm cultivation base after all, in this Great Thousand World radically is existence of steamroll, no one wants to annoy her! 这女子毕竟拥有神极境修为,在这大千世界中根本就是碾压的存在,谁也不想惹上她! Huo Yun'er was being entrained by Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, dashes about wildly toward under from another stair, other Divine Sea Realm great energy also rush to be first...... 火允儿天风战皇拽着,从另外一处台阶朝着下方狂奔,其他的神海境大能也是争先恐后…… But after Luo Zheng opens the eye, then looks at arrived this, is the whole face bewildered color, how to abandon itself to run? Changes mind thinks, Luo Zheng wants to understand this...... 罗征睁开眼睛之后,便是看到了这一幕,则是满脸莫名其妙之色,怎么就扔下自己跑了?只是转念一想,罗征就想明白了这一节…… Previously Feng Nianyun killed Divine Sea Realm great energy, now control this fleshly body awakens to come, this fellows did not run are strange! 此前封念云杀了一位神海境大能,现在自己操控这肉身“苏醒”过来,这帮家伙不跑才怪! Oneself are not familiar with Heavenly Star Mystical Place, he planned enters with four big Divine Country people together, oneself cannot be really abandoned, thinks of here, Luo Zheng will then place nearby sumeru ring to take rapidly, immediately takes out Black Star Ore Pick, wields gently, then the chains above both legs shivering. 自己对天辰秘境不熟悉,他还是打算跟四大神国的人一同进入其中,自己可不能真的被扔下,想到这里,罗征便是迅速将放在一旁的须弥戒指拿到手,随即从中取出黑星矿镐,轻轻一挥,便是将双腿之上的锁链给敲碎了。 Afterward she then jumps down from the column...... 随后她便是从柱中一跃而下…… Worthily is Divine Extremity Realm great energy fleshly body! Luo Zheng felt that in this fleshly body is flooding a vast strength! 不愧是神极境大能肉身罗征感觉到这肉身之中充斥着一股浩瀚的力量! Luo Zheng own strength is not weak in people, but that is compared with Life and Death Realm expert, if not use Might of Dragon Scales, Luo Zheng strength is inferior to Divine Sea Realm great energy. 罗征自己的力量也不弱于人,但那是跟生死境强者相比,若是不动用龙鳞之力,罗征本身的力量是不如神海境大能的。 However he just stepped on above the floor, immediately felt the chest sinks, simultaneously on the face also reveals strange look, the body structure of woman and man is different, certain topethesias are very strange. 但是他刚刚踩在地板之上,顿时感觉到胸口一沉,同时脸上也流露出古怪的神色,女人和男人的身体构造有所不同,某些部位感觉还是非常奇怪。 At this time Luo Zheng could not attend to so many, he just came to a stop, the naked both feet stepped in the ground gently, the whole person shot to go just like sharp arrow whirlwind together, tight following in Zhou Huang and the others behind! 这时候罗征也顾不了这么多了,他刚刚站稳,赤裸的双脚在地上轻轻一踩,整个人就宛若一道利箭飚射而去,紧紧的追随在周煌等人的后面! Was all right! Should not pursue, the both legs of woman were also tying up by the chains!” “没事了!应该不会追上来,那女人的双腿还被锁链绑着呢!” Un, did not use that quickly......” “嗯,不用那么快了……” Just was really the narrow squeak, this woman is what origin, Divine Extremity Realm is not by Great Thousand World throwing, how continuously dull here!” “刚刚真的是好险,这女人到底是什么来历,神极境不是会被大千世界给扔出去么,怎么就一直呆在这里!” Just relaxed in four big Divine Country martial artist, under Divine Sea Realm great energy then looks, is saw that female dives at the extremely quick speed, complexion one black, then shouts: Walks quickly, really pursued!” 就在四大神国武者们刚刚放松下来,一位神海境大能回头一望之下,便是看到那女子以极快的速度俯冲下来,脸色一黑,便喊道:“快走,真的追来了!” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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