AT :: Volume #9

#880: Winding peaks and paths

Hears this saying, Luo Zheng cannot bear and flips the supercilious look, oneself feared that really met the lunatic. 听到这话,罗征忍不住又翻了翻白眼,自己怕是真的遇见疯子了。 What is good is this lunatic one has not come up to kill people, perhaps otherwise by her strength, can ruin own soul shortly...... 好的是这疯子没有一上来就杀人,否则以她的实力,恐怕顷刻之间就能毁掉自己的灵魂…… The issue is, if oneself were really imprisoned by her here, the situation is also the suitable trouble. 问题是,若是自己真的被她囚禁在这里,情况也是相当的麻烦。 When Luo Zheng is thinking, suddenly a wave transmission of soul comes. 罗征正在思索之际,忽然一股灵魂的波动传递而来。 Luo Zheng, what did you as if meet to trouble?” That soul fluctuation came from Azure Dragon. 罗征,你似乎遇上了什么麻烦?”那灵魂波动来自于青龙 Azure Dragon and mysterious furnace now as in own fleshly body mind, but Luo Zheng had previously confirmed that he can communicate with Azure Dragon as before, is observing itself as for Azure Dragon with what method, Luo Zheng is also unknown. 青龙和神秘熔炉现在依旧在自己肉身的脑海之中,不过此前罗征就验证过了,他依旧能够与青龙沟通,至于青龙用什么方法观察着自己,罗征也是不得而知。 Therefore Luo Zheng then returns to the covered passageway: Had/Left a problem, bumped into a female lunatic.” 于是罗征便是回复道:“出了一点问题,碰到一个女疯子了。” Female lunatic?” Some sound doubts of Azure Dragon. “女疯子?”青龙的声音有些疑惑。 Un......” Luo Zheng then the matter that bumps into the graveyard, from beginning to end repeated to Azure Dragon. “嗯……”罗征便是将墓园之中碰到的事情,原原本本向青龙复述了一遍。 When Luo Zheng said fleshly body of this female, has a pair of golden pupil time, Azure Dragon then interrupted the Luo Zheng's words, you say that female, had a pair of golden pupil, moreover by seal in crystal coffin?” 罗征说道这女子的肉身,拥有一对金色瞳孔的时候,青龙便是打断了罗征的话,“你是说那女子,拥有一对金色瞳孔,而且被封印在水晶棺中?” Right,” the Luo Zheng response said. “对,”罗征回应道。 Hehe, so that's how it is,” the Azure Dragon laughter transmits. 呵呵,原来如此,”青龙的笑声传递过来。 Funnily what has, you are True Dragon Clan great energy, has the means to withdraw?” Luo Zheng ill-humored asking. “有什么好笑的,你可是真龙一族大能,有办法脱身吗?”罗征没好气的问道。 At this time, the female is staring at the Luo Zheng soul suddenly, immediately asked: „Are you, communicating with who?” 就在这时候,那女子忽然盯着罗征灵魂,随即问道:“你,在与何人沟通?” This Internal Body World, is that female creates, even Luo Zheng through communicates by the sensation and Azure Dragon, but by her keen detection arrived. 体内世界,乃是那女子所创造,即使罗征通过以感知与青龙沟通,但还是被她敏锐的察觉到了 Luo Zheng curls the lip, has not responded her, in the mind the Azure Dragon sound transmits again, Luo Zheng, you ask, her name is Feng Nianyun?” 罗征撇撇嘴,没有搭理她,脑海中青龙的声音则再次传递过来,“罗征,你问问,她的名字是不是叫做封念云?” „Did you know?” Luo Zheng asked. “你认识?”罗征问道。 Should,” Azure Dragon light replied, listened to that tone, he as if immersed in the past events. “应该吧,”青龙淡淡的回答道,听那口气,他似乎又沉浸在一段往事之中。 Therefore Luo Zheng nods, on the face then has the smile, said to that female: Some people make me ask you, are you Feng Nianyun?” 于是罗征点点头,脸上便是带着微笑,对那女子说道:“有人让我问你,你是不是封念云?” When Luo Zheng puts out these three characters, this female whole body shakes suddenly, later the whole world everything may become vulnerable...... 罗征吐出这三个字的时候,这女子骤然浑身一震,随后整个世界地动山摇…… Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Under the thunderclap rings out, the entire island is also trembling unceasingly, that true essence sea is frantic roaring, one is similar to the hill common rough seas to sweep across piece by piece toward the island. 雷声大作之下,整个小岛也在不断地震颤着,那真元海便是疯狂的咆哮,一片片如同小山一般的大浪则是朝着海岛席卷过来。 Above the island, all indigenous human race are panic, the avoidance, in the mouth talked over the language that Luo Zheng cannot be understanding everywhere repeatedly, perhaps this language was also this female creates...... 海岛之上,所有的土著人类都惊慌失措,四处躲避,嘴中反复念叨着罗征听不懂的语言,这语言恐怕也是这女子所创造…… This Internal Body World is this female creates, therefore the Internal Body World condition, should be ordinary with the state of mind of this female, in other words Luo Zheng these words, really made this female innermost feelings raise the difficult situation. 体内世界乃是这女子所创造,所以体内世界的状态,应该与这女子的心境一般,也就是说罗征这一句话,真的让这女子内心掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Sees this to be similar to the judgment day general scene, Luo Zheng inspires, in the heart also wonders, is not a name, as for? 看到这如同世界末日一般的场景,罗征吸了一口气,心中也是纳闷,不就是一个名字,至于么? Who is, is who told you my name,” Feng Nianyun stared at Luo Zheng to ask. “是谁,是谁告诉你我的名字,”封念云盯着罗征问道。 Luo Zheng has not opened the mouth, Azure Dragon had spoken, told her, was her Seventh Grandfather.” 罗征还没有开口,青龙已经说话了,“告诉她,是她的七爷爷。” Hears this saying, in the Luo Zheng heart immediately one happy, „, isn't your granddaughter?” 听到这话,罗征心中顿时一乐,“不是吧,是你孙女?” Qing Xuan is True Dragon, but this woman is not True Dragon, but heard after Divine Beast grows to the certain extent, can indeed change into the human form, in other words this is Feng Nianyun also True Dragon? 青玄真龙,可是这女人并不是真龙啊,不过听说神兽成长到一定程度之后,的确可以化为人形,也就是说这封念云也是一条真龙 The female is the vision brilliant is staring at Luo Zheng, asked again: Told me, who was?” 那女子便是目光灼灼的盯着罗征,再次问道:“告诉我,到底是谁?” He said that is your Seventh Grandfather!” Luo Zheng said with a smile. “他说是你的七爷爷!”罗征笑道。 Bang......” “轰隆……” Also is the gigantic lightning drops from the clouds together, silver thunder snake straight from chop in the sea, in the outside world, this thunder is not perhaps fearful, but seems like in this Internal Body World, the diameter of that thunder endures a ratio mountain, so seems like the power and influence is also scary. 又是一道硕大的闪电从天而降,一道道银色的雷蛇径自劈在海洋之中,在外界之中,这雷霆恐怕并不可怕,只是在这体内世界中看起来,那雷霆的直径堪比一座大山,这般看起来也是威势骇人。 Sees this female innermost feelings drastic fluctuation, Luo Zheng cannot bear say: Can select calmly......” 看到这女子内心剧烈波动,罗征忍不住说道:“能不能镇定点……” On the young girl face reveals the sad expression, actually cannot repress, finally starts to wail. 那少女脸上流露出悲伤的表情,却是按耐不住,终于开始嚎啕大哭起来。 However she after all is also the soul condition, so cries, but hears the sound, does not have the tears to flow. 不过她毕竟也是灵魂状态,这般哭下来,只是听到声音,却是没有眼泪流淌。 This, Luo Zheng helpless, comforting was not, did not comfort is not, this Feng Nianyun appearance seemed a little girl, in fact her age ratio, these old monsters also wanted glorious many. 这一下,罗征就更加无奈了,安慰也不是,不安慰也不是,这封念云外貌看起来是一个小女孩,实际上她的年岁比,那些老怪物还要悠久的多。 Azure Dragon, what to do?” Luo Zheng only then sought help Azure Dragon. 青龙,怎么办?”罗征只有求助青龙了。 Made her do not cry,” Azure Dragon light replied. “让她不要哭了,”青龙淡淡的回答道。 Luo Zheng also can only honest rephrasing in own words, your Seventh Grandfather make you do not cry!” 罗征也只能老老实实的转述,“你七爷爷让你不要哭了!” The effect of this saying to be good, Luo Zheng just said, this Feng Nianyun then stopped the sob suddenly, is actually staring at Luo Zheng, said: Why, Seventh Grandfather with you in the same place? Big grandfather they......” 这话的效果还算不错,罗征刚刚说完,这封念云便是忽然停止了哭泣,紧接着却是怔怔的盯着罗征,却是说道:“为何,七爷爷会跟你在一起?大爷爷他们呢……” Can speak the truth with her?” Luo Zheng asked to Azure Dragon. “能跟她说实话吗?”罗征青龙问道。 Until now, Luo Zheng not has revealed to the bystander the mysterious furnaces and nine True Dragon secrets, is black fire in that furnace, under situation as a last resort, will use, knows nine True Dragon people only, only has Xun. 迄今为止,罗征没有将神秘熔炉和九条真龙的秘密向外人吐露过,便是那炉中的黑火,也是在万不得已的情况之下,才会使用,唯一知道九条真龙的人,也只有 Therefore this moment Luo Zheng is also very discrete. 所以此刻罗征也十分谨慎。 She is not a bystander, you can tell her from beginning to end,” Azure Dragon replied. “她不是外人,你可以原原本本的告诉她,”青龙回答道。 Therefore Luo Zheng shrugs the shoulders, then in his mind said nine matter of True Dragon, added immediately: Evidently these nine True Dragon, are your big grandfather, two grandfathers......” 于是罗征耸耸肩膀,便是将九条真龙在他脑海中的事情说了一遍,随即又补充道:“看样子这九条真龙,就是你的大爷爷,二爷爷……” Feng Nianyun nods, on face as before very sad saying: I understood.” 封念云点点头,脸上依旧十分悲伤的说道:“我明白了。” arrived at this time, Luo Zheng was relaxed, understands good, evidently this woman was not only not a lunatic, but also was a person on one's own side, such being the case the following matter was easy to do. 到了这个时候,罗征算是松了口气,明白了就好,看样子这女人不仅不是疯子,而且还算是自己人,既然如此下面的事情就好办了。 If we had known this matter will be so solved, Luo Zheng will not previously waste the lips and tongue. 早知道这事情会如此解决,此前罗征也不会浪费唇舌了。 Immediately Luo Zheng then said: Since understands good, now, can put me to go out?” 随即罗征便是说道:“既然明白了就好,现在,能放我出去了吧?” Feng Nianyun actually blinks, immediately said: Why can let out you?” 封念云却是眨了眨眼睛,随即才说道:“为何要将你放出去?” What's wrong? Also can keep here to accompany you to create the world me?” Luo Zheng ill-humored saying, no matter how, this woman as if relates significantly with nine True Dragon, should be insufficient to make things difficult for itself with no reason at all. “怎么?还要将我留在这里陪你创造世界?”罗征没好气的说道,不管如何,这女人似乎与九条真龙关系匪浅,应该不至于无缘无故为难自己。 Who knows that Feng Nianyun said: I was displayed Soul Race Soul Sealing Great Law, therefore my soul was imprisoned in own Internal Body World, this Soul Sealing Great Law is unable to eradicate, I am unable to control my fleshly body.” 谁知道封念云却说道:“我被施展了魂族封魂大法,所以我的灵魂被囚禁在自己的体内世界中,这封魂大法无法破除,我无法操控自己的肉身。” Luo Zheng also looks understands, this Feng Nianyun was locked by that chains here, was sealed in crystal coffin, oneself are unable to act, moreover she had been sealed evidently the innumerable years, even the Divine Extremity Realm life compared with Divine Sea Realm great energy glorious many, the life should still in hundred thousand years. 罗征也看得明白,这封念云被那一条条锁链锁在这里,又被封在水晶棺中,自身是无法行动的,而且看样子她已经被封了无数年了,就算神极境的寿元比神海境大能悠久的多,寿元应该也十万 Listened to Feng Nianyun saying that she light/only bred living being Internal Body World, consumed the hundred thousand year, has not actually entered in Five Wanings of a Celestial as before, used what technique inevitably. 只是听封念云所说,她光是将体内世界孕育出生灵,就耗费了十万年,却依旧没有进入天人五衰之中,必然是用了什么手法。 This method, is Soul Sealing Great Law, moreover is not Feng Nianyun exerts to oneself, but some people impose above her! 这个方法,就是封魂大法,而且并不是封念云自己给自己施加的,而是有人强加在她头上的! Soul Sealing Great Law can indeed resist Five Wanings of a Celestial to a certain extent, some indeed super great energy in upper realm, to continue the life uses this method. 封魂大法在某种程度上的确可以对抗天人五衰,在上界之中的确有些超级大能,为了续命而使用这种方法。 The shortcoming of this method is also but obvious, before untying Soul Sealing Great Law, oneself fleshly body are unable to control completely, the soul was then imprisoned in own within the body, besides the bored time creation world, does not have other matter to do...... 可是这种方法的缺点也显而易见,在解开封魂大法之前,自己的肉身自己无法完全操控,灵魂便是被囚禁在自己的体内,除了无聊的时候创造世界之外,也没有别的事情可以做…… General Divine Extremity Realm, is only with wisp of spirit fragment, created the world to be OK in the dantian, where need complete soul entered? 一般的神极境,只是用一缕分神,在丹田内创世就可以了,哪里需要全部的灵魂进入其中? But Feng Nianyun purely is because has no alternative, was sealed into the dantian by others. 封念云纯粹是因为无可奈何,被他人封入了丹田中。 I am unable to control my fleshly body, in your soul integrated the soul nuclear, I can help you, controls my fleshly body!” Feng Nianyun said with a smile suddenly. “我自己无法操控我的肉身,不过你的灵魂之中融入了魂核,我可以帮助你,控制我的肉身!”封念云忽然笑道。 Also can play like this, in the Luo Zheng heart is also speechless, on the face actually reveals the happy expression. 还能这样玩啊,罗征心中也是一阵无语,脸上却是流露出喜色。 Controls this fleshly body, is Luo Zheng goal from the beginning, oneself achieved the goal evidently, but has not thought that was actually such a strange strange process...... 操控这具肉身,原本就是罗征一开始的目的,看样子自己是达成了目的,只是没想到却是这样一个离奇古怪的过程…… Luo Zheng also rejoiced, fortunately this Feng Nianyun and Azure Dragon are the old acquaintances, otherwise this feared that really troubled, facing a Divine Extremity Realm expert soul, the leeway that Luo Zheng has not revolted against. 罗征也是庆幸,还好这封念云青龙是旧相识,不然这一趟自己怕是真麻烦了,面对一个神极境强者的灵魂,罗征没有丝毫反抗的余地。
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