AT :: Volume #9

#879: Creates the world god

After the Luo Zheng's soul invades in the mind of this young girl, the soul nuclear has not had the function, but the Luo Zheng's soul had not been shot to come out. 罗征的灵魂侵入这少女的脑海之中后,魂核并没有发生作用,而罗征的灵魂也没有被弹出来。 These Divine Sea Realm great energy somewhat worried to Luo Zheng immediately. 外界这些神海境大能顿时对罗征有些担忧。 In this graveyard many places, four big Divine Country have tried to find out carefully, but the status of this female they do not investigate only clearly, although she can speak, but the sound of that machinery is actually not able to appraise her life. 这墓园中许多地方,四大神国都仔仔细细的摸索过,可是唯独这女子的身份他们也调查不清楚,虽然她能够说话,但那机械的声音却无法让人评估她的死活。 Luo Zheng this comes up, that crystal coffin breaking, wanted to occupy the body of this female, absolutely is a adventure. 罗征这一上来,就将那水晶棺给砸碎了,想要占据这女子的身躯,绝对是一场冒险。 This female was closed here the innumerable years, even if properly speaking she is Divine Extremity Realm great energy, the life still has exhausted, after Five Wanings of a Celestial, cannot run away dead finally! 只是这女子被关在这里无数年,按理说即使她是神极境大能,寿元也早已经耗尽,历经天人五衰,最终还是逃不了一死! In entire world innumerable great energy, the limit of impossible escaping life, is only length different that's all. 寰宇之中无数大能,都不可能逃掉寿元的限制,只是长短不同罢了 Therefore takes risk, is worth absolutely, at that time Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign and Zhou Huang, Great Yu Battle Emperor wants to try one time, but was actually forestalled by Luo Zheng. 所以冒这个险,绝对是值得的,当时天风战皇周煌,还有大禹战帝都想试一次,不过却是被罗征抢了先。 After this sees Luo Zheng escapes into this fleshly body, suddenly without slightly the sound, the people when the worry, is wants to nose a outcome. 这番看到罗征遁入这肉身之中后,忽然之间没了丝毫动静,众人在担心之余,便是想要查探一个究竟。 Several Divine Sea Realm great energy controls just occupied corpse that comes, in abundance close. 几位神海境大能操控刚刚占据而来的尸身,纷纷靠近。 From this female fleshly body recent Divine Sea Realm great energy, has about several chi (0.33 m) distance, under his short distance sizes up, young girl both eyes open suddenly! 距离这女子肉身最近的一位神海境大能,大约只有数尺的距离,就在他近距离打量之下,那少女双目骤然睁开! The Divine Sea Realm great energy response is extremely fast is also incomparable, let alone they occupy is also some Divine Sea Realm great energy corpse, because although this corpse whole body dying thing, but displays the 6-7 level strength to have more than enough to spare through the soul nuclear. 神海境大能反应也是奇快无比,何况他们占据的也是一些神海境大能尸身,尽管因为这尸身全身是死物,但是通过魂核发挥出六七层的实力还是绰绰有余的。 However, recent that Divine Sea Realm great energy cannot avoid as before! 然而,最近的那位神海境大能依旧没能躲开! After her both eyes open suddenly, that pair of gold/metal pupil fierce look seems to be ordinary, under golden light covers, at present this Divine Sea Realm great energy explodes immediately painfully calls out. 她双目骤然睁开之后,那一双金瞳仿佛火眼金睛一般,金光笼罩之下,眼前这神海境大能顿时爆头痛苦的嚎叫起来。 Quick, the corpse surface that Divine Sea Realm great energy occupies starts to present the first layer level crack, is cracked the innumerable cracks just like the dry land above! 很快,那神海境大能占据的尸身表面就开始出现一层层裂纹,宛若干涸的土地之上龟裂出无数裂缝! These corpse were least also deposited for over ten thousand years, the blood in within the body is dry, therefore under that corpse broke up not to have the blood to flow, in corpse that but under this disintegration, that Divine Sea Realm great energy soul also disintegrated from this gave to compel. 这些尸身最少也存放了万年以上,体内的血液早已干涸,所以那尸身崩解之下并没有血液流淌出来,但是这番崩解之下,那位神海境大能的灵魂也从这分崩离析的尸身中给逼了出来。 That soul is calling out as before, he has not been separated from beyond the female shining vision range, the Battle Soul Realm soul should firm incomparable, is under this golden light, looks like ice piece that in the summer icehouse takes out, rapid start resolution. 那灵魂依旧在嚎叫着,他并没有脱离女子金灿灿的目光范围之外,战魂境的灵魂原本应该坚固无比,可是在这金光之下,就像是夏日冰窖之中取出的冰块,迅速的开始消解。 Suddenly, dissipates completely on this day within. 眨眼之间,就完全消散在这天地间。 Good ruthless...... this woman is lives absolutely!” “好狠……这女人绝对是活的!” Everyone draws back, do not approach!” “大家退开,别靠近!” Does not know how Luo Tianxing, hoping him do not fall from the sky here, if we had known does not lead him to enter Divine Sovereign Mystical Place!” “不知道罗天行如何了,但愿他不要陨落在这里,早知道不带他进入神皇秘境了!” These Divine Sea Realm great energy are thinking Luo Zheng's soul, is compared with their anyone powerful, entering Divine Sovereign Mystical Place should not obstruct greatly, can occupy Divine Sea Realm great energy corpse by the Luo Zheng's strength casually. 这些神海境大能想着罗征的灵魂,可是比他们任何一人都强大,进入神皇秘境应该也没有大碍,以罗征的实力随随便便就能占据一位神海境大能尸身 But who can think, Luo Zheng can occupy in this column unexpectedly fleshly body of young girl? 可是谁能够想到,罗征竟然要占据这柱中少女的肉身 Then, feared that was annoys greatly troublesome...... 这下,怕是惹出大麻烦了…… Many Divine Sea Realm great energy, Huo Chen, Swallow King and the others drew back in abundance one side, look anxious is staring at the young girl in that column, for fear that she stuck out suddenly launches an attack. 诸多神海境大能,还有火辰,燕王等人纷纷退开了一边,神色紧张的盯着那柱中的少女,生怕她暴起发难。 If this few Nuzhen is living, perhaps by her Divine Extremity Realm cultivation base, can everyone exterminate! 倘若这少女真的活着,以她神极境修为,恐怕能将所有人都灭杀 However after the people so decided a while, is actually looks that she closed that golden pupil slowly, felt relieved slightly. 不过众人这般定了一会儿后,却是看着她缓缓闭上了那金色的瞳孔,一个个才微微放下心来。 Country Lord, what to do...... Divine Sea Realm great energy asks Zhou Huang now. 国主,现在怎么办……”一位神海境大能周煌 Zhou Huang and Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign complexion is also Yin clear uncertain, according to the original plan, everyone then enters this graveyard to occupy corpse , to continue to make great strides forward toward Heavenly Star Mystical Place, as for their four Country Lord, then finds the way to occupy corpse on ten third layer, can occupy occupies, cannot occupy backs off, for example Heavenly Fate Country Lord does that. 周煌天风战皇的脸色也是阴晴不定,按照原来的计划,大家便是进入这墓园占据一个尸身,继续朝着天辰秘境迈进,至于他们四位国主,则是想办法占据十三层上的尸身,能够占就占,不能占就退而求其次,例如天运国主就是这么做的。 But who knows that this Luo Zheng one, the original plan will breed confusion, he actually wants to occupy fleshly body of that woman, finally is actually falls into this and other troublesome positions. 可是谁知道这罗征一来,就将原本的计划搞乱了,他竟然想要占据那女人的肉身,结果却是落入这等麻烦的境地。 Zhou Huang hesitant, is clenches teeth saying: „!” 周煌犹豫了一下,便是咬咬牙说道:“等!” Now cannot determine that Luo Zheng was certain, but saw just now soul melted that Divine Sea Realm great energy miserable fate, the Luo Zheng more unfortunate than fortunate possibility was big. 现在并不能确定罗征是一定死了,不过看到方才灵魂被融化的那位神海境大能悲惨下场,罗征凶多吉少的可能性非常大。 However world fate, has the day to decide darkly, but generally must always follow some logic. 但是世间运数,冥冥自有天定,但大抵总是要遵循着一些逻辑。 Luo Zheng this person, the destiny is quite strong, let alone he also opened Mahayana Lotus Flower, the person who such is shouldering the big destiny, as for not falling from the sky in lower realm, he should shoulder a more powerful mission, should have a broader stage. 罗征此人,气运极为强势,何况他还开启了大乘莲华,这样一位背负着大气运的人,决不至于陨落在一个下界,他应该背负着更强大的使命,也应该拥有更加广阔的舞台。 Therefore Zhou Huang decides first to wait to look. 所以周煌决定先等等看。 Although the Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea strength of blood sacrifice, will restore over time gradually, but at least also has several days of time, is not very urgent. 虽然天羽圣海中的血祭之力,会随着时间的流逝渐渐恢复,但至少还有数天时间,并不十分紧迫。 The people only then in the young girl with that column maintain certain distance, static waiting. 众人只有和那柱中少女保持一定的距离,静静的等待着。 In Internal Body World, an intermittent thunder, sways in that true essence sea...... 体内世界之中,一阵阵电闪雷鸣,挥洒在那真元海洋之中…… This woman has not revealed the too big evil intention to Luo Zheng, but makes the Luo Zheng little darling follow her, then indigenous was being lifted by that crowd, walks toward the island at the same time. 这女人并没有对罗征流露出太大的恶意,只是让罗征乖乖跟上她,便是被那一群土著抬着,朝着小岛一边走去。 Quick Luo Zheng looks at a arrived extremely original tribe, but the population in this tribe are actually many, has the old person and child everywhere, however here civilization is extremely backward, most indigenous is in rags. 很快罗征就看到了一个极为原始的部落,不过这部落中的人口倒是不少,四处都有老人和小孩,但是这里的文明却极为落后,大多数土著都是衣不蔽体。 Just after entering this tribe, then on is hanging a bag skull bone old person, is brandishing white bone staff in hand, crawled toward the female, immediately the person in entire tribe, knelt down toward her, devout paying respect. 刚刚进入这部落之后,便是有一位身上挂着一袋子骷髅头的老人,挥舞着手中的白骨杖,朝着女子匍匐过来,随即整个部落中的人,都朝着她跪下,虔诚的参拜。 These are human race, your oneself creates?” Sees human race in that tribe, Luo Zheng opens the mouth to ask. “这些人类,都是你自己所创造?”看到那部落中的人类,罗征开口问道。 The females smile lightly, immediately said: Right, they called me to create the world god, I think that this name was also right, to create this world, spent my a lot of time......” 女子淡淡一笑,随即说道:“对,他们都称呼我为创世神,我想这个称呼也是对的,为了创造这个世界,也花了我不少时间……” Bang!” “轰隆!” Is speaking , the thunder chops together to the sea level, that thunder in this Internal Body World crack, as if must extinguish the world to be common, the entire true essence sea level starts crazily roared. 正在说话之间,又是一道雷霆劈向海面,那雷霆在这体内世界中炸响,仿佛是要灭世一般,整个真元海面都开始疯狂的咆哮起来。 Sees the Luo Zheng soul-stirring expression, she said with a smile: Does not need to fear, the strength of this thunder is not powerful, but feels in Internal Body World intuitively is very fearful, to get so far as these thunder, I consumed many times! That crystal coffin is unable to introduce the thunder, can only , when the thunderstorms weather, can very enter the body through that chains the thunder, too troublesome......” 看到罗征惊心动魄的表情,她却是笑道:“不用怕,这雷霆之力并不强大,只是在体内世界中直观上感觉很可怕,为了弄到这些雷霆,我可是耗费了不少功夫!那水晶棺无法引入雷霆,只能在雷雨天气的时候,通过那锁链才能将雷霆挺入身体,太麻烦了……” Divine Extremity Realm, can indeed really solidify, but solidifies Continent in Divine Sea even, that is only a spiritless world, wish is been still vital by own within the body, only then the introduction thunder chops to hit unceasingly, will form some low levels in the true essence sea slowly the lives! 神极境,的确可以将真远固化,可是即使在神海之中凝固出大陆,那也只是一片死气沉沉的世界,想要让自己的体内充满生机,也只有引入雷霆不断地劈打,才会慢慢地在真元海中形成一些低层次的生命! However the life will evolve slowly, this process often is several hundred years, several thousand years, several tens of thousands years will be even fruitful! 不过生命是会慢慢进化的,这个过程往往是数百年,数千年,甚至数万年才会卓有成效! To cultivate this island, various living being on this island, but consumed my 120,000 years,” female sighs gently. “为了培育出这座小岛,还有这岛上的各种生灵,可是耗费了我十二万年的时间,”女子轻轻叹了一口气。 120,000 years, a little......” Luo Zheng stares, this speed imagines him also wants to be slower. “十二万年,才这么一点……”罗征一愣,这速度比他想象的还要慢许多。 The females actually show a faint smile, shake the head, you do not understand, the cultivation of Internal Body World assumes the acceleration, a birth of the world to being born first most insignificant living being, could experience the hundred thousand year, but this civilization expands, actually only needs several thousand years of that's all!” 女子却是微微一笑,摇摇头,“你不懂,体内世界的培育是呈加速度的,一个世界的诞生到诞生出第一个最微不足道的生灵,可能要经历十万年,但是这个文明壮大起来,其实只需要几千年而已!” so that's how it is,” Luo Zheng blinked an eye, he has not felt too many evil intentions from this woman, therefore again cautious asking: But you close the goal here me, what is?” 原来如此,”罗征眨巴了一下眼睛,他没有从这女人身上感受到太多的恶意,于是再次小心翼翼的问道:“可是你将我关在这里的目的,到底是什么?” Who knows that female shows a faint smile, then said: „A person creates the world, was too bored, you here, create with me dull together, is very fun?” 谁知道那女子微微一笑,便是说道:“一个人创造世界,太无聊了,你呆在这里,跟我一起创造,是不是非常好玩?” „......” “……” He wants to say to be fun, but bore, after thinking, Luo Zheng is replies: My soul has the hole, but fleshly body still outside, this soul has hole several days in addition is good, if the time were long, the soul and fleshly body cut off the relation to fear that was troublesome.” 他原本想说好玩个屁,但还是忍住了,想了想后,罗征便是回答道:“我的灵魂出窍,但是肉身还在外面,这番灵魂出窍几天的时间尚且还行,若是时间久了,灵魂与肉身切断了联系怕是麻烦了。” Who knows that the female toot toot the mouth, then said: „ What does this have? My soul and fleshly body also lost the contact! You look at my fleshly body are also not live well, the soul is also live well! I have the means to make your soul eternal life not extinguish! This means get down from Soul Race that side legacy, wants me to teach you? " 谁知道女子嘟嘟嘴,便是说道:“这有什么?我的灵魂和肉身也失去了联系啊!你看我肉身还不是活的好好地,灵魂也是活的好好地!我有办法能够让你的灵魂永生不灭!这办法可是从魂族那边传承下来的,要不要我教你?"
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