AT :: Volume #9

#878: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Is these red ripple, Luo Zheng deadlocking firmly in mind. 就是这些红色的波纹,将罗征牢牢的锁死在了脑海中。 „To escape? Snort, relies on your not to arrive at the Green Soul Realm soul?” That sound made a sound. “想逃?哼,就凭借你这不到碧魂境的灵魂?”那声音又响起来了。 Luo Zheng is starting the impact on the mind edge as before unceasingly, when he hears this saying, a heart sank immediately, as if Green Soul Realm looks like in this woman is also nothing. 罗征依旧不断地向脑海的边缘发动着冲击,可是当他听到这话的时候,一颗心顿时沉了下去,似乎碧魂境在这女人看来也算不了什么。 This time, Luo Zheng may be fell into one greatly troublesome. 这一次,罗征可算是掉进了一个大麻烦中了。 Started several times of impacts on the mind edge, but Luo Zheng cannot go well as before, finally also can only give up for the time being, after all the strength of soul is also limited, even Luo Zheng cannot consume the soul endlessly the strength. 对脑海的边缘发动了数次冲击,但是罗征依旧没能够得手,最终也只能暂且放弃,毕竟灵魂的力量也是有限的,即使是罗征也不能够无休止的消耗灵魂的力量。 His static float in the blackness, after waiting for a meeting, consciousness again spreads in the mind, you keep me here, does not have any value, might as well puts me to go out......” Luo Zheng to try to convince this woman. 他静静的漂浮在漆黑之中,等待了一会后,才将意识再一次扩散在脑海之中,“你留我在这里,也没有任何价值,还不如放我出去……”罗征还是试图说服这个女人。 The opposite party have not responded to Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng throws during this is jet black, because Luo Zheng has not controlled fleshly body of this woman, his soul sensation does not arrive at any situation, therefore he was similar to enters in a pitch-dark jail now. 对方并没有回应罗征,只是将罗征扔在这漆黑之中,因为罗征没有掌控这女人的肉身,他的灵魂也感知不到外界的任何情况,所以他现在便如同进入了一个黑漆漆的监牢之中。 Saw that female has not responded, Luo Zheng continues to proliferate own consciousness. 见到那女子没有回应,罗征则继续扩散出自己的意识。 Hey!” “喂!” You spoke words actually!” “你倒是说句话啊!” Your fleshly body was fettered in this crystal coffin so many years, I helped you open the fetter!” “你的肉身被束缚在这水晶棺这么多年,我可是帮你打开了束缚!” Other chains are bundling your both legs, if you want to gain the freedom, I can help you open!” “其他的锁链可是将你的双腿捆着呢,若是你想获得自由,我能够帮你打开!” Regardless how Luo Zheng spoke, is unable to get that female's response. 无论罗征如何说话,就是无法得到那女子的回应。 Luo Zheng curls the lip, fluttering that is bored to death in this mind, in the heart is very depressed, he should not escape into the mind of this female, might as well knocks directly from this stone column this female, then throws a place casually...... this not by this female's influence, he can occupy on ten third layer greatly any super great energy corpse! 罗征撇撇嘴,只有百无聊赖的飘荡在这脑海之中,心中别提有多郁闷,他就不应该遁入这女子的脑海中,还不如直接将这女子从这石柱上敲下来,然后随便扔一个地方……这样就不受这女子的影响,他大可以占据十三层上任何一位超级大能尸身 Trouble that the greed causes, although these super great energy strengths are intrepid, but also compares several Country Lord powerful several points, but has no way to compare with this Divine Extremity Realm young girl at present! 还是贪心惹的祸,那些超级大能实力虽然强悍,不过也只是比几位国主强大几分,可是跟眼前这神极境的少女没法比! Can't blame Luo Zheng, Zhou Huang, Great Yu Battle Emperor and Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign never does not have this concern? This crystal coffin is Luo Zheng beats open, they have no way to struggle that's all concerned about the face with Luo Zheng. 不能怪罗征,周煌,大禹战帝天风战皇何尝没有这个心事?只是这水晶棺罗征敲开的,他们碍于脸面没法跟罗征而已 When the Luo Zheng thinking introspection, presented blood red ripple in this mind suddenly, after these ripple appear, rapid flies to shoot toward Luo Zheng! 就在罗征思索反省的时候,在这脑海之中骤然出现了一道道血红色的波纹,那些波纹出现之后,就迅速朝着罗征飞射而来! Dodges!” “闪!” Sees these blood red ripple, the Luo Zheng's soul then dodges in this mind! 看到那些血红色波纹,罗征的灵魂便是在这脑海之中闪避起来! The speed that although Luo Zheng dodges is not slow, that blood red ripple cannot catch up with the speed that the Luo Zheng soul moves, however, in this mind space of supplies Luo Zheng soul activity, although is big, eventually is limited, but that blood red ripple spreads is actually inexhaustible. 尽管罗征闪避的速度不慢,那血红色的波纹根本追不上罗征灵魂移动的速度,然而,这脑海之中供给罗征灵魂活动的空间虽然大,却终究是有限的,而那血红色波纹蔓延起来却是无穷无尽。 The useless how long time, the blood red ripple then covered the entire mind, Luo Zheng's all around all was this red ripple, he was in the soul shape, was impossible to display Space Law, space that now Luo Zheng has not dodged. 没用多久的时间,血红色波纹便是将整个脑海都覆盖住了,罗征的前后左右全是这红色波纹,他处于灵魂形态,根本不可能施展空间法则,现在罗征就没有丝毫闪避的空间。 Quick, in that red ripple spreads a red big hand, stresses the Luo Zheng's soul in the hand, immediately pulls toward the mind under! 很快,那红色的波纹之中蔓延出一道红色的大手,一把将罗征的灵魂抓在手中,随即就朝着脑海下方扯去! Bang......” “轰隆……” Luo Zheng feels own soul unceasingly fall downwards! 罗征感觉到自己的灵魂不断地下坠 In process that this humble one falls, Luo Zheng as if penetrated the high cloud layer, saw that lightning winds to circle a piece by piece, releases the dazzling white electric light unceasingly. 在下坠的过程中,罗征仿佛穿透了高高的云层,又看到一片片闪电蜿蜒盘旋,不断释放出炽白色的电光。 illusory realm? Illusion?” 幻境?还是幻觉?” In this fall downwards process, Luo Zheng sees broad sea unexpectedly, that sea water surges unceasingly, but as if has big islands in the center of sea! 在这下坠的过程之中,罗征竟然看到一片宽阔的大海,那海水不断地涌动,而在大海的中央似乎有一座不小的岛屿! Above the islands has covered the first layer emerald-green plant, above the sky is glittering radiant thunder light, then strokes directly in the woods above island, immediately emits the flaming flame...... 岛屿之上已经覆盖着一层翠绿色的植物,天空之上闪烁出璀璨的雷光,便是直接击打在小岛之上的树林中,随即冒出熊熊火光…… Under dragging of that red big hand entrains, Luo Zheng comes the center of arrived this island, in the Luo Zheng whole face is stunned, he is sees not far away to stand one group of people! 在那红色大手的拖拽之下,罗征到了这小岛的中央,正在罗征满脸错愕之际,他便是看到不远处站着一群人! The attires of these people, dressing up are very primitive, the weapon in hand is truncates the system with the tree trunk long spear, clothing with the leaf establishment, seems like these human race not to open many Spiritual Wisdom. 这些人的衣着,装扮都十分原始,手中的武器乃是用树干削制的长枪,身上的服装则是用树叶编制而成,看上去这些人类并没有开启多少灵智 However the Luo Zheng's attention has not placed on these primitive human race, because Luo Zheng sees the center of this group of people, four primitive men are lifting one with the simple sedan chair that the wooden club builds, but above that sedan chair, actually the pair of tall and slender both legs lets fall, a pair of golden pupil light is looking at Luo Zheng, on that fine face above is actually the color of light taunt! 不过罗征的注意力并没有放在这些原始的人类身上,因为罗征看到这群人的中央,有四个原始人抬着一个用木棍搭建的简易轿子,而在那轿子之上,却有一双细长的双腿垂落下来,一双金色的瞳孔淡淡的望着罗征,那张精致的脸上之上却是淡淡的嘲讽之色! That young girl in stone column! Cut the true point saying that this was the soul of that young girl! 正是石柱中的那位少女!切确一点说,这是那少女的灵魂! That crowd of primitive human race are making noise unceasingly, in the mouth exudes various strange cries, then lifts toward Luo Zheng that young girl. 那群原始人类不断地喧闹着,嘴中发出各种各样怪异的叫声,便是将那少女朝着罗征抬过去。 As this young girl raises a hand gently, they then gave to put her. 随着这少女轻轻举起一只手,他们便是将她给放了下来。 Where is this?” Luo Zheng inquired. “这是哪里?”罗征询问道。 The young girls are light smile, then said: lower realm martial artist, is really friendless and unlearned, here does not know!” 少女却是淡淡一笑,便是说道:“下界武者,果然孤陋寡闻,连这里都不知道!” The Luo Zheng's brow wrinkled the following, actually in his heart also guessed the 6-7 minute/share, but cannot determine that's all. 罗征的眉头皱了以下,其实他心中也猜测了六七分,只是不敢确定而已 Luo Zheng has previously known, Life and Death Realm started, true essence in within the body will liquefy unceasingly, liquefies to certain degree, promoted Divine Sea Realm to open side Divine Sea in within the body! 此前罗征就已经知道,生死境开始,体内的真元就会不断地液化,液化到一定的程度,晋升神海境就能够开辟体内的一方神海 It is said after arrived Divine Sea Realm, Divine Sea in within the body can breed the life, but this is quite likely, majority is cultivation to a higher level, has the possibility! 据说到了神海境后,体内的神海就能够孕育生命,不过这个可能性比较小,大部分是修炼到更高的层次,才有可能! This cultivation base breaks through Divine Sea Realm, after achieving Divine Extremity Realm, within the body that „the true essence sea starts to solidify slowly, then breeds all kinds of living being slowly...... 修为突破神海境,达到神极境后,体内那“真元海洋”就开始慢慢地固化,然后慢慢地孕育出各种各样的生灵…… These Luo Zheng hear that's all, but sees now with own eyes, together seems so real, his instead some cannot conclude. 这些罗征只是听说而已,只是现在亲眼见到,一起都显得如此真实,他反而有些不敢断定了。 However hears the tone of this young girl, Luo Zheng is saying of coldly: Divine Extremity Realm, world that's all in dantian, this grade of experience is also nothing, mentioned ignorant and inexperienced from where?” 但是听到这少女的口气,罗征则是冷冷的说道:“神极境,丹田中的世界而已,这等见识也算不了什么,孤陋寡闻从何谈起?” The young girl heard the Luo Zheng's words, the attitude actually came a 180 degrees shallowturn, clapped to say with a smile, responded!” 那少女听到罗征的话,态度却是来了一个一百八十度大转弯,拍手笑道,“答对了!” Why can lead me to here?” Luo Zheng asked. “为何要将我带到这里?”罗征问道。 The young girl blinked an eye, then said: Is your oneself wants body possession, invades......, invades my body! Since were defeated, you naturally became my captive! Understood your condition?” 那少女眨巴了一下眼睛,便说道:“是你自己要夺舍,侵占……嗯,侵占我的身体!既然失败了,你自然就成了我的俘虏!明白你的境况了吗?” Looks at this young girl nearly demented appearance, in the Luo Zheng heart is also the secretly thought not wonderful...... 看着这少女近乎癫狂的样子,罗征心中也是暗道不妙…… This young girl does not know that was sealed many years in crystal coffin, a person closed/pass so many years, some personalities will be mostly abnormal, such situation is indeed troublesome. 这少女也不知道被封在水晶棺中多少年了,一个人关了这么多年,多半会有些人格失常,这样的情况的确非常麻烦。 Puts me to go out, my companion is still waiting for me outside, if I do not go out, perhaps they will destroy your fleshly body,” Luo Zheng not good way, only then so the threat said. “放我出去吧,我的同伴还在外面等着我,若是我不出去,他们恐怕会毁了你的肉身,”罗征没有太好的办法,也只有这般威胁道。 Hears the Luo Zheng's words, on the young girl face appears look that immediately disdains together, your companion? You say these Divine Sea Realm little fellows?” 听到罗征的话,那少女脸上顿时浮现出一道不屑的神色,“你的同伴?你是说那些神海境的小家伙?” Divine Sea Realm little fellow...... 神海境的小家伙…… These Battle Sovereign Battle Emperor in the Luo Zheng eye, but lived over ten thousand years of old monster, but does not seem worth mentioning in this young girl eyes, turned into the little fellow. 那些战皇战帝罗征眼中,可是活了上万年的老怪物,可是在这少女眼中似乎不值一提,变成了小家伙。 Sees Luo Zheng to be silent, the young girl continues said lightly: You think that you used Black Star Ore Pick to beat open crystal coffin, can they injure to me? Does not believe you to try, these fellows dare to come......” at this point, the young girl stopped, immediately opens the mouth to say with a smile: Also really had a fool to come!” 见到罗征沉默,少女继续淡淡的说道:“你以为你用黑星矿镐敲开了水晶棺,他们就能伤害到我了?不信你试试,那些家伙敢过来……”说到这里,少女停顿了一下,随即开口笑道:“还真有一个笨蛋过来了!” Luo Zheng saw that young girl shuts the eye slightly, under opens again, in both eyes the golden ray flashes suddenly, then her tonality immediately becomes lazy incomparable, ok, a Divine Sea Realm little fellow, had been killed by me.” 罗征就看到那少女将眼睛微微一闭,再次睁开之下,双目中金色的光芒骤然一闪,然后她的音调顿时变得慵懒无比,“好了,一位神海境的小家伙,已经被我杀了。” What......” in the Luo Zheng heart in great surprise, his soul fell into Internal Body World of this young girl, now Luo Zheng cannot see the situation, but is blinking Divine Sea Realm great energy exterminate? This...... “什么……”罗征心中大惊,他的灵魂陷入了这少女的体内世界中,现在罗征也看不到外界的情况,可是在眨眼之间就将外界的一位神海境大能灭杀?这…… You deceive my,” Luo Zheng thinks a while is actually saying of look grim. “你骗我的吧,”罗征想了一会儿却是神色凝重的说道。 The voice of young girl suddenly becomes chilly, deceives you? Having to either? I do not want to kill his, but you, since dares to threaten me with these Divine Sea Realm little fellows, naturally must show that shows you, I already corpse of that fellow, together with soul, hehe, dares to steal corpse of my dragon vein clan, has only self to blame!” 少女的声音则忽然变得清冷起来,“骗你?有必要么?原本我是不想杀他的,不过你既然敢拿这些神海境的小家伙们来威胁我,当然要证明一下给你看看,我已经将那家伙的尸身,连同灵魂给化掉了,嘿嘿,竟敢偷取我龙脉一族的尸身,也是咎由自取!” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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