AT :: Volume #9

#877: Living

Heavenly Star Mystical Place dominates above other three big mystical places, is a dragon vein clan core is at inevitably. 天辰秘境凌驾在其他三大秘境之上,必然是龙脉一族核心所在。 This group of Divine Sea Realm great energy so many years, cannot take Ancestral Dragon Egg, Luo Zheng want to win at one fell swoop, feared that must try another method. 这帮神海境大能这么多年,都没能取走祖龙蛋,罗征想要一举夺魁,怕是要另辟蹊径。 Then obtains corpse of this Divine Extremity Realm young girl, becomes the matter that handled inevitably regarding Luo Zheng. 那么获得这神极境少女的尸身,对于罗征来说就成了必然去做的事情。 Actually when Luo Zheng revealed that Black Star Ore Pick, other Divine Sea Realm great energy also reveal the color of intent moving, especially Great Yu Battle Emperor and the others. 其实当罗征亮出那黑星矿镐的时候,其他神海境大能也流露出意动之色,特别是大禹战帝等人。 They have to hit in this column the idea of young girl! 他们不是没有打过这柱中少女的主意! But that crystal coffin, or is the chains, is impossible to disassemble...... 可是无论是那水晶棺,又或者是锁链,根本就不可能拆开…… This little while saw Luo Zheng to reveal Black Star Ore Pick, in their eyes also revealed the color of intent moving, entered Heavenly Star Mystical Place, who is willing to choose more powerful corpse, if Luo Zheng opened this crystal coffin, they can also try corpse that occupied this young girl! 这会儿看到罗征亮出了黑星矿镐,他们眼中也流露出意动之色,进入天辰秘境,谁都愿意选择更加强大的尸身,若是罗征打开了这水晶棺,他们也可以试着占据这少女的尸身 However, at this moment actually no one fights for with Luo Zheng. 不过,这一刻却没有人跟罗征争抢。 Attaining Ancestral Dragon Egg perhaps is great merit one, because this merit offends Luo Zheng, was some suspects is stupid. 拿到祖龙蛋或许是大功一件,但是因为这份功劳去得罪罗征,就是一些犯蠢了。 For example Great Yu Battle Emperor had the enmity with Luo Zheng in first, him wants to restore and Luo Zheng's now relates some without enough time, where also dares to fight to offend him with Luo Zheng? 例如大禹战帝原本就与罗征有仇怨在先,现在他想要修复与罗征的关系都有些来不及呢,哪里还敢跟罗征争抢得罪他? Luo Zheng takes out Black Star Ore Pick from sumeru ring, gradually in the young girl toward that column flutters. 罗征须弥戒指中取出黑星矿镐,缓缓朝着那柱中少女飘过去。 Four big Divine Country looted Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea, in each corpse the status regarding the graveyard understands clearly, is only the status of this young girl, they actually know nothing, the origin is quite as if mystical. 四大神国天羽圣海洗劫了一遍,对于墓园之中每个尸身的身份都了解到清清楚楚,可是唯独这少女的身份,他们却毫不知情,来历似乎颇为神秘。 Although Luo Zheng's look is prudent, in heart also some worries, for example by some chance in this column few Nuzhen has not died, was so put...... to annoy by Luo Zheng to trouble? 罗征的神色虽然慎重,心中也有一些顾虑,例如万一这柱中少女真的没死,被罗征这般放出来……会不会惹来麻烦? His soul holds Black Star Ore Pick fluttering slowly by the stone column, by crystal coffin of pure no flaw, Luo Zheng can the young girl in clear sizing up coffin. 他的灵魂手执黑星矿镐缓缓的飘动在石柱旁边,透过洁净无瑕的水晶棺,罗征能够清晰的打量棺中的少女。 Her clothes are not many, the naked both hands both feet by iron chain fetter firmly, above the pure white skin is then preserved shocking marks. 她身上的衣服并不多,赤裸的双手双脚被铁链牢牢的束缚住,洁白的皮肤之上便是留存着一道道触目惊心的勒痕。 Why this young girl will be bound here, what status is itself? 这少女为何会被绑缚在这里,本身又是什么身份? After sizing up a while, Luo Zheng then brandishes Black Star Ore Pick in take action suddenly! 打量了一会儿之后,罗征便是骤然挥舞出手中的黑星矿镐 This Black Star Ore Pick is hard to bring to meet the enemy, after all in this world has sword technique, blade technique, spear technique, does not have so-called pickaxe law, but as supreme divine item, contains in karmic law is actually extremely powerful! Luo Zheng also trusts this Black Star Ore Pick very much, perhaps does not have the thing that this Black Star Ore Pick cannot dig in this world. 黑星矿镐难以拿来应敌,毕竟这世界上有剑法,刀法,枪法,偏偏没有所谓的“镐法”,但是作为至尊神器,蕴藏在其中的因果律却是极为强大!罗征也很信任这黑星矿镐,在这个世界上恐怕没有这黑星矿镐挖不开的东西。 Dang! “哐当! Although Luo Zheng's Green Soul Realm is firm, but compared with his fleshly body strength, is the difference was too far. 虽然罗征的碧魂境坚固无比,不过跟他肉身的力量相比,还是差的太远了。 Uses Black Star Ore Pick not to need the powerful strength, under is so wields gently, the pickaxe rap of ore pickaxe above crystal coffin, on that crystal coffin presented cracks. 只是使用黑星矿镐并不需要多强大的力量,就是这般轻轻一挥之下,矿镐的镐头敲击在水晶棺之上,那水晶棺上就出现了一道道裂纹。 Din-dong......” “叮叮咚咚……” After that crystal coffin presented the crack, as if becomes very frail, does not need the Luo Zheng second rap, these cracks on oneself in the above unceasing proliferation, but the crystal of disruption is changes into the powder dust to fall unceasingly! 水晶棺出现了裂纹之后,似乎就变得十分脆弱,不需要罗征第二次敲击,那些裂纹就自己在上面不断的扩散,而碎裂的水晶便是化为碎末不断地掉落下来! Quick, entire crystal coffin flakes completely from the stone column, but fleshly body of that young girl was fettered by the chains as before, binding firmly above stone column. 很快,整个水晶棺就从石柱之上完全剥落下来,只是那少女的肉身依旧被锁链束缚,牢牢的绑定在石柱之上。 Actually the light fragrance, she also lives......” in the Luo Zheng's eye to reveal to wipe the color of surprise, after this crystal coffin opens, then the body fragrant transmission of share of young girl. “竟然还有淡淡的香味,难道她还活着……”罗征的眼中流露出一抹诧异之色,将这水晶棺打开后,便是有一股少女的体香传递而来。 That out of curiosity, Luo Zheng then extends take action, touched in the chest of this young girl. 出于好奇的本那,罗征便是伸出手,触碰在了这少女的胸口。 plop, plop......”, when Luo Zheng just bumped into her chest, immediately feels an powerful and powerful heartbeat! 噗通,噗通……”当罗征刚刚碰到她的胸口,顿时感觉到一股强悍而有力的心跳! This is fleshly body of living person! It is not corpse of deceased person! In Luo Zheng heart immediately one startled! 这是一个活人的肉身!并非死人的尸身罗征心中顿时一惊! Although this young girl previously can speak, is the sound is very mechanical, and does not seem like the full of wisdom living being round sound, four big Divine Country people are unable to analyze that she is dies lives...... 虽然这少女此前能够说话,可是声音却十分机械,并不像是有智慧的生灵发出来的声音,四大神国的人也无法判断她是死是活…… Now Luo Zheng then determines, this is a living person! 现在罗征便是确定了,这就是一个活人! A dragon vein clan not all living being blood sacrifices? Why a living person here? What does she have here goal is? 龙脉一族不是将所有的生灵都血祭了么?为何还有一个活人在这里?她存在这里的目的是什么? Perhaps her soul had been disappeared, since fleshly body some mystique retains, in the Luo Zheng heart guessed. 可能她的灵魂已经被泯灭了,肉身则被某种秘法保留至今吧,罗征心中猜测道。 If so, the plan of Luo Zheng body possession will become Jane/simple to answer, this fleshly body is one living body, direct body possession, even does not need the soul nuclear to control her fleshly body, moreover fleshly body that survives can display 100% strengths, controls corpse using the soul nuclear, was eventually worse. 若是如此的话,罗征夺舍的计划就会变得简答许多,这肉身乃是一个活着的躯体,直接夺舍的话,甚至不需要魂核就能够控制她的肉身,而且存活的肉身能够发挥出百分之百的力量,利用魂核操控尸身,终究是差了许多。 Then starts,” no longer thinks, Luo Zheng brandished Black Star Ore Pick to knock to bind the chains on young girl both hands, returned to the Black Star Ore Pick stopper sumeru ring, immediately put out a hand pinching gently above the cheeks of young girl, Luo Zheng was then light smiles, but said: Sorry, can only first occupy your fleshly body!” “那么就开始吧,”不再多想,罗征挥舞着黑星矿镐敲断了绑缚着少女双手上的锁链,将黑星矿镐塞回须弥戒指中,随即伸手轻轻的掐在了少女的脸颊之上,罗征便是淡淡一笑,只是说道:“抱歉,只能先占据你的肉身了!” After saying, the Luo Zheng's soul worms one's way into to the mouth of this young girl! 说完之后,罗征的灵魂就向这少女的嘴中钻了进去! Quick, Luo Zheng has appeared on the soul in the mind of young girl, when his soul escapes into instance, the Luo Zheng's brow a wrinkle, on the face appears immediately color of the vigilance. 很快,罗征就灵魂就已经出现在了少女的脑海之中,当他的灵魂遁入其中的瞬间,罗征的眉头顿时一皱,脸上浮现出一丝警觉之色。 Too smooth...... 太顺利了…… The Luo Zheng's experience told itself, anything that was too smooth, had its strange place inevitably. 罗征的经验告诉自己,凡是太顺利的事情,必然有其诡异之处。 These corpse of strength of this young girl in compared with surroundings coffin is powerful, but Luo Zheng occupied her mind with ease, even without feeling strength of the repel, light/only made Luo Zheng vigilant from this point sufficiently. 这少女的实力比周围棺材中的那些尸身都还要强大,可是罗征却如此轻松的占据了她的脑海,甚至没有感受到一丝排斥之力,光从这一点就足以让罗征警惕了。 Fusion? Amn't I as if able to fuse?” “融合呢?我似乎无法融合?” At this time the soul nuclear should have the function, helping the Luo Zheng's soul control this fleshly body, was in this pitch-dark mind, Luo Zheng simply had not felt that the soul nuclear had the function! 这时候魂核应该会发生作用,帮助罗征的灵魂控制这具肉身,可是在这黑漆漆的脑海之中,罗征根本没有感觉到魂核发生作用! Luo Zheng somewhat flustered, almost stems from the instinct, he wants rapidly leaves this mind! 罗征有些慌了,几乎是出自于本能反应,他想要迅速的离开这脑海! Draws back!” “退出去!” The Luo Zheng's speed is nothing less than quick, from discovering right, to the action, does not have 1-2 the time of breath again merely, but he soon discovered, oneself has been at the involuntary condition! 罗征的速度不可谓不快,从发现不对劲,再到行动,仅仅只有1-2呼吸的时间,可是他很快发现,自己已经处于身不由己的状态! Then transmits in this mind fills the dignified female voice together, „, since has come , but also is thinking leaves with ease?” 便是在这脑海之中传来一道充满威严的女声,“既然已经进来了,还想着轻松离开?” Really is the trap,” Luo Zheng's complexion slowly is quiet, he just is flustered is because is thinking have the opportunity to draw back, but since now is remained by the opposite party, he is instead unhurried. “果然是陷阱么,”罗征的脸色慢慢的沉静下来,他方才慌张是因为想着自己还有机会退出去,不过现在既然已经被对方留下来了,他反而不慌了。 since came, then settle it, now he can only calm treatment. 正所谓既来之则安之,现在他只能沉着冷静的对待。 Who are you?” The Luo Zheng's consciousness spreads. “你是谁?”罗征的意识扩散出去。 I? You did not stare at me to look at many, has not known that who I was?” That female voice made a sound. “我?你不是盯着我看了很多遍了么,难道还不知道我是谁?”那个女声又响了起来。 Luo Zheng blinked an eye, is actually the light response: Originally you are not a deceased person, but why was sealed in this graveyard......” 罗征眨巴了一下眼睛,却是淡淡的回应道:“原来你并不是死人,可是为何又被封在这墓园之中……” Snort, who said that I wasn't a deceased person? I had truly died, but has not thought that so many years passed by, some people stupidly will also enter my mind unexpectedly, accompanies me!” That soul also the light response said. “哼,谁说我不是死人了?我确实已经死了,只是没想到这么多年过去了,竟然还有人会傻傻的进入我的脑海,来陪伴我!”那灵魂又淡淡的回应道。 Has truly died......” Luo Zheng unable to understand these words, on the face some colors of doubts. “确实已经死了……”罗征无法理解这句话,脸上有些疑惑之色。 corpse, has own soul, has perfect fleshly body, strength that this fleshly body heart beats even compared with Luo Zheng powerful many, is this deceased person? 一具尸身,拥有自己的灵魂,又拥有完好无损的肉身,她这肉身心脏跳动的力量甚至比罗征都强大的多,这怎么算是死人? Snort, could not explain to you, but you, since enter in my mind, remains to accompany me, did not use!” That sound light sound. “哼,跟你解释不清楚,不过你既然自己闯入我脑海中,就留下来陪我吧,不用出去了!”那声音又淡淡的响起来。 Luo Zheng actually arched both hands in the jet black mind, said to her: This senior, I do not know the circumstances of the matter rushes accidentally, if there is the place of offending, but also please contain much, therefore also please spare and not punish too severely......” 罗征却是在漆黑的脑海之中拱了拱双手,才对她说道:“这位前辈,我也是不知情才无意中闯进来的,若是有得罪之处,还请多多包含,所以还请高抬贵手……” When he so argued politely, that female voice responded sternly: „Doesn't Hehe...... know the circumstances of the matter...... has no intention? When you I am a three -year-old child? To capture my fleshly body obviously, but also changes the pattern to explain, counted on I put you to go out, have a dream!” 就在他这般客客气气辩解的时候,那女声则厉声回应道:“呵呵呵……不知情……无意?你当我是三岁小孩?明明想要夺取我的肉身,还变着花样解释,指望我放你出去,做梦吧!” This woman will not put herself to go out evidently, a Luo Zheng's brow wrinkle, the soul then accelerates suddenly, speeds away to go toward the mind beyond. 看样子这女人是不会放自己出去了,罗征的眉头一皱,灵魂便是骤然加速,朝着脑海之外疾驰而去。 But quick Luo Zheng discovered, own idea was extremely naive, soul powerful many of this woman, she even has not as if appeared in the mind, is only light cold snort/hum one, presents red ripple in the edge of this mind! 可是很快罗征就发现,自己的想法太过于幼稚了,这女人的灵魂似乎远比自己强悍的多,她甚至并没有出现在脑海之中,只是淡淡的冷哼一声,在这脑海的边缘上就出现一圈圈红色的波纹!
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