AT :: Volume #9

#876: Divine Extremity Realm

The people originally the appearance that is used to Luo Zheng that to weaken, this saw Luo Zheng to occupy such tall and strong corpse, suddenly some were not familiar with. 众人原本都习惯了罗征那削弱的模样,这番看到罗征占据了这样一位魁梧的尸身,一时间都有些不习惯。 Swallow King, Huo Yun'er and Huo Chen and the others look at Luo Zheng, even also grins to smile. 燕王,火允儿火辰等人看着罗征,甚至还咧开嘴笑了起来。 On the Luo Zheng face reveals the light happy expression, walked at will several steps, in short time he has been able to control this corpse freely. 罗征脸上流露出淡淡的笑意,随意走了几步,短短的时间里他已经能够将这尸身控制自如了。 However at this time, he felt that suddenly a pressure in addition holds on own body! 然而就在这时候,他骤然感到一股的压力加持在自己的身上! In that completely empty mind, spreads blood red ripple suddenly, around the mind becomes blood red one piece, this pressure does not come from the outside world, as if came from this corpse instinct! 那空空如也的脑海之中,骤然扩散出一道道血红色的波纹,脑海周围都变得血红一片,这种压力并不是来自于外界,似乎来自于这个尸身本能! Through the soul nuclear, Luo Zheng had won this corpse control, but he actually discovered at this time oneself are unable to control this corpse, this corpse under the uncontrolled condition, is swaggering walks toward that stone column. 通过魂核,罗征原本已经获得了这具尸身的控制权,可是这时候他却发现自己无法控制这尸身了,这尸身在不受控制的状态之下,便是摇摇摆摆的朝着那石柱走过去。 Came!” Luo Zheng is prudent at this moment immediately. “来了!”罗征这一刻顿时慎重起来。 Previously Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign and Heavenly Fate Country Lord are Luo Zheng have demonstrated that in their radically irresistibly that column young girl's order, nearby trend that stone column cannot help but. 此前天风战皇天运国主已经为罗征演示过了,他们根本无法抵抗那柱中少女的命令,不由自主的走向那石柱跟前。 This essential is not this point, but is unable to reply this corpse name. 这关键的不是这一点,而是自己无法回答出这尸身的名字。 Feng Zhan......” of gently Luo Zheng in the heart discussed. 封斩……”罗征在心中轻轻的默念道。 Quick, he felt that under this corpse limps, knelt nearby the stone column suddenly, at the same time, Luo Zheng also felt in the mind that blood red ripple is also getting stronger and stronger, was such blood red ripple isolates to be one of them completely the Luo Zheng's soul! 很快,他感觉到这尸身一路蹒跚之下,骤然跪在了石柱跟前,与此同时,罗征也感觉到脑海之中那血红色的波纹也越来越浓烈,就是这样血红色的波纹将罗征的灵魂完全隔绝在其中! In this moment, Luo Zheng felt that all leave him are such far! 在这一刻,罗征感觉到一切离他都是如此之远! Nearby some people seem speaking with Luo Zheng, but a Luo Zheng actually character does not listen clearly, that sound as if came from the horizon transmission, is small and grating. 旁边有人似乎在跟罗征说话,可是罗征却一个字都听不清楚,那声音仿佛是从天边传递而来,微小而又刺耳。 Meanwhile, the Luo Zheng's thought also becomes a confusion! 与此同时,罗征的思维也变得一片混乱! Replied that I...... your name,” quick, in that column the voice of young girl also made a sound. “回答我……你的名字,”很快,那柱中少女的声音也响了起来。 My name, my name......” in the incomparable confusion, Luo Zheng cannot remember this corpse name completely...... “我的名字,我的名字……”在无比混乱之中,罗征完全记不得这具尸身的名字…… „Very strange, I could not remember this corpse to call anything completely, just still remembered clearly!” Luo Zheng is also the whole face depressed color, how regardless of he recalls diligently, as before not about this corpse any memory. “很奇怪,我完全想不起这尸身叫什么了,刚刚都还记得清清楚楚!”罗征也是满脸郁闷之色,无论他如何努力的回忆,依旧没有关于这尸身任何记忆。 Told me, your name, the sound that otherwise I......” that young girl was actually very clear, Luo Zheng heard clearly. “告诉我,你的名字,否则我将……”那少女的声音却是十分清晰,罗征听得真真切切。 If cannot find out that name again, oneself will be kicked this mind, learned from another's mistakes Luo Zheng also to experience twice, but he more worried, more could not think, as if that name was erased completely from his memory generally. 若是再想不出那个名字,自己就会被踢出这脑海,前车之鉴罗征也已经见识过两次了,可是他越是着急,就越是想不出来,仿佛那个名字从他的记忆之中完全被抹除掉了一般。 Name...... 名字…… In Luo Zheng paces back and forth, his vision passes through red ripple, finally fell above that stone column! 就在罗征彷徨之际,他的目光穿越一道道红色的波纹,最终落在了那石柱之上! Name, eight basic strokes! 名字,永字八法! After Luo Zheng this corpse name dismantling, above stone column, so long as according to the smooth little return to original state, can that name. 罗征将这尸身名字一个个拆解后在了石柱之上,只要按照顺序一点点的还原,就能够得到那个名字。 Horizontally, horizontally, sets upright...... horizontal...... 横,横,竖……横…… The Luo Zheng's thought no doubt had gone haywire , what in this column the young girl affects is only part of that's all in Luo Zheng thought that rather than completely. 罗征的思维固然已经陷入了混乱之中,不过这柱中少女影响的只是罗征思维中的一部分而已,而不是全部。 According to Luo Zheng keeps the symbol on stone column beforehand, putting together such a name is not very difficult! 按照罗征事先留在石柱上的符号,拼出这样一个名字并不是特别困难! „The first character, seals!” “第一个字,封!” Presses down firmly, horizontal...... sets upright...... cancels......” “捺,横……竖……勾……” „The second character, cuts!” “第二个字,斩!” The name indeed was to spell, was in this moment, Luo Zheng actually had a very strange feeling to these two characters! 名字的确是拼出来了,可是在这一刻,罗征对这两个字却产生了一股十分奇怪的感觉! Feng Zhan these two characters, is the common phrase, is suddenly, he discovered that oneself is unable to recognize these two characters! These two should be familiar with the incomparable character, becomes in the Luo Zheng's eye strange incomparable. 封斩”这两个字,也属于常见的字眼,可是骤然之间,他发现自己根本无法认出这两个字!这两个应该熟悉无比的字,在罗征的眼中变得陌生无比。 This very strange feeling, is then puzzling Luo Zheng. 这股非常怪异的感觉,便是困扰着罗征 Through the eight basic strokes, results in arrived obviously Feng Zhan two characters, but oneself actually strange cannot recognize, Luo Zheng also felt immediately is helpless. 明明通过永字八法,得到了封斩”两个字,可是自己却陌生的认不出来,罗征顿时也感觉到非常无奈。 At this time, that red ripple is spreading in the mind suddenly crazily, quick, his soul cannot help but was compelled...... 就在这时候,那红色的波纹骤然在脑海之中疯狂的蔓延着,很快,他的灵魂就不由自主的被逼了出来…… Afterward Feng Zhan corpse is above the returned coffin that does sway, slowly lay down. 随后“封斩”的尸身便是摇摇晃晃的回到了棺材之上,慢慢地躺了下去。 Sees this, the people also reveal helplessness, obviously, Luo Zheng has not resisted the will of that young girl very much. 看到这一幕,众人也是流露出无奈之色,很显然,罗征也没有对抗那少女的意志。 How feels?” Zhou Huang light saying with a smile, he has actually expected this result. “感觉如何?”周煌淡淡的笑道,其实他早就已经预料到这个结果了。 Luo Zheng hehe smiles, said: I have put together these two characters, knows that this corpse master once is called Feng Zhan.” 罗征“嘿嘿”一笑,却是说道:“我已经拼出这两个字了,知道这尸身的主人曾经叫做封斩。” Oh?” Hears the Luo Zheng's words, Zhou Huang also has Great Yu Battle Emperor and the others the eye immediately one brightly, evidently this method really effective? ?”听到罗征的话,周煌还有大禹战帝等人眼睛顿时一亮,看样子这个法子真的有效? However Luo Zheng shrugs the shoulders, spells is also useless, in that column the will of young girl should unable to revolt, I guessed that can read own name to only have means smoothly.” 但是紧接着罗征耸耸肩膀,“拼出来也没有用,那柱中少女的意志应该无法反抗,我猜测能够顺利的念出自己的名字只有一个办法。” What means?” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign asked. “什么办法?”天风战皇问道。 Instinct, only then the dependence instinct can be called the corpse name, our such occupants are actually impossible to read this name!” Luo Zheng said. “本能,只有依靠本能才能叫出尸身的名字,我们这样的占据者其实根本不可能念出这名字!”罗征说道。 A person from fresh to dying, only then the name is first layer is invariable, only if turns into the idiot, otherwise no one will forget that own name, said own name almost to turn into the instinct, therefore previously some people's in front of young girl in column, not only cannot call the corpse name, instead said own name. 一个人从生到死,也只有名字是一层不变的,除非变成白痴,否则谁也不会忘记自己的名字,说出自己的名字几乎已经变成了本能,所以此前有人在柱中少女面前不仅没有能够叫出尸身的名字,反而说出了自己的名字。 Also only then depends upon own instinct, can shake off that chaotic thought that is the issue to want obstacle-free achieving this point is how difficult? 也只有依靠自己的本能,才能够摆脱那混乱的思维,问题是想要毫无障碍的做到这一点何其困难? Perhaps said, the normal person is impossible to achieve this point...... 或许说,正常人根本不可能做到这一点…… Only if own spirit fission, part fantasized day and night oneself are the status of another person, this way, a person almost also with insane no difference. 除非自己的精神分裂,一部分没日没夜的幻想自己是另外一个人的身份,这样下去,一个人差不多也跟疯了没什么区别了。 Hears Luo Zheng's this analysis, Zhou Huang and the others also thought that is very reasonable, lucked out one time as for the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign previous time , can only say that was the luck. 听到罗征的这一阵分析,周煌等人也觉得十分有道理,至于天风战皇上次侥幸成功了一次,也只能说是运气了。 Oh, evidently these time is not successful,” on the face of Zhou Huang reveals the depressed color. “唉,看样子这一次还是不成功,”周煌的脸上流露出郁闷之色。 The Heavenly Star Mystical Place difficulty far exceeds other three big mystical places, without most powerful corpse is unable to take out this Ancestral Dragon Egg, this they do not have the means to occupy corpse on ten third layer time as before, wants to capture in Heavenly Star Mystical Place, radically is the impossible matter. 天辰秘境的难度远远超出其他三大秘境,没有最强大的尸身根本无法取出这祖龙蛋,这一次他们依旧没有办法占据十三层上的尸身,想在天辰秘境中有所斩获,根本就是不可能的事情。 However at this time, Luo Zheng actually showed a faint smile, then said: Since corpse in coffin is unable to occupy, I can trade a goal.” 不过就在这时候,罗征却微微一笑,便是说道:“既然棺材里的尸身无法占据,我可以换个目标。” Trades a goal? Did you say corpse in ten second layer?” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign then asked. “换个目标?你说十二层中的尸身么?”天风战皇便是问道。 Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, the vision actually fell on the young girl in stone column, this young girl actually does not know that was what cultivation base, but sent out from her remaining prestige, absolutely in other super great energy powerful many compared with ten third layer! 罗征微微一笑,目光却是落在了石柱中的少女身上,这少女却不知道是什么修为,但从她身上散发出来的“余威”来看,绝对要比十三层中其他的超级大能强悍的多! Several Divine Sea Realm great energy see the Luo Zheng's vision, slightly one startled, one of them said: This young girl...... is Divine Extremity Realm expert! She is more powerful than Supervisor Duke, how can occupy her corpse? Moreover, moreover...... she is dies is not exactly clear!” 几位神海境大能看到罗征的目光,微微一惊,其中一人却是说道:“这少女……乃是神极境强者!她比督公都还要强大,如何能占据她的尸身?而且,而且……她是死是活都不清楚!” Divine Extremity Realm...... 神极境…… The Luo Zheng's vision flashes slightly. 罗征的目光微微一闪。 In upper realm, Life and Death Realm is only the beginning, but Divine Sea Realm is crosses the threshold, this Divine Extremity Realm is the upper realm martial artist nucleus! 上界之中,生死境只是起点,而神海境则算是入门,这神极境便是上界武者的中坚力量! Supervisor Duke refers to Daoist Bai Mei, he should also be Divine Extremity Realm cultivation base, as for the Daoist Heavenly Vast estimate is also Divine Extremity Realm expert, but Yun Luo? Although Yun Luo's Clone cultivation base is not high, but she has million Clone, own strength perhaps far ultra Divine Extremity Realm...... 督公指的是白眉道人,他应该也是神极境修为,至于天渺道人估计也是神极境强者,不过云落呢?云落的分身虽然修为不高,可是她却拥有百万分身,自身的实力恐怕远超神极境…… More powerful existence, is not Luo Zheng can contact now, even Divine Extremity Realm, still made Luo Zheng look up to sufficiently. 更强大的存在,并不是罗征现在可以接触到的,即使是神极境,也足以让罗征仰望了。 Therefore heard that Divine Sea Realm great energy words, young girl of Luo Zheng to this column is instead interested. 所以听到那神海境大能的话,罗征对这柱中少女反而更加感兴趣了。 First did not say in this column the young girl is dies lives, first, that iron chain is unable to untie, including this crystal coffin also unable to destroy, wants to control her fleshly body, this is impossible,” Zhou Huang said. “先不说这柱中少女是死是活,首先,那铁链就根本无法解开,包括这水晶棺也无法破坏,想要操控她的肉身,这根本不可能,”周煌却是说道。 However at this time, Luo Zheng actually strange smiles, by the returned Feng Zhan under slowly coffin, puts out a hand actually to take small sumeru ring in the hand. 然而就在这时候,罗征却诡异的一笑,缓缓的回到了封斩的棺材旁边,伸手之下却是将一枚小小的须弥戒指取在手上。 When many Divine Sea Realm great energy see this, on faces reveals look that is suddenly enlighted, in both eyes is to explode projects pleasantly surprised vision! 当诸多神海境大能看到这一幕的时候,一个个脸上都流露出恍然大悟的神色,双目之中更是爆射出一道道惊喜的目光! Including Huo Yun'er, Swallow King and the others also want to understand, even most simple-hearted Huo Chen still said: Right, with Black Star Ore Pick, can beat open this crystal coffin!” 包括火允儿,燕王等人也想明白了,即使是最为木讷的火辰也说道:“对了,用黑星矿镐,可以敲开这水晶棺!”
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