AT :: Volume #9

#875: Feng Zhan

Characters of four big Divine Country to these coffins know from A to Z, to obtain their corpse, many years ago after full investigation. 四大神国对这些棺材中的人物了如指掌,为了获得他们的尸身,多少年前就经过充分的调查。 The issue is this name is not so good to record, is almost uninterested the name and name, because after fusing this corpse, will be repelled by the corpse instinct. 问题是这名字并不是那么好记的,记名字和名字几乎毫无关系,因为在融合这尸身之后,就会被尸身的本能所排斥。 But under interrogating and torturing of young girl facing that stone column, the memory in soul will once fall into the chaotic condition, basically is very difficult to send out that corpse name. 而面对那石柱中少女的拷问之下,灵魂中的记忆会一度陷入混乱的状态,基本上很难报出那尸身的名字。 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign hoodwinked initially reluctantly right one time, but he was not clear how achieved at that time, therefore these years also succeeded merely one time. 天风战皇当初勉强蒙对了一次,但他也不清楚自己当时是如何做到的,所以这些年来也仅仅成功了一次。 These Divine Sea Realm great energy turned on this coffin, is lying down a build thin old man in this coffin, this old man is in that Divine Sea Realm great energy mouth Feng Xiao. 那些神海境大能打开了这尊棺材,在这具棺材之中躺着一位体型削瘦的老者,这老者便是那神海境大能口中的“封潇”。 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign not slightly hesitant, under the soul flutters gently, worms one's way into toward the mouth of old man in suddenly! 天风战皇没有丝毫犹豫,灵魂轻轻一飘之下,就骤然朝着老者的口中钻了进去! Before long the corpse fusion of Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign with this Feng Xiao, was crawled from the coffin later slowly. 不一会儿天风战皇与这封潇尸身融合,随后便是慢慢从棺材之中爬了出来。 Rejection reaction of this Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign among with this corpse seems to be more intense, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is controlling this corpse like the male drunkard of being drunk, sways to step the step, cannot help but walks toward that stone column. 这次天风战皇与这尸身之间的排斥反应似乎更为强烈,天风战皇驾驭着这尸身如同喝醉了酒的醉汉,摇摇晃晃迈着步子,不由自主的朝着那石柱走过去。 Following most essential, only then replied that the name of correspondence, can ask in that column young girl's control, but previously Heavenly Fate Country Lord had been defeated one time, therefore in their opinion, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign successful possibility not big...... 接下来的一幕最为关键,只有回答对应的名字,才能拜托那柱中少女的掌控,只是先前天运国主已经失败了一次,所以在他们看来,天风战皇成功的可能性也不大…… Really, under interrogating and torturing of young girl, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign also reveals very painful look, holds the head to swagger, could not say Feng Xiao two characters. 果然,在少女的拷问之下,天风战皇也流露出十分痛苦的神色,抱着脑袋摇来摇去,就是说不出“封潇”两个字。 The final result and Heavenly Fate Country Lord are exactly the same, the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign soul in the young girl by that column was also forced to shoot...... 最终的结果和天运国主一模一样,天风战皇的灵魂也被那柱中少女强制弹了出来…… The Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign whole face is the depressed color, but he has not actually looked like Heavenly Fate Country Lord like that goes to ten second layer to choose corpse to settle, but continues to think, he wants to try again one time. 天风战皇满脸都是郁闷之色,只是他却并没有像天运国主那般,去十二层选择一个尸身了事,而是继续思索着,他想再试一次。 As for Great Yu Battle Emperor and Zhou Huang, two people have not chosen easily attempt, they also rove above the surrounding coffins. 至于大禹战帝周煌,两人也没有选择轻易尝试,他们也是在周围一圈圈棺材之上转来转去。 The means are the person want to come out, when 4 th big Divine Country let alone was Heavenly Star Mystical Place, even if Feather Sovereign, the god sovereign, in dream god these three big mystical places were unable to take a single step forward, finally these difficulties were solved, if everyone can give to occupy top layer these super great energy corpse with ease, perhaps that Heavenly Star Mystical Place can still be developed by them. 办法都是人想出来的,当初四大神国别说是天辰秘境了,就算是羽皇,神皇,梦神这三大秘境之中都寸步难行,最终那些困难还是一个一个的解决了,若是大家能够轻松将顶层这些超级大能尸身给占据,那天辰秘境恐怕也能被他们开发出来。 But until now, four big Divine Country have not found out the law of decoding. 可是时至今日,四大神国都没有想出破解之法。 Three Country Lord also in the hesitation, Luo Zheng are also the brow slightly pressed...... 三位国主还在犹豫之中,罗征也是眉头微蹙…… Such that just like Zhou Huang said that this issue, is actually a name issue, can accurate clear the front of young girl in that column said the corpse name, then can smooth inheritance corpse. 正如周煌所说的那样,这个问题,其实就是一个名字问题,能够准确清晰的在那柱中少女的面前说出尸身的名字,便可以顺利的继承尸身 How many characters but spits merely, is so difficult? 可是仅仅吐几个字,真的有那么难么? Just now Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign and Heavenly Fate Country Lord two people have remembered repeatedly that name, this is impossible to forget, moreover some side people are also reminding unceasingly, but is unable to say the correct name actually...... 方才天风战皇天运国主两人已经反反复复记忆过那名字,这根本不可能忘记,而且旁边还有人不断地在提醒,但硬是无法说出正确的名字…… Name......” “名字……” Thinks of here, in Luo Zheng glitters to wipe none, later then moved toward a coffin. 想到这里,罗征之中闪烁出一抹精光,随后便是走向了一尊棺材。 Tianxing, do you also plan to try?” Zhou Huang asked. 天行,你也打算试一试?”周煌问道。 Many Divine Sea Realm great energy vision also centralized on Luo Zheng, this Luo Zheng cultivation base is not no doubt high, is on him all, is unable to weigh with the common sense, can perhaps he find out the means? 诸多神海境大能的目光也集中在了罗征身上,这罗征固然修为不高,可是发生在他身上的一切,根本无法用常理衡量,说不定他能够想出办法? Thinks of here, some Divine Sea Realm great energy are also immediately positive, one is said to Luo Zheng: „The owner of this coffin, named Feng Zhan! In a dragon vein clan a strength biggest warrior, in the material records this person of inborn divine strength, aggressive extraordinary!” 想到这里,一些神海境大能顿时也积极起来,其中一位便是对罗征说道:“这句棺材的主人,名叫封斩!乃是龙脉一族中力量最大的一位勇士,资料之中记载此人天生神力,一身霸气非凡!” Feng Zhan,” Luo Zheng talked over two this name. 封斩,”罗征将这名字念叨了两遍。 „Do we help you open the coffin?” Divine Sea Realm great energy said. “我们来帮你开棺么?”一位神海境大能说道。 First waits!” Luo Zheng said lightly, he has not chosen to turn on the coffin, occupies this Feng Zhan corpse directly, but by returned that stone column. “先等一下!”罗征淡淡的说道,他并没有选择打开棺材,直接占据这封斩尸身,而是又回到了那石柱旁边。 What this does Luo Tianxing want to make?” “这罗天行想做什么?” „It is not clear, cannot understand......” “不清楚,看不懂……” What thing he as to carve on the stone column, is it possible that wants the name seal cutting above? This move is invalid!” “他似乎想要在石柱上刻什么东西,莫非是想将名字篆刻在上面?这一招是行不通的!” In order to occupy this first layer corpse, many Divine Sea Realm great energy also want completely the means that to carve name road, they had also once tried, but some people reminded unable to reply the name in the ear even, carving the name was also useful? 为了占据这一层尸身,诸多神海境大能也是想尽了办法,刻名字这条路,他们也曾试过,可即使是有人在耳边提醒都无法回答出名字,刻名字又有什么用? Stands by the stone column, Luo Zheng then stretched out a finger, that finger slowly becomes sharp, under Luo Zheng brandishes gently, starts the seal cutting above this stone column. 站在石柱旁边,罗征便是伸出了一根手指,那手指慢慢地变得尖锐起来,罗征轻轻挥舞之下,就在这石柱之上开始篆刻。 He indeed is carving characters, what however carves is not Feng Zhan these two characters, but actually will be directly Feng Zhan this name dismantling! 他的确是在刻字,但是刻的并不是“封斩”这两个字,而却是直接将“封斩”这个名字给拆解开了! This dragon vein clan name use a writing of human race, but the human race writing can dismantle for casts aside in any case presses down firmly the booklet to raise the curved hook, these eight radicals, most have representatively will be forever character, then contained the mode of writing of all characters in this character. 这龙脉一族的名字使用的还是人族的文字,而人族的文字可以拆解为点横竖撇捺折提弯钩,这八个笔画,最有代表性的就是“永”字,在这个字中便是包含了所有字的写法。 Luo Zheng that name dismantling one by one, is the seal cutting above the stone column, after completing this preparatory work, by the Luo Zheng then returned coffin, said with a smile immediately slightly: Ok, I am ready now!” 罗征将那名字一笔一划的拆解开来,便是篆刻在石柱之上,做好了这个准备工作后,罗征这才回到了棺材旁边,随即微微笑道:“好了,我现在做好准备了!” Sees this, although these Divine Sea Realm great energy are strange, but had not asked, looked whether Luo Zheng this method succeeded, if successful, they can imitate greatly. 看到这一幕,那些神海境大能虽然奇怪,但也没有多问,就看罗征这法子是否成功了,若是成功了,他们大可以争相效仿。 Therefore these Divine Sea Realm great energy then broke rune on coffin, opened at present this coffin. 于是这些神海境大能便是破掉了棺材上的符文,揭开了眼前这棺材。 This coffin wants long one section compared with other coffins, military might robust man deep sleep in which in this coffin, moreover in the side of this robust man, but also pours to be vertical two golden great axes. 这棺材比其他的棺材要长一截,在这棺材中就有一位威武壮汉沉睡其中,而且在这壮汉的身边,还倒竖着两把金色巨斧。 Luo Zheng has nothing hesitant, he then takes oneself sumeru ring, placed side of coffin, this sumeru ring is very important to Luo Zheng, therefore Luo Zheng has not kept above own fleshly body, after entering the soul shape, then takes down sumeru ring. 罗征没有任何犹豫,他便是将自己的须弥戒指取出来,放在了棺材的旁边,这须弥戒指罗征很重要,所以罗征并没有留在自己的肉身之上,进入灵魂形态之后,便是将须弥戒指取了下来。 After being ready, Luo Zheng is one overruns toward this robust man, is firing into the instance of this robust man, Luo Zheng also follows the example, big mouth that pinches this robust man, the soul then gathers to enter unceasingly! 做好了准备之后,罗征便是一头朝着这位壮汉冲过去,在冲向这壮汉的瞬间,罗征也有样学样,一把捏开这壮汉的大嘴,灵魂便是不断地汇聚而入! Quick, the Luo Zheng's soul escapes into the mind of this robust man, escapes into this corpse instance in the soul, Luo Zheng on the strength of feeling arrived powerful repel! 很快,罗征的灵魂就遁入这壮汉的脑海之中,在灵魂遁入这尸身的瞬间,罗征就感受到了一股强大的排斥之力! Generally if martial artist wants body possession, must disappear the soul of opposite party, can capture fleshly body of opposite party. 一般武者若是想要夺舍的话,必须要将对方的灵魂泯灭,才能够夺取对方的肉身 However this named Feng Zhan martial artist has fallen from the sky for many years, the cleanness that the soul has vanished perhaps, has escaped into the samsara, therefore this is not called body possession, but occupies his corpse that's all. 不过这位叫做“封斩”的武者已经陨落多年,灵魂早已经消失的干干净净,或许已经遁入轮回了,所以这并不叫做夺舍,只是占据他的尸体而已 However martial artist cultivation to this one step, even died in many years of corpse, has the indelible remaining prestige as before! 然而武者修炼到这一步,即便是死去多年的尸身之中,依旧存在着不可磨灭的余威! Therefore some expert die in a sitting posture in the barren mountains and wild hills, is the mosquito does not dare to be near, the wolf does not dare to harass. 所以一些强者在荒山野岭之中坐化,也是蚊虫不敢近,豺狼不敢扰。 The strength of that invisible repel wants pushing the Luo Zheng's soul, if the general Battle Soul Realm soul, really could not perhaps have halted, by forcibly promotes beyond this corpse mind. 那股无形的排斥之力想要将罗征的灵魂给挤出去,若是一般的战魂境灵魂,或许还真的站不住,被硬生生的推出这尸身的脑海之外。 For example four big Divine Country Divine Sea Realm great energy, knew that oneself soul is hard to enter this mind, chooses ten first layer simply, ten second layer corpse, the reason is here. 例如四大神国神海境大能,自知自己的灵魂难以进入这脑海,干脆选择十一层,十二层尸身,原因就是在这里。 The Luo Zheng's soul is more powerful than the general Divine Sea Realm great energy soul, even four Country Lord are unable in comparison, let alone he also fused World’s Will! His soul is then welcoming the strength of that repel, forcibly occupies in the mind! 罗征的灵魂早已比一般神海境大能的灵魂强大,即使是四位国主也无法与之相比,何况他还融合了世界意志!他的灵魂便是迎着那股排斥之力,硬生生的占据在脑海中! However although his soul went, but is actually not able to control this corpse, in addition needs to wait for that soul nuclear the strength to proliferate, fuses in corpse. 不过他灵魂虽然进去了,可是却无法控制这尸身,尚且需要等待那魂核的力量扩散,融合在尸身中。 Grey glow rush in within the body of this robust man are welling up, after several breath, Luo Zheng had part of sensations gradually, he felt that oneself had both hands, the both legs , he is felt gradually oneself can control this corpse...... 一道道灰芒在这壮汉的体内奔涌着,几个呼吸之后,罗征渐渐的有了一部分感知,他感觉自己拥有了双手,双腿,渐渐的,他便是感觉自己能够操控这具尸身了…… Gets up!” “起!” Luo Zheng is wants to turn over/to stand up, but he watched simply this matter, under set out, somewhat did not stand unexpectedly steadily, fell in the coffin. 罗征便是想要翻身起来,不过他将这事情还是看得简单了一些,一个起身之下,竟然有些站立不稳,又一屁股跌坐回棺材之中。 Although the Luo Zheng's movement is very funny, but no one smiles, by Luo Zheng this age and cultivation base, can only drill into this corpse, sufficiently was proud! 虽然罗征的动作十分滑稽,但是没有一个人笑,以罗征这个年龄和修为,光是能够钻入这尸身之中,就足以自傲了! Luo Zheng just fell, actually rises with a spring suddenly, that tall and strong body just like iron tower steady standing on the ground, double opened simultaneously like both eyes of bronze bell general size. 罗征刚刚跌坐回去,却是骤然一跃而起,那魁梧的身躯宛若一尊铁塔稳稳的站在了地上,同时双开了如同铜铃一般大小的双目。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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