AT :: Volume #9

#874: Difficult name

Heavenly Fate Country Lord obviously is much fiercer than Huo Yun'er, Huo Yun'er just controlled corpse time, movement stiff looks like a wood/blockhead to build the baby, does not walk including the road well. 天运国主显然比火允儿厉害得多,火允儿刚刚操控尸身的时候,动作僵硬的就像是一个木头打造的娃娃,连路都走不好。 But Heavenly Fate Country Lord enters, actually appears the nature, then as if this is his own fleshly body is ordinary, after seeing only he crawls, leaps gently, steady standing on the ground. 天运国主进入其中后,却显得十分自然,仿佛这就是他自己的肉身一般,只见他爬出来后便是轻轻一跃,稳稳的站在了地上。 However this also and experience has the relations, Heavenly Fate Country Lord enters Divine Sovereign Mystical Place to control corpse not to know that many times, the nature many that Huo Yun'er is more skilled. 不过这也和经验有关系,天运国主进入神皇秘境控制尸身不知道多少次了,自然比火允儿熟练的多。 Just crawled in Heavenly Fate Country Lord, actually the hand according to before own volume, on the face revealed very painful appearance. 就在天运国主刚刚爬出来,却是将手按在了自己的额前,脸上流露出十分痛苦的样子。 At this time pain definitely was not that Bestowed Snow Dragon Star, this Bestowed Snow Dragon Star oneself have died do not know many years, painful then has escaped into Heavenly Fate Country Lord in mind! 这时候痛苦的肯定不是那“封雪龙辰”了,这封雪龙辰本人已经死了不知道多少年了,痛苦的便是已经遁入脑海中的天运国主 Meanwhile, in the center of this top layer platform, the stone column rose suddenly slowly! 与此同时,在这顶层平台的中央,忽然有一根石柱缓缓的升了起来! gā gā gā gā......” 嘎嘎嘎嘎……” That is a root diameter is two ten feets wide stone column, this stone column has hidden in the center of platform previously, with ground contour, this little while emits a stone column suddenly, has a scare Luo Zheng actually. 那是一根直径达两丈宽的石柱,这石柱此前一直隐藏在平台的中央,与地面等高,这会儿忽然冒出一个石柱,倒是把罗征吓了一跳。 Other Divine Sea Realm great energy seem to have seen is not strange, has long known probably here has a stone column! 只是其他神海境大能似乎已经见惯不怪,大概早就知道这里有一根石柱! As that stone column rises slowly, the Luo Zheng's eyebrow is beating unceasingly! 随着那根石柱缓缓上升,罗征的眉毛则是在不断地跳动着! In the middle of this stone column, has the rivets of four table sizes! But end of that rivet, is hanging four jet black chains, these four chains Xiangzhong Road extend, is locked coffin firmly! 在这石柱的中部,却是有四个桌子大小的铆钉!而那铆钉的尾端,则悬挂着四条漆黑的锁链,这四条锁链向中路延伸过去,则是牢牢的锁着一个棺材! This coffin, is completely different from other coffins, sends out the azure luster all over the body, is transparent crystal coffin! 这个棺材,和其他的棺材完全不同,通体散发出湛蓝色色泽,乃是一座透明的水晶棺 Because this crystal coffin is embed in the stone column, was deadlocked by the chains firmly, therefore that person in coffin cannot lie down, at this time then maintained the bearing to stand in crystal coffin! 因为这水晶棺镶嵌在石柱中,又被锁链牢牢锁死的,所以棺材中的那人不能躺着,这时候便是保持着站姿站在水晶棺中! corpse in crystal coffin is a young girl who wears the white clothing, the body is throwing over a light unpadded garment, the exposed both legs were then extended that black chains in crystal coffin to lock in firmly...... 水晶棺中的尸身乃是一位身穿白衣的少女,身体只是披着一件薄薄的单衣,裸露的双腿便是被延伸在水晶棺中的那黑色锁链牢牢锁住…… Good attractive female, what status is this female?” Heavenly Wind Divine Country Crown Prince looks at the youngster in crystal coffin to mutter said. “好漂亮的女子,这女子到底是什么身份?”天风神国太子望着水晶棺中的少年喃喃说道。 Even if indeed, saw Divine Country Crown Prince of beautiful woman, saw that the appearance of this young girl could not bear the sigh! 的确,即使是见惯了美女的神国太子,看到这少女的容貌也忍不住感叹! The Luo Zheng's vision stared at several, he actually does not clarify completely, at present this what's the matter. 罗征的目光凝视了几眼,他却完全搞不清,眼前这一幕到底是怎么回事。 Who knows that under staring of people, the view of young girl opens suddenly, a pair of golden pupil is overlooking the people! 谁知道就在众人的凝视之下,那少女的眼帘骤然打开,一对金色的瞳孔俯视着众人! „......” “啊……” Huo Yun'er was also looking at carefully this young girl, the woman regarding the appearance is very sensitive, even if only a corpse...... 火允儿原本也在端详着这少女,女人对于容貌都是十分敏感的,即使只是一具尸体…… Like that corpse that Huo Yun'er occupies, although the appearance is simple and beautiful, but if compares some disparities with Huo Yun'er, but in this crystal coffin corpse of young girl, actually also wants in beautiful compared with Huo Yun'er three points. 就像火允儿占据的那尸身,容貌虽然清丽,但若是与火允儿相比还是有些差距,不过这水晶棺中少女的尸身,却是比火允儿还要美上三分。 But under Huo Yun'er so looks at carefully, the young girl opens the eyes suddenly, immediately gives to have a scare her. 可是就在火允儿这般端详之下,那少女骤然睁开双眼,顿时就将她给吓了一跳。 This not only frightens arrived Huo Yun'er, martial artist that even Luo Zheng, Huo Chen wait/etc. did not know the circumstances of the matter gives to frighten arrived, as for other Divine Sea Realm great energy, approximately enters each time can see this, has not revealed the surprised color actually, they instead are look that reveals to worry about, looks to Bestowed Snow Dragon Star, that corpse that in other words Heavenly Fate Country Lord occupies. 这一幕不仅仅吓到了火允儿,即使是罗征,火辰等不知情的武者都给吓到了,至于其他的神海境大能,大约是每次进入其中都能看到这一幕,倒是没有流露出惊奇之色,他们反而是流露出担忧的神色,望向“封雪龙辰”,也就是说天运国主占据的那个尸身 Sees only Heavenly Fate Country Lord to cover own head, staggers along above the platform is walking. 只见天运国主在捂着自己的脑袋,在平台之上跌跌撞撞的走着。 Previously he seems to have hurt the pain, after this young girl opened the eye, he grasped oneself head! 此前他似乎就已经疼痛苦了,当这少女睁开眼睛之后,他更是抱住了自己的脑袋! In this staggers along, Heavenly Fate Country Lord depends slowly, suddenly plop knelt on the ground, immediately the head was knocking on cannot help but in the ground, had thump a loud sound! 就在这跌跌撞撞之间,天运国主慢慢地靠过来,忽然“噗通”一声跪在了地上,随即脑袋更是不由自主的叩在了地面上,发出“咚”的一声巨响! This corpse is very powerful, his head cracks with the teeth in the ground, not only corpse has not been injured, instead cracked with the teeth to break to pieces one ground. 尸身十分强大,他这脑袋嗑在地面上不仅尸身没有受伤,反而将地面嗑碎了一块。 Meanwhile, a huge pressure transmits from that young girl, but this pressure does not aim at others together, but is aiming at Heavenly Fate Country Lord. 与此同时,一股巨大的威压从那少女身上传递出来,不过这一道威压并不是针对其他人,而是针对着天运国主 „A warrior of my dragon vein clan, since you have recovered, do not forget own mission, is that good-for-nothing...... to reply my issue, sent out your name!” Young girl light asking. “我龙脉一族的勇士,既然你已经复苏,不要忘记了自己的使命,做那行尸走肉……回答我的问题,报出你的名字!”少女淡淡的问道。 Name?” Hears this name, the Luo Zheng's eyebrow raises, this remembers the Zhou Huang words, can't they remember the name? “名字?”听到这个名字,罗征的眉毛一扬,这才想起周煌的话,他们记不住名字? This Divine Sea Realm isn't great energy called Bestowed Snow Dragon Star? Saying this name should not be difficult...... 这位神海境大能生前不是叫做“封雪龙辰”吗?说出这个名字应该不难吧…… Who knows that Heavenly Fate Country Lord cracks with the teeth the head on the ground, in the throat is actually sobbing unceasingly, I called, I called......” 谁知道天运国主将脑袋嗑在地上,喉咙里面却是在不断地呜咽着,“我叫,我叫……” Bestowed Snow Dragon Star! Country Lord, is Bestowed Snow Dragon Star!” 封雪龙辰国主,是封雪龙辰!” Bestowed Snow Dragon Star......” 封雪龙辰……” Several Divine Sea Realm great energy reminders said. 几位神海境大能提醒道。 Whatever but they so shouted loudly, Heavenly Fate Country Lord as if could not hear completely, in his mouth was continuously unclear sobbed: I called the wind, the wind and snow...... I to call......” 可是任凭他们这般大喊大叫,天运国主似乎完全听不见,他口中便是一直含糊不清的呜咽道:“我叫风,风雪……我叫……” As to send out Bestowed Snow Dragon Star several characters, is difficult! 似乎想要报出“封雪龙辰”几个字,非常困难! Sent out your name......” the young girl light redundant say/way. “报出你的名字……”少女淡淡的重复道。 Aaaaaah......” Heavenly Fate Country Lord is actually more and more painful, I called, I called......” 啊啊啊啊啊……”天运国主却是越来越痛苦,“我叫,我叫……” Young girl again light asking: Sent out your name, otherwise I regarded as losing you, rejected your recovery.” 少女再次淡淡的问道:“报出你的名字,否则我将你视为迷失者,拒绝你的复苏。” I called Lu Chengyan!” Finally Heavenly Fate Country Lord has not only sent out Bestowed Snow Dragon Star four characters, instead own name revealing. “我叫陆成焰!”最终天运国主不仅没有报出“封雪龙辰”四个字,反而将自己的名字给吐露出来。 After Heavenly Fate Country Lord opens the mouth, on these Divine Sea Realm great energy faces simultaneously reveals the disappointed color. 天运国主开口之后,那些神海境大能脸上齐齐流露出失望之色。 Zhou Huang is actually regrettable saying: Oh, was the failure.” 周煌却是遗憾的说道:“唉,还是失败了。” After this name report comes out, young girl said lightly in crystal coffin: You have confused.” 等到这名字报出来后,水晶棺中的少女淡淡的说道:“你已经迷死了自我。” After saying, sees that Bestowed Snow Dragon Star the corpse suddenly strenuous vibration, later the Heavenly Fate Country Lord soul Bestowed Snow Dragon Star in corpse gave to shoot from that directly! 说完之后,就看到那“封雪龙辰尸身骤然剧烈震动起来,随后天运国主的灵魂直接从那“封雪龙辰尸身之中给弹了出来! After the Heavenly Fate Country Lord soul ball comes out, sealed corpse of Snow Dragon god to move the step unexpectedly slowly, straight from moved toward in his own coffin, lay down slowly! 天运国主的灵魂弹出来后,封雪龙神的尸身竟然慢慢地挪动步伐,径自走向了他自己的棺材之中,又缓缓躺了回去! arrived at this time, the young girl closed the eye slowly, cannot feel the breath from this young girl, cannot feel any vitality, but just she actually opened the eye just like the living person generally, this is really strange. 到了这时候,那少女又缓缓闭上了眼睛,从这少女身上感受不到呼吸,也感受不到任何生机,可是刚刚她却宛若活人一般睁开眼睛,这一幕实在是诡异。 Soul float of gently Heavenly Fate Country Lord in in the air, on the face also appears color of the faint trace regret, „, the will of this fellow I am very difficult to resist, so long as were covered by her will, I am unable to resound that name...... Old Huo, how initially you answered this name.” 天运国主的灵魂轻轻的漂浮在空中,脸上也浮现出一丝丝遗憾之色,“唉,这家伙的意志我还是很难对抗,只要被她的意志所笼罩,我就无法响起那个名字……老火,当初你是怎么答出这个名字的。” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is also the forced smile said: I had not meant many, I really did not have the impression, how my I replied was not clear, perhaps hoodwinked like this right.” 天风战皇也是苦笑道:“我不是说过好多遍了么,我真的没有印象,我连我自己是如何回答的都不清楚,或许就这样蒙对了吧。” arrived at this time, Luo Zheng was completely transparent. 到了这时候,罗征才算是完全明了。 Actually a dragon vein clan had not expected that four big Divine Country will control their corpse using the soul nuclear, but the dragon vein race's in top expert corpse the clan retains, actually to deal in their clan other things, however under corpse so preserves, may become zombie general existence! 其实龙脉一族也没有料想到四大神国会利用魂核操控他们的尸身,只是龙脉一族将自己族中顶尖强者尸身保留下来,却是为了应对他们族中一些其他的事情,然而尸身如此保存之下,却是极有可能成为“僵尸”一般的存在! To avoid this, a dragon vein clan set up such means of processing in this graveyard, if corpse really becomes zombie, will then be tested by that young girl mental, if the test is unqualified, will control the mind the soul to come out to the ball directly. 为了避免这种情况,龙脉一族才在这墓园之中设立了这样一个处理的办法,若是尸身真的成为了“僵尸”,那么将由那位少女考验心智,若是考验不合格的话,就会直接将操控脑海的灵魂给弹出来。 What a dragon vein clan has not thought that they indeed sprang many souls, but shoots is came from the human race soul...... 龙脉一族没想到的是,他们的确弹出了不少灵魂,只是弹出来的是来自于人族的灵魂…… Do not be discouraged, does Old Lu, try again one time?” The Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign comfort said. “不要气馁,老陆,再试一次?”天风战皇安慰道。 Heavenly Fate Country Lord actually shakes the head, that's all, I go to ten second layer to choose corpse forget about it, Old Huo, Zhou Huang, Liu Zan, you try!” 天运国主却是摇了摇头,“罢了,我还是去十二层挑选一个尸身算了,老火,周煌,刘赞,你们自己试吧!” Then, Pure Soul's Light on side stair happen to vanishes, Heavenly Fate Country Lord then on the lasing toward ten second layer goes. 说完,旁边台阶上的净魂光正好消失,天运国主便是朝着十二层上激射而去。 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign and Zhou Huang look at each other one, Zhou Huang then said: Good, these makes me come time!” 天风战皇周煌对视一眼,周煌这才说道:“好吧,这一次就让我来吧!” Said that Zhou Huang also revolves the platform to saunter, he has not chosen Bestowed Snow Dragon Star corpse, but stays above a black coffin. 说完周煌也围绕着平台转悠了一圈,他并没有选择“封雪龙辰”的尸身,而是在一座黑色的棺材之上停留下来。 After the Zhou Huang soul stays, nearby Divine Sea Realm great energy said immediately: This is a dragon vein clan the 70,000 years ago leaders, named Feng Xiao, two characters, the name is good to record a point......” 周煌的灵魂停留下来之后,旁边的一位神海境大能随即说道:“这是龙脉一族七万年前的首领,名叫‘封潇’,两个字,名字好记一点……” ( Thanked Xiaofeng to hit to enjoy, thanks defends an empty city to hit to enjoy ^ _ ^ alone) (感谢小峰打赏,谢谢独守一座空城打赏^_^)
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