AT :: Volume #9

#873: „Bestowed Snow Dragon Star”

Tenth third layer is the peak of this steps, after Luo Zheng and other four Country Lord step, does not need again to avoid that Pure Soul's Light. 第十三层便是这阶梯的顶端,罗征和其他四位国主迈上去后,也就不用再躲避那净魂光 These ten third layer crowns, are actually an opens the mouth circular platform, stands here, can overlook entire Divine Sovereign Mystical Place, but this Divine Sovereign Mystical Place is only a giant graveyard, is nothing scenery is attractive. 这十三层的顶部,却是一个开口的圆形平台,站在这里,能够俯视整个神皇秘境,不过这神皇秘境只是一个巨大的墓园,却是没有什么景色好看。 Is then placing coffins along the surroundings of platform! 沿着平台的周围便是摆放着一个又一个的棺木! From first layer to ten third layer, can place own corpse, inevitably is a core figure of dragon vein clan, each first layer coffin modeling is very fine. 第一层到十三层,能够将自己的尸身摆放其中的,必然是龙脉一族的核心人物,每一层的棺木造型都十分精致。 But top these coffins, was more elegant. 而顶层的这些棺木,则更加考究了。 Actually inscribes abstruse divine mark above that coffin, what awfully is, most rune are glittering the gloss! 在那棺木之上却是都铭刻着一个个深奥的神纹,更要命的是,绝大多数符文都闪烁着光泽! In other words, these divine mark are also the activated condition! 也就是说,这些神纹还属于被激活的状态! To activate divine mark, must continuous supplies true essence, on the Luo Zheng face actually reveals the curious color, is difficult to be inadequate under of this graveyard, huge true essence stone, continuous supplies does true essence, maintain this divine mark be at the condition of activation? 想要激活神纹,就必须源源不断的供给真元,罗征脸上却是流露出好奇之色,难不成在这墓园的下方,有一颗巨大的真元石,源源不断的供给真元,保持这神纹处于激活的状态? „Does this, how achieve? This need how many can true essence stone, make them stay the condition of activation?” Luo Zheng points at these to glitter ray divine mark to ask, even huge true essence stone, is impossible to maintain divine mark to revolve for several thousand over ten thousand years, this dragon vein clan blood sacrifice destruction, at least also has ten thousand years...... “这,到底是如何做到的?这需要多少颗真元石,才能让它们保持激活的状态?”罗征指着那些闪烁着光芒的神纹问道,就算是再巨大的真元石,也不可能维持神纹运转几千上万年,这龙脉一族血祭覆灭,至少也有万年的时间了…… Sees the Luo Zheng doubts look, Zhou Huang is light saying with a smile: These divine mark, do not adopt the true essence stone supplies energy! You had a look at the under foot to know.” 看到罗征疑惑的神色,周煌便是淡淡的笑道:“这些神纹,并不是通过真元石供给能量的!你看看脚下就知道了。” Luo Zheng lowers the head to look, is actually sees above the ground of under foot, outlined huge divine mark, saw this, Luo Zheng's eyes flash, on the face reveals the expression that was suddenly enlighted. 罗征低头望了望,却是看到脚下的地面之上,也勾勒出一个巨大的神纹,看到这个,罗征的目光一闪,脸上才流露出恍然大悟的表情。 He knows this divine mark. 他认识这神纹 Azure Dragon teaches to own divine mark technique, this is very important divine mark, this is seven stars divine mark gathers spirit. 青龙传授给自己的神纹术中,这是一个非常重要的神纹,这是一枚七星神纹“聚灵”。 Through this seven stars divine mark, can continuous gathers the transformation yuan qi of heaven and earth in sky is true essence, divine mark in these coffins, then gathered spirit divine mark to revolve through this. 通过这个七星神纹,能够源源不断的将天空之中的天地元气聚集起来转化为真元,那些棺木上的神纹,便是通过这个“聚灵”神纹在运转了。 Above these coffins is drawing up divine mark, wants to occupy corpse in coffin, perhaps some difficulties?” Luo Zheng asked. “不过这些棺木之上都绘制着神纹,想要占据棺木之中的尸身,恐怕还是有些难度吧?”罗征问道。 Right, perhaps the coffin masters on these ten third layer, be at the Divine Sea Realm Peak condition, before death strength also want the powerful frontline compared with us,” Zhou Huang replied. “对,这十三层上的棺木主人,都处于神海境巅峰状态,生前的实力恐怕比我们都还要强大一线,”周煌回答道。 Ten third layer corpse, for these years, in four big Divine Country, be only has occupied one time successfully! 三层尸身,这么多年以来,四大神国之中只有一次成功占据过! Then is 36 years ago Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign succeeded one time, in powerful corpse by ten third layer , is to make the Heavenly Star Mystical Place exploration degree enter one step. 便是三十六年前天风战皇成功了一次,凭借十三层中强大的尸身,也是让天辰秘境的探索程度更进一步 However for these years, succeeded merely one time! After that top level of four Country Lord climb up repeatedly, wants to occupy corpse, but ends in failure, finally can only back off, chooses ten second layer corpse to occupy, occupies this top layer corpse difficulty conceivably in a big way? 不过这么多年以来,也就仅仅成功了一次!从那之后,四位国主屡次爬上顶层,想要占据其中的尸身,但是均以失败告终,最终只能退而求其次,选择十二层尸身占据,可以想象占据这顶层尸身的难度有多大? So will be why difficult?” Luo Zheng curious asking. “为何会如此困难呢?”罗征好奇的问道。 Even these Divine Sea Realm great energy before death strengths, they are more powerful than Zhou Huang, but should still many, Zhou Huang, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign they also be the Divine Sea Realm great energy peak after all, is only the limit in the reason of lower realm resources, is unable to break through Divine Sea Realm. 即使这些神海境大能生前的实力,比周煌他们强大一些,但应该也强不了多少,毕竟周煌,天风战皇他们也属于神海境大能的顶峰了,只是限制于下界资源的缘故,一直无法突破神海境 On the face of Zhou Huang actually reveals color of the forced smile, is very simple, we cannot remember their names......” 周煌的脸上却是流露出一丝苦笑之色,“很简单,我们记不住他们的名字……” This is what reason,” this explanation lets the Luo Zheng surprise. “这是什么理由,”这个解释更是让罗征更加诧异了。 Consciousness of Zhou Huang light flutters, then said: A while you understood, this tenth third layer corpse, is in a dragon vein clan the most important character, how could their do corpse tolerate others to blaspheme? To win this corpse, is not general difficult!” 周煌的意识淡淡的飘过来,便是说道:“一会儿你就明白了,这第十三层尸身,乃是龙脉一族中最重要的人物,他们的尸身又岂能容忍他人亵渎?想要夺走这尸身,不是一般的难!” At this time, Great Yu Battle Emperor, Heavenly Fate Country Lord and Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, are taking a walk along this platform unceasingly, but other Divine Sea Realm great energy followed. 这时候,大禹战帝,天运国主天风战皇,都沿着这平台不断地走动着,而其他的神海境大能则紧随其后。 Before long lets, Heavenly Fate Country Lord then stays by a snow white coffin, is planting several not well-known young trees by this coffin, these young trees do not know that grew for several thousand over ten thousand years, less than a person is unexpectedly high. 不一会让,天运国主便是在一个雪白的棺材旁边停留下来,在这棺材旁边种着几棵不知名的小树,这些小树也不知道生长了几千上万年,竟然还不到一人高。 Name,” the consciousness of Heavenly Fate Country Lord spreads. “名字,”天运国主的意识扩散出来。 Divine Sea Realm great energy is replies: This corpse master, named Bestowed Snow Dragon Star! Once was this dragon vein clan Holy Land leader, had died for 40,000 years......” 一位神海境大能则是回答道:“这位尸身的主人,名叫封雪龙辰!曾经乃是这龙脉一族圣地的领袖,已经死去了四万年……” Here is a tomb of dragon vein clan, lies down the person here, the time of death was inevitably longer than time of dragon vein clan destruction! 这里是龙脉一族的墓地,躺在这里的人,死亡的时间必然比龙脉一族覆灭的时间更长! Bestowed Snow Dragon Star? Bestowed Snow Dragon Star......” Heavenly Fate Country Lord consciousness then unceasingly redundant say/way. 封雪龙辰封雪龙辰……”天运国主的意识便是不断地重复道。 Sees this, Luo Zheng is more curious, this name, really very important? Why occupies this corpse, but must the repeated mention name, Luo Zheng look now is completely not clear. 看到这一幕,罗征更加好奇起来,这名字,真的十分重要么?为何占据这尸身,还要反复的提及名字,现在罗征已经完全看不明白了。 After Heavenly Fate Country Lord this name repeated chewing, immediately said lightly: Opens the coffin, I prepared!” 天运国主将这名字反反复复的嘴嚼之后,随即才淡淡的说道:“开棺吧,我准备好了!” Heavenly Fate Country Lord now or the soul shape, by the Battle Soul Realm soul, feared purely is hard to turn on this coffin, but side has many Divine Sea Realm great energy to obtain corpse, although cannot compare own fleshly body to be easy-to-use, but should also be able to display about 70% strengths. 天运国主现在还是灵魂形态,单纯以战魂境的灵魂,怕是难以开启这棺材,不过旁边已经有不少神海境大能取得了“尸身”,虽然比不上自己的肉身好用,不过应该也能发挥出70%左右的实力。 Several Divine Sea Realm great energy then encircled, stands around coffin that here Bestowed Snow Dragon Star corpse is, then works as one to open this coffin. 几位神海境大能便是围了上去,站在这里“封雪龙辰尸身所在的棺木四周,便是齐心协力想要打开这棺木。 Such character lies down here, has complete protective measures surely, when that several Divine Sea Realm great energy just attempted the coffin, the coffin suddenly is a fierce vibration, above divine mark is the crazy twinkle. 这样的人物躺在这里,必定有完好的保护措施,当那几位神海境大能刚刚试图开棺的时候,棺木骤然便是一阵剧烈的震动,上面的神纹便是疯狂的闪烁起来。 buzz buzz......” 嗡嗡嗡……” Under a fierce lineup, the people hear together the fierce dragon roar sound! 一阵剧烈的阵容之下,众人就听到一道剧烈的龙吼声! Roar!” “吼!” Then explodes from that divine mark suddenly projects Xiaolong that 7-8 strip true essence forms, overruns toward several Divine Sea Realm great energy. 从那神纹之中便是骤然爆射出七八真元形成的小龙,朝着几位神海境大能冲过去。 six stars divine mark, Azure Dragon Seal,” looks at these dragonets, the Luo Zheng's vision is flashing slightly. 六星神纹,苍龙印,”望着那些小龙,罗征的目光微微一闪。 The five-star divine mark strength, resists Life and Death Realm expert sufficiently, but six stars divine mark has resisted Divine Sea Realm great energy sufficiently! 五星神纹的力量,足以抵抗生死境强者,而六星神纹已经足以抵抗神海境大能 However at present the Divine Sea Realm great energy quantity above this platform may be many, wants to rely on six stars divine mark to resist so many Divine Sea Realm great energy is not impossible. 不过眼下这平台之上的神海境大能数量可不少,想要凭借六星神纹抵挡住这么多神海境大能也不可能。 That several Divine Sea Realm great energy are quite as if adept, after moving that Azure Dragon Seal, they immediately gave up turning on the coffin, but exploded toward the two sides shoots to go, directed that 7-8 strip dragonet pursued crazily does not abandon. 那几位神海境大能似乎极为娴熟,在移动了那“苍龙印”后,他们立即放弃了打开棺材,而是朝着两边爆射而去,引的那七八条小龙一路狂追不舍。 At this time, moreover actually several Divine Sea Realm great energy rapid close to that coffin, starts to attack six stars divine mark on coffin! 就在这时候,另外却有几位神海境大能迅速靠近那棺材,开始攻击棺材上的六星神纹 This six stars divine mark in these Divine Sea Realm great energy, quick disrupted jointly, immediately that 7-8 strip dragonet this time is also then dissipating slowly. 六星神纹在这些神海境大能联手之下,很快就碎裂掉了,随即那七八条小龙便是在这时候也慢慢地消散掉了。 From beginning to end, Heavenly Fate Country Lord has stood in same place, is meditating Bestowed Snow Dragon Star as before four characters, he has not paid attention to others to resist the process of that dragonet! 从头到尾,天运国主一直站在原地,依旧在默念着“封雪龙辰”四个字,他并没有关注其他人对抗那小龙的过程! That name, is very evidently important, in Luo Zheng heart silently is thinking. 看样子那名字,真的很重要,罗征心中默默的想着。 After breaking coffin surface defense rune Azure Dragon Seal, several Divine Sea Realm great energy are controlling oneself corpse again, lifted that coffin slowly. 破掉了棺木表面的防御符文苍龙印”之后,几位神海境大能再次操控着自己的尸身,将那棺木给缓缓的掀开了。 In this coffin, silver-haired middle-aged person lying down is then one of them, this silver-haired middle-aged person was Bestowed Snow Dragon Star, even if closed one's eyes, can still feel in this Bestowed Snow Dragon Star corpse to transmit a power and influence, this power and influence, was the makings of standard Higher Position! 在这棺木之中,便有一位满头银发的中年人躺在其中,这位银发中年人便是“封雪龙辰”了,即使是闭着眼睛,也能感受到这封雪龙辰尸身之中传递出来一股威势,这种威势,便是标标准准上位者的气质! On this makings four Country Lord has, but was actually inferior that he is swift and fierce. 这种气质四位国主身上都有,但是却不如他凌厉。 As you might guess, before this Bestowed Snow Dragon Star body, inevitably is Divine Sea Realm top great energy, perhaps is this Great Thousand World most intrepid martial artist! 可以想见,这封雪龙辰身前,必然是一个神海境的顶尖大能,或许算是这个大千世界最为强悍的武者 Heavenly Fate Country Lord looks at the silver-haired middle-aged person in coffin, on the face reveals a prudent color, he then turns head to nod with other three Country Lord, immediately leaps forward in the coffin suddenly! 天运国主看着棺木中的银发中年人,脸上流露出一丝慎重之色,他便是扭头和其他三位国主点点头,随即骤然跃入棺材之中! Is firing into this Bestowed Snow Dragon Star the instance, Heavenly Fate Country Lord then puts out a hand suddenly, according to approaching Bestowed Snow Dragon Star forehead! This according to, that corpse was the conditioned reflex opened the mouth generally, the Heavenly Fate Country Lord soul drilled into the corpse. 在冲向这“封雪龙辰”的瞬间,天运国主便是骤然伸手,按向了“封雪龙辰”的眉心!这一按之下,那尸身便是条件反射一般张开了嘴巴,紧接着天运国主的灵魂就钻入了尸体中。 Quick, when the strength proliferation of soul nuclear in the arm of corpse, internal organs, after the both legs, Bestowed Snow Dragon Star tall and strong body then crawled from the coffin. 很快,等到魂核的力量扩散在尸身的手臂,内脏,双腿之后,“封雪龙辰”魁梧的身体便是从棺材之中爬了出来。
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