AT :: Volume #9

#872: Occupies

Actually climbs up the stair in this graveyard is not difficult, pays special attention to the good opportunity to act decisively, in the ordinary circumstances does not have the too big danger. 其实攀爬这墓园中的台阶并不困难,抓好机会果断行动,一般情况下没有太大的危险。 Four big Divine Country come year after year, fell from the sky Divine Sea Realm great energy except for the situation that under does not know the circumstances of the matter for the first time, later on no one again falling from the sky in. 四大神国年年来,除了第一次不知情的情况之下陨落了一位神海境大能,之后就没有人再陨落其中。 After Pure Soul's Light extinguished two times, Luo Zheng and Huo Yun'er then again returned fourth layer. 趁着净魂光熄灭了两次之后,罗征火允儿便再度回到了第四层 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign also expressed the gratitude to Luo Zheng, later the large unit starts to climb the stair in this graveyard again. 天风战皇也对罗征表示了感激,随后大部队再一次开始攀登这墓园中的台阶。 fifth layer, sixth layer, seventh layer, many Divine Sea Realm great energy are being shocking but not dangerous rushed, but with the people climbs up is higher, the time of that Pure Soul's Light gap is also getting more and more short! 第五层,第六层,第七层,诸多神海境大能都是有惊无险的冲上去了,只是随着众人攀爬的越高,那净魂光间隔的时间也越来越短! Regarding Divine Sea Realm great energy, the pressure is not very big, but regarding Huo Yun'er, Zhou Ning these Void Tribulation Realm martial artist, the pressure was getting bigger and bigger. 对于神海境大能来说,压力并不是很大,但是对于火允儿,周宁这些虚劫境武者来说,压力就越来越大了。 Ning'er, Zhihua, crawls again upward, to you feared that was too difficult, even if crawled, perhaps you are unable to occupy these expert bodies, this first layer should be your limits, you occupied this first layer corpse,” Zhou Huang Divine Consciousness gradually fluttered. 宁儿,知花,再往上爬,对你们来说怕是太困难了,而且就算爬上去了,你们恐怕也无法占据那些强者的身躯,这一层应该就是你们的极限了,你们就占据这一层尸身吧,”周煌神识缓缓飘过来。 Although these expert died the innumerable years, but wants to occupy their corpse is not an easy matter, the soul nuclear can repel in the greatest weakened corpse, be corpse strength is stronger, the repelling force is also stronger! 虽然这些强者死去无数年了,但是想要占据他们的尸身也不是一件容易的事情,魂核能够最大程度的减弱尸身中的排斥,可是尸身本身的实力越强,排斥力也越强! Zhou Ning and Swallow King, Huo Yun'er and other young generation of martial artist nods gently, although followed the people of father's generation to enter Divine Sovereign Mystical Place together, but to them, what was more important was this experience, said actually not wanted obtained anything. 周宁燕王,还有火允儿等年轻一辈的武者都轻轻点了点头,虽然跟随父辈们一同进入了神皇秘境,但是对于他们来说,更重要的是这一场历练,倒不是说一定要在其中获得什么。 I help you open this coffin,” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign walks in one side of platform, is enters in the house, stood by a coffin. “我来帮你们打开这棺木吧,”天风战皇在平台的一侧走过来,便是进入屋舍之中,站在了一个棺木旁边。 After the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign stand is good, actually closes the eye suddenly, meditated several gently, immediately said with the consciousness communication: These corpse threw also has the innumerable years here, must maintain the minimum awe to them.” 天风战皇站好之后,却是忽然闭上眼睛,轻轻的默念了几句,随即才用意识沟通道:“这些尸身扔在这里也有无数年了,要对他们保持起码的敬畏。” Immediately Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign deep place both hands, that both hands transformed the shape suddenly, scoop channel flowing following that coffin edge, the soul can transform the shape at will, after Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign the edge in part of soul invasion coffins, his soul fluctuation, the Battle Soul Realm soul strength explodes slightly immediately, later the people noticed that coffin was lifted. 随即天风战皇深处双手,那双手忽然变换了形状,顺着那棺木边缘的凹槽流动,灵魂是可以随意变换形状的,当天风战皇的一部分灵魂侵入棺木的边缘之后,他的灵魂微微一阵波动,战魂境的灵魂力量顿时暴发,随后众人就看到那棺木被掀开了。 In this coffin, is actually lying down a Life and Death Realm woman! 在这棺木之中,却是躺着一位生死境的女人! Also does not know that this dragon vein clan preserves corpse with what method, actually does not have slight decayed after so many years, this woman is maintaining the peerless appearance as before, wears a pale blue palace clothing, besides complexion some flood white, seemed like fell asleep generally! 也不知道这龙脉一族用什么方法保存尸身,历经这么多年竟然没有丝毫的腐朽,这女人依旧保持着绝世容貌,穿着一身淡蓝色的宫装,除了脸色有些泛白之外,看起来就像是睡着了一般! Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign then asked that you, who came......” 天风战皇便是问道,“你们,谁来……” However his saying just asked, the people are then looking at him with the surprise vision...... 不过他这话刚刚问出来,众人便是用诧异的目光望着他…… Young generation of martial artist, can with, only then very outstanding imperial prince, as well as Divine Country Crown Prince, only one by one female, only has Huo Yun'er. 年轻一辈的武者,能够跟过来的只有十分出色的皇子,以及神国太子,唯一一个女性,也只有火允儿 Sees everyone surprise the vision, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign smiles awkwardly, then said: Yun’er, you controlled this corpse to be good.” 看到大家诧异的目光,天风战皇尴尬一笑,则是说道:“允儿,你就控制这具尸身好了。” The eye of Huo Yun'er blinked, is staring at body in a coffin, later then nods, „!” 火允儿的眼睛眨巴了一下,盯着一眼棺材中的身体,随后便是点点头,“嗯!” Controlling corpse and body possession is completely different, but own soul irrigation is one of them, absolutely is not a very happy experience, but this also almost enters the Heavenly Star Mystical Place only means. 控制尸身夺舍完全不同,不过将自己的灵魂灌注在其中,绝对不是一件十分美好的体验,可是这也几乎是进入天辰秘境唯一的办法。 Afterward Huo Yun'er was leap stands above the coffin, on the face revealed the hesitant vision, is looking at own Imperial Father. 随后火允儿便是一跃站在了棺材之上,脸上还是流露出犹豫的目光,望着自己的父皇 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign shows a faint smile, actually walks by the coffin, under puts out a hand, then pressed suddenly in the head of that corpse! That corpse opens the mouth suddenly, both eyes also opens impressively. 天风战皇微微一笑,却是走在棺材旁边,伸手之下,便是忽然按在了那尸身的头部!那具尸体骤然之间张开嘴巴,双目也赫然睁开。 Huo Yun'er is a girl, although she is clear about this corpse should no fearful place, but had a scare. 火允儿到底是一个女孩,尽管她清楚这尸身应该没什么可怕之处,但还是被吓了一跳。 Do not fear, fused with her mutually was OK,” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign encouraged to say. “别怕,和她相互融合就可以了,”天风战皇鼓励道。 Huo Yun'er is startled however stares at that corpse, on the face is reappearing to wipe the firm and resolute color, along with, even if worms one's way into toward that corpse. 火允儿怔然的盯着那尸身,脸上浮现出一抹坚毅之色,随即便朝着那尸身钻了进去。 Immediately the grey glow, the head from that corpse dissipate, these grey glow, are the energies of soul nuclear, had previously fused with the soul completely, in Huo Yun'er fuses after this corpse, starts to dissipate in the whole body of corpse. 随即就有一道道灰芒,从那尸身之中头部逸散出来,这些灰芒,便是魂核的能量,此前已经与灵魂完全融合,不过在火允儿与这尸身融合之后,就开始逸散在尸身的全身。 Occupying corpse and body possession is completely different, body possession does not want the help of soul nuclear, because by the body possession object must be the living person, but fleshly body of living person was perfect, what body possession damage is only the soul of body possession object. 占据尸身夺舍完全不同,夺舍并不要魂核的帮助,因为被夺舍的对象必须是活人,而活人的肉身原本就是完好无损的,夺舍损伤的只是夺舍对象的灵魂。 But these corpse had died the innumerable years, all blood are dry, the organism had died, wants to activate this corpse, can only depend upon the overbearing method, but the soul nuclear plays this role. 可是这些尸身已经死了无数年了,所有的血液都已经干涸,肌体本身就已经死亡,想要激活这尸身,只能依靠霸道的方法,而魂核正是起到这个作用。 After these grey glow and entire corpse merge, the finger of this palace clothing female moves suddenly, the eye that before long that closes slowly opens suddenly! 当那些灰芒与整个尸身合并之后,这宫装女子的手指忽然动了动,不一会儿那缓缓闭上的眼睛又骤然睁开! Afterward the people see that corpse by very stiff movement, turns from the coffin, is ordinary just like an operation not skilled puppet, by strange movement several steps. 随后众人就见到那尸身以十分僵硬的动作,从棺材之中翻出来,宛若一具操作不熟练的傀儡一般,以怪异的动作走了几步。 Can look, the corpse that Huo Yun'er just controlled is not skilled, but is quick, her movement is getting more and more adept, after dozens time of breath, Huo Yun'er then gathered the both legs, adopted a stance of very virtuous young woman, one such as the Huo Yun'er ordinary stance, was tactful and graceful. 看得出来,火允儿刚刚控制的这尸身非常不熟练,但是很快,她的动作就越来越娴熟,数十个呼吸的时间后,火允儿便是将双腿并拢,摆出了一副十分淑女的姿态,一如火允儿平常的姿态,委婉而又优雅。 Luo Zheng actually reveals the light happy expression, even is controlling corpse, is maintaining the original custom. 罗征却是流露出淡淡的笑意,即使是控制着尸身,还是维持着自己原本的习惯。 I, can control......” Huo Yun'er saying that what because controls is corpse of this palace clothing female, her sound also completely changed. “我,可以控制了……”火允儿开口说道,不过因为操控的是这宫装女子的尸身,她的声音也是完全变了。 Very good,” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign nods, we help you open other coffins, you occupy these corpse again.” “很好,”天风战皇点点头,“我们帮你们打开其他的棺木,你们再将这些尸身占据。” Therefore several Divine Sea Realm great energy also come, lifts several other coffins, reveals inside corpse, besides first corpse is the palace clothing female, other corpse are the male. 于是几位神海境大能也过来,将其他几座棺木掀开,露出里面一具具尸身,除了第一具尸身是宫装女子之外,其他的尸身都是男性。 These male wear golden armour, even still placed high grade saint item in side, these should be the funeral objects. 这些男性都是身披金甲,甚至还在旁边摆放了上品圣器,这些应该都是陪葬品了。 Swallow King, Crown Prince Zhou Ning, Huo Chen also has other Divine Country imperial princes, seized corpse. 燕王,太子周宁,火辰还有其他神国的皇子们,也纷纷抢占了一个尸身 This process has not delayed the too much time, approximately also consumed the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, after they occupy corpse, Zhou Huang actually looked at the vision to Luo Zheng. 这个过程并没有耽搁太多的时间,大约也只是耗费了一炷香的时间,等到他们将尸身占据之后,周煌却是将目光望向了罗征 Although Luo Zheng has promoted is Life and Death Realm martial artist, strength is also hard to estimate, is serious in many Divine Sea Realm great energy, he is young a generation, the meaning of this vision is very simple, does Luo Zheng also choose corpse? 虽然罗征已经晋升为生死境武者,本身的实力也难以估测,不过在诸多神海境大能严重,他还是年轻一辈,这目光的意思很简单,罗征是否也挑选一具尸身 Place that Heavenly Star Mystical Place is not absolutely good to rush, but challenge powerful corpse, is a very essential factor, Luo Zheng will certainly not choose corpse at will. 天辰秘境绝对不是那么好闯的地方,而挑战一具强大的尸身,也是非常关键的一个因素,罗征当然不会随意挑选一具尸身 Has not waited for them to open the mouth, the Luo Zheng's consciousness had fluttered, I come up with you together!” 还没有等他们开口,罗征的意识已经飘了出去,“我跟你们一起上去!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign hehe said with a smile: „The Tianxing soul had been close to Green Soul Realm, wants powerful compared with the souls of our these old fogies many, naturally has the qualifications to come up!” 天风战皇嘿嘿笑道:“天行的灵魂原本就已经接近碧魂境了,比我们这些老家伙的灵魂还要强大不少,自然有资格上去!” Therefore Luo Zheng follows this group of Divine Sea Realm great energy is avoiding Pure Soul's Light, while continues to climb up upward. 于是罗征又跟随这一帮神海境大能一边躲避着净魂光,一边继续往上攀爬。 As for Huo Yun'er and Swallow King they, because occupies corpse, the soul penetrates in these corpse mind, that Pure Soul's Light is in view of the soul, regarding has fleshly body them, makes the inadequate any damage, therefore they simply have not avoided these Pure Soul's Light, unhurriedly walks on the stair. 至于火允儿燕王他们,因为已经占据了尸身,灵魂深入那些尸身的脑海之中,那净魂光乃是针对灵魂的,对于已经拥有肉身的他们来说,造不成任何损伤,所以他们根本没有避开那些净魂光,不慌不忙的在台阶上走上去。 Eighth Layer, ninth layer, tenth layer...... 第八层,第九层,第十层…… The coffin number of above this third layer platform exhibiting are getting more and more small, corpse cultivation base in that coffin is also getting more and more powerful. 三层的平台之上陈列的棺材数量越来越少,那棺材中的尸身修为也越来越强大。 From tenth layer, corpse in coffin unexpectedly is Divine Sea Realm cultivation base! 第十层开始,棺材中的尸身竟然已经是神海境修为了! I chose this first layer,” Divine Sea Realm great energy stayed on own initiative, the choice occupied a corpse in tenth layer, this Divine Sea Realm great energy as if just stepped into Battle Soul Realm not long, if not Luo Zheng unearthed so many soul nuclear, this year he feared that is unable to enter in this graveyard. “我就选这一层了,”一位神海境大能主动停留下来,选择占据十层中的一具尸体,这神海境大能似乎刚刚踏入战魂境没有多久,若非罗征挖掘出那么多魂核,今年他怕是无法进入这墓园之中。 It is not very self-confident about own soul intensity, even came up is still useless, might as well occupied this first layer corpse. 对自己的灵魂强度不够自信,就算上去了也是白搭,还不如占据这一层尸身 Therefore starts from tenth layer, had Divine Sea Realm great energy to choose own corpse one after another. 于是从第十层开始,陆陆续续就有神海境大能选择了自己的尸身 Ten first layer...... 一层…… Ten second layer...... 二层…… In these two, then has 60-70 position Divine Sea Realm great energy to escape into. 在这两层之中,便已经有六七十神海境大能遁入其中。 But arrived ten third layer time, overwhelming majority martial artist have controlled corpse, therefore they by fleshly body the shape walks following the stair, only then Luo Zheng, Zhou Huang, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, Great Yu Battle Emperor and Heavenly Fate Country Lord these five people have not chosen oneself corpse. 到了三层的时候,绝大部分武者都已经控制了一具尸身,所以他们都是以“肉身”的形态顺着台阶走上来的,只有罗征,周煌,天风战皇,大禹战帝天运国主这五人没有选择自己的尸身 Their these five people unified to focus on above ten third layer! 他们这五人统一将目光放在了十三层之上! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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