AT :: Volume #9

#871: Danger

Can obtain powerful corpse, Luo Zheng were also unforeseen, however above the choice, eventually the higher the better. 能够获得多强大的尸身,罗征自己也无法预料,但是在选择之上,终究是越高越好。 Pure Soul's Light above this stair continued about ten breath, starts to dissipate unceasingly. 这台阶之上的净魂光持续了十个呼吸左右的时间后,就开始不断地消散。 In the instance that Pure Soul's Light dissipates, the order of Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, then by the situation of consciousness, spreads to come to all martial artist. 就在那净魂光消散的瞬间,天风战皇的命令,便是以意识的形势,向所有武者扩散而来。 On!” “上!” Above this stair two sides platforms all martial artist leave the platform instantaneously, started toward upwelling of stair in the past. 这台阶两边平台之上所有的武者瞬间离开平台,开始朝着台阶之上涌过去。 That Pure Soul's Light every gets down one time dimly, then ten breath the crevices of time, while this crevice, the people then can surmount first layer again upward. 净魂光每一次黯淡下去,便有十个呼吸的时间的空隙,趁着这个空隙,众人便是能够再往上攀越一层 Under the rapid shuttle, the people were passed over gently and swiftly dozens Dao Platform steps, in the top ray shining the flash, also heard the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign direction saying: Withdraw, separates the two sides, the upper mounting plate!” 在飞速穿梭之下,众人便是掠过几十道台阶,在顶部的光芒亮起的一瞬间,又听到天风战皇指挥道:“撤,分开两边,上平台!” In the silence, all souls plundered the two sides platforms as before, above this third layer two sides platforms, is posting many houses one by one, but under house coffin these martial artist strengths, merely was only Spirit Core Realm later stage that's all. 依旧是在悄无声息之中,所有的灵魂都掠上了两边的平台,这第三层两边的平台之上,也挨个并列着不少屋舍,不过屋舍下方的棺材之中那些武者的实力,也仅仅只是神丹境后期而已 An influence of dragon vein clan adds to be stronger than four big Divine Country, in some innumerable Spirit Core Realm including four big Divine Country, Void Tribulation Realm martial artist, a Spirit Core Realm martial artist quantity in this dragon vein clan naturally cannot be few, surrounds an entire circle in this third layer, the house in platform also only has 6-7 hundred that's all. 龙脉一族的势力比四大神国加起来都要强大,连四大神国之中都有无数神丹境,虚劫境武者,这龙脉一族中的神丹境武者数量自然不会少,不过在这第三层中环绕一整圈,平台上的屋舍也只有六七百间而已 By Spirit Core Realm status burying martial artist here, inevitably is a core figure in dragon vein clan, but the prime of life is early young, will post in their corpse this tomb. 神丹境身份埋葬在这里的武者,必然是龙脉一族中的核心人物,不过英年早夭,才会将他们的尸身置入这墓地之中。 This Luo Zheng has not sized up these coffins again, strength extremely small and weak corpse, does not have the slight use to Luo Zheng. 这一次罗征并没有再打量这些棺材,实力太过弱小的尸身,对罗征来说没有丝毫用处。 People look prudent is waiting for the order of Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, that Pure Soul's Light has the fatal threat regarding the soul, but over a hundred people of actions are unable to be uniform, if hesitates slightly, the action falls behind, happen to that Pure Soul's Light glitters above the stair, that may be big troublesome, soul by instantaneous essence, oneself in fleshly body will turn into a body that does not have the body...... 众人都神色慎重的等候着天风战皇的命令,那净魂光对于灵魂有着致命的威胁,而上百人的行动无法整齐划一,若是稍有迟疑,行动掉队,正好那净魂光在台阶之上闪烁起来,那麻烦可就大了,灵魂会被瞬间精华,自己在的肉身则会变成一具没有躯壳的身体…… Everyone do not relax vigilantly, this Pure Soul's Light spreads from top to bottom, more upward, leaves everyone's time to be shorter!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign stares at that to be similar to Pure Soul's Light that the cone of light raises up generally, with tall and slender cones of light is dim, the dissipation, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign releases the consciousness again, on!” “大家不要放松警惕,这净魂光是从上往下蔓延,越是往上,留给大家的时间越短!”天风战皇盯着那如同光锥一般竖起的净魂光,随着一根根细长的光锥黯淡,消散,天风战皇再次释放出意识,“上!” Everyone's movement is uniform, almost does not have any stagnation and hauling, stepped the stair again. 所有人的动作整齐划一,几乎没有任何停滞和拖拉,再次迈上了台阶。 fourth layer, dispersing!” 第四层,散开!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign orders, oneself also jump toward nearby platform above! 天风战皇一声令下,自己也朝着旁边的平台之上跳去! After Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign jumping up platform, then looks, immediately has a scare, Huo Yun'er fell on unexpectedly rear! 只是等到天风战皇跳上平台之后,回头一望,顿时吓了一跳,火允儿竟然落在了最后面! Just now people jumping up platform time, Huo Yun'er actually side toward platform seized several steps, she as if in a dragon vein clan writing that above the observation coffin inscribes, is somewhat distracted slightly. 方才众人跳上平台的时候,火允儿却是朝着平台的一边夺走了几步,她似乎在观察棺材之上铭刻的龙脉一族文字,微微有些走神。 When the consciousness of Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign spreads, the Huo Yun'er movement filled a racket slightly. 等到天风战皇的意识扩散出来,火允儿的动作就略微满了一拍。 Was slow this racket, Huo Yun'er fell on rear, at this time some Eldest Hou people had jumped up the platform, but Pure Soul's Light above platform was actually first layer first layer covered! 就是慢了这一拍,火允儿就落在了最后面,这时候大部分人都已经跳上了平台,而平台之上的净魂光却是一层一层的覆盖下来! This Pure Soul's Light may be more powerful than the graveyard entrance defending grave lamp, even if Divine Sea Realm great energy touches slightly, soul still by the cleanness of essence! 净魂光可比墓园门口的守墓灯强大多了,即便是神海境大能略微触碰一下,灵魂也会被精华的干干净净! Sees this, isn't Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign anxious? 看到这一幕,天风战皇如何不急? Elder sister!” Huo Chen is also greatly anxious, although his temper is simple-hearted, but works is quite earnest, has not diverted attention, therefore Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign order, Huo Chen also followed to step fourth layer in the team. “姐!”火辰也是大急,他性子虽然木讷,不过做事却极为认真,没有丝毫分心,所以天风战皇的命令一下,火辰也跟在队伍之中迈上了第四层 Now sees Huo Yun'er to lag behind, isn't he anxious? He has not thought, is the strategic place goes out to rescue Huo Yun'er unexpectedly! 现在看到火允儿落在后面,他如何不急?他并没有多想,竟然就是要冲出去救火允儿 However Huo Chen just took this one step, Divine Sea Realm great energy is quick of eye and hand, then kept off in Huo Chen front. 不过火辰刚刚迈出这一步,一位神海境大能眼疾手快,便是挡在了火辰的前面。 That Pure Soul's Light has shone, extends from the steps of most peak, but 1-2 the time of breath, Huo Chen this to/clashes, is not different from the suicide. 净魂光已经亮起来了,从最顶端的阶梯延伸下来,不过1-2呼吸的时间,火辰这番冲出去,跟自杀也没有什么两样。 All martial artist look at Huo Yun'er above steps, in the eye is revealing color of the regret. 所有的武者都望着阶梯之上的火允儿,眼中都流露出一丝遗憾之色。 This Huo Yun'er is really the emperor spoiled child, as the phoenix descendant, and has True Phoenix to take Contract Beast, even if flies upwards upper realm, feared that does not lose to upper realm these top talents, the future achievement feared that is bigger than their group of Divine Sea Realm old monsters. 火允儿真可谓是天子骄子,身为凤凰后裔,并且拥有真凤作为契约兽,即使飞升上界,怕也不输给上界那些顶尖天才,未来的成就怕是比他们这帮神海境老怪物还要大。 Today falls from the sky here? 今日难道就此陨落在这里了? Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign look is urgent! Anxiously is but useful? His soul in all Divine Sea Realm great energy, should be most powerful, he does not dare to touch Pure Soul's Light, this next in one time is actually completely without enough time! 天风战皇神色更是急迫!可是急有什么用处?他的灵魂在所有神海境大能之中,应该算是最强大的了,他也不敢触碰净魂光,这一下一上的时间却是完全来不及! However at this time, had form together to flee! 然而就在这时候,却有一道身影窜了出去! Luo Tianxing?” 罗天行?” Cannot go absolutely!” “绝对不能去!” Luo Zheng! Do not go!” Prevents Luo Zheng's is actually Zhou Huang. 罗征!别去!”阻止罗征的却是周煌 How even does the Luo Zheng's soul intensity far ultra present other martial artist? The time is always insufficient, his soul is powerful, meets Pure Soul's Light looks like the ice piece throws into the magma, gives the cleanness of purification instantaneously! 就算罗征的灵魂强度远超在场其他武者又如何?时间总是不够用,他灵魂再强大,遇到净魂光就像是将冰块扔进岩浆之中,瞬间就给净化的干干净净! Let alone, others can die, only Luo Zheng cannot die! 何况,其他的人都能够死,唯独罗征不能死! The reason is simple, but Luo Zheng this group of Divine Sea Realm great energy restore the hope of Ascension Channel! 原因再简单不过,罗征可是这帮神海境大能修复飞升通道的希望! The consciousness of dozens Divine Sea Realm great energy flutter in abundance, all contents are the same, Luo Zheng do not get down. 几十道神海境大能的意识纷纷飘荡过来,所有的内容都是一样,罗征不要下去。 What a pity Luo Zheng has not paid attention to these consciousness from the start, his soul changes into a shadow, shoots to go toward below whirlwind, but at this time, that Pure Soul's Light has followed the stair to spread. 可惜罗征压根没有理会这些意识,他的灵魂化为一道黑影,朝着下方飚射而去,而这个时候,那净魂光已经顺着台阶蔓延下来。 Dazzling Pure Soul's Light emerges tall and slender cones of light on the stair, shoots up to the sky, time of breath can in all stairs ten third layer overspread, now has actually spread in fourth layer, in other words only has 1/3 breath time, can overspread the remaining stairs. 炫目的净魂光在台阶上涌现出一根根细长的光锥,冲天而起,一个呼吸的时间就能够将十三层中所有的台阶都铺满,现在却已经蔓延在了第四层,也就是说只剩下三分之一个呼吸时间,就能够将剩下的台阶铺满。 Luo Zheng examined Pure Soul's Light at this time radically without enough time to own distance, he charges into the Huo Yun'er instance, was preserved her, immediately continued to clash toward the front. 罗征这时候根本来不及查看净魂光离自己的距离,他冲向火允儿的瞬间,便是一把保住了她,随即继续朝着前方冲下去。 He has not been thinking retrieves the fourth layer stair Huo Yun'er, such short time radically without enough time, therefore Luo Zheng is relying on the potential of own impact, after grasping Huo Yun'er, then overruns toward the third layer right platform in! 他并没有想着将火允儿救回第四层台阶,这么短的时间根本来不及,所以罗征凭借着自己的冲击之势,抱住火允儿后,便是朝着第三层右边的平台上冲过去! In Pure Soul's Light just spread when Luo Zheng under foot, Luo Zheng and Huo Yun'er two souls had flown, because the strength of this impact is too big, the momentum that Luo Zheng and Huo Yun'er two people fly is too fierce, under been able to defend situation, unexpectedly crossed the third layer platform directly, numerous falling above the second layer platform! 就在净魂光刚刚蔓延在罗征脚下的时候,罗征火允儿两道灵魂已经飞了出去,因为这冲击的力量太大,罗征火允儿两人飞出去的势头太猛,守不住的情况之下,居然直接越过了第三层的平台,重重的摔在了第二层的平台之上! The instance that however is falling, Luo Zheng actually transferred the angle, placed above Huo Yun'er, was equal to that own soul acted one time soul cushion. 不过在摔下去的瞬间,罗征却是调转了角度,把火允儿放在了上面,等于自己的灵魂充当了一次“灵魂坐垫”。 The Luo Zheng's soul is firm, but Huo Yun'er was different, before the soul has not stepped into Battle Soul Realm, looked like the young baby of family background generally to be just frail, although the Huo Yun'er soul has gone through the exercise, but as before many. 罗征的灵魂坚固无比,不过火允儿就不同了,灵魂没有踏入战魂境之前都像刚出身的小婴儿一般脆弱,虽然火允儿的灵魂经受过锻炼,但依旧强不了多少。 Sat also somewhat got muddled in Luo Zheng above Huo Yun'er at this time, just now she indeed was hesitant, since actually acted late, can definitely in same place waiting next wave, after that Pure Soul's Light vanished, clash upward, does to this hesitant, the speed was also slower, looks at the spread of Pure Soul's Light first layer level helplessly, space that she has not actually dodged. 坐在罗征上面的火允儿这时候还有些发蒙,方才她的确是犹豫了一下,其实既然行动晚了,完全可以在原地等候下一波,那净魂光消失之后再往上冲,奈何她这一犹豫,速度也就更慢,眼睁睁看着净魂光一层层的蔓延下来,她自己却没有躲闪的空间了。 Sees this, above that dozens Divine Sea Realm great energy are long breathing a sigh of relief. 看到这一幕,上面那几十位神海境大能们都是长长的舒了一口气。 What Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign worries is own daughter, after entering Divine Sea Realm, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign does not have too many things, he then places on overwhelming majority thoughts the daughter, if to explore Heavenly Star Mystical Place loses the life, this is the situation that he is not willing to see in any event, this saw Luo Zheng to rescue a Huo Yun'er life, on the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign face also revealed the color of gratitude. 天风战皇担忧的是自己的女儿,进入神海境之后,天风战皇没有太多事情,他便是将绝大部分心思都放在自己女儿身上,若是为了探索天辰秘境而失去生命,这是他无论如何都不愿看到的情形,这番看到罗征救了火允儿一命,天风战皇脸上也流露出感激之色。 However other Divine Sea Realm great energy worry is actually Luo Zheng, they wait for the saintess to notify upper realm eagerly, if Luo Zheng died here, their hopes feared that must be disillusioned, compares the Huo Yun'er life, the Luo Zheng's life can be much more important, if just can prevent Luo Zheng, they will not allow Luo Zheng to take risk absolutely! 不过其他神海境大能担忧的却是罗征,他们可是眼巴巴等着圣女通报上界,若是罗征在这里死了,他们的希望怕是要破灭了,相比火允儿的性命,罗征的性命可以算是重要得多,如果刚刚可以阻止罗征,他们绝对不会允许罗征去冒这个险! Above this steps glitters as before Pure Soul's Light, Huo Yun'er is crawling from Luo Zheng, then communicates with the consciousness and Luo Zheng said: Thanks.” 这阶梯之上依旧闪烁着净魂光,火允儿罗征身上爬起来,便是用意识与罗征沟通道:“谢谢。” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, a consciousness glitters, is all right, we continue!” 罗征微微一笑,一个意识闪烁出来,“没事,我们继续上!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign has not led the people to climb again, but is waiting for Luo Zheng and Huo Yun'er on fourth layer. 天风战皇没有再率领众人攀登,而是在第四层上等候着罗征火允儿
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