AT :: Volume #9

#870: Pure Soul's Light

Now everyone is the body of soul, the relative strength was weaken inevitably much. 现在每个人都是灵魂之体,相对实力必然减弱了不少。 Luo Zheng is good, his soul was more powerful than with realm, although without stepping into Green Soul Realm, but after fusing World’s Will, then even the Divine Sea Realm great energy soul is well below him. 罗征还好,他的灵魂原本就比同境界强大,虽然没有踏入碧魂境,可是融合了世界意志之后,便是连神海境大能的灵魂都远远不如他。 Before this graveyard gate is hanging the lamp, is one defends the grave lamp! 在这墓园门前挂着的这盏灯,乃是一盏守墓灯! This defends the grave lamp to hang here, can actually stab all souls, this Divine Sea Realm great energy prevents Huo Yun'er this junior, then feared them directly in this defends under the grave lamp to be frightened out of one's wits. 这盏守墓灯挂在这里,却是能够刺伤一切阴魂,这神海境大能阻止火允儿这一众小辈,便是怕他们直接在这守墓灯下魂飞魄散。 Luo Zheng stood in same place absurdly from not moving heedlessly, he actually in trying to communicate Azure Dragon in mind, Ancestral Dragon Egg in that Heavenly Star Mystical Place, these Battle Sovereign Battle Emperor took so many years not to take, Luo Zheng wanted to take, must obtain the help of Azure Dragon inevitably. 罗征站在了原地并没有妄自乱动,他却是在试图沟通脑海中的青龙,那天辰秘境中的祖龙蛋,这些战皇战帝取了这么多年都没有取出来,罗征想要弄到手,势必要得到青龙的帮助。 A dragon vein clan and Azure Dragon with are True Dragon Clan, he then feared that needs the help of Azure Dragon. 龙脉一族与青龙同为真龙一族,他接下来怕是需要青龙的帮助。 However this communicates below, quick on the response of arrived Azure Dragon, the issue is not evidently big, Luo Zheng also on Anxin / at ease. 不过这沟通以下,很快就得到了青龙的回应,看样子问题不大,罗征也就安心了。 You and other, after this defend the grave lamp extinguished, you again go in!” That Divine Sea Realm great energy also said to Luo Zheng and the others. “你们等一下,这守墓灯灭了之后,你们再进去!”那神海境大能又对罗征等人说道。 Afterward Luo Zheng sees a shadow, at the inconceivable speed, to/clashes suddenly toward this graveyard in! 随后罗征就看到一道黑影,骤然以不可思议的速度,朝着这墓园之中冲进去! Then in the instance that shadow to/clashes, that defends the grave lamp to erupt together the dazzling ray suddenly, ruthlessly explodes toward that soul shoots to go. 便是在那黑影冲进去的瞬间,那守墓灯骤然爆发出一道炫目的光芒,狠狠的向着那灵魂爆射而去。 This ray of light, is a soul attack!” The Luo Zheng's forehead jumps suddenly, in this dragon vein clan some actually many mysterious things. “这道光,也是一种灵魂攻击!”罗征的眉心骤然一跳,这龙脉一族中倒是有不少神奇的东西。 However that shadow is also a Divine Sea Realm great energy soul, when that defends the ray directly shoots of grave lamp to him, his part of souls start to transform the shape suddenly, turned into a shield unexpectedly, kept off before his body. 不过那黑影也是一位神海境大能的灵魂,就在那守墓灯的光芒直射向他的时候,他的一部分灵魂骤然开始变换形状,竟然变成了一块盾牌,挡在了他的身前。 Turning the soul into the shield,” sees this, on the Luo Zheng face reveals the light happy expression. “化魂为盾,”看到这一幕,罗征脸上流露出淡淡的笑意。 That Divine Sea Realm great energy soul, is only Battle Soul Realm that's all, resists this to defend the grave lamp, in addition needs so. 那位神海境大能的灵魂,也只是战魂境而已,对抗这守墓灯尚且需要如此。 But at the Luo Zheng's soul intensity, should be able to walk directly, will not receive the too big injury...... 而以罗征的灵魂强度,应该可以直接走过去,不会受到太大的伤害…… Shortly after that Divine Sea Realm great energy soul overruns, that defended the grave lamp to glitter suddenly, immediately got down slowly dimly. 神海境大能的灵魂冲过去之后不久,那守墓灯骤然闪烁了一下,随即就慢慢地黯淡下去。 At this time, other Divine Sea Realm great energy souls filed, as for Luo Zheng and other young generation, then followed in behind. 这时候,其他神海境大能的灵魂才鱼贯而入,至于罗征等年轻一辈,则是跟在了后面。 This giant graveyard almost occupied entire Divine Sovereign Island, fine tombstones stand erect in the two sides of path, but in the ground , then hoodwinked the thick dust. 这巨大的墓园几乎将整个神皇岛都占据了,一座座精致的墓碑矗立在道路的两边,而地面上则蒙了厚厚的尘土。 Does not know many years, no one has visited here, even four big Divine Country people, still use the soul body to enter. 已经不知道多少年,没有人踏足过这里了,即使是四大神国的人,也只是用过灵魂体进入其中。 „Is here depositing corpse of over a million dragon vein clans? So many years passed by, these should corpse change into skeletons?” Luo Zheng actually with the consciousness, they communicates with Huo Yun'er said. “这里存放着上百万龙脉一族的尸身?这么多年过去了,那些尸身应该早就化为一枚枚骸骨了吧?”罗征却是用意识,与火允儿他们沟通道。 Never expected that Huo Yun'er is worse than Luo Zheng, she is also the completely not clear situation, instead is somewhat anxious, occupies others' corpse, can extremely in disrespecting......” 没想到火允儿罗征还要不济,她也是完全不清楚其中的情况,反而有些忧虑,“占据别人的尸身,会不会太过于不敬……” In young generation of martial artist, only then Swallow King can reply that this issue, he is said to Luo Zheng: corpse that as far as I know, we must occupy not here, corpse that but in the deep place of this graveyard, under these tombstones buries is some ordinary characters, their corpse have not undergone the special handling, let alone corpse, the skeleton, experienced so many years to turn into the dust even, completely vanishes on this day between.” 年轻一辈的武者之中,也只有燕王能够回答这个问题,他便是对罗征说道:“据我所知,我们要占据的尸身并不在这里,而是在这墓园的深处,这些墓碑之下埋藏的尸身都是一些普通人物,他们的尸身并没有经过特殊处理,别说尸身了,就算是骸骨,经历这么多年早就变成灰尘,完全消失在这天地之间。” Luo Zheng nods, general corpse does not undergo mystique processing, is impossible to span the millenniums, ten thousand years. 罗征点了点头,一般的尸身不经过秘法处理,根本不可能跨越千年,万年的时间。 These Divine Sea Realm great energy souls guide in front, behind only then the previous ten juniors follow. 那些神海境大能的灵魂在前面带路,后面只有上十位小辈跟随。 This above, although in all directions is gloomy dark, but pours has not encountered what danger. 这一路之上虽然四处都是阴森森黑乎乎的,不过倒也没有遭遇什么危险。 After leading the way a distance, the front of people then presented stairs, in the two sides of that stair, is , is constructing platforms, these platforms then arrange generally just like the terraced field. 前行了一段距离之后,众人的面前便是出现了一个个台阶,在那台阶的两边,便是一圈,一圈,修建着一个一个的平台,这些平台便是宛若梯田一般排列下来。 Above this platform, has houses, these houses have about one person high, is parking coffins! 在这平台之上,就有一个一个的屋舍,那些屋舍大约只有一人多高,其中则是停放着一座座棺材! Luo Zheng raising the head counted the number, these just like terraced field general platform altogether ten third layer, the first layer platform was largest, about over a thousand, above each platform are exhibiting three houses, but the second layer platform was next, above each platform then has two houses, this upward, upward , the quantity of platform were in turn smaller, the quantity of house and coffin were also getting more and more small. 罗征抬头数了数,这些宛若梯田一般的平台总共有十三层,其中第一层的平台数量最多,大约有上千个,每个平台之上陈列着三个屋舍,而第二层的平台则是其次,每个平台之上便是拥有两个屋舍,这样依次往上,越往上,平台的数量越少,屋舍和棺材的数量也越来越少。 Many souls come to under of arrived this platform, has not stepped above the platform. 诸多灵魂都来到了这平台的下方,并没有踏上平台之上。 At this time, then Divine Sea Realm great energy said to Luo Zheng and the others: corpse above this platform, is according to the strength and position arrangement, layer higher corpse, the strength before body is stronger, this time leads you to enter Divine Sovereign Mystical Place, does not hope that you can occupy powerful corpse! You must be careful above stair Pure Soul's Light, this Pure Soul's Light can give the purification the soul instantaneously! At your soul intensities, without leeway of resistance! You are careful! A while we crawl upwardly, when this Pure Soul's Light twinkle time, you enter in nearby platform, yes?” 就在这时候,便是有一位神海境大能罗征等人说道:“这平台之上的尸身,乃是按照实力与地位排列,层数越高的尸身,身前的实力越强,这次带你们进入神皇秘境,也并不希望你们能够占据强大的尸身!你们只是要小心台阶之上的‘净魂光’,这‘净魂光’能够瞬间将灵魂给净化!以你们的灵魂强度,没有反抗的余地!你们自己要小心!一会儿我们就向上爬,等到这‘净魂光’闪烁的时候,你们就进入旁边的平台之中,明白吗?” Luo Zheng and Huo Yun'er and the others heard to appear to understand but not really understand, but nods. 罗征火允儿等人听得似懂非懂,不过还是点点头。 These Divine Sea Realm great energy, had not naturally counted on that this group of juniors can make anything, but attains so many soul nuclear now one time, immediately made several Country Lord have a feeling of nouveau riche, will therefore take to bring in informed and experienced four big Divine Country Crown Prince imperial princes...... 这些神海境大能,自然没有指望这帮小辈能够做出什么,不过现在一次性拿到这么多魂核,顿时让几位国主有了一种暴发户的感觉,所以才会将四大神国太子皇子们带进来历练…… However will have an accident informed and experienced, will therefore arrange the person to urge Luo Zheng specially they, something needing attention in this Divine Sovereign Mystical Place. 不过历练也是会出事的,所以才会专门安排人叮嘱罗征他们,在这神皇秘境之中的一些注意事项。 Just said in that Divine Sea Realm great energy, ray of light glow from the central stair wells up! 就在那神海境大能刚刚说完,从中央的台阶之上就有一道光芒涌下来! That ray first layer first layer shines, spreads from the most top stair, concludes to the last stair, since these over ten thousand Dao Platform steps glitter suddenly the fierce ray, as if at present this is ray of light steps. 那光芒一层一层的亮起来,从最顶部的台阶一路铺下来,到最后一个台阶收尾,这上万道台阶骤然闪烁起剧烈的光芒,仿佛眼前这是一道光的阶梯。 In addition Divine Sea Realm great energy fortunately, the first time are not entered in the graveyard, like Huo Chen, Huo Yun'er Swallow King and the others, sees the ray above this stair, on faces reveals look that dreads immediately. 神海境大能们尚且还好,他们也不是第一次进入墓园中,像火辰,火允儿燕王等人,看到这台阶之上的光芒,一个个脸上顿时流露出畏惧的神色 These rays approximately continued more than ten time of breath, quick got down dimly, in this ray dim instance, heard the forefront Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign order saying: On everyone!” 这些光芒大约持续了十多个呼吸的时间,很快就黯淡下去,就在这光芒黯淡的瞬间,就听到最前面的天风战皇命令道:“大家上!” All souls in this flash, are quiet whirlwind shoot the stair! 所有的灵魂在这一瞬间,便是悄无声息的飚射上台阶! Luo Zheng also shoots in this moment whirlwind on, Swallow King, Huo Yun'er and the others are follows close on after that! 罗征也在这一刻飚射而上,燕王,火允儿等人则是紧跟其后! The soul of people above this stair rapid is climbing up, but does not have the slight sound to send out, the soul will not make the sound, let alone between the soul and soul can only with the consciousness communication, even if there is a sound everyone unable to hear! 众人的灵魂都在这台阶之上迅速的攀爬着,不过却没有丝毫的声音散发出来,灵魂本身也不会发出声响的,何况灵魂与灵魂之间只能用意识沟通,就算有声音大家也听不见! Ran more than ten time of breath toward the stair above, above the most top stair emitted ray of light glow suddenly, immediately that ray at the extremely quick speed, starts to spread toward under! 朝着台阶之上奔跑了十多个呼吸的时间,最顶部的台阶之上骤然冒出了一道光芒,随即那光芒以极快的速度,开始朝着下方蔓延过来! Withdraw! Upper mounting plate!” The consciousness of Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign spreads, all people in flash, then overruns toward the two sides platforms above! “撤!上平台!”天风战皇的意识扩散开来,所有的人在一瞬间,则是朝着两边的平台之上冲过去! On after that Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign stand a left platform, the vision actually locks on Huo Yun'er and Huo Chen, in many children, he actually most cares about these two, he naturally fears the Huo Yun'er without enough time upper mounting plate, by that Pure Soul's Light directly purifying...... 天风战皇站上一个左边的平台之后,目光却是锁定在火允儿火辰身上,众多儿女之中,他却是最为关心这两人,他自然怕火允儿来不及上平台,被那净魂光直接给净化掉了…… This wave of Pure Soul's Light spreads, all people had jumped up above the platform in left and right, no one has an accident. 这一波净魂光一路蔓延下来,所有的人都已经跳上了左右两边的平台之上,没有人出事。 Now everyone climbs up second layer merely, this platform one after another, Luo Zheng then sized up in a house the coffin. 现在大家才仅仅爬上了第二层,这平台一个接着一个,罗征便是打量了一眼屋舍之中棺材。 corpse in this coffin, is perfect?” Thinks of here, Luo Zheng plans to use sensation exploration, what very pitifully was his sensation just proliferated, by this coffin keeping off. “这棺材之中的尸身,就是完好无损的么?”想到这里,罗征则打算利用感知探索其中,十分可惜的是他的感知刚刚扩散出来,就被这棺材给挡了回来。 It is no doubt that this coffin seemed the same as that Spirit Shrine, used the same material, can isolate the sensation completely. 不用说,这棺材似乎与那灵龛一样,采用了同样的材料,能够将外界的感知完全隔绝。 Sees this, Swallow King then says with a smile: This second layer corpse strength was too weak, is about equivalent to Spirit Core Realm cultivation base, the value of completely not having occupied, chooses upper-level corpse at least!” 看到这一幕,燕王便是笑道:“这第二层尸身实力太弱了,大约相当于神丹境修为,完全没有占据的价值,最少是挑选上层的尸身!” Luo Zheng nods with a smile, he probably is also clear, enters Heavenly Star Mystical Place also to have much tasteful using corpse, extremely in small and weak corpse, it is estimated that in Heavenly Star Mystical Place difficult, therefore these chooses corpse, is important. 罗征笑着点点头,他大概也是清楚,利用尸身进入天辰秘境也是很有讲究的,太过于弱小的尸身,估计在天辰秘境之中寸步难行,所以这一趟挑选尸身,也非常重要。 This time, the Luo Zheng's vision actually looks at to doesn't the top layer, actually know that top layer corpse powerful? Is Divine Sea Realm great energy corpse? 这一次,罗征的目光却是望向的顶层,却不知道那顶层尸身到底有多强大?是神海境大能尸身么? ( Thanked this sentiment to wait 5000 to read coin to hit to enjoy!:) thanked an empty city to hit to enjoy! Thank you support!) (感谢此情可待5000阅币打赏!:)感谢一座空城打赏!谢谢你们的支持!)
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