AT :: Volume #9

#869: Spirit Shrine

Entire Divine Sovereign Island, is a giant graveyard, the main key color of this graveyard is the black. 整座神皇岛,就是一座巨大的墓园,这墓园的基调色彩就是黑色。 Above the beach of this god Huangdao, other Divine Sea Realm great energy had waited there for some time here, when they see side four Country Lord, but also brings Huo Yun'er, Zhou Ning and other young generation, on the face reveals to feel strange the color. 在这神黄岛的海滩之上,其他的神海境大能已经在这里等候多时,当他们看到四位国主身边,还带着火允儿,周宁等年轻一辈,脸上纷纷流露出奇怪之色。 „Can Country Lord, why bring Divine Sovereign Mystical Place them?” Black Iron Divine Country Divine Sea Realm great energy cannot bear ask. 国主,为何要将他们带来神皇秘境?”黑铁神国的一位神海境大能忍不住问道。 This batch of Divine Sea Realm great energy are waiting for same place, has not gone to Feather Sovereign's Island, therefore does not know that Luo Zheng obtains Black Star Ore Pick, with arrived a large number of soul nuclear. 这一批神海境大能在原地等待,并没有前往羽皇岛,所以也并不知道罗征获得黑星矿镐,拿到了数量众多的“魂核”。 Because the soul nuclear is every year insufficient, these Divine Sea Realm great energy also rushing to be first entry Heavenly Star Mystical Place, therefore every year many Divine Sea Realm great energy also for soul nuclear the qualifications quarrelled to keep. 因为每一年魂核都不够,这些神海境大能也是争前恐后的进入天辰秘境,所以每一年诸多神海境大能也是为了“魂核”的资格而争吵不停。 Under the soul nuclear insufficient for allocating, some Divine Sea Realm great energy even proposed, everyone does come a ratio to fight forget about it simply? 在魂核不够分配之下,有神海境大能甚至提议,干脆大家来一场比斗算了 Changes mind thinks, this proposition is not realistic, the Divine Sea Realm great energy ratio fights, power and influence extremely in vast, if so hits, it is estimated that without the ratio fights several, this Divine Sovereign Island destroying...... 只是转念一想,这个提议太不现实了,神海境大能比斗起来,威势太过于浩大,倘若这般打起来,估计没有比斗几场,就将这神皇岛给毁了…… This contradiction places even has not been solved now, is Country Lord the imperial prince, what meaning Crown Prince brings is? How even that did Luo Tianxing also come? This year plans to assign part of soul nuclear to these later generations? 这个矛盾即使放在现在都没有解决,可是国主们将皇子,太子们带过来是什么意思?怎么连那罗天行也来了?难道今年打算将一部分魂核分配给这些后辈? Zhou Huang is light smiles, said: Zhou celebrate, spare Spirit Shrine will take!” 周煌却是淡淡一笑,却是说道:“周庆,将备用的灵龛都取出来吧!” Hears this saying, that the week named Divine Sea Realm great energy look that celebrates one startled, „does Country Lord, how many soul nuclear this time take arrived? Needs to use spare Spirit Shrine?” 听到这话,那位叫做周庆的神海境大能神色一惊,“国主,这次拿到了多少魂核?需要动用备用的灵龛?” That Spirit Shrine is then used to stimulate the soul nuclear the thing, is built by the Black Iron Divine Country artisans, this year took inventory a soul nuclear before sets off, the quantity is 29, needs 29 Spirit Shrine to put the soul nuclear. 灵龛便是用来激发魂核的东西,也是由黑铁神国的工匠们打造,今年在出发之前清点了一下魂核,数量是二十九枚,也就需要二十九个灵龛在盛放魂核。 Generally above Feather Sovereign's Island, killed all Ore Devouring Insect, can attain a soul nuclear is the good luck, two soul nuclear that are unprecedented, dozens years of not necessarily one time. 一般在羽皇岛之上,杀了所有的噬矿虫,能够拿到一枚魂核都算是好运气了,两枚魂核那可是破天荒,几十年都未见得一次。 Country Lord this luck is extremely good, with arrived three, even four soul nuclear? 难道国主们这一次运气极佳,拿到了三枚,甚至于四枚魂核? The Spirit Shrine what precious thing, in Zhou celebrate the hand prepared 200 Spirit Shrine actually not, is only this Spirit Shrine quantity are many, without the soul nuclear is also useless. 灵龛倒不是什么贵重的东西,周庆的手中制备了两百个灵龛,只是这灵龛的数量再多,没有魂核也是白搭。 Zhou Huang is light saying with a smile: Takes all Spirit Shrine, this we take the arrived more than 100 soul nuclear time.” 周煌则是淡淡的笑道:“将所有灵龛都拿出来吧,这一次我们拿到了一百多枚魂核。” What!” “什么!” „More than 100 soul nuclear! Can everyone enter Heavenly Star Mystical Place?” “一百多枚魂核!岂不是所有人都能够进入天辰秘境?” This is how possible! In that ore tree adds also so many? Was always impossible all digging by Ore Devouring Insect!” “这怎么可能!那矿树之中加起来也才这么多吧?总不可能全都被噬矿虫给挖出来了!” That soul nuclear not only need be dug by Ore Devouring Insect, but also happen to dug in these days, otherwise the time was too long, these ores will be digested by Ore Devouring Insect. 那魂核不仅仅要被噬矿虫挖出来,而且正好就在这几天挖出来,否则时间太长了,这些矿石都会被噬矿虫所消化。 Therefore they do not believe that soul nuclear takes from the Ore Devouring Insect belly. 所以他们根本就不相信,那魂核是从噬矿虫肚子里取出来的。 Actually Divine Sea Realm great energy said: „Was Country Lord, you found out the means of opening the top leaf blade?” 倒是有一位神海境大能说道:“国主,是不是你们想出了打开顶层叶片的办法?” Thinks it over, only then this possibility, but the top leaf blade has is hard to unearth, in these Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts is also very clear, therefore expressions on the face are not only prudent, and excited. 想来想去,也只有这个可能性了,可是顶层的叶片有多么难以挖掘,这些神海境大能们心中也十分清楚,所以一个个脸上的表情是既慎重,又兴奋。 Zhou Huang smiles, „, then must thank Tianxing, these soul nuclear, are Tianxing excavation one after another.” 周煌嘿嘿一笑,“诸位,便是要感谢天行了,这些魂核,都是天行一枚一枚的挖掘出来的。” This saying made these Divine Sea Realm great energy vibrate again, as for that more than 20 Divine Sea Realm great energy that caught up with from Feather Sovereign's Island, on the face has the happy expression, they were also frightened arrived from the beginning, no one has thought that Luo Zheng can take out Black Star Ore Pick. 这话再次让那些神海境大能们震动了,至于从羽皇岛上赶过来的那二十多位神海境大能,脸上都带着笑意,他们一开始也是被吓到了,谁都未曾想到罗征能够取出黑星矿镐 However compares Black Star Ore Pick and shock of ore tree, was actually far less than following Luo Zheng Transcending Tribulation brings shocks...... 不过相比黑星矿镐和矿树的震撼,却是又远不如后面罗征渡劫所带来的震撼…… Afterward Zhou Huang then the matter of Feather Sovereign's Island, repeated with these Divine Sea Realm great energy, these Divine Sea Realm great energy look again to the Luo Zheng's time, looks also changed. 随后周煌便是将羽皇岛发生的事情,同这些神海境大能们复述了一遍,那些神海境大能再望向罗征的时候,一个个眼神也发生了变化。 Restores Ascension Channel...... to them, perhaps is the unprecedented good news, compared with this good news, as if explored Heavenly Star Mystical Place is minor matter. 修复飞升通道……对于他们来说,恐怕是前所未有的喜讯,和这个喜讯相比,似乎探索天辰秘境都已经是小事一桩了。 However that the week named Divine Sea Realm great energy that celebrates, rapid spare Spirit Shrine will take. 不过那位叫做周庆的神海境大能,还是迅速的将备用的灵龛取了出来。 Luo Zheng then sees, that so-called Spirit Shrine is small boxes, extreme fine that this small box manufactures, big, situation also four small feet support, this box what is most special is its material, Luo Zheng tries to enter with the sensation investigates, but was actually separated instantaneously. 罗征这才看到,那所谓的灵龛便是一个个小小的盒子,这小盒子制作的极为精美,上大下小,地步还有四只小脚支撑,这盒子的最为特殊的是它的材料,罗征试图用感知伸入其中探查一番,但是却被瞬间弹开了。 This Spirit Shrine, as if can isolate the soul sensation...... 灵龛,似乎能够隔绝灵魂感知…… Looks that these Divine Sea Realm great energy are busy with arranging these, Luo Zheng is only static standing on one side, no matter how, these Divine Sea Realm great energy feared that will not refuse itself to enter Heavenly Star Mystical Place, he only needed to wait for is OK. 看着这些神海境大能忙于布置这些,罗征只是静静的站在一边,不管如何,这些神海境大能怕是不会拒绝自己进入天辰秘境,他只需要等待就可以了。 After these Spirit Shrine prepares, Zhou Huang starts to distribute that soul nuclear. 将这一座座灵龛布置好了后,周煌就开始分发那魂核。 Because the quantity of this soul nuclear is sufficient, not only all Divine Sea Realm great energy can attain a soul nuclear, Huo Yun'er, Huo Chen, Zhou Zhihua, Zhou Ning, other Divine Country Crown Prince imperial princes also take arrived. 因为这一次魂核的数量充足,不仅所有的神海境大能可以拿到一枚魂核,火允儿,火辰,周知花,周宁,还有其他神国太子皇子也拿到了 Naturally, that Liu Xiu because of the wound and soul, these is time is not suitable to enter in Divine Sovereign Mystical Place. 当然,那刘秀因为伤及灵魂,这一次却是不适合进入神皇秘境之中。 After all preparatory work are completed, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign then said: Ok, these explored Heavenly Star Mystical Place time, perhaps was these years population most one time, corpse that everyone occupied, wanted to be fiercer as far as possible! However this also depended on skill!” 所有的准备工作都完成之后,天风战皇便是说道:“好了,这一次探索天辰秘境,恐怕是这些年来人数最多的一次,大家占据的尸身,尽量要厉害一些!不过这也凭各位的本事了!” After Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign announced that some Divine Sea Realm great energy were aims at Spirit Shrine to sit cross-legged to sit, later took the soul nuclear in take action, after that soul nuclear took, was turning round revolving, sent out a strange strength from that soul nuclear. 天风战皇宣布之后,一些神海境大能便是对准灵龛盘膝而坐,随后取出手中的魂核,那魂核取出来后,就是滴溜溜的旋转着,从那魂核之中散发出一股奇异的力量。 They then threw that soul nuclear in Spirit Shrine, when that soul nuclear sank to the instance in Spirit Shrine, projected an intense attraction from Spirit Shrine. 紧接着,他们便是将那魂核投在了灵龛之中,当那魂核沉入灵龛中的瞬间,就从灵龛中射出了一道强烈的吸引力。 In the Spirit Shrine other aspect, presented a pale black shadow, the naked eye obvious! 灵龛的另外一面,就出现了一道淡黑色的影子,肉眼可见! Soul body?” Luo Zheng eyes flash. “灵魂体?”罗征目光一闪 Saw that Luo Zheng is surprised, nearby Swallow King then said: This Spirit Shrine coordination soul nuclear, can help us soul leaving the body, enters in the tomb to occupy corpse.” 看到罗征如此惊讶,一旁的燕王便是说道:“这灵龛配合魂核,就可以帮助我们将灵魂离体,进入墓地之中占据尸身。” If the soul is powerful, martial artist can body possession, but wants to control corpse, then needs to rely on the soul nuclear, can occupy the corpse temporarily! 若是灵魂强大的话,武者是可以夺舍的,但是想要控制尸身,则需要凭借魂核,才能够暂时占据尸体! At this time many Divine Sea Realm great energy had sat nearby Spirit Shrine, invested in which the soul nuclear, souls were inhaled in Spirit Shrine, after that soul nuclear fusion, is changes into shadows to overrun toward the front. 这时候不少神海境大能都已经坐在了灵龛一旁,将魂核投入了其中,一道道灵魂被吸入灵龛之中,与那魂核融合之后,便是化为一道道黑影朝着前方冲过去。 Swallow King, Huo Yun'er and Huo Chen and the others, follows the example, soul nuclear investment, before long, presented three shadows from the Spirit Shrine side, from the shape of that shadow, can identify three people actually indistinctly, for example the Huo Yun'er soul is sends exquisite, but Huo Chen soul very tall and strong...... 燕王,火允儿火辰等人,也是有样学样,也是将魂核投入其中,不一会儿,从灵龛的侧面就出现了三道黑影,从那黑影的形状,倒是隐约能够辨认出三人,例如火允儿的灵魂便是玲珑有致,而火辰的灵魂则十分魁梧…… Luo Zheng sees that also invested in soul nuclear in the hand Spirit Shrine, before long, he feels an intense attraction to transmit from Spirit Shrine! 罗征见状,也将自己手中的魂核投入了灵龛之中,不一会儿,他就感受到一股强烈的引力从灵龛之中传递出来! This attraction comes in view of the Luo Zheng's soul together, Luo Zheng has not chosen the resistance, but invested in which own soul! 这一道引力是针对罗征的灵魂而来,罗征并没有选择抗拒,而是将自己的灵魂投入了其中! Quick, Luo Zheng felt that own soul fuses this soul nuclear, subsequently appeared in the Spirit Shrine other aspect, his soul then can leaving the body act on free will. 很快,罗征就感觉自己的灵魂将这魂核所融合,继而出现在了灵龛的另外一面,他的灵魂便是能够离体自由行动了。 But after his soul leaving the body, Huo Yun'er and Huo Chen, Swallow King and the others neat looked...... 而就在他灵魂离体之后,火允儿火辰,还有燕王等人都齐刷刷的望了过来…… Like Swallow King, Zhou Ning, Huo Yun'er their souls are the bluish gray color, faint some unstable sign, but these Divine Sea Realm great energy souls are pitch-black one piece, the Battle Soul Realm soul looks very stable. 燕王,周宁,火允儿他们的灵魂都是呈青灰色,隐隐有些不稳固的迹象,而那些神海境大能的灵魂则是乌黑一片,战魂境的灵魂看上去十分稳固。 However the Luo Zheng's soul, actually blooms the clear blue gloss! In addition, in his soul, but also disclosed a faint trace radiant ray faintly, that Great Thousand World will! 但是罗征的灵魂,却绽放出碧油油的光泽!除此之外,在他的灵魂之中,还隐隐透露出一丝丝璀璨的光芒,那正是大千世界的意志! Luo Zheng, your soul......” Huo Yun'er then with consciousness with the Luo Zheng access road. 罗征,你的灵魂……”火允儿便是用意识同罗征交流道。 Previously the Luo Zheng's soul hid in the mind, entered his mind is no one cannot see, now is actually not able to hide. 此前罗征的灵魂隐藏在脑海之中,不进入他的脑海便是谁也看不见,现在却是无法隐藏了。 Luo Zheng smiles lightly, is said to them: Walks, our sets off!” 罗征淡淡一笑,便是对他们说道:“走吧,我们出发!” Many fused the soul of soul nuclear, then pushes onward toward the Divine Sovereign Mystical Place deep place in this moment. 诸多融合了魂核的灵魂,在这一刻便是朝着神皇秘境的深处挺进。 This Divine Sovereign Mystical Place is a very perfect tomb of restoration, after these soul bodies shuttled back and forth rapidly a distance, actually stopped in the graveyard the entrance, is actually hanging a lamp by the front door of this graveyard. 神皇秘境是一座修缮的十分完美的墓地,这些灵魂体飞速穿梭了一段距离之后,却是停在了墓园了门口,在这墓园的大门旁边却是挂着一盏灯。 You, first wait,” the consciousness that Divine Sea Realm great energy sends out, covers Luo Zheng and the others immediately. “你们,先等等,”一位神海境大能散发出来的意识,顿时将罗征等人所笼罩。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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