AT :: Volume #9

#868: Divine Sovereign Mystical Place

Luo Zheng had understood through Xun, even in upper realm, true essence stone is still one of the main currencies. 罗征曾经通过了解过,即使是在上界之中,真元石也是主要的流通货币之一。 Since these Divine Sea Realm great energy heads irrigate, is willing to deliver true essence stone to oneself, will he reject? 既然这些神海境大能脑袋灌水,愿意给自己送真元石,他又如何会拒绝? What Luo Zheng has not thought that his finishing speaking, Divine Sea Realm great energy then said with a smile: My cultivation Water Element Law, happen to needs this water-soluble core, how do I have 30,000 best quality goods true essence stone to buy?” 只是罗征没想到的是,他的话音刚落,一位神海境大能便是笑道:“我修炼水系法则,正好需要这水溶核心,我出三万极品真元石买下来如何?” 30,000 best quality goods true essence stone, this quantity were really many, Luo Zheng not ambiguous, this first business then so finalized. 三万颗极品真元石,这数量是真的不少了,罗征也没有含糊,这第一笔生意便是如此成交了。 In his ring various treasuring ore quantities may be many, the value of this batch of ores in 30,000 to 50,000, even pays the arrived hundred thousand price probably few! 他戒指中各种珍惜矿石数量可不少,这一批矿石的价值大概都在三万到五万之间,极少数甚至出到了十万的价格! Must know in a Divine Country state treasury standing-by best quality goods true essence stone, the quantity often is also two three hundred thousand about, but the Divine Sea Realm great energy family property is quite often rich, this price can give actually. 须知道一个神国国库之中常备的极品真元石,数量往往也就是二三十万左右,不过神海境大能们的家底往往比较富有,这价倒是给得起。 Therefore after Luo Zheng these ore one by one fix a price, general estimates forget about it, in the hand unexpectedly 3 million best quality goods true essence stone. 所以罗征将那些矿石一一作价之后,大概的估算了一下,手中竟然三百万颗极品真元石 Here was the true wealth may the enemy, moreover was a worthy opponent Divine Country...... 这边算是真正的富可敌国了,而且是匹敌神国…… After these ores process, Luo Zheng then many soul nuclear taking, gave Zhou Huang. 将那些矿石处理完毕之后,罗征便是将诸多“魂核”给取了出来,交给了周煌 This soul nuclear enters the Heavenly Star Mystical Place key, keeps in the hand to the Luo Zheng not big use, he only needs to guarantee oneself can enter Heavenly Star Mystical Place then. 这“魂核”乃是进入天辰秘境的关键,留在手中对罗征也没有多大用处,他只需要保证自己能够进入天辰秘境即可。 How however Luo Zheng for uses this soul nuclear, is interested. 不过罗征对如何使用这魂核,还是非常感兴趣。 These Divine Sea Realm great energy come Feather Sovereign's Island, the goal is to then hunt and kill Ore Devouring Insect, hopes to be able 12 soul nuclear, but these actually harvested over a hundred time accidentally/surprisingly, this time explored Heavenly Star Mystical Place, the quota enough assigns. 这些神海境大能羽皇岛,目的便是猎杀噬矿虫,希望能够得到一两颗魂核,不过这一次却意外的收获了上百颗,这次探索天辰秘境,名额就足够分配了。 Ok, this soul nuclear, since assigns, was the time flies sets off to go to Divine Sovereign Mystical Place! Tianxing, I lead you to pass together!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign suddenly saying with a smile. “好了,这魂核既然分配完毕,也是时候飞出发前往神皇秘境了!天行,我带你一起过去吧!”天风战皇忽然笑吟吟的说道。 Many Divine Sea Realm great energy stared Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign one, in the heart actually criticized this old fox, this then wanted who strikes the first blow has the advantage, it is estimated that must wipe to sacrifice own daughter shamelessly...... 诸多神海境大能瞪了天风战皇一眼,心中却暗骂这个老狐狸,这便是要先下手为强了,估计是要抹下老脸牺牲自己的女儿了…… However previously Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign once stood to help Luo Zheng speak, seized the opportunity. 不过此前天风战皇就曾站出来帮罗征说话,也算是占了先机。 Luo Zheng nods, has not disagreed, actually after he breaks through Life and Death Realm now, resists the Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea strength of blood sacrifice by own strength sufficiently, does not need others 's help/gang person, is only the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign difficult to turn down an offer make with such warmth, he is not good to reject. 罗征点点头,没有表示出异议,其实他现在突破生死境后,凭借自己的实力足以对抗天羽圣海中的血祭之力,并不需要他人的帮人,只是天风战皇盛情难却,他却不好拒绝。 Wait,” at this time, Bai Yuerong then walked toward Luo Zheng. “等等,”就在这时候,白月蓉便是朝罗征走了过来。 Sees a Bai Yuerong Luo Zheng's brow slightly wrinkle, this woman is he only the enemy in four big Divine Country, because of her, oneself by Great Yu Battle Emperor staring. 看到白月蓉罗征的眉头微微一皱,这个女人可是他在四大神国中唯一的仇家,也是因为她,自己才被大禹战帝给盯上。 What matter?” Luo Zheng complexion gloomy asking. “什么事情?”罗征脸色阴沉的问道。 Bai Yuerong actually smiles, suddenly put out a purple crystal stone of rhombus to aim at Luo Zheng from the hand. 白月蓉却是莞尔一笑,忽然从手中拿出了一枚菱形的紫色晶石对准了罗征 What do you mean?” Looks that crystal stone aims at itself, on the Luo Zheng face reveals color of being vigilant. “什么意思?”看着那晶石对准自己,罗征脸上流露出一丝警惕之色。 Bai Yuerong said lightly: Do not fear, but records your image that's all.” 白月蓉却淡淡说道:“别怕,只是记录你一段影像而已。” Image?” Luo Zheng asked back. “影像?”罗征反问。 The crystal stone in Bai Yuerong hand, is then equivalent manufactures the letter jade tablet crystal stone, can seal into an image, but this crystal stone can actually through the counter spirit channel, she as the Secret Church saintess, shoulder the communication high and low responsibility. 白月蓉手中的这枚晶石,便是相当于制作信圭的晶石,能够将一段影像封入其中,不过她这枚晶石却是能够通过逆灵通道,她身为密教圣女,肩负着沟通上下的责任。 Now in four big Divine Country presented martial artist that opens Mahayana Lotus Flower . Moreover the grand total opened 35 lotus leaves, such character she must report truthfully. 现在四大神国之中出现了一位开启大乘莲华武者,而且总计开启了三十五叶莲叶,这样的人物她必然要如实上报。 Sees the appearance of Luo Zheng very resistance, that Daoist Bai Mei was also explained to Luo Zheng with a smile. 看到罗征十分抗拒的样子,那白眉道人也是笑着对罗征解释了一番。 arrived at this time, Luo Zheng was understands why these Divine Sea Realm great energy attitudes came a shallowturn suddenly, unexpectedly was so the reason. 到了这个时候,罗征才算是明白,为何那些神海境大能的态度忽然来了个大转弯,竟然是如此缘由。 However upper realm human race, this human race is also that? 不过上界人族,这人族又是属于那一支呢? Is Yun Luo that? Daoist Heavenly Vast that? Also or is other human race influences? 云落那一支?还是天渺道人那一支?又或者是其他的人族势力? Luo Zheng has not asked that he has not entered upper realm human race, strength understanding about human race is also not the Taiqing clear/pain, good that such being the case, oneself play the fool. 罗征并没有开口询问,他没有进入过上界人族,对人族的实力认识的也并不算太清楚,既然如此,自己还是装傻的好。 After Bai Yuerong was busy at work, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign wielded the sleeves, true essence welled up together, Luo Zheng, Huo Chen, Huo Yun'er and the others wrapped to be one of them, he feels a powerful strength to pull the sky later, dashed to go toward the Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea deep place. 等到白月蓉忙活完了之后,天风战皇一挥衣袖,一道真元涌出来,才将罗征,火辰,火允儿等人包裹在其中,随后他感受到一股强大的力量将自己扯上天空,向着天羽圣海的深处飞奔而去。 Other Divine Sea Realm great energy, flies to shoot in abundance, Swallow King, Zhou Ning and the others were also taken away Feather Sovereign's Island. 其他的神海境大能,也纷纷飞射而起,燕王,周宁等人也被带离了羽皇岛 However not all people have the qualifications to go to Divine Sovereign Mystical Place, in fact every year goes to Divine Sovereign Mystical Place some Divine Sea Realm great energy, because of quantity so many of soul nuclear, go to many people not to use...... 不过并不是所有的人都有资格前往神皇秘境,实际上每年前往神皇秘境的只有少部分神海境大能,因为魂核的数量就这么多,去再多的人也没有用…… This four big Divine Country was also sudden wealth, the quantity of soul nuclear turned several times suddenly, therefore besides these Divine Sea Realm great energy, the young generation of little fellow can also take away several. 这一次四大神国也算是“暴富”了,魂核的数量骤然翻了几倍,于是除了那些神海境大能之外,年轻一辈的小家伙也能带去几位。 However also is restricted in Divine Country Crown Prince and imperial princes merely, remaining Divine Rank Talent then can only go home. 但是也仅仅也限于神国太子和皇子们,剩下的神级天才们便只能够打道回府。 Luo Zheng by the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign true essence package, was being emptied among the roads to graze, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign actually grabs this opportunity, talked at random with Luo Zheng. 罗征天风战皇真元包裹,在空中一路飞掠,天风战皇却是抓着这个机会,同罗征东拉西扯。 Solemn Divine Country Country Lord, gets to the bottom to the Luo Zheng's life experience unexpectedly, is then ordinary like the woman who these act as a matchmaker, Luo Zheng is still quite speechless, but Luo Zheng or one by one answered. 堂堂一个神国国主,居然也对罗征的身世刨根问底,便是如同那些做媒的妇人一般,罗征依旧颇为无语,不过罗征还是一一作答。 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign has asked Luo Zheng suddenly, finds a wife, Luo Zheng then lagging behind clear Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is what meaning. 只是天风战皇忽然问过罗征,是否娶妻的时候,罗征这才后知后觉明白天风战皇是什么意思。 Under his vision slanting thorn glances, actually looked around Huo Yun'er, Huo Yun'er is very low, the ear that the head buries flood was red. 他目光斜刺里一瞟之下,却是看了一眼旁边的火允儿,火允儿则是将脑袋埋的很低,耳根子都泛红了。 Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, is replies: Has not married, but in the family/home has the knot to send it to make.” 罗征微微一笑,便是回答道:“未娶,不过家中已有结发之约。” It looks like in Luo Zheng, this returns to Central Region, will fulfill own commitment, holds dual cultivation ceremony. 罗征看来,这番回到中域,就会兑现自己的承诺,举行双修大典 Hears Luo Zheng's to reply, on the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign face reveals together the disappointed color, he wants to seek a marriage affinity for oneself daughter, although the man three wife four concubines are very normal, but the martial artist world is so, his own harem beautiful woman also by far incessantly 3000. However can't solemn Princess Divine Country, like the average person, marrying to do to be little? 听到罗征的回答,天风战皇脸上流露出一道失望之色,他是想为自己女儿谋一段姻缘,虽然男人三妻四妾很正常,而武者的世界更是如此,他自己后宫佳丽也远远不止三千。但是堂堂神国公主,总不能像一般人那样,嫁过去做小的? In addition during Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is still hesitating, on the Huo Yun'er face also reveals the angry color. 天风战皇尚且还在沉吟之中,火允儿脸上也流露出恼怒之色。 She when Imperial Father, has been clever, but Imperial Father is working as own surface and person acts as a matchmaker, she is actually hard to bear again, hears Luo Zheng to have the knot to send it let alone to make, in her heart slightly has to be disappointed, is complains: Imperial Father, these things do not ask.” 她在父皇面前,一直都相当乖觉,可是父皇当着自己的面与人说媒,她却是再难以忍住,更何况听到罗征已经有结发之约,她心中略有失望之余,却是埋怨道:“父皇,这些事情就不要问了。” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign as before is whole face gentle saying with a smile: What this has is not inquisitive, doesn't my consider for you?” 天风战皇依旧是满脸慈祥的笑道:“这有什么不好问的,我这不是替你着想吗?” Huo Yun'er stared Imperial Father one ruthlessly, in the vision also revealed the complex color faintly. 火允儿则是狠狠的瞪了父皇一眼,目光之中也是隐隐流露出复杂之色。 Since old times the beautiful woman loved the hero, since Luo Zheng defeated itself in Western Dragon River, in the Huo Yun'er heart indeed had intent to move, was she also less than 20 young girls, how in the heart blushes eventually bashfully is willing to reveal the heart mark? Now takes to say by Imperial Father face to face, on the face could not hang. 自古美女爱英雄,自从罗征西龙江边打败了自己,火允儿心中的确有了意动,可是她终究还只是不到二十的少女,心中羞赧又如何肯表露心迹?现在被父皇当面拿出来说,脸上就挂不住了。 Was good because at this time, the people former convenient presented black islands. 好在就在这时候,众人的前方便是出现了一座黑色的岛屿。 Even a distance, everyone can still feel in this islands to send out first layer level Yin Qi, this is in Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea of Divine Sovereign Mystical Place four big mystical places. 即使还有一段距离,大家也能够感受到这岛屿之中散发出一层阴气,这便是天羽圣海中四大秘境之一的神皇秘境 This Divine Sovereign Mystical Place, is actually a tomb of dragon vein clan. 神皇秘境,其实就是龙脉一族的墓地。 Is depositing 1 million a corpse of dragon vein clans in this tomb! 在这墓地之中存放着百万具龙脉一族的尸体! After a that dragon vein clan blood sacrifice, in the entire race all living being had turned into one group of blood fog, changed to the strength of strong curse to proliferate in entire Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea. 那龙脉一族血祭之后,整个种族中所有的生灵都已经变成了一团血雾,化作浓烈的诅咒之力扩散在了整个天羽圣海中。 However the corpse in graveyard is not living being, therefore these corpses have not received the influence of blood sacrifice. 不过墓园中的尸体并非是生灵,所以这些尸体并没有收到血祭的影响。 Said honestly, if not for because of Heavenly Star Mystical Place, four big Divine Country martial artist will not be interested in this Divine Sovereign Mystical Place, could get so far as some funeral objects in this tomb, but many Divine Sea Realm great energy, actually do not spare a glance! 坦白说,若不是因为天辰秘境,四大神国武者并不会对这神皇秘境感兴趣,在这墓地之中或许能够弄到一些陪葬品,不过诸多神海境大能们,对此却是不屑一顾! But the Heavenly Star Mystical Place strength of blood sacrifice extremely in the intensity, the strength of Divine Sea Realm great energy still blood sacrifice, then ponders over a helpless method even irresistibly finally, used a corpse of soul nuclear control dragon vein clan, then entered Heavenly Star Mystical Place through the corpse. 可是天辰秘境中的血祭之力太过于强烈,就算是神海境大能也无法抵抗其中的血祭之力,最终便是琢磨出了一个无奈的方法,利用魂核操控龙脉一族的尸体,然后通过尸体进入天辰秘境 This, various people come Divine Sovereign Mystical Place, the goal is so! 这一趟,诸人前来神皇秘境,目的便是如此! Before long, many Divine Sea Realm great energy have arrived above Divine Sovereign Mystical Place, but another batch of Divine Sea Realm great energy, had waited there for some time here. 不一会儿,诸多神海境大能就已经降临在神皇秘境之上,而另外一批神海境大能,也早已在这里等候多时。
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