AT :: Volume #9

#867: Price

In the world...... 全世界…… In many Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts silent...... 诸多神海境大能心中一阵默然…… In other words, in four big Divine Country, were all mountains destroyed?” Zhou Huang pursues asks. “也就是说,四大神国之中,所有的山都被摧毁了?”周煌又追问道。 Incessantly is four big Divine Country, Central Region, other places, this Great Thousand World all mountains, were almost destroyed,” Luo Zheng replied truthfully. “不止是四大神国,中域,还有其他地方,这个大千世界所有的大山,几乎都被摧毁了,”罗征如实回答。 Actually just now Luo Zheng said the strength shifted to the mountain on the time, in many Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts has a rough estimate. 其实方才罗征说出将力量转移到山上的时候,诸多神海境大能心中已经有了一个大概的估计。 Like Divine Sea Realm great energy take action, for example under Great Yu Battle Emperor take action, the Luo Zheng use strength shifts, the strength of shifting then ruins a mountain range sufficiently...... 神海境大能出手,例如大禹战帝出手之下,罗征使用力量转移,转移出去的力量便足以毁掉一片山脉…… The power and influence that black eye sends out is so terrifying, but that said the strength in black glow containing is powerful being able imagine, if strength will shift to the mountain above completely, that need how many mountains? 那只黑色的眼睛散发出来的威势如此恐怖,而那道黑芒之中蕴藏的力量更是强大的不可想象,若是将其中的力量完全转移到大山之上,那需要多少座大山? In entire Divine Country Continent the every large or small mountain peak, the mountain range are also many, no one has conducted concrete statistics, but roughly estimates, after all how many hundred thousand mountains? 整个神国大陆中大大小小的山峰,山脉也不少,也没有人去做过一个具体的统计,但大致估算一下,总归有几十万座大山吧? So many mountains, but also is insufficient the strength that counter-balances in that black glow to contain? 这么多大山,还不足以抵消掉那黑芒之中蕴藏的力量? How many mountains needs, can counter-balance? 1000? 10,000? Also or is the hundred thousand place? 到底需要多少座大山,才能抵消?一千座?还是一万座?又或者是十万座? The correct answer is close to 5 million...... 正确的答案是接近五百万座…… The mountain of the world, except for Eastern Region, in addition also has to preserve beside, was destroyed all. 全世界的大山,除了东域之中尚且还有留存之外,尽数都被毁去。 These Divine Sea Realm great energy first were silent one, the complexion occurrence radical change gradually, finally was only left over panic-stricken look, they were inestimable, this will have the tremendous impact on entire Great Thousand World? 那些神海境大能先是沉默了一阵,脸色渐渐的发生剧烈的变化,最终只剩下惊骇的神色,他们无法估计,这会给整个大千世界带来多大的影响? But is the limit that the strength that Luo Zheng has shifts what? 罗征拥有的这力量转移的极限是什么? He can actually shift the strength to entire Great Thousand World at will, is it possible that he can represent entire Great Thousand World...... 他竟然能够随意将力量转移到整个大千世界,莫非,他能代表整个大千世界么…… arrived now, some people obtain this answer in the heart finally, naturally, they could not guess correctly Luo Zheng to fuse the will of the world as before, from some gave the angle, Luo Zheng, was entire Great Thousand World! 到了现在,终于有人在心中得出了这个答案,当然,他们依旧猜不出罗征融合了世界的意志,从某给角度来说,罗征,就是整个大千世界 That is only black the eye, what is also?” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign long expiration, then asked low voice. “那只黑眼,又到底是什么?”天风战皇长长的吐了一口气,便是小声问道。 A move of power and influence, ruins the mountain of the whole world, that is anything...... 一招的威势,毁掉整个世界的大山,那到底是什么东西…… But more importantly, the master of that eye should be thinks that Luo Zheng extremely in tiny, is impossible to strike, therefore after releasing black glow that blocks black glow to kill left this world. 而重要的是,那只眼睛的主人应该是认为罗征太过于渺小,根本不可能挡住黑芒必杀的一击,所以释放出黑芒之后就离开了这个世界。 black glow that releases merely at will, ruins the mountain of the world, if releases several black glow again, can entire Great Thousand World the destruction! 仅仅只是随意释放出来的一道黑芒,毁掉全世界的大山,若是再多释放出几道黑芒,岂不是能够将整个大千世界所覆灭! Existence of what rank is that? The people are really inconceivable...... 那到底是什么级别的存在?众人实在是难以想象…… „It is not clear,” Luo Zheng shakes the head, even Azure Dragon is unable to reply that this issue, Luo Zheng naturally did not reply. “不清楚,”罗征摇了摇头,连青龙都无法回答这个问题,罗征自然也回答不了。 However Daoist Bai Mei was to actually say at this time: I do not know that is anything, but has such strength, so powerful existence, at least must arrive at Heavenly Venerable this rank, perhaps this is Heavenly Venerable!” 不过白眉道人这时候却是开口说道:“我不知道那是什么,但是拥有如此力量,如此强大的存在,至少也要到天尊这一级别,或许这就是一位天尊!” At least is Heavenly Venerable this rank?” In Luo Zheng heart suddenly. “至少是天尊这一级别么?”罗征心中恍然。 Heavenly Venerable expert, even in the entire world is still top existence, ruins Great Thousand World to them, is not considered as that the too difficult matter. 天尊强者,即使是在寰宇之中也是顶尖的存在,毁掉一个大千世界对于他们来说,并不算是太难的事情。 However Azure Dragon expressed the opposite opinion in the mind, not wanted Heavenly Venerable expert to achieve, upper realm Great Realm Realm Lord, ruined Great Thousand World sufficiently, but Realm Lord, was Heavenly Venerable, is unable to achieve so lifts a heavy weight as if light, this eye, I am unable to conclude its origin......” 不过青龙在脑海之中却表达出相反的意见,“并非一定要天尊强者才能够做到,上界大界界主,就足以毁掉一个大千世界,不过无论是界主,还是天尊,都无法做到如此举重若轻,这只眼睛,我也无法断定其来历……” Got it,” Luo Zheng nods. “明白了,”罗征点点头。 He is unable to analyze that now the origin of this eye, who is it? Why can aim in oneself? 他现在也无法判断这只眼睛的来历,它到底是谁?为何要针对于自己? No matter how, is drawing the whole world as the backing, Luo Zheng also crossed a disaster!...... Also uses temporarily as for this strange black eye finally is Heavenly Tribulation part. 不管如何,拉着整个世界作为后盾,罗征也算是渡过了一次劫难!至于最后这个诡异的黑眼睛……也权当是天劫的一部分吧。 Naturally, Luo Zheng was not the muddled person, in the heart also saves was vigilant the heart, Luo Zheng should have no archenemy in upper realm, that black eye aimed in oneself, had its reason inevitably, is did Lotus Flower that what were in full bloom alarm it? What reasons also or is other? No matter how, are also going to be very careful in the future. 当然,罗征也并非糊涂之人,心中也是存了警惕之心,罗征上界之中应该并无什么大敌,那黑眼睛针对于自己,必然有它的理由,是什么自己盛开的莲华惊动了它?又或者是其他什么理由?不管如何,未来自己也将要十分小心。 But now Luo Zheng has stepped into Life and Death Realm, within the body slow rotation true essence like the glue water generally viscous, such dantian can undertake quantity many true essence, but true essence is also more precise, strength also had a big promotion. 而现在罗征已经踏入了生死境,体内缓慢转动的真元如同胶水一般粘稠,这样丹田能够承担数量更多的真元,而真元本身也更加凝炼,本身的实力也有了不小的提升。 Completed the breakthrough on cultivation base, Luo Zheng is will actually target on Heavenly Star Mystical Place, he complied to help Azure Dragon obtain Ancestral Dragon Egg, these must walk in any event, but among sets off, Luo Zheng actually must in these things the hand first process...... 完成了修为上的突破,罗征却是将目标定在了天辰秘境之中,他答应了帮助青龙取得祖龙蛋,这一趟无论如何都要走一趟,不过出发之间,罗征却是要将手中这些东西先处理了…… When Luo Zheng after pyramid, felt that a very strange atmosphere, the people looked to approach oneself vision to be completely different. 只是等到罗征靠近金字塔后,才感觉到一股十分怪异怪异的氛围,众人望向自己的目光完全不同了。 Most Divine Sea Realm great energy, believe that the words of Great Yu Battle Emperor and saintess, they are well aware Luo Zheng not to stem from four big Divine Country, previously sized up Luo Zheng's, although, although they like that are not virulent like Great Yu Battle Emperor, but is still far from absolutely is intimate with, but combing feelings. 绝大多数神海境大能,都相信大禹战帝和圣女的话,他们心知肚明罗征并不是出自于四大神国,此前打量罗征的虽然,他们虽然不像大禹战帝那般充满敌意,但是也绝对谈不上亲近,而是有一种梳理的感觉。 However now in the vision of people have a kind feeling, such treated as the family member to regard Luo Zheng completely...... 不过现在众人的目光之中却带着一丝和蔼之感,那样子完全是把罗征当做家人来看待了…… Was staring with such look by dozens old monsters, in the Luo Zheng heart ascends immediately a feeling of chill, he suspected immediately this group of Divine Sea Realm great energy did take the wrong medicine? 被几十个老怪物用这样的眼神盯着,罗征心中顿时升腾起一股恶寒的感觉,他顿时怀疑这帮神海境大能是不是吃错药了? Luo Zheng naturally does not know the circumstances of the matter, he in these Divine Sea Realm great energy minds, had turned into the treasure impressively, this time Luo Zheng the incarnation has turned on the Ascension Channel key, not only so, opened Mahayana Lotus Flower Luo Zheng, in the future the future in upper realm will be limitless, leaves to relate with Luo Zheng absolutely is not a misdemeanor. 罗征自然不知情,他在这些神海境大能心目之中,赫然已经变成了宝贝了,这时候的罗征已经化身打开飞升通道的钥匙,不仅仅如此,开启了大乘莲华罗征,日后在上界中的前途不可限量,与罗征出好关系绝对不是一件坏事。 Then during the feeling of this chill, Luo Zheng is says: Ok, should be these minerals that assign to unearth now!” 便是在这种恶寒的感觉之中,罗征则是开口说道:“好了,现在应该是分配一下挖掘到的那些矿产了!” These precious minerals that unearths from the ore top of the tree end, the plan that Luo Zheng has not had sole possession, first he is not refiner master, overwhelming majority minerals, although is precious, but is not big to Luo Zheng own use, but Luo Zheng has made Azure Dragon distinguish, some ores can be used to manufacture high rank divine mark, these thing Luo Zheng then can retain. 从矿树顶端挖掘出来的那些珍贵矿产,罗征并没有独吞的打算,首先他并非是炼器师,其中绝大部分矿产虽然珍贵,但对罗征自身的用处不大,不过罗征已经让青龙辨别过,一些矿石能够用来制作高阶神纹,这些东西罗征便是会予以保留。 As for other things, Luo Zheng planned makes Zhou Huang assign, he after all above four big Divine Country domains, although these things are Luo Zheng dig, but wants to have sole possession of completely appears is not very realistic. 至于其他的东西,罗征则打算让周煌进行分配,他毕竟是在四大神国的地盘之上,虽然这些东西是罗征自己挖出来的,但是想要完全独吞也显得很不现实。 Who knows that the Luo Zheng's voice falls, Divine Sea Realm great energy is actually grinning saying: Assignment? little friend Tianxing, these minerals are your unearth, assigns to everyone like this, seems not quite appropriate?” 谁知道罗征的话音一落,一位神海境大能却是笑嘻嘻的说道:“分配?天行小友,那些矿产都是你一人挖掘出来的,就这样分配给大家,似乎不太合适吧?” Right,” Zhou Huang is also grinning saying: Some many minerals, are the priceless things, how can assign to others casually, but something we indeed are the needs, Tianxing, you fixed a price to sell to us!” “对,”周煌也是笑嘻嘻的说道:“其中有不少矿产,都是价值连城的东西,怎么能随便分配给他人呢,不过有些东西我们的确是需要,天行,你就作价卖给我们吧!” This......” Luo Zheng concentrates to choke immediately speechless, his deep suspicion this group of Divine Sea Realm did great energy take the wrong medicine? How oneself crossed a tribulation, attitudes on 360 degrees shallowturn? “这……”罗征顿时无语凝噎,他深深的怀疑这帮神海境大能是不是吃错药了?怎么自己渡了一场劫,一个个的态度就三百六十度大转弯了? Will not be fermenting what plot...... 不会是在酝酿什么阴谋…… Daoist Bai Mei and Bai Yuerong are sizing up Luo Zheng quietly, the Luo Zheng's news must certainly through counter spirit channel reporting, but now definitely is also not the time, after and other Luo Zheng processed the ore, said. 白眉道人白月蓉都在悄悄打量罗征,罗征的消息肯定是要通过逆灵通道上报的,不过现在肯定还不是时候,还是等罗征将矿石处理了之后再说。 Luo Zheng thinks that had not found the answer, even communicated one with Azure Dragon in the mind, Azure Dragon cannot comprehend this fellows is what meaning, after all Azure Dragon not clear Luo Zheng already with the Ascension Channel bundle in one. 罗征想了想也没有找到答案,甚至与青龙在脑海中沟通了一阵,青龙也搞不懂这帮家伙是什么意思,毕竟青龙也不清楚罗征已经与飞升通道捆绑在了一起。 After not being able to think through, Luo Zheng neglects to consider this issue simply, but takes one after another from sumeru ring these ores. 想不通后罗征干脆忽略考虑这个问题,而是将那些矿石一枚一枚从须弥戒指中取出来。 Previously Luo Zheng in the excavation, many Divine Sea Realm great energy may watch the entire process eagerly, in the Luo Zheng hand had what ore, in their hearts was clear. 此前罗征在挖掘的时候,诸多神海境大能可都是眼巴巴的观看了整个过程,罗征手中有什么矿石,他们心中都清楚的很。 In four ten fifth layer to four ten seventh layer leaf blades ore quantity are not many, but each has the unusual shape. 四十五层到四十七层叶片之中的矿石数量并不多,不过每一颗都拥有奇特的形态。 For example first by the crystal stone that Luo Zheng pulls out, just took out sumeru ring time, is then ordinary like the water, falls from a Luo Zheng's finger/refers of seam on the ground, but quick these blue liquids fuse, forms a small sphere to beat on the ground unceasingly. 例如第一个被罗征掏出来的晶石,刚刚取出须弥戒指的时候,便是如同水一般,从罗征的指缝之中滑落在地上,但很快这些碧蓝色的液体又相互之间融合,形成一个小小的圆球在地上不断地跳动着。 Luo Zheng then said with a smile: Such being the case, how many should this water-soluble core fix a price to sell to everyone?” 罗征便是笑道:“既然如此,这颗水溶核心应该作价多少卖给各位?”
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