AT :: Volume #9

#866: In the world

The lairs of two snow flood dragons constructed in this mountain, in this flash, the entire mountain vanishes suddenly, two snow flood dragons in quenching against under to start unceasingly fall downwards, but soars regarding the snow flood dragon is the easy matter, but regarding opening Spiritual Wisdom them, thinks completely the matter of unclear before the eyes, why a mountain in good condition, how did vanish suddenly? 两条雪蛟的巢穴原本建筑在这大山之中,在这一瞬间,整座大山骤然消失,两头雪蛟在淬不及防之下就开始不断地下坠,不过飞翔对于雪蛟来说不过是轻而易举的事情,只是对于开启了灵智的它们,完全想不明白眼前发生的事情,为何好端端的一座大山,怎么就忽然消失了? However the following matter, is makes these two snow flood dragons stare dumbfounded, at present reaching to the sky mountains, are vanishing rapidly, whenever these mountains start to crash, can completely vanish in the flash! 但是接下来的事情,便是让这两条雪蛟瞠目结舌,眼前一座座高耸入云的大山,正在飞速的消失着,每当那些大山开始崩塌,就能在一瞬间完全消失! Bang, bang, bang......” “轰隆,轰隆,轰隆……” West Central Region unvisited, here mountain continuously, by one, has almost 5-6 ten thousand, so the mountain of quantity, even if Void Tribulation Realm martial artist wants to stretch across, feared that still requires unceasingly the time. 中域西部人迹罕至,这里的大山连绵不断,一座挨着一座,差不多就有五六万座之多,如此数量的大山,即使是一位虚劫境武者想要横跨,怕是也需要不断地时间。 But in this moment, all mountains was annihilated in several time of breath...... 可是就在这一刻,所有的大山在数个呼吸的时间里被湮灭了…… This strange scene, may happen west Central Region incessantly, the mountain peak in entire Central Region, unceasing was annihilated! 这种诡异的情景,可不止发生在中域西部,整个中域之中的山峰,都在不断的被湮灭中! Above the Heaven's Awakening City south hundred zhang (333 m) high hill, Merchant Union three Union Master are managing an assembly, the people in attendance are in Merchant Union all members, now in entire Central Region also only then Under Heaven Merchant Union one-party rule, but Shi Kefan has not formed the Holy Land ambition, Merchant Union no doubt is a strong influence, but in their bones as before is the businessman. 天启城南面一座百丈高的小山之上,商盟的三位盟主正在主持一场集会,与会者便是商盟中所有的出资人,现在整个中域里也只有天下商盟一家独大,不过石克凡并没有组建圣地的野心,商盟固然是一支强大的势力,但是他们骨子里依旧是生意人。 But when the people assemble, the hill of under foot, starts to crash from the middle suddenly. 可是就在众人集会之时,脚下的这座小山,骤然从中间开始崩塌。 The people are surprised, but also without responding, the under foot is, the entire hill was annihilated instantaneously...... 众人都是为之一惊,还没有反应过来,脚下便是一空,整个小山在瞬间被湮灭…… Enemy and do enemy raid?” A Spirit Core Realm martial artist scream said that although the Heavenly Evil Divine Country shadow has diverged, but had made the profound impression to many martial artist. “敌、敌袭吗?”一位神丹境武者尖叫道,天邪神国的阴影虽然已经散去,不过已经给诸多武者留下了深刻的印象。 Raids!” The float scolded in in the air Yan Yueshan. “袭个屁!”漂浮在空中的烟悦山骂道。 Can ruin a mountain, many martial artist can achieve, Yan Yueshan they can also achieve similarly, destroying a mountain is very difficult, the issue will be they impossible to annihilate a mountain shortly! This grade of divine ability has exceeded their imagination! 能够将一座大山毁掉,许多武者都能做到,烟悦山他们同样也能做到,毁一座山很难,问题是他们不可能将一座大山在顷刻之间湮灭!这等神通已经超出了他们的想象! What awfully is, as fiercer avalanche sound transmits together, outside Heaven's Awakening City, that white famous mountains that reach as high as 1500 hundreds of zhang (333 m) vanished suddenly...... 更要命的是,随着一道更加剧烈的崩塌声传来,天启城外,那座高达一千五百丈的白名山骤然消失了…… In Heaven's Awakening City, so long as to south is gaining ground, can see the white famous mountains dark shadow, this mountain looks like a giant to be common, guards in the Heaven's Awakening City south, then in this moment, that shadow vanishes instantaneously! 天启城中,只要对着南方抬头,就能够看到白名山黑乎乎的黑影,这座大山就像是一个巨人一般,镇守在天启城的南部,便是在这一刻,那黑影瞬间消失! In vain, the white famous mountains were also annihilated......” Yan Yueshan to swallow saliva, in all person eyes wrote all over the fear, but does not know completely what happened. “白,白名山也被湮灭了……”烟悦山吞了一口唾沫,所有人眼中都写满了恐惧,但是完全不知道发生了什么事情。 The mountain, vanishes one after another unceasingly...... 山,一座接着一座不断地消失…… Thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand place, the hundred zhang (333 m) high hill, is thousand zhang (3.33 m) high mountain, powerful is annihilated to the strength of being hard resisting by one all. 千座,万座,十万座,无论是百丈高的小山,还是千丈高的大山,尽数都被一股强大到难以抵抗的力量所湮灭。 Central Region, Divine Country Continent, Sea God Continent,...... 中域,神国大陆,还有海神大陆,还有…… The mountain in entire Great Thousand World unceasing was annihilated. 整个大千世界之中的大山都在不断的被湮灭中。 The Luo Zheng whole person as before is dark one piece, seems like as if crawls general from the black mire, he stands erect same place in motionless, in the mind is rotating as before rapidly, through the memory in the mind continuously renewing, Luo Zheng is consulting this Great Thousand World also to have many mountains! 罗征整个人依旧是黑乎乎的一片,看上去仿佛从黑色的泥潭之中爬出来一般,他矗立在原地一动不动,脑海之中依旧在飞速转动着,通过脑海中不断更新的记忆,罗征正在查阅这大千世界还剩下多少座大山! 5 million...... 五百万座…… 4 million...... 四百万座…… 3 million...... 三百万座…… 2 million...... 两百万座…… 1 million...... 一百万…… Even all mountain annihilations, isn't able to resist this black glow strength?” Luo Zheng's vision twinkle. “即使将所有的大山湮灭,都无法抵挡这黑芒的力量么?”罗征的目光闪烁。 He can feel the black glow strength to release as before continually, what is fearful is he does not know this black glow many strengths, but Luo Zheng also has the powerful backing, sea and Continent...... 他能够感受到黑芒的力量依旧持续释放着,可怕的是他不知道这黑芒到底有多少力量,不过罗征还有强有力的后盾,海洋与大陆…… Luo Zheng has not just now chosen the sea for the attention that the strength distracts! 方才罗征并没有将海洋选为力量转移的目标! Previously Luo Zheng to resist the Heavenly Tribulation might, shifted most strengths to Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea, actually raised the huge tsunami, because of these Divine Sea Realm great energy take action, tsunami preventing, otherwise the losses of four big Divine Country were inestimable, these martial artist may not dread the tsunami, but the civilians are not good, the casualty will be very perhaps serious. 此前罗征为了对抗天劫的威力,将大部分力量转移到天羽圣海之中,却是掀起了巨大的海啸,也是因为那些神海境大能出手,才将海啸给阻挡下来,否则四大神国的损失不可估量,那些武者可能不会太畏惧海啸,但是平民就不行了,死伤恐怕会无比惨重。 If shifts this black glow strength to the entire Great Thousand World sea , the tsunami that perhaps roll-up will be inconceivable, may present ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), a hundred thousand zhang (3.33 m) tsunami, under such tsunami, no matter Sea God Continent or Divine Country Continent, or will be Central Region will be hit by the total destruction, 99% living being will be destroyed in a moment, this will be Luo Zheng has not chosen the strength shifts in the reason to sea. 若是将这黑芒的力量转移到整个大千世界的海洋之中,恐怕会卷起难以想象的海啸,或许会出现万丈,十万丈的海啸,在那样的海啸之下,不管是海神大陆还是神国大陆,又或者是中域都会遭受灭顶之灾,90%九的生灵都会毁于一旦,这就是罗征没有选择将力量转移到海洋中的原因。 But Luo Zheng is not willing the strength direct jump above Continent, if shifts the strength on Divine Country Continent, even at the length and breadth of Divine Country Continent, feared that will disintegrate shortly! 罗征也不愿意将力量直接转移在大陆之上,若是将力量转移在神国大陆上,即使以神国大陆之广袤,怕是都会在顷刻之间分崩离析! But...... 可是…… If Luo Zheng does not have under the choice, he as if can only do that. 若是罗征没得选择之下,他似乎只能这么做。 Matter that but this cannot be willing to see! 但这并不是能够愿意看到的事情! Although a martial artist way, is the law of the jungle, is conceited, what Luo Zheng pursue is not the sole great strength, he is not willing to pursue the strength constantly, is not willing to sacrifice trillion living being, achievement. 虽然武者一途,就是弱肉强食,就是唯我独尊,可是罗征追求的并不是单一的强大,他不愿意一味的追求力量,也不愿意牺牲亿万生灵,成就自己一人。 This does not mean Luo Zheng to be good-hearted, amiable universal love, but he is not willing to lose the last human nature, really looks like the wild animal to work loose generally from so-called jungle Law. 这并不是说罗征心地善良,仁义博爱,只是他不愿意失去最后一丝人性,真的像野兽一般从所谓的丛林法则之中挣脱出来。 Five hundred thousand places...... 十万座…… Luo Zheng is nipping the tooth tightly deeply, the brow wrinkled. 罗征紧咬着牙齿,眉头已经深深的皱了起来。 Three hundred thousand places...... 十万座…… The mountain peak annihilated speed, far exceeds beyond the Luo Zheng's imagination! 山峰被湮灭的速度,远远超出罗征的想象之外! Two hundred thousand places...... 十万座…… At this moment, the speed that the Luo Zheng heart beats is also getting more and more fast, he will soon face a difficult choice, do oneself die? Makes thousand living being die surely? 这一刻,罗征心脏跳动的速度也越来越快,他即将面临一个艰苦的选择,自己死?还是让千千万生灵死? This choice question regarding many martial artist, is simple, is regarding Luo Zheng, was too difficult...... 这一道选择题对于许多武者来说,非常简单,可是对于罗征来说,太困难了…… hundred thousand place...... 十万座…… 50,000...... 五万座…… 10,000...... 一万座…… If these mountains were annihilated completely, but that black glow strength has not weakened as before, Luo Zheng might use these mountains in Eastern Region. 若是这些大山全部被湮灭,而那黑芒的力量依旧没有衰减,罗征或许就要动用东域里的那些大山了。 Thinks Thirty Three Peaks that he was once , the innumerable disciples above cultivation, overwhelming majorities are Innate living being, will not fly, under these mountain peaks were annihilated, does not know that must die many people! 想想他曾经所在的三十三峰,其中还有无数弟子在上面修行,绝大多数都是先天生灵,不会飞行,那些山峰被湮灭之下,不知道要死多少人! When the Luo Zheng complexion is getting more and more ugly, he feels that black energy the strength to start to weaken finally...... 就在罗征脸色越来越难看的时候,他终于感受到那黑色能量的力量开始减弱…… This black glow is threatening, however goes also quick, is almost blinks, the Luo Zheng dark body started to change, that black energy rapid disappearances! 黑芒来势汹汹,但是去的也快,几乎是眨眼之间,罗征原本黑乎乎的身体开始发生变化,那一道道黑色的能量迅速的消失! Luo Zheng's as if by rapid washing generally, quick was recovered cleanly normally. 罗征的身体仿佛被迅速的洗干净了一般,很快就恢复了正常。 Shouldered......” on this time Luo Zheng's face not to have slightly the joyful color, instead revealed a sadness. “扛过去了……”这时候罗征的脸上却没有丝毫喜悦之色,反而流露出一丝悲伤。 He indeed shouldered, oneself have not paid the too big price, but entire Great Thousand World actually replaced Luo Zheng to pay the price. 他的确扛过去了,自身并没有付出太大的代价,可是整个大千世界却代替罗征付出了代价。 Although the living being quantities in these mountains are not many, but that is 5 million mountains, living being that was sacrificed, including human race, absolute quantity perhaps not few...... 虽然那些大山之中的生灵数量不多,但那可是五百万座大山,其中被牺牲掉的生灵,包括人类,绝对数量恐怕不会少…… Luo Zheng, he shouldered that to say black glow, is not when so able exterminate he, this fellow to really be unexpectedly......” Bai Yuerong shocks, even breathed to be difficult. 罗征,他扛住了那道黑芒,竟然如此都无法灭杀他,这家伙真是……”白月蓉震惊之余,甚至连呼吸都困难起来。 Many Divine Sea Realm great energy did not speak silently, they know that Luo Zheng can shift the strength, Nine Cauldrons Martial Mansion that small monster more than once has displayed this ability before the people, but no one was clear that what this ability the limit was? Can not have the shift strength of limit? 诸多神海境大能也是默默不语,他们知道罗征能够将力量转移,九鼎武府的那个小怪物不止一次的在众人面前展现过这个能力,可是谁都不清楚这个能力的极限是什么?难道可以没有限度的转移力量么? Just now that black glow strength, these Divine Sea Realm great energy do not talk clearly the background, is in their opinion, will want to present so many year of Divine Sea Realm to annihilate, will be the small matter, feared that will be here deep sea boundary great energy increases 100 times, same irresistibly that black glow! 方才那黑芒的力量,这些神海境大能说不清楚来路,可是在他们看来,想要将在场这么多年神海境湮灭,也是轻轻松松的事情,怕是这里的深海境大能增加一百倍,一样无法抵抗那黑芒 Is such attack, Luo Zheng can resist as before, what did he sacrifice? Where shifted the strength to? 就是这样的攻击,罗征依旧能抵挡,他到底牺牲了什么?将力量转移到哪里去了? On Feather Sovereign's Island does not have the mountain, therefore many Divine Sea Realm great energy do not know, above entire Divine Country Continent all mountain ranges have vanished...... 羽皇岛上没有大山,所以诸多神海境大能也不知道,整个神国大陆之上所有的山脉已经消失了…… Zhou Huang actually cannot bear curiously, is opens the mouth to ask: Tianxing, I know that you used the strength shift, but where...... you to the energy transfer of that black glow?” 周煌却是忍不住好奇,则是开口问道:“天行,我知道你是用了力量转移,不过……你将那黑芒的能量转移到哪里去了?” Luo Zheng blinked an eye, immediately replied: Mountain, mountain......” 罗征眨巴了一下眼睛,随即回答道:“山,大山……” Mountain? How many mountains?” Zhou Huang curious pursues asks. “山?多少大山?”周煌好奇的追问道。 In the world,” Luo Zheng is startled sad saying. “全世界,”罗征怔悲伤的说道。 ( Thanks hops dance shadow 3000 reads the coin to hit to enjoy! Thank 500 to read the coin to hit to enjoy, thank Kouhia to hit to enjoy! Thanks everyone's message to encourage!!! 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