AT :: Volume #9

#865: black glow

In the sky that said towering that very thread presents, but that thread just appeared, all people, including Luo Zheng, just like then displayed decided movement technique to be the same, decide same place. 天空之中那道细线出现的十分突兀,但是那细线刚刚出现,所有的人,包括罗征自己,便是宛若被施展了定身法一般,定在了原地。 In this flash, Luo Zheng feels a greatest power and influence immediately! This power and influence seemed to have been aloof the living being limit completely! 在这一瞬间,罗征顿时感受到一股莫大的威势!这股威势似乎已经完全超脱了生灵的极限! All people, in felt at this moment oneself body was solidified, the blood stopped the circulation, the heart stopped the beat, only then own consciousness in addition is rotating slowly, but they actually felt that own soul, under this thread, looked like the insignificant dust general...... 所有的人,在此刻都感觉自己的身体被凝固了,血液停止了流转,心脏停止了跳动,只有自己的意识尚且缓缓转动着,可是他们却感觉自己的灵魂,在这细线之下,就像是微不足道的尘埃一般…… That is anything......” “那是什么……” How to have such powerful thing, is only thread, makes me feel so the power and influence!” “怎么会有这么强大的东西,只是一条细线,就让我感觉到如此威势!” I, I was too tiny, I live on dishonorably in the world......” “我,我太渺小了,我只是苟活于世……” Divine Sea Realm great energy, experiences for ten thousand years, the life is glorious, the experience is also very vast, the thought is also quite mature, Heart of Martial Dao, is such as the impregnable bastion is not to mention ordinary! 神海境大能,经历万年,寿元悠久,见识也十分广博,思想也极为成熟,武道之心更不用说,便是如铜墙铁壁一般坚固! Under power and influence that but in that thread blooms, some Divine Sea Realm great energy Heart of Martial Dao had the indication of collapse faintly...... 可是就在那细线绽放出的威势之下,有些神海境大能武道之心却隐隐有了崩溃的征兆…… But that thread power and influence, in view of the Luo Zheng release, others is away from Luo Zheng, in addition the distance, Luo Zheng oneself bear the brunt! 而那细线的威势,是针对罗征释放的,其他的人距离罗征尚且有一段距离,罗征本人则是首当其冲! Luo Zheng raised the head impressively, stares at that to say thread, on the face also reveals the solemn color, Azure Dragon, that is anything......” Luo Zheng does not have the ponder is too many, in this moment, he thought that oneself is facing the choice of Life and Death, therefore first inquired Azure Dragon, at least he wants to know whether oneself had the method of decoding! 罗征赫然抬头,盯着那道细线,脸上也流露出冷峻之色,“青龙,那是什么……”罗征没有思考太多,在这一刻,他觉得自己正在面临生死的抉择,所以第一时间询问青龙,至少他想知道,自己是否存在破解的方法! However Azure Dragon actually gradually flutters three characters, does not know......” 但是青龙却缓缓飘三个字,“不知道……” Even Azure Dragon, has not seen this thing, it indeed is unable to answer Luo Zheng's this issue. 即便是青龙,也未曾见过这东西,它的确无法回答罗征的这个问题。 However quick, Luo Zheng knows that was anything. 不过很快,罗征就知道那是什么了。 That said that thread extends unceasingly, extends several feet distance in the sky, immediately thread divided into two to turn into two thread together, after that two thread separated, the head and tail was still connected, the composed curve happen to outlined a shape of eye, but in the center of that eye, only presented a dark eye! 那道细线不断地延伸而出,在天空之中延伸出数丈的距离,随即一道细线一分为二变成了两道细线,那两道细线分开之后,首尾依旧相连,组成的弧度正好勾勒出一个眼睛的形状,而在那眼睛的中央,只出现一个黑乎乎的眼睛! This is an eye. 这是一只眼睛。 The race in entire world feared that has myriad types, the appearance of each lifeform is various, but there is one thing actually unable to leave, that is the eye! 寰宇中的种族怕是有万千种,每一种生物的样貌各不相同,但有一样东西却离不开,那就是眼睛! Eye, whose eye is this?” The Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed the eyes, on the face is the prudent color, he has not felt any good intentions in this eye, on the contrary, he feels a swift and fierce hostility in this eye! “眼睛,这又是谁的眼睛?”罗征的双眼眯了起来,脸上全是慎重之色,他并没有在这眼睛之中感受到任何善意,相反,他在这眼睛中感受到一丝凌厉的敌意! It is not right, perhaps cannot say is the hostility, in Luo Zheng heart light is thinking, I make the opposite party have the hostility radically unqualified, too tiny...... the appearance of this eye, completely situated in curious, that swift and fierce hostility should stem from the instinct, so long as it thinks, will be shortly exterminate I! 不对,或许不能说是敌意,罗征心中淡淡的想着,我根本不够资格让对方产生敌意,太渺小了……这眼睛的出现,完全是处于好奇,那股凌厉的敌意应该是出自于本能,只要它想,可是在顷刻之间灭杀我! Luo Zheng's both eyes and that eye relative, static standing erect on the spot! 罗征的双目与那只眼睛相对,静静的矗立在原地! After a while, that eye blinked suddenly gently, projected a black ray from that black pupil suddenly! 一会儿之后,那眼睛忽然轻轻的眨巴了一下,从那黑色的瞳孔之中骤然射出了一道黑色的光芒! Immediately that eye blinked two, vanished in in the air, but that black ray has not vanished, but flew to shoot toward some angle, immediately under in the air refracted unceasingly, approached toward Luo Zheng unceasingly! 随即那眼睛又眨巴了两下,就消失在了空中,但是那黑色的光芒并没有消失,而是向着某个角度飞射过去,随即在空中不断地折射之下,朝着罗征不断地靠近! Some Daoist Bai Mei numerous Divine Sea Realm great energy in this moment, have not spoken, their complexions are pallid, look that in black glow that in the air refracts unceasingly...... 无论是白眉道人还有众多神海境大能在这一刻,都没有说话,他们的脸色煞白,看着在空中不断折射的黑芒…… Luo Zheng just bloomed Lotus Flower, in many Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts, Luo Zheng is they flies upwards the hope of upper realm, if now anybody wants to take the Luo Zheng's life, perhaps they will protect Luo Zheng, opposite party exterminate! Can say Luo Zheng in their eyes, has become a key that flies upwards upper realm, is most core, most essential character. 罗征刚刚绽放了莲华,在诸多神海境大能心中,罗征乃是他们飞升上界的希望,现在若是任何人想要取走罗征的性命,他们恐怕都会保护罗征,都会将对方灭杀!可以说罗征在他们眼中,已经成为了飞升上界的一把钥匙,也是最为核心,最为关键的人物。 But at this time, they have not moved! 但这时候,他们都没有动弹! That refracts unceasingly, changes the direction unceasingly black light was really fearful, they could not mention the thought of resistance! 那不断折射,不断改变方向的黑光实在是太可怕了,他们根本就提不起反抗的念头! Buzz......” “嗡……” Black light extended several feet distance toward not far away suddenly, immediately changes the direction by 30 degrees included angle again, extended the 7-8 zhang (3.33 m), it toward different direction refractions, but from Luo Zheng is also more and more near, shooting at Luo Zheng perhaps is also sooner or later matter! 黑光骤然朝着不远处延伸了数丈的距离,随即以三十度夹角再次改变方向,又延伸了七八丈,它朝着不同的方向折射,可是距离罗征也是越来越近,射向罗征恐怕也是迟早的事情! This black light, how to resist...... 这黑光,如何抵挡…… Leaving the Luo Zheng's time are not many, he knows that oneself is unable to resist this black light, Body Protecting True Essence is not good, Body of Saint Artifact is not good, Stellar Battle Body is not also good, only he can depend on is the Great Thousand World will! 留给罗征的时间并不多,他知道自己无法抵挡这黑光,护体真元不行,圣器之体不行,星辰战体同样也不行,他唯一能够倚仗的就是大千世界的意志! Only can shift with the strength, resists black light this with entire Great Thousand World?” In this moment, in the Luo Zheng's heart had a crazy idea suddenly! “只能用力量转移么,用整个大千世界来对抗这黑光?”在这一刻,罗征的心中忽然冒出了一个疯狂的想法! Perhaps by the strength of that eye, among the graces can entire Great Thousand World the destruction...... 以那只眼睛的实力,恐怕举手投足之间就能够将整个大千世界所覆灭…… Now Luo Zheng also only has such means! 现在罗征也只剩下这样一个办法! Thinks of here, the Luo Zheng's mind starts to revolve rapidly, he memory in crazy absorption mind, the Great Thousand World will projection gives his memory! 想到这里,罗征的脑海开始飞转起来,他在疯狂的吸收脑海中的记忆,大千世界意志投射给他的记忆! In this flash, he in the memories of all mountains entire Great Thousand World includes completely in the mind! 在这一瞬间,他将整个大千世界中所有高山的记忆全部囊括在脑海之中! Mountain, mountain...... 山,高山…… Eastern Region, Purgatory Mountain, Jade Dragon Mountain, Thirty Three Peaks, north Eastern Region length and breadth hills. 东域,炼狱山,玉龙山,还有三十三峰,还有东域北边广袤群山。 Central Region, western mountain range, hundred thousand mountain, Nine Dragon Mountain. 中域,西部山脉,十万大山,九龙山 Entire Heavenly Northern Region altogether has the every large or small 730,000 mountains...... 整个天北域共有大大小小七十三万座大山…… Divine Country Continent, 100 three hundred thousand mountains...... 神国大陆,一百三十万座大山…… Sea God Continent, 80 Liuwan Dashan...... 海神大陆,八十六万大山…… In addition the mountain ranges on various dense and numerous desert islands...... 除此之外还有密密麻麻各处荒岛上的山脉…… A piece compared with the place of Divine Country Continent bigger barbarian desolate, 2 million mountains...... 还有一片比神国大陆更大的蛮荒之地,还有两百万座大山…… Amounts to over 5 million mountains! 总计超过五百万座大山! Under a thought that Luo Zheng counts completely all mountains! 一个念头之下,罗征将所有的大山全部统计出来! After thinking, Luo Zheng then excludes Eastern Region, before that rushes to Luo Zheng black light, he started the strength shift! 想了想后,罗征便是将东域排除在外,就在那黑光涌向罗征之前,他开启了力量转移! Since I am this Great Thousand World representative , has the right to control this Great Thousand World, please help me pass this disaster,” Luo Zheng said lightly. “既然我已经是这大千世界的代表,也算是有权利支配这个大千世界吧,请你帮我度过这个劫难,”罗征淡淡的说道 In Luo Zheng mouth you were said to this Great Thousand World will. 罗征口中的“你”却是对这个大千世界的意志所说。 Although Luo Zheng fused the entire Great Thousand World will, but he cannot be this Great Thousand World master eventually, he is unable to resist this black glow, can only resist with the aid of entire Great Thousand World. 虽然罗征融合了整个大千世界的意志,可是他终究不能算是这个大千世界的主人,他无法对抗这道黑芒,只能借助整个大千世界来对抗。 Naturally, the Great Thousand World will, is the entire Great Thousand World living being aggregate, not someone, no concrete thought that like the small monster is this Great Thousand World will incarnation, but small monster are not clear about this matter. 当然,大千世界的意志,便是整个大千世界生灵的集合体,并不是某一个人,也没有一个具体的思维,就像小怪物乃是这大千世界意志的化身,可是连小怪物自己都不清楚这件事情。 Luo Zheng said that but is respect to the entire Great Thousand World living being, to own respect! 罗征这么说,只是出于自己对整个大千世界生灵的尊重,也是对自己的尊重! Finishes speaking, that black glow has shot at Luo Zheng. 话音刚落,那黑芒已经射向了罗征 Presents everyone only to be able looks at this, after seeing this black glow, no one can have the resistance the thoughts, because this does not have to revolt! 在场每一个人都只能愣愣的看着这一幕,看到这黑芒之后,没有人能够生出反抗的心思,因为这根本就无可反抗! black glow is hitting the Luo Zheng's chest instantaneously, quick submerges, is the this humble one moment, the Luo Zheng whole person, including his clothes, the lip, the white of the eye in pupil, the nail, turned into the black in the flash! 黑芒在瞬间击中罗征的胸膛,很快就没入其中,便是在下一刻,罗征整个人,包括他的衣服,嘴唇,瞳孔中的眼白,指甲,在一瞬间都变成了黑色! After this black glow drills into the Luo Zheng body, shortly in each cell the Luo Zheng body will wrap, then elimination! If some people can see the Luo Zheng's body, will discover that his brain, the five main internal organs (entrails), the skeleton, the blood vessel, each drop of blood turned into the black...... 黑芒钻入罗征身体之后,在顷刻之间就将罗征身体中每一个细胞都包裹起来,然后再将之消灭!若是有人能够看到罗征的身体内部,会发现他的大脑,五脏六腑,骨骼,血管,每一滴血液都变成了黑色…… This is a writing off way, after writes off in this manner, Luo Zheng is hair, or on him a granular cell will not leave behind in this world, that is radical disappearance, compared with frustrating the bone raises the ash also to want clean 1 million times! 这是一种抹杀的方式,以这种方式抹杀之后,罗征便是一根毛发,或者说他身上的一粒细胞都不会遗留在这世上,那是彻彻底底的消失,比挫骨扬灰还要干净百万倍! After a breath, an extremely terrifying prestige can release! 一个呼吸之后,一股极为恐怖的威能释放出来! At the same time, each part on Luo Zheng body, each cell started to bear the huge ability impact! 在同一时间,罗征身体上的每一个部件,每一个细胞都开始承受了巨大的能力冲击! When this black glow energy starts to bloom, the first mountain starts to collapse! 就在这黑芒的能量开始绽放的时候,第一座大山开始坍塌! Bang......” “轰隆……” That was west a Central Region mountain, the mountain massif withstood the huge energy, blasted open from the interior in the flash, but no rock tumbled, the entire mountain massif has not cut, because before completely the avalanche, the entire mountain had vanished, directly wiping to disappear by the energy! 那是中域西部的一座大山,山体承受了巨大的能量,在一瞬间从内部炸裂,但是没有一块岩石翻滚下来,整个山体也没有划破,因为在完全崩塌之前,整座山已经消失了,被能量直接给抹消了!
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