AT :: Volume #9

#864: thread

Daoist Bai Mei not clear present, but this does not represent his not clear Mahayana Lotus Flower is anything! 白眉道人不清楚眼前的这一幕,可是这并不代表他不清楚大乘莲华是什么! He has not thought that at present this boy really can open second layer heaven, can enter Mahayana Lotus Flower realm. 只是他根本就没有想过,眼前这小子真的能够开启第二层天,能够进入大乘莲华境界 Because in the Daoist Bai Mei cognition, this is radically the unlikely matter. 因为在白眉道人认知之中,这是根本不可能发生的事情。 This Lotus Flower also has division of Hinayana and Mahayana, Hinayana is highest can only arrive at Nine Leaf, but Mahayana can arrive at 27...... 莲华也有小乘大乘之分,小乘最高只能开到九叶,而大乘则能够开到二十七叶…… Opens Hinayana Lotus Flower martial artist to be many, but can arrive at Nine Leaf Hinayana Lotus Flower, in Great Realm is hard a person, this is extremely rare, if according to Era, 3.6 billion years calculates in other words, during this long years, the absolute quantity are also many. 开启小乘莲华武者不少,但是能够将小乘莲华开到九叶的,一个大界中难以出一人,这已经是极为稀有了,不过若是按照一个衍纪,也就是说三十六亿年算下来,在这漫长的岁月之中,绝对数量也不少。 But can open Mahayana Lotus Flower martial artist...... 可是能够开启大乘莲华武者…… Perhaps during these several tens of thousands years, some people in some Great Realm corner opens, after all upper realm was really big, cannot blame Daoist Bai Mei being friendless and unlearned. 在这数万年之中,或许在某个大界的角落之中有人开启,毕竟上界实在是太大了,也不能怪白眉道人孤陋寡闻。 But by, absolutely one that Daoist Bai Mei know does not have! 但以白眉道人自己所知道的,根本就一个没有! He heard that Nearing Firmament Realm Heavenly Venerate Nearing Firmament 200 six hundred thousand years ago, after crossing Samsara Tribulation, had opened Mahayana Lotus Flower, as for other Heavenly Venerable whether opened Mahayana Lotus Flower, Daoist Bai Mei is not clear. 他只是听说那凌霄界凌霄天尊在两百六十万年前,渡完轮回劫后,曾经开启过大乘莲华,至于其他的天尊是否开启了大乘莲华,白眉道人就不清楚了。 That is Heavenly Venerable has the treatment that at present will this boy, really open? 那可是天尊才有的待遇,眼前这小子,真的会开启吗? In the Daoist Bai Mei vision reveals unprecedented grim, if Nine Leaf Lotus Flower, in addition during his control, Daoist Bai Mei absolutely does not have the idea now, because his own not clear this means anything, only what he knows, if this matter reported after the counter spirit channel, feared that will cause the unprecedented stir! 白眉道人目光之中流露出前所未有的凝重,如果说九叶莲华尚且还在他的掌控之中,现在白眉道人已经完全没有想法了,因为他自己也不清楚这到底意味着什么,他唯一知道的是,这件事情若是通过逆灵通道上报之后,怕是会引起前所未有的轰动! He felt that oneself throat somewhat becomes dry, since upper realm is sent to frontier service him, supervises four big Divine Country to take Ancestral Dragon Egg, there are many years! 他感觉自己的喉咙有些发干,自从上界将他发配下来,监督四大神国祖龙蛋,也有不少年了! Daoist Bai Mei is clear about own destiny, perhaps also only then takes completely Ancestral Dragon Egg, he has the qualifications to return to upper realm. 白眉道人清楚自己的命运,恐怕也只有将祖龙蛋完全取出来,他才有资格返回上界 If can unearth martial artist that opens Mahayana Lotus Flower, his destiny will perhaps also change, advantage that will be inconceivable. 若是能够挖掘一位开启大乘莲华武者,他的命运恐怕也会就此改变,甚至会得到难以想象的好处。 But, can Luo Zheng really open second layer heaven? 可是,罗征真的能开启第二层天吗? In the Daoist Bai Mei heart has doubts, this possibility, almost small to ignoring situation...... 白眉道人心中还是非常疑惑,这个可能性,几乎小到忽略不计的地步…… Under the careful thinking, pouring is not impossible, Nine Leaf Lotus Flower is the Hinayana Lotus Flower limit, if 3.6 billion years all martial artist that opens Nine Leaf Lotus Flower count, then opens Mahayana Lotus Flower martial artist in the statistics, this probability will not be low! 只是细细思索之下,倒也不是不可能,九叶莲华便是小乘莲华的极限,若是将三十六亿年所有开启九叶莲华武者统计一下,然后在统计开启大乘莲华武者,这一份概率也不会太低! That Nine Leaf Lotus Flower from the sky trembles is getting more and more fierce, the speed that the leaf blade revolves is also quicker and quicker. 九叶莲华在空中震颤的越来越厉害,叶片旋转的速度也是越来越快。 Luo Zheng is perplexed, only then inquired Azure Dragon in mind: Azure Dragon, this hasn't Nine Leaf Lotus Flower opened? Difficult to be inadequate this thing also to take root to germinate, grows second?” 罗征不明所以,也只有询问脑海之中的青龙:“青龙,这九叶莲华不是已经开完了么?难不成这东西还能生根发芽,长出第二朵?” In the mind transmits the Azure Dragon laughter, Hahaha, your idea also too rarely seen, how possibly grew second, looks at like this, must open second layer heaven mostly, you carry the Grand Era's Struggle life standard, indeed has this possibility, waits!” 脑海之中传递出青龙的笑声,“哈哈哈哈,你这想法也太奇葩了,怎么可能长出第二朵,看这样子,多半是要开启第二层天了,你身负大世之争命格,到底的确有这个可能性,还是拭目以待吧!” „Is second layer heaven, what thing?” Luo Zheng or the whole face are puzzled. 第二层天,到底是什么玩意?”罗征还是满脸不解。 Azure Dragon light explanation: This was the difference of Hinayana and Mahayana, a while you are then clear.” 青龙淡淡的解释道:“这便是小乘大乘的区别,一会儿你就清楚了。” Finishing speaking of here Azure Dragon, then has the stamen and pistil of Lotus Flower together to raise from that Lotus Flower center slowly, what is strange is the center of stamen and pistil really also has a small flower bud. 这边青龙的话音刚落,从那莲华的中央便是有一道莲华的花蕊缓缓升起,诡异的是花蕊的中央竟然还有一个小小的花蕾。 Under glare of the public eye, that stamen and pistil then more rises to be higher, but the flower bud is inflating by the speed that the naked eye can see unceasingly, before long of that flower bud has exceeded lower-level Nine Leaf Lotus Flower, first layer level leaf blade tight package in which! 就在众目睽睽之下,那花蕊便是越升越高,而花蕾则以肉眼看得见的速度不断地膨胀着,不一会儿那花蕾的个头已经超越了下层的九叶莲华,一层层的叶片紧紧的包裹其中! Also really has second Lotus Flower, was said by me,” Luo Zheng hehe said with a smile. “还真的有第二朵莲华,被我说中了,”罗征嘿嘿笑道。 Where your calculates that said? This is Lotus Flower that's all......” the Azure Dragon rebuttal said. “你这哪里算说中了?这原本就是一朵莲华而已……”青龙反驳道。 After that bigger Lotus Flower raises slowly, the above lotus leaf, opens unceasingly...... 当那朵更大的莲华冉冉升起后,上面的莲叶就一片一片,不断地打开…… „A piece, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces......” Huo Chen looks at that leaf blade unceasingly several. “一片,两片,三片,四片……”火辰看着那叶片不断地数着。 In a while, above bigger Lotus Flower opened 26 pieces, only then a piece has not bloomed, is makes people feel incomplete feeling slightly. 没过多久,上面这朵更大的莲华足足打开了二十六片,只有一片没有绽放,便是让人感觉到微微的残缺之感。 Two floors Lotus Flower so bloom, flutters slowly in the people at present, is sending out intermittent delightful fragrance, from this flower petal is to dissipate eye-catching class/flow colors, 上下两层莲华这般绽放出来,缓缓飘动在众人眼前,散发着一阵阵甜美的香味,从这花瓣之中更是逸散出一道道夺目的流彩, This person......” Bai Yuerong sighed. “这人……”白月蓉叹息了一声。 Daoist Bai Mei then said immediately: He at least has the Grand Era's Struggle life standard, moreover during the big world in this arriving, perhaps he is not the absolute lead, but at least can play an important role!” 白眉道人便是立即说道:“他至少拥有大世之争的命格,而且在这降临的大世之中,或许他不是绝对的主角,但至少能够担任一个重要的角色!” Grand Era's Struggle Participant ......” Bai Yuerong also wants saying that her not clear big world has arrived? How otherwise in four big Divine Country can emerge so many Divine Rank Talent? In the past Divine Country history, this has not had the matter! 大世之争者……”白月蓉原本也想这么说,她如何不清楚大世已经降临了?不然四大神国之中如何能够涌现出如此多神级天才?在过去神国的历史之中,这是从来没有发生过的事情! Although knows that the big world arrives, although emerges so many Divine Rank Talent, but Bai Yuerong has not thought that will have martial artist that shoulders the Grand Era's Struggle life standard, appeared in this Great Thousand World. 虽然知道大世降临,虽然涌现出如此多神级天才,可是白月蓉也未曾想过,会有一位背负大世之争命格的武者,出现在了这个大千世界 In this moment, Bai Yuerong remembered in Heavenly Vast Immortal Grave impressively the matter, in Heavenly Vast Immortal Grave the wheel of destiny, the destiny that Luo Zheng just started is very bad, or rough incomparable, after his very past, is Azure Clouds on straight, took the lead to pass the wheel of destiny! 就在这一刻,白月蓉赫然想起了天渺仙墓中发生的事情,在天渺仙墓的气运之轮中,罗征刚刚开始的气运很差,或者说坎坷无比,可是当他挺过去之后,便是一路青云直上,率先度过了气运之轮! Remembered this point, saw Mahayana Lotus Flower that again now Luo Zheng opens, confirmed the guess of Bai Yuerong...... 想起了这一点,再看到现在罗征开启的大乘莲华,更是验证了白月蓉的猜测…… No wonder his destiny is so powerful, saying that no wonder, Bai Yuerong muttered. 难怪他气运那么强大,难怪,白月蓉喃喃的说道。 On the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign face has the happy expression, his vision has moved out of the way Lotus Flower on top of the head, this little while is sizing up Luo Zheng, this Luo Zheng in the eye of Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is more and more pleasing to the eyes, is getting more and more perfect! 天风战皇脸上带着笑意,他的目光已经挪开了头顶上的莲华,这会儿更是上上下下的打量罗征,这罗征天风战皇的眼中便是越来越顺眼,越来越完美! The short temper of Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, the character is also frank, the cultivation Fire Element Law martial artist majority are such character, in the heart, since has the words he unable to keep, this little while he looked to sit in one side Huo Yun'er, the age that she was in bud, is permeated with the youth aura from top to bottom, although the martial artist life was long, but she must seek dual-cultivation companion eventually! 天风战皇的脾气暴躁,性格也直爽,修炼火系法则武者大多数都是这样的性格,心中既然有话他也藏不住,这会儿他看了看坐在一侧的火允儿,她正是含苞待放的年龄,浑身上下都洋溢着青春的气息,虽然武者的寿元悠长,但她终究要寻一个双修伴侣 This Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign vision is not general nitpicking, actually many Divine Sea Realm great energy cross the marriage at his surface premise, but kept off by his one by one, in his Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign eye, in entire four big Divine Country in young generation of martial artist, feared that cannot discover young genius that can be joined to the daughter! 天风战皇的眼光可不是一般的挑剔,其实不少神海境大能都在他面前提过亲事,但都被他一一挡了回去,在他天风战皇眼中,整个四大神国内年轻一辈的武者之中,怕是都找不出一位配得上自己女儿的年轻俊杰 Although this Luo Zheng origin is illegibile, as if stems from Heavenly Northern Region that small place, but under Supervisor Duke attaches great importance , this boy future future of will unlikely be inconceivable him, such character was not good to miss. 虽然这罗征来历不清不楚,似乎出自于天北域那小地方,可是督公都如此重视之下,这小子未来的前途恐怕连他都难以想象,这样的人物可不好错过了。 Therefore Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is opens the mouth to ask: Yun’er, how do you feel this boy?” 于是天风战皇便是开口问道:“允儿,你觉得这小子如何?” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign does not understand the taboo, this opens the mouth, the surroundings are standing many people, although Huo Yun'er is simple-hearted, but after all is so the age, how to listen to the meaning in Imperial Father words? 天风战皇也不懂得避讳,这番开口,周围可是站着不少人呢,火允儿虽然天真无邪,但毕竟已经是这般年纪,如何听不出父皇话中的意思? Her that wonderful eye of originally falling on Luo Zheng, under Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign this opens the mouth, on her face one red, actually vision receiving, is charmingly angry: Imperial Father, you said anything again!” 她那妙目原本怔怔的落在罗征身上,天风战皇这一开口之下,她脸上一红,却是将目光给收了回来,娇嗔道:“父皇,你再说什么!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign hehe said with a smile, he also knows own daughter was shy, but this matter was not the issue that can solve shy, crossed this village, did not have this shop, he then must seek an opportunity, directly to the Luo Zheng opens the mouth. 天风战皇嘿嘿笑道,他也知道自己女儿害羞,不过这事情可不是害羞能够解决的问题,过了这村,就没有这店了,他便是要寻个机会,直接向罗征开口。 This talk, spreads to other Divine Sea Realm great energy ears, on faces also appears a color suddenly, brain rotation of this Old Huo is indeed quick! If can become dual-cultivation companion with Luo Zheng, by this Luo Zheng's natural talent, the future will fear in the future is immeasurable! 这番谈话,传入其他神海境大能耳中,一个个脸上也浮现出一丝恍然之色,这老火的脑筋转动的的确是快啊!若是能与罗征结为双修伴侣,以这罗征的天资,日后前途怕是无可估量! In other Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts also had the plan thereupon faintly, especially these have the female, moreover natural talent appearance good Divine Sea Realm great energy...... 于是乎其他神海境大能心中也隐隐有了打算,特别是那些膝下有女,而且天资样貌都不错的神海境大能…… During Lotus Flower on sky in revolves slowly, the color is finally gloomy, slowly vanishes in the field of vision of people. 天空上的莲华在缓缓旋转之中,色彩终于暗淡下去,慢慢地消失在众人的视野之中。 Sees this, Luo Zheng sighs slightly, then said: Oh, I also think that the last leaf blade can also open!” 看到这一幕,罗征却是微微叹了一口气,便是说道:“唉,我还以为最后一道叶片也能打开呢!” In the mind Azure Dragon is actually sneers saying: Has a dream you, can arrive at this degree Mahayana Lotus Flower, you are content, said again, so long as after this Lotus Flower appears, each Transcending Tribulation will appear......” 脑海中青龙却是冷笑道:“做梦吧你,能够将大乘莲华开到这个程度,你就知足吧,再说只要这莲华出现之后,你每一次渡劫都会出现……” Luo Zheng nods, he then walks toward pyramid that side, in his hand also has a lot of precious ores to process! 罗征点点头,他便是朝着金字塔那边走去,他手中可是还有大量的珍贵矿石要处理呢! However at this time, in the sky presented black thread suddenly...... 然而就在这时候,天空之中忽然出现了一道黑色的细线……
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