AT :: Volume #9

#863: Mahayana Lotus Flower

Previously this Lotus Flower every trembled one time, will open together the leaf blade, now this Lotus Flower trembles again, can open the leaf blade? 此前这莲华每一次震颤,都会打开一道叶片,现在这莲华再次震颤,难道又要开启叶片了? Daoist Bai Mei words, just hopes of these Divine Sea Realm great energy eliminating, this trembling, immediately everyone's vision cancelling! 白眉道人的一番话,已将将那些神海境大能的希望给打消了,这番震颤,顿时又将大家的目光给勾回来了! That Daoist Bai Mei did not say, opened Nine Leaf Lotus Flower martial artist, in Great Realm often did not have one, this grade of character, will definitely alarm upper realm! 白眉道人不是说了么,打开九叶莲华武者,一个大界之中往往都没有一个,这等人物,必然会惊动上界 As for Ascension Channel, the consumption big price will restore! 至于飞升通道,耗费再大的代价都会修复了! Then is even the Daoist Bai Mei complexion also becomes incomparably serious, his vision like electricity, stubbornly stares at that to tremble unceasingly Lotus Flower that! 便是连白眉道人脸色也变得无比严肃,他目光如电,死死的盯着那不断震颤的莲华 Compares these Divine Sea Realm great energy, his cognition to this Lotus Flower is clearer, clearer Nine Leaf Lotus Flower means anything. 相比那些神海境大能,他对这莲华的认知更加清楚,也更加明白九叶莲华意味着什么。 martial artist cultivation, can Suncheon, but is, one step one step absorbs the rule in Heavenly Way, from the Lower Position rule, again to the source rule, is the Higher Position rule, is karmic law...... 武者修炼,可以顺天而为,一步一步吸收天道之中的规则,从下位规则,再到本源规则,然后是上位规则,也就是因果律…… However Suncheon cultivation will have the considerably large bottleneck eventually, is unable to be aloof this samsara, fetter of impossible unique Heavenly Way! 但是顺天修行终究会遭遇相当大的瓶颈,无法超脱这轮回,也不可能超脱天道的束缚! Only then goes against heaven's will cultivation martial artist, can span Heavenly Way, takes a higher achievement! 只有逆天修行武者,才能够跨越天道,取到更高的成就! Not all martial artist can span Heavenly Way, even opens Nine Leaf Lotus Flower, still explained that martial artist has this possibility, in other words potential and talent, only then this person, can call it the talent in upper realm! 并不是所有的武者都能跨越天道,即使开启九叶莲华,也只是说明一位武者拥有这种可能性,也就是说潜力和天赋,只有这种人,在上界之中才能够被称之为天才! The different places, the meanings of talent two characters are different. 不同的地方,天才两个字的含义是不同的。 The talent in lower realm, refers to the talent of talent, then has the person of unique talent in some aspect! 下界之中的天才,指的是天赋之才,便是在某一方面拥有独特的天赋之人! But in upper realm in the so-called talent, refers to has to exceed Heavenly Way to be able living being! 上界中之中所谓的天才,指的是拥有超越天道才能的生灵 martial artist that opens Nine Leaf Lotus Flower, will exceed the Heavenly Way potential to display the limit sufficiently, such character, places any race, in any influence is similar to supreme treasure general existence. 一位开启九叶莲华武者,足以将超越天道的潜能发挥到极限,这样的人物,放在任何一个种族,任何一个势力之中都如同至宝一般的存在。 Compared with Nine Leaf Lotus Flower, that Law baptism was also nothing, therefore Luo Zheng previously can comprehend Huo Yun'er Time Law in a short time, he no doubt feels surprised, but is also worth being many he to pay attention to two that's all merely, was actually well below that now this Nine Leaf Lotus Flower takes to his shock! 九叶莲华相比,那法则洗礼也算不了什么了,所以罗征此前能够在短时间内领悟火允儿时间法则,他固然觉得惊奇,但也仅仅值得多他注意两眼罢了,却是远远不如现在这九叶莲华带给他的震撼! Although one group of Divine Sea Realm great energy listened to Daoist Bai Mei saying that also understands that this Nine Leaf Lotus Flower was very fierce, Great Realm is unable to produce such a character. 一帮神海境大能虽然听白眉道人所说,也明白这九叶莲华十分厉害,一个大界也无法产生一位这样的人物。 The issue is this group of Divine Sea Realm great energy have not gone to upper realm, to Great Realm, does not have a very direct-viewing feeling to hundred thousand Great Realm, a person like capital told a person in remote mountain village, how that capital was big, to be how rich, came from the person in remote mountain village in the innermost feelings also only then a general imagination, even if exhausted the imagination of this group of Divine Sea Realm great energy, still very difficult sensation Great Realm was how huge, was hard to feel Nine Leaf Lotus Flower is how rare...... 问题是这帮神海境大能并未去过上界,对一个大界,对十万大界也没有一个很直观的感受,就像一个首都的人告诉一个偏远山村的人,那首都是如何如何大,如何如何富有,来自于偏远山村的人在内心之中也只有一个大概的想象,而即使穷尽这帮神海境大能的想象,也很难感知一个大界是多么庞大,更加难以去感受九叶莲华是多么稀有…… No matter they these, they only know, Nine Leaf Lotus Flower opens, that Ascension Channel percentage 100 will be repaired, these were enough! 他们不管这些,他们只知道,九叶莲华开启,那飞升通道百分一百的会被修复,这些就足够了! Nine Leaf Lotus Flower as in slowly is trembling, Luo Zheng does not look askance, static looks at this huge Lotus Flower, gives the devil his due, he naturally hopes that the leaf blade of this Lotus Flower can open completely. Azure Dragon has told him, this Lotus Flower can open many pieces, is not he himself can decide. 九叶莲华依旧在缓缓的震颤着,罗征目不斜视,静静的看着这朵巨大的莲华,平心而论,他自然希望这莲华的叶片能够全部打开。只是青龙已经告诉他,这莲华能够打开多少片,并不是他自己能够决定的。 Many of leaf blade, almost decided the altitude in person vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Great Realm obtaining, this is to a preview of martial artist destiny. 叶片的多少,几乎决定一个人纵横大界中所取得的高度,这便是对一位武者命运的一场预演。 Luo Zheng to Great Realm, to Realm Lord, does not have a clear understanding of the Heavenly Venerable strength, but he understands that perhaps in the strength of Void Spirit Sect that person, that person of strength, exceeds existence of Heavenly Venerable, oneself and Luo Yan is only the experience short gathers, then carried off by that young people, if he wants to see Luo Yan again, the altitude that oneself must obtain can be imagined! 罗征大界,对界主,对天尊的实力也没有一个清晰的认识,可是他明白在虚灵宗那个人的实力,那人的实力,恐怕是超越天尊的存在,自己与罗嫣只是经历短暂的相聚,便是被那位青年人所带走,若是他想要再次见到罗嫣,自己要取得的高度可想而知! Even opened Nine Leaf Lotus Flower, does not mean oneself can certainly reach the altitude that oneself think...... 就算开启了九叶莲华,也并不意味着自己一定就能达到自己所想的高度…… Under the Luo Zheng gaze, that Lotus Flower trembles unceasingly, on that Lotus Flower in final two leaf blade, finally release slowly. 就在罗征注视之下,那莲华不断震颤之间,那莲华上最后两道叶片中的一道,终于缓缓的释放下来。 Opened, opened completely! Evidently, our these years were boil finally!” “开了,全部打开了!看样子,我们这些年终于算是熬过去了!” „The eighth leaf blade opens, the method that Hahaha...... does not need to seek these heresies, we can also fly upwards open and aboveboard!” “第八道叶片打开,哈哈哈哈……再也不用寻求那些旁门左道的法子了,我们也能堂堂正正的飞升了!” arrived at this time, Divine Sea Realm great energy was even moved to tears! 到了这时候,一位神海境大能甚至热泪盈眶! In order to break through Divine Sea Realm, to fly upwards, this group exactly enough tens of thousands of year of Divine Sea Realm great energy, but wants completely all means. 为了突破神海境,为了飞升,这帮活够成千上万年的神海境大能们,可是想尽了一切办法。 Goes to the overseas to seek the chance, risks neck, to the Great Thousand World reason near, presumptuously thinks to pass through the barrier of the world, enters another Great Thousand World, then flies upwards...... 前往海外寻求机缘,冒着生命危险,去往大千世界的缘边,妄想穿越世界的屏障,进入另外一个大千世界,然后再飞升…… In the deep sea, hunts and kills some greatly ominous thing, wanted to find some special methods from them, making oneself break through...... 在深海之中,猎杀一些大凶之物,希望从它们身上找到一些特殊的方法,让自己突破…… During this long years, they cost the too much time, the goal grows stronger, to fly upwards! 在这漫长的岁月之中,他们耗费了太多的时间,目的还是变强,还是为了飞升! Even Divine Sea Realm great energy, is not invincible in this Great Realm, in seeking for the processes of these chances , many Divine Sea Realm great energy fall from the sky unceasingly, paid the price of life, ends up one dead with injustice unredressed eventually. 即使是神海境大能,在这大界之中也不是无敌的,在寻找这些机缘的过程之中,也有不少神海境大能不断地陨落,付出了生命的代价,终究还是落得一个死不瞑目。 But who can think, today, they are very likely to complete the dream of lifetime- restores Ascension Channel. 可是谁能够想到,就是在今天,他们极有可能完成自己毕生的梦想-修复飞升通道 However these people have a dream have not thought that in their eyes extremely barren Heavenly Northern Region, in other words in Central Region, three years ago then has Rising Dragon Stage born, but this Rising Dragon Stage belonged to Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea Rising Dragon Stage of dragon vein clan, borrowed this Rising Dragon Stage they to fly upwards upper realm. 不过这些人做梦都没有想到,在他们眼中极为贫瘠的天北域,也就是说中域之中,三年前便是有升龙台出世,而这升龙台原本就属于天羽圣海中龙脉一族的升龙台,借用这升龙台他们就可以飞升上界了。 upper realm that because Rising Dragon Stage flies upwards, is actually True Dragon Realm, they were then detained one thousand years! 因为升龙台飞升的上界,却是真龙界,他们便是被关押一千年 The one thousand years time is no doubt long-time, but regarding the Divine Sea Realm great energy glorious life, this is also nothing, flies upwards with life receiving in exchange of one thousand years, absolutely is a cost-effective business...... 一千年时间固然长久,不过对于神海境大能们悠久的寿元来说,这也算不了什么,用一千年的寿元换取飞升,绝对是一场划算买卖…… Under the eighth leaf blade in that Lotus Flower trembles unceasingly, finally falling of slowly. 第八道叶片在那莲华不断地震颤之下,终于缓缓的降了下来。 After this eighth leaf blade has lowered, the ninth leaf blade also under the gaze of people, landing slowly...... 这第八道叶片已经降下之后,第九道叶片也是在众人的注视之下,缓缓的降落下来…… Nine leaf blades, are in full bloom finally completely, this perfect Lotus Flower then revolving slowly in sky. 九道叶片,终于完全盛开,这一朵完美的莲华便是在上空之中缓缓的旋转。 The Luo Zheng's corners of the mouth bent to wipe the breath, this time the difficulty of promoting Life and Death Realm although was big, the process slightly was also tortuous, but finally was actually good. 罗征的嘴角弯出了一抹呼吸,这次晋升生死境的难度虽然不小,过程也略微曲折了一些,但是结果却是不错。 The people also understand, all turned settled down, in the heart then delivered the one breath, that joyous feelings also flooded in their chest cavities. 众人也明白,一切都变成了定居了,心中便是送了一口气,那股喜悦之情也充斥在他们的胸腔之中。 But when the people think finished, that Lotus Flower unexpectedly again trembles! 可是就在众人以为结束的时候,那莲华竟然再次震颤起来! Un?” The Luo Zheng's forehead jumps slightly, gazes at Lotus Flower, on the face is revealing the vacant expression, these nine pieces of lotus leaves had bloomed, does not know that what this Lotus Flower is still trembling? “嗯?”罗征的眉心微微一跳,注视着莲华,脸上流露出茫然的表情,这九片莲叶都已经绽放了,不知道这莲华还在震颤什么? Supervisor Duke, how was this?” Divine Sea Realm great energy asked. 督公,这是怎么了?”一位神海境大能问道。 Daoist Bai Mei is also the color of whole face surprise, according to the truth nine pieces of lotus leaves is in full bloom, this Lotus Flower is actually maintaining the most perfect shape, but is actually still continue tremble now, what thing as if has to want from this Lotus Flower to work loose, is this matter? 白眉道人也是满脸诧异之色,按道理九片莲叶盛开,这莲华却是维持着最为完美的形态,可是现在却还在继续震颤,似乎有什么东西想要从这莲华中挣脱出来,这到底是怎么一回事? Suddenly, Daoist Bai Mei cannot think through completely, look on his face can only describe with four characters that is bewildered. 一时间,白眉道人也完全想不通,他脸上的神色只能用四个字来形容,那就是“莫名其妙”。 Bai Yuerong is looking at that Lotus Flower, bites the lip gently, the mind is actually remembering these top-secret literature...... 白月蓉望着那莲华,轻轻咬着嘴唇,脑海却是在记忆那些绝密的文献…… The Secret Church history is glorious, it is said Secret Church legacy, can trace on Era, in other words before this Era many living being have not been born, Secret Church existed, a conclusion of Era, was round of Heavenly Way is then disillusioned, but in this entire world always had the gentleman of great energy to be able legacy to continue, certain legacy can be aloof the time, the unique years, were as for unique Heavenly Way. 密教的历史非常悠久,据说密教传承,可以追溯到上一个衍纪,也就是说在这个衍纪诸多生灵未曾诞生之前,密教就存在了,一个衍纪的结束,便是一轮天道破灭,可是这寰宇之中总有大能之士能够将传承延续下去,某些传承能够超脱时间,超脱岁月,乃至于超脱天道 Therefore Bai Yuerong no doubt was inferior that the Daoist Bai Mei experience is widespread, is she in a saintess as Secret Church, can actually contact the material that some Daoist Bai Mei are unable to contact. 所以白月蓉固然不如白眉道人的见识广泛,可是她身为密教中的一位圣女,却能够接触到一些白眉道人自身都无法接触的资料。 Lotus Flower divides Nine Leaf, nine pieces of lotus leaves are the lives of representative Lotus Flower nine Jane|treasure...... 莲华九叶,九片莲叶便是代表莲华九珍之命…… But this is only first heaven, is Hinayana Lotus Flower, if can break the day barrier, the regulations enter Mahayana, then can open 27 heart sources, that is the second layer day...... 但这只是第一层天,乃是小乘莲华,若能破天障,则度入大乘,则能开辟二十七心源,那便是二层天…… Thinks of here, the heart of Bai Yuerong beats suddenly, she is actually blurts saying: Supervisor Duke, this can Luo Zheng open the second layer day? For Mahayana Lotus Flower?” 想到这里,白月蓉的心脏骤然跳动起来,她却是脱口说道:“督公,这罗征是不是要开启二层天?是为大乘莲华?” She cannot determine, then can only say to Daoist Bai Mei. 她不敢确定,便只能如此对白眉道人说道。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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