AT :: Volume #9

#862: Seven

Great Yu Battle Emperor never so embarrassed, before he was aggressive, wants Luo Zheng setting repeatedly in the deathtrap! 大禹战帝从来就没有如此窘迫过,之前他可是咄咄逼人,多次想要将罗征置之于死地! But at this time, he actually wants to request Luo Zheng earnestly, although this earnest does not have the too major role...... 可是这时候,他却想要求罗征认真点,虽然这认真也没有太大的作用…… Other relative three Country Lord, the Great Yu Battle Emperor ambition and desire feared that is most intense, because of so, him then wants to fly upwards compared with anyone! The expectation is bigger, disappointed bigger, therefore his mentality fluctuates is fiercer! 相对其他三位国主来说,大禹战帝的野心和欲望怕是最为强烈,也是因为如此,他便是比任何一人都希望飞升!期望越大,失望越大,所以他的心态波动更加剧烈! Previously thought Luo Zheng opened seven possibilities is not big, the Great Yu Battle Emperor mood then fell into the trough directly, now saw that Luo Zheng had opened five pieces of lotus leaves, at this time he then anticipated earnestly...... 此前觉得罗征开启七叶的可能性不大,大禹战帝的心情便是直接跌入了低谷之中,现在看到罗征已经打开了五片莲叶,这时候他便是殷切期待起来…… He and Luo Zheng's enmity is so big, oneself really do not facilitate to act, only then begged Zhou Huang. 偏偏他自己与罗征的仇怨这么大,自己实在不方便出面,只有央求周煌了。 Because of the previous matter, Zhou Huang could be said as with Great Yu Battle Emperor split, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign even therefore almost hit with Great Yu Battle Emperor, was because four big Divine Country harmonious so many years, everyone also bore. 因为此前的事情,周煌可以说是与大禹战帝交恶了,天风战皇甚至因此差点跟大禹战帝打起来,便是因为四大神国和睦这么多年,大家也就忍住了。 Sees Great Yu Battle Emperor such look, Zhou Huang is also coldly snort/hum one, is one step steps pyramid, walks toward Luo Zheng. 看到大禹战帝这样一幅神色,周煌也是冷冷的“哼”了一声,便是一步迈下了金字塔,朝着罗征走去。 He is not for Great Yu Battle Emperor, this also for four big Divine Country all Divine Sea Realm great energy! 他并不是为了大禹战帝,这也是为了四大神国所有的神海境大能 Luo Zheng Transcending Tribulation has not completed, Zhou Huang does not know can oneself extremely in approaching, he is then maintaining dozens zhang (3.33 m) distance with Luo Zheng, this low voice said to Luo Zheng: Tianxing, this...... Lotus Flower opens, is your own sitting in meditation expiration and inspiration,...... is not quite good?” 罗征渡劫还没有完成,周煌也不知道自己能不能太过于靠近,他便是与罗征保持着数十丈的距离,这才小声对罗征说道:“天行,这……莲华开启,你自己打坐吐纳,是不是……不太好?” Hears the Zhou Huang flower, Luo Zheng then opens the eye strangely, the whole face is looking at the opposite party, Country Lord, what is good?” 听到周煌的花,罗征这才睁开眼睛,满脸奇怪的望着对方,“国主,什么好不好?” Zhou Huang does not know how should remind Luo Zheng, thinks a while said: I meant whether to be earnest?” Was saying Zhou Huang also referred to the sky slowly revolving Lotus Flower. 周煌也不知道应该怎么提醒罗征了,想了一会儿才说道:“我的意思是说,能否认真一点?”说着周煌还指了指天空中缓缓旋转的莲华 Earnest?” arrived at this time, Luo Zheng the clear Zhou Huang words, were about they thought oneself should not sit in meditation at this time, should seriously treat...... “认真?”到了这时候,罗征才明白周煌的话,大约是他们觉得自己不该在这时候打坐,应该认真对待…… The issue is earnest? 问题是自己如何认真呢? This Lotus Flower can open many leaf blades, oneself are unable about, the Azure Dragon original words is so, should open many are many! 莲华能够打开多少叶片,自己根本无法左右,青龙的原话就是如此,该开启多少就是多少! However sees the Zhou Huang complexion, Luo Zheng was actually somewhat embarrassed, he only then hehe smiled two, this stood, is staring at Lotus Flower in sky, in the heart instead was incomparable wondering, how many piece of Lotus Flower my opened, had the fart to relate with them? 不过看到周煌的脸色,罗征却是有些不好意思了,他只有嘿嘿笑了两声,这才重新站起来,愣愣的盯着天空中的莲华,心中反而是无比的纳闷,我这开启多少片莲华,跟他们有屁关系? Zhou Huang has looked after many to Luo Zheng, he also only then sets the example, his where clear, this opened many piece of lotus leaves already with the destiny bundles of these Divine Sea Realm great energy in one! 只是周煌罗征一直照顾多多,他也只有做做样子,他哪里清楚,这开启多少片莲叶已经跟这些神海境大能的命运捆绑在了一起! That Lotus Flower is rotating as before slowly, speed neither fast nor slow, has not vanished, does not have the opening next piece of lotus leaf. 莲华依旧缓缓转动着,速度不疾不徐,既没有消失,也没有开启下一片莲叶。 People during waiting , is getting more and more anxious...... 众人在等待之中,也是越来越焦急起来…… Opens! Opens to me a bit faster!” “开啊!快点给我打开!” Oh, can happy! This and other will of the people broke to pieces!” “唉,能不能痛快一点!这等的人心都碎了!” My this waited for half double-hour, felt like waited such for a long time for a year......” “我这等了半个时辰,感觉像是等了一年这么久……” The Divine Sea Realm great energy life is calculates by ten thousand years, a double-hour in their lives, but like flashing by, is this time, that crack white colt actually slowly is not willing to take this one step, therefore this double-hour in their eyes then especially long! 神海境大能的寿元乃是以万年计算,一个时辰在他们的生命之中,不过如同白驹过隙,可是这一次,那头过隙的白驹却迟迟的不肯迈出这一步,所以这一个时辰在他们眼中便是格外的漫长! After a double-hour, that Lotus Flower trembles suddenly! 一个时辰之后,那莲华骤然一阵震颤! Opened, opens, opens...... must open! Opened!” Sees that Lotus Flower sound, Divine Sea Realm great energy roared. “开,开,开……是不是要开了!打开了!”看到那莲华的动静,一位神海境大能咆哮道。 If Divine Sea Realm great energy really roared excitedly, that sound power and influence was astonishing, in addition Divine Sea Realm great energy on the scene fortunately, these Divine Rank Talent then had a dizzy spell, was Luo Zheng cannot even bear cover the ear. 神海境大能若是真的激动咆哮起来,那声音威势惊人,在场神海境大能尚且还好,那些神级天才们一个个便是头晕目眩,便是连罗征都忍不住捂住了耳朵。 Zhou ice, courts death!” Another Divine Sea Realm great energy is actually feared that affects arrived Luo Zheng, cold sound said to that exciting Divine Sea Realm great energy anger. “周冰,找死么!”另外一位神海境大能却是怕影响到了罗征,冷声对那位激动的神海境大能怒道。 My my I......” realized oneself are rude, Zhou ice is also the stutter gets up, on the face reveals the guilty color, but said in a low voice: I, sorry, I too excited......” “我我我……”意识到自己失态,周冰也是结结巴巴起来,脸上流露出愧疚之色,只是低声说道:“我,对不起,我太激动了……” Indeed opened! Indeed opened......” Zhou Huang to mutter said, he also was very equally excited, however when excitement, lowered own sound. “的确是开了!的确是开了……”周煌喃喃说道,他同样也十分激动,但是在激动之余,还是压低了自己的声音。 Above that Lotus Flower, the sixth piece of lotus leaf then put slowly, the pure white flower petal stretches, in people's eyes blooms a not being able to say aesthetic sense! 莲华之上,第六片莲叶便是缓缓的放了下来,洁白的花瓣舒展开来,在众人眼中绽放出一种说不出的美感! Huo Yun'er sits above the stair of pyramid, the slender figure relaxes, vision actually blurred stares at that flower petal to say in a soft voice: This Lotus Flower, really good beautiful......” 火允儿坐在金字塔的台阶之上,修长的身段放松开来,目光却是迷离的盯着那花瓣轻声说道:“这朵莲华,真的好美……” Good, this Ascension Channel hopeful......” “太好了,这飞升通道有希望了……” Suppressed so many years, I also think that we will feel stifled finally in this Great Thousand World! The never expected that hope came like this......” “憋了这么多年,我还以为我们最终会憋死在这大千世界呢!没想到希望就这样来了……” Being choked up with emotions of many Divine Sea Realm great energy, the chest then has flame to be common in the combustion! 诸多神海境大能的心潮澎湃,胸口便是有一道道火焰在燃烧一般! But at this time, Daoist Bai Mei was actually basin cold water sprinkles, I said that opened seven pieces of lotus leaves, indeed opened Ascension Channel hopefully, but this probability was also only about 30%, seven pieces of lotus leaves are the world were rare, but restored Ascension Channel from upper realm, was a troublesome matter! I am unable to vouch for!” 可就在这时候,白眉道人却又是一盆冷水泼过来,“我说了,开启七片莲叶,的确是有希望开启飞升通道,不过这概率也只有30%左右,七片莲叶已经是世所罕见了,但是从上界修复飞升通道,也是一件麻烦事情!我也无法打包票!” Ascension Channel restores from lower realm generally, to help the lower realm restore in upper realm forcefully, this is so-called counter restore, the difficulty of this counter restore compared with wants big over a hundred times from the lower realm restore difficulty, must pay the quite big price to succeed. 飞升通道一般都是从下界修复,若是想要强行在上界帮助下界修复,这便是所谓的“逆修复”,这逆修复的难度比从下界修复难度要大上百倍,的确要付出比较大的代价才有可能成功。 Three, 30%...... Supervisor Duke, you helped us say, we can......” Great Yu Battle Emperor immerse in the joy, at this time immediately had to be anxious. “三,30%……督公,你帮我们多说说,我们能够……”大禹战帝原本已经沉浸在喜悦之中,这时候顿时有紧张起来了。 Daoist Bai Mei said with a smile pale: What can you make? What in this Divine Country Continent also has to be worth upper realm settling on? That Ancestral Dragon Egg took so many years, you cannot take, this Great Thousand World is actually not worth upper realm attaching great importance to!” 白眉道人淡笑道:“你们能够做什么?这神国大陆之中又有什么值得上界看中?那祖龙蛋取了这么多年,你们也拿不到手,这个大千世界其实并不值得上界重视!” This......” Great Yu Battle Emperor immediately by the Daoist Bai Mei words having food stuck in the throat. “这……”大禹战帝顿时被白眉道人的话给噎住了。 lower realm and upper realm, are the difference of capital and small mountain village, will they care about what in this lower realm? Even divine item, others estimated that looks does not glance! 下界上界,便是首都与小山村的差别,他们又会在乎这下界中的什么呢?即使是神器,人家估计都看不上眼呢! However Daoist Bai Mei also said: Relax, I will help you say, let alone transmits upper realm this news, must depend upon the saintess!” 不过白眉道人却又说道:“不过放心吧,我会帮你们多说说,何况将这消息传达到上界,还是要依靠圣女呢!” This saying saying ended, many Divine Sea Realm great energy were neat staring Bai Yuerong, Bai Yuerong earnest nods saying: I as far as possible diligently......” actually Bai Yuerong will also be also clear, she is only airphone that's all, can decide this matter's Supervisor Duke truly he. 这话一说完,诸多神海境大能便是齐刷刷的盯上了白月蓉,白月蓉则是认真的点点头说道:“我也会尽量努力……”其实白月蓉也清楚,她自己只是一个传话筒而已,真正能够决定此事的还是督公他老人家。 „The seventh piece opened!” “第七片开了!” The people are talking, the seventh piece of lotus leaf also put. 众人正在谈话之间,第七片莲叶也放了下来。 This Lotus Flower is in full bloom, acquisition is the odd number, since opened the sixth piece, will definitely also open the seventh piece, this has not stemmed from everyone's unexpected actually. 莲华盛开,取得是单数,既然开启了第六片,肯定也会开启第七片,这倒是没有出乎大家的意料之外。 At this time, Divine Sea Realm great energy was actually the long sigh one breath, „, since had opened seven pieces, opened the ninth piece simply......” 就在这时候,一位神海境大能却是长长的叹息一口气,“唉,既然已经开了七片了,干脆开第九片……” Daoist Bai Mei also nods, was actually with a smile snort/hum one, „, if this Luo Zheng can open Nine Leaf Lotus Flower, upper realm has no reason not to attach great importance, consumption big price, must restore this Ascension Channel!” 白眉道人也是点点头,却是笑着哼了一声,“嗯,若是这罗征能打开九叶莲华,上界就没有什么理由不重视了,耗费再大的代价,也要将这飞升通道修复!” This saying says, on many Divine Sea Realm great energy faces starts to reveal the color of hope...... 这话一说出口,诸多神海境大能脸上又开始流露出期盼之色…… Cannot say that their will of the people insatiably greedies insufficient, is only Ascension Channel extremely in the importance, opens seven pieces, only has 30% possibilities, opens nine pieces, that is the matter of being settled, they must hope. 不能说他们人心不足蛇吞象,只是飞升通道太过于重要,开启七片,只有30%可能,开启九片,那就是板上钉钉的事情,他们不可能不去期盼。 Daoist Bai Mei also said: Pitifully, Nine Leaf Lotus Flower, this probability, hehe...... Great Realm has one is the extraordinary matter, this is the indicating 1/100000000 probabilities, moreover I have not heard, I do not want to say lower realm martial artist compared with upper realm on certain difference, but I have not at least heard, lower realm was born martial artist that has Nine Leaf Lotus Flower.” 只是白眉道人又说道:“可惜,九叶莲华,这个概率,嘿嘿……一个大界产生一个都是了不得的事情,这便是兆兆亿分之一的概率,而且我从来没有听说过,我不想说下界武者上界就一定差,但至少我没有听说过,下界诞生过拥有九叶莲华武者。” The words saying that in arrived this share, many Divine Sea Realm great energy moods were also return to normal. 话说到了这个份上,诸多神海境大能心情也算是平复下来了。 They no doubt hope, but probability such small, this hope is impossible is too intense, had an accepting fate feeling! 他们固然期盼,但是概率如此之小,这种期盼也不可能太强烈,有了一种认命的感觉! That opens Nine Leaf Lotus Flower martial artist, Great Realm is unable born, how also to possibly be born in lower realm? 那开启九叶莲华武者,一个大界都无法诞生,又怎么可能会诞生在一个下界呢? Many Divine Sea Realm great energy complexions also gradual is tranquil, restored Divine Sea Realm great energy to have the bearing that light is looking at that slowly revolving Lotus Flower. 诸多神海境大能的脸色也逐渐的平静下来,恢复了神海境大能应该有的气度,淡淡的望着那缓缓旋转的莲华 Quick, was a double-hour passed, that Lotus Flower trembled suddenly gently! 很快,又是一个时辰过去了,那莲华忽然之间又轻轻的震颤了一下! ( Thanks léī13500 reads the coin to hit to enjoy! ^ _ ^ thanked hitting to enjoy the support! The power continues to accumulate the manuscript fully, hopes that next time can erupt to be many some ^ _ ^) (感谢léī13500阅币打赏!^_^感谢甘豪的打赏支持!动力满满继续攒稿,希望下次能爆发多些^_^)
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