AT :: Volume #9

#861: Being in full bloom

If blooms three flower petals, becomes the ninth grade Holy Land core sufficiently...... 若是绽放三片花瓣,就足以成为九品圣地的核心…… Has had long known that this boy is not simple, if he can fly upwards upper realm, in the future in upper realm perhaps will also be a character!” Zhou Huang hehe said with a smile. “早就知道这小子不简单,若是他能够飞升上界,日后在上界恐怕也是一个人物!”周煌嘿嘿笑道。 However Great Yu Battle Emperor sound inopportune and made a sound, „, what's the big deal? This boy talent is strong, is different from us, was stranded in this lower realm!” 不过大禹战帝的声音不合时宜的又响了起来,“哼,那又如何?这小子天赋再强,还不是和我们一样,被困在这下界!” This saying lets the Zhou Huang knitting the brows head, then Daoist Bai Mei a few words, are make the heart of numerous Divine Sea Realm great energy start Pēng Pēng to jump. 这话让周煌皱了皱眉头,接下来白眉道人的一句话,却是让众多神海境大能的心脏开始砰砰直跳。 If this boy can open enough many flower petals, makes upper realm human race attach great importance to sufficiently, may consume the enough big price very much, helping you restore this Great Thousand World Ascension Channel!” Daoist Bai Mei said lightly. “若是这小子能够开启足够多的花瓣,足以让上界人族重视,很有可能耗费足够大的代价,帮你们修复这大千世界飞升通道!”白眉道人淡淡的说道 What! Restores Ascension Channel!” “什么!修复飞升通道!” How this ability that is possible...... upper realm human race really to have so goes against heaven's will?” “这怎么可能……上界人族真的拥有如此逆天的能力?” If restores Ascension Channel, we can......” “若是修复飞升通道,我们岂不是可以……” All Divine Sea Realm great energy, are unable to be calm on this moment face. 所有的神海境大能们,在这一刻脸上都无法淡定了。 Their hard laborious bitter cultivation refine Divine Sea Realm, achievement first great energy, but was actually stranded this humble one, is unable to take the step to a higher level, can be imagined regarding an attack of martial artist? 他们辛辛苦苦修炼到神海境,成就一世大能,可是却被困在下界,无法向更高层次迈出步伐,对于一位武者的打击可想而知? But Ascension Channel was destroyed, is the matter that has no alternative, this is not the matter that Divine Sea Realm great energy can intervene! 可是飞升通道被毁,也是一件无可奈何的事,这并不是神海境大能能够干预的事情! If Ascension Channel were repaired, means that they can fly upwards upper realm, can perhaps pursue the challenge of higher level, an achievement stronger individual strength...... enters upper realm, they will face a more difficult test, will face struggling of Between Life and Death. 若是飞升通道被修复,意味着他们可以飞升上界,可以追求更高层次的挑战,成就更强大的个人实力……或许进入上界,他们会面临更加艰辛的考验,也会面临更多生死之间的挣扎。 However martial artist stands upright in world, but asked proudly for a while, soon lived on dishonorably first! Let alone higher cultivation base, means a longer-term life. 但是武者挺立于世,但求傲然一时,也不久苟活一世!何况更高的修为,意味着更长远的寿元。 Several Divine Sea Realm great energy sounds are excited, even can hear the vibrato from their mouth...... 好几位神海境大能的声音都激动起来,甚至能够从他们口中听到颤音…… Jade Profound Martial Mansion three Divine Sea Realm great energy are also one of them, their facial expression is quite excited, vision also complex is staring at Luo Zheng, steps into since Jade Profound Martial Mansion that moment from Luo Zheng, they anticipate the Luo Zheng's performance, but they have not thought, the Luo Zheng's talent, can actually tie up with their destinies together. 玉玄武府的三位神海境大能也在其中,他们三人神情极为激动,目光也复杂至极的盯着罗征,从罗征踏入玉玄武府的那一刻起,他们就十分期待罗征的表现,可是他们万万没有想到,罗征的天赋,竟然能够与他们的命运捆绑在一起。 At this time, the Great Yu Battle Emperor complexion also became complex...... these grudges, flew upwards compared with upper realm with, was not worth mentioning completely! 这时候,就连大禹战帝的脸色也变得复杂起来……那些恩怨,和自己飞升上界相比,完全不值一提! Supervises, how many flower petals Supervisor Duke...... this Lotus Flower must open, can make the main family attach great importance, helping us restore this Ascension Channel?” Divine Sea Realm great energy opens the mouth to ask. “督,督公……这莲华要开启多少片花瓣,才能够让本家重视,帮助咱们修复这飞升通道?”一位神海境大能开口问道。 This is a very essential issue, everyone when the excitement, actually forgot asked. 这可是一个非常关键的问题,大家在激动之余,却是忘记了问。 After Daoist Bai Mei thinks, this said: Perhaps is seven pieces, at least is seven pieces! However opens seven pieces of flowers merely, I did not determine that above can restore, but if opens nine flower petals, that was certain! The first layer Lotus Flower flower petal is in full bloom completely, is nine pieces! In other words Nine Leaf Lotus Flower in legend...... Hehe, but in Great Realm, in innumerable Holy Land is hard born,” was saying Daoist Bai Mei shakes the head, this was too difficult, even opens seven martial artist, in Great Realm dozens over a hundred people, in some small and weak Great Realm the population are still less.” 白眉道人想了想后,这才说道:“或许是七片,最少是七片!不过仅仅只是开启七片的花,我也不确定上面会不会修复,但若是开启九片花瓣,那就是一定了!第一层莲华花瓣完全盛开,就是九片!也就是说传说中的九叶莲华……呵呵,不过一个大界之中,无数圣地里都难以诞生一个,”说着白眉道人摇了摇头,“这太难了,即使是开启七叶的武者,一个大界之中也不过几十上百人,一些弱小的大界中人数更少。” Hears the Daoist Bai Mei words, on many Divine Sea Realm great energy faces appears to wipe the disappointed color immediately. 听到白眉道人的话,诸多神海境大能脸上顿时浮现出一抹失望之色。 Great Realm, big being able imagine, opens seven martial artist radically, in Great Realm also only has dozens over a hundred people, this probability is almost the small pity. 一个大界,根本大的不可想象,开启七叶的武者,一个大界之中也只有几十上百人,这概率几乎是小的可怜。 Moreover listens to the view of Daoist Bai Mei, even opened seven Lotus Flower, upper realm was still not necessarily able to attach great importance, only then opened Nine Leaf to meet 100% restore Ascension Channel! 而且听白眉道人的说法,就算开启了七叶莲华,上界也未必会重视,只有开启九叶开会百分之百的修复飞升通道 The people ignited the fire of hope with great difficulty, Daoist Bai Mei was basin cold water irrigates, let in many Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts pull Liangba cool...... 众人好不容易燃起了希望之火,白眉道人便是一盆凉水浇了下来,让诸多神海境大能心中拔凉拔凉…… When the disappointment, Huo Yun'er said with a smile: Looks quickly! The third piece! The third flower petal......” 就在失望之余,火允儿却是笑道:“快看!第三片!第三片花瓣……” Although in everyone's heart disappointed, but has the little expectation eventually, although this possibility slightly arrives ignores, because they do not believe, martial artist in lower realm, can in the innumerable talents with that Great Realm contend! This at all is not a product of level! 大家的心中虽然失望,但终究还是有一点点期望的,尽管这个可能性小到忽略不计,因为他们根本不相信,一个下界中的武者,能够与那大界中的无数天才抗衡!这根本不是一个层次的产物! „The third flower petal,” Bai Yuerong said lightly, she crazy looks at the Luo Zheng vision to be getting more and more complex, is remembered in the past this fellow through the wheel of destiny the time, gave itself to release the scene of misfortune. “第三片花瓣,”白月蓉淡淡的说道,她痴痴的望着罗征目光越来越复杂,便是想起当年这家伙通过气运之轮的时候,给自己释放厄运的情景。 Daoist Bai Mei light nod, „, good, three Lotus Flower, this boy was sufficiently proud, I initially when Divine Sea Realm Transcending Tribulation, opened three.” 白眉道人淡淡的点了点头,“嗯,不错,三叶莲华,这小子足以骄傲了,我当初在神海境渡劫的时候,也只是开启了三叶。” „Is Supervisor Duke three martial artist?” Divine Sea Realm great energy follows to ask. 督公是三叶武者?”一位神海境大能跟着问道。 On the Daoist Bai Mei face reveals a self-satisfied color, that is Divine Sea Realm first Great Heavenly Tribulation, but opened three, second Great Heavenly Tribulation, I opened five!” 白眉道人脸上流露出一丝得意之色,“那是神海境第一次大天劫,只是开启了三叶,第二次大天劫,我开启了五叶!” Opens five flower petals, indeed is a proud matter, at present this piece of Divine Sea Realm great energy, but has not seen this thing...... 开启五片花瓣,的确是一件让人自傲的事情,眼下这一片神海境大能,可是从来没有见过这玩意呢…… Three Lotus Flower of Luo Zheng top of the head are revolving as before slowly, the people are also peaceful here is waiting, regarding four big Divine Country, now Luo Zheng this Lotus Flower leaf blade how much, even exploring Heavenly Star Mystical Place was more important than! After all Heavenly Star Mystical Place can find the way to explore year after year, in this Heavenly Tribulation presents Lotus Flower martial artist, they first time meet! 罗征头顶的三叶莲华依旧缓缓的旋转着,众人也是安静的在这里等待着,对于四大神国来说,现在罗征莲华叶片的多寡,甚至比探索天辰秘境还要重要了!毕竟天辰秘境年年都可以想办法探索,这天劫之中出现莲华武者,他们还是头一遭遇见! „The fourth piece, opens, opens!” One intently observes Huo Chen that in side, actually could not bear shout. “第四片,开啊,开啊!”一直愣愣的在旁边观察的火辰,却是忍不住喊了起来。 Nearby Huo Yun'er said with a smile: Chen younger brother, this is not opening that you shouted......” 旁边的火允儿则是笑道:“辰弟,这可不是你喊的开的……” But who knows Huo Yun'er to finish speaking, under the fourth flower petal trembles gently, really opened slowly! 可谁知道火允儿话音刚落,第四片花瓣轻轻一颤之下,真的缓缓的打开了! Since opened the fourth piece, the fifth piece will definitely open, this Luo Tianxing has been far in excess of me,” Daoist Bai Mei sighed, on the face revealed the smile. “既然开启了第四片,第五片肯定会开,这罗天行已经远远超越我了,”白眉道人叹息一声,脸上流露出微笑。 Really, after the fourth flower petal opens, the fifth flower petal also falls! 果然,第四片花瓣打开之后,第五片花瓣也随之而落下! arrived at this time, the breath of all Divine Sea Realm great energy started to be rapid...... 到了这个时候,所有的神海境大能的呼吸都开始急促起来…… What this Lotus Flower opens is the odd number, since had opened five flower petals, wanted the opening next flower petal, Luo Zheng to open seven again even! 莲华开的是单数,既然已经开启了五片花瓣,那么只要再开启下一片花瓣,罗征就算是打开七叶了! Nine Leaf was too difficult, but these seven also bring to the attention of upper realm human race sufficiently, there is a very big possibility, making their take action restore Ascension Channel! So long as opens a leaf blade again...... 九叶太困难了,可是这七叶也足以引起上界人族的重视,还是有很大可能性,让他们出手修复飞升通道!只要再开启一枚叶片…… „A piece, took one piece to be OK, Luo Tianxing, made every effort to succeed!” Saying that Zhou Huang muttered. “一片,就要一片就可以了,罗天行,争一口气!”周煌喃喃的说道。 Who knows that this boy is bewildered, became our one to hope,” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign shook the head saying: Hope can become!” “谁知道这小子莫名其妙,就成了我们的一个希望了,”天风战皇摇头说道:“希望能成!” Many Divine Sea Realm great energy are also praying low voice, they in this moment, for fear that disturbs Luo Zheng, is low the side that the sound presses, actually opens Lotus Flower is not Luo Zheng oneself controls, even if Luo Zheng now with fighting are not related, this/should opening many piece of Lotus Flower, will open many pieces, but these Divine Sea Realm great energy, because extremely in attaching great importance, so will be careful. 诸多神海境大能也在小声祈祷着,他们在这一刻,也是生怕打搅到罗征,一个个将声音压的极低,其实开启莲华并不是罗征本人所掌控,就算罗征现在跟打架都没关系,该开启多少片莲华,就会开启多少片,不过这些神海境大能因为太过于重视,才会如此小心谨慎。 During the anticipation of people, that Lotus Flower keeps turning as before slowly, but the flower petal has not actually put again. 就在众人的期待之中,那朵莲华依旧缓缓转个不停,但是花瓣却没有再放下来。 „A piece, one piece...... asked you,” Divine Sea Realm great energy sobbed saying that on the face appeared painful sound, that Divine Sea Realm great energy bearing and elegant color completely vanished, seemed an imploring urgently pitiful woman, but he does not know oneself is entreating with whom, to Luo Zheng? To heaven? To that Lotus Flower? “一片啊,就一片……求你了,”一位神海境大能呜咽道,脸上浮现出痛苦至极的声音,那神海境大能的气度和飘逸之色全然消失,仿佛是一位苦苦哀求的可怜妇人,可是他不知道自己是在跟谁哀求,向罗征?向老天?还是向那朵莲华 Other Divine Sea Realm great energy have not actually scoffed him, if entreated the useful flower, everyone will lag behind the face to implore urgently, at this time was not attaching importance to face time. 其他的神海境大能却是没有耻笑他,若是哀求有用的花,大家都会拉下脸面苦苦哀求,这时候可不是好面子的时候。 Luo Zheng is blinking the eye, is looking at Lotus Flower of space, he actually does not know that because of own matter, had raised the great unrest that side pyramid, everyone is hoping with hardship. 罗征眨巴着眼睛,望着天上的莲华,他却不知道因为自己的事情,已经在金字塔那边掀起了轩然大波,大家都苦苦期盼着呢。 When the time was long, Luo Zheng sat cross-legged to sit down simply, closes the eye, Azure Dragon had told him, this Lotus Flower can open many pieces, can only meet one's fate with resignation, was not his own will can affect, worried not to have the slight use. 等的时间久了,罗征干脆盘膝坐下,闭上了眼睛,青龙已经告诉他了,这莲华能开多少片,只能听天由命,不是他自己的意志能够影响的,着急也没有丝毫用处。 The issue is Luo Zheng thinks, in these Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts actually does not think, they are not clear about this Lotus Flower origin and function, but actually knows the dao heart honestly spirit truth, such essential time, this Luo Zheng is not staring unexpectedly carefully, instead closes one's eyes sits cross-legged to sit in meditation, this that is indifferent how can be good! 问题是罗征这么想,那些神海境大能心中却不是这么想,他们不清楚这莲华的由来和作用,但却知道心诚则灵的道理,这么关键的时候,这罗征竟然不仔细盯着,反而闭着眼睛漠不关心的盘膝打坐,这怎么能行! Especially Great Yu Battle Emperor, sees only his complexion awkward saying: Week, Zhou Huang, you went to say with Luo Zheng, making him attach great importance, this sat cross-legged to sit in meditation, when......” 特别是大禹战帝,只见他脸色尴尬的说道:“周,周煌,你去跟罗征说说,让他重视一点,这盘膝打坐,什么时候都可以啊……”
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